I CHEATED With //PASTE in a DOGDAY Build Challenge!

Today we’re doing a dog day Bill challenge but what my friends don’t know is that I’m going to be cheating using SL slash past which lets me spawn in this massive dog day statue oh my goodness he’s so cute Gracie Gracie are you ready to this dog day Bill challenge yeah I’m prepared

With all these amazing traps that will blow you away not to mention some nuclear TNT wait you fre got started that’s totally cheating we only have 15 minutes to do this Build Challenge and whoever builds the best most secure dog day gets 100,000 Robux well don’t worry Jamesy I’m on

Your side I don’t want to build with Gracie anyways yes boys versus girls let’s go Lou bye Gracie bye and Lou the best part is in this Build Challenge I’m going to be shooting with SL slash p no way which let’s be spotted this massive dog day statue this thing is looking

Awesome do you know what happened to dog day in the actual game uh I don’t even want to know Lou no spoilers anyway like Gracie said we now have to fill it with ultimate traps and trolls so how about we start over here and put it in his

Foot you know what I have a brilliant idea all right Jamesy lay it on me I’m going to surround this foot here with some Hedges like this do you know what I’m making um some very nice pretty decorations well yes but I’m actually making a hedge maze have you guys ever

Been to one of those hedge mazes or maybe a corn maze wait I love hedge mazes uh one time I got stuck in it for like 15 hours and I had to get helped and there we go Lou we’ve made a really good maze but now we need to make it

Harder so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get a wooden hoe out like this and I’m going to hoe up this ground wait why are you hoing up the ground Jamesy after all we’re not making a farm but we’re making a maze go around and place

Down some wheat okay this will make it harder to navigate in the Maze because there will be tool stuff all in the way J why don’t we just use these corn seeds look I’ll just get some bone meal and I’ll bone meal this corn and look that’s

What I was talking about Lou I just didn’t know the name I meant corn I said wheat same aha sure thing look how annoying this is Gracie’s going to have no idea what she’s doing this is an ultimate trap and defense for our base because no one could find their way

Through this maze with out getting lost all right Lou while you’re finishing off this corn maze I think I’m going to go over to Gracie’s side and take a sneak peek to see what she’s up to okay and boom both ears finished now I’m going to make the eyes which are really

Scary and black just like this oh my goodness this is scary but I think it’s time that I start building my entrance cuz not only does it have to look good it also has to be super super secure so I’m going to make a secret entrance that goes underground

Which is something nobody will ever expect wait she’s over here she’s digging a hole you know what let me stand right here and listen into what she’s doing all right now that I have this underground tunnel I can make an entrance that goes into my base super sneakily wait guys she’s building a

Secret tunnel entrance and I bet that she’s going to cover this up to make it super duper hidden I have to leave some Clues so what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to get some orange tulips which is my favorite color ever orange

Is the best and I’m going to put two here like this that line up with the hole and then two over here which line up with the hole so when I come over to Gracie’s side later on in the video Because by the way we have to break into

Each other’s bases I’ll be able to see that the hole is where these tulips line up oh my goodness guys look at Gracie’s Bas it’s humongous but you know what now that I’ve controled her I could go back to my side and help Lou out all right

Great now I can put this trapo over like this which will help me because well then I can open these up just like normal trap doors even though they look exactly like grass blocks huh wait those orange tulips they weren’t here before were they I don’t know but they look

Pretty anyway let’s go work on the inside of my build and there we go Lou the First Defense on our house is done we are inside but what should we do in the next room how about some good oldfashioned lasers oh yeah you read my mind jamy

Let’s do it I want to do a laser tunnel that goes across here which is and I will put them like one here one here one here one here and one there is that enough lasers do you think I think one or two more there we go and then we

Need to put upgrades in these lasers cuz at the moment the lasers aren’t very good now they do away more damage plus it’s on fire and nothing can go wrong with that look ready go there and look how cool this laser is g j that looks

Like fun I want to try ow ow ow you absolute fool anyway now we need to replace the backs of these lasers with red wool because this is the stuff that’s going to help us power these lasers all right let me help you out with this I’ll do them on this side and

Now all we need to do is the red stone that will turn this red wol into redstone blocks whenever it detects Gracie moving by all right but how do we detect Gracie do we just put like a pressure plate or something no I’m doing complicated command blocks you’re just

Going to have to wait and see let me just do that real quick the first room I’m going to make them go inside is a puzzle room and it’s going to have a bunch of different colors like this on the wall and each color is actually a

Secret number the secret number for each color is going to be in this pattern right here which gives them the password to the Next Room room but first they’re going to have to kill all of these skeletons or at least try to survive now I’m going to put a keypad door at the

End of this room which is going to have the password that that Banner corresponds to and inside of this secret chest I’m actually going to give them some armor so that they can fight these skeletons let’s put them in like this and boom that should be enough now

You’re going to have to watch until the end of the video to guess what this password is and see if Lou and Jamesy are able to answer it correctly and now that we’ve got this Lou all we have to do is hook up some trip wires and some

Pressure plates and some string so help me get some trip wires like this across here and I’m just going to hook them all up all right let me help you out with this maybe we should make some of these trip wires go up into the air like this

