Showing Terraria Bosses Mercy… Mod of Redemption #6

All right so good morning everyone welcome back to the mod of redemption today we have once again quite a lot of stuff to do it’s really hard to believe that we’re still before the eye of culu out of all of the mods I’ve ever played this might have the most pre I culu

Content going and I’m all here for it I am loving it I don’t even have a pair of Hermes boots but you know what I do have a real rage against chickens all right which isn’t going to make a lot of sense if you just clicked on this video if

This is your first terrari experience oh strap in strap in cuz it’s going to get wild but very likely it’s not and you know what happened yesterday uh we faced off against many a chicken and we were bested I would say I did not come out of

That event with my head held high in fact my head is is actually hung in shame wait for it wait for it wait wait wait wait oh my wait wait wait wait come on wait for it that’s how my neck is hung in shame was that worth it probably not anyway um

Ulot said it might be worth doing the priest straight away to get a weapon potentially I don’t know if we get a weapon if we spare it and then using that weapon against the chickens and I’m all for it if if and I can’t believe I’m

About to say this if it requires killing a priest to kill a chicken I’ll do it that’s a weird sentence I don’t know where that lands me in the in the world but it is what it is now real quick uh we do have this new little UI element uh

The mod developer pointing it out so Spirit walker uh this just gives gives you a little bit more context essentially grants unrestricted interactions with spirits and allows you to hit Spirit realm enemies using any weapon while in the spirit realm Spirit currents can spawn giving you a way to

Transport near Soulful remains to dead ring now I don’t know do I need to keep this in my inventory from now on um let me know also apparently uh this area here is one of those areas where uh we can go back to and if I remember right

Wasn’t there like a thing we couldn’t break here I think there was and I think there might have been another one as well um I guess we find that with time again okay let’s let’s do the priest let’s do the priest actually do you know what let’s uh let’s get some

Buffs first now little bit of an update how tired am I today actually actually all right I feel good today I slept really well last night I don’t know what it is cuz I actually went to bed just a little bit later it was like half an

Hour 40 minute difference but that is quite a bit when you’re in such a such a routine but what I actually did was I wore an eye mask as I went to sleep because I have a sneaky feeling that what’s waking me up is lights outside or

The sun rising sooner stuff like that that’s what I’ve got the vibe of so I wore an eye mask and and yeah I slept great I slept awesome I’ve been for a run this morning so I am a little tired in that sense you know my body is is

Adap him but other than that I feel great I do I feel really good um okay right so iron skin regen priest oh hell yeah cease no I refuse so obviously we know that we get the chance here to spare the boss I do not know what that looks like so let’s be

Prepared to do this together we’re about to witness things also I love this little holy attack I use it in the thumbnail I’ve used it in the majority of the thumbnails I think I kind of cut it out though about 2 days ago but uh yeah maybe I’ll add it back I’m trying

To I’m mixing things up on the channel at the moment one big thing I learned from the last series is people are like no please please please put episode titles back in or episode number rather so I’ve definitely taken that on board oh oh okay so if I remember right there

Was something we could do with this but truthfully I don’t have the the weapon for it it’s a real good thing I I kept my range weapon to be completely honest I almost put it in the chest at the start I was like ah yes I want to use my

My chicken skewer it’s not what it’s called but you know if you want to rename it you do not have to credit me and I will not claim compensation well maybe I will maybe I will you can’t can’t be giving out ideas like that for

Free right a chicken skew is a thing in other parts of the world maybe why would I even consider a chicken skewer a metal skewer with some chicken on it that you barbecue I haven’t had barbecue in a long time so you know or a chicken skewer so my

Chicken skewer knowledge is is not the best let’s let the Slime do some work don’t worry about us you just have a little nap there priest so I tell you what in terms of a boss fight pretty int boss if I’m being real like damage wise

It’s doing a lot of damage uh healthwise we don’t have a lot of Health I’m using the best healing pots I’ve got I’ve got regen I’ve got iron skin but as you can see not doing so good who knew mod of infernum no no no no no no wait a Butch

Of what I’m saying there mod of redemption more like infernum am I right everyone it’s all right you can all laugh it’s okay I won’t mind um summon do you thing look at him go the music’s Amazing by the way also the musician commented on the last video how Cool’s

