200 Players Simulate An Elemental Civilization In Minecraft

In a Minecraft social experiment I gave 200 players elemental powers fire water Earth and air the four elements are all separated on their own Island they will have to elect a leader to guide them learn how to use their new game powers and most importantly survive because

Just like in real life if you die you are dead forever everything in this video is straight up to create an insane story that trust me you don’t want to miss so lay back and choose an element to root for ladies and gentlemen this is Nations

Start if you want to be in events like this like this one and join the nation’s Discord as the player join they realized some people were on this island before them and already had gear those players are the Masters each team has its own master that is in charge of teaching all of

Them how to use their Elemental bending Powers each Master had a little speech and gave a quick lesson to everyone on the basics of their new powers we uh we can do anything alright we can fly for only a couple of seconds right after that everyone dispersed and started collecting some resources to

Build temporary bases the air team was the first one to start building they built this little Tower to protect themselves from mobs and a farm to start getting some food the Earth and fire also settled in a forest each on their Island they built a farm and some basic

Houses some of the players were already started to take some leadership positions to organize their group like this player called I am maker on the air team and we have this nice tower that serves as a just symbol of our community and also adds some protection for moms

And that stuff how did someone make a cake like get a candle get a candle organization apart some rumors were spreading that the masters of each team knew how to use a really powerful special power that were specific to them and some of the Masters decide to share

This secret with people they trust as you know I was on this island long before anyone else yep and while I was here I learned a forbidden technique no one else can use it only I can it’s it’s so hard to master uh and I think I I think we can win

Using it okay well show me hey yo sorry watermaster special ability blood bending his power allows him to manipulate the blood of anyone to move them throw them or hold them still a power that can be extremely useful when used in the right way and Sor was

Planning to do the best of it not long after the sun started to set and mark the end of the first day after everyone woke up all the groups felt like it was time for them to elect someone to guide them a leader and just like that all the elements started

Running elections all the candidates held speeches that were followed by votes I’ve witnessed betrayal turned to just a knife in the back tyrants rise and fall but no matter what it always ends the same but I have a power and today and for the rest of this event

We’re gonna change that I learned many lessons when season 3 of nations came and went I noted them for this very occasion of what we can build together I don’t want a nation to be soft moral defensive Nation I want us to be the villains as my first active leader if I

Would be chosen I would go ahead and remove the Fire Nation of this cursed Planet the greatest nation on this server and we can achieve that if we all work together as one nation one Breeze like the win I am dongus one who has started fireband because of that I’ve

Been granted official ability blue fire gunkas fire Master special ability blue fire it does it deals under 50 damage compared to normal fire we will rise and they both frightfully ours the strong will devour the weak and the Fire Nation will dominate the world after all those features the three teams proceeded to

Vote the water element decided to elect their Master soar as their leader the fire element elected a player called code as their leader and the air element elected maker the player who was organizing everything on day one most the teams had now leaders that they trusted to follow and guide them those

Leaders are given a Leader’s Crown this Crown allows its holder to have double heads and makes it a really valuable and Powerful item that might put a Target on your head also the air team started improving a lot on their base and built a bunch more structures to house all the

Members same for the Earth’s team and that was pretty much everything for this day day three today things are going to start to get spicy the players are starting to create some small alliances and groups all while starting to understand better their bending powers and having good gear but before all of

That the last element had to do their leader elections together we can overcome any challenge that we may face and rule the four elements thank you wait are they killing him oh my God he’s dead two players decided to kill one of the candidates during the election and fled

The scene of the crime it is unsure why they did that but the Earth’s team were shocked by what just happened and had to urgently finish the election which resulted by a player called toasted Soldier to be elected as their leader as his first action as a leader toaster

Decided to Exile the players that just killed the other candidate from the team when a player gets exiled by their team they get stripped out of their powers and sent to the Exile Island far from everyone and just like that Luna and Photon were now exiled but they’re not

The only ones who will live on this island at the same time on the water team some players were suspiciously staying near the leader and rumors were spreading that they were about to betray them so the leader ordered to attack them thank you They managed to kill one of them the other ones managed to run away but they were exiled on the other side of the map on the air Island the team decided to move on top of a mountain where they will start working on the construction of their new base similarly on the water

Island sorry decided to guide his people to a new location to start building their new home and so they did they moved to this huge Cliff where they will now all live for some reason the water team really liked their leader soar and trusted him without even thinking I know

This sounds like a cult either way in the night the third leaders decided to meet in a secret location to discuss about their relations I’ve heard some claims that my nation is just aggression because it’s well the Fire Nation right it has the most aggressive abilities I’m