As well it’ll power both of those lasers look all right and then we just need to hook these all up with some Redstone wire which I’ll do on this side right here perfect and then I just need to hook this up with a command block and

Some Redstone all right Lou step on a trip wire and let’s see what happens ready W now you can see while she’s trying to come over here every time she hits a trick bar she’s going to have to get activated which means the’ll any way across this lasers if she parkes her way

Over without activating any speaking of which I think it’s time to inflict some fear into their hearts cuz I’m going to go troll them what is this build why is James’s build so good it’s probably cuz he’s got Lou helping him well I think it’s time to

Turn this build into catnap instead of dog day cuz cats are way better than dogs I’m even going to spawn a bunch of cats all over his base and guess what they’re all going to survive because cats always land on their feet wo see not a single one died cuz cats are just

Better than dogs well I do have a Louis Special trap coming right up how about we do a lava Rising room lava Rising room wait what does that mean I don’t understand basically we do some Parkour all the way up a massive Tower and then we will rise the lava up while Gracie

Tries to complete it so she has to race up this Tower while evading lava that’s slowly following her y it’s super deadly and considering she’ll already be burning because of the lasers it’ll be even more funny that’s perfect let’s build this r no you know what just to annoy them even

Further I’m going to make a command block right over here and then I’m going to make it go on for infinite amounts of time by doing this repeater trick right here which will create a clock that goes take take this and get away get away

What are you doing Gracie get off of our lawn what is wrong with you guys the slapping is not okay I’m leaving oh Lou she spawn a bunch of kitty cats on our side these are super cute but they’re not what we want because we want doggy

Do and I just realized he’s pink he was orange before my favorite color and now here’s this ugly purple no it’s cuz he’s catnapped now he looks way better oh my goodness she was making a command block thing to spawn in more cats whatever let’s get rid of all this Redstone here

Lou and exterminate these cats yep we have this mob killer stick and we’re going to go around and get rid of these cats and guys comment down below if you like cats or dogs more I mean personally I have three dogs and a cat so I love

Them both wait Jamesy I heard that Gracie has a Cat in real life which one looks more like it this K cat over here looks quite similar to graci all right well let me do the honors die oh poor Bowser wait a second we forgot to change this we need to change

This back to uh orange concrete okay let’s do it and there we go Lou I think I fixed it goodness new but we need to get a jiffy on Lou and continue our traps we need to finish this lava’s Rising room all right do you want me to

Make some jumps going all the way up to the top yeah you said they have to jump up a tower avoiding lava right so you need to add in some jumps for them to jump on I’m also going to add some signs down here so no Lava leaks out when we

Start filling the room up when they jump over to this side of the room I’m going to make them Place something really fun it’s my favorite game and if you guys don’t know I’m creating a board right now this board is going to have three

Sets of lamps on there so first is this one second is that one and last is this one as you can see all of these lamps are actually battleships because we’re playing the game battleships each person will have three ships to place on their board and the other person will have to

Try and guess where they place them and if they get it correct then this lamp should light up like this which means that the person who got shot has to remove that that ship from their board because it has been sunk now whoever managed to sink the other person ships

All first is the winner okay sounds like a good idea I can’t wait to see how this ends up this parkour is so hot already why are you making it really really hard yeah take a look Jamesy it’s actually ridiculous wait you’re using iron bars those are some super skinny platforms to

Try and jump on to well you said make it hard so I did oh my goodness Lou you’re such a tricky man all right I’ve added all this here so I want to add it in some platforms so that if she fails to jump she doesn’t have to start all way

From the start you me all right Jamesy sounds good I’ll just uh help you with this platform here all right and then you just continue the parkour up from here so that’s the first room and the lava Rising room done and then you’ve got the second room and we’ll have three

Rooms I’m going to bring this wall all the way up to here well since this is a checkpoint after all I put a bed right here now quick let’s put a roof overhead so that we can make the next challenge first Jamesy and Lou are going to have

To reunite through the secret door right over here that’s going to allow them to come to this side of the room together then they’re going to have to find a secret clamber which is going to be in the very corner of this room right here

And it’s going to lead up to here and once they’re on the second floor they’re going to play my next challenge that challenge is going to be Dodge the cages which is going to be extremely extremely difficult here we go I’m going to create these paths over

Here and they’re going to be extra careful to not accidentally step on the wrong block or else they’re going to get trapped in one of these cages oh wait do you guys even know what these cages do if somebody walks over my cage like this then they’ll get instantly captured

Inside of a cage it will but I can’t demonstrate it on myself because it’s my cage but maybe I can demonstrate it with Jamesy or Lou but I’m going to have to be very very sneaky and then you make that like like that and then you go over

To get there and wait where am I supposed to go from here there you’re supposed to jump from here to there but you’re supposed to lift up this trap door so you have the space to jump uh Lou how am I supposed to jump to over

There there if you open the trap door it goes really thin and you’re able to jump oh my goodness that is tricky all right and then over to here bring that like that and then up to here and then there we go first room completed checkpoint

Come over to here oh my goodness Lou this is really tricky I am a master of building hard parkour and she’s got to do all of this while lava is following her that’s what makes it really tricky graci’s going to be so confused all right there we go to here to here uh

There we go and now is this one down here still possible it is but it’s very tricky yeah it is and then we make up to this room we do these jumps here oh my goodness this is really hard too over to here Bo oh that’s hard you can close the

