Hermitcraft 10: Episode 6 – DATA BASE

Welcome to hcraft season 10 this is episode 6 today I’m going to start things off by officially moving into my starter base these temporary chests will be removed all of the items we pushed up there and death by llama will be the only way that I can access them which I

Think is a good thing so here we go just going to start throwing the items into this right here and they should all start making their way in this is ridiculously satisfying that’s maybe not so satisfying that’s really annoying it’s a mild floor with the Redstone Contraption there I don’t even know why

I’m trans porting half of this stuff up to the main base cuz most of it is complete junk when am I ever going to need six eggs oh and just before you all start panicking I’ve fixed the issue where some items would very occasionally get stuck I don’t often say this

Sincerely but thank you iscal so that should be everything transferred I how am I still this bad at the game the bottom area is fully cleared now it’s time to see if the items made it to the top safely just got to throw all of my

Items into this chest drop down to the bottom Snowball the llama and that should do it now I need to organize all of this stuff I mean I don’t really know how to do it I’ve been trying to move the valuables up into this chest I like the look of this chest

And I guess this chest I should actually keep empty at all times so that when I throw items in there’s no chance of this chest filling up and then the items being lost so I should probably remove these and I guess get some form of sorting worked out which I’m definitely

Not going to keep in the video because I can’t think of anything more boring it is now done and yes it was incredibly dull but I feel a lot better now so we got wood then we got Stone then we’ve got red stone we’ve got kind of bad miscellaneous stuff relatively good

Miscellaneous stuff and then really really good stuff now let’s wrap up the game of demise I sadly did not get an opportunity to kill anyone in demise I literally didn’t set up a single trap which is a little bit embarrassing so I ended the game as a red name FS however

Was the winner of demise so we got to kill her oh can he land it can he land it can he land it come on nail it all right false if you crouch cuz uh that that you might get bumped a little bit right are you ready everyone

Let’s go back all bit let him loose I’m not here we go it’s as easy as that now as the winner of the game of demise false gets the ultimate hermit permit so this is that good The Sounds good she gets to choose what this permit is for so cool

Looking now what on Earth is hermit permit well we’re going to be creating a shopping district in hermitcraft season 10 but to create a shop you have to have the specific permit that goes along with the items that you want to sell for example if I want to sell slime I need

To have the Slime permit now these permits get randomly assigned to the hermitcraft members each hermit gets six different permits of varying different tiers you can trade your permits you can sell your permits you can swap them around you can do whatever you like with them the permit system will be regulated

By us there may be new permit is introduced if people aren’t pulling their weight with specific permits the Only Rule is you cannot undermine the permit system let’s see what I get out of the shuffle Mumbo then you’re up oh I am this is the most weirdly

Nerve-wracking thing I’ve done in a very long time this is going to affect your future y all right so I have got I’ve got wart blocks excellent got anybody anybody need any War blocks that’s the name of the no okay I got gilded Blackstone though that’s kind of

Good I’m buying I’m buying well good luck harvesting it good luck getting that yeah I got regular bookshelves as well which you know you know man in the suit and books that’s nice yeah yeah yeah all right here we go these are where things get a little bit more EXC exciting explosive

Fireworks the I’m done now I’m and and all item frames it kind of cool kind of cool lot of sticks lot of sticks the leg provider server yeah yeah yeah here we go here we go right I have got jungle and dark oak logs and this is a collective item

There’s a logger interesting two of the log the first logger very cool he left a floater all right X you’re up next scar please change the battery in your smoke alarm I talk to somebody about it I wasn’t initially that pleased with my selection but apparently explosive fireworks are actually a very valuable

Permit to have all right what so what is this tra what is the trade that you want to do you’re like so so I’m think thinking I I want the explosive fireworks uh if you’re if you’re willing to part with them um the ones I have the

Permits I have I have all amethyst I have white glass nilum or N I don’t know what I don’t know what that is so that’s the ground in the nether like the red and and blue ground right okay in the um purple terracotta all the horns if

You’re interested in that and then I got prismarine uh I mean prismarine would be pretty good like it’s been ages since I’ve made any form of of Temple like that I I’d be kind of open to prismarine but then like is that is that a is that a fair trade I

Mean now this is a good gold tier that’s a good gold tier yeah but the pris Marine is also a good s tier so I mean I don’t know I mean okay okay what else what else can I Chuck in there I mean I got I got War