Here to tell you that I’m a different type of leader all right I I have no plans to like outright just attack you from no particular reason wait wait can we get like a book and quill and like all sign it as like an agreement oh yeah I like that yeah

Hell yeah treaty non-egration pact after this talk they decided to agree on being peaceful to each others and sign a treaty called eat that stated if one of the elements were to be hostile to any other element the three other ones would team up to eliminate them in Hope of keeping peace

On this new day members of all the islands started visiting each others because the borders were now open due to the peace treaty that was signed by the leaders so you’re telling me you saddened sunset in the most dangerous place on the server all by himself in

The middle of a desert with a bunch of crazy dude ready to combust him into dust yes what do you think I chose Sunset everyone was free to go anywhere and make friends with members of other nations on the other side there was still one big issue all the players that

Got exiled were full of hate and only wanted to cause chaos wherever they could but somehow people were still happy that they were able to go anywhere and that peace was decided upon them by their leaders but one person isn’t Satisfied by all of that this is suit a

Player on the fire team that finished second during the leader election who had bigger plans for his nation that the current leader code doesn’t seem to share with him Gunk is you know across these four nations we are easily the strongest we can rule the entire world with no contest yeah

But we both know code will never join us he’s a coward coward indeed and cowardice gets people nowhere especially when you’re a leader we can’t let all this power with amassed to go to waste so I propose we take this place we rule the world Conquest you want to

Take him out take him out it’s a bit of a harsh way to say it about simply we silence him shoot let’s be the villains you heard them their plan is simple they will hire the exiled players to help them kill the fire leader in exchange gonkas being the fire Master will teach

Them firebending and welcome them in their team the leader code agreed with the other leaders yesterday to kill any exiled players when they see them and this was exactly what they were gonna use to bait him a fake House was built and rigged with TNT Boudoir stole that

This house was inhabited by two Exiles gongasan suit led him to it and he just had to enter to get blown up in any house of TNT traps Moss trap or something I mean they were only there briefly so I doubt they set up a trip

I’m sorry but houses are very close to me I can’t foreign there’s nothing here I know almost died to a house two times no matter what they did code didn’t want to enter the house he was scared that he was rigged by the Exiles so after a bit of waiting they

Decided to go for Plan B guys wait where you got the second card code one code one code one what the is no get out get out I’m sorry oh get out there Nick oh no no no no no no no oh I’m low I’m sorry color oh why would you even betray

Me like this I’m power hungry you think the people who support you after this I don’t know was a success code was dead and suit was the new king the two Exiles Luna and Photon were now part of the Fire Nation and the rest of the team were told that

Code tried to assassinate suit and gonkas and wanted to betray them so they had to take him down code was framed as the villain everyone was confused as for why code would have done such a thing but somehow they decided to believe suits words but not everything was a win

Yet the other leaders had to accept suit as a rightful leader to keep the peace treaty valid and not wage war on the Fire Nation the reality of the situation is we can’t exactly take the word for everything but I do believe the part where you say code

Attacked you first because yeah I think that’s hard to make you up so the members of council agree that as long as suit stays in line does not wage war against any other member of this table as leaders of the other nations will respect his independence and legitimacy I’ll say I

Welcome to the table I’m not gonna lie what just happened was pretty cool but just before we go on with day five I wanted to tell you about my public Nation server this is santorio a server where you can create your own Nation go to war do politics role play

And a lot more me and my friends have been working on it for a while now and if you like what you see in those videos and want an easy way to try something like it feel free to check the server out you might enjoy it what you’ve been

Watching on screen are clips from the latest major war on the server the IP is on screen and in the description anyways let’s get back to it day 5 on the fire Islands some rumors were starting to spread that code’s death was planned by suit and his team

Of enforcers called the warranty that was constituted of players that followed suits ideas and made sure that everyone was following the new leader by any means possible even if it came down to killing with all the evidence stacked against you all the things the fact that you

Don’t trust me I have no reason to trust you the council has decided that you are no longer a person who is trustworthy and therefore we sentenced you to death State but this was not gonna last long for the Air Team there is something I haven’t told you yet there is a player on the air team called clown Pierce if you don’t know him let’s say that he has a reputation of killer assassin murderer clown of death but surprisingly he was

Being pretty peaceful and calmed since day one he is even dedicated himself to be the personal bodyguard of his leader maker but all of this was a lie clown has been trying to be low profile on purpose he wants the crown and the power that it gives to its holder oh the crown

No but getting it will not be possible alone dark is Clown’s teammate and same as suit doesn’t want this world to live in peace he wants to dominate the world him and clown have a plan to take maker to a hill and assassinate him to seal the crown All right just like that another leader was dead and another Tyrant was born this was not gonna be as easy to hide this time maker was loved by his people and the other leaders his death is a tragedy but it was not Clown’s plan to hide it Galaxy