Trapo to give yourself more space you know yeah okay going to there and then up to there and I did the lava’s rising room but Gracie doing that while lava is following her that’s going to be so hard we are good at parkour and Gracie just

Is not how about we now lead her outside of our base and we do something outside maybe we could do a plane race a plane race I love those things let’s do it come on come on come on all right let’s make a hole here and then let’s build a

Platform out of this orange concrete and we need to have enough space to fit in free sports planes and there we go sports plane right there sports plane right there and sports plane right wait a second Lou why is there an endite up there how did it

Get there I think they’ve noticed me oh no I mean maybe you could kill it I don’t know all right Lou well I’ve got this mob K stick from earlier with those kitty cats so I’m just going to exterminate this pest right Lou get me out of here I you get

Out me out damage I’m sorry Lou oh endite I got to leave I got to leave I don’t know Jamesy it’s terrorizing me I’m trying to get rid of this cage I bet that was Grazy as a disguise he’s always trying to troll us but they’re always

Annoying trolls all right we’re going to finish off this trap and then we’re going to troll it together all right so what we’ve got here is three Sports planes now we to color each one up and you know what Lou you know why we’re making each car a different color and by

Car is that because there are colors this one for Gracie this one for me and you yes but not only that it’s so that we know which one is filled with fuel and which one is empty wait a second did you make Gracie’s empty and ours fall

Yeah I’m going to fill up this tank here with lots of fuel you see ours we have 4,350 blocks of fuel that’s enough to travel all the way to like all the way over there to my house and back W that’s crazy I put in 300 blocks so now all we

Have to do is make a race around this base which is longer than 300 blocks and we’re good and Lou 300 blocks is not very far look you see here yeah that’s probably about 100 right so we just have to do a whole lap around our base and

She’ll run out F all right Jamesy I’m going to do something really cool though to make this race look awesome you know how we build Hoops for the races so you have to go through them I’m going to build something really awesome watch this I haven’t tried this before but I

Think it might be cool to try out all right here we go I’ll do this and then I’ll put this in here and I’ll put this right here I’ll place this going into it and then this creative motor like this to make it go on and off and now all I

Have to do is just make an orange circle like this but now the funny part is if we turn this on it spins around L how are we going to get in that if it’s spinning around well with strength and determination we have to make sure that we time it right and go

Through the middle I don’t know Lou I think you’re going to have to give us a bigger run up look how close that is there’s no way I can get in there I’m going to try go ahead jamy go ahead you can do this time it right time it right W I did

It but that’s really tricky we should make the other Rings a lot further apart to make it just you know possible all right Jamesy how about this um let’s make this one completely impossible what do you think of this what is that that’s impossible slow it down slow it down

Slow it down slow it down no no no no no you have to slow it down L I’m going to slow this one down to four all right L let’s make some more Rings how do we do this right well all you’ve got to do is

Use this creative motor a clutch and one of these mechanical bearings build one over here build one over here all right and then we just have to get the sticky stuff and get some glue and build a ring going around the circle all right I’ll do this

One Lou you go do the next one how about you make it um go over that way all right doing it now now once they walk through this ghost block right over here I’m going to lead them over to here which is going to be yep you guessed it

More parkour but you know I’m going to make it harder this time they always try to make the parkour as hard as possible for me so I’m going to make it more difficult this time as well using these objects ladders PES and bars all right I’ve got the parkour up and then I’ve

Got these bar jumps which are let’s just say they’re not going to be easy to say the least these bar drops are super difficult cuz it’s not really easy to land on these bars I mean look that was like two pixels wide and it’s super easy

To miss them then I’m going to make them do some ladder jumps which might be even harder than the other ones and boom look at this there’s no chance of playing fits through there I mean I’m going to test it out and show you how WR you are

Cool oh you can fit through that Gap R difficult ready through the second ring oh no this one’s hard this one’s hard go ahead J come on through the third ring all right let’s build some more Rings Lou we have to go all the way around the

Base okay and then to tie all together we’re going to make them do some fence jumps now once they finish that fence jump they’re going to jump back into this room in this next room I’m going to make them choose to do some mob battles

And when I mean choose I mean they have to choose between two different mobs and whichever one they choose they have to fight so I’m going to put a bunch of signs down like this which says this or that and on the left or right sides I’m

Going to put a showcase like this and one’s going to have that egg and one’s going to have this egg and they can’t really see the name of the egg until they’ve taken it out which means they have to guess based on how it looks so which one looks scarier this one which

Looks kind of stried like a bee or this one which was I don’t know I very we go the arrow is pointing up this way so it’s obvious that they have to land right here so let’s put in the platform for them to land on Lou all right well

Jamesy I’m making a little red area inside of the mouth just so you know where you have to land yeah oh my goodness that looks spectacularly spectacular how about we then add in a door but instead of doing a normal door we will add it an iron

Door but how are you going to get in the iron door Jamesy you can’t power it without redstone so once they complete the race they’re going to have to find a leather and that leather is going to be a torch down here see there a torch

Torch oh my gosh that is impossible to see and I’m going to make a barrier platform down here where they can collect the torch from and then we can add in some blocks like this and you know what just to throw Grace off I’m going to get a bunch of different pink

