New Farmer Beats Enemies with a Stick in Stardew Valley

I’m exploring stardew Valley for the very first time the catch I’m not going to use any Wikipedia whatsoever I’m just relying on you guys and the gamer intuition anyways I hope you enjoy the video ah good morning and welcome to the channel today we’re playing some more stardew Valley and I’m feeling pretty

Good about today because our parsnips have officially grown our second official Harvest of is it the year the the the century is here uh-oh inventory is full look at that we’re already getting it going here just wanted to say thanks for thanks for clicking on the

Video it means a lot I’m still a little groggy this morning here uh the reality with always filming every single day is sometimes you’re filming in least optimal scenarios and today it’s not that it’s at least optimal but didn’t have any videos pre-prepped so uh um

It’s just you know life got busy work gets busy and you know you got to do what you got to do so we’re here we’re enjoying the game and I’m excited to do this along with you guys today um I’ve also noticed there’s this kind of level of perfection that I have

Realized I start to obsess with with everything in life but specifically these videos and um I’m noticing that because I’m trying to be a perfectionist I’ll delete some footage that I could technically use um and it would be really useful for daily footage the problem is um I have a standard to

Uphold a little bit at least I feel the pressure to uphold a standard and uh I don’t know maybe maybe I should slow down a little bit say Hey you know we’re playing a farming simulator here let’s uh let’s enjoy our time a little bit here but

Life’s getting busy as it always is and I’m just glad you decided to join along how do I okay there we go wasting energy over here don’t yell at me okay hope you’re doing well I really do and um joining along on the journey we have

A big big day ahead of us here two two full days we intend to get through let’s see smelting use your furnace to smelt a copper bar perfect sounds easy enough I’m going smelting Pro they don’t even know who they’re talking to here so we are probably just

Going to spend a lot of time in the mines we’re going to go turn in this geode uh we’re going to sell some parsnip actually we’ll we’ll bring some parsnip with us uh we’ll sell this parsnip we’re going to bring the parsnip because it will give us some

Food so we can we can afford three from our Harvest here we don’t need the watering can we definitely Ely need the axe no ho is required let’s see and no Scythe either so we’re going to drop this in there also the comments just wanted to say

Thank you so much have been really helpful because now we know that we can put a chest right by the mines and it will make life so much easier so we’re going to bring that we’re going to get it going and uh let’s see what comes from

It so let’s step into town here we’re going to carry our our chest on our head here hold it high and uh we’ll go to town and see what it what it has for us here we’re going to check the calendar make sure we’re not missing anything because I’m really good at

That I’m drinking an iced coffee right now that I made um curious are you into coffee or not okay tomorrow is Vincent’s birthday what would a little boy like for for a gift gift maybe like a geode or a rock I’m just thinking in the lens of

This game I know I I don’t have any Electronics or iPads to give you dude I’m sorry I’m trying here all right so let’s see uh process geod we’ll process this one what is that an orament okay all right easy enough Gunther can tell us more about this one

Okay cool so we’ve got three minerals to give to Gunther archaeology office 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. yeah Oh I thought it was closed okay there’s two books missing Gunther we have a lot to to give you here uh we’re going to do here we’re

Going to do it in the order that we received I guess not really it’s order of inventory we’ve received thank you very much Gunther and we’ll see you around oh I forgot see this is why that hoe would have been useful here because the comments have been telling me that

This is where the books are oops let’s keep on moving here and another one okay I’m just going to act like I didn’t see it and like oh wow we’re going to just keep on walking here and uh nobody’s going to stress out at all Let’s see we are playing like the

Opposite of a stressful game so that’s kind of nice I’ve got to record a lot I will be honest I’m going on on another trip I just got back from uh one work trip and I’ve got another trip I’m going to go see my family however that requires me

To film quite a lot because I want to uphold that daily upload schedule and it is not always the easiest but but I’m not complaining life is really awesome and the fact that I get to be part of this journey and and do this um this long-term goal of mine is

Really really cool to be honest and not a lot of people are doing it so I’m glad I’m following the little kid inside me that said hey we want to do YouTube and here we are in the mines I wanted to do YouTube an hour is mining over here getting our hands