Blocks War blocks I mean kind of goes with kind of goes with anium a little bit I mean yeah yeah so you could you could have a bit of that you got you got regular bookshelves that’s not bad gilded Blackstone maybe that’s also nether maybe I can throw that in there

As well and then I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you what let’s do for the prismarine I’ll give you I’ll give you the prismarine you give me the explosive fireworks and the Gilded Blackstone and it’s a deal that sounds like a fair deal I’m this a deal

Okay cool right I’m throwing it out is this official it’s happening it’s happening oh baby oh baby black explosive fireworks all right man awesome I like that we had the same reaction pleasure doing business with you buddy yeah thanks Mumbo appreciate it man all right Lu of luck well that’s

The second time we said the same thing like this is starting to get a bit scary it is getting a little bit awkward so now I have two s tier permits I have prismarine and I have two log types oh dear uh I need to use my furnace which I

Currently have in my inventory but all my coal it’s up in my base I guess it’s llama Time come on them buddy you know the drill Perfection oh except I left all the items I left my furnace in the barrel I I was meant to

Put it in the chest so it’ll be taken up here it’s llama time again oh and actually on the topic of llamas somebody gave a really really good suggestion I sincerely hope I’ve got this game mechanic right so I make some gray wool and then turn that into carpet and then

That carpet should be able to be attached to my llama oh gosh this is dangerous is there something that needs to be done have I forgotten something does it need to have a saddle on it or something okay apparently I need to tame the Llama is this is this

Working I don’t know what I’m doing this doesn’t feel like it’s working oh oh oh that was good this feels like a good way for me to die well this is a precarious thing I’m on half a heart riding a llama yes I am friends with the Llama good

Stuff good stuff Bandit yes I have got a bandit llama does it still like me when even when I I fire snowballs at it oh no I can’t get out of here see the thing is if I break the fence post as soon as I

Touch the magma I’m going to die so then the Llama would be able to escape but I think if I just shoot the Llama no oh no now the llama’s my friend I can’t shoot it with snowballs anymore this has all gone horribly wrong and it’s all your fault

Good I thought I was in danger there and by in danger I mean not in danger I wanted to die with my base quirks now sorted let get to today’s plans and they are to document the weird quirks of my base you see I plan on doing a lot of

Inventing this season I want to create a lot of things and I want to create an easily accessible database that documents all of these inventions each invention gets a specific number a specific name it gets put into the system and then it can be searched for

And retrieved this way I can keep track of how many inventions I’ve done this season my alra just broke and the reason I’m flying in this direction is because I don’t have enough iron to make an anvil how can I look so rich but be so poor all right invention o1 was the

Item what’s it called I’m calling it The Floor to base item mover the thing that allows me to move my items from my chest into my base and then invention number two is the UN alive llama system I don’t think that needs any further explanation

Now what I have to do is put the labels onto the inventions themselves so I’m thinking how does that look not that good can’t really read it I can’t see the number which is also very important it could go on the edge of this slab I

Kind of like the idea of that yeah that’s good Okay so we’ve got the label for the UN alive llama and then over here we’ve got the label for the item mover I’ll be honest I didn’t expect this to be the tricky part okay that’s

Great so now we have the labels on now we need to create the system that allows us to search the labels for more information on the invention so now let’s head into the Redstone testing world and start designing this thing now this is actually going to be a weirdly complicated Redstone Contraption to

Construct just like how that sentence was a weirdly complicated sentence to say but the first part of the process is actually done for me I was flying around the Redstone testing world and I located these which are decoders for seven segment displays now I designed these a few years ago they’re pretty simple

We’ve just got some levers down at the bottom and whatever lever I flick corresponds to a number on the display that’s all good solid start now the next part of the process is surprisingly right next to it clearly I was stinking along these lines a few years ago but

I’ve got a decoder for a 10 button panel here so whatever button I press on this will give a different signal strength out through the back comparator so now all I have to do is link up the signal strength of that to these and then make it work with more

Than one digit so I need to put some red coders at the bottom of these so that we can read the different signal strengths and actually turn them into usable signals and then I need to make it so that if I only press one button then

This first digit is a zero and then this is the button that I just pressed and if I put push two buttons in quick succession then the first button press has to be this digit and the second button press has to be that digit and that’s just the Redstone for the display

