Stardew Valley Randomizer – Part 1

Hello welcome everyone Moon shade thanks for the 13 stardo is back again this is probably if we don’t count like marbles I mean even if we do count marbles maybe this is now like the third most I’ve played a game on the channel I mean I don’t know marbles has

Like so many streams but it’s always like small streams clire thanks for the four ardic thanks for the prime bit why is my bit rate down is that concerning are we good why is it red on my screen s could AFF four I quit s no I don’t

Know it says I’m at 6K and it’s red I don’t understand what that’s about do they change how that looks is it just red all the time now I don’t know why it’s doing that that’s weird usually when it’s red that means you’re having issues but it says I’m at 6K

So I don’t know what it’s it’s on about anyways if you didn’t know there is a stardew valley randomizer you can see here the more random Edition is what I’m using junimos um so you might be wondering what even gets randomized well let me let me find the list of things oh

Wait no it’s on it’s in game I can find it well it is a lot of things Community Center bundles is a big one so the community center is going to be completely different crafting recipes skill level requirements birthdays NPC item preferences crops trees fish monster stats monster drops

Weapons there’s all sorts of things even the music seed of the week JoJo Mart item of the week and of course we’re leaving all of this on so there there’s a bunch of stuff so I think it’ll change the game enough to be like interesting I think I’ve played this

Game enough to kind of know what’s going on so that we can uh actually uh try and survive this randomizer I think it’ll be cool so that’s the plan I think I don’t think any everything was a randomizer thing there I think uh some of those were just

Settings anyways I still have the furry mod on obviously randomize the character I’ve also actually got even more mods to make this even better that will be able to uh show off once we spawn in I’m just trying to randomize to something decent the Juno nois I know what that noise is is Now yes clearly the I don’t even know what this is it’s like the duck Nose I don’t like the green I mean I’ll play around with this more once we get in here welcome to the stream everyone we’re just going to be randomizing a character the whole time I can’t help Myself uh the duck nose dude is that even what that is Okay I’m just going to settle for something soon so we’re not here I’ll all year I lied I lied uh next like one that’s somewhat even Decent sure is that like a bow Time I can customize this more once we go in so this is uh I don’t know what should I what should I name my character I have to name these things yeah we Pi a different Farm getting ahead of yourself There r I’m the OM Miser Farm favorite thing can be perogi the people are suggesting that all right what farm should we go to I don’t like that that says sprinklers don’t work we’ll do river oh my controller is not plugged in we got pomio seeds whatever the heck that is model ship I don’t think I wanted to

Pick that Up radiant thanks for the 16 so we are here everything’s looking pretty normal so far or is it listen chat I have installed more things so we can have things like ears and antennas where the there’s a lot of ears later on I think here these ears

I just wish uh I knew what color I could just like match the color to the rest of the body so that’s hard to do like that’s not quite right I mean as long as it’s close enough and there’s also tails and wings and [ __ ] there’s some crazy stuff

I forgot what this mod is called it’s uh animals and mythological creatures stuff that’s what it’s called Flying Gabriella thanks for the raid I just need to have some kind of tail it’s important yep nine tail I think I’m going to go with something more subtle furry mod has become even

More furry I going to change the hair I don’t like the hair color let’s change it here I don’t goes with blue though orange I don’t know if I like the orange orle purplish there’s also like silly hats can have like a bird on my head frog freaking

Owl junimo why is this why do I feel like this junimo is huge should I have a silly hat should I just have a frog on my head Flying Mustang thanks for the five months the Juno is like huge that’s my only issue with it it’s kind of distracting so the Farm’s still in the same spot it’s just there’s more like water and stuff oh there’s a lots of water can you actually get fish here now that’s kind of

Cool junimo am I really going to keep you on my head this whole entire time I mean I can always I can always switch it around yo snow yams it’s definitely snow I wonder like if I get crazy stuff on the ground like not even just fruits I don’t know how crazy the

Randomizer is maybe it just guarantees that they’re always uh something somewhat normal on the ground anyways I guess we’re going to get some crops justic car thanks for the four right I forget you need to use axe on these game’s pretty quiet I don’t the title screen was super loud I think

That’s just a bug with the mods though like my title screen is always way louder than everything else it wasn’t like that when I didn’t have mods on well I’m not going to be able to freaking hold anything can I make chest I need coal for a chest but I have all this

Crap I don’t know what to do with all this I don’t have in space I’m used to having inventory space did I pick what animal I was getting I didn’t right it’s just random I guess frog I mean you can suggest games but pretty low chance I’ll play it I don’t

Know I usually just play what I want to play I could like build this as if I have Sprinklers and then when I get sprinklers I could just work them in it’s like I do like this Frick I have bad aim that’s the smart way to do

Things anyways I have like a billion things I don’t even have like a fridge to put anything in for some reason I thought I had some crazy like glob with seeds in it but that’s just the junimo I guess I can plant some stuff are these like real

Seeds of like a plant in the base game cuz I don’t know what Pomo seeds are I don’t remember pomio seeds This is like a new plant that’s been randomized into the game okay I wasted like all my time do you like Rog likes no winter root why is it all winter stuff is this just a muscle there’s a peach over here I can’t hold any of this stuff I guess

Like it’s all food and stuff on the ground that’s what it seems like I what to get rid of May I’m already having inventory problems I guess I don’t really need that thing um can I just throw [ __ ] on the ground and pick it up like will it stay

Here is that how it works dude it just picked it up it just picks it up automatically how do I do this you can’t do this how do I get rid of stuff this is off to a great start how do you throw no I’m trying to put it down so I

Don’t lose it nobody knows how to do this cuz I can’t make a chest yet I guess I got to get coal to do anything but I can’t get coal cuz I have full things okay it’s like it’s hard to do you got to be so fast with

It whoa there’s water up here too wait is this area changed up here now the cave is like tiny no this is the same it’s just my little path out of here frick I’m stupid dude I put these right in the way where I have to walk okay let’s go check out the Shop you guess I can talk to people too well a lot of people’s birthdays are pretty close together I got here too late dude I’m so slow I didn’t even get here on time wow it’s fine I planted stuff I was having I was having issues with uh trying to drop things it’s

Okay what is happening with the characters you clearly haven’t seen any of these streams but a furry mod Shane just going to try and talk to everyone cuz it it they’re all like question marks until you talk to them can’t really do a whole lot on the first day right everything’s like

Closed lots of peaches oh wow that’s actually normal over there is there normally a pink bird here I don’t think the birds are usually pink maybe I’m just overthink It what can I buy Here seems like the normal oh wait this isn’t normal right Miner Street I think some of this is different foods but it’s all food still I’m not going to be able to make friends with anyone because I needed the wiki to be able to do that

And I’m going to be screwed since all the gifts are randomized whoa what is this song I wasn’t expecting this to happen at night time oh why did it restart restarts every time I under load here I’m going to sell some fruit okay make a bit of

Money this is not the gentle night music I’m used to can you turn the music down I’m trying to sleep oh yes farming that’s what happened to get to get those I keep finding cool stuff my backpack is full yeah I know I know fishing trip yeah let’s do some fishing also I’m going to actually buy some more seeds today instead of completely forgetting I guess I’m just leaving this Juno in my head just want to leave that There name the junimo June gaming jeans thanks for the six months in advance jeez you’re really subing in advance there when do you get uh whoa okay there’s just a sea urch in here that makes sense when do you get community center access not yet day five wow everything takes so long I

Forgot a randomized trash let’s see if you like this awesome I love this stuff Alex loves muscles I think that’s what that was we found something that someone actually likes already off to a better start than the actual game was for me it took me so long to find anything that people actually

Liked this time I got got a first try hello do you like my junimo want you to have my old fishing rod am I just going to be able to like catch the legendary fish at random cuz there is randomized fish I wonder if it affects those as

Well whoa gaming jeans thanks for the 10 thank you fishing time oh my gosh my bar is so tiny I’m not used to this at all linky what the hell is this wait is are these just like completely new fish what the heck is that thing oh trash is still here of course

Oh trash is still here I’m just going to eat Seaweed oh jeez fishing is so hard now fishing so hard at the start of this game that no it’s so Hard dude fishing sucks going to go buy some seeds I talk to you yet Squid Ink what is it 13 squid ink for 660 that’s pretty random tomasi seeds a romatic Lily Lily I said Lily pup Lily lip seeds myar an seeds po of Plum seeds boys and re seeds Kaku