That that made my day that I was like that’s sick a comment from The Legend themselves hell yeah now we just need the person that developed all the tiles I assum once again is multiple people but uh you know if they collectively want to share a YouTube account just to

Comment on this video you know I’ll accept it you know maybe that’s maybe that’s could be the you know that could be potential for today if you all want to put that together okay I just want to make sure we don’t oh I forgot about this phase wow and that phase killed us

Wow well here’s what we know for the future don’t forget about that don’t be forgetting that at all tell you what I’m going to do we will do jump Cuts today I’m a little cautious to do jump Cuts because I’m enjoying bringing the old style back and the old the old style was

Was kind of killed by too many jump Cuts you all know what I’m saying right I’m going to jump cut towards the end of the fight again just so that we are uh making good progress today because there are things I want to get done there are

Things I want to get done um let me think what else do we need this is probably about it wait no wait this is what I wanted I wanted ice do I have ice surely I have ice do I don’t have ice I don’t have ice hey we got no ice

In we got no ice oh no ice is there never mind don’t worry about this don’t worry you’re just watching a person be confused and and disorientated uh trying to edit yesterday’s video nightmare nightmare listen to to me ramble back to myself it was me personally I don’t

Really mind my own voice I’m quite used to it at this point to be fair I’ve been walking around with this voice for 20 27 years all right maybe there was was a little bit of time where I couldn’t speak as a child but you know I’m talking like newborn right we’ve all

Been through that phase all right no judgment no judgment um but hearing me be delirious and tired while also witnessing the chicken Uprising and trying to edit that together it’s just hard it’s just just really hard it was it was it was it was a a hard edit but

It came out all right you seem to enjoy it so hell yeah let’s get give myself a little Pat in the back tell you what let’s get rid of you and we’ll take Abigail’s flower is Abigail’s flower better it surely is it surely is right I know the numbers are different anyway

I’ll jump cut now now I was lying I really going to jump no I am I am I’m going to jump cut now all right so cutting it back in then here we go we got this attack once again now when we first did this fight is this

Attack just a matter of like oh you need to get like to a certain point in the fight for this to happen as in like TimeWise because I remember we did this and this was like wasn’t it episode one like surely I didn’t get this far into

The fight on episode one there’s no way it must be a timed thing I don’t know I’ll have to go back and I’ll have to check the footage which means I probably won’t I’ll probably forget I’m a forgetful person I won’t lie um I just am Courtney has to remind me of

Everything that’s just the way it goes but Courtney does not remind me about terrari footage so you know I’m at a loss I am at a loss um yeah we’re getting really close now aren’t we let’s go okay so apparently the spearing thing is very obvious and I like that I you

Know what I mean like I hope I hope the fight pleads is this it no it would be funny if it was like please spare me don’t kill me and then Abigail comes and just wipes it out really I shouldn’t be punished for that if Abigail does it on

My behalf I’m actually nervous about that I’m getting I’m taking it off I’m like I’ve spooked myself okay right here we go one Health I foresee my defeat creeping up on me well if all else faileth grenade get out of town oh how the oh my gosh it would appear if I have

Lost if I mayhaps you chant Spar my life uh life um send Master hallowed night my regards no we’re going to we’re going to spare you we are going to spare you oh we’re not going to spare this one well till we meet again wait wait a minute

Wait a minute right I’m spooked now okay we only lost one alignment we got the good ending for a second I was like oh no that demonize took it out no no yeah you lot said we would lose one alignment for doing that right

Oh my gosh well I love that I love that I’m going to honestly get ready for this cuz this is going to be the next couple of weeks here I’m going to chill so hard for this mod cuz I’m loving it I’m absolutely loving it it’s it’s a different experience it’s it’s so

Different to the last time we played there’s so much more care that’s gone into it not either one care before you got to you got to phrase these things right right that was so cool that was sick I loved that it’s yeah I’m just having such a good time and it really is

What I needed we got a golden egg ooh uh wao all right let’s go inside and uh check it out but yeah this is it’s just awesome it’s so awesome I really I really want people to check this out but I also want people to watch so you know

Don’t don’t go rushing into it yourself all right you can play it when I’m done I I kid so the golden egg then I assume it sells for a lot what can it craft okay it crafts nothing I don’t even know why I checked it all right so placing

