I Built a Minecraft Maze for my Hamster

This is my adorable pet hamster and this is my not so adorable friend Ethan and I built them an impossible Minecraft maze to test be smarter on your marks yes sir yo I’m not ble lose to a p brain hamster with zero IQ okay which way do I go do I

Go these way wait why are the walls moving what Ethan doesn’t know is while he’s beating the maze in Minecraft I’ve built the hamster a maze in real life just look at how huge this thing is I mean it’s not quite as tall as me but it is definitely

Thicker why because every single level has new obstacles and surprises starting with our hamsters lovely Minecraft home can he make it through our bookshelves of knowledge Through The Hoots of diamond and emerald finally over the sea the most difficult part of this first level but trust me it gets much more

Difficult from here to grab his tasty little cake open up his chest set his respawn point in the bed before heading down into the depths of the Minecraft Caves but speaking of the hamster I think it’s time we introduce him don’t you reckon ladies and gentlemen

Mr a you’re so cute are you ready to make look like a gum gum yes you are here we go guys in 3 2 one go go go go go come on yes he’s through the bookshelves right through through the Hoops oh my gosh she is zooming through

This okay Mr nibbles you’re coming up to the hardest part of this maze can you get over the Seesaw he’s doing it he’s climbing over come on he’s so cute you are way cuter than Ethan and he makes it over straight through the chest that’s incredible he’s made it through he’s got

The chest he’s got your cake now you just need to set your respawn Mr nibbles and head down to the depths of the cave you reckon you can do that buddy okay Mr nibbles is currently nibbling on the chest he’s a Nibbler we need to make it

You’ve got such a lead on Ethan right now Mr nibbles just straight down the hole and you will Escape oh guys he’s setting his respawn point at the bed come on Mr nles and he’s down into level two guys yes this is your next chance to

Beat Ethan you are so far ahead right now but this is just the beginning because I’ve built five more levels on each of the prisons and each level is more difficult than the one before bro trapped himself in a dead end at this rate the hamster is going to

Beat all five levels before Ethan makes it out of here like bro no no no I might actually lose to hamster cuz his maze is so confusing oh he look at him missed that jump bro the hamster could have made that jump actually I don’t know if the hamster would have considering he

Got a thick Bunda booty but that’s okay because he’s got his own custom maze which Ethan has no B and he’s probably going to freak out when he finds out the hemster is absolutely destroying him wait a minute bro wait bro’s catching speed move move move which way

We go oh wait we can to go straight uh this way oh is that next wait hold up he’s already on to level two how how did he do that he just made a serious comeback but that’s okay you know what because Ethan I’d be careful if I were

You okay I mean this one doesn’t look as bad let’s just keep on running go forward keep on moving keep on how did I even die there was Stone there you see level two is filled with hidden booby traps and while Ethan is struggling let’s see how sir nibbles is coming

Along well the house may have been easy the mines are where things really heed up because standing in between him and the exit is a deadly mouse trap a pit of diamonds and even more terrifying traps and Mr nibbles is in the mines his first challenge the bear trap here you can see

Guys I’ve got two little controls on my side to see what happen all right Mr nibbles you need to go we need to get the diamonds all right sniff it out sniff the diamonds out this way all right I know there’s TNT over there but it’s just made out of

Paper you can do this all right right can he make it through o ooh he’s inside the bear trap he’s inside the bear trap guys now of course these aren’t actually sharp guys we have blunted out the ends of each of the spikes here and they are

Made of CBO we would never actually hurt Mr nibbles but the question is can he make it past the Trap and he’s over and over he just made it over the spinning rails guys man didn’t even care and he’s through he’s snipping the gold he’s right through the pit of gold here guys

Can you make it oh he’s getting the diamonds we’ve got to make it to the nether portal it’s just over here look at that was so cute as all oh and this is it he’s going to make it to our next level yes Mr nibbles that is the way

