Kerem Commissioner, yes. We caught these criminals. Wake up! I’m telling you. Wake up! Here, I woke up! Look at me! If you don’t want to be beaten by Shrek and Cyclops, say so quickly. Where are Arda, Ayça and Bebek Asker? Kerem Commissioner, let me go. Let me kill these. No, Shrek stop!

Kerem Commissioner, let’s eat these. Let’s attack. No, stop! This won’t happen. They’re all dead. Forget them. The warehouse exploded and they all died. Police, take Keko over there. Shrek, you get those two too. Take it straight to the prison. Let’s go look after the kids. Arda, Ayca! My dear children. How did you do this? Say. You’re going straight to prison.

This can not be! Guys, is he dead? I do not believe. Kerem Inspector, let’s go and look at that warehouse right now. Okay let’s go. I hope nothing happened to the children. Here you go. Let’s go together. Our only hope is that the children are alive.

Come on, let’s go together. Maybe they are alive. You are staying here too. pray. May nothing happen to Arda and Ayça. Otherwise, no one can predict what I will do to you in this prison! Policeman, get this out of here. Take this.

Shush! You will pay for what you did to Arda, Ayça and Bebek Asker. I’m leaving for now. If something happened to them, you’re done! Here we are at the warehouse. Poor, run! What! This can not be! Look at there. Aren’t they kids in this place? Run! No, guys! Baby Soldier. Arda, Ayca!

This can not be! Kerem Commissioner. Or? No, that can’t be! Baby Soldier, my son. Arda, Ayca! my children. No, they are dead. Arda! Do not leave me my love. No, Baby Soldier! Son, don’t leave me. It’s really up to here. Arda, Ayca! Baby Soldier.

Guys, my dears. Do not worry. He will hold the Kekos accountable. There is no point in staying here any longer. Come on, let’s go now. They are no longer with us. No, that can’t be! No! Don’t hurt yourself any more. Son, let’s go. No! Mom dad. We are here. Do not go. Father!

What! I heard a voice. I’ve heard too. I know. You are very sad. But they are dead. You are dreaming. No, sir, I really heard a voice. Dad, we’re here. Don’t you see us? We are here. But sir. I’m sure I heard a voice. They don’t see us. are we dead?

Dad, we’re here. They died. You are dreaming. But sir, I’m sure I heard a voice. Wasn’t what I heard true? You are very sad because they died. Let’s go now. It is normal to hear such things. OK, sir. Let it be as you say. Lets go. Dad, mom! Don’t leave us.

We are here. Don’t you see us? Arda, Ayça and Bebek Soldier died very badly. We are here! Doesn’t anyone see us? What! What is that sound? What’s up with the donkey? Brother, don’t you hear the voices? Run quickly! The ghost of the children is here. Brother, run! Poor, bro! Wake up quick! Poor.

Donkey come here! Where are you going? Poor, wake up quick! What’s happening? I’m coming! Brother, open the door quickly! Donkey, what’s going on? Donkey, what are you doing? Brother, I heard voices from the grave. believe me. What! Dad, are there voices coming from the grave? No!

Brother, I swear. I heard voices from the grave. Let’s go see. Poor, don’t blame the donkey. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about! Shrek, stop! Don’t take him. Brother, let me go! I have to go and talk to Kerem Commissioner! Oh, I heard those voices in the morning too! Kerem Commissioner!

Wake up quick! What’s happening! I came! Kerem Commissioner, open the door quickly! I came! Poor, what’s going on? We heard a voice from the grave. Then? Maybe those voices were real! Donkey just heard those voices! I knew. Poor, let’s go and see! Please.

That’s why I came. Come on Kerem, Commissioner! Let’s go see. Elif Abla, okay. Husamettin, come on! Quick! Husamettin, look! Listen to me carefully. Do you remember? I died once. Yes I remember. Arda made me drink black potion. And I was revived. Elif Abla, yes. I remember.

Now look! We can do something like this. We can revive Arda somehow. And we can revive others. Elif Abla, we don’t have black potion. We would if we did. Hüsamettin, then do something different. You have magical powers. Use this. Okay wait! I will try something. I’m trying to concentrate.

Husamettin, come on! You can do it. I will open a portal to the world of the dead. And when they pass through the portal, they will come back to this world. I’m focusing. Come on Kerem Commissioner, hurry up! Let’s take a look at this cemetery. What’s going on? I am creating a portal. Be quiet! Kerem Commissioner, come on! What! What is this? What ‘s going on here? Poor, what is this! Kerem Commissioner, I don’t know. This could be a sign. Come on! We are going. Poor, stop! I’m coming. Guys, don’t forget to subscribe and like.