Blocks I know disgusting and we’re going to spread them about like here look one there one here and I’ll do one there do you know why I’m doing that Lou I don’t really know why are you putting pink in our dog day’s mouth well she’s going to

See that she’s going to need a key to get through this door right and she’s going to think that the key is hitting in one of these pink blocks but they’re just red herrings wait that’s actually kind of funny she can’t reach that one unless she just jumps off the edge yeah

And then she’s going to realize it was just a troll anyway once she gets through this door she’s going to be in here where we need to do the next trap are you seeing what I’m seeing oh yeah t we are so high up that this is the

Perfect place for a dropper and look this massive tube is where she’s going to have to drop down I’m going to put the occasional bucket of water nothing too much Lou we need to keep it minimalist sty let see if I can do this from here oh yeah that’s Mega easy

Jamesy I just jump over here we have to add in obstacles to make it hard to land into the water oh wait a second I think I have a good idea and what some of those obstacles can be yep you do a bunch of your own obstacles and I’ll do

A bunch of mine and we’ll see what we come up with at the end I’m going to add in some fans because fans push people which means when you’re falling look what happens ready I’m going to try and land this water ready land in the water

That’s right I get pushed to the side making it really hard to navigate down the tube oh James you totally stole my idea but it’s fine I’ve got something else I can do I’ll do some red and orange pill is going across well I’m going to put a bunch of spikes all over

The place this is going to make it so difficult and there we go I’ve added an absolute metric ton of fans wait Lou are these Spike platforms to stop her from landing on them yep just in case well even if I want to land on the cuz I

Get blown around making it really hard next I’m going to make them play a color game first I’m going to fill this bottom part up with lava and then above that I’m going to put a bunch of different colors like this boom there’s so many different colors on here guys and I put

All of the colors of wool right over here and I’m going to make them play a color game where they’re going to stand on these blocks and every second I’m going to remove one of these colors so they have to make sure not to fall or else if I remove the purple color

They’ll fall straight into the lava Jamesy I don’t know about you but this looks really hard uh I’ll try it right now but I can’t guarantee anything here we go ow I’m going to try it Lou I’m going to go straight for the middle one I reckon that’ll be the easiest go ahead

Three two what it’s not as easy as it seems I literally thought I had it let’s see can I do this jump I’m going to try going for this one over here now guys ready go ow okay Lou this is hard this is really he a very unpredictable dropper

All right I’m going to go for this one now come on come on come on don’t wor James no I’m going to try one more time I’m going to try one more time wait I did it that was not that bad that was not that bad Lou I did J I’m

Still going for the one in the middle watch oh no oh well Lou you know we said we’re going to go troll her so I think we should go and do that right now before we run out of time in this Build Challenge all let’s do it so let’s go

Through this W Lou and see what she’s up to and oh my goodness look at this giant Bell is it just a square why does it look like a fridge it looks yeah this looks terrible Lou not going to lie the build is absolutely dog but it’s not

About the outside Lou it’s about the inside that matters and if she’s got tons of op traps in there we won’t be able to complete it very fast and we will lose the 100,000 Robux I want to win 100,000 Roo I’ve got plenty of

Things I need to spend it on yep so you know what I’m going to do let’s morph into and in order to even get up to this room there they’re going to have to go up another one of these secret ladders that look exactly like wool blocks after

That they’re going to go up another one of these now I’m going to make them do a levitation Challenge and it’s going to be like a reverse dropper they’re going to Splash this levitation potion up on them and then they’re going to slowly go up and while they go up they have to

Dodge lasers and tons of other challenges and there we go Lou we are now a dog all right let’s sneak up the bat and see if we can find some of these traps look Lou you see these orange tulips I put down wait what are these

For well these line up to right here where there’s a secret entrance and look the Shadows they’re weird guys I can tell something weird is happening here it’s not so secret after all yep and now we’re in here and what is this room Lou this is crazy it seems like some kind of

Puzzle one n we don’t have the time to try and figure this out right now so you know what let’s just put a door right there to actually make it easier though just so Gracie might not realize let’s use one of these white doors like this

Oh so it looks part of the design perfect Lou the reason why we’re making these traps easier is so that when we come to break in later on we can speedrun this base way faster the quicker we get through this base the quicker we can get that Robux

Prize and then I’m just going to place these magma blocks with orange water right here so we get up here Lou what are you doing the chest I know it’s got stuck on my head help help put it down s boy all right I put it down Jamesy

Jamesy I just realized this is a battles ship’s room how about we put a camera on the side Gracie will be on oh my goodness Lou you’re a genius all right there we go I’ve got cameras on both sides she’ll never be a to know that

That exists and then we just link them up with the camera mons like this and then that way we can see both sides of the room and see what the people are choosing to do oh my goodness I’m looking at my butt and Lou we will put

It in the chest over here okay all right Lou what should we do for the a grazy’s right there Grazy put the chest down put it down oh no put the chest down why did that dog just pick up a chest oh they better not put anything suspicious in

There wait why did they just break a hole in here there was supposed to be a secret door here before Oh Jamesy oh no did that dog do it oh this is not good and is not good I have to change the position of the doors first and figure