Corn what is all this stuff Pinelli seed sapling to my SE seed sapling crocus sapling void Essence sapling that’s pretty badass celestian sapling Le bobber sapling the fishing bobber grows on a tree I like how this has a smiley face very cool trees I need 2K you’re not like purple things you’re

Going to like something random like a joa cola what were you thinking this is awful I don’t know it’s randomized you could like anything these they could like grass you never know someone could like grass right thanks yes em didn’t mind the grass uh let’s buy some why is this so

Cheap these look so weird I’m going to buy toas siai seeds whatever the hell that is grass quotations wow you can’t just be a grass in Enthusiasts guess I could have got a little more stuff but that’s Okay let’s do some more fishing I don’t know how to leave my own Farm okay is this place Open well you can’t actually check anything yet grass randomizer I think I think the starting Rando needs to be more Rando to the point where like the grass and trees are random uh it’s on Nexus mods that’s where I found it fishing is the hardest thing ever with the old rod and no

Add-ons What starfish why is it called the pans Freshwater starfish discovered oh my God please it’s the hardest thing ever got another prand I mean certain things seem to be have new additions with like random names and and Sprites and stuff like plants and fish I wasn’t sure if they were just going to be like swapped around with

Other things but it seems like new things have been created wa look at this a toxic kpit apparently starfish are the only thing in this Lake 33 in it’s huge whoa look at this guy Peri Peri is beautiful Peri my beloved there’s some very interesting fish apparently very close to perogi let

Me what I probably should have done is G got coal so I can make a chest probably still have time wonder if like the money is randomized like can I just have a fish that’s super expensive maybe Peri will be like $10,000 that would be fair and balanced I talk to you

Yet you want to rock is it am I overestimating how random it can be do they not like scrap still I don’t think anyone likes rocks and like grass and stuff I thought it was just like completely random like it could be anything maybe I’m wrong cuz it seems like nobody likes

Rocks and Grass except Emily apparently oh I can’t go to the mines yet who the hell is this I’ll help you yo do you want a rock you’re not going to want a rock I’m not even going to try it there’s no way you want a rock nobody wants Rocks when is joa close probably now no it’s still open what do you got here green algae thank you very cool fro whoa the night music I guess this is consistent this happens every time why is there just no music here oh know it’s a very like ominous ambient track there’s some music

Emily doesn’t normally like grass I don’t know it’s making me think like there’s some prevention to Super normal common items being liked by them maybe not though maybe I am just unlucky yo Peri there’s some money uh it randomizes a bunch of stuff I have every setting on that you can have on

Did those die those aren’t dead right why do they look dead on my head a junimo that I said I was probably going to take off cuz it’s distracting and I just left them on the whole time what do you do on Wednesday the first Wednesday is there anything new to do nothing

Worm really clay that’s not very wacky and cool whoa octop pass octopath traveler oh wait that’s that game’s called octopath close enough oh yeah 1.6 is soon I didn’t even get through nearly all the stuff that’s in base game so I’m guess I’m less excited but it’s cool that there’s more content being

Added there’s no way I get this guy this guy’s crazy oh I want that no 30% that’s a lie though I got through like 60% clearly I’m not a penguin yo coal how much coal did I need I need four whoa look at this thing grew up here there’s so much different fish

Narwhal guess we’re just fishing today damn it I don’t know what kind of fish that is cuz I can’t catch it why do I got so much questions about hasbin hotel I saw like the pilot I think what is this a cat what is this Cutthroat hob did I just catch a a

Cat is this a catfish okay eat it no I’ve not eaten the cat i f guy is there anything else I can do today besides Just Fish I guess I can gather resource clean up my farm a bit to be honest I never really used more than this little

Section in my actual farm so the added like water is just kind of a help because there’s more places to fish like this little section of dirt here is how much I’ve ever used is my grandfather’s tomb over here still I still never figured out what this

Was I will rise again on the third year it’s so insane wait for my return I actually got somewhat close to that on my main file maybe I should just go back to my main file so I can see what happens when my grandfather rises from the dead

Okay I’m now out of energy too trying to throw all this stuff away I guess we’ll just go to bed I don’t know not sure what else to do on Wednesday 450 I don’t think these are dead because they’re not like don’t they normally go like they nor like make a

Noise hey are dead why’ they die what why’ they all die no scarecrows can I even I can’t even make a scarecrow yet what the heck why did my plants die I thought they all said spring I want to like see more things it takes so long to do anything wow Rock

Cherries getting sick of this one song I don’t know why it like it Loops it doesn’t Loop consistently like you leave a room and then it starts replaying again that’s the annoying part oh stop now it’s just like creaking noises for some reason can only be grown indoors that’s

What it is what the hell okay I got to actually read things that’s the only thing that keeps growing afterwards I guess I’ll buy some po Plum Frick my inventory is full do you want a these AR muscles right yeah do you want a muscle this my alltime favorite let’s

Go I already found someone’s favorite thing why does everyone like muscles so much oh it’s Clint’s birthday tomorrow time to try and give Clint a gift and end up making him depressed on his birthday wait there was coal there I wasn’t even looking the creaking noises dude oh there is coal

That’s a lot of money for coal but I guess I’ll take one what’s that noise I can make a chest now let’s go my run is saved wow just enough I mean one of the spots went away but that’s okay oh you don’t like this piano note I think this is a nice

Song it’s like see the same ad it kind of you could use the song on an ad everyone join us at jojamart because jojamart at jojamart we care about you the customer we want to give you the best experience possible jojamart here for you here at jojamart we believe

It the C putting the customer first that’s why we’ve got the lowest prices and the best products come to Jojo Mar where you are the customer and that means that you are important joart get over here right now you freaking degenerates here at jojamart no I’m going back to the creaking noises

They’re more comforting ads two three of 567 you want more muscles everyone loves these very nice of you okay that wasn’t a love but at least it was still positive reception yam that’s not a yam whatever you want this a rot it’s your absolute favorite there’s no way I’ve already found

Two y’all are so easy to please this game is easier the red makes this easier you have no idea how long it took to find something anyone liked in the base game I had to like look up the wiki cuz everything I gave them they hated and it made them

Depressed and the Rando they love everything apart from like rocks and grass mostly wait is it your birthday today or is it tomorrow I Forgot tomorrow yeah the mod’s awesome I was like I was considering just taking it off for the Rando but I’m like I can’t do that especially after I found the uh the like tail and ears and stuff here at jojamart we believe in using the same song for all

Of our ads so that it’s more memorable to you the Watcher I’ve permanently ruined the song for everyone I don’t even know where the song normally plays it’s a nice song but now I can’t just now I can’t think of anything besides the JoJo Mart ads oh right I didn’t water half the

[ __ ] that would be uh smart does that used to having like Sprinklers and stuff you expect me to do the watering it’s too much Work actually I got a Um very recently I got a USB like piano keyboard whatever I got like a little mini piano I’ve been playing around with that I’ve been learning like lost call songs on the piano so I can actually just play them maybe I’ll do that a bit 44 in like diameter this thing is

Massive maybe during like BRB I’ll uh I’ll play it a bit just to see just to show it off here JoJo Mar we care about the environment that’s why all JoJo food products are guaranteed to be at least 13% plastic free you’re a jojamart we believe in Saving the

Environment we do our we do our part by removing microplastics from the waters and putting them in the foods that you eat just another way to help clean out the oceans the ads are finally over chat time to rock out and more toxic kpets maybe I should have kept the trash

Because the trash could potentially be someone’s favorite thing oh this goes hard yeah Play it Again Play it back encore I think that the fish are asleep cool trash spree I’m going to gift those to someone I’m trying to sleep this these stupid neighbors Dude bluring music at 10

P.m. wait what oh the toxic kpets I was like why is it why’ I get 500 from a broken CD day five we can do things now duck wait is that mine hello ran you see this duck here I have a duck found it sitting outside the

