I Survived 100 Days as a SNAKE in Minecraft

Snakes are the most terrifying animals on the planet or that’s what most people would say because I actually I actually love snakes and I’ve been around them most of my life in fact I love snake snake so much my team and I have added snakes into Minecraft with all sorts of

Crazy snake Powers now my goal is to survive 100 days as a snake in Minecraft all while three Pest Control agents try and capture me and prevent me from getting to day 100. on day one I spawned in as a tiny garden snake oh look how

Tiny I am but being tiny means I could die really easily and those three Pest Control agents are trying to take me down they even have a giant no snake sign so the second I start moving they are going to attack me so we need to get

Out of here and be safe about it but before we actually go I actually have a snake upgrade menu that’s gonna give me tons of snake powers like poison spray or even the big squeeze you know where I squeeze someone anyway we gotta run for these guys so we’re gonna get going I

Think our Best Bets just run behind us okay here we go three two one go okay here we go go go okay they see me moving get them the challenge has become we’re gonna survive 100 days as a snake Okay my first bet is gonna be to swim across

This water all right boys we were hired to do a job do it come on let’s get this snake okay they’re right behind me we just got to get some wood now normally I’d use a boat to get away oh I got an idea I can lose them in this jungle I

Can slither under the one high leaves oh my God I can lose them here he’s gone wait where’d he go already okay go this way go this way go this way I think I want his tail I’m gonna get up top beer stinky sneaky sneaky oh I see them right there careful

Where’d he go oh my God if I hit shift I can bury myself underground oh my god look I’m hitting in the leaf they can’t even see me right now see him anywhere this is so op okay it seems like they finally have left I literally was

Sitting in this tree for the last like three minutes just waiting for him to leave and I think they’re gone now let’s go down here and let’s start building a survival base because it’s a tiny little garden snake I am super easy to kill so

We need to make a starter base so let’s go this way this is the opposite direction that the pest control agents were heading in so we want to go this way oh okay there’s a massive Cave System here this will be perfect for a first base because not only can we just

Hide underground God this is so broken I mean look I’m just a head sticking out this is so goofy but also having a cave base is gonna make getting resources easy in the beginning so I’m probably gonna live here but first things first we need some wood okay we’ve got ten

Logs that should be enough for now so now let’s actually start working on the survival base I’m thinking we build the base right behind this waterfall right here in fact this cave right here looks perfect okay let’s put our crafting table here and let’s make ourselves a wooden pickaxe now let’s grab three

Stone and now we can make a basic stone pickaxe and we already have some of our essential tools ready now let’s quickly just mine up some more cobblestone and now that we have this done let’s quickly go find some sheep so that way we can make a bed because having a bed

Makes getting to day 100 literally twice as easy okay we got the three white wolf for a bed and it’s night time so let’s go home and make it and sleep after going to sleep on day one I went ahead and finished up the basic snake base this

Base was fairly simple however it was gonna be all I need to get to day 100. okay so the snake base is officially done and it’s really really basic let me show you behind the waterfall I’ve now put some gates and the universe the gates are one high that way none of my

Enemies can get in but since I’m a small snake I can and then we enter the main area we simply got some beds some furnaces and some chests which is literally all we need for right now so without further Ado let’s unlock some of our crazy snake Powers now I have three

Different categories I could pick from Evolution which changes what type of snake I am where I can literally turn into a cobra later combat upgrades which let me attack players and utility upgrades that let me do things like well fly so let’s pick out our first combat

Upgrade which has gotta be bugged cause snakes bite it’s just what we do so to unlock bite I need to Kill 30 animals eat 30 me and kill one Pest Control agent which is easy peasy so let’s start by getting the 30 animal kills because I can literally do that today

And there we go we’ve got all 30 animal kills done and now we should eat 30 meat which we definitely have on us now we literally just have to keep eating food so let’s quickly go back to the base and now let’s just lower our hunger by

Jumping like this God is my screen glitchy this isn’t working let’s take some damage instead okay there we go we lost some Hunger now just eat some of this raw food okay there’s four and I have a gut feeling we’re gonna be doing this pretty much all night

And there we go we’ve eaten all 30 meat and as we can see it’s already day eight so let’s go back up to the base real quick because we literally only have one more Quest and then we unlock our first upgrade bite okie dokie so all we have

To do now is find and kill one Pest Control agent which is definitely gonna be easier said than done because there’s three of them and only one of me which basically means it’s like 30 Hearts against 10 Hearts but I have no idea where they are so let’s go check out

Spawn to see if they’re still there okay spawn is definitely abandoned and there’s no actual base here so they’re definitely not living at spawn there is literally no one here okay I don’t think anyone’s living at spot this base is literally empty so let’s go find out

Where the pest control people are living because we have got to get a kill I was out looking for the pest control base on day nine and I would accidentally bump into it on day 10 it’s literally literally not far from my base at all

Oh what was that oh I think I found their base I think I found their base almost positive hold on let’s go check we just gotta climb this mountain we just need one kill so we want to make this quick okay we’re getting close to the base I literally see them right

Ahead see they can’t see me slithering up to them because I’m invisible right now they have no idea they have no idea I’m slithering up on them right now okay we go let’s get this guy ready he can’t see us ready snakes are stupid oh you can’t just call

Snake stupid dude they’re an important part of the environment that’s why I like to exterminate snakes I think oh there’s a snake whoa come here you get over here you can’t hit me I’m too small trying to fight when F5 is so hard and

Laggy yes we got him no oh he dropped is a lot of stuff let’s go we got the kill let’s go this way okay they’re right on my tail let’s quickly unlock bite ready click click we got bike now bite acts as a diamond sword so theoretically I

