The ENTIRE Terraria Content Mod Recap #5 (March 2024)

It’s months into the new year so let’s recap everything you may have missed over the first quarter and what you can expect in 2024 time stamps below for your favorite mods and let’s begin with the stars above mod with a massive 2.0 update this could probably be its own

Video beginning with bosses we have two new fights this being the act of the aramy and will require a couple requisites needing to defeat the world evil boss obtaining the meline draw item from the astrolog and NPC and have it be nighttime as for the attacks I’m not

Going to even try to pronounce half these names we have moves which launch a slow moving grid that alternates between vertical and horizontal shots moves that cast stars around the arena and explode after a short time and the ring Masters will which players are given instructions to move in a certain

Direction or stay still to avoid taking massive damage a pretty simple boss All Things Considered but does give you a good intro into the rest of the bosses within this mod and then we have asine and aridan these are your two sta areas that you pick between at the start of

Your playr and now you can challenge them in a friendly duel they use attacks from prior bosses you have defeated so every attack you’ve learned up to pre-plan Terror will be tested however once you finish the game and have defeated every single boss you can rechallenge them again into a super boss

Format it features similar attack patterns as before however the cool down between each move is significantly reduced along with these new additions other boss changes you can expect to see is diori which has been t- shifted to pre skeleton but obviously HP and damage has been scal down to compensate and in

Dori’s place in progression we have the rework pilia as opposed to make boss the new fight revolves around Arcana repeating previous attacks she’s performed and will also coat you in a certain color paint either red blue or yellow and you need to dodge her attacks by navigating to the corresponding chain

Color as you may have noticed her voice is no longer Gwen and now has AI voice acting instead next minor reworks include sukii with an updated Sprite and the arbitration which is fought in the catabasis subw world with much faster and more punishing attacks this specific subw is only accessible by staying too

Long within an anomaly place Planet but since we’re talking about subw worlds five new cosmic voyages have been added including Celestia Ultra plant the dreaming City Fain archives and the Fallen thorough land you can already see how massive this update is and to finish off the recap we have heaps of weapon

Updates aimed at visual improvements but I’ll just showcase some right now including the mercy foron light unrelenting and the only thing I know for real with all of these changes it is definitely worth another play through but we do have some upcoming spoilers to show you with a new neon Veil biome yes

A biome within the actual world of Terraria a first for this mod and it’s going to be super exciting to explore furthermore new spoilers of upcoming weapons include the Star Phoenix funnel the candid sugar ball and the clerk of the Arbiter now let’s move on to the spirit

Mod which has been updated to 1.4.4 of Tim loer it contains hundreds of new changes I’ll be highlighting the key things you you can try beginning with reworked weapons we have the cactus staff a mage weapon that UPS miniature cactuses from the ground the shadow break one which fires a miniature bolt

To damage enemies and you are able to charge up a shadowflame bolt to break enemy armor and deal some Splash damage and the star charger a range weapon that now fires positively charged Arrows with the left click and negatively charged Arrows with the right click once opposite arrows contact each other they

Will explode dealing some damage some nice early game options and to go with that we have one new weapon in this update the rod of Dooms this just summons a miniature sand Soldier to Ram our enemies to go with these weapon additions we have a look at the newly

Reworked glyphs these are items which can be applied to weapons by right clicking and provide special effects these can include the frost glyph which attacks build ice on enemies slowing them down radiant glips which charges weapons for extra damage or maybe the chaos glip which periodically switches

Between every single glyph in the game this update is live but a mod that is in its third beta is the shadows of abidon that includes both decree and Jensen bosses keep in mind that both will be reworked in the future so in the meantime we do have some spoilers for

What decree could potentially look like we have a move in which icicles will erupt from the ground towards the player a leap attack which will shoot ice on impact various mowaw attacks and a range attack of some kind which will converge outwards keep in mind this is currently

Being worked on but so far such a huge difference from the current decree and I also can’t wait for the Jensen rework as well along with these upcoming changes we have weapon reworks to Casey a true mode exclusive melee weapon which has a charging mechanism fully charged bats

Can be released to reflect enemy projectiles dealing massive damage to enemies and the caline Cyclone this is another melee relic weapon in which every fifth swing throws the sword towards the cursor and makes it spin in place for 2 seconds creating a cyclone Cyclones can hope onto targets and each