You’ve got this you’ve got this yes Mr Devils you finally did it you made it through the nether portal into level three the depth of the nether but the real question is has Ethan managed to catch up we just need to move I’m not about to lose to a flipping chipmunk we

Got to move we got to move all right what the wait what is happening what the what the excuse me okay you know I don’t even want to question how that happens okay what is it I stand on this and can I can I go wait do I have to I have to

Manually move myself oh how is fire boy still stuck out here bro the hamster’s already completed level two come on Ethan what are you doing okay come on it’s 10 go go go go go dude this thing is so hard to do oh oh he’s Finly making

It to the end yeah the thing is guys this is just like the first bit of level two like he’s barely even made it through there is so much more away all right let’s go keep going keep going wait is that an exit oh that doesn’t

Look good okay go we got to move we got to move go go go don’t tell me he goes down into the dead in oh you’re an idiot he’s an idiot there’s barriers here no no what do I do what do I do help someone wait wait what what just

Happened did he just glitch through my trap bro there’s all of these traps still left to do he just popped out the other side there’s no way he’s cheating already I’m going to be so mad if Ethan wins this prize a SP especially since I’ve bought Ethan and Sir nibbles a

Mystery box worth $1,000 and only the first one to complete their maze gets the reward keep on moving keep on moving science tells me that if I stay close to the middle wait there’s a button go go go it’s going to hit me go we need to move we

Need to move wait what is that is that an exit he just zoomed past the entire level does that mean sir nibbles is falling behind now all right here we go and spicy land okay you know what’s not we just got to go in here all right

Let’s go level three we’ve got Mr nibble favorite food celery on each of the main points that he needs to parkour across the floating Bridges suspended above lava then he needs to fight the skeletons make it over the broken nether fortress before finally can he make it

Past the dangerous trap door lava pit I know this is the scariest level yet and you’re in the nether it’s all a different world a different dimension but I believe you can do it bro’s eyeing up the skeletons he’s like how am I going to take them

Down I can’t tell whether he wants to fight the skeletons or make friends with them that’s a bit concerning to me these are foes not friends enemies not friends you got it you’re going a good job Mr nibbles but also Ethan’s catching up so

I need you to do a better job you can do this oh here he goes here he goes guys he’s coming across yes Mr n look at him heum look at his little M all right you made it to the first platform good job he made it past bridge

One but bridge two is a little bit scarier cuz there are gaps and if he little fall through it’s not going to be so sweet yes Mr nibbles come on make it across the bridge you got this my boy for the celery what a boy you’re so cute

Now we just need to make it past that bridge and over to our skeletons they they’ve stolen some of your celery M dude I think he wants to check what’s in the chest guys he’s got that Minecraft Instinct he knows that there’s good old loot inside that chest maybe he’s going

To try and grab himself a fire resistance postage so he can jump through the lava that would actually be big brain IQ although I’m not Sure Fire Resistance potions quite exist in real life he’s so cute he’s made it just about halfway through this level but what about Ethan he’s definitely got to

Be doing better at the parkour than my PO Mr nibbles okay come on Ethan these the fundamentals you got this I’m about to win that mystery box what I got speed okay I mean an even faster way for me to beat the hamster I know that I’m in

Front of it because well it it it’s a hamster it’s not going to be beating me in Minecraft now the real trick here is I’ve given Ethan an insane amount of speed we should hopefully zoom out his screen at intense level to the point where it’s it’s just nauseating it’s

Just impossible to make these jumps like there is no way he how and one more go go go this hamster ain’t seen these W’s yet he’s about to take the L I made it too easy he just zoomed past this entire level and now he’s moving on to the next

One I can just run to the exit let’s go does that mean this is officially the L for sir nibbles I’m getting through that $1,000 mystery box it’s mine this is what you get for being a dumb ham stop wait am I in the wait wait wait this is

A stronghold yes Mr nibbles you are lined up perfectly I need you to charge at the skelet take them down he shoots any arrows at you it’s game over my man you’re falling into the lava but I know you’ve made it this far you can continue onward get back the celery that they