Should be able to take them on with the diamond sword now and it gives them poison if I hit them so like a snake I can now poison them okay one’s dead oh where is he dude he’s invisible and two’s dead let’s go let’s go let’s get

Out of here and shift we’re gone if there was any of them on us we’ve lost them now but just like that we’ve unlocked bite okay now that we have our first upgrade done we can go ahead and get rid of our iron sword because our bite literally works like a diamond

Sword and when I hit people with it they get poisoned like a real snake would and just to make matters even better I can get rid of my iron pickaxe because this thing also works as a diamond pickaxe how broken is that anyway it’s time to

Work on our next upgrade which has gotta be the rattlesnake because I am sick of being a tiny little noodle I want to be a bigger noodle it’s actually become a bigger Noodle and become a rattlesnake we need 64 cactuses 16 ink sacks and a music disc and luckily for me that stuff

Is super easy to get so let’s head to a desert for cactuses and ink sacks okay just like that we have all the cactuses that we need which means now we just need to go get some ink sacks so let’s quickly head to the ocean over

This way and now let’s find some squids okay we’ve officially got all 16 ink sex we need which means all we need to do left is get a music disc because it’s night let’s head home and sleep for now and we’ll get the music disc tomorrow

Okay so all we have to do now is get a music disc and then we can become a rattlesnake and there’s lots of ways we can do this okay so what we have to do is we have to get a creeper killed by a skeleton’s bow shot okay and there

And they’re already using disc 11. so now let’s go back up to the base and let’s upgrade into a rattlesnake and with the click of this button we’re now a rattlesnake look how much bigger I am I’m so much bigger now but with that upgrade not only do I look cooler but I

Also have 15 hearts of HP speed one and strength one but being a rattlesnake’s gonna be pretty op too and now that we’re a rattlesnake we have to unlock our first utility upgrade which is called free climbing we need 32 strings 64 bamboo and a rabbit’s foot which only

Has like a 10 chance to drop so we’ll work on that tomorrow okay so to get a lucky rabbit’s foot we literally just need to kill a bunch of desert rabbits until one drops one who knows maybe we’ll get one on the first try did we no

No we did okay you’re next and there we go we got a rabbit’s foot it only took a few rabbits to kill but we’ve got it and now we just need to get some bamboo and string and luckily we can get bamboo because we have to pass through a jungle

Literally on the way to get to the desert so on the way home we’ll be able to just pick up some bamboo okay here’s some bamboo here okay we’ve got this stack of bamboo that we need which means we already finished two of the quests for free climbing we

Literally just need 32 strings so let’s head on home and grab that string tomorrow okay so it’s all we need is some string it’s gonna be really easy to get because there’s a bunch of cobwebs over there and if we just cut them down we’ll get some string oh wait no it

Turns out my sword tool which is supposed to act like a sword oh God it doesn’t work on cobwebs so I can’t even break cobwebs so what we’re gonna do is quickly make a crafting table put it right here and then make ourselves a stone sword and now we have a way to

Break these cobwebs which gives us a piece of string let’s break the spawner there we go we got rid of it now we should be good let’s go ahead just start breaking cobwebs and just like that we have all 32 string which means we can officially climb all surfaces once we

Unlock it let me show you so let’s go ahead let’s unlock free climbing so is free climbing unlocked all I have to do is go down here go against the wall and well I can climb it and then I can just wiggle my way over and just like that we

Are on top of the world now that we can climb up any surface we have the first three upgrades complete with free climb unlocked we officially have all three of our first upgrades unlocked which means it’s time to to pick a new one and I’m thinking we go for lunch because as cool

As my bite is it’s only equivalent to a diamond sword I need a power like lunge because it lets me lunge forward 10 blocks at a time which is going to be useful for both attacking and escaping so to actually unlocked one we have four quests we have to complete we have to

Jump 150 times Kill 30 villagers enter the Nether and kill three of The Pest Control guys so uh I think we know which one I’m gonna do first right okay there we go 150 jumps done okay now that we’re done jumping let’s quickly go get 30 villager kills because while

Getting cactuses in the desert I saw two different Villages and that should be enough to get all the Villager kills I need so let’s go find out villagers where are you I’m sorry I gotta do this friend okay this Village only had about 10 villagers so I’m hoping the next one has

A few more so let’s go to the second village okay there’s no more villagers here and I still need to kill seven more so I have to find one more Village but the sun’s literally setting so let’s go home for now and we’ll look for a third Village tomorrow okay I found another

Village let’s take are these guys real quick and there should definitely be enough villagers here I just gotta find two more please tell me this Village has at least two more villagers oh I see one I see one I just need to kill one more

And there we go just like that we have already villager kills we need so now let’s head on home and get the next Quest done okay so to go to the other we obviously need obsidian so let’s put some water right here and make a bun and

Now with our bite ability we can actually mine up the subsidian okay we’ve got the tandem City we need now let’s just go make another portal okay let’s go and let’s put another portal right here and now let’s just light this thing up now let’s just go in and just like that

Our third Quest is complete and all we need to do is get some Pest Control kills okay so with the nether portal done obviously we just need the pest control kills pulls it back to their base and let’s pay them a visit okay we’re literally coming up on their base

Right now and unfortunately the trick world is turning invisible before doesn’t really work you’re gonna see even holding shift I slightly stick out of the grass now so while I can still be stealthy I’m definitely not as stealthy okay see one underneath now he shouldn’t