Dirty all right let’s get to floor five yeah give me those give me those carrots oh wow okay well I literally was stuck there I could not move at all soft locked all right soft locked on floor 10 uh somebody in the comments said we should just speedrun floors but but to

Be honest I also kind of like just doing a minor exploration because this is just so cool like look at this environment that the team designed here is that quartz come here slime yeah that’s what I thought oh and it’s already open what is that retaining soil

Okay all right I got to drop what oh my gosh we got a crazy sword okay we’re going to sell that sword we’re going to drop the fibers keep the mix seed pick that up and move to the next floor see we really could use oh let’s

See oh my gosh we’re smacking we’re smacking all right we should really pick that up um we’ll eat the horse radish thank you very much hopefully we can eat it oh yeah yeah we’re doing good oh look at us just smacking away they don’t even know whose’s boss they’re jealous I’m hitting

Tens you can’t tell me that’s like crazy op all right let’s see copper give us some copper nothing they’re giving us nothing over here feel like the minds are always a great place to Center the the mind you know just you against the elements not that I’ve ever gone mining

In my life before but I’m allowed to hold an opinion on things I don’t know okay I don’t want to hear any judgment either we got a free copper over from that all right come on where’s the ladder give us the ladder ladder easy okay a lot of stuff

Here oh easy ladder okay I said we just take it okay we made it to 15 that’s fantastic oh no we’re getting smacked over here we don’t take damage though we’re too good Journal updated initiation enter the adventurers Guild oh we should do that actually all right since we made

It to 15 let’s go back up to zero let’s place place our chest I forgot about that we’ll place it right here Boop and we could always throw in the food that we grabbed here on a rainy day and the rusty sword now we have some extra space

We’re going to go to the adventurer’s guild believe it’s yeah check that out it’s over here what’s to the right more whoa a bridge okay okay good to know did you see that little rabbit down there my nose is really stuffy I had some uh gluten yesterday

And now here we are all right adventurers Guild whoa okay hold on a second amethyst ring increases knockback by 10% topaz ring increases weapon Precision by 10 and an iron Durk see we have a crazy weapon I can’t lie we’re going to sell bug meat for some monies come back when you’ve got

Something to show me kid I don’t know what you want okay well at least we have access to that now that’s cool let’s go bring this down I don’t know if we can actually get down over there I don’t want to risk it cuz it’s

400 p.m. and we really got to get over there got to hight tail it to uh to the areas here all right um hello Demetrius oh no where am I going I’m so lost I’m so lost okay so let’s see if we’ve given quarts to um to what’s his name the museum I

Guess but we got to find out his name I don’t like just calling people by their by their occupation that’s not very kind of me let’s see oh this theme song goes crazy feel like I could break dance to this um all righty hey Gunther okay we

Have nothing to give you I don’t want to give you anything either I’m good thanks though man all right we’re going to go back we’re going to smelt all of our copper ore into a copper bar and we’re going to see what comes from it feeling kind of quirky tomorrow is Vincent’s birthday

Maybe we give him a cave carrot no let’s give him some quartz no he won’t like that what would what would Vincent like uh let’s see we’ll check our chest of many things and see if there’s anything that we can snag so I’m afraid to place more here we actually probably

Should have today that’s on me that’s really on me my bad still learning here we’re going to put the Scythe away we’re going to take the hoe perfect Vincent would probably like okay we’re going to take the copper War what would Vincent like horse radish um maybe he would just like yeah

We have to give him a quartz that’s it it’s the only cool thing uhoh wa okay so C is is a hitting thing that’s cool all right we’re going to throw a cave carrot in there fertilizer this soil has a chance to stay watered overnight mix into tilled soil okay mix

Into tilled soil let’s see uh copper ore oh we need Co I’m very sure of that’s something that we did not focus on getting on in the mines and I believe we’re going to have some trouble no we got to place you again how do I use you oh

Okay interesting it doesn’t have an interface it’s just just me and the elements okay all right let’s just plant this real quick we got a little plantage going on Boom we need the water and can all righty and look at this we got a copper

Bar easy mode and we’re going to put our copper and coal away and let’s see here what can we do with the copper bar there’s so many different things we could do pretty sure we could actually upgrade our weapons which is why we wanted to do it in the first

