What does the Shiny Stone actually do? (specifically)

So, what does the Shiny Stone actually do? Well, if you look at the tooltip,   it says it “greatly increases life  regeneration when not moving”. And,   yes, that is true – it does do that, after all. However, you might not know that it does a little  

Bit more than just that – in fact, it actually  has six different and distinct effects that all   contribute to its healing abilites. These  aren’t mentioned explicitly in the game,   but they are real and true, and  as such we will talk about them. 

The buffs of the Shiny Stone are broadly divided  into two categories, which I’ll call “auxiliary”   and “main”. The “auxiliary” buffs are little  bonuses the Stone gives you when standing still,   while “main” buffs are the buffs that make  the Shiny Stone the Shiny Stone. Both of  

These categories of buffs are activated as soon  as you stop moving and stop firing your weapon.  The first auxiliary effect of the Shiny Stone  is a mitigation of debuff damage. If you are   being inflicted by a damage-dealing debuff,  like Poison, then standing still with the  

Shiny Stone will halve the debuff’s damage  over time. A small buff, but quite useful.  Following that, the second and third auxiliary  effects are very straightforward. The second is   just a simple +2 HP per second. This is equivalent  to the buff a Regeneration Potion provides,  

Or a Heart Lantern and Band of Regen combined. The third effect then adds an extra +0.5HP per   second on top of that if you aren’t losing  HP to a debuff. This is equivalent to the   healing granted by the Moon Charm  at night – quite a nice addition. 

Now, it’s time for the powerful main effects.  Unlike the three “auxiliary” effects,   which grant little buffs and bonuses, these  powerful main effects work by borking the   absolute hell out of natural regeneration. You see, natural regeneration is heavily based   on time. The longer it’s been since you’ve taken  damage, the more effective natural regeneration  

Is, in a semi-linear fashion. The Shiny Stone affects this   positively in three ways. First, it massively boosts the   rate natural regeneration ramps up, meaning your  natural regeneration will ramp up 400% faster.  Secondly, after a short while, it automatically  sets your natural regen timer to 30 seconds,  

Kickstarting your regeneration, skipping  the slowest parts of natural regen…  And third, it increases the natural regen cap from  60 seconds to 200 seconds, so you can sustain much   faster regen rates – instead of capping at  something like 10 HP per second, it can go  

As high as 50 HP per second, which is ludicrous. All three of these effects combine to turbocharge   natural regen, which is what you see when  you use the Shiny Stone. The first buff makes   sure your natural regeneration grows quickly,  the second buff avoids wasting time, and the  

Last buff allows your regen to climb sky high.  When you think orange sparks, you think this.  However, we’re not done yet. Aside from those  [six] effects, the Shiny Stone has two others   too. These are unique in that they apply only when  the user is moving or firing, not the opposite. 

That’s right, the Shiny Stone actually does  stuff when you’re moving, too! Granted, you’ll   be forgiven for not noticing, as these effects  are barely noticeable, but still, they do exist!  These two “passive” effects are  increasing natural regeneration by 10%,   and mitigating certain regen losses. The first natural regen buff is pretty  

Simple. It’s just a straight multiplicative  10% buff to natural regen. That’s it.  The second buff is a bit more complicated. You  see, on Expert Mode, natural regeneration is   actually halved if you don’t have any of the  food buffs active. Feral Bite also does the  

Same thing if you have that debuff active too. What the Shiny Stone does in these cases is it   lessens their penalties by 25% – that  is, instead of halving your natural   regeneration, it reduces it by 25% instead. These two buffs are perhaps the most unnoticeable  

Buffs in the entire game. They affect one of  the most transparent mechanics in the game only   in specific scenarios, and only by a slight  amount. Sometimes I wonder why these passive   buffs were added, but eh, I’m not complaining. So those are the six – no, eight – separate  

Effects of the Shiny Stone. It probably does  quite a bit more than you thought it did.  Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to make the  Shiny Stone a good accessory – regenerating while   having to stand still, not fire, and not get hit  is just terrible for bossfights where you move,  

Shoot, and often get hit.  There’s no way around that.  To me, though, it still is one of the more  interesting Expert Mode accessories. Maybe in   1.4.5, they’ll redeem it to be somewhat useful. Hello! If you enjoy my content, consider  

Subscribing, as only about a quarter of you are.  Related videos are on the left and right. Either   way though, thank you for watching, and  good day and good bye. See you next week.

