Why Did JJ and Mikey Steal WHEAT From VILLAGERS in Minecraft? (Maizen)

All right let’s get started today I wanted to show Mikey something very strange JJ what did you want to show me does it have something to do with the Villager yes the Villager is a farmer and he made a Golem out of wheat in front of me what really out of wheat

I’ll be very interested to see that it sounds intriguing look he’s already started putting up blocks let’s get as close as we can we have to figure out if he can really do it or if I just imagined it wow look at that he really was able to create a Golem it really

Worked for some reason I thought I might have imagined it in the end the farmer really was able to create a Golem out of wheat it’s a lot cheaper than making it out of iron blocks JJ don’t we want to try to build ourselves a Golem like that

I would like to have one to help us in our business yes that’s a good idea I was thinking we could try to get one for ourselves too only we have to break into the villager’s house and get some wheat from him I hope he won’t be too mad at

Us for that because we’re doing a really important thing yes we want the safety of the village to be more and more well and the Golem was with us look there are some blocks here let’s put them together and try to make a Golem I really hope we

Can really work this out quickly that would be awesome Mikey look there’s some kind of weird trapo in here but it needs a key a key there it is I found it by accident when I was breaking blocks of wheat that’s just great luck we need to

Open the hatch as soon as possible and see what’s in there while the farmer’s not here yet we have a little time to explore the quicker we do this the safer it will be for us to get out of here are you sure there’s something special in

There I just keep my stuff in there Mikey look it’s a real Golem making lab our farmer isn’t as simple as he looks he’s been trying to make this Golem for a long time there’s even a model of how to make this Golem this is really very

Useful for us we can replicate and create it that’s a great idea I feel like we are really on the right track there’s not much left to do we just need to harvest some wheat something makes me think think we can build such a Golem that’s just a success we just need to

Find that potion in the center it’s also in the craft it’s in this case we really made it all happen with you Mikey we’re really lucky we can now set off to make the Golem it’s simple enough we’re going to go to our house and try to replicate

Its craft if it succeeds we’ll actually create a Golem out of wheat I want to test its abilities as soon as possible I’m curious to see how strong he is Mikey we need to leave as soon as possible the farmer has already gone back to his house great we were able to

Escape without being seen now we can finally put our plan into action we can create a Golem out of wheat you’re 100% right the sooner we do it the better it will be I’m sure our Golem will make us much richer I have ideas for that each

Of us is doing our best to become better this Golem should help us earn much more diamonds I believe it anyway we have the craft we just need to follow it this is the only way to really create this Golem it’s so good that I remember him I have

High hopes for you because it’s much worse at this point if you have to memorize something it’s beyond me I’d rather just blow everything up you don’t have to blow up anything we’ll quickly create a Golem and have fun JJ do you think this Golem is much stronger than a

Normal Golem the one made of iron blocks I think it’s weaker of course but not that much weaker even though it’s a weat Golem it’s still a Golem so it’s going to be really really hard to fight it all right we built a wall where we’ll place

Our blocks I’ve got just the thing for that we’ll be able to build it really fast I’m really curious how fast we can make this happen I want to see look at the top you need a head in the very center you need that potion everything else is wheat that sounds really easy

Let’s set up the blocks I have a feeling we might not have enough blocks Mikey I was thinking there should be a lot more oh no really we didn’t have enough blocks to make a Golem but what are we going to do where would we get more

Blocks to make a Golem I don’t get it at all we can go to the store and buy buy some wheat blocks that’s the easiest way for us to have enough for the Golem the other option is much more interesting our task now is to go to the store and

Find out the price of wheat if they are big we won’t be able to buy a few blocks of how much we have left that’s just awful but what will we do then I have a plan to pull all the wheat right from their store but to do that we need to go

Exploring we’ll have to find out exactly where those chests are okay that sounds like a good plan already I hope it works because if it doesn’t work we won’t be able to make our Golem and that would be very very bad because we want to really

Try this Golem out it should be very strong indeed we can even test its power in the village we’ll be able to fight him yes he attacks right away let’s go ahead and destroy him take that wao he did get destroyed quite quickly we’ve defeated him but we got some wheat

That’s already good but now we have another plan we have to get to the store as soon as possible we have to literally find out and find out everything right now that’s our number one one plan when we do we’ll go build a special machine it will definitely work I really hope

You’re not wrong JJ because if we get caught we’ll definitely get arrested that’s where we have the wheat right by this wall Mikey I don’t want to go to jail very much but I want to test the Golem too you always have to take some risks I promise it will be very

Secretive we’ll be able to win fast enough to get everything we need great if you say so it really will be I hope we can make it all come to fruition great now we have to make a dig right above the store that’s where we’ll place my mechanism that will pump all the

Wheat out of the chests it will be really really fast that the villagers won’t have time to do anything with it that’s just brilliant JJ I want to see exactly what it’s going to do as soon as possible it’s going to be a quick job

Each of us will be able to get as much weed as we want all the chests are full out there that’s why we should definitely have enough for new blocks to make a Golem I really hope you are really right because I wouldn’t really want to fight with any of the villagers

Because if if we fight they’ll kick us out but this is our village it’ll be all right we’ll just pay the fine with diamonds if we don’t succeed but my plan is brilliant it can’t fail remember that Mikey all right we managed to find the exact spot where we have the