Place you know what I’m going to do this did I not water these uh-oh oh that could have been so very bad I’m glad we caught that those have been growing for a while now somebody in the comments mentioned something about a sprinkler and you my friend I very much

Like you because you gave me hope that I don’t need to walk water every single day um okay seems like everything today that needed to happen happened tomorrow we’re just going to little pre prep for it we’re going to need our watering can right out the

Gate we’re going to need one quartz for whoever’s birthday it is and we’re bringing the hoe the next day we don’t need the copper bar don’t need the copper bar let’s check out the weather for tomorrow uh it will be clear and sunny amazing and we’re going to sleep for the

Night let’s see how much money we made today oh hold on plus one watering Camp proficiency one hoe proficiency Stone Fence mayonnaise machine and a new crafting recipe a sprinkler there we go right around time so we have $1,100 made that day I think that’s our top performing day there we are making

Money all right let’s check our Fortune for the day annoyed today okay the queen of sauce oh it’s a rerun oh we learned how to cook though stir frry would you look at that oh look at you you have a cat hello mney hi Cloud you could see this cat

Here I do have eyes yes I found it sitting outside the entrance of your farm I think it’s a straight poor little thing yes yes do we get a cat I want a cat so bad I think it likes this place um don’t you think I C yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah what’s the question mark do okay so here’s the deal I have a cat a gray cat that looks just like that and her name is Leia like in Star Wars Leia but I feel like no no no we have to respect it right we have to respect it Leia it

Is she’s also like the best cat ever I was talking to my buddy yesterday about it h you’d be a good kitty now I talking to my buddy yesterday about this and I don’t think there’s a single thing wrong with this cat you know like how sometimes like cats are just

Like like crazy or like crack out or whatever this cat is just like no issues wrong and it’s it’s actually made hard to connect with her I’ve had like a really difficult time connecting because I just she has no flaws so nothing for me to accept which means how am I

Supposed to love her very backwards logic I know but we’ll get it done all right so I say we we plant some more parsnips I know we have actually you know what maybe we don’t plant anymore maybe we just run these because we have in a few days I

Think we should check before I confirm this but in a few days we have that Easter Festival thing and if we can get the strawberries from that thanks to the comments on this one we can get the the strawberries from that we’re going to be rich we’re going to be

Mega Rich that’s the goal here farming not on a budget all right so we are going to go back into town find Vincent that’s his name I’m pretty sure we’re going to drop off our watering can cuz we need all the inventory space that we can have perfect

We’re going to bring the hoe because um it’s a good useful item to have anything up here oh my gosh all the daffodils no oh dandelions my bad wow wait we got a ton of items we can give this to Vincent although I think he’d much prefer quartz

Okay the daffodil gives no energy I’m just going to throw this in the chest real quick I know we’re wasting daylight but H screw it we’re going to sell them whoops I guess we probably should have kept those for seeds but we’re not going to talk about it

It’s over it happened the past is the past we can’t do anything about it all right let’s see here we need to find Vincent that is for certain I’m looking for somebody to bring me 25 copper ores to Aid in understanding the local minerals I don’t know if 25 is worth

260 I’m going to be honest I don’t like Clint for that he’s trying to hustle us here oh whoa I can right click with that oh it’s over okay Vincent where are you bud we got to find you quick we got to get this over with come get your

Gift maybe we just don’t give him a gift maybe we just all right let me in it’s 10 minutes dude just let me there we go Vincent no Vincent Vincent has to be here I guarantee it Vincent let’s go yeah see you dude I don’t care about you I only want the

Good stuff you give uh Actually I don’t even know if gifts give anything I’m just assuming that there’s a gift system in this game maybe I shouldn’t assume like that um anyways we have $2,300 let’s confirm when the festival is because that’s a big one for us want

To make sure we have money so one two so we’ll get to it two videos from now one or two so if you’re not subscribed and you want to see more come on back we’re not done with this recording yet but we’re doing it together let’s see oh we

Should have gone that way no no no no we’re good all righty let’s keep on going over here pretty sure this person can help build inside of our home we’re going to the mines I forget his name over here oh no what am I doing where am I going man help me