What does the Shiny Stone actually do?
sometimes you read the life regen page too hard
100% pointless discord: https://discord.com/invite/yJrCt9YFz5

0:00 Intro
0:28 The six active buffs of the Shiny Stone
0:49 The three “auxiliary” active buffs
1:27 The three “main” active buffs
2:42 The passive buffs of the Shiny Stone (yes, they exist and barely matter)
3:52 Wrap-up

Terraria – Lihzahrd Temple
Terraria Calamity Mod Music – “Engineer’s Sanctum” – Theme of the Bio-center Labs by Heart Plus Up!

Terraria – Town Night


What does the Shiny Stone actually do?


  1. Shiny Stone is still nice to have in an vanity accessory slot so you can temporarily swap it in in-between fights for a quick burst of health unaffected by Potion Sickness. It doesn't even add any visuals to your character, so it won't ruin your fashion either.

  2. Re-logic could easily make the shiny stone much stronger by making the standing still buffs half as effective when moving insted of completly removing them .

  3. I can understand why relogic are kinda vague about some description, simpler is better unlike calamity with sometime half of your screen with text about some items but still like your video.

  4. It is useful in multiplayer, yuy are low health, you leave your friend alone with the boss (💀), the nurse is dead or too far, and you need to regen, use the shiny stone, and you are back at the fight in mere seconds, also i didn't understood anything in this video, might be the first time i don't understand a terrasteel video :c

  5. Shiny stone defenders when they realise that if they are in a scenario where they aren't getting hit they can just use a chair to regen or healing potions

    Post golem is a very niche stage and the only real use you can hypothetically get out of this is regenning before the last wave of old one's army if you got hit in wave 6

  6. please research one to unlock duplication T^T or i suppose this video was just that o.0
    in any case shiny stone good yummy accessory especially in co-op

  7. I always thought this thing was stronger than it looked. It's great to have it on you for quick regen while exploring, it's just not as good during boss fights.

    Unfortunately, you're likely done exploring after Golem, so its usefulness is limited.

  8. Personally, the Shiny stone should've just been another Golem Drop rather than an exclusive item dropped by Golem, so we could come up with accessory combinations

  9. Shiny Stone isn’t for bosses, it’s for camping invasion events.

    You wield the treasure magnet while standing in the safe zone of your farming traps, and just gather loot while having massive regen to counter any stray shots that hit you.

  10. Shiny stone ISNT a good accessory to carry around. BUT its an amazing accessory to quickly heal. For example on events you can just swap it from vanity and quickly heal before you next fight. It also helps on boss fights as you can heal to full if you die to the boss instead of wasting gold on nurse

    But its terrible overall. Solely good for niche scenerios but it makes it worth to bring it as a vanity accessory

  11. And THIS is why I love Terrasteel. Always showing us the in's and out's of obscure things that nobody ever even thought of 😂

  12. I always keep the shiny stone in one of the vanity slots and use it to regen after leaving combat so I can get back to it sooner, finding it most useful for jumping into and out of battle with pillars without waiting forever or splurging on the nurse.

  13. I typically keep a shiny stone in my inventory during the pillars, a very effective strategy is to go into the pillar zone, spawn a few enemies, then when you're low-ish health retreat to outside the spawning range and regen back to full with the shiny stone. Really useful if you don't have really good gear, like in a challenge run or something.

  14. one thing i found using dragonlens is that when using shiny stone and crimson armor it will regen at the same rate no matter how much health you have, this is unique because other regen buffs with crimson armor still only increase by 1 at a max rate, meanwhile with shiny stone and crimson armor it has no acceleration max and no number max (with 100hp it takes x time with 10000000hp it takes same time about. and another thing i found wiht this is that crimson armor multiplies/buffs shiny stone in some way.

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