What’s going on here buddy come on let’s talk this out come on yes the nation The View you have for this country is going to tear us apart it will it will fall divided and this will go down in another oh Jesus Christ it will go down that’s

About this and I just gotta I would rather die standing than live kneeling okay yeah clown was failing to rule the world with a niron fist and killed everyone that didn’t want to follow him this was a dark day for the air team they were one of the most prosperous team on those

Four islands and now half of them are dead and the rest being forced to follow a murderer back at the fire team suit wanted to show his people that he was a real leader worthy of the crown so he allied with the water team but they started

Having good relations with he took his team and some of the water element soldiers and killed every remaining Exile player an act that will now certify to the other leaders that suit was not a fraud but what they would think of clown is yet to be determined

If Quinn thinks he can really fill a season one again I wouldn’t even say he’s dead what I’m going to do to him is worse than death right all right so gentlemen uh I I assume an explanation is in order maker was behind on the times so you killed one leader

Now are there gonna be our heads on these chairs there’s not enough space hopefully attached to you next yeah I I know you said that you wanted all of our necks to remain attached to our heads but I don’t think I want yours to remain on yours in

Fact I was like yours to be saying maybe hero look side to me pretty good right I made a promise to my team that I wouldn’t let a single one of them get hurt and I would rather die than break that promise let me be very clear if you

Stand to oppose me not just one but every single one of your nation members are gonna get hurt very very badly but I don’t think you’re listening to what I’m saying here man in fact I don’t think you realize who you’re in a room with right now I’m the master of the

Water I could vote Bend you all right I can drone you if the wander if I want to I could launch you into the skies and you would never fall to the ground you’d be in space it’d be like Among Us you’d be like client Pierce was the Imposter

All right you’re underestimating me Clark I saw what you did in season one I I can assure you it is never happening again is that understood I’d like to see you try when I throw the code I got tested exactly how you are however I’m gonna say this if all in

Favor of clowns overtake being unjust say I I I they have it tensions are starting to build up players are scared the piece that their leaders agreed on seems long gone desperately like the treaty stated the three other elements fire water and Earth have teamed up to organize a

Manhunt to take the clown down at the head of the water team army a player called the fish hu was nominated to lead his people but before going on his massive mission in the middle of this chaos there was some peace fish was just about to get married all right the

Fisher do you take more fraud to be your lovely wedded partner Um do you take the Fisher to be your husband yes yes I do you may catch the fish okay catch me yay marriage more time right after the marriage fish had to leave their partner and meet up with the soldiers and start tracking clown but he

Was already a step ahead of them clown went to the waters him base right after all the soldiers left and started killing some of the players that were wandering alone as soon as they got the info they all rushed back and found him oh he’s getting blood band Oh my God the backup arrived oh they’re using the powers to melt the snow there are so many people on him Why is he going down he’s treating them how is he how is he killing them oh no fish died somehow in the middle of this mess clown managed to escape and killed five players while doing that sadly our newly married General fish did not survive that encounter and reminded everyone who

Was their enemy this night there were no leader meeting the player went back to the island to rest and prepare to fight again the fire master was also not to be seen this night he was in a secret location preparing something and thinking about revealing his biggest secret

Despite his today’s fail for the alliance day seven started with a miracle Sora managed to get his hand on an extremely rare artifact a totem of Second Chance and he used it to bring back fish to life to help them in train to actually kill clown this time the

Water team best soldiers and the warranty met in a meeting room at the fire nation’s base where they will assemble an elite Strike Team to kill clown in a master plan they also rely on the Air Team master to give them Clown’s position Alex a airmaster special ability fly Alex doesn’t support cloud

And is loyal to the Old King now let’s hear the plan okay based on Clown’s previous attacks I’ve been able to analyze where he will most likely be next with this I assume he’s going to be underwater Nation so here’s the plan first using Alex’s flying abilities we

Can have Alex relay clowns exact position to everyone else next we all go over there and we’ll section off into our above ground team and below ground team the below ground team is going to be doing most of the pressure it’s going to be knee conkers and Brasco we’re

Going to go down and apply as much pressure at to him as we can to where he starts to go up this is where our above ground team will followed our coordinates that we’ve been given them and the above where clown is as we start to dig up everyone else will start to

Attack him however we’ll only have three people on him at a time as the last time there were too many people trying to kill clown at once and that led to too many casualties our main priority of the above ground team is getting sore to blood Benton if we can do that

