Hermitcraft 10 – The Fish Market – Ep.5

Hello everyone and welcome back to hermitcraft uh we better go help scar one two three oh boy okay okay okay okay SC here we go here we go it’s okay it’s okay we got this fire will first shot Miss pretty bad pretty bad you got it thank you thank

You for the encouragement uhoh uhoh uhoh where’d it go uh yeah J where’d it go it’s in it’s in the cherry blossom uhoh oh oh there it is there it is there oh my gosh it’s actually kind of good it looks kind of stuck hey you know what oh

It’s get it’s get getting a little dicey here you got this you’ve got this it’s okay I forgot the milk I forgot the milk I forgot the milk Jem well that was kind of important but I still believe in you oh thank you oh okay okay got this I

Should have brought more apples it’s fine oh God God oh God SC it’s okay I’m here I’m brave and Powerful please kill it please kill it oh it’s in sword mode oh no it’s not it’s healed now it’s in sword mode again itself what what are you talking about itself sword it sword

It sword it BL scar I can’t jump jump jump scar I don’t have a chest plate scar fight this thing scar where’ your chest plate go well I just don’t wear one I was fashioned okay okay okay I get it I get it oh I’m hitting it with my spy glass

Oh damn I’ve got this you got this it you got it yes scar yes yes let’s go let’s go a that really didn’t cause a lot of damage this went really well yeah yeah oh what the heck that snail oh we’re going to have to remove it we’re going to have to remove

It all right here little snail you’re very cute but you do have to move I’ll build you a raft it’s fine it’s fine what is where is gr going okay suddenly I’m glad all I have to worry about is a snail in the meantime we’ better put up some more structurally

Sound blocks here because this thing’s going to fall over you’ve eaten like the whole thing okay now at least the lighthouse is not going to topple over you know I just feel like the Snail would be happier out at Sea yep that ought to do it I think naughty snails

That eat lighthouses get sent out to see now um importantly mhm right now the snail’s taken care of it’s time to go bug Etho again in the theme of connecting everything together on the server Etho and I are going to make a water tunnel underneath Tango to connect our bases

Together with boats how you doing I’m good what you you are loud today my God am I oh I might be too close turning you down what’s up uh are you are you ready for project are you are you ready are you I think I

Am yes yes why you got so many shers what is this I’m organizing I’m doing Etho things you know right Etho things okay here is the dick site Etho uh all right one more layer down right here will be the the top of the water which I

Will eventually bring to us okay so you’re going to be flooding this this yeah this is all water in this scenario just haven’t done it yet and this will be the entrance right right here okay so we’re going to use TNT mhm now TNT usually blows up one or

Two blocks above the 2x one hole You Dig right so where do we want the 2x one hole maybe at the water level how much down will it go cuz we want them to be we can control that but up is is like one or two blocks always can’t control

Up so maybe maybe we do do it on this level okay like giv some maybe you know yeah yeah yeah I feel like that’d be good I I’ll dig bottom you dig top all right teamwork all right it’s dark I got oh sorry I accidentally clicked oh I

Accidentally clicked the wrong stop it you keep walking in front careful careful not very good with my mouse as you know and sometimes I I click things oops can you buy a bad please for all of our sake okay yeah mhm oh oh okay this is something ah I’ve seen this cave before

This is a this is awesome it’s kind of crazy there just like random water and then it like falls down a million blocks actually not the worst place in the in the world to have this cuz we we are boating so yeah yeah it’s fine so then we were one block up

Right I think okay I dig bottom you dig top uhoh what oh wow look at that Jem that was easy I guess the mountain did most of the work for us then that’s kind of cool yeah that’s actually nice I like that it gives some design options you want to place the

TNT yeah kind of all right I’ll take out the Torches as you get closer okay okay okay this is so much oh my gosh I’ve never really used this much TNT oh it’s so fun when you have TNT J you can do anything you want okay I’m

Out I’m out we pretty much made it though yeah that was good maybe couple more we’ll do one one more you you probably want a bigger entrance like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay do it Etho do it Etho you ready yeah here we go whoa got to chase it J Chase

It this is crazy whoa okay this is actually pretty watery this might not actually be any work for us yeah like it’s all dug all the way up to here right yeah we just have to like let this flood the rest of it basically I expect a dock build down