And then need to take the output from this display the digits and what they are and then send that Redstone signal down into some form of storage system and be able to pull out the item that corresponds to that specific number that is being displayed now the item that I’m

Pulling is the descriptor for what the invention actually is so for example this is the one for the FL to base item mover we’ve got the date in which it was constructed and then a brief descriptor saying what it does so at any given time throughout this hermitcraft season I can

Look at an invention that I’ve got in my base and pull up when it was built and all the information surrounding it it’s like having my own Wikipedia in Minecraft these are the sorts of Hoops that you have to jump through when you don’t have the internet on your phone

Let’s get into designing shall we gosh I am already struggling here I want to try and keep this relatively Compact and have our number pad fairly close to the numbers but that is kind of hard I need to make a line of RS SN hatches so that the number gets locked

In and uh yeah maybe just not dropper ones I think I’m still going to use the droppers but honestly I’m just going to start again and see if I can get somewhere else okay this actually looks promising if I’m looking at it it looks like I could stack these up next to one

Another without them interfering good and now I think I’ve got the red coders worked out that run into them and I think I have space for the output line all EX I’ve got the Redstone torches the wrong way around which means that now every number is being powered as opposed to no

Numbers being powered which is actually a big problem okay I sincerely hope I can be smart here I’m going to replace the Redstone torches with the Redstone line because the items inside the dropper are just going to be normal non-stackable items then they should give a signal strength of one which

Means that yeah only one redstone torch will turn off which means that we should no what yes yes this is good I just got the repeaters the wrong way around or at least I flipped the Redstone Contraption without flipping the Redstone repeaters yes okay it all seems to be working so

Now most of the ground workor has been laid for the beginnings of the design we’ve still got a lot to do though but doc just messaged me about a permit trade and it’s one that I’m pretty interested in so let’s hop back onto the hermitcraft server and get the deal on

Hello what on Earth you just the out of nowhere really yeah I think I flew through a Le Spike man it’s like it’s like a sonic boom you know so I I hear I I hear that you’re trying to set up some kind of log log based Monopoly is this

Is this what you’re thinking well it’s Monopoly I wouldn’t call it a monopoly but you know I mean I want to build a multi- tree farm and I kind of it would kind of make sense right if you can also sell all the woods you produce kind of

That’s so kind of a monopoly in a in a like I mean some some might call it the Monopoly okay okay okay well I do happen to be in possession of of the the dark the dark oak and jungle jungle Spruce deed or or permit I suppose as we spoke

Already before a little bit I prepared some paperwork oh my goodness okay oh my goodness so wait you’ve got like an official contract here yes yes oh my God this is very very official wow okay I mean we might have to check there’s a light spelling mistaken here this is a

Very good deal is that well I’m just going to skip ahead I’m skipping ahead like 20 Pages just to make sure that you nothing there’s no no no fine print 50% of my earnings from those logs belong to you I mean it’s a fair deal you know

It’s a really good deed you have I don’t want to fleece you wow okay okay so do you need me to sign it is that is that what needs to be done here um yes okay I’m just going to this is this is me adding some wait wait no fine print heading no

No no no no no I’m just making sure that the the signature looks good you know it needs to it needs to have the right number of like Swirls and I you know I don’t want anyone to to be able to to copy it there we go that should be

Officially signed for you yeah I I’ll sign it officially then you get a copy so the here you go right let me go and I I need to go get my deed unfortunately it is up in my base so uh yep I’ll have to oh fancy yeah I mean it yeah I

Wouldn’t go in there because it’s it won’t it won’t end well for you there’s only one way to get into my base at this point in time just give me give me a second wait why are you taking off your clo I’ll be I’ll be back in a sec sorry

My llama missed oh there we go what oh really that’s your elevator nice there we go One D for you buddy thank you so much wow okay this is most likely the best elevator I’ve ever seen dude that’s that’s genius well that was very successful now back to the

Redstone testing world and I’ve been doing a little bit of work I’ve now added in our little button selector panel and it has the Redstone decoder to it so each one of these buttons that I press here will output a different signal strength which I can then send

Through to the red coders and it’s looking pretty good I mean it’s messy it’s incredibly messy but it fits nicely within this Gap right here so now I just need to create the system which will allow us to alternate between the two displays and and I think I’ve come up