Entrance to your farm I think it’s a stray poor little thing a stray duck that’s called a duck why is it meowing I think it likes this place hey um don’t you think this from could use a good duck yes it could um what do we name this meowing Duck cat G I like gate well little gate you be a good duck now okay Meow gate my beloved where’s gate already has they’ve already flown away and joined the other ducks All right we can go to the mines let’s Go let me water things first there’s a tick on my head no that’s just June here at joj Mar clay I’m going to gift this trash to people I’m sure someone will like it I like you can already get ducks in this game so I just have an extra duck that’s

Like not in the actual duck pen yo looking looking swag junimo with the glasses on I was hoping I I would find someone to gift the trash too but everyone’s asleep so now I’m just carrying trash around it’s Clint’s birthday right Clint can get trash do you want these broken glasses

It’s my birthday and you give me this is this some kind of joke yes get pranked I don’t know you could have liked it I think Shane I have trash you actually know it’s garbage okay I don’t know I don’t think garbage is going to work either they know

It’s less random than I thought it would be you’re at JoJo mark we actually are helpful to you by getting rid of rocks in your way unlike the rest of this Town walking in everywhere with the junimo oh yeah I love Marlin’s bird form you received a Tor scissors what I just like birds in general bird people Geot what the heck this Weapon It’s like a quick stab thing squid ink from the monster batwing from the bug okay these make sense fast hunk wait there’s coal I’m already out of space nice probably should have uh brought less items with me there’s a slime hat no this is part

Of a rando or like fashion mod this is so silly Miss how do you miss it’s my only weapon right now though I have to use it cave carrot is very normal to find here kind of want the hardwood honestly I’m getting so much squiding is this even Useful these are clearly squids I’m fighting rock guy you’re very obviously not a rock that’s supposed to be here damn that thing exploded into blood more squid ink D do do do do do do Journal updated okay we made it five floors I mean I think there was there’s

One in the community center normally but it’s that’s randomized so who knows I’m going to pass out fortnite hide and seek isn’t that just normal fortnite you just hide in the like house and camp anyone want Squid Ink it’s very interesting specimen true you want Squid Ink this might come in

Handy I know it’s the most handy thing ever this is my new gift to everyone everyone’s going to love it it’s very nice of you I know it’s the best gift thanks present thanks Everyone likes it what about Emily thanks nobody really likes it though Shane all right I gave Shane

Trash do you want coal you don’t like coal why though it’s random how do you know it’s junk I thought some people would like junk so unfair okay I should be able to uh oh wait I’m like I’m going to pass out I don’t really want to eat my cherries

Yet this might be important yeah let’s just go to bed joa yeah this is still easy to find wow that helps so much I can fish once Probably and get trash I probably could have added some more mods but feel like it’s interesting enough to just have the Rando itself dude come on yeah jam out wow I’m not allowed to get fish I guess maybe there just isn’t fish there there’s fish over here here Though treasure no my treasure why oh oh I got it I thought it scammed me there is no hypers slug Vibe whoa this thing’s getting away from me 51 H the neighbors are playing music again while I’m trying to sleep oh there you are gate my beloved my house duck pair expensive glasses really dude Pand is $37 that’s so bad got’s outside now I think hi there good morning sorry for giving you trash on your birthday

Want to get the most out of the ores you find you’ll need a furnace I get it let me check my mail you slay 10 slimes you have earned your place in the adventurers guilds I feel like I already did pameo oh I’m supposed to make a pameo I should probably do

That I also need to greet more people oh no I I have pomos I I think these are the blue ones right meow is it really annoying you that much it’s not really that prevalent of a song I don’t feel it’s not bothering me that much you’re at joim yo Peri my

Dude finish the normal game no there’s still like a billion things I could do but I got to a point where I was like it’s going to take too long to do anything but I might come back to it I might come back to my main

File I love peri’s face they have a good face I just need a little bit more for the backpack yeah pomio is the ones I have so once I grow those I’ll accomplish one of the things who haven’t I talked to yet I haven’t talked to you yet I thought I did okay

Just few more people wrong house I always mix these up honestly I I kind of missed the piano song when it’s just creaking noises h they all meet up today yeah so now it’s just wizard yeah piano Is this shop here yet also let me check in here are these yeah these are Normal I’m cat jamming right now I don’t care what everyone else thinks whoa that was weird I like Tab out how do you talk to a wizard do I have to like wait for an event or something Community Center how do I how do I unlock that Everyone loves the song now here at JoJo Mart we only pick the catchiest songs for our advertisements how much is Peri pery was a decent amount of money right what is that thing white squirrel day seven okay we’re almost there do you want this it was a good gift

Apparently it is kind of funny how much it starts playing Lo at day 5 how do I get in then can I just go in I didn’t bring my sword this is draining my energy let’s go well I’m going to pass out pretty soon can you eat squid ink No I say something about no I don’t want you to do that I’m not saying anything squid ink pasta yeah it’d be a good pasta sauce uh let me see if I can uh do community center yet just walk in or whatever after I get these follow scures offline for zero

Content cuz I never use it I did use it during that stream the hungry night uh showcase on Hall night Community but I didn’t I had it like muted and everything it’s locked go in town at 8:00 a.m. like it has to be at 8:00 a.m. specifically it’s pretty

Random but I did didn’t I just do that like a bunch why do I I use it I just said I don’t I used it for it being like something I was doing being restreamed to a different channel it’s the only time I’ve used it

Really I think I used to use it more because I used to be like oh we’re playing like other games today so I’m going to go on the alt Maybe so my viewership doesn’t go down but I don’t want to I’m going to die fishing still not

2K I feel like it’s probably easy to get 2K if you know what you’re doing but I clearly don’t different song chat the song finally changed you’re free I don’t know I missed the piano song to be honest I eat J Jamba I don’t know what that

Is damn it dude these things are worth nothing bubbles I can’t even get to these bubbles that fish wasn’t moving at all for roie my beloved Community Center didn’t you say till like 1: p.m. the song is back let’s Go all right time to see what kind of amazing bundles we have in here yeah look at that fluffy thing I don’t know what that is but it’s cute the junimos have been alerted to my presence see this junos is huge those are normal siiz junos I have Big junimo junim

Mo I just now realized do the junos have smaller pixel art than everyone El they have like smaller pixels that’s a sin all right what do we got all right we got to wait till wizard tells me how to read this I already know about the junimos there’s one that’s just on my

Head 24/7 iron bar I’d like to put iron bar on my shelf please deliver it sometime today I I don’t even have iron yet dude what are you talking about do you want this fish I really love this Penny loves these which is great cuz they’re worthless to me pretty much flower pink

Seagull there’s definely just like the animal are just random colors this is great everyone loves those w w available from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. found during spring habitat mountains found only when it’s rainy this fish is a legendary the legendary W I can just buy these apparent but they’re expensive as

Hell that’s an amazing name Atlantic Moon Skipper soup okay we’re getting 2K today just need a bit more fish put the cat in a tank sure well we got another One definitely the most interesting looking fish is the uh the cat I think the best name though is the w treasure this guy’s being tricky all of a sudden Frozen geode this is the tricky one what you just stood still the whole time I wasn’t prepared for

It no dude I had a chance I don’t know what that is I never caught it I I could have just held up and got it probably I didn’t believe fishing with like no upgrades with the old Rod is frustrating once you get all the stuff it’s pretty easy there’s only cats out

Here it’s just cats oh something else oh there was another fish in the chest or is this actually the fish I caught and all I got was coal really need that backpack sell some flower it’s a beautiful gift that’s something I never really did in my main playthrough is selfish here I

Forgot that was even a thing octop pass bubbles they went away yo you really were mad at me so you could walk one like pixel up just throw it back in the track in the water Splatoon moment oh my God I hate that fish is are you sure that isn’t actually

A DLC for spatoon because I feel like I’ve heard this I feel like that might be real if you told me it was I would believe you oh no I don’t know who to get rid of probably Peri ooto expansion so not octop pass should I sell these at down here

You get more money well he’s not there anymore it’s the same okay well I should be able to afford the backpack now what about the music stopping here at JoJo Mar we surprise you at the most random time with our ads wait what this wasn’t even playing

Here at the morning why does it change what are you doing over There a c Shar a I could play this when I I could like pull it the the piano and play this are those the notes 2K let’s go Crow you [ __ ] we got different music today for now apparently it just switches back I’m trying to go Down okay we can visit wizard Now bubbles a they left You’re at joj Mar we provide you with free peaches with every purchase wow there’s a lot of peaches uh creaky wood my favorite song hi Shane hi dude this guy went in before it’s open actually cheating backpack that’s what I wanted large backpack I don’t know where that song plays normally this