Stole from you no don’t look at me look over there you’re very cute but I need you to complete the mission down destroy them oh he’s across he’s dead bro’s knocking out the skeleton with the B attack knock them down KO the missil yeah this is so good oh one skeleton is dead

Destroyed BR just knocked out the other skeleton he’s leaving no survivors behind you are a legend PVP expert out here but now that you made it past the PVP we still have one last parkour trap here oh he’s going across the broken bridge here guys you’ve got it you’ve

Got it oh and then into the Trap what is he going to do in the Trap oh oh no B’s got L he’s just over The Lava Mr is going down and he’s made it into our next level the stronghold surely we’ve caught up to Ethan by now right wrong

Ethan is already near the end of level four but to beat this maze he needed to solve my impossible Puzzle level four is the stronghold ladies and gentlemen and the only way both Ethan and Sir nibbles shall be able to escape is by completing my 1,000 IQ puzzle hello handsome man

All right wait is this my reflection if I go over here oh my gosh he has to do invisible parkour while using a mirrored reflection of himself that’s like upside down it’s if confusing even my brain is struggling to explain to you what is going on here and this will be the

Chance that s nibbles needs to take back the lead in case you couldn’t tell I am definitely roting for my hamster hold up the ey bozo is an idiot I can just follow the outlines and then we need to jump across to this one oh

Okay I did it how do I make that okay this is going to be super risky here we go make the jump yes we jumped up baby oh we are out of here stupid hamster what he beat that I thought I made that impossible all right let’s do this let’s

Get this done this place is just a flipping maze bro how do we even get through this wasn’t I here before hold up I’ve Got a Theory he’s made it look so similar that I get lost and yes that looks new and also what the heck is that

We can not have Ethan winning this mystery prize bro the hamster is infinitely more cute go go go okay we what the void space Dimension is this how do I get through a solid wall if I go in third person can I look around and maybe see oh right there right there

Right there do you guys see that right there baby drop through the hole yes okay almost died from that but that’s okay silver fish more like egg and I take all right through the portal we go let’s go baby come on hamster buddy come and clutch you need to be faster now Mr

Nibbles is here in the stronghold but here’s where it gets even worse Mr nibbles girlfriend is stuck on the other side with the end portal so Mr nibbles needs to find a way to make it to her however it’s not quite that easy as we

All know it’s very easy to get lost in the stronghold and we’ve got this secret bookshelf door that as you can see doesn’t quite look like you can go through it but actually it’s a secret entrance and Mr nibbles needs to figure out how to get over to his girlfriend Mr

Nibbles is full on attacking the zombie here guys look at him wrecking into the zombie he will do anything to save his girlfriend it’s through here Mr nibbles through here yes through the secret entrance you can do it Mr nibbles is trying to see if there’s a secret lever

Here he’s going into the tunnel oh they’re so cute guys we need to reunite them please save me I know you’re scared Mr nibbles but you need to get out there and fight for your girl all right and also I need you to prove to Ethan that

He’s dumber than a hamster it’s the secret bookshelf and entrance I know you’re smart enough Just sh come on Mr nibbles come on you got to make it through yes yes yes Mr nibbles make it through you did it you made it to your girlfriend okay your girlfriend wants

You to beat the rest of the maze so you’ve got to make it down until the end yes Mr nibbles he’s made it to the next level he might still have a chance against Ethan and finally level five a combination of the most difficult obstacles in the entire Maze and

Unfortunately for sir nibbles Ethan was already in the lead all right get this let’s get this wait we’re going up yes this is good we’re going up and we’re th that is a ginormous n Crystal Wares the ACT that’s my goal for sure I just have

To destroy that thing we can only cross our fingers and pray y’all because after all since this is a combination of every single level there’s also all kinds of hidden traps that we saw in level two we just need Ethan to fall for one of them