What’s your name again oh I’m sorry lonus thanks lonus all righty nothing to see here we’re just going to grab those vegetables because you can never be too safe we’re going to go to 15 we’re going to get to 20 this round we’re not in favor and somebody in the comments had said

That uh oh gosh who what’s going on with this guy a cherry bomb generates a small explosion yeah yeah yeah we’re using that I don’t care we are totally using this um I forget what somebody in the comments oh yeah yeah the uh oh you know let’s just go

Down the luck on the TV tells you whether or not it’s actually going to be um like spawning ores that day wow those was really hard to get out maybe I am tired maybe I need to take a little break today and uh give some love for myself rice shoot

Yes and harvest with a scythe deal done sold where do I do it easy okay we can’t see a thing we’re blind let’s just try to find it over here I guess all right oh easy the RNG is with us now what are you hamst all right oh

Gosh come on oh and we got another one look at that we’re going to use a bomb because um we got to clear an inventory spot all right perfect and we’re going to drop the stone here I don’t know actually the Slime might be useful later so I don’t I feel

Like stone is very easily accessible slime is harder to get we’re going to go back uh continue down here let’s get our copper ore done here easy mode and I’m surprised we haven’t gotten any mineral or geodes yet I do like those I guess it’s because we’re not mining

These that’ probably be a little useful for us all right two four oh we only got one from that you dirty dog let’s see here oh thank you very much we need you give me you um wait did we not give the court no we did okay stop it drew your

Mind is not failing you okay oh there’s a there’s a little sneak peek my name is Drew uhoh I’ve doxed myself I wasn’t planning on doing that here we are so only people that watch this video are ever going to hear that and uh let’s like act like in the

Comments like nothing happened because I don’t want to be known okay that’s crazy uh let’s see here we got to find this doorway the ladder give us something man give us something now I’m not getting any coal from this which is really alarming to me because that could really pose some

Issues my fear is that we’re going to have be really short on coal oh speaking of which let’s see what can we drop slime slime’s the only thing that’s like kind of mid Actually I don’t even know if it’s mid but it sounds mid to me come on we got to keep

Going oh it’s like poison down here what are you okay we’re definitely going to get this I just don’t know what I can drop so probably could have dropped the hoe before oh we got it look at that okay we are going to drop the coal I know we

Just said we needed coal and everything but this is more important in my eyes and we got a chest a beautiful sword we’ll just sell it to the shop we’re going to eat the parsnip no oh no okay we’re going to eat all the parsnips to heal up fully because what

Else are we going to do we we need this space here okay we’re full HP a beautiful oh oh and look at the body of water should we actually bring a fishing rod here that’s probably smart we are good to go up to floor zero we’re going to bring some of these items

Over to the museum very very quickly we’re going to sell oh wait sell the steel sword because we have a crazy wood club that does so much more damage oh but that does significantly faster speed see that’s a that’s a to up there greetings steel sword cells and Bug meat

Cells perfect thank you very much on the way to the museum here and the well we don’t really need to process anything we’re going to place the rice shoots after we get back but we got a speedrun right now too oh hello whoa we got a fossil amphibian fossil did you look at

That uh we don’t have time I’m sorry it’s almost 6 and it closes soon Speed Run Speed Run uh let’s see going down here and we also want to look before we get back to home we want to look at what is required to make no I’m not going to

Make it no come on come on let me make it we just barely missed it we just barely missed it you dirty dog Abigail was just in there you can’t tell me you couldn’t take one last little bite are you kidding me all right uh let’s see the crafting for

Sprinklers is in here one iron bar and one copper bar that is our biggest mission of like all of life we already have two copper bar or and we’re going to have three more here coming soon we need to get some more iron because without iron we can’t focus on the big

Fun stuff in this game we can only focus on the boring so we’re going to plant these rice shoots uh believe it’s supposed to be yeah it hold on it grows faster if planted okay got it so we’re going to plant it down here out of the way actually

Um see I actually don’t know if this is the appropriate place to put it to be honest we only have four this will have to do I don’t think we can walk through them which is why I’m saying this is the case whoa wait a second is it already

Like pre-water we’re going to find out I’m going to risk that it looks watered right all right hold on on we can’t risk it I’m sorry let’s test it out it does look watered all right we’re only going to water these two we’re going to chop down this tree because I