Song is that what you’re talking about yeah I don’t know I it hasn’t been annoying me that much I don’t know why people are having such a strong reaction to it weard I like how this guy always look kind of silly to me in the furyon cuz the like

Mustache dragon with like actually a mustache and beard for some reason junimo look at that chat Juno’s pixels are smaller than every other pixel my junimo is the proper pixel size yeah this is is the one design that I don’t think they pulled off super well I got to be

Honest think it’s a dragon but with like an actual beard and mustache and like you can’t see the the mustache is like cover in the nostrils I think I don’t know it just seems a bit odd to me tree the tree cut scene leaves leaves tree Tree become one with the forest you’ve gain the power of forest magic just immediately what do I need to go talk to him again who haven’t I talked to chat who haven’t I talked to I’m I just did everyone’s on here what the hell is that toai that’s one of those weird new

Plants give someone a gift and not talk to them oh no is that what happens I don’t know who I did that with I’m going have to talk to everyone does anyone know why is there bubbles up here can I even reach that you can’t get these bubbles dude

Dud oh you can I got them I can’t see I can’t see my fishing stuff the UI is like cut off I definitely talk to Pam in the bar like twice oh they’re gone did I just talk to Linus yeah I did okay I don’t know who it is definitely talk to

You Demetrius are you Marlin apparently it wasn’t Marlin Marlin doesn’t count well at least we figured it out just give anyone a gift yam this isn’t even a yam what is this this is a root root this is a super gift hell yeah I got $100 for that

All right let’s see what this wants Moment of Truth totems wait so these are all themed orange bundle oh this is going to be way too hard resource bundle this one’s pretty easy yellow bundle summer foraging bundle and fall foraging bundle so some of these are actually kind of

Real but then there’s like orange bundle totems is like what the hell dude how am I going to get that one I don’t even think I got all the totems in like my entire playthrough of the previous file okay it’s a bit too late to uh go to the

Mines I kind of wish the bundles were a bit more random but it’s okay like just completely anything could be in there instead of themed wait hold on is this still open do I have I have the bamboo Rod right that’s like the starting one yeah how do you sell

There oh good we got a perfect amount of money am I blocking you I’m sorry I took your fishing spot you know you could have Just Fish somewhere else dude like you don’t have to be so rude I finally caught it Mama what Mama this was the fish I couldn’t catch

Mama it’s so tiny looking why was it so hard mama mama Luigi oh this is another mama I think oh these things are so annoying oh my these stupid mamas dude oh bubble is that not far enough wasn’t sparkling this is in such an awkward

Spot wow this is like such a good way to get trash isn’t it this bubble is so good for trash okay I’m going back cut scene moment oh right this cut scene just going to skip it yeah rock out what oh right it’s resetting I thought it was a different song decent

Money the mama was a lot of money what what what is this what is falling from the sky it’s like skulls there’s skulls why is it raining skulls okay that’s that’s interesting anyways chat I’m going to be right back there you can see the skulls now it’s paused and we will continue the

Rando once I return BRB for e for for for chat hello intermission Moment what what are the dotes a c Sht I don’t know what c Is what is C sh I forget I forget how it even goes now I got to be honest this is my I I got a USB keyboard recently it’s plugged in to the computer right now I wanted to I wanted to play some little uh MOS Cole songs that I’ve got that I

Figured out so there’s like ah my Headphones Little rips from the uh the canyon song the original the song in like the pink Zone there’s also uh where is It frick I’m trying to remember oh I know I know Know You know where that’s not that part’s From Frick and one more I learned this one this one’s hard I can’t do this one as well I just wanted to show that off I’ve I’ve been like playing it a lot trying to figure it out trying to figure out how to play all my songs on the actual piano it’s been a lot of fun I don’t really have any piano experience I’ve just been like learning I have

Played Just For Fun on like other people’s pianos but I never had one myself so I’m just kind of learning obviously I can look these are my songs so I can just look at what the notes are in the software so that makes it a lot easier to learn Piano just fun Though this thing by the way is like a it’s really Small n credits I was thinking I could do I wanted to do for the UN credits I don’t know if it’ll be it probably won’t be piano it’ll probably be the same as everything else but try and mix in all the uh a bunch of like different I don’t really what to call

Them like a bunch of riffs from various songs like you know you can do The could do this and then like work it into I was having that idea to Like mix them all into one song as like a credits theme the problem is like I’m not going to have much credits I don’t have like 50 billion names to list off so it has to be pretty like you know short Song I’m not going to really be sure how to work it into the the game But I only really know how to play in C right now so cuz that’s the easy key that’s just play all the big Ones it’s it gets harder when you want to play like more interesting Keys But yeah I’ve been playing a lot of that recently it’s just been fun to have a little new thing to play around with it was just it’s it’s called the the Kai mini it was like 150 it was like less than 150 bucks it was pretty cheap

There’s not a whole lot of keys but like you can up the octave and stuff with a button so it’s pretty cool it’s been a lot of fun to play around with but yeah I’ve been having fun playing songs I’ve already made but on piano instead I don’t know you can like

Use it to record songs in FL Studio but I haven’t even figured that out yet I’ve just been playing in it hold on hold on hold on I want to show one more thing off cuz I was just playing the default piano software that came with this but I can open this in

Uh FL Studio where’s f why do I not see this on my desktop I swear it’s on my desktop what why is it not aato stop I’m so confused I guess I can use search what where’s the where is FL Studio dude I opened this yesterday okay this is being stupid I got

It like the search was not finding it it was not on my desktop for some reason uh I can like play the sound fonts that I’ve been using so if I open like where is it play with flute Can play the uh oh Violin PMD Viin that’s cuz it literally is the bmd Violin yeah I’m using ripped sound fonts and mixing them together there’s like Yoshi’s Islands the Yoshi’s Island strings flute that’s from Yoshi’s Island probably never guessed the Yoshi’s Island stuff cuz those songs are used are played so differently in that Soundtrack but I really love these sounds like there’s no Yoshi’s Island songs that sound anything like the Lost call soundtrack but I am using a lot of the sound fonts I just Google Sound font and I found it pretty [Laughter] Easily not hard to find I can also do um like this where is it I know I’m getting sidetracked from Rando but I’m having fun see there’s the Strings there’s also uh another iconic is the electric piano which is also from Yoshi’s Island Yeah you can like change the octave so I can still play low Notes and I can press a button and it like changes It this is a piano stream Now Frick that sounds Bad it’s weird how like even in the same key you can just certain things just sound bad next to each other Better Wilds with these Songs this is the base I use which is from Donkey Kong Country no this is a piano Stream I keep fat fingering these are like small Keys also I’m not a piano player that also fix It I can even play like drums on It Is what just happens to me CU I can’t stop playing the piano when I start I’m must stop but I hope everyone enjoy it I literally last night I was like I’m going to play for like a little bit and then like 2 hours passed I’ve been having fun with

That anyways it’s raining freaking skulls is this just a randomizer thing it can just randomize the rain this is so Random this is so weird like there’s still raindrops there’s just also skulls inside the raindrops I don’t know this is strange at least they’re not doing damage to me

Yeah I should like learn more keys and stuff it’s fun I mean obviously I you know I have made music just in like E Studio and stuff um I play I’ve played guitar for like 10 plus years so I have musical background I just haven’t really play piano

Much I don’t have my sword dude I was going to go to the mines and I my sword knife rain for girls only this I need a briber you know what it’s for keep it secret okay oh yeah I know I know what briers are for I definitely know what that’s

For hell’s a beber going to the mines do I have a BRI umber I don’t think so this is a tomasi nor says eggplant or C cucumber why C cucumber do you only do you actually only get that if you’re a girl cuz I don’t feel like I got that Quest

On my other character ah Mario party has prepared me for this combat give me your Squid Ink whoa copper City it just doesn’t like mention it This slime has a star on its head hello hello beautiful small magnet ring Should I play a game with the keyboard the USB keyboard as my controller I now have that power there was someone who like wanted me to play Hall night with a keyboard I’m like that’s boring I can play it with that keyboard I hate how it’s so weird like it a keyboard