Be able to see me unless I get really close I see one of their names he’s coming he’s coming we don’t like no we have a strict no snake policy oh yo I see a snake I see a snake we need to get three kills here oh

They’re all on a throw on us oh I’m slow oh I know poison oh no Ted nice we got one kids need some food I see one coming up my side remember Ten I don’t see them and get him I’m flanking him oh oh he just damaged dude hey it’s two

Down we literally just do one more we just need one more climb their base oh gosh why is he only killing me bro bro you only gonna kill this so funny nice we got him we got the third kill let’s go okay quickly let’s unlock the comment ability

We got lunch okay ready and let’s try this nice okay we can lunge super far let’s see how far we can go ready let’s get to the water and see if we can launch across okay here we go and there we go we gotta crush the water in

Seconds oh that’s so broken hey climb this okay one of them’s coming over okay okay I’m going up oh dude why does he keep killing me okay this one down right behind you oh okay he got me pretty hard with that ow I’m dead nice two down and the other one took fall

Damage and died oh my goodness we’re free to go let’s get out of here and we are gone okay it is officially day 18 which means it’s time to work on our next upgrade burrow now this upgrade’s pretty tricky because we need five diamond pickaxes and five Diamond

Shovels which is 20 diamonds in total we also need 250 Cobblestone and 500 dirt now if I pull all my Cobblestone together I probably already have enough let me check yeah we do so really all we need is dirt so with that in mind let’s

Go mind a bunch of diamonds so that way we can make those diamond tools and right now we have seven diamonds which means we just need 13 more okay and just like that we have all the diamonds we need so let’s head back up to the base

Grab our diamonds from the chest and now let’s go in let’s make all the tools we’re gonna need just like that now we need to make five Diamond shovels which we can do like that and officially the first two quests done and since we got the cobblestone in our chest all we need

Now is some dirt which we’ll grab tomorrow nice and easy good morning on day 19. let’s grab dirt I literally see the pest control behind me hold on we can lose them here hopefully they don’t find my base now go behind the waterfall they shouldn’t see

Us grab the water and get in hold shift please don’t find my baby oh my God they’re right around me no one haven’t found it okay oh they’re breaking in oh oh God they’re coming in oh I need help no stop going for me stop oh

Just get me first okay we killed when we killed him we killed him get him get him get him oh he’s TNT I got him I got him wait no nice we got him where’d he go no he’s leading up back up you jerk oh my God the base is gone

Nice we got him oh some of our stuff is still there okay I recovered everything I could and I put it in these chests but we definitely have to move because they not only found our base but they literally tore it to Pieces so let’s

Grab all our stuff and let’s get out of here with my base destroyed I had to go out and find a safe location to build a new one once I found my safe spot I began working on the snake base 2.0 okay so welcome your faces to the brand new

Snake base it is much bigger this time and we have a lot more stuff so not only do we have our chest and our furnace is back but we also have a new enchanting table another portal and a super secret entrance up to the top you see this

Entrance is super hidden not only is it next to a waterfall but it’s also next to a little lava pool making this really hard to spot anyway let’s slowly back down our hole and back into the snake base now before our base was rudely blown up we were working on burrow and

We already have all the diamond pickaxes Diamond shovels and Cobblestone we need we literally just need a dirt which I already went ahead and grabbed so without further Ado let’s unlock burrow and now let’s unlock let’s see what it actually does because I would use it in

My base but my base would probably get destroyed so I’m not gonna do that okay so let’s try a burrow [Applause] you can see in a matter of seconds I burrowed a giant hole and I get all the blocks I break this is gonna make mining

So much easier in fact let’s quickly try something if I simply use this ability on this wall let’s see what items we get foreign ergy now let’s go back and collect all the stuff we got which oh my God diamonds as you can see this ability is

Broken it literally boraxes any or I mine so just in a matter of seconds we’ve got 11 diamonds and we got 44 irons now that we have this brand new ability we gotta pick a new one to work on and since we have two upgrades done

In each category we can kind of go for any upgrade we want and personally I want to become an anaconda because all the items it requires we can get in ancient city and ancient cities have op Loot and so we need to look for an ancient city so let’s leave the base

Let’s find an area that has some super tall land like a mountain and then we’ll check under those for ancient cities since those have the best odds it only took two days to find an ancient city so long as it has the god apples and other

Stuff we need we’ll be just fine oh let’s go we just found an ancient city we don’t want to set up any of these shriekers nearby because there’s literally tons of them and now we see this little around till we find a chest and hopefully find God apples or disc

Fragments because we can literally get both here okay first chest is the boss we didn’t get any of anything we need okay let’s check out this one oh yes we got a guard Apple we got our God Apple check the other one we have five disc fragments and two God apples in one

Chest let’s go dude and we got my fan music this other side play the track editor okay nothing we need in here but we did get a bottle of XP there we go we got another God Apple oh we got three more disc fragments we need one more disc fragment and one more

God apple and we’re done okay there’s another Streaker over here but I want to get that chat with that oh there’s two shriekers we’re gonna have to set off these streakers as well please have at least a disc fragment nothing we need again dang it such a waste okay take

This one still nothing and this one also still nothing I really hope we can get the last two things we need we’re so close but I’m almost at a chest oh my God this fragments we’re done okay we officially have all the disc fragments we literally just need one more God

Apple so let’s just look for another unopened chest and hopefully we get it pretty sure this one can contain a gold oh it does it does have a golden apple I knew it portal chest like usual there’s a golden apple in it that gives us the

Five golden apples we need and we have all the disc fragments and now we seem to get a heart of the sea okay so now we just need a heart and a c and again to the heart of the sea we need to find a sunken ship let’s go find some buried