Out who put them up to this there’s a camera here oh she’s on to us jamy she’s not was it’s fine she’s not going to high IQ to realize that that’s to cheat Dar she broke it I destroyed the cameras wait there’s another one over here too

Wait a second there’s one on that side and one on this side it’s so that they could see my side when I was playing battleships so that they would know where I put the ships that’s cheating oh Lou she destroyed our trap space okay she won’t realize that we also trolled the other

Rooms why are there dogs here I tamed one earlier but I sat him bark maybe I can tame them oh that’d be so cute she call us oh I can’t reach them I’m too big whatever let me see wait they changed my parkour oh somebody pull orange wool

Here instead of the magma blocks now I have to replace them she’s fixing everything woof woof woof woof woof woof woof who’s barking bark huh bark barkk those don’t sound realistic at all um she’s on to us I think um Lou I think this is the point in the episode

Where let me get this mom killer I’m coming out to get you guys do not get killed Lou do not get Lou run to the door where is she ah she’s right there spooky scary oh my goodness that was close Lou but we have have like 10 seconds left to this Build

Challenge so let’s quickly make some improvement SW base and then get going on yeah but you know what I think we should do we established this one over here is by far the easiest right so how about over here we put a ghost block underneath the water and make this the

Exit to the base Jamesy I feel like I just got eaten by dog day and then pooped out and we’ll put some slimes over here and basically if Gracie makes it this far then that means she has completed our base and she can win the build challenge but that’s not going to happen

Lou that’s happen yeah no we made this base way too secure I mean look at them they’re lit spinning where have you seen that before Oh graci I’m coming I’m coming all right you know the jig we’re going to break into your base and see how long it takes

Us and then you’re going to break into our base and whoever does it the fastest wins the Bild ch CH well Lou guess what our time starts go go go follow me Lou trying to kill me I know where the entrance is it’s over at the back isn’t it Gracie yeah because

You cheated somehow I know you did come on jamy come on Jam so what we have to do is look at these two orange tulips right here wait is that what they do and then they line up right here and this is where the trap doors are and I can pick

These up and move to the side and we are down R’s base all right okay you guys made it to my base well doesn’t matter Lou she didn’t realize that we trolled this room as well your plan works no way she doesn’t even realize that we replaced the door with a let’s

Go wait no she blocked it what are you doing you just blocked the door that’s cheating wait we’ve used 30 seconds let’s keep going all right uh clearly I know how this room works okay look each colored block has a number to it so blue

Equal 1 red equal 4 now no it we just have to put these colors in order blue white pink red and that will be the code to this password door okay so the code is blue so it’s 1 7 9 17 94 17 94 we did it Lou we completed we

Are puzzle solers all right Lou she got rid of our orange wall but in case you guys didn’t know as long as you crouch along these blocks they don’t do any damage to you I’m going to make it really difficult for you guys by Hing you guys every

Single you can’t kill us like that what it’s not killing it’s just part of the room sorry we’ve already used 1 minute 30 Jamesy I got this I’m going to run instead I’m running instead I’m running instead I’m running instead run then Lou Lou I’ll help you with

Another trick here if you hang off the edge of the block like this you don’t take any damage good let me do that oh my gosh this is really difficult go oh my gosh I almost got grabbed by that trap oh wait that’s not even the

Way we’re supposed to go okay well let’s just go down here oh Lou we’ve used 2 minutes and 20 seconds uh what what’s in this room Gracie hurry up well you guys stay over here I’m going to this other room cuz we’re playing battleships which means I have to destroy the battleship

You put on your side and you have to destroy mine Jamesy this is really bad we don’t have our cameras anymore I know and Gracie what’s the reward if we win if you win you get a special prize okay well all right let’s hurry up Lou all

Right I know the strategy for this game and I know exactly how Gracie plays this will be easy watch and learn okay look what I’m going to do I’m going to put them right here we’re going to put them right there and we’re going to put them

Right there it’s an OP strategy Lou that’s crazy it’s really risky but it has high rewards if it goes away all right great Z we are done and I got my bone arrow and I’m ready to take the first guess okay all right now on down

Here sorry but none of my lamps lit up which meant you guys didn’t hit anything all right well I’m going to shoot H how about right here um nothing happened no Jamesy Jamesy let me choose let me shoose oh I’m going to go right here oh

Nice try but no dice all right Gracie speed up speed up speed up I’m getting right here nothing nope I’m going right here no nothing Well I’m going right here no I’m going right here you hit something no yes we hit one right here we H right here okay well I’m going

Right there nothing I don’t think we’re going to go down to you guys got it okay then I’m going we ship right yeah you did I’m going right here yes Lou that’s the two uh we’re going to go right here no but you didn’t hit

Anything he okay I go here oh you just sunk on one block ship are you serious woohoo oh but our one block ship is the best one all right all right all right so there’s nothing here Lou how about right are you just going get a Rd

Pattern wait a second I think I know what James’s doing did I hit it Gracie or not well I’m hitting this one no nothing all right I’m going for this one one nothing all right I’m going for this one your turn oh no yep you hit us graci

Stop hitting us this is not good all right Lou I’m going to go up here nothing I’m going here you Ser oh JY she hit the middle of our ship okay okay okay no your turn Gracie oh wait no my turn my turn my turn I’m going to go here