Down the trophy let’s go oh I’m so proud um let’s open it up then bam oh look at that we got the hallowed hand grenade of angland um cool what’s this do so it’s it’s 51 range damage deals double damage to guard points and penetrates through defense oh that’s so cool okay let’s

Give it a go oh it’s infinite as well oh my gosh so it’s got a bit of a short range and does it deal damage to us am I right right in thinking that or am I just being stupid why every time an enemy keeps

Hitting me when this goes off yeah so it it does deal damage to us but it’s it’s not a lot though it’s not a lot of damage we also got the cross warding hands okay we got the cross summons a holy Shield to orbit around the user reflecting most projectiles The Shield

Breaks once enough damage has been dealt to it and I assume that it probably you know just comes back with time what was this one again this was the knockback one I’ll take this one off today’s our little Shield let’s go so we also got the holy magnifying glass 11 magic

Damage uh hold left click to charge a scorching Ray uh super effective on insects oh my gosh awesome what’s it like on on owls oh yeah super effective on owls that’s good that oh so it’s like a little beam I don’t see that truthfully being super practical uh but I think the

Concept is there and I dig it let’s uh chop down this tree real quick and uh we’ll place down this Relic so yeah just in terms of a in terms of a jump cut um I think what we’ll do is we’re going to jump cut the chicken event towards the

End so that we can do the Flaming chicken once again so yeah to spawn in the chicken event we need a foul War which is consumable so I think we need to do the chicken again the foul Emperor and uh and get it so yeah bit of a jump

Cut today um that’s all right I mean you understand the purpose it’s it’s all about progression today that’s right I’m in I’m in my new arc my new arc is is is killing chickens but doing it efficiently it’s so weird at of context I love to imagine the YouTube

Autogenerated captions which feed into the algorithm you know feed into the meta tags and all that and they’re like where do we place this gameplay video do we send it to the farmers do we do we send it to Gamers no I’m looking for a a

Mix of the two okay oh yeah real quick right I hate to even ask but could you lot do me a favor and like today’s video um just to see if it makes any difference in the algorithm obviously it’s my fault that I left this channel abandoned for for a months

I just want to see if it has an impact I don’t think likes do that much on YouTube anymore um but we’ll do a test and if this comes out higher than the last one in on a scale thingy I’ll let you know and we’ll learn together but

Yeah I’d appreciate it if you did but don’t worry it’s it’s literally no big deal I just want to I want to know the difference oh look at him he’s laughing all right time for a jump cut then we’re going to uh skip to the end of the

Chicken event and start uh beefing with those big chickens Al this is the damage in action by the way it’s a good weapon this is this is a good amount of damage I need to keep my range weapon though actually real quick I just want to say

If you’ve watched me play Terraria for uh for a while now like if you’ve seen like the majority of the stuff I’ve done you’ll know that I quite like uh fighting when I’m playing vanilla fighting with grenades uh it’s something I’ve done for like years now anyway this

Weapon here is like that for me it’s just like an endless supply of grenades but it’s kind of balanced a little better because if you used grenades right now you’d be swarming through these bosses and and you’d kind of you know you you’d ruin your own experience

By being a bit too strong you have to be a bit self balancing in Terraria sometimes I find so yeah I really like this weapon I think it’s sick all right we’re back we are back jump cuts are over it’s the Flaming chicken so now I assume we probably only have to beat

This once to count as beating the event so that’s what we’re doing we are beating this chicken it’s it’s going to work the good thing is we got the grenades so the grenades can kind of linger behind and hopefully the Flaming chicken can walk into them that’s my

Goal oh yeah I remember now it does come back the thing about this event it makes it so hard genuinely is the fact there are so many chickens which is like I mean that’s that’s the point right but when it comes back onto you you’re like

Oh I’ve got to walk through a a big big pile of chickens here okay let me grab that that’s a good thing about those little mini boss ones the Medusa ones they uh drop a lot of Health I’m scared to say the name of them out loud because

I’m like oh YouTube captions are going to demonetize the video it’s silly but it’s true all right for anybody who does not know if you are new to the channel that is the reason why you know this channel is so family friendly in a way in the sense of like YouTube are very

Strict and there’s no point being like Oh you know I’ll just you know just like roll the the dice somewhere the YouTube will be like oh adverts no adverts so you know it is what it is but you know that’s that’s how it goes um okay right