Treasure oh I see one we got a bunch of loot oh we got one we got a berry treasure map let’s go let’s go to our boat real quick anyway let’s open the map real quick and let’s see what we got oh God so uh with no X on this map it’s

Literally useless so if you know what happened to this map let me know in the comments below because I’m pretty sure there’s supposed to be a red X here and I don’t see one anyway let’s go find another shipwreck I guess okay let’s start back down now let’s check

Underneath the ship check this back room there we go we got another one we got another buried treasure map please have an x on it yes okay this one actually actually there’s an x on it okay let’s roll up to our boat and now we just have

To head Northwest until we find this buried treasure okay we’re getting close to this buried treasure okay we officially have the X marked out it’s right around here okay we’re really close let’s go over here and let’s get right on this ax I think it’s gonna be below me here oh first

Straight the first spot I dug and I got it look at that let’s loot this bad boy grab the heart of the sea all the other stuff and just like that like that kinda but we’ll do that tomorrow because the rest of my stuff is at home okay it is time to transform

Using our disc fragments these God apples in the heart of the sea we could officially become an anaconda which is huge look at this snake this thing is absolutely massive and not only that look at this he’s got a crazy strong bite but on top of just looking cooler

We also have jump boost two speed and strength too and we know of 20 total Hearts meaning we’re getting pretty strong though I will say I have I have lost the ability to disguise myself if I hold shift on these rocks I don’t even go underneath so I literally can’t hide

Anymore I’m just too big but now that we’re in Anaconda let’s work on our next combat upgrade called shed skin and this ability lets me clone myself animate The Pest Control agents decide to hit my fake snake their items are gonna lose almost all of their durability so this

Ability is broken that actually unlock it we need to take 40 damage get 30 kills on Guardians and then get five kills on the pest control agents and so without further Ado let’s go take 40 damage and now that we’ve taken 40 damage we just need 30 Guardian kills and five

Kills on the pest control agents but I don’t know where the pest control base is nor do I know where an underwater Monument is so whichever we run into first is the quest we’re gonna tackle so let’s go see what we find first the water Monument or the pest control base

And so I looked for a monument everywhere but I couldn’t find one and it turns out I would actually bump into the pest control base before I even got close to an underwater Monument oh I found their base 100 just found their base they’re in this Village I just

Caught this I don’t see them so let’s just stay amongst the grass that were a little more hidden and as we get closer hopefully they pop in and we can see them oh I just saw one right there okay let’s go around this side is there

Anyone up there I don’t oh I see a nameplate up there yeah they are there I see one okay let’s go for that person okay they’re spread out let’s go he’s Trading we got one first kill down okay now they’re all gonna come on us they’re

Gonna get on us quicker here we go okay let’s go ahead and use free climb to climb on this roof there we go they don’t know where I went oh he sees me now oh he’s on the roof oh you gotta move Max oh he just threw a javelin that almost

Blew me up where’d he go he’s trying to get me with that javelin well let me okay I’m done thanks we got him he was trying to Javelin us dice that’s three oh started with the explosive Javelin again oh they’re throwing it from up top hold on Dodge they’re throwing explosive

Javelins at me okay we’re on this roof oh I don’t want to be up here where did that come from oh I see him over there okay let’s get down it’s breaking in this village house right here we still need two more kills okay that should

Attract them oh my God there’s one right above me he’s like a rhino somewhere oh he fell one’s coming up here oh he blew me up oh no nice that’s four we gotta climb a tree we gotta climb a tree this tree’s Boeing and boing we claimed it nice okay

Eat some bread get our health back over Swan on me he’s almost dead nice we got him that’s 505. oh let’s go this way keep dodging those explosions oh okay we need to get out of here okay let’s use our lunge nice there we go and

Now ready for this let’s use our op snake ability to fly out of here using our mining ability what the dude he’s flying what look at this this is so broken I can use this to fly too though I’m gonna take fall damage if I land so

We better find some water soon to land in oh there’s some water and there we go and we are out of here okay State 37 and we’re home we’re healthy and barely still alive but at least we survived those explosive javelins and now we just need 30 kills on Guardian so let’s go

Find an underwater Monument which is gonna be pretty hard so let’s see how quickly we can find one oh wait is that a monument oh there’s literally a monument here we can kill some Guardians now okay let’s dive in and let’s start taking on these Guardians we only have

To kill 30. okay that’s three dead we officially have all the guardian kills and now I am out of here because these Guardians are ruthless so I’m just going back to my boat and heading home and we’ll actually unlock shed skin tomorrow okay we’re back at the base

Let’s clearly go up the mountain oh hold on hold on I literally see the pest control agents they’re nearby yeah look at them they’re all on the hill over there did he see me oh he sees me oh they double blew it up oh dude dude

Across the cross oh my arm is breaking oh hello oh God I’m almost out of armor we can’t show them the base we can’t show them the base there we go let’s go with the other side that should tempt them to want to chase me it’s unlocked burrowing oh oh that hurts

Here ready climb yes we Dodge it I heard it behind me oh my goodness do all they’re missing dive over here need some food oh we got me with that okay let’s keep climbing there we go okay one of them’s coming up okay we can knock him

Down ready I have a plan there we go let’s go over here oh uh that explosive Javelin does so much damage dude nice we got one literally one more he’s poisoned that should kill him come on poison doesn’t kill though oh we almost got me almost got me come on yes

Oh he almost killed me there he literally almost killed me there okay they’re all dead I don’t think they know where my base is I think they were just nearby but let’s quickly go into the base in case they come back because I do not want them to find me that was a

