The Secret Lore in Terraria’s Mod of Redemption #4

All right so welcome back to the mod of redemption it’s a brand new week I hope you all had a great weekend in today’s video we are cracking on with our little adventure and the very first thing I want to do well it’s actually the second

Thing I want to do we are exploring caves there is so much untapped potential in this world and we are off to go and see it because we still don’t have our B basic accessories and if you didn’t know we’re taking things slow it’s a Vibe it’s an atmosphere but the

Very first thing I want to do is actually make a piece of armor so in the last video we ended up taking on the dancing skeletons I can’t remember the official name dancing skeletons seems appropriate uh and we got a bunch of shards a bunch of these ones here to

Have crafted those into the Alloys and we can now make common G Greaves bam we are making them why well two reasons number one I really like the design uh and number two I really dislike the design of gold armor so we can also make

A helmet as well so there’s the helm and the bucket Helm uh one gives better melee damage the one gives better defense I will make the I’ll make this one because we don’t even have a melee weapon how do we look do we look incredible you can say it you know I’m

Not afraid of a good compliment um I think we look great so this does have some lore attached so we are going to read because that’s right if you didn’t know I read books okay and I’m about to prove it that’s a lot of reading way more than

A book uh bucket Helm of the common Guard unit of angland that were scavening by skeletons originally shining steel the metal has since dled with time and coat it with layers of dust the common guard uh was founded when an Overlord city was completely obliterated by a stray demon that

Sneaked through an unguarded portal to demon Hollow they now guard cities and landmarks of great importance despite being stronger than the average nine they don’t get involved in wards cool very cool uh does Arma need a backstory I don’t know but we have it now um now I

Just want to I just want to make it clear right I just want to get the rumors out the way that reading segment there that wasn’t AI that was my raw untapped um natural ability at reading and um and yeah so before you get in the

Comments all right saying oh you know AI is taken over he didn’t read it no listen what is this oh yeah it’s the um it’s this don’t worry about it sorry it don’t make us evil we’ve killed one of these before it’s fine so there is a there’s that there’s that enemy sorry

For forgetting already but there’s that enemy that we fought on the first video in the first video the nymph that’s it I now know you can you can befriend the nymph you need to make a staff or something like that but yeah hope you all had a great weekend I actually did

Have a very good weekend uh brothers were around as I mentioned in the last video that was really cool um I actually I didn’t do a lot of reading all right maybe that part was a bit of a joke although I do read books um I have been

Reading though for real I’ve been reading a book called The Goldfinch by Donna tart last week I read another one of her books it was called the secret history now that was a banger of a book oh my gosh I love that book so much if anybody’s read the secret history please

Let me know because you know I’ve got nobody to talk about it with um but she’s only written three books I was like all right this this is my chance I’ll just read another book buyer I read about a third of it it was great it was called The Goldfinch um it’s moving

Pretty slow it’s about a painting so far well a good chunk of it’s about a painting and a young lad living in New York he’s got a dead beat dad all right listen you didn’t come here for a book review you came here for Pure Terraria

And I’m delivering all right um but what else do I do that’s pretty much about it to be fair I used the weekend to relax I feel like I needed it I needed it a little bit I feel very refreshed today and that’s how I feel like I needed it

Um gym this morning that was great this week is going to be a very busy week for me I have a lot going on so if you didn’t catch the end of the infernum series I was talking about the fact that for a little while I had an office right

That I rented um I no longer rent that or I’m about to no longer rent that I need to hand in the Keys in about 5 days that office is full to the brim with stuff so this week I need to go by and I

Need to empty it out and clean it up a little bit well it doesn’t need cleaning because it is immaculate it actually is uh I’m a very good tenant for real and I’m not even kidding but it is it’s full of stop so I’ve got to make sure that

Gets done this week that is going to be so hard it’s going to be a right terain W because this I didn’t I wasn’t so forward thinking when I got this Spates parking nearby is the worst thing going right there’s one parking spot which you’re allowed to have for 30 minutes 30

Minutes and then then you get a fine right but if you come back after a certain time it’s free but the problem is because people are off on nights out or just like off to like a restaurant or something it gets taken really quick and

Then if you come by really early in the morning people are still there because you get it until like I don’t know I don’t know 8:00 8 in the morning something like that so it’s going to be a bit of a pain but you know that’s my

Week I don’t think I’ve got else on other than that we are probably getting terrarian news this week I think red joked and said it would be February 29th so yeah I probably won’t do a video on that day at least here so I didn’t even

Realize we are maxed out with life that happened really quick um well let’s see what else we can find as we scoot about I do need to uh head back home though and uh and basically deposit some stuff I need to sort out the chesting system I

Don’t know if I’ll do it today I’ll probably do it tomorrow but it needs to get sorted out because it’s honestly it’s not looking great I just didn’t place down enough chests I feel like if I had a lot more it would be okay so many people though have asked like hey

