Minecraft Just Revealed A NEW WEAPON & MORE For 1.21?!

Well good morning beautiful fancy seeing you here as it stands right now as I speak to you we are a mere moments away from Minecraft’s next big announcement and oh boy it’s spicy this time it’s throwing me all the way back to the village and pillage update I still may

Not have a tin foil hat skin created yet but today we strapped that hat on tighter than ever before let’s do this let’s theorize so at all the began earlier this morning when Minecraft tweeted out don’t mind us just trying to master using the new item what I swear I

Feel like I was just talking about this on stream that I feel like this Minecraft account on Twitter nowadays is kind of just like promoting different collabs and stuff which sure fine valid but like I never thought it would actually be something spicy again now

This image on its own is a little bit interesting but hard to see as always when there’s like a different image my first take is to go to the photo analyzer 7,000 throw it in here and enhance the image a little bit as we start to enhance the coloration of this

Image we can see more and more and more and I can see at least three things inside of this picture maybe four that are highly suspicious so our first big takeaway from this image is that screen on Java if I go ahead and game over it looks completely different that means

This image whatever it means is on Minecraft Bedrock but no bad news for Minecraft Java gang judging how Mojang likes to do things recently this feature even if it did say come to bedrock first would be relatively shortly added to Minecraft Java 2 now after that I want to

Highlight some of the things that I think are a little bit weird thing number one obviously front and center that strange block that’s very odd thing number two I want to highlight this thing whatever is going on with the plank situation it’s weird it looks like something is sticking clean through this

Plank I don’t know how I almost missed that one it’s literally right in front of us but Michael thank you the next thing that I noticed like pretty much right away is this weird thing at the top of the screen right over here what is that it almost looks like a stick but

It also looks like it has something on the top part of the stick like I’m talking right there it almost looks like a blade to an axe or something like that and then a stick that is maybe like the handle I’m not too sure we’ll Circle it

For now now throughout the rest of this pile of items we get little tiny bits of more items like that one down there no clue it’s not enough though and then over here we’ve got a bow we’ve got something it almost looks like maybe a a

Trial key to me and then something else right there that I have no clue what it is over here in the top Corner this thing almost looks like a Nether Star to me but that might be a little bit random so I’m not too sure so the first thing

That I’d like to talk about a little bit more is the most obvious one this big block thing right there what is that like a True Detective my first thought is jump into game and look for an item that looks a little bit similar of course the first thing that came to my

Mind that looks almost identical to that is the load snow however if I drop it even on Minecraft to bedrock it looks like a small version of the block that’s just how work you pick up a block it’s like a miniature version of it when you drop it instead we’re looking at

Something that appears to be a little bit smaller almost like a mob head or something except problem the mob head still has an insane amount of detail but there is one item one strangely often forgotten item that looks very similar ah yes the conduit essentially the water

Beacon the amount of pixels on this conduit and the amount of pixels on that weird image Minecraft tweeted out moments ago that’s the or at least it looks pretty similar to be the same is this perhaps a brand new type of Beacon knowing what we know about Minecraft

1.21 and the stated theme tinkering in combat something like a beacon could fit into either category if you want to go to the combat route maybe this could be a new thing that like you pop it down in your world and you have combat specific bonus effects like like maybe increasing

Damage against specific types of mobs say maybe Undead mobs or whatever the only problem with this is the current Beacon kind of overlaps that big time with the whole resistance strength and regeneration stuff tinkering I mean gosh I don’t know check out this create mod video like there’s so much there’s

There’s literally so much that could be tinkering around sliding back over to this image the next thing that I’d like to take a look at is this weird block right here what in the world is going on obviously we’ve got a plank there but it looks like something is cutting through

The plank to me it almost looks like a blade from like a stone cutter or something at least with that that’s like little bit down there problem here with this one though is of course the blade from the stone cutter is on the top of the item which means if these two items

Were like mashed together floating I mean there’s no reality where the blade is like sitting on the bottom of the plank block for this one because we have so little of it it’s so hard to tell what this thing actually is it’s definitely something weird though or at

Least I’m pretty sure like we’ve got emeralds in the front right there and there but like what is this other thing in the middle right there moving over this next thing I’d like to talk about the nether star at least I’m calling it that I don’t know I mean hey look I I

Get it wrong sometimes maybe but like I’m not going off of much here but like it’s a straight line and when that right like please confirm what I’m saying you see it too right like there’s a straight line no I’m not cooked this tin foil hat

Is not too tight hey anyways tap like I love these Siri things this is like so fun to me I could be a whole theist ases my profession or maybe I kind of already am but this one very very interesting this other thing at the top of the

Screen maybe almost just as interesting if not more that definitely looks like a brand new tool weapon or something right what in the world that thing could be because we can’t see much of it I have no clue but it’s seriously to me almost looks like an ax or something like that

If only we had more H and just like that almost like we manifested it or something new weapon vid V1 number 404 at our next piece of this puzzle today you find on Minecraft stuff it gives us a little bit more we’re playing chilling Minecraft you know how it goes and then

Y check the new weapon dude I’m recording Ed those boy it’s your time to shine Loop that last clip right there when the dev walks in presumably Dev and shows the phone very strategically that thumb is placed right over the middle of the screen but there is enough to see

What we can see very clearly without a doubt we’ve got a player standing there a vault in the background and it looks like we’re inside of the trial Chambers and after that it was time for for me to go over to my lab and by lab I meant to

Go back into Minecraft and start running a couple experiments my first take my thought was to try and recreate the scene exactly with nothing short of the journalistic story of the century the stakes were set real high I needed to be very precise with the blocks that I was

Going to choose for this small the recreation to solve the mystery at hand you see for this one is crucial that I get every aspect just right or as close as possible I’m sorry to let you down but I took a little bit of a Liberty with guesswork I don’t know what