Close call yesterday when the pest control guys were literally right next to my base but I’m pretty confident they didn’t find it and of course even better yet we were able to unlock shed skin so let’s give it a try all I gotta do is hit the shed skin button and you’re

Gonna see it makes a clone that looks exactly like me and after a few seconds he disappears now if anything attacks this clone the durability on their items breaks let me show you if I go in here and quickly grab this stone pickaxe and

Then I spawn one of my clones if I whack it with the stone pickaxe you can see the stone pickaxe is now broken in just three hits but anyway now that we have that unlocked we’re gonna be able to destroy the pest controls items so now

It’s time to work out our next upgrade swallow then actually get the swallow ability I’m gonna need 32 bone blocks for ancient debris in an Ender Chest now the bone blocks can get super easy in the Nether and the ancient debris really isn’t that hard either because we can

Just plow through the nether like this and finally the ender chest is craft s so basically we have no choice but to go to another because we need a ton of nether items jerk well I just came back at the base and there was an Enderman and he gave me

An ender pearl which is actually really useful because to actually make the Ender Chest I need an Eye of Ender which requires an ender pearl to me I was about to go trade it with some piglets but that was way easier so let’s just go

To another and let’s go get a bunch of different items okay so first things first let’s see what’s around us oh a bone biome perfect okay we can go get some bones over here okay I have all the bone blocks that we need so now let’s go look for another

Fortress so we can grab some blaze rods okay perfect we found another Fortress let’s just time our Landing oh we did it yes okay now let’s just find a blaze spawner okay see one over there okay now let’s turn this Blaze Rod into blaze powder and if we combine the ender

Pearl and the blaze powder in our inventory we get our Eye of Ender so that means we have the bone blocks and the Ender Chest pretty much done all we need left is the ancient debris and technically obsidian don’t worry about deep City when we get home for now let’s

Just go dig underground and let’s go get ourselves some ancient debris just on Ancient debris oh did I not I guess I didn’t I thought I did oh I see some agent debris we found it now let’s just break it and how many did that get us just one oh there’s a second

One hold on wait there’s a third one I thought you could only get two in a group that’s three okay we got three ancient debris already from literally one spot too let’s just find one more I found it yes one more ancient debris is all we need come to pop and there we

Go we got the forage of debris which that means we just need obsidian and we can unlock swallow okay so now we just have to get some obsidian to unlock the swallow ability so let’s quickly head to the cave system okay there we go we got it all we got 12

Obsidian now if we take that obsidian and Surround it with an eye vendor in the center we get ourselves the Ender Chest meaning we can now unlock the swallow ability and this ability is broken because if we look at what swallow does it kills one entity instantly at very close range and that

Means it can also kill the pest control agents the only downside is it costs all of my energy bar so once I use it I can’t use anything else okay you see this pig right here I’m gonna go ahead and hit the swallow button and Watch What Happens

Oh my God uh uh I thought it said nearest entity it just went ahead and killed one of the pest control agents hold on I gotta do that again anyway now that I’ve swallow unlocked it’s time to become a cobra which gets string three jump two and speed two and as 30 total

Hearts so to actually get Cobra we need 64 leather three skulk sensors 64 Twisted Vines and 64 weeping Vines so let’s start on the most fun part cow killing okay we’ve officially got all the leather that we need so now let’s head back to the base and head to the nether

Because we’ve got to collect a bunch of weeping Vines and twisted Vines okay we’ve officially gotten all the Weeping Vines and the Twisted Vines meaning all we need left is three skulk sensors which we can get at in ancient city with some silk touch okay let’s make our way back to the

Ancient city we were at earlier so that way we can grab some skulk sensors now I know I mentioned I was gonna use silk touch but it turns out that uh I couldn’t find a way to get it but luckily instead I remember that skulk sensors are actually in the chests and I

Remember seeing some earlier so let’s just go grab some of those okay check this chest there we go there’s one of the skulk sensors oh I set off a streak or no oh God that’s gonna summon award oh it didn’t oh I really thought we were in trouble there oh yeah there’s another

School sensor oh god oh there’s a streak of Two Gun run oh it’s something oh I see the warden is literally right in there okay the warden actually appears to be trapped inside of this oh he’s gonna be Darkness he appears to be trapped inside a hold up oh God I think

I just summoned another Warden oh I did oh God okay that warden’s way over there I don’t think he sees me he should be okay cool sensor let’s go okay let’s just really grab these diamonds and let’s get out of here out of here okay and we are home okay so

What we want to do run run he’s here oh god there was a trap in my base oh okay that seems like a bad idea to go in there or is it hold on let’s just use our new ability we can just kill one of them ready watch this here watch this

Hey that wasn’t nice take this okay there goes one oh oh whoa wait what the wait he didn’t even see you how’d he kill you man this swallow ability is great I don’t even have to fight them I can just stand up here and kill them

Okay here we go let’s try this again ready let’s make sure they can see me hello oh that was rude Rude Dude okay now he’s dead one more we have to let it recharge oh no oh no oh no oh no okay ready you spawn a snake is that what’s doing

It oh gosh Dice and you get tricked and now you’re dead bro he one shot me okay they blew up my base and it actually looks like a lot of my stuff may have survived let’s just store it over here in the empty chests okay we may have lost the base but at

Least we didn’t lose all our items because now I can just grab our stuff store in some of these chests real quick now I can simply start on a brand new base which hopefully won’t be found this time okay well with our base being absolutely toast it’s time to build a