Here in the next week oh seriously well if I’m going to come visit you I got to be able to get upwards yeah unless you don’t want visitors nobody visits me I’m too far up in the mountains I visit you kind of whenever you want something oh cuz you could talk about

That yeah uhhuh J you D Leaf J I need J I need mro J for the next little while Etho and I basically just smoothed out this TT tunnel that we blasted through the underside of Tango’s base and then we made sure it was flooded so it could be

Functional for both right now each of us will work on our own side of the tunnel and speaking of it’s my turn to actually connect this up to the river so we need to flood this whole entire Bay which thankfully is not too difficult of a

Project at this point and I also made the bridge a lot nicer for all of the horses going across the water I’ve been doing some research on what types of things I should put in this area in order to get the vibe that I want because although I am taking

Inspiration from dredge that’s not the only thing I need to take inspiration from in order to pull off a full Minecraft base in this theme mostly at the moment I’m struggling because we are working in an era of time that I’m not used to working in we’re working in

Modern or contemporary or maybe even industrial we’re working in an era of Minecraft time where there is diesel engines and electricity normally I build a lot more medieval where there’s like fireplaces at best and definitely no electricity this adds a brand new layer of complexity it’s in my build process

That I didn’t really have before but it’s also very exciting because I get to learn new things and build new things that I wouldn’t otherwise like for example this that I’m building here I would like to have a source of electricity in this place and and that

Means we’re going to need power lines and I’m pretty sure this is the first build I’ve ever done in my whole entire life where we have power lines this is a simple mockup this is not what I actually want them to look like but but

I saw this design on the internet I will credit the video down below so you could go check it out as well but basically they had a power line that occasionally sparked which I thought was just fantastic so we would have our lines coming off of it we would have it be

Quite tall and then we would put a firework rocket in here and every now and then when the day changes it Sparks like that I think that is just going to add such a good layer of detail here it’s brilliant the only problem is I don’t want to waste fireworks and have

That go off every single night or day or you know whenever the solar panel says so I asked my twitch chat what to do and they suggested that we fill this with shears we get shears easily from all the iron Farms on the server and these will never lose durability and that means

That sometimes when it switches that’ll happen which is basically every now and then just nothing happens there’s like a little poof of smoke which I think works well only thing is we’re going to have to fill these up with quite a lot of rockets so I got some Gunpowder off of

Etho cuz he definitely owes me at this point he’s taken so much from me and we’ll grab some paper from here you know what I should probably if I’m going to be making Rockets I should probably set up a sugarcane F some form because I

Think I took mine down yeah for now I’ll just grow some over here right and then we’ll just plant a sunflower right here and use this for our yellow dye yellow dye and gunpowder makes five firework balls and that makes Rockets now I also think it’s probably pretty important to

Make this look like a proper power line we could probably go ahead and use some andesite instead of wood for the component so let’s just make four of those four of those and we have Cobble walls that’ll do it looks a little silly when when

There’s only one of of them but that is definitely the idea I was going for just a couple of other small details to think about there little black stone would definitely go better with the chains those definitely look a lot better I think the very important thing

Is these power lines are not taller than the lighthouse and we can very easily use iron bars to kind of drape power lines off of them towards the buildings this adds another layer of detail to the base which is super important and something that I’m definitely taking

Inspiration from Etho we have the very bottom layer down here in the water a middle layer on the ground here and then an upper layer with the Organics and the power lines up above these layers are going to be very noticeable especially in areas where we have Bridges at the

Moment we only have this one but you know there’s going to be things going underneath things going on this layer and things going overhead up above it’ll be a lovely little sandwich at the end I think now just to relase S the look let’s get one more of these big power

Lines in just kidding got carried away wa made two of them all right it’s official I love it I’m not super attached to how the tops actually look as long as they work as you see I’m kind of experimenting with colors but the general Vibe is definitely there I I don’t know what

Green’s doing but yeah power lines going all the way across the river maybe all the way to Tango maybe all the way to Green either way I think this makes our base a lot more 3D and I love it already now if that was actually just a little

Detail we got to work on the actual main build now while ago I created this little beach really love it and now I’m going to cover it up with a build because it’s terrain and that’s what it’s for you got to you got to cover it