With an idea so I’ve hooked up the first output line and as you can see that all seems to be working whenever I press a button it looks like it’s powering the correct torch that it should be powering and I’ve hooked up the other side now as

Well now let’s see if my idea Works uh I’ve created a little T flip flop there and then I’m going to create another T flip flop on this side which is going to be set to the alternate so when this T flip flop is off that one is on and when

That one’s on this one is off cool that’s nice and easy so the T flip flop s are both connected just to the Redstone line coming out of the button panels so they will always get powered which means each time I hit one of these buttons it should alternate so that time

The redstone lamp turned on on this side and then when I hit the button again it turns on on that side and that all seems to be working really quite nicely and this should be even more obvious now that I filled in all of the r snatches so if if

I wanted to do the number 20 six five five okay all right it seems I got my numbers wrong thankfully that was an easy fix and now everything is working properly so if I put in the number 402 let’s say everything pops up correctly and I can reset everything using this button

Here great item selector and displays all done and dust now I’ve been having way too much fun in my Redstone testing world so let’s hop onto the hermitcraft server to make some progress okay let’s progress let’s do yeah a little bit of bit of terraforming in the

Area I think that looks really good really really nice and then well I’ve always thought that these path blocks they yeah they they should have been path blocks all along I’ve always thought that yeah yeah yeah okay I I think we’ve made enough progress back to designing this Redstone Mega structure

And this next part is going to be fun because we need to connect up what we have going on here all of this display stuff to an actually usable item retrieval system and item input system we need to make sure that we can put things into this system we need to make

Sure that our database can expand and we need to make sure that when we take something out of the database when we put it back it goes back into the correct place so the way that I’m doing this the way that I’m converting these numbers into usable minecrafty things is

I’m going to have one row which is going going to be horizontal it’s going to be it’s going to work in this plane it’s going to work across and then there’s going to be the other row which is going to work vertically so you can almost

Think of this as a coordinate right it’s like we are on row to position 7 and as always this is presenting some fairly unique challenges I have come up with a way to do things but it is big uh I me I knew this was going to be big but yeah

This is big but I think it’s necessarily big like now that I’ve added the dropper system in which is where our ideas are going to be stored inside this dropper here will be one of the ideas I think it sounds about right so there’ll be 10 ideas stacked horizontally and then with

This current setup there would be four sets of 10 ideas stacked vertically so that’s 40 ideas in total which is more than enough I don’t think I’m smart enough to come up with more than 40 inventions yeah ignore this giant redstone testing well behind me okay progress is coming along well now we’ve

Got our directory I’m now linking up all of the things from the displays to these lines of redstone here these lines of redstone are the layer selectors so when that line is powered that means that this layer of the directory is selected so this would be layer zero 1 two and

Then three now I have to create a crazy snaking Hopper line which is horrendously expensive my goodness and now the build should be done now just to be clear I haven’t linked up any of the output chests or input chests or anything because that’s kind of specific

To where they’re going to be located on the hermitcraft server but functionally this build should work so if I go up here and I put in the number 24 just had to check my latches were the right way around yes they are okay so we’re going

To put in the number 24 so we press this button we get a two up at the top and then we press this button right here that should be number four and that should have outputed a book so this is the output for layer number zero this is the output

For layer number one this is the output for layer number two and we have got book four I didn’t name them all the way up to 40 so this is 24 this is it and then when we want to return our book it should go back

Into the correct place because it is the only Hopper that is currently unlocked all of the other Hoppers are locked by the redstone torch now the cool thing about this is is that this also means that we can expand our directory really really easily as long as there’s no

Books being taken out the system the book should just fall into place in the last available spot I was getting nervous then but there we go redstone torch turned off that means that our book is in yes it all works we’ve got ourselves the craziest the craziest

System ever this is like Sahara from hermitcraft season 6 but it might be like a little bit more smart and slightly more I’m quite impressed by this the only issue is it is ludicrously ludicrously expensive especially when it comes to iron maybe there’s something that can be worked out here so I happen

To know that grian really really wants my prismarine permit and I also happen to know that grean has the iron and gold permit so that means I would have a very good excuse to build an iron farm which would mean I’d be able to build up my absolutely gigantic Redstone mechanism