New snake base that won’t be so easily taken out it’s time for the fake snake base welcome your faces to the brand new base basically it’s built into the side of a hill that kind of just looks like a natural cave but I actually dug it out with my tunneling power and what’s

Inside you enter room with my beds my furnaces my chests my enchanter and my nether portal but there’s only one thing about this base if we look in the chests there is barely any stuff and that’s because this base is fake that’s right I built a fake base so that way if this

Base gets rated they’re not gonna discover the real one because the real base is behind this wall right here so if we go through our nether portal all the way you’re gonna find a secret tunnel and if we follow the secret tunnel we’re gonna enter the real base

Which is right here here oops I killed one of them my bad they’re very mad all I did was sneeze anyway now that we have a new safe base let’s unlock Cobra Cobra when I run now I actually stand up and on top of it I have a really cool bite

Animation we have 30 Hearts jump boost two speed two strength three basically we’re really strong and now that we’re really strong let’s work on poison spray basically this ability is gonna let me shoot poison out of my mouth to actually unlock poison spray we need to brew 15

Potions we need to poison 50 different mobs and we need to kill seven players so let’s do just that let’s start by going to the nether okay now we just gotta kill some blazes for their blaze rods so we can actually make okay that is definitely enough blaze

Rods now let’s quickly find some nether warts now let’s quickly head home and now let’s make five Brewing stands which we’re simply gonna line up right here now let’s go grab some sand there we go okay let’s throw the sand in here okay now let’s go and make some

Bottles and now let’s fill them all up with water and now let’s place them inside the brewing stand now we’re gonna take half of these blaze rods and turn them into blaze powder and put a blaze powder inside of each of these Brewing stands and now we’re simply going to put

Another board inside here and turn these potions into awkward potions and now that these are done we’re simply going to add a blaze powder to each one of these and boom we’ve got the potions of strings so now we have to poison 50 animals and kill Pest Control seven

Times so let’s go poison 50 things first so if I go ahead and whack this creepier you’re gonna see I get one point on my poison Quest already because my fangs luckily give poison so now it just hit a bunch of Creepers with poison and there

We go we are officially done poisoning a bunch of mobs okay now we literally just need seven player kills on the pest control people so let’s go back to their Village Tower base and let’s pay them a visit okay I see their Tower we have a tunnel to their Tower officially let’s

Use some blocks and get up here oh hold on explosion to this quickly break their stairs so they can’t get up to me oh wait they have a ladder up here quick go okay we’re in their base break the beds nice we got them it’s two yeah you’re not getting away buddy

There’s one more over here Dodge okay he just died oh I’m super low okay you know what we’ll come back to the base of the second oh my God I almost just died to that okay that did not go as I planned this iron armor is just not good enough because they’re explosive

Javelin’s almost killed me there and I had to literally run because if there was even a chance of one of them having a secret bed there they could have killed me but luckily we have a bunch of diamonds so we can actually upgrade our armor into diamond armor now let’s go

Grab some lapis and let’s get some of this Enchanted anyway with our gear fully Enchanted let’s make our way back to their base because we still need some more Pest Control kills okay we’re almost back at their base I see the end of the tunnel bringing this oh I did not

Mean to do that oh what is this what did I just find oh my God David underground tunnel system oh my god dude Ryan’s downstairs he found it there’s so many beds they have a hole underground for the other shot let’s get this kill over the traveler nice we got one come on

He’s almost dead yes okay climb up here okay there we go see he’s dead I use all my energy but now I got him wait no shot that actually counts on my skills well hey we got all seven kills let’s go let’s go over here and let’s unlock

Poison spray and now let’s use it to escape okay I gotta try this oh he’s got poison now you get poisoned what is that noise bro oh my gosh he’s got like a poison Ray ow hey he’s dead okay and two are down enjoy the poison I’m out of here so the

Next ability we want to unlock is big squeeze which basically lets me suffocate my enemies by wrapping them up with my body but to actually unlock this I need 64 leads 128 nether course and 128 copper ingots now the nether quartz in the copper ingots are super easy to

Get so let’s quickly go to the nether let’s gather up a ton of this nether quartz so we’ll simply use our ability break right through it okay we’ve got 128 nether quartz now let’s go grab 128 copper ingots okay so let’s mine up some cups okay we officially have 128 raw copper

In our inventory now meaning all we need left is 64 leads okay it is day 58 so we’ll wait for a comforter spelled let’s work on getting the final item we need some leads now to make a lead you just need four string in a slime ball let’s

Start by getting the string okay so let’s break this cobweb and get one stream and then we’re gonna keep going through this abandoned mine shaft so we get a bunch more and there we go we officially have all of the string that we need now we just

Need to go ahead and get ourselves a stack of slime balls so that way we can make a stack of leads okay so we just have to go look for a swamp biome because that’s how we’re gonna be able to go ahead and get slime balls

There we go that is all the Slime balls we need and now we just have to go home combine it with our string and we can make a ton of leads okay so let’s grab our string and that’s gonna get us wait a minute oh my God I am so dumb you get

Two leads for this recipe not just one meaning I literally just collected double what I needed okay anyway we have all the leads we need so let’s go ahead and grab all our nether quartz there we go let’s grab the copper out of the blast furnace and now we have everything

We need to unlock big squeeze okay so let me actually show you what our brand new coil ability does there’s a chicken right here and if I go up to him and hit my constrict button you’re gonna see I wrap him up in my body and then he dies

That is how Opie my new constrict ability is and with that one unlocked there’s only three more upgrades to go we have the boa constrictor which takes a dragon head some shulker shells and some chorus fruit we have the Medusa gays where mobs and players are paralyzed for seven seconds and then we