A USB keyboard is obviously just like how you use your computer but then what do I call my digital keyboard piano thing I guess you have to call it a piano when you buy it it’s like also called a keyboard it’s so strange I guess you just got to call it a

Piano midi keyboard on Amazon they just call it like 10 different things so it shows up in the search they’re like digital keyboard piano USB piano key USB digital MIDI controller keyboard boot Master shoes a little healthy but delicate what do you mean healthy I’m not eating my

Shoes yeah that that is just an Amazon that’s like everything on Amazon they call it like 50 different like the title is like so long you can’t just be like oh uh mechanical keyboard USB it’s like mechanical keyboard USB uh mechanical keyboard uh PC wired USBC 3.0

3.2 it just like keeps going on and on I don’t think I’m going to get that brumber got to be honest birthday gift funny Christmas LOL cute Kawaii Valentine it’s so it like I guess it’s so it shows up in as much I just fished it’s so it shows up in as much

Like search results as possible Kebab pumps of pointlessness you received a kebab pumps of pointlessness why why is it pointless Though kind of is pointless isn’t it the necks are easy to tie what the hell are you talking about what serial color shoes these are pointless because my master shoes are better than these truly pointless really dude I got jailed what I got jailed is that always

Happen oh never mind I can break through those I thought you needed a better pickaxe oh God other bugs raining skulls is a bad Omen nah that’s normal that’s just a normal Tuesday the raining skulls you know oh you even you have the Kebab pumps of pointlessness you also got stoned

Crystal heels designed with extreme crows in mind magnificent Sun toothpast pick does stabbing damage yo Banger music in here birds are so cool did I just hear a Splat sound effect in the music I wish birds were real I wish anthro bird men were real I’m going to pass out I need to

Uh can’t really do a whole lot today I need like food there’s no food to eat I have those peaches but I don’t know if I want to waste them cuz I think they’re actually a lot of money maybe I should like work towards getting chickens or something so I can make

Egg eat junimo no look at junimo what a perfect little creature you would eat junimo B they do look like a fruit though they’d probably be crunchy and taste like Apple that much just Squid Ink do you think the skull rain is going to affect my

Crops I don’t know if skull rain helps your crops grow here I want to get some like wood and stuff so I’m going to take out a root didn’t help a whole lot the eggs will be randomed that’d be funny no my wood I didn’t know that even

Happened my wood fell in the water all right now I’m going to pass out I got oh right aren’t crafting recipes random too I forgot about that maybe I should have picked up on that when treasure chests were coal I just thought that was normal I have like weird dungeon spikes

Poking out of the ground are these done oh these are done let’s go the skull rain didn’t destroy any of these $100 yeah build a coupe we should can I craft a scarecrow yet I need to reach farming level one I’m not at farming level one yet furnace is a

Ruby fiber and oil what oh wait you can buy oil but Ruby I’m going to have to find these are some weird freaking things wood path fiber torch two clay life Elixir perrywinkle emerald and liar wood fence two Stone yeah these make sense going keep a couple of

These we got a different song everyone it’s not playing the same thing anymore oh there it is This is important Wait is it Over why did it stop playing there you Go I found it I found it Great we figured it out TRX thanks for the raid it’s the theme of the stream it just keeps playing you can never Escape Frick it’s Wednesday why is there one of those in the sewer right next to the Sewer okay what else can I do today uh how much is the coupe

Pre stream music what I forgot it played Here you don’t have anything interesting do you nothing wacky what crayfish what do you mean crayfish why do I need a cry fish for this aqua [ __ ] why does everything need cockal maple syrup slime mayonnaise mayonnaise is not a building material what the what is this song what is playing right Now well how am I going to get a freaking crayfish dude and I need like a ton of hardwood this is dumb Yeah I should fish up here I haven’t fished up here yet maybe maybe the CR fish is up here you never Know there free cherries here at joja Mark we sell everything you need apart from Crayfish ring tone I’m going to put this on to wake up too honestly I’d rather wake up to this than the [ __ ] I wake up to now but oh does this count fresh water polish or polish I don’t know if they’re if they’re like from Poland or if they’re

Just polished well they’re like shiny I wake up to the same like annoying default ringtone every day but it like makes me mad so I get out of bed so I haven’t wanted to change it it makes me like immediately have like this visceral reaction to turn it off as soon as

Possible and I think that’s good it’s just the default like Samsung ringtone it’s like drives me insane which is why I still have it that song drives me insane that song and the sua game song I should make make it the sua game song that’s another song I have a visceral reaction

To I don’t want these stupid things I hate that one everyone knows the default ringtones whoa what is this guy Morado there’s so many fish chat where’s the spring legendary fish we could see if that’s still here you need level 10 for it to even show Up what that’s so specific I had no idea Morado it is the w I could just buy the W apparently worms located rusty spoon this the first artifact I found here at jojamart we don’t play our theme song in the shop for some reason gate I should I should probably

Be checking this cuz I think it changes every week there might be something good that I can just buy cool skull wallpaper Skeleton snow yam let’s go not a single piece I love that they just have all this desk space and nothing to show off and just all the space in general you doing here I’m not giving you the spoon I’ll give you this though I seriously love this everyone loves that

Random fish that’s like the like starfish that is worth no money spoon is the center point of the whole operation really I like how they don’t have a school here these kids are uneducated do you want a snow yam does anyone like me yet Elliot likes me let’s Go wait could that be no that’s a plum I was going to say a pomegranate like the final item I needed for the the community center last time could work towards that Mushroom Beach mushroom my favorite kinds megaphone skip yeah I I don’t have the megaphone

Yet pretty sure you could just long roll though that’s not that far of a got let me give these to everyone else too all right it’s your absolute favorite do you like me now you better giving you your absolute favorite and all everyone loves this it’s actually crazy oh Vincent Doesn’t you’re at joj Mark when does this thing start showing up the like traveling cart I guess it wouldn’t show up today anyways cuz it’s Wednesday can you break stumps with the default ax no we need to upgrade that then which means I need to make a furnace which means I need like a ruby so in order to like progress really we need to get into the mines and find a ruby Will Smith from joj Mar

Why why is the Will Smith joke one of the longest running jokes that’s still going on I mean the furry voice is still going on too oh that’s a large Boulder the size of a small Boulder not a small Boulder all right about to pass

Out is she a there was like way more of that too it was like what’s scurry’s gender and then like I don’t know it was like this the most confusing message of all time it was like is he trans is she a they or something I don’t

Remember the r you trains was a different message that was just someone DM that to me on Twitter it was just are you trains as the whole message yo we got sprinkler what kind of like ridiculous stuff am I going to need to build this o lots of

Money level one after 3 hours I’m trying my best I lost my favorite axe what I’m trying to use this what why can’t I use this oh it’s already done I can cut those wait I’ve been able to cut those this whole time is that what you’re telling me

Oh I can just collect them got the cave music going on I have randomizer on that’s mostly the other mod I have some like smaller stuff there’s like a fashion mod and stuff yeah the the Polish is the fish have one plant on my

Farm okay we got to go to the mines I got to find a ruby actually let me check this so to make a sprinkler we need Earth crystal coal batwing that’s actually easier than normal sprink sprinklers are like free now that’s actually really easy and fertilizer is just

Fiber I’m getting lucky with some stuff anything else I should check scarecrow is two clams one joaa and three green algae how do I get clam I can get the other two easily but how do I get clam bum wedding song listen I could imagine this as a

Wedding song but now it would just be like too much of a meme if I heard this at a wedding it’ be like I’d be like thinking of here at Jojamart we also have our own wedding services song will cause your funeral and play at it they’ll be like in memory of this person uh we we found this song on their computer it’s the last thing they listen to you can’t even find it in the soundtrack yeah I don’t know what it Is I don’t know what the song’s called so I can’t like I wouldn’t be able to find it it’s unused it’s an unused track I wonder why it’s unused it’s cuz it was driving people crazy it’s a cursed song that’s you’re like the only one who’s this annoyed about

It like I just think it’s kind of funny Acorn why did I just get an acorn from the Slime those guys never drop anything batwing that’s needed for something what I really want is a ruby ah I is going this is the most efficient way to cut grass