Why no why no magic storage that’s a little bit strange I’m just I’m craving a little bit of vanilla with the sensation and experience of moded why is there three chests right here what is this about also I’ve just become a Summoner there that nowhere in the last

Last video and I’m committed to it I really shouldn’t be gosh these really do hurt don’t they when they’re uh when they’re electrifying okay so cloud in a bottle thank you very much uh this one has flippers and some like you know sand castle uh a little bit of the shark pet

The shark pet is the worst pet can we all agree on that is that an agreeance in Terraria just in general it is though isn’t it I don’t know it’s made for a very certain type of player and I’m talking about people that are like five people that are too young to be

Playing Terraria are liking that pet okay uh I’ll take that I feel really bad if that is your favorite pet actually you know what maybe I shouldn’t be so controversial I didn’t realize what’s happening today you know I I can’t believe I’m coming out the gate with

These strong opinions you feel an evil presence watching you so the game does naturally want to give me the eye of culu I think considering we have so much health but I don’t really want to do it yet so we do have this boss here called urum oh that’s the that’s the priest

From the first episode right H I don’t know if we should do this one so I’ve become quite conflicted you know with the morality system in general not conflicted in a bad way but conflicted in the sense of like um I don’t know how do I mean this it’s overwhelming because

I’m like well I want to experience the mod I don’t want to end up evil but then I kind of committed to being like well if I want to experience the mod I’ll do it let me show you something real quick so if we take this forbidden ritual and

We place it here a forbidden scroll used to summon great demon Terrors to the land these are risky things do not be tempted by it lest you desire the path of sin so that will send you down the path of sin maybe I’ll leave this for

Today you lck can vote on it in the comments how about that or if you have a strong case ior all we should do it or shouldn’t do it let me know cuz I’m curious what you lot think I’ll tell you how I’m leaning I’m leaning towards we

Don’t do it and we stay on the path of good but I don’t know I guess I was like how does it make you evil and that’s what I was thinking in the back of my head but I guess killing a priest isn’t quite good like yeah maybe maybe that is

Evil maybe you shouldn’t do that so yeah yeah we’ll see where we land on that one we’ll see where we land oh so I did do something exciting today I ordered myself a new laptop uh yeah I am such a big laptop Enthusiast I’m a big Tech

Enthusiast in general I kind of wish that I had a tech channel here on YouTube because it’s something I could talk about like pretty non-stop other than Terraria uh Tech is my thing right if you ever go to a tech Channel on YouTube you’ll see me in the comments

Because I’m always like I’m just in that space all the time anyway I’m very excited because uh if if some of you may remember about I guess it’s about 2 years ago now I purchased a razor laptop and I was very excited about this laptop all right it’s a very fancy product I

Think it was my it was my second razor laptop actually the first one I had was perfect but the second one the second one was not so good um one morning all right 31 days after purchasing it which is very very important if you know you

Know right I’ll explain it um I was like making a cup of coffee it was just after I’d got Atari actually I remember it so vividly I just heard a bang and then a puff of smoke and then a burning smell so my Razor laptop exploded from the

Charge port just randomly 31 days after purchasing so it was ineligible for a refund or any kind of real support so I ended up having to deal with Razer who were like oh send it to us in Germany so I sent it to them which took three was

It like 3 weeks to to get there through whatever tracking they sent it was something ridiculous and then they spent 3 weeks quote unquote fixing it they sent it back to me it was still broken and then I had to send it back to them and then they sent me a replacement unit

That was secondhand that somebody else had returned and even getting that was EXT hard because they were like oh we don’t have any replacement units um they don’t exist anymore or whatever right they were like oh you can have this version but it had had the wrong

Keyboard and I was like no I P this laptop with this keyboard I do not want the wrong keyboard it took forever anyway I think it was something silly like I owned the laptop for 31 days and then Razer had it for like 5 months that

Might be an exaggeration but not by much right anyway ever since getting this lapt top and so I’ve had the replacement for a while the replacement has been fine it’s had a few issues but it’s been fine right I’ve wanted to get like shot of it ever since and replace it with

Something different because you know when when you know that it has the potential to explode but any tech product does right you don’t want it and and obviously if you may remember um I don’t know how long ago this was like 2 years ago was it now it was during the

Calamity series before infernum my my mom’s house burnt like down well not down but but like 80% of the way right so I’m very funny about fires technology fires cuz that’s what started it right anyway going into it I bought a new laptop I’m very excited um it arrives

Tomorrow and hopefully it’s decent but oh yeah this laptop is uh is not from Razer I I will never buy a Razer laptop ever again they scare the life out of me that I’ve never had a tech product go bang before and it was yeah it was just