Nothing are you serious I’m going up there she Su our ship you Su our free Block man all right all right it’s not looking good Lou it’s not looking good all right all right all right all right all right how about P next nothing are you serious I’m going here

No you missed all right wa before you shoot I just I just shot I just shot L I had a good guess I’m going here what’s your guess what’s your guess right here yeah that’s literally where I was going to go next uh right here nothing wo you guys

Terrible all right gra your turn I’m going to try right over here no what about down in this corner nope nothing right here right over in here no nothing all right right here let’s P boom wao you got one of my ships what well I

Don’t know where to go now I guess I’ll go right here nope nope all right Lou I’m going to go left B no way you’re so good Jamesy how did you know that well Lou the last one has to be either here or here so I think 100% that one yeah

Yeah yeah all right guys it’s your turn well I’m going to go right over H over here nope nope I’m here I’m going over here nope a sing no way you guys sck my biggest ship but now we we’re lock we’re left with one block ship it’s

Going be impossible it could be in any of these H well let’s just do an eeny meeny miny mo we could probably find the one right all right but it could be also over here but she already has two in this corner so it’s definitely like on

The top right somewhere that’s like uh let me see eeny meeny miny mo catch a baby by the this one this one this one this one this one all right Gracie is it here oh that was way too close Noe it wasn’t what all right your turn well how

About this one right here no nope how about uh that top right nope sorry oh she said it was very close before James it could either be this one or that one it’s here I think this one I think this one your turn Gracie okay right here no

What about this one you guys got it no way look where our last ship was look where our last ship was all right I’m looking oh wow very interesting yeah we put all of our ships right next to each other but Lou that’s a problem we wasted

9 Minutes on that room we need a you guys better hurry but what’s our prize what’s our prize what’s our prize I give it to you now or should I wait for you guys to get out of this cage uh give it to me now is going to

Prison Jamesy wait up there grab it gra it no it’s empty and I just got trapped job James gra what’s the price the single time you guys get caught in a trap you guys lose a prize so you guys don’t have any prizes anymore all right

J i got this are you ready you serious bom here we go all right so look guys these are traps and they get when we stand on them so we have to be care yeah don’t stand on them because if you guys stand on them you have to restart oh

Yeah gra well this is really easy so I don’t have to restart me and Lou are experts you have to stand in the middle of the Trap which makes it easy come on jamy hurry up bo bo bo Lou you pushed me you stupid boy CAU again are you so bad

Well you know here’s the thing we don’t even have anyes anyway you stole them from us let’s you even find the real exit that’s not even a real exit so good luck how was this not a real exit are you serious it’s just a normal pink

Block y nice try but you guys missed something along the way where is the real exit supposed to be maybe one of these like a chest or something what where I see it I see it there’s barrier block that’s right it’s barrier blocks look there’s barrier blocks right here I

Can’t place a red wall there there’s barrier blocks oh so we have to go across this way it’s very difficult to see the barrier blocks from here though yeah because barrier blocks are invisible Lou you stupid no it’s okay don’t worry I’ll save you Lou come come

On out over here all right over here jump to the barrier block don’t step onto another cage I found the check Che all right nice checkpoint Now quickly sleep in those beds you can set your spawn point cuz if you die from this you don’t want to restart from the beginning

I don’t die cuz I’m a parkour expert um I am not though all right all right I made those jumps there those were easy this jump at the end is really hard um you sure this is even possible what do you mean it’s not possible just run over

The iron bars it’s really easy buddy what do you mean run over the iron bars I can’t I did it first time I just skipped skip skip skip just skip the middle one just jump and Skip all right let me try that again so jump jump jump

Oh my gosh this one here is a free Block jumper but it’s Fen is making it basically impossible but I did I got this all right Lou we’ve used like 1 minutes you need to speed up can you stop dying please all right guys here’s another bed for your spawn point cuz you

Guys are going to be dying a lot today this or that so we have to pick mobs that we have to fight yeah but I would probably look through those chests on the right first oh I found an iron sword oh I found a corruption sword all right

Let me look for armor and weapons okay I’m going to look around here how long do we have to look through this chest graci do we can just spend as much time as we want you have 10 seconds what 10 seconds I don’t have any armor let’s

Spend as much time as we want remember it’s a Time challenge so we’re wasting time that’s up to us okay you guys don’t waste your time we’re going to spend 30 seconds L we’re going to spend 30 seconds that’s all we time for oh come

On there’s nothing in here I got a full Spider-Man set I got a full Spider-Man set I can’t find anything da give it to me I will get me just look for the last piece I can’t find the last piece Lou look around here I looked at every chest

And they were all empty how are you finding things oh okay Lou here is the Superman armor it honestly might be better than my SP actually you know what your Superman armor is way better than my Spider-Man armor thank you Jamesy look I can fly now wait swap swap right

Now swap jamy wants the swap so that’s not fair I gave that to you fine do you have a weapon do you have a weapon I do yes all right well whatever Lou I’m still better than you I have better armor better sword I’m going to win and

I’m going to do this all right Gracie do we have to do the this and that now choose which spawn egg you want to take but you can’t look at the name you just have to look at how it looks like all right Lou I have a feeling this left one

Is a a killer be and this right one is a mutant gra either that or a pregnant Gracie I don’t think I want to fight pregnant Gracie I think no I think we should do the Gracie one all right then let’s do it come on oh it’s pregnant

Gracie stage three that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine all right uh the left one or the right one I think we should do the right one oh really well sure if you think so choo choo CH oh no all right and then the again cuz pregnant

Speaker wife this one is an Ender Golem and this one is an Ender Guardian the Ender Guardian is way stronger than the Golem the Golem is like an iron golem whereas this one’s like right do the Golem yes all right gra I’ve got my four

Ms all right Lou let’s do them in ers choo choo Char I’m ready jamy die choo choo Charles yep easy peasy all right pregnant Gracie next Lou get the pregnant I think I’ll let you deal with that you know what J I’ll use my superhero Powers she’s yelling at me to

Wash the dishes Lou this too scary I can’t do this I more kids get away from me get away from me I only want one child please no twins oh guys you have to kill them eventually all right I’ll kill her and the Golem JK let’s just speak wi

First speak is easy to kill and the Golem andry J I’ll save you no wait you have to put it down you have to kill it let’s kill this thing ha oh my goodness oh wow he does a lot of damage but not enough damage also way I

Think I found a secret ladder good job pushed me into a secret ladder we killed him why do I need the secret ladder I can just do this oh true then we can just fly com over here guys each time I see a color that color is

Going to disappear so you have to make sure to not be standing on that block are you guys ready okay it’s a color battle I understand Lou we need to speed up though cuz we’re running out of time P wall that was way too fast gra you

Have to give me more notice well you guys have to be faster black wall black wall easy the first round’s easy Lou cuz there’s not that many colors okay Brown Wall wait she did it before she said it I she keeps doing that white wool ohou I was just perished I’m fine I’m

Just standing in between four colors orange wall I’m between that the one I was on that was the one I was on all right lime wall wo okay okay oh no Lou there’s not many colors left there’s not many colors left blueberries I was hoping that would

Confuse you guys this one this one this one okay guys I got to keep moving Wo oh my goodness there’s only two colors left okay ready for this guys I’m ready no no wa I’m going to beat you I cannot be knocked back I’m Superman how is that fair Gracie he’s got no knock back ready for the last one guys light

Blue I’m sorry JY all right boys welcome to my next room which is a reverse dropper a reverse dropper all right I’ll play along and use the levitation Don’t splash them these are lingering potions which means we can share one easily but wait wait wait let’s so we have to go up

There where’s the hole it’s over there let me take a look Jamesy uh oh wait never mind I can’t fly anymore what that’s because you’ve been clear all right well uh Lou we’ve already used up like 20 minutes so we should get’s 3 2 one and let’s go oh my

Goodness get I got 42 seconds how much did you get I got 44 seconds come on let’s go and also don’t go in the fans jamy be careful jamy there’s a fans oh I didn’t even see the fans okay Dodge the lasers guys we have to ow

Ow here H oh no I already have 20 seconds left come [Applause] on we have to go all the way up the way I might not have enough now you can make it just believe you better hurry oh I forgot about that oh my God

JY you failed me up L bring me up okay Lou you can have a levitation potion again and you can throw this down onto him okay okay here you go Jamesy and I made the top so stop the clock stop the clock all right gra I’ve

Got the results me and Louie took 22 minutes to complete your Bild that’s a lot of time that is a lot of time now Gracie if you can complete our build faster then you win the one 100,000 Robux I’m going to go wi it now let’s go

All right well Gracie uh your time starts now is this like a sunflower maze what is this no it’s not it’s a corn maze I can’t really see wo the Corn’s really tall care they could be spooky scary car why you do that it scared me are you

Sure you going the right way gra you sure you don’t go to a dead end well I mean I’m not sure at all I can’t go into F5 mode or see anything um she picked the right route straight away how is that I’m so good whatever okay wait what

Are these trip wires for well just touch them and see what happens something suspicious okay I guess I’ll give it a go like okay never mind I do not want to be standing on those strip wires youve already used 55 seconds of your time hurry okay let’s make sure to jump

Over no and unfortunately for you there was no checkpoint before the maze so you have to do it again TI are you serious I don’t even remember which way I went anymore this is terrible all right try again gra can I have a checkpoint right here

Please all right can she do these jumps oh she’s so badly she step on them I’m not even on the trip wires I know she just set on it again okay jump over them I’m going to take a pause right here so I can heal up cuz I don’t want to die to

The lasers okay oh I didn’t even she’s so bad it’s the whole block grae not just the string the whole block that’s crazy okay I made it did she did it well she has already used 2 minutes and 50 seconds so Gracie guess what this

Room is a lava Rising room yep L to the lava quickly rise rise rise rise ready 3 2 1 love is rising oh here we go all right L undo undo buddy all right greasy try again here we go all right where do you have to go

Nice okay and D there are checkpoints at every like 10 blocks so you just have to get to the checkpoint all right this one is hard what am I if you put that up it’s a lot easier I’ve got it for you don’t worry put it up Grazy there we are

All right she can make that jump oh no oh Tricky Tricky well Gracie you respawned but you’re wasting time already 4 minutes and a half so you better hurry up all right I’m coming over all right there we go this is should be easy just have to make sure