Up so we’re going to start with a little dock area right here and I’m starting with dark oak logs and then when we come out of the water we’re going to transition them to Spruce this is a pretty well-known trick it just makes the logs look a little bit wet which is

An added detail that I really enjoy and just like that that is the main like Warf structure I always a struggle to voice over this part of a build because I’m using my brain really hard I think I want the main part of the build to start

Down here that way it’s a little more attached to the sand but still over the water there we have it a foundation now the thing that I like about this is because it’s raised up you can still see the beach underneath I think that’s looking fairly realistic I like that cuz we put

A lot of effort into the terrain underneath now this build is not going to be your ordinary house oh no I’m I’m going to try and add some Horrors to it and in order to do that I’m going to need a lot of materials in between seasons one of the

Very first things that I actually practiced for this theme was an angler fish I mean they’re kind of iconic if you’re going to do a deep sea water horror theme and I’m not going to build a perfectly accurate one here today but I do think having an angler fish

Attached to this building somehow could be really epic like imagine that’s its bottom jaw we have a big top jaw right here and a building coming off of it I imagine this somehow being able to enter the fish’s mouth and use some dripstone for big teeth but before we do any of

That we’ve of course got to actually set up all of the shaping okay listen you have to squint a lot but that is totally a fish mouth and head coming off of this building you just you got to squint a lot okay doing a fish head here is going to require a

Bit of adjusting the [Applause] terrain shaping Organics out in dirt is not as easy as it may appear although once I get the shape nailed down it will make it a lot easier to go through and texture speaking of the texture I’ve decided to go with kind of a brownish

Scaly texture using uh iron dripstone and gray terracotta I think these blocks go together great actually uh regular terra cotta would also look good but they also look good most importantly with the block that I’m going to be using for teeth oh and jungle planks this is definitely not the color that

Angler fish actually are but I think it’ll look great I mean it’s a building after all it’s not an actual angler fish yeah that is definitely on like the top 10 worst things I’ve ever added to a build but is made of dirt so uh I think

I can be forgiven I basically wanted to get a really rough Fish Head shape in so I knew where to put all of the pillars and roofs and things off of this dock also got to put in the actual dock so that we can walk around

Here I also think it would be really good to be able to actually access this from the water side so let’s add a bunch of spruce planks here we’ll be able to walk from the fish head along this Warf up into the building from the water side

Yeah okay the ideas are flowing let’s get to work basic shape is in I’ve tried to make it a bit longer on this side to B balance out the uh giant fish head and I think I’ve decided that this shall be a sort of fish market after all with a big

Old angler head here I feel like that’ll work for the next stage of this build I’ve set out a bunch of our color palettes this is going to be for our angler fish this is going to be for the roof and this is going to be for the

Walls these two color paletts are pretty close so it should help the fish blend into the building and the roof will make everything pop we have a lot of work to do and a lot of details so uh let’s get the time lapsing shall we starting with

Filling in the entire build which is basically just a coloring project at this stage and then moving on to a lot of the more intricate details it is time to work on the fish head also don’t think I don’t see you little snail I’m keeping an eye on you I

Am I’m keeping an eye I’m going to build this first all right now usually when I texture my Organics I like like to go lighter on the top and then darker on the bottom this one may be a little different because I actually do think

This iron looks great as scales I just I don’t have a lot of it it’s a difficult block to get I’m going to start with it here on the top because it is very bright and we’ll work our way down in sort of a gradient and then see kind of

Which shapes need accenting basically and so I spent the next hour or so slowly changing out out all of these dirt blocks all right first pass on the texturing it’s a little rough I’ll admit I still don’t have all of the coal blocks and black concrete and stuff

For the eyeball I’ll work on that but the next thing that I need to really sell this is the teeth and of course that little dangly light that always appears on the top of these angler fish’s head now um this is not a real life accurate angler fish but I’m still

Going to give it a little dangly piece of Glowstone because well that’s what I have I’m going to start with mud block and then I think I’m going to switch it over oh to some Spruce fence just like so uhhuh yeah that’ll that’ll work and now for the teeth this part should

Actually be pretty easy I mean we literally are just going to place dripstone spikes like so they’re going to connect in some spots and I actually think I like that since this is a structure and not an actual fish it looks like pillars but also teeth it’s a little creepy but I I