Yeah so it’s put put the put the fear in into me put the fear into me this one’s by Asus I’ve had an Asus Lop actually it was good it was good ooh maybe maybe it’s time we do this I think we might have put this off for for too long now

And I’m fairly certain we could do with getting these um these steel bars so the next boss or a boss the keeper is summoned in with a wedding ring I saw this just before I hit recording um but the wedding ring is made out of the

Steel alloys so we do need them and I think we are ready let me go do that let me uh quickly go up and um dump some stuff away oh yeah it’s I culu oh gosh whatever will I do so let’s give this a go I’m really excited about this

Um okay here they are one has a hat just like the one that was strung up all right we’ll do a little bit of this and we’ll see what goes down the good thing about these two is they seem to like hit once and then just kind of back off for

A little bit gosh it’s so weird to be doing something that once seemed like not impossible like I knew we’d get stronger but like this was our first little roope block like look at that we were killed on the 22nd of February gosh right well there we go um we got some uh

Alloys for that uh I’m going to mine this up in the middle what I’ve come to realize these tiles very important very very important very special tiles okay we got that one so let’s see no can’t break it yet interesting is this maybe something we come back to

Someone remind me cuz I will forget now I don’t know if this is a modded painting or it’s actually in vanilla Terraria I don’t have the mod what mod is this from but this painting here is Ace isn’t it that is so cool sufficiently advanc by m user I want to

Assume that that is is modded why is that so good that’s actually Ace I just love it it’s a it’s a wizard with a gun all right how how can you deny the the quality of that okay right if donat T’s writing a new book and it’s about

Painting all right forget the gold finch all right n no n you you need this painting um so far we’ve just found nothing but Life Crystals and nothing but cloud in a bottle like I found no boots this has been a terrible mining episode epode but you know it’s fine

It’s fine it’s all good ooh okay so I think we found another little chunk of um the mods like custom biome I don’t know what the biomes called um what’s the what was the dirt called again gaic it’s the gaic biome that’s right so this

Is kind of what I spoiled for myself I was I was trying to talk about this in the last video but I got a little bit off topic and I started talking about thumbnails and even then after my little speech about thumbnails I still don’t like the thumbnail of the

Last video so I don’t know where I went with that I manifested something awful yeah so I kind of spoil that there’s actually quite a few of these throughout the world I thought there was just um the one and we passed through it because you know that little like um that little

Item that was pointing Us in the direction was kind of pushing us that way no there’s like multiple of these I think that’s really cool they’re like different sizes I don’t know what it’s like in this world in particular I have um I have a thumbnail world basically

For anybody who don’t know I’m always like well now my goal is to like fill in the background of the couch for anybody that’s new essentially every time I make a let’s play I make a second world called the thumbnail world and there I’ll build all of the like fake sets

That I use for thumbnails because yeah you want your thumbnails to be as dramatic as possible at least when you’re you know you’ve made over 2,000 videos at this point which is like what I’ve done so um so yeah and then I use mods on that world to summon in the the

Items and stuff like that to make the thumbnail look good basically the reason why I do it that way is because you don’t necessarily well this is me I don’t want to be on my character uh without filming very much in case anything good happens or anything random

Like for example we got attacked by that little Bobble of slimes or whatever in the last video What If I missed that and I didn’t get to film it it would have been going because it’s cool right so that’s why I do it that way anyway um enough enough peeking behind the curtain

What’s this then so this a little house we got a little chest cool I wonder if it’s going to be similar items though so we get the Rope hook affected by gravity o all right I’ve not played too many mods that have gravity affected hooks I

Think the first one that comes to mind is um oh this is just dirt is uh overhaul TR overhaul so this is pretty neat we have ended up in the uh in the desert biome something which I overlook quite often uh but yeah I’m glad to uh

To be here got the storm spear I really like this weapon I do I’m not going to use it because uh I want to I want to try and be as modded as possible he says with a slime staff but I want to be as modded as possible but it is such a

Great weapon and it looks so visually interesting that’s why when I did the spoiler for the new e of Worlds track I was like oh I have to use this weapon this weapon looks flash it’s the little bolt of lightning look like how good does that look it just looks sick for a

Vanilla weapon ooh empty Crux card a container for friendly spirits to AG you find willing spirits and request their cruxs to imbue into the card those who Peak into the realm of fulfillment are bound to find friends cool all right something a little bit different yeah I

Stumbled across another one of these I I’m doing a lot more jump cutting today but it’s because I have to keep going back up depositing all my friend random stuff and then coming back down and I’m just like well there’s only so many times we can we can yap on about that uh

I want to get back to the desert I want to get back to there I feel like this is the chance to um to get some some better boots but even now I’m like oh I’ve got too much stuff look I I can’t hold it all Terraria please all right ooh what is

This no way is this is this part of the labor atory has it spawned really high or is this a different structure look at this though this looks so cool can I break a piece no so clearly this is for something later on I wonder where the entrance is do I do