And that might give s nibbles the small little freedom of Hope okay we got some ladders that’s good in case we fall off nice but that’s our okay cuz I won’t be falling off can I just make the jump straight from here I can’t let’s go we got we ascending we ascending we’re

Playing only up Minecraft Edition all right let’s do this only up only up and I’m playing only w Minecraft edition I am coming up what why is there an end Dr oh yeah uh Ethan did you did you see that little uh bo I look right about

There you fell for one of my traps boy now Ethan needs to beat this entire impossible level five while the Ender Dragon is literally trying to knock him into the vo no no no we need to jump across jump across ah dragon dragon no no no oh oh end the dragon’s locked oh

Ethan what are you going to do what are you going to do I need to find somewhere to go no stop Ender Dragon ender dragon please we make peace make peace with me what oh yo he’s going to have to make his entire way back up there that’s a

Crazy delay that Ethan can’t afford which means this might be S nibbles time to shine and here comes the Ender Dragon who has stolen Mr nibble girlfriend oh no he’s going to need to take down the Ender Dragon in order to save his girlfriend now this level test who has

Leared the most through our entire video he’s got to do the Hoops again the ballpit the Seesaw take down some Ms before finally making it through the hidden entrance has Mr nibbles been successfully trained in today’s Maze and he make a comeback against Ethan it is

Neck and neck right now oh my gosh guys look at this Mr M’s girlfriend is trying to help out against the Ender Dragon but the Ender Dragon stays strong come on Mr nibbles you know she’s there you know she’s in danger look at them they’re talking to each other guys it’s this way

Over here over here yes Mr nibles wait no way he’s using War hacks this is not good this is not good how did he make it back so fast he’s almost about to win it all this is going to be a photo finish between hamster and Ethan who will make

It first I don’t know I’m so close I can see the anent I can see the end this is my victory dumb kitty big take that dumb head and he’s broken it who won he’s getting over oh and he’s taking down the Ender Dragon with him

You did it Mr Nim he got the loot he secured the W honestly that trick might put him ahead of Ethan check the stopwatch who did it faster Ethan or stone nibles no yes you actually did it you crazy creature you’re beautiful are you ready to win your Mystery Box oh look at

Him the tiny creature that lost in the goat so stupid and dumb and D is this this is the guy that lost right did you say lost yeah yeah this this little yeah not exactly Mr nibl actually beat you huh this thing beat me he didn’t even

Join the game so what gives no well didn’t we say he had to beat a Minecraft maze yeah so you got to install Minecraft Bro can’t even install Minecraft he doesn’t have look this is the Minecraft maze wait but you twisted the words again you always do this okay listen so you made

Like a 20 layer puzzle for me to complete it’s am maze bro this is all he had to do man was an absolute hero this is all okay well I think he won himself the $11,000 mystery box and you know what we all know that Mr nibble is

Absolutely loves his Munchies so we’ve got him the most premium expensive hamster food you have ever seen premium man nibl for our well these are some of the best mananas in the world we Source them from Puerto Rico look at all of this delicious food that’s why Bo I know you

Lost so you’re not going to be able to get this this doesn’t count but I think we should all see what Ethan missed out on guys cuz I’m sure we all really really want to know don’t you Ethan come on we’ve got ourselves a Nintendo switch

All right a Polaroid camera in our lucky block what what is this video games a pixel yeah but uh sorry sorry I’m just going to have to close that up because uh because you you lost to the you lost you beat the maze you didn’t beat the

Mazeo black maze this isn’t a m this is not Minecraft this is a stupid maze this doesn’t count you know I can beat a two SE oh W I pick the maze so hard now give me my money thanks you you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible

You’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want to shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

Building a REAL LIFE Minecraft Realistic Hamster Maze Challenge! Was this Level 1 or Level 100? 🐹

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. I liked this different direction….we had a hamster go up against firelight.

    In my eyes…..that’s the best video yet.

    And the hamster was also so close to firelight’s time as well.

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