And have plenty of iron for future invention but also I’d be able to sell the iron in a shop and not only that I’d also be able to build up a gold Farm create a bartering Farm even though I wouldn’t be able to sell the things from

The bartering Farm I’d get all of the things from the bartering Farm I really really want that permit but I know that grian probably wants my prismarine permit more so I’m going to I’m going to play with him a little bit I’m curious to see what he will give me the messages

Have been sent hello mumo hello he got a hor hole somewhere at horse hole hor hole that smooth that was a smooth Dismount my friend you’ve got a lot of practice yeah got a bit of practice Pluto kind of sucks but I love him how you doing you’re looking you’re

Looking well I can’t believe you’ve out mustached me what on Earth G oh yeah that’s true hold on let me boom what on Earth I I learned from the best after uh the years of playing together it is basically just a better mustache firstly yours actually comes out from

Your face mine seems to oh is it yeah no it’s kind of yeah no mine mine is very much on my face you’ve got like yeah yours is yeah yours is like really tight to the skin whereas mine’s a big great big bushy beard yeah you got the bush

This is good this is very very good I’ve got um a proposition for you if you’re interested very much so um got Barrel here and if you take a look inside there this is my prize permit iron and gold that is is quite a mean permit a little

Birdie called Cub told me that you are now in possession of the prismarine one and you know me and the ocean we’re kind of close so I I I can smell interested I’m mildly interested in the prismarine one if you wanted to make a trade mildly interested mhm H okay I’ve messed up

Haven’t I and you’re mildly interested that’s curious looking like that look like that you’re mildly interested you you look like you are the ocean I feel like I mean high and gold is all right you know but look I’m I mean that’s I don’t know why I’ve got these in my in

My inventory right now and I guess that just shows that I could sell it honestly I don’t know why I did that that was just the weirdest Flex I I’ve ever done no I’m not going to accept the iron and gold for nine Gold Blocks nine Gold

Blocks interest four chests a seed I’m just trying to think like if I if I had if I had like an accountant sitting next to me right now yeah imagine like they basically look like me suited and booted and everything like that um uh what would they think I think

That’s a great deal fine deal perfect deal I think prismarine seems like it could be slightly more profitable because I feel like the number of people willing to make a prismarine farm is like never send me to negotiate anything right I’ll be right back it’s working

It’s working gosh if he comes over the horizon now that would be one of the most cinematic things ever captured what is he Gathering right I’ve I’ve I’ve scoured my base let’s let’s do this again but let’s be reasonable now right I’m liking the Aesthetics of the barrel

By the way it very much fits your Vibe as a fisherman you like turn up with a barrel prepared we don’t need chests around here barrels right look listen I’ve got I’ve got a few things that I can offer you on top of this that might

Just sweeten the deal right I’m going to just yeah look at that M yeah yeah I’m liking saddle saddle’s cool saddle I can decorate it even further check that out how does that look I mean it’s nice like the color theory is good I like it I like the Symmetry it’s

Looking it’s looking pretty good but I’m going to be honest with you mate I still feel like I could probably make more diamonds than this by having the prismarine one like it’s just straight economics right you know I got to think I got look how do you think I get a suit

This good right how do you think I get my mustache this close face I mean I could just I I’ll leave it then yeah it’s a good technique yeah yeah you get on your you know you take you get on your horse Li it said if I walked away you

Would how do you think I’m going to chase after you no no no no you keep you can keep walking you’ve left your horse and the horse house so I know that you’re not backing out of this deal you know it’s like it’s the equivalent that’s the equivalent of like leaving

Her car dealership on leaving your car in the car park i’ be fairly confident that you’re returning oh fine fine fine okay okay F fine right where were we at okay diamonds excellent I’m liking the look diamonds currently liking the look of it more H more more copper more copper

Where was that saddle that’s looking good right even more copper wow fish heads fish heads is Elder Guardian Cod head fish fish I don’t think okay the the extra cough is good but the the deal fundamentally hasn’t gotten that much better all right all right you can’t

Turn this down all right let’s start again let’s start again okay I got I got I got one I got one you have to break the barrel every time yes this oh okay done now now now we might be talking now you’ve thrown into question the the valuableness to the 12 bamboo campfires