And I actually like it I like it I like it the texturing needs work I’ll be the first to admit but I like it it’s good now before I spend the next several hours of my life contemplating exactly where each and every specific block should go and placing them and breaking

Them over and over and over again until I go slightly insane I’m going to do with the snail the snail obviously small oversight on my part snails must not be able to read uh so you know that’s my bad but you can’t stay here you can’t stay here and eat my lighthouse honestly

The audacity what is wrong with this place that’s it buddy this time I’m returning you home yep we’ll give him a minute come on little buddy J excuse me GR you can’t you can’t just place the snail like that there are rules no no no no no you you take your

Snail you take it back no it’s it’s not it doesn’t work like that I’m returning it to you get it off my lighthouse the snail does what the snail wants I have got nothing to do with it it might belong to me but it’s out of my

Control I like I like the lighthouse like this I better oh for goodness sake I like the way it looks now you you got to find a way to contain it dude you you got it your um whatever that is yeah all right fine it’s not that bad

Listen how how do how do I get one of these I want I want a snail I want a guy you want you want a you want a snail I want a little guy okay and do you want the same color guy or do you want a different color

Guy can I have a pink guy look the snail chooses you gem so I feel like how Works my cop is going to despawn my hold on oh my God yep okay the snail chooses you that’s just the way it works but um if I’m I’ll take

This thank you yeah thank you yeah yeah don’t worry I think I I mean I can’t speak for the snail but I think he’s done with the lighthouse I think I think the impr it’s got to fall over soon I’m getting concerned it’s good job you’re here

Actually cuz I’ve got this this is the uh horse tunnel we were talking about off camera I was thinking if this lines up we could dig it so that there’s like a rooftop on the uh rivered and then you can see people going through cuz this is

A problem we’ve had is that we can’t get across with our horses we got to take the long way around yeah it’s rough it’s awful we need a way to connect ourselves and this is perfect yeah does this line up it goes just between the house and

The lighthouse there yeah yeah yeah I can make a little staircase up I feel like that’ll line up great with my path excellent okay yeah well I’ll I’ll dig the tunnel while we uh we wait for the demise news today true okay okay okay yep you did hear age and right there’s a

Meeting about demise later but before that I want to go ahead and finish up a couple of things around here cuz I have two small details that I really want to be adding first one I’ve smelted up some materials for down here basically I would like to take this build from the

Clean Sleek nice build that it currently is to something a tiny bit more chaotic last season I really went for that clean aesthetic and I love it don’t get me wrong my absolute favorite aesthetic in a build I think but this season I’m I’m not really going for that we’re going

For messy so oh my bad trying to monologue and climb at the same time so basically I’m just going to take this build and squeeze as many little components into it as I possibly can starting with a little flag right here this is a shape that I practiced a

Little bit in Creative before and I think I like it it just may be a little too large for this build the nice thing is when you have a giant fish head off your build you can get away with large flags that you wouldn’t otherwise and I actually think that that balances just

Fine this type of design is almost edging on pirate which I didn’t want this aesthetic to be pirate themed cuz I think that again puts me in a bit of a box I’m going a little bit more abstract than that but I don’t mind taking some Inspirations from Pirate builds and this

Is definitely that now that looks a little bit unsupported just sitting there like that so I’m going to go in with another Pole right here in this rock and I’m just going to sort of subtly string these together okay not bad that brings up that Sandy color into

The build now kind of similar thing for the other side you can see I’ve already started I think perhaps the start of the show in today’s episode is probably these power lines here and I do love them but they kind of have to be in a straight line here because of the chains

So I’m going to be adding some additional power lines closer to my Village structures with iron bars drooping down to them to look like electricity is being delivered to the building it’ll be smaller than those big ones and it’ll just have a nice droopy wire coming over here and connecting up

To this pole and with a little lever hopefully that looks like it’s connected into the building yeah I’ve spent a weird amount of time staring at the electricity pulse outside my own house this week but um it’s it’s there it’s something I think that I could definitely make this a lot cleaner but

It’s a great start for the exterior details and it’s just the first building that we have hooked up so you know with trial and error things will hopefully improve over time and become even more details speak details still haven’t added enough grass to this roof and with