This now I assume I don’t do this now I assume this is for uh for later on like I say if I can’t mine that I assume it but then again is that maybe just because it’s part of structure that it doesn’t want you to to mine James please

Please stop mining this what are you doing let’s have a little look let’s see it from the side oh it is exciting I’m going to leave this I think I could very easily get sidetracked trying to get inside I don’t think we do this yet I think this is something for later but

What is it was this in the mod last time I played cuz honestly I do not remember so yeah we found the snow biome I’m going to dive in and we’re just going to try and work on getting boots that’s all I want I just want some boots please

Terraria what are you doing just give me boots hey look at that let’s go all right I’ll take some ice skates that’s pretty sick first thing to find did you walk in the ice biome yeah awesome all right this makes me very optimistic I I do feel like we’re going to get boots

Pretty quickly now that’s it that was a good omen unless that was the only boots around and that to me without the soul to my feet no it’ll be fine let’s not think that way let’s be positive that no okay right I was about to say that looks like a custom texture but

It’s not it’s just that you know this has spawned a little interesting compared to normal gosh these jellyfish oh oh yeah okay so it was something custom I didn’t realize I apologize I may have broke a portion of it um wow this is cool though got cogs got little pipes

Pretty sick uh mistfall uses eight Mana lowest the air pressure temperature at cursor Point slowing enemies caught in the mid wow look at me go oh we got some more elderwood this is great I’ve been needing some of this we also got some Arch cloth uh did we already get a

Little bit of this I think we might have done cuz it it does seem familiar unless I’ve seen it while making a thumbnail that’s right um do you know what I am going to wrap it up for today actually I feel like I am you know I don’t want to

Rush over this stuff cuz this seems cool so maybe maybe tomorrow we’ll be focused on the the ice biome yeah I don’t want to rush it I feel like I’m I’m really enjoying the pace so let’s have a little look at this AR cloth then just want to

Quickly check I was looking up the staff look it needs uh more elderwood I also need some Lost Souls which I don’t have so you know it’s coming up uh oh okay so it just makes uh donate a vanity sets cool um a music box as well well this

This this could be cool that looks really sick Coke Cape uh you need three of them do I have one already no how come I how come I know this I must have seen it in the thumbnail world that does look sick though it looks like um it looks like

These Tracker out of cyber Punk but purple do you know what I mean right real quick Let’s test this weapon as well ooh okay seems pretty fancy so I’m assuming you like slow an enemy down and then bot him you know what I mean sorry buddy but that’s how it goes right so

That is going to be it for today thank you all for watching let me know in the comment section down below what did you do this weekend what have you been up to okay right I’ll see you all tomorrow peace

In today’s video we’ll be discovering the secrets below the surafce in Terraria’s Mod of Redemption. This Terraria 1.4.4 mod adds over 1000 new items, 11 bosses, and 11 mini-bosses!

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  1. Since we’re on the topic of laptops, can anyone recommend one for me? I’m going to college soon for cybersecurity. I’m also fairly certain I’ll be doing graphics, so I need a dedicated gpu. Also thinking 32gb+ ram. Not necessarily looking for recommendations I guess, but maybe sway me in the direction of AMD or Intel.

  2. 14:47 it's vanilla, actually! I understand why you are not familiar with it: a lot of new paintings were added in a smaller update, most of them appear in the underground houses
    20:17 I think it's related to that one robot boss that crashlanded here, not sure if you remember

  3. my weekend was great! I just got to where you are at in my own redemption playthrough (judging from the thumbnail), and it’s great! This series is always something I’m looking forward to watching every time a new episode comes out! great job!!!

    edit: by the way, the enchanted boomerang or the star fury can damage those spirit things if you didn’t figure that out by the end of the episode (I haven’t finished)

    DOUBLE edit: I did finish, and this is a happy day, since it marks the end of the 3 day illiteracy arc. I know it’s the same comment but I have the need to say it again since it’s been 20 minutes even though the comment is long, your content is just the best thing to see heading home after a long day

  4. Death Counter: 6

    Lol, I never really get to see your thumbnails, James; I always just click on the notification.

    And to vote on whether or not to do the boss, I say do it!

    No deaths today either!

  5. Every boss you fight will always give you the chance to increase it or decrease it so if you fight a boss you get the option let’s say there is option one and two there will always be an option to keep your alignment or change it in someway

  6. 1:40 That's once.
    2:37 That's twice.
    3:39 Three, four, and five times. The chicken doth protest too much.
    5:59 It's not closely related to reading, but unless America and the U.K. have different calendars, there is a Feb. 29 this year. Thursday, I believe.
    7:18 Yup.
    7:50 Is this the Redemption arc (pun intended) for James's illiteracy?
    8:36 Maybe it is!

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