The game is over and we’ve killed the clan Foreign This is where we turn around and kill fish clown was dead but if you remember right suits wants to dominate the world and this is not possible if the water team is in his way ganga’s Secret is that she is the Avatar he can control the power of all the elements which

Makes him the strongest player on those four Islands donkas fire Master special ability the avatar Just like that everyone was now at War on the Air Team Dark became the successor of clown and took the crown dark foreign they are currently getting attacked by the fire team most of them manage to escape and take refuge at the water base both teams are now living there and

Protecting this place was their lives to keep their friends safe in all this chaos when Sor believed that killing clown would be the end of all of that he called for a last meeting everything has been according to plan honestly you asked before why Jackie I’m gonna be straightforward because it’s

Fun it’s fun to see everyone just Panic it’s fun to see everyone fear it’s fun to see everyone running away it’s fun to kill everyone this won’t last forever why can’t we just we can make it last forever we don’t need this war dark they will not stop until they hunted down

Your people Arabs people and then they’ll come for us we need to band together okay dark you really want to know what I think about all of this I think all of you all four of you are blood fatty Psychopaths did all they care about is Park you see that guy you

See that guy right over your head that was my friend suit and you killed him just throw a bit more power and you’re going to pay for that clown said to me personally I even asked if he cared about you specifically Doug you wanna know what he said he said no dog I

Wouldn’t lie to you because I respect you you also work for your partner I did you a favor though he didn’t care about you if we are both separated these two are gonna team up if we join together we can power up and kill these two people

Who didn’t deserve their crime so okay I’m gonna ask you this now for tomorrow do you want to team up with fire you can become stronger we are the strongest ability you can become so much stronger though I’m sorry clone I’m on your side well chosen everything is chaos long ago four

Leaders decided that peace would rule those four islands and today four leaders are now separated into Clans we’re ready to kill each others still some people on the Air Team can’t take this anymore and with a leap of Fate try to kill their leader [Applause] What had to happen happened the Fire and Air soldiers marched to the water team’s base where the earth and water have been hiding sore sick of all of that sick of his friends dying and worried for his people ordered everyone to Rush In Foreign This is when I would actually tell you that the fire team killed all the enemies and ruled the four Islands suit achieved his goal but was it all worth it was it really worth it to kill everyone to betray manipulate absolutely that was so cool alright that is

Everything for the season of Nations if you enjoyed the video make sure to give it a like share it to your friends who know what to do those videos take ages to make if you want to support me consider clicking on the join button down there to become a channel member oh

Enter the Discord if you want to play in those events on that it’s been Rey see you next time too great

In this video, I put 200 Minecraft players onto four islands and gave them elemental powers.
The players only had one life. Will they build a successful civilization? Will war breakout? We will find out now!
✨ JOIN THE NATIONS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/s7QYxWGHSK

⭐ My Nations like Minecraft server:
IP: play.santoria.net
Website: https://santoria.net/

📍 Credits to Sonjaxfireheart for making the Nations Map!
🔽 Original Map Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/nations-event-world-download/

🔥 Elemental bending plugin (ProjectKorra): https://projectkorra.com/

➢ Other socials:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jjkay03
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jjkay03
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/jjkay03

➢ More info & disclaimer:
The story in this video was entirely built by the players during the event, I only help to organize it make it go in a way that would make sense. Some shots have been reconstituted and some of the cinematic conversations reshot and rewritten to be more clear for the video but other than that 95% of what you see in the video actually happened in the event.
Bonus: Meme slander video https://youtu.be/x3qzPBch5fM by @S0Soare

➢ Music used:
Playlist with all the songs that I used in the video in order: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0q9YKBusYoeCZ4TvYUfudUrk4V1GT2w9

➢ Main characters channels (if they are a content creator):
@ClownPierce @RasplinYT @MakerMediaPlus @S0Soare @TheFishAteYou @gonkas2965 @D4rkLIVE

➢ Time codes:
0:00 – Intro
0:40 – Day 1
2:53 – Day 2
4:51 – Day 3
7:40 – Day 4
12:18 – Day 5
17:16 – Day 6
19:52 – Day 7
24:55 – Day 8
26:40 – Credits


  1. Long ago, the four nations lived. It wasn’t exactly together or in harmony. They just kinda existed. Then nothing changed and they started killing each other. Only the admins, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he just sat back and laughed at the peasants.

  2. It was a lovely video

    The only flaws are that its not very fair to have a fire bender also be the avatar

    Is there some sort of sign or something hinting maybe the creator is biased? Maybe

  3. From what I've heard, this is going to be amazing. The thumbnail alone is great. Well done Ray, I know you put a lot of work into this, I'm excited to see it.

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