Want to be able to see our beautiful stuff here come on got to clear the Trump as well the trunk what am I saying hear the Trump okay uh um got to put that away then we can go pick up the saps oh wait there’s one

Other thing we’re not going to sell this fossil worth anything definitely not we can throw the quartz away and we can we’re going to save all of this for Gunther to give us some explanations we’re going to keep the Earth crystal as well I don’t know what it’s used for but

I feel like these minerals are probably really rare for us so we’re going to bring these three here to Gunther and get some clarity around those we can put the wood away after we pick this up let’s see here boom boom easy and we’ll sell okay no no no we should keep the

Maple we’re not going to sell any of this all right we have 18 copper ore to smelt tomorrow and we’re feeling good we have three coal which is perfect oh actually we need a fourth wonder if we can craft it let’s see crafting any coal no but we can make a cherry bomb

Which is cool anyways if you made it this far into the video thanks for joining Along on this journey in start new Valley it is very early in the series but you’re here and you made it and I think that’s a fee in itself so thanks so much for joining along oh look

Our cat is just hanging out Leia oh he’s so cute and I’ll see you in the next one Goodbye Oh wait what’s this we got a sturdy ring I don’t care bug State that’s disgusting okay now is officially goodbye

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EP 05

Join us in the charming world of Stardew Valley, where adventure and farming blend seamlessly. In this episode, witness a first-time player navigate the game without any wiki assistance, relying solely on viewer tips and gamer intuition. From harvesting parsnips to exploring mines and celebrating the little victories, this journey through Stardew Valley is filled with discovery, strategy, and the joy of simple living.

0:00:00 – Introduction and Challenge Explained
0:02:23 – Harvesting the First Parsnips
0:06:28 – First Mining Expedition
0:09:35 – Adventurer’s Guild Discovery
0:12:14 – Crafting and Upgrading Tools
0:15:33 – Learning New Recipes and Farm Expansion
0:18:16 – Preparing for the Easter Festival
0:21:54 – Advancing Through the Mines
0:24:43 – The Struggle for Resources
0:28:29 – Planting Rice Shoots
0:31:06 – Reflecting on the Stardew Valley Experience

#stardewvalley #gamingadventure #mining #fishing #farminggame #pelicantown ##letsplay #letstry #firstplaythrough #rpg


  1. In case you prefer it: if you go to settings while playing in your save file you can change the UI scale and unzoom a bit. This helps me at least to see artifact spots (worms), foragables, townies, ladders in the mines, enemies and so on!

  2. Love your content! Just a small tip about the gifting: Gifting characters give them friendship points and each heart is 250 points. A loved gift is 80 friendship points, and gifting on their birthday x8 the friendship points, so if you're gifting a loved gifted on a birthday it would give you almost 3 hearts! If you open the character menu and theres the (single) text under the name, that means you can date them, marry them and have kids! Although its a slow proccess, you might want to work to get loved gifts for bachelors or bachelorettes to start dating! Every character even have unique heart events.

  3. hope you’re enjoying the game so far! try not to put so much pressure on yourself with your content, the videos are looking great!

    Couple tips:
    when you get a new mineral or artifact and hover to read the description, ones that need to be donated will always say “Gunther can tell you more about this” and if you’ve donated it already, the item will have a description!

    Also in your inventory, if you hover over an item that’s needed for a community centre bundle, the icon will on the right will start pulsating!

    these little tips just save you precious walking time 😁

  4. since you mentioned that you need coal, if you happen to see another minecart (just like in floor 18), you can click on it and it will drop coal (i think it gives you 6). for the mines in the valley, you can only get those 6 coal once per minecart, like if you clicked on it already (throughout your whole gameplay), it won't give you coal the next time you encounter it again. there's also brown bags in the mines as well, it's also like the carts. i hope this helps!

  5. when you reach forage level 4, you unlock the charcoal kiln to get coal, and you can also interact with mincarts and tha bags in the mines to get coals

    If you ever do the community center bundle try to complete the minecart bundle it helps you to go to the mine and town quicker

    And also if you hoe the ground in the caves there a chance of you getting random stuff

    I like the thumbnails they look awsome 👍

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