Successful hit extends the duration for a Max of 4.5 seconds apart from that we have some structure improvements and that’s all the major changes so be sure to check out the Discord server if you want to try out this mod it is not on the Steam Workshop and now let’s take a

Look at remnants which seems to always be giving some drastic World Generation changes so let’s look at the 1.5 ancient ground update with the new granite caves this is the narrow deep tunnel big enough to fit your exploring further down a new structure has been added to

This B in the little Granite houses along with being furnished with tables chandeliers you can expect the occasional chest to give you some decent loot within this biome you may also notice it connects to m that take you to other areas of the world with so many

Updates to Bome generation I just love going back and exploring what changes this mod has made and another new structure I love to see is the Forgotten tombes these are the replacement to vanilla spider caves with one large structure as the main entrance along with a complex network of paths below

You will find Spider chests to give you the typical Loot and reaching the bottom layer you’ll even uncover some evil biome chests locked of course but still a cool addition furthermore we have a brand new structure called the whispering hols like other structure es which mainly have chest Loot and

Hazardous mobs this structure works a little differently as you explore through the spooky area you run into the water a fast moving Cube which will crush and instantly kill you this is a hell of a labyrinth and if you manage to make your way all the way to the center

You’ll be awarded with three alars the left alar is the essence of M and right clicking it grants the player 20% Max HP and a 10% damage boost the middle alar is the essence of endurance it grants 20% Max HP 20% run speed bonus and a 10%

% reduction in damage de and the third right most alter is the essence of focus it grants 10% damage increase a 20% run speed increase but reduces your max HP by 20% so you have three options here and it’s important to know you can only have one of these alers active at once

And you can cancel all the effects by simply right clicking on the Alters you can check out all the other changes in this update including changes to the evil biome cavins and a new obsidian layer so now let’s move on to not necessarily content mods but cool

Updates such as is the me mod this was most well known for its aesthetically beautiful Empress of light boss but now we have new bosses that are playable on this version in the enchanted sword it has very similar attacks to the Empress of Light by firing Telegraph swords at

The player in various patterns it canes multiple phases which will make the fight significantly harder and more bullet hell like and if you want to see bullet hell you also got to check out the rainbow rod boss fight now a little warning this is not fully fightable

Right now in 1.4.4 as I had to use cheats to spawn it in but here is just a little teaser of the first part of the fight it is quite insane now if you want a boss similar to that but is actually playable check out the U

It is a small side project made by Dom and features a boss where you literally fight yourself like yeah it’s you it has some crazy attacks like this one right here where the components of the teror blade merge together to create this explosion it’s just so cool

Onto the spooky mod we have a completely new biome called the spider Grotto this is what it looks like fully revealed and contains various passageways and tunnels exploring into the biome we can see it has a very unique background that adds to the atmosphere and definitely lives

Up to the spookiness like other biomes within this mod you’ll be rewarded with chests as you explore but you may also notice these artifacts scattered throughout once you collect all four of these artifacts you can combine them together at the central chamber and summon a new NPC the old Hunter

Especially useful for the ranger class there are also new enemies Critters and additional threats that will appear in hard mode but I have a Arachnophobia so I ain’t showing you any of it now another Super unique thing about this update that I have to talk about is the

Main menu it contains art showcasing all the content from the mod with black verions of each spooky mod boss when you defeat that corresponding boss in game the respective Sprite will reveal itself in the main menu I love these little details to mods like this and now let’s

Talk about a mod that’s become one of my absolute favorites Luna lunail has released two major updates the 1.4 sun and Bloom and 1.5 Prismatic lob if you recall from a previous recap this mod was only limited to preh Hard Mode content but now we have some awesome

Things to Showcase in hard mode new biomes include the Royal capital and here you can fight a brand new boss in the Phoenix to do this you would need to go up to the lonely feeble sorceress and click on the spiring option it features pretty straightforward attacks and nothing too crazy the telegraphed

Effects make it pretty simple enough but I do suggest having a dash accessory of some kind I also really love the black hole move because it just looks so sick along with the Royal Capital we also have catacombs which have different variants scattered throughout the world

This is the cavern catacomb and you can use a cursed Shard at any of these mini biomes to spawn in a boss this is the cogwood and consists of Gees that spin around the edge of the Arena which drops damaging shards on the ground another catacomb is the desert which will spawn