Oh God there’s a lot of bug larva they also drop bat wings I think bug meat has been replaced with Batwing dwarf squirrel is there a certain floor you need to get to before you get like Weare materials broken CD no I guess I’m just unlucky then don’t let them grow

Up kill them while their children no it’s over for me uhoh I’m out of here it’s the big loop room can I eat like a corn no just be a squirrel come on oh this is going to get bad if I don’t get to the center soon

Go oh God there’s so many of them no I’m in trouble I just want to get in the middle I’m going to die for the middle I’m dead I’m just going to run there’s no way I make it there I just wanted to see what was in the chests it could be something

Useful okay aridian polearm of femininity what I will destroy my enemies with the power of femininity let’s go girl bossing time what is this supposed to be a stop sign I need to come back here with my uh my fishing rod just quick check if there’s any rubies here any rubies unfortunate

Dango hi Zord yeah this is like it’s like a food right it’s clearly a stop sign I don’t know what you’re y’all are talking about cleman cleman Clement well Harvey I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about I don’t think that exists okay no Ruby I probably should have got some

Plants don’t need this anymore this song dude it’s it’s supposed to be like the chill night time and it’s just like it’s so loud did a little gift love Dad $500 let’s go wait it’s a dad instead of Mom no the egg Festival it’s time for the egg Festival oh no it played for like 5 Seconds you’re good I’m here too early I got nothing to do I should go get my goots maybe I’ll find a rubyan one also going to buy more seeds today okay it’s going to play for a little bit

More what was I looking for [ __ ] uh geot I can’t do anything in here yet right need the batteries Yo song change that’s what you can do there oh never mind got overridden open already Shane do you want this the seed you don’t really like this well

You don’t hate it so that’s a win by me I’m just going to stare inside the window until it opens again let’s get some I already find these everywhere there’s only they only grow indoors then why are they all outside you can just pick these up off the

Ground I’m going to buy some poyry and Kaku corn potatoes what are you talking about there’s Stone didn’t I need oil for something I needed oil for something I think it was one of the other buildings I forget which one though the furnace oh that would actually

Be okay I should get that yeah I do need that let’s buy that oil what’s joja Mart selling right now still just gate Rock Coal mineral give me a ruby green sun soup purple soup let’s go green cake I don’t know why I see food in all these buttered popcorn let’s go purple

Uh what I don’t know what you’d call this that doesn’t look like food to me it looks like some alien creature aromatic Lilia lip seeds that’s my reward kind of strange I don’t know you all right we’re going to actually do some Farming how do I make sprinklers again wasn’t it easy I don’t have any Earth crystals I have one I’m just batwing I can make one sprinkler Yall are so dramatic how do I make a fertilizer it was just grass right yeah that one’s easy can fertilize everything Everything okay Still going to have to water all this Stuff find more Earth crystals then I can kind of make this a lot easier for myself why did it play it usually doesn’t play again here does it it’s going to be playing the whole time we’re farming Oh lots of stuff here it’s all set up for uh sprinklers I just don’t have them I have one more Kaku corn it’s not optimal I don’t know what you mean oh wait it’s not you’re right there needs to be two Gap there needs to be a two

Gap cuz there’s spots that two sprinklers would be getting well I for now I could put one down here and it would still be optimal but yeah I see what you’re saying wait something something Maple seed is one of the things I need anything else wood oh right there’s like the resource Ones well I’m not going to get those done anytime soon I don’t think uh that one’s pretty easy to do actually I just need a a little more hardwood which the problem is I need to upgrade my Axe and the problem is to upgrade my axe I need

To get the furnace and the problem is to get the furnace I need to get a ruby so we’re really stuck by this Ruby right now yellow bundle show you gate I don’t know where gate is is gate ran away show gate got oh there you are gate you’re gate is

E what I’m trying to pet them won’t let me Guess I can do some fishing for a little Bit what is with the random chat members being obsessed with food items I don’t know that’s apparently been going on today quite a bit the meowing duck kado is definitely one of my favorite things of the the Rando has created so far unless that’s not even a rando thing

I assume it is oh [ __ ] the hell is this fish this fish is so annoying that was just a toxic kpit oh let’s go bait can you not put bait on these on this one does it not even work yet you need the better fishing rod no dude what do you

Mean I wanted to get the better fishing rod I was like a second away it closed right as I got there I was going to give you my business aridium rod I don’t know what you’re talking about dude that was a mama probably typical Mama Behavior ridium

Butt the greatest item in all the stardo oh this thing yeah oh are you talking about the aridian polar AR of femininity or are you talking about something else cat got another catfish rand’s going pretty well there’s a lot of silly things things going on I don’t know if I’ll ever get the

Community center to The Next Step though how do you like unlock the other community center things do you only need to complete one bundle and then it unlocks more things or do you have to complete all the bundles in the first section hold on let’s stop by the

Saloon oh it’s the gentle nighttime theme it really helps you wind down at the end of the day just one we can get the resource one done move oh yeah egg hunt tomorrow true does anyone want coal nobody likes coal wait chat I need to check I need to

Check something it’s worth the 400 Frick I’ll check it later oh yeah I’ve even I’ve fied the mod even further because I added the like ears and tail and stuff that’s not in the base mod just put the beer in there it’s fine the spreading weeds have CAU cause damage to your

Farm what weeds the spreading weeds the Eternal weeds I forgot those only do four those are so bad these sprinklers suck I thought they did like the full Square Talia thanks for the 30 these sprinklers are like basically useless egg time wonder what it’s going to be at the shop

Here they’re not open yet right come back later what do you expect me to do for like does it start at 8 it doesn’t start at 8 I mean what else am I going to do while I’m Waiting There you got you’re getting some other songs other than apparently it stopped playing it it’s probably cuz I tapped out isn’t it [Laughter] Yeah Frick I I’m so this key is so weird I don’t know this Key Did it did it start yet when the hell do the egg Festival start [ __ ] it started I keep hitting the wrong Keys dude sorry I got distracted by the piano again it happens Clement Bean well too late for that now plush bunny why is the plush bunny 2000s it’s so much all right let’s just get it let’s just go do the uh the egg hunt

Already sometimes I’ll hide an egg too too well and no one finds it Juno damn it I wanted the junimo to be looking through that how do you start this again let’s go I can’t gift during the festival I got to win uh this didn’t get randomed apparently suboptimal

Route it’s probably the best I’ve done in this though dude pick it up I’m right there there’s one there I didn’t see that one 11 egg and then I still lose cuz the random rizer randomizes how much eggs you need Straw Hat can I even wear a hat while I have Juno On no it overrides my hat hat absorb by junimo what I didn’t mean to do that oh no I didn’t mean to do that I was just trying to pet I was just trying to pet I swear it was an accident yeah got didn’t get hurt by that you

Can’t simply hurt gotd like that I think what’s happening is like the music gets overridden by like even if you have different music here when you wake up the bus stop music is always the same and it just overrides whatever is going on here I think it’s a mining

Day just head right to the mines it also plays here here it plays everywhere and here all right can we get a ruby it’ be great if we could get a ruby oh I should have brought my fishing pole femininity fear my femininity also this is the freaking

Dark Zone I can’t see anything really Already I really hate these bugs they just go through you I almost feel like my my other weapon was better cuz it was just so freaking fast Wait what what was a one in a 100 chance ancient seed oh is it is it the same chance though it might be random might be randomized what mind drops like a water root seeds dropping from these guys there’s some Randomness going on for sure like Obsidian oh from the Rocks yeah was that from a rock monsters are definitely random I guess they didn’t want to make the Rocks random cuz it’d be like you could really get locked behind progression that way although I still kind of am from the furnace recipe I just got locked in a different

Way crab oh if only it was crawfish purple purple topass these are not the color I want really yo breathing gang let’s go breathing gang in the chat I don’t have any food do I I’m running out of energy just give me the Ruby I need it

Please it’s all I need in my life go for the oral what do you mean there was an there was another purple gem Ruby is floor 80 plus there’s no way that’s true you’re line oh my God I’m fine random gem node what those even look

Like the Ruby is a mineral I can find in Ruby noes and Gem nodes in the mines floors 80 plus no way you’re telling me it’s I need to go to floor 80 I need it to progress I need to upgrade things which I need to build