I I tell you I sold them in season 7 and I mostly sold them to myself you might sell none maybe sell none yeah wait I’m not you’ll sell tons I currently think that the deal is worsened on my end if I was actually to look at this objectively

Right now get out yeah I feel bad I do feel a bit bad but I feel like there there’s got to be something more come on you really mean how many diamonds do I need to put around this a lot that is that is good let me see the prismarine

Let me verify you even looking at my llama missed hang on get better aim there we go what am oh it’s llama spit yep okay I’m up what walked into the wait I saw this before you blow my mind well all right I’ll bye-bye oh whoa

Whoa whoa oh no I’ve got I’ve got nothing I’m I’m completely naked I’ve got no tools I’ve got nothing to hit you with I have f a fist okay that’s that’s not how this works that’s not how this works oops you gave me a this this has

Gone terribly give me my a man all right give me the axe I’ll give you you accidentally created a accidentally fine all the ice all the ice all the ice is good but I’m going to be getting iced out with the prismarine permit just take them all then just take

Them all here take my mending book no wait the vending book you got be joking yep I I couldn’t actually maybe not I couldn’t I’ve gone too far I’ve gone too far I’ve gone too far I’ve gone too far I’ve gone too far I’ve gone too far I’ve

Gone too far I feel a bit bad I don’t want you offering up this I don’t like this anymore I don’t like this I don’t want it that badly I just realized I think The Mending book sent me over the edge no I can’t I can’t part with it I

Think I mean I’ll be honest I actually just I do just want your iron and gold but I I just want it I’d just do a one to one trade I just wanted to see how far you’d go I thought I could get some extra diamonds out of the deal but then

Uh but I pushed it way too far and now I feel bad and I I don’t even want to do this deal anymore are you dooking I don’t even want to do this deal I’m out oh no I’m out I’m done oh mate oh he’s R off on the sunset this is

Painful the advice that you got on Google was right I feel like I pushed it too far I pushed it too far oh no

In this episode of Hermitcraft Season 10, Mumbo builds a giant Minecraft database to store all of the inventions he is creating in this season of Hermitcraft. This Hermitcraft episode also includes the new Hermitcraft Hermit permit system, and the introduction of the new Hermitcraft shopping district. There’s also some trades with Cubfan, Docm77 and Grian. This Minecraft video includes a lot of redstone engineering and inventing.

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. Mumbo, by using autocrafters you can make it like a real database. Original books may be stored inside of the contraption, and you can retrieve the copies of them freshly printed for you by the autocrafter!

    Move this comment to the top plz

  2. i don't know why but this idea of cataloging and inventing reminds of Zedaph's in season 6? cave of contraptions and I'm really here for it. you guys have such great energy and he's already gotten into piston extenders this season so I'm excited to see how you two cross paths more this season however many times that may be, awesome video!

  3. Is Grian really going to make a prismarine farm though? You guys should just create a joint enterprise… you handle the farms and he can steal the resources.

  4. "I'm not smart enough to come up with more than 40 inventions"
    "Ignore the Redstone testing world behind me"
    Ahh, a little humble brag. Not something you see from Mumbo everyday is it. Although with the way he been treating Ren, is Mumbo's kind, caring disposition changing? is his heart hardening over his many years exposed to the elements of Hermitcraft??

    Haha, JK. You have always been, and still are a lovely person to everyone on Hermitcraft, and your redstone creations are mind boggling. truly deserving of praise!!

  5. Hey mumbo ! Why donā€™t you hook up a item sorter that take all your items when you die?!šŸ˜‚ boom everything get sorted and itā€™s done and dusted šŸ˜‰

  6. This man now gets 50% of all dark oak and jungle sales without having to build a shop and make sure it's stocked which is a really good deal especially knowing with how good hermits are with keeping shops stocked up

  7. Everyone mentioning that by doing the log trade with doc you're not getting half the profit you would have otherwise aren't thinking about the fact that now you don't have to do any work to gain diamonds from them. You don't have to build a tree farm and stock the shop. You just get the diamonds. So it's not as bad a trade as everyone thinks it is.

  8. Could you take the already existing chapters you've created within the video (love the new formatting) and add actual video chapters on YouTube? Thanks!

  9. Im a programmer and I hate database, and the fact you made a functional one in minecraft has just, ruined me as a human. I think that is simultaneously the coolest and worst thing I've ever seen built in any game. Im impressed

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