A serpent or the ocean catacomb which will spawn a jellyfish mini box along with these World Editions we have one of my favorite new bosses Celia found in the Underworld by disturbing the roof this will cause her to spawn in and Begins the barrage of Shadow slashes it

Gets pretty crazy but my favorite part has to be in phase two which will call a sort of Shadow Wall of Flesh that will force you to move in a certain direction and will even occasionally scream at you terrifying stuff but lastly I’ll showcase Zoom which will be available

Post plan Terror and requires you to talk to her in the witch town now what’s different about this boss is that wings are disabled making dodging lasers extremely difficult I highly recommend the mount double jumps and the use of a stal so you can Dash through the projectiles similar to other bosses it

Features crazy bullet health and stunning visual effects there is definitely enough content both preh hard mode and hard mode for a full play but if you’re also a fan of post M Lord content you definitely need to check out the new Master mode slime God from Homewood journey and similar to Z slime

God would inflict you with the Icarus debuff removing any sort of wings so having a mount like the shrimpy Truffle will mitigate some of the pain you will fight two sets of four planets each with a unique ability and AI the Mercury slime will dash at the player the Venus

Slime creates a miniature sun to damage you in a radius the Earth slime will fire nukes at you and the mar slime will create shock waves on every slam after you defeat those first set of planets four more will spawn and these are much harder in difficulty the Jupiter slime

Provides powerful lasers Saturn slime will vertically cover your screen in rings Uranus or urinous slime whatever you call it is pretty tame and some ice slimes that may affect your dodging and finally netb slime which will cast Shadow spikes around the player after all eight planets slime God reemerges

And will begin casting various different attacks and at 50% it will now begin to channel energy of every slime as they get pulled into the core and after dodging all of those incoming slimes the last phase is slime God’s true form they’ll be orbiting Blobs of slime lases

It gets so crazy I highly recommend you check this out along with the other Master mode reworks and continue contining with content mods introducing new boss reworks the glory mod has fully released the sightseer boss it is the buff version of the I cthulu and is

Pretty tricky to deal with you will see Shadow dashes teleports and phases of the fight are extremely fast Pac but this is contrasted with in between attacks where you have various bullet Hill like moves balancing the pace from Fast movement to Precision dodging is pretty essential and similar to other

Bosses this ain’t an easy challenge so be prepared to learn its AI as for rewards from the sight here we have the the dead eyes bow for Ranger it fires a single Arrow which will split the further it travels the Oracle a melee broadsword which has the ability to

Teleport you a short distance away from your cursor the scopophobia a mage weapon that creates mini whirlpools and the sight SE staff which is a Summoner weapon that spawns a warp a jellyfish so that was the ssea update and with the neon Tyrant ignited Idol and other mini

Bosses the next Glory boss will be the Wall of Flesh this is the basalt barricade and just looking at the Sprite this thing is absolutely demonic I do have a bit of preliminary footage of it within Terraria however no attacks are being showcased at the moment that’s all

I have to showcase for Glory mod and now let’s look at some big things within the Fargo Souls mod we have various boss visual changes in internity mode including new lasers for the Wall of Flesh a reite to King Slime Skeletron Golem lunatic cultist and all three mechanical bosses in the twins destroyer

And Skeletron Prime and you may have noticed eternity Skeletron Prime has had some changes including instantly transforming into phase 2 which is usually the phase where Prime will regrow its Limbs and assault you with different attacks its changes consist of being a fixed distance away from the

Player during normal Ai and the arms cannot be damaged while they aren’t dealing contact damage its phase three dungeon guardian phase however remains untouched and another boss reworked is eternity plant eror phase one spawns a spinning ring of five Crystal leaves that can block attacks and fire at the

Player if I recall correctly this remains unchanged Phase 2 at 50% HP will be comes super aggressive and a crystal leaves will spiral outwards and inwards and can periodically shoot volleys or planing tentacles all good so far but phase three is an entirely new phase that has been introduced into internity

Mode she will grow dark blue spawning invulnerable Trappers maners and snatchers and whilst you try to dodge all these things planto will cycle between three attacks attend mode is definitely still looking insane when I last played it so what about the Fargo Soul DLC mod if you recall from previous

Mod Recaps eternity Death Mode had unique AI for all preh hard mode Calamity bosses and now I’m excited to Showcase a hard mode boss The Eternity mode cryogen which plays off the trapped Perma Frost NPC during the first phase you’ll be encased in a frost ring with chains shooting outwards it will cast