Those final touches it’s time to head to a meeting all right we’ve just completed the game of demise and we have our winner it’s false yay so you’re probably wondering what is the mysterious prize for demise and what is behind me here well like I said

We already know what it is but I’m going to explain what these are because they are quite a big deal for our whole shopping experience for the rest excuse me Gran but this is my video so I think I will be taking it from here what false

Just one is a special hermit permit which doesn’t make a lot of sense until I explain how we are laying out the shopping this season hermit permits is a scroll that declares we have permission to sell a specific item this season we can only sell items if we have a permit

For it so for example if you have a permit for prismarine you are the only person on the whole server who can sell prismarine it’s important to note that we can Farm any item for personal use we just can’t profit off it without the permits the permits are to be given out

Today and we can trade them amongst ourselves at any time the permits themselves have been broken into three categories iron gold and diamond diamond being the best of course this is however a bit subjective for example some players may think that birch logs are the best logs to ever exist and some

Hate them to distribute The Hermit permits Cub has designed a shuffler and we will be pressing a button to draw our Deeds one at a time in order of how demise played out some of the permits will say Collective item on it meaning they must be put in a shop collectively

With all the matching permits so for example All Glass must be sold in one shop collaboratively shopping will be regulated this season by us Hermits and if you fail fa to stock a shop the permit may be duplicated and given back to the system to go to another hermit

That should about cover it so let’s go see what permits I got Jim you’re up next oh boy y Jim it is intimidating being up here oh I got clay nice all the ne bricks and yellow glass good one I like that come on oh nice I a moss and tri

It that’s a good those are two good ones what was the second one Trident oh Trident that’s a good draw up with you okay okay okay Okay oh all the coral oh I love it very fitting nice I think I got an extremely lucky pull on the Deeds I mean look at these all the coral Trident Moss can’t you think of a more perfect shop for me I’m so excited that I got Coral

That’s a perfect one for me doesn’t involve a ton of redstone I can get the fans and pickles through Redstone I think and then the coral blocks through a bunch of grinding which is great for me Moss I can make a farm for Trident I

I don’t know do you make a farm for that and you’ll have to tell me in the comments Clay is great I can definitely get a bunch of clay all the Nether Bricks and yellow glass I may trade those two but these four I definitely want to start farming and making a shop

For for today though I think that’s all the time that I have we got a lot done and we still have much to do obviously the interior a ton more details uh Gran is making us a tunnel over here which is amazing oh yeah there there’s a lot

Going on there’s a lot to do and for today that is going to be all don’t forget to like the video and subscribe if you enjoyed and I will see you in the next one goodbye everyone

GeminiTay is playing hermitcraft, adding some new power line details to the base and building an anglerfish head attached to a tropical fish market build. We also go over the new shopping district gimmick this season, and show off our new hermit permits!

Power line inspo: https://youtu.be/XKp7TETRrhY?si=x3ymq7ASWg4GX2_J

✨Follow me!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/geminitay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeminiTayMC
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/geminitay/

Recorded with Replaymod https://replaymod.com and OBS
Minecraft version 1.20.4


  1. Yes, you can farm tridents with a drowned farm.

    From my own attempts at horse tunnels, I'd suggest just one thing: use slabs and not stairs. Maybe even use pairs of slabs for the slope. Horses are longer than 1 block.

  2. When i watch season 8, i did think about each Hermit has specifics item shop and only them can sell it. Because that way the economy can actually working. Cant believe it finally happening.

  3. You asked about tridents, they can only be obtained from drowned, but you can farm tridents by farming drowned. I recommend cutting a deal with whoever got the copper permit, since that also requires a drowned farm.

  4. I love the style you are going for!!! May i suggest trying to make the eyes of the angler fish white? I feel like it would look a bit more creepy

  5. I can't wait to see what kind of black market develops. I'm hoping for "underground" shops that undercut official seller's obviously inflated prices. 😁

  6. Your episodes are always so fun and cheery to watch, I love all the builds you're doing this season too! The anglerfish house idea is sooooo cool, and that being a fish market? . . . My Magnus archives senses are tingling lol

  7. I watched scars perspective of the wither fight and it honestly barely shows Gem doing anything. So seeing how she actually did like 70% of the damage it's so funny to see Scars reaction 😂

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