Enchantment the diamond chest plate had but the background it sure looked a lot of something like this very clearly the person in their hand is holding something but it’s completely blocked so what is it now obviously I intro the whole video with it a new weapon video

V1 this is a brand new weapon coming to Minecraft inside of the combat update it fits and makes perfect it’s beautiful and I think all of this ties together and is a big hint for weeks now ever since the Vault was popped back into the game the depths of stress time and time

Again that the Vault block it doesn’t have the final loot whatever’s inside of the vault in between the eyes you can see there yeah it doesn’t even matter something different is coming with the Vault being in the background and a trial key being in the screenshot of the

Other picture well with all of that in mind I think we’re looking at lad’s finally brand new trial chamber lude coming to the game probably hopefully soon back to this picture that we were checking out over here the caption was trying to learn how to use the new item

They never said which one one is the new item or if there’s multiple ones here no matter what this is something new and I think this is potentially something new as well going off of the information that we have a new weapon it almost seems like this might be a weapon and if

That is the case maybe this is something potentially related to the weapon I have no clue what is in the middle of the plank block but that’s very weird too it almost looks like it could be what’s being held so at the least we get a brand new weapon at the most maybe

There’s a couple new things on the way too no matter what angle you want to look at it here one of my favorite theories comes from none other than the legendary Potato Man himself so I’m not too sure he may have retracted his theory but I still think the theory is

So interesting grappling hooks I fall in love at those two words before we dive into this one let’s go back to this picture that we marked up like a million times and clear this off player fell from a high place whatever caused this accident to happen it’s due to the

Player falling when they were trying to use the new item coming to Minecraft so that new weapon that’s on the way it didn’t take the player out but maybe they were trying to use the weapon or maybe we’re talking about two separate things here taking a look at the trial

Chamber specifically this chamber right here this is the perfect opportunity for a grappling hook something like a fishing rod that you throw up it catches onto a block and then kind of pulls you up let’s say for this example imagine the ender pearl is the grappling hook

Maybe you don’t use it right it hits the side of a block and then you just fall but if you use it act okay well I I don’t I don’t know what happened there if you were to use this allegedly new grappling hook weapon the right way

Though you would throw it and then you’d like be hit to the wall and then you would fall down and like land you know like not taking any fall damage or relatively minimal at all with a lot of vertical inside of the trial Chambers and kind of what we have going on with

Movement already in the update the wind charge everything like that it definitely feels like the grappling hook it could be a great addition a really good call for what could be coming to Minecraft 1.21 next and it’d be a universally loved feature I suppose my other guess if we’re going to talk about

A new weapon this item right here it almost looks like it would maybe be like a projectile type thing but I see that asn’t likely because the wind charge the breeze ball is already a projectile inside of this update how many are they going to have looking through the

Weapons that we have in the game right now the only thing that I could think of for a new weapon based off of that square thing is maybe like a mace or something like that but that doesn’t explain why that thing is like a proper

Block model as well that all leads me to believe that we’re talking about taking a look at a couple different things with all these teasers so what do you think it all means the final thing that I’d like to say here is I’m still really hoping for a revamped combat system

Inside of this update because with that the potential for more items is like basically Limitless imagine different timings for weapons and reaches you could still have like a shortened sword that goes like a little bit quicker maybe the ax is like slow but heavy hitting or even almost like a two-handed

Sword or something really long that just swings really slow but packs a lot of damage anyways if you enjoyed today’s little fun Theory tap that like button share your theory down below and subscribe in case there’s new snapshot with a bunch of new stuff in it tomorrow

Little side note there is a brand new Minecraft Bedrock update out right now I have a whole video on it made finished I was going to drop it today but I decided to do this instead because I’m a little bit more excited about it the update

Video keep your eyes out for it it’ll come later this week sorry about that thanks for watching it’s me Waddles I’ll see you tomorrow Goodbye

minecraft 1.21 is heating up today with not one but potentially two separate teasers to new blocks and a new weapon coming to the new update. lets take a look at what these new teasers could mean and try to figure out what could be in the next minecraft snapshot!

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if you read this comment what you think all of this is


  1. so what do we think this new weapon could be?? what about the things in that screenshot and the item they were trying to "learn to use"???

    edit: oh and it doesnt say "orgin" it says "origin" your eyes are lying

  2. I think the top thing is a stick and another item. You can tell based on how it’s oriented, and the the left corner it looks like a trial key. The the plank thing, it looks like a stack of emeralds, a single plank, and a bucket? Also the nether star you call it, it’s too much looking like a stick, maybe a weapon handle.

  3. I bet the new weapon is connected to wind charges. Like a bazooka or something that launches them and sends loose blocks or mobs flying every which way. The mystery pic kind of like some kind of middle-of-the-action still frame from an… explosion?

  4. I counted the amount of pixels on the weird item and the pixels on the conduit and the conduit is 6x6x6 while the other item is 8x8x8 which is the same as a mob head, you can count it too, new item 1:35 mob head 3:06 and Conduit 3:22. The new item is the same size as a mob head and not the conduit.

  5. Wild theory but it might check. What if the purple box is what the possible grappling hook connects to? And they would be craftable and spawn in trial chambers. But that's just a theory!

  6. As some others pointed, the thing in the middle of the plank looks like a bucket to me. And the stick on the top of the image is maybe just a stick with another item passing through it. I think this is only a reveal for that weird cube.

  7. So the conduit from what I can tell is meant to be the spiralshell on all 6 sides. You can see this with the pattern still there. Not a hole like the interesting block has.

  8. “New weapon” first thing that comes to mind is something relating to the chat bar. Because apparently according to mojang nothing is more dangerous than words.

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