Big ice chunks that go stationary and explode after a set duration further releasing icicles around and after you survive the beginning phase permafrost will break free from the shell and dash at the player leaving behind lingering Frozen PS most of the moves from this boss are inspired from existing calamity

Weapons such as the Eternal blizzard Frosty flares or the absolute zero I would say this is more difficult than INF firms cryogen but still very doable that was all for Fargos and let’s go back in time a bit to one of the oldest mods in Terraria EXO Avalon this has

Been ported to the latest version of teod loor with prehard mode content complete within this version you can expect a completely new biome that is an alternative to the world evil biome it FES a large network of caverns that lead to a center chamber with a bunch of orbs

Similar to Crimson and Corruption destroying these orbs will provide you with some unique Loot and destroying three will summon the bacterian prime boss it fights various bubble attacks lingering PL clouds and other random projectiles it is a nice change of pace from the insanely crazy battles that

Moded Terraria has and if you’re a fan of mod stick into vanilla aspects or maybe once some Nostalgia maybe give this mod a try and with that being said for the last mod let’s now talk about Calamity the sucky biome expansion update is coming very soon so we can

Expect some changes to the desert Scourge giant clam and traditionally some new re Sprites of potential sunken sea Critters including ghost Bell enemies seahorses and a huge variety of other Critters that I’m currently flashing on the screen we know that this biome will be split and have many

Distinct sub biomes so it’s going to be super exciting to explore this in the new update I can literally talk ages about upcoming changes to Calamity but I’ll leave it off with the finalized Arsenal armor sets from Tier 1 up to three along with EXO suits that will

Definitely be a first for Terraria these will be fully customizable with a UI and special abilities and if you want a more detailed road map of major armor set changes coming in the future maybe check this video out over here goodbye

This video will RECAP EVERY MAJOR content mod from the 1st Quarter of 2024. This includes a roadmap, spoilers, new updates and so much more. If you would like a mod beta tested or added to the next recap, reach out to me via socials!

~ Mod List ~
0:00 The Stars Above
2:51 Spirit Mod
4:00 Shadows of Abaddon
5:05 Remnants Mod
6:55 Extras & Not Really ‘Content Mods’
8:30 Spooky Mod
9:30 Lunar Veil
11:18 Homeward Journey
12:32 Glory Mod
13:38 Fargos Soul Mod
14:52 Fargos DLCs
15:37 Exxo Avalon
16:20 Calamity Mod

~ MOD LIST VISUALS & Texture Packs ~
► ArmamentDisplay, Better Blending, Better Boss Health Bar, Fancy Lighting, Lights and Shadows, True Tooltips, zzp198’s WeaponOut Lite
► Backgrounds o’ Plenty, Better Collection by JPC, Dragon Fruit Bar, Fancy UI, HD Scenery, NONN’s Buffs and Debuffs Pack, Phantom Hearts Bar, Rainbow Cursor EX, ReaniTerraria, The Calamity Texture Pack, Yet Another Boss Health Bar Style

~ Music Used ~
► Shadows of Abaddon OST: Celestial Judgement [Novaniel Theme]
► Terraria Spirit Mod Music Lost Voyager: [Theme of Starplate Voyager]
► Terraria Glory Mod OST – In The Eyes of the Seer [Theme of Sightseer]
► The Stars Above OST Even Stars Must Fall
► Verlia of The Moon – Rosemary’s Garden Mod (Terraria)
► 天火明命

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Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic. Dig, Fight, Explore, Build: The very world is at your fingertips as you fight for survival, fortune, and glory. Will you delve deep into cavernous expanses in search of treasure and raw materials with which to craft ever-evolving gear, machinery, and aesthetics? Perhaps you will choose instead to seek out ever-greater foes to test your mettle in combat? Maybe you will decide to construct your own city to house the host of mysterious allies you may encounter along your travels?

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game’s progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, such as Death mode and revengeance mode five new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than thirty new songs, over fifty recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.

This is not 100 days, 100 days terraria, 100 days minecraft or 100 days calamity mod,


  1. Oddly enough, the stars above mod contains some interesting sub-world that remind me of Starbound. You know, that No Man's Sky/Terraria rip off?

    Yeah who remembers that game?

  2. I did multiple lunar veil playthroughs while it was being updated, which caused some bugs and wonky world gen, but I am sure they will be fixed. Overall great mod next to calamity imo

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