If you love me a little. Do what I say! Show your support by subscribing and liking. This is absolutely free! Show your support. Keep these videos going. Here you go. Now, we go on from where we left. Elif sister, yes! That’s it! I created a portal between the other world and this world.

How? So a portal to the underworld! If Arda, Ayça and Baby Soldier pass through that portal, they can come back to us . But if someone from this world enters that portal, it will be very dangerous! What will we do now? We have no choice but to wait. We will just wait! No!

This can not be! Ah! Where is here? Kerem Commissioner, we fell from a height. Fakir, yes. What are these sounds! Do you hear? It’s so scary! Poor, where is this place? I do not know. Be quiet! The sounds are coming from this side. Shall we go?

We came here. We’ll have to go! Let’s go. come after me Come on! Poor, stop! take it slow It’s very dangerous here. Arda! Son, where are you? Kerem Commissioner, be careful. There are poisonous spiders everywhere. Kerem Commissioner, let’s move forward slowly. Hurry up! Hello there! No! What is this? Poor, run!

Coming! He is behind us. Be quick! Come here! Kerem Commissioner, come on! Run! He is behind us. You cannot escape. Where are you? Poor, come on! Fast! Request! You are here. Run! She comes. Poor, that’s it! We found the exit. Kerem Commissioner, a lot! Come on, we’ll go this way. Be quick!

Let’s go now, quick! No, what is this? This can not be! tombs. Poor, run quickly! Come here. You can’t escape! There is no salvation! This can not be! Granny is behind me. Poor, he’s coming. Run! I’m running. What is this! Go. I have to be quick! Don’t come close to me.

Poor, hurry up! Granny is coming. He is behind us. Run! Let’s continue right here. This can not be! What happened here? Now very bad things will happen. Come here! Poor, jump carefully! Run quickly. I don’t know where this place is going, but we have to escape. Poor, run!

Poor, quick! We have to get across. Be quick! Come on! We have a little way left. I’m jumping. No, that can’t be! No! Kerem Commissioner, come on! She comes! Kerem Commissioner, hurry up. Come here. That’s it! I’m coming. You cannot escape. This can not be! Take my hand. Come here. No!

We escaped at the last moment. Anyway, let’s go. Anyway, Fakir come on! Let’s keep going. OK, open that up! Here it opens Poor! I cant believe. The kids are there! Look at there. Guys, my dears! Son, Baby Soldier! Kerem Commissioner, come on! Hurry up.

Let’s get the kids and get out of here right now! Hurry up. OK let’s go! Poor, look over there! What ‘s going on here? I cant believe. A portal has been created! Come on, let’s go now! Poor, let’s go! Hurry up. Kerem Commissioner, come on! I’m going. Poor, I’m coming.

Poor, here I come. Kerem Commissioner, I don’t believe it! Poor, I don’t know. What have we just experienced? I really don’t know either. What’s happening? I think someone passed through the portal. How? What do you mean someone passed? Elif sister, I don’t know. I feel strange things. What’s happening?

Kerem Commissioner, what are we going to do now? We exhumed the children from the grave. Father! This can not be? What’s happening? Guys! They came to life. Run quickly! Run Elif. What ‘s going on here? Guys, if you’re here now, what happened to those in the tomb?

What! They came out of the grave. What is this! What ‘s going on here? my twin! I am my zombie. What’s happening? Do not be afraid! Back off. I’ll handle it now. That’s it! What’s happening? I did not understand anything. Arda, my son! In short, you were dead.

We found a portal to the cemetery. We entered the portal and rescued you. Then your dead came out of the grave. So that’s the summary. Anyway, was what we’re experiencing today just a dream? Or was it real? I do not know. I hope it’s not a dream. Let’s go home now.

Look! I created that portal. You don’t need to be afraid. It’s all over now. The children are now with us again. Ayça is also with us. Arda is also among us. Baby Soldier is also among us. Arda, my love, I missed you so much. Come on, let’s go now.

We don’t need to stop here any longer. The children are back among us again. Let’s go home now. Where is this Fakir? Where has it gone. Guys, have you seen Fakir? Mom, why are you scared like you’ve seen a ghost? Arda saw that ghost, it was because of him. Mirai fainted. Well, now we’ll sober up. So we died and were resurrected. The woman was afraid, of course. Latest video Next video

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