Also have rib gliding which lets my snake fly like it’s in creative mode all really op abilities and all require stuff from the end which means we gotta go to the nether so we can get some blaze rods and some ender pearls okay so first things first we need to get some

Blaze Rod so let’s quickly go to the nether fortress and grab those okay we’ve got all the blaze rods we need so now let’s go find a Bastion so we can start trading for some ender pearls okay here’s a Bastion let’s go ahead and let’s get inside okay let’s see if we

Can get any gold blocks here here’s a double chest it is two gold blocks in it nice this one is three gold blocks okay now we have to wait for the piglets to trade for all our gold and then we’ll see how many ender pearls we get okay

Looks like all the Gold’s been traded all the guys inside okay total we have 15 total ender pearls and it looks like a bunch of other stuff let’s grab some of these arrows and now let’s head back home because we have everything we need

To go to the end okay let’s go in the portal and let’s go home okay one of them’s dead to the ability no I just kill the other they’re literally trying to raise the fake base they’re dead oh my goodness I just destroyed them at least we got your

Chest small uh yeah you guys got my chests all right all my junk fake chests okay let’s grab these smokers and let’s put these back in place put our furnaces there and there we go we’re as close to back to normal as we’re gonna get in

This area oh what’s this it looks like I got one of their bomb lances but it’s actually against the rules for me to use this I’m literally not allowed so I know what I’m doing with this let’s go this way and let’s throw it in the lava the

Perfect solution anyway our main base is completely fine and they didn’t even find it which means we can keep working now let’s go to a crafting table and let’s combine all of our blaze rods with all of our ender pearls now let’s grab a little extra food and with some food in

Hand we’re ready to go to the end so let’s quickly go outside okay so let’s throw off an eye a vendor which is going this way okay let’s throw our next one oh wait that went straight down it’s literally below us let’s go we’re in we

Gotta find the Portal room oh this way maybe I see the glow it was the right glow okay let’s put all the eyes in through one that’s okay cause we got it and without further Ado let’s go to the portal okay now it’s time to fight the

Ender Dragon let’s do this let’s go take out all his Towers all the hunters just got the end achievement they’re literally in the end okay we gotta climb quick I didn’t even see them get ice bye let’s go get the last one okay there we go They’re All Dead and

Now the dragon’s there now we can take out the dragon wait I wonder if I can kill the dragon with my four ability I want to try that okay let’s go get him nice we got him he’s dead dude literally lost all of my health to that

Poison let’s get it with poison spray real quick they’re both poison now okay let’s coil one of them ready oh got him coil I got them coiled let me go no I’m dead I kept them coiled in the Ender Dragon’s magic and he died and now last but now at least you let’s

Wait for my energy to get back oh and Enderman killed him oh my goodness that’s great news now we just win okay once our energy is back at full let’s see if we can just kill the Ender Dragon okay the dragon’s perching here we go he’s the closest thing let’s see if this

Works oh my God it almost killed him it didn’t kill him but it almost did now let’s poison the dragon and he’s dead now let’s grab one of our torches real quick put the torch underneath and the dragon egg is ours and now if we unlock the

Medusa gays Quest you’re gonna see we have the ender dragon killed already and now we just need to break 300 blocks and kill 10 players but before we go and do that we gotta go to the outer end because we still need elytra chorus fruit and shulker shells let’s get going

It took a couple of days of looking but I eventually found an end City with both elytra and a dragon head I also grabbed all of the chorus fruit and shulker shells that we needed at the first end City I found oh I see another end City

Oh it’s got a I see the bridge okay we just need to get up to that and we’ll be okay here we go fly on over and we’re in quickly go downstairs take out the shulker grab some of his very lovely gear and of course the elytra and now

All we need to do is grab the dragon head at the front of the ship okay let’s break the dragon head we’ve got the elytra in the dragon egg we also got the dragon head all the shulker shells and all the chorus fruit and we’ve killed the dragon meaning there’s only a few

More upgrades to go when we’re done so let’s get out of the end okay we are home and if we grab all of our shulker shells and chorus fruit and we grab the dragon head we can become the final snake Evolution already say goodbye to the long anaconda and hello to the boa

I’m suffocating I’m suffocating oh God okay we dug a giant hole in our ceiling so now we fit I am huge why am I so huge I’m like six or seven blocks tall okay I dug a new tunnel now what you gotta be careful and reshape the whole base so as

You can see I am a giant boa constrictor and now you have a much better view of it but my face is not tiny or crypt anymore I literally had to raise the entire ceiling and this is what it now looks like it’s ugly I know but look I’m

A giant snake I need a giant base and I don’t really have hands so making this look good is hard but anyway now that we’re a bow constrictor there is only two more upgrades to go we have rib gliding where we just need to get another star or we can go for Medusa’s

Gaze but we just need to break 300 blocks or get 10 player kills but once again we’ll worry about those later let’s work on rib gliding because we just need to get another star in the nether which we’ll do tomorrow okay it’s day seven one let’s go get some Wither

Skeleton kills inside the nether oh I don’t fit inside my portal do I okay now it’s like this bad boy up and here’s our new nether portal so now we can go get Wither Skeleton skulls okay we’ve got all the Wither Skeleton skulls we need

So now let’s get out of here and head on home okay so now we just have to fight the Wither but he spawns I’m just gonna kill him with my ability watch died in seconds that was hilarious we’ve got another star which means we can already unlock rip gliding so let’s head

On home and grab all the rest of the stuff we need Okay so let’s go in here and let’s grab our elytra and dragon egg and now we can unlock rip gliding and now look at me I can fly through the sky as a massive snake if this isn’t