We are doing very good though yeah I’m overly cautious especially with thumbnails as well that’s a big thing right let’s keep going stop thinking about that stop thinking about chickens oh my God come on we’re very close we’re very close hell yeah wow so actually does end with the fight wow I

Didn’t expect that I thought he’d be like oh you’ve done the fight but we’ll just keep spawning chickens till the end of the day so we got a cuu cloak uh it’s a vanity item look at us go look at us hell yeah oh this amazing this is once

Again the best day of my life and I say that proudly uh so we got the green it’s like grenade grenade egg launcher uses egg bombs as ammo um so we do have some egg bombs we only have 29 now I’m curious um is there going to be another

Way to get these can you like purchase them I have a feeling the Arms Dealer will probably sell you them uh let’s put the banner in our house oh look at the banner just another great tile um we got the dawn Herald uses 20 Mana summons a

Rooster booster in a nest that crows an empowering Aura within the aura players gain increased jump height and 20 wow that’s massive that is massive right click to disable the senty so you’re getting all that jump height just for having this let’s not forget about it

And does it linger around yeah it does wow that’s actually sick oh so it’s like a temporary boost oh that’s balance I like that um what are you selling uh a DPS meter I’ll take that you lot who enjoy numbers are going to love that one

Cool cool cool cool did we get the big egg yeah the big egg is the shell awesome so let me put down this other Banner as well what a beautiful tile what a beautiful tile all so the last thing I want to do today is I want to go

Down to that area in the uh in the caverns and uh and just check out the the spirit walking thing oh yeah a little life update did not go to my office last night did not clear it out so maybe that’s tonight also like I’ve been saying for a couple of days it’s

Likely we’ll have Terraria news tonight so this episode is probably going to go up on Friday um I don’t know if I’m going to work over the weekend um it’s kind of hit and miss it depends on what I do most of the time I take Saturday

Sunday off uh once again if you’re new around the channel that’s usually how it goes Monday to Friday I’ll make as many videos as possible uh for this channel so maybe there’ll be a rare Sunday episode maybe there won’t uh but if not please have a great weekend I hope it’s

A really good one uh go do something that you enjoy all right that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to I don’t know what I’m doing this weekend actually I think it’s going to be a chill one I really want to go see Dune 2 so if I can

Get tickets to Dune 2 I’m going to go to Dune 2 and I’m going to have a day off of my diet which I’m very excited about not a day more like a meal and I’m going to have some popcorn and stuff like that so you know I’m really looking forward

To that my like I’m I’m in a in a diet right now but that is slowly coming to an end because I’m kind of where I want to be so I can go back up to my normal calories and uh you know love life live life but it’s been really beneficial so

Far I’ve learned so many new things these past um cuz I’ve been doing this for since the start of January anyway getting sidetracked but yet it’s going really well what is this okay I can’t remember what it was did you have to or did we have to do

Something forgive me for not recognizing what we’re doing do I mine it now now that I’m in this realm uh I don’t know do I click on this no there was something about this area wasn’t there but I don’t know what it is do I oh was it do you get the card

And you place the no okay right so I can’t figure this out um but do you you know what in reality this might this might not even be anything that’s the interesting thing but I always think this is probably good for the developers to figure out like oh what’s what’s

Actually clicking with people and what’s not you know just to figure it out maybe all this area is it’s just one of those areas where the spirits spawn it it could easily just be that but how come I not getting the little Spirit drops what’s that about am I not killing them

Right or did I am I not killing them quick enough and they’re like phasing out of existence is that what it is I don’t know I’ll leave that there for today then uh but yeah gives it gives the developers a little look into like what players are are actually you know

Do it okay right thank you so much for watching that is it um yeah like I say have a great weekend unless this video goes out tonight and it’s Thursday and yeah right cool see you in the next one oh wait I read BX

The mod of redemption has a unique alignment mechanic that let’s you show mercy to Terraria bosses, so let’s try it!

This Terraria 1.4.4 mod adds over 1000 new items, 11 bosses, wonderful tiles and 11 mini-bosses!

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  1. It turns out this month's Terraria SOTG didn't have anything new to talk about, so instead of posting this tomorrow it's live today!

    just ignore me acting like this would be posted tomorrow in the video lol

  2. my final exams start in a bit, so my weekend is gonna be the last terraria grind for two months until the vacation starts, after that im going to uni to study math and physics, im so excited!

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