Anything you’re telling me to get to floor 80 before I can do anything else there’s got to be like a random way to get it right like other random ways to find it this is quite unfortunate oh my God there’s 10 billion bugs here I’m out I’ll get back

Here just edit the same thing but put 40 plus instead just edit it so it’s like zero plus and then I’ll be happy I’ll be like oh see everyone’s just lying to me you only need it floor is zero oh do you want this thanks

Let’s go you can find them on any floor chat Confirmed first scary stream welcome here at the Scurry stream we like to play this gentle piano music every time we walk into an area it really helps keep the stream Vibes going so settle down grab some tea and watch the Stream it has to be tea if you don’t grab tea you’re actually

Banned chat I found some tea I like I don’t know if I’ve talked much about tea on stream yet I know I said I don’t like green tea cuz I don’t cuz it’s gross but I like I found some teas I like uh there’s like this peach tea that I really like and

There’s in the same pack there was like blueberry tea and it’s also good I’m a fan of both of those I just add a little bit of sugar still but I enjoy the cut off music oh I wonder how you build sturdy ring surely it makes sense shrimp yeah that makes

Sense why are there tentacles growing from my growing from the Ground you don’t have to tell me this EV in what the hell I think I’m Incompetent what else do I need for sprinkler F wi can make another sprinkler is they’ll add up eventually Right tentacle Gardens out of the way gate trying to farm here oh I guess you need your watering as well got get off the crops what do you think I should do then just keep trying to go in the mines or is there some other way can maybe get rubies cuz like all progression is

Blocked right now thanks to this Ruby can you get them out of GEOS is there a chance to get them out of geot It’s the white squirrel magma plus I guess we just have to grind the mines then I don’t know unless we get Super Lucky with something else Shane have this yam never mind I ate it in front of you amethyst I could actually do that

One how much time do I have for that two days okay you’re not getting in here early if I can’t stay behind me freaking cheater you still got it quality retaining soil is what you have okay oh Shane you’re walking pretty slow aren’t you beat you Look how he just magically has the uh Jamber right just magically has the uh costume on going to buy the space wallpaper it’s pretty cool looking any particular goal I’m just trying to see how far I can get but yeah I can’t really do a whole lot when I can’t upgrade my my

Stuff look at this potato this is a sad looking potato no it’s a potato it’s just a little dried out do you want this potato see LS loves the potato we could also maybe just catch one in like a treasure chest while fishing right that’s another possibility I guess

Those are my options at the moment what’s in here panning oh yeah that’s you got that really late this fish is just dead whoa BR mapper this is a cool fish ref refresh floor 15 and M purple notes why there’s like a chance you can get something else in it 1 seven chance

H interesting whoa what the hell is this milkfish makes sense why you would call it that considering it’s like a spider I think silk fish would be a better better name which mod gives Juno hat um what is it called I can check it’s uh animals and mythological creature stuff

To see if the Strat works that uh cloud zire is suggesting why’ you say specifically these floors they like a higher chance of pple think my luck is [ __ ] today Oh you mean just look at the rocks that makes sense well I’ve come this far I want to find the stairs now

Might as well break some Barrels yo corn bar stool that’s a bar stool what do you mean bar stool does crushing damage 2 to four damage plus 39 crit power plus four weight well that’s less damage than mine that seems worse white algae it’s a huge floor with nothing of value yeah clearly it’s worse than the polar

Arm of femininity how could you ever have something more powerful than that yeah we can get to the center this time get this bug away from me mey you’re just going to scroll past without saying meowy whoa okay I thought that was some crazy thing that’s just retaining soil there’s some weird blue

Cubes that guy just showing up for a second purple yellow I’m already full oh we’re going to throw at this Thing Hardwood oh God I need to get out of here I need to get out I need to escape ah ah I’m dead I’m dead I’m not dead that was really scary though oh wait this stays consistent I thought you could just like keep checking it for rocks or

Whatever oh okay that’s how you do it scum whatever I have to get a freaking Ruby it’s not fair I’m going to try and cheese it if I can it seems like a pretty low chance they show up here not having any luck this Ruby is going to cause the end of my

Run nothing I feel like it’s going to be a huge struggle to try and get all the way to floor 80 with no upgrades fishing chests have a 0.6% chance I have such great options there’s so many great ways to get a ruby I have normal

Bait I just need to buy the better fishing rod I don’t know if that helps apparently you can find rubies and other in the purple rocks it’s just a low chance of course I’m just going off of what chat’s saying one more check dude the Slime is making me stuck yeah nothing

Here I’m Eep I got to leave run oh W actually gentle nighttime music or lack of Music such a nice quiet night it’s so nice there crickets this is the one time where like loud music might have made a bit of sense easy Crab Pot new crafting

Recipe I can just make iron ore iron slab or whatever Hold On Fire Quartz and Squid Ink just makes that the problem is Fire Quartz is also super far down isn’t it pass out on your doorstep I feel like I did that at some point yo space wall look at my wall it’s

So cool space Wall unfortunately I I bought that from jojamart all the jojamart ads were getting to me I guess had tentacles I can sell these weird fish I got joj jism well let’s buy the better fishing rod at least there’s so much random crap on on the beach there’s even worm B

Well don’t want a flower I like how glass shards is a artifact you go to the museum and there’s just glass shards butcheries peran I don’t want that I will however get the fiberglass rod and the small fish tank let’s do some fishing today Ruby get me a ruby in

That it’s only a 0.6% chance we can do it whoa in in in I don’t know how to pronounce that I’m using my old fishing rod still use the new one grw upia so is it like it’s I think it’s taking the start of some fish names and

The end of some fish names right or is it even more random than that sometimes there’s like fish names involved octop pass yeah I think it I think it’s like combining two fish names for all of these octopus and I don’t know what the other one is is this a

Mama I think it’s a mama oh my goodness dude what the [ __ ] was that so stupid what is Mama though what did that combine another mama I got the chest oh my God I got it we got a mama in a chest let’s go Ruby Diamond I want r Ruby not

Diamonds I mean I’ll take it but it’s the same chance C another mama nice do not thanks for the sub Mama Luigi that’s a Mama Luigi to you Mario oh I missed that cuz I was thinking about YouTube poop and random voice cins from the the Mario cartoon mackerel what’s the second ma

From Mama Mama sorry Mama sorry arima cat I’m going to put a cat in my fish tank by the way cuz that was something we wanted to do earlier just get me another chest come on nope yeah the the random the fish names are from the randomizer oh yes let’s

Go Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby no just bait just bait that’s all I got baited that fish is dead I didn’t try oh purple star max daily luck I got to keep grinding then I have gotten a lot of chests I don’t have the luck I need right now though the Ruby

Luck Don’t Stop The Grind I forget that copy past not a bot or self-promo but spot you are a bot you can’t fool us and I don’t want to know what self butt mod is dentist said I was grinding in my sleep yeah I I’m grinding never stop the

Grind haven’t you ever heard of that one dentists why are you acting like grinding is a bad thing that was a mama that was the easiest Mama to catch ever I’m saying very strange sentences because of these things treasure that’s why you don’t stop the grind you always stop right before the

The Ruby the Ruby Vine at the end of the tunnel no I thought it was going to happen I don’t even know to get rid of I guess I can just drop these flowers time’s at 450 I really got to empty up my inventory should I hold on to this

Diamond or should I just sell it I guess I don’t really need money right now I’ll keep it for a bit Ah sounds like home such a nostalgic theme do i s the fish I just left in one of these things yeah Morning Joe should get a ton of money from that

And probably level up my fishing a bunch small tank by the way this thing is huge no what okay they didn’t uh they didn’t update these Sprites where the hell this guy come from get floundered I wanted my catfish in the tank I don’t want this guy how

Disappointing okay we can do some more fishing before the day ends for the chance at that treasure chest cool is my like I’m getting the feeling my lake is [ __ ] my fishing spot sucks whoa whoa chill the hell Out like I get so much more trash in this one that’s what it feels like yep literal trash oh [ __ ] I’m going to pass out yeah rock out well couldn’t get the Ruby from fishing I should make a ton of money though bger yep just casual like 6,000 whoa B mapper was super

Good Mamas are also a ton of money crows I really wish I could deal with these crows but unfortunately uh I can’t build a crow cuz I need clam I can’t build a scarecrow or a crow I can’t build like a defense Crow to scare off the other crows that would also be