Something out of your nightmares I don’t know what is but anyway we only have two more upgrades to go we have to break 300 blocks and we have to get 10 kills on the pest control agents but the sun’s starting to set so let’s quickly go to

Sleep and let’s make it day 74. although it’s day 74 we just need a quick only break 300 blocks so I’m gonna go ahead and grab the diamond shovel that we got earlier and we’re just gonna go dig an absolute boatload of dirt and grass it

Turned out the dirt was a total waste because when I break through it you’re gonna notice my counter doesn’t go up at all but if I break stone with my pickaxe it does so I guess we’re just gonna start breaking a lot of rocks and there we go we have all 300 blocks

Broken meaning all we got to do now is wiggle ourselves okay I’m just kidding I don’t need to do that but what I do need is 10 more player kills so we can unlock the Medusa’s gaze but to actually get that means we gotta find the pest controls

New base so let’s get searching for it on day 75 and 76 I search for the pest control’s final base everywhere oh I think I see it I found their base let’s fly above let’s make sure they see a giant snake floating above look up yeah

Me sees it hello get over here okay he’s poisoned in fact let’s go and just kill you real quick there we go and he’s dead okay that’s one of ten down oh he gave me slowness and wait resistance I’ll take resistance thank you there we go I spawned another one

Now there’s two in fact let’s make even more okay we spawned a ton of them that should start breaking their swords and stuff they were poisoning and we’re poisoning him there we go that’s two kills there we go he broke my my boys oh my gosh he destroyed oh my god dude he

Just destroyed you what was that that’s three we broke all his armor and there we go that’s four oh yeah they’re spawning somewhere down here we don’t want to take out the beds yet because we still needs six more kills yeah here they are ready okay to go one that’s two ow

Okay we kill him with our four ability poison him there we go that’s eight okay there’s one over here all right ready for this watch this or else it just went right through the middle okay I just carved the hole straight through their house oh but they

Survived did you oh no he fell oh he gave me weakness I got him still but yeah I’ve weaked this for a minute 30 now oh there he is oh no you don’t better yet I’ll just use my ability and kill you and now we have all of our

Upgrades unlocked let’s just make sure we get rid of all their spawns shall we okay which beds are you spawning from let’s just destroy them all okay let’s destroy this one oh there’s one over here now let’s plow through here there we go that bed’s toast and now you

You’re spawning it looks like in this little secret area dude it just destroyed my whole base okay where could his bed be oh I see a little room back here there it is okay he’s dead he’s not respawning anymore two more to go okay let’s poison them to death

We killed one no what all my bed’s gone that would kill the other you know what let’s just break his armor bye-bye and there we go their base is toast let’s just make sure to take out their chest real quick and now let’s head home okay it’s day 78

Let’s unlock our final upgrade which is Medusa’s gaze now if I use this ability on anything they’re gonna be stuck in place for seven seconds let me show you so if I go over here and use it this doggy well you’re gonna see he starts smoking and a smoking doggy is a frozen

Doggy so he literally can’t move until that goes away and now he can move again that is the Ultimate Defense technique so that way the pest control agents stand no chance at taking me out and since we’re fully upgraded on day 78 we literally just got to survive until day

100 and wait for the pest control agents to make their move and so I waited for six full days Expecting The Pest Control to attack but that attack literally never came or at least not in the way I was expecting oh my God okay pest control’s here they

Literally failed to destroy my chests how are you alive what how did you survive I legit took no damage let’s fly out of here I’m not getting stuck in that cave they’re both poisoned in fact let’s go let’s get strict this guy okay we got him constricted and then if I let

Go of them all the way in the sky up here watch bye-bye we can drop them from the sky okay let’s get super close to one of them and kill him he’s dead used all our energy but we got him okay let’s constrict this guy and

Bring him up we gotta be able to click him though that’s the tricky part ready got him ready and he’s dropped boom he’s done no dude I tried the Pearl away I didn’t have a water bucket there was nothing else I could do there’s one more here

Where oh there he is that’s unicorn man he’s back they must have beds we gotta figure out where they are though okay let’s kill him where’s he coming from there he is boom got him and let’s drop him into the lava there we go we’re gonna burn okay let’s go find their beds

Real quick okay we killed him oh what was that dude he just one shot me no let’s go Let’s Go sir pets are there somewhere down this tunnel see him down there oh I ran out of energy okay get into their beds is gonna be tricky okay here we go ready there we

Go we’re here bed broken we gotta kill him here ready oh God they’re doing a lot they’re doing a lot nice one no dude he’s done no dude one more to go and let’s poison them yes oh my goodness we killed them and their beds are gone we survived that

Crazy attack and the best part is all of my stuff survived wait yeah uh I think they’re gonna quit bro that poison is rough good I’m a snake I think I’m done no no no no no no no no no why are you done I think you you could more formally

Call it a rage quit come on man we give up dude 13 days you know what fine I will the snake wins well since the pest control agent squid that means surviving till day 100 is super easy the snake wins thanks for watching

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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a SNAKE in Minecraft


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  1. Not even 30 seconds and I have a comment: Pretty sure it's animal control, not pest control.
    0:32 What do you mean 'die easily'? You have 20 health.
    Is there any video where the creature he is stays small? Small and fast is far better than being a giant target.
    Anacondas are bigger than Boa Constrictors so the Boa being bigger than the Conda annoyed me.

  2. I love snakes to I have a pet black mamba and we named him moonlight yes we take him out but don't worry he's friendly after 2 weeks he won't bite or squeeze🎉😊

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