You don’t hit your head and there we are onto this one here nice wait she’s on a roll Lou Lou she’s on a roll rise that lava rise the lava L rise the LA no can she does she know how to do these does she doesn’t she doesn’t seem to know how

To do this she hasn’t opened the one that before I don’t think she knows what she’s doing Louie yeah oh she made it she used her brain all right you get 10 seconds to go Gracie before the lava Rises to the next room all right here I

Go oh my goodness here we go there we are you did it you figured those ones out Lou three La all right this this bit is hard you have to make it to that platform there Gracie there we are all right and then go back that way come on

Lou keep Rising that lava R lava speed it up oh no oh and she rushed she rushed she she skipped a block I didn’t know there was a head hitter all right right lava’s Rising hurry up hurry up I can only type commands so fast Lou we need

To burn her to Chris we need to waste her time on this room all right she now knows there a head hitter she has make a one block jump and she fails it Lou this trap is so perfect we’re wasting so much of our time in it I no we’re going to

Get that robu easy and then I’m going to have so many tot Tower Defense units 1 hour later this is the tricky one she’s struggl on this but she knows she can do it she just has to oh she’s on the last stage another checkpoint please I’m bringing it I’m bringing it checkpoint

In checkpoint in 5 4 3 2 one lava’s Rising all right she has to do the slime block over to this fence here oh what yes she does it perfectly and only got to rise this lava come on no oh Lou she made it past the room but she’s used 9

Minutes butou she’s already halfway to my building she’s only used we used 22 we got to stall her all right gra before you start this you have to let me explain you have to go through each hoop and if you mess up a hoop AKA you don’t

Go through it you have to go back to the star yeah be careful you got to go through all the Hoops all right Gracie let’s see you go W in space ah he goes she missed a checkpoint she missed she missed you have to come back there not

Enough energy for this one to stay that high instantly from the start that’s just not how it works why you why did you just well Lou she killed herself she has to go again wait a second Lou I think I know what’s happened she hasn’t realized

Yet see I do you know why your plane stopped working yeah because there’s no fuel yep we fueled it with only 300 blocks you got switch planes switch planes great use the Lou plane all right she’s doing it now she’s doing it now she’s doing it now if you

Get through three of those you can skip one that’s it go down nice all right take your time Grazy take your time there’s no need to rush uh this one’s the hardest one oh she missed it she missed it she has a fly back around she

Has a fly back around all right she’s got it she’s got it she’s got it she’s got it she’s NOS what she’s doing now oh she’s on a roll oh she’s through it she’s through it she’s through it she missed she has to go back to the

Start all right Grazy let’s try this again except if you can do three in a row I won’t make you start from the start I’ll make you have to just do the Ming the ring you missed okay okay okay sure so if you do the next one if you

Can do the next one I’ll just make you redo that one cuz that spinning one in that D is really hard she’s through all right if you miss this one you can just go loop back around all right loop back around and just do this one again all

Right she’s coming back in for the hoop oh wo she did it all right now she’s onto the stationary ones all right she’s through that one can she go through this one over here though it’s a bit things oh my goodness up top now Gracie can she go through the mouth of the

Dog she has to go back around you have to go back around all right all right all right all right all right and she’s through congratulations Gracie wasn’t that fun that was not fun at all well you’ve used 17 minutes and you have to get through this door you have five

Minutes to complete our base otherwise you lose where is the key I’ve got to find something like a lever or something but hm why there’s so many pink blocks up here that’s suspicious Lou she’s feeling right into our blood love H I’m going to try see if this pink

Block does anything you said this was going to happen she’s going to jumped first she going to die oh wait I on slime all right gra don’t forget to set your spawn point here just in case you decide to jump off the platform again but right Gracie that

Pink block was a red herring it’s nothing in there well I mean wait a second why is there a torch lever underneath this block right over here wait it’s a barrier block no way no Lou she figured it out but she won’t know how to get back up though well I have an

Orange all that’s cheating that’s cheating well whatever I did all right oh no oh no she’s still got four and a half minutes left until she beats our time all right well set your spawn point here grease and try the hardest dropper we’ve ever met I set my spawn point and

Now I’m going to jump into that middle one over there I think that one’s the easiest to go for for wait a second there’s a little bar right above it well I’m not going to go for that one then I’m going to go for the one actually

That’s closest to me but oh wait the wind just blew me away here we go wait there’s an iron bar there if she just Dodges the iron bar L she’s got it oh no the fans are blowing me in the opposite direction here what if I try to jump it

From this angle right here oh the fans came again I know right wait how dides she do that oh she has a minute and a half to complete our base and there’s only one more trap left um Gracie would you like a cup of tea I want to find out

Where the next trap is where is it h nowhere wait a second I it’s down here somewhere Gracie Gracie no no no get away from this one get away from this one no no no yeah don’t go this one no oh Gracie you beat us by 20 seconds are

You serious fine I’ll send you 100,000 Robux just don’t spend it on Brook Haven I won’t actually I’ll give it to Lou so that he can make a lots of lots of toilet skiy videos wait what no way okay we’ll have fun with that Lou all right

If you guys enjoyed that video then make sure to watch the next to your screen and we’ll see you then goodbye byebye

I CHEATED With //PASTE in a DOGDAY Build Challenge!

Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

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Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie


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