Sufficient like how am I supposed to find a clam what do you even mean clam the clams got Rando they don’t exist on the beach anymore I’m going to do another attempt in the mines for a bit we’re going to try try the mines it’s either mines or fishing nothing

Else is going to work freed dial thanks for the 5 months freile what do you think of this song is it nice just wondering true it is sick all right we’re going to try and find a purple Gem and hope that it has a red gem inside instead do they even spawn

Here get it as a gift from the Feast of a winter star that seems easy to do maybe I should just try and get to the freaking floor 80 at this point wouldn’t it be faster there’s a chance I just find one while I’m going down I might find like purples on the

Way down we’ll just do that for now dwarf scroll get away from me seem to have decent luck right now uh it is randomized to some degree I don’t know exactly how it works it seems slightly bugged or like oh stoned Crystal heels designed with extreme crows in

Mind let’s go wait these are worse than mine why is every shoe I get Worse is it pink though when you actually wear it it’s it’s like blood red next to the ladder what’s next to the ladder ah that rock oh that’s that’s what I’m looking for I thought you meant like the purple gem you me like this thing so that’s what I’m looking for

Okay I didn’t even know that’s what I was looking for those are kind of hard to tell apart aren’t they I might need chat to like tell me if they see that didn’t I need an Emerald for something I forgot so they’re like slightly purplish and they’re very

Circular I’m already like out of energy cuz I can’t find the stairs wow where the hell are the stairs whoa that helps a lot shiny highlight on top well it’s good that I know what to look for now wasn’t actually sure maybe my luck isn’t good today

It affects the stairs though which is not going super well mushroom trying to get some energy here aren’t these like are you not supposed to eat these ones are these the bad ones there’s like a rock you’re not supposed to eat or that’s every Rock there’s a mushroom you’re not supposed to

Eat oh great now I’m not going to be able to see them on these Floors freck off dude okay just throw this out want my Earth crystal we got to get the freaking Ruby come on this what I’ve been working towards this whole time the stairs are stairs real I don’t think stairs are real okay I’m out of energy so let’s just do the old Strat

Again for a little bit maybe it’ll work I’m like trying to look further with my right stick they’re not even stairs I just called them that cuz of PMD it’s clearly a ladder that bug is in jail what animal on I head junimo the best animal he still seem pretty rare don’t they

Just very vertical stairs keep grinding not a bot I really hope I haven’t just not noticed one one time I feel like I don’t remember what they look look like now let try floor 20 25 25 has more rocks I feel shiny hunting pretty Much It doesn’t take that long to check but it’s taken this long to find it a single time it’s kind of seems pretty rare huh I do like the song a lot it’s just that it keeps playing the same beginning part of the song over and over every time I leave not seeing

Anything oh [ __ ] I didn’t realize it was 12 Quick Check okay we got to do one more day and try and see if we can find it it’ be a great ending point if I could get the Ruby so crafting recipes are randomed community center items are randomed items on the ground are

Rando there’s like weird mutant fish weapons there’s like a bunch of stuff music as you can tell the music is normal actually who look at these These are crazy looking these plants are awesome we can also do geod at the end of today poyry these are the coolest plant I’ve ever seen

They can’t give Ruby Okay I keep watering the parts that are already watered anyways cuz it’s like I’m accidentally watering that spot so thanks for being so useful Sprinklers of sprinklers I think I can make another one Now what was the last thing I needed I always forgot coal what there’s something in the way there okay I don’t know what was going on there alien alien fruit no it’s totally normal something weird about those those are a very normal human plant I would say I

Need to water my duck I can’t leave yet till I do That okay we’re good Now one last mining Expedition will we get the Ruby let’s gamble we’re only doing one more one more day So I’m going to do what I did last time and try and progress and then once I start getting tired why am I already tired ohus watering shoot I don’t really have much of a chance here do I wait is that one no it looked different oh this is not looking good

For believers uh I’m already out of energy I’m probably just going to have to do the grind thing I did last time I didn’t even bring food I should have brought some Food I found one I found one no it’s another emeralds it’s another Emeralds please let me get to like floor 35 I’ll just go back for food real quick yes okay we got to get food chat we can keep going brief detour I’m going to pick up whatever the hell I have in my my bins so we can go on

Longer I think it’s the right play I don’t know this might be kind of tough just pick up the plums and the peaches and the carrot the cherries I’ll leave one of each of these okay go watch me get it and then like pass out and lose it Salmon berries I don’t know how to I have salmon berries I didn’t even know I had those how much do peaches do barely anything I thought those would do more none of those are doing much huh you can shake those bushes for fruit I didn’t even know that I didn’t even see Those you think I’d be able to tell if one of these was a purple in the dark I can’t even tell the stairs I’m just pressing a the hell was that cool Guy come on just give me another chance at a rock that’s all I want the Ruby rocks are only on like floor 80 plus apparently so I could get there but it’s going to take a while how do you even get down here oh we got the slingshot that apparently hasn’t been red

Is there a chance to find them here on the ice levels No we’ll do the grinding Strat then we’ll do floor 25 for a bit I meant like the purple rocks cuz at this point that’s what we’re going for they’re everywhere okay are you sure they’re everywhere cuz I I’m not seeing a whole lot of them floor one moment four five mixing it

Up wait this is faster this is so fast there’s like no movement is this not the optimal Strat I saw a sussy rock I thought it was the right one but it wasn’t you have a 25 TI takes time to walk towards and then walk back to get back to the ladder

Again use the elevator Oh that’s a pretty good Strat and then just don’t walk all the way down don’t walk all the way left unless you see it Zo zoom out on menu yo the strats we’re getting this down to a science we have to get it now right look at all the strats we’re

Doing I’m going to end up missing it the how rare are these dude these are so rare I think if I wasn’t trying to get one right now I would have probably just tried to get to flor8 but if I want one today I have to get it through this

We have to at least try bug Moment Contra we don’t really need to be updated on everything yeah you’re playing all the time Maybe if I was playing the same Game they patched out the rocks the rocks are gone I had so much time and you’re really going to tell me I didn’t get even another chance like I didn’t even get the Rock and then get the wrong gem I just I’m not getting the Rock at all it just doesn’t

Exist the ding is getting annoying I’m sorry this is just an annoying stream apparently you got the same music playing you got dings my Bad you’re at jojamart we always provide you with the purple rocks that you need to obtain to have a percent chance of finding a ruby Well probably going to leave at like 12:30 or so I thought that was one for a bit that’s just the lighting being weird clire said that it wasn’t luck based the Rocks got a few more chances here it’s getting late damn super Unlucky last check one more one More one More okay truly the last one now rck dude come on Okay we didn’t get the Ruby I tried very hard cool you can get berries from these I never knew if I had known this I would have had a lot more of these and that would have been my Strat oh [ __ ] don’t pass out don’t pass out on my front

Lawn go I got stuck on the chest go in I made it Okay I wonder how you make a bomb prediction is no I just want to see these new things here we got bomb which is of course Frozen tiar batwing and oil uh Crab Pot which is magma geode fiber and acorn trap bobber which is diamond and coal I can actually make

That cherry bomb is fiber and green algae staircase is cave carrot torch Earth crystal and iron fence is Clay coal and Squid Ink mayonnaise machine is shrimp soggy newspaper and oil all right chat thanks for watching we’re going to end it here maybe I’ll come back and continue

This and try and get the Ruby I don’t know I feel like I might just go back to my main file but we could maybe do a second part of this just to try and get a little further I don’t think I’m going to try and like full complete the

Rando it might be a bit tough but it was fun to play around with there was some funny stuff that went on for sure so I had fun today hope everyone else did too and didn’t get too uh get driven too crazy by the music also it’s it’s like random music

On the title right now too All right y I’m going to give a veloca Roger a raid I don’t know if I’ve raided Roger before but yeah I should be back uh on Tuesday I might be taking a break pretty soon just like a week or so just avoid burnout and uh do

Taxes but it shouldn’t be too long of a Break all right see you next time everyone thanks for watching bye

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  1. Great timing! I'm going through my first playthrough of sdv now I just finished the community center and Willy's boat. I'll probably start my own rando knowing the mod exists now. Maybe then I'll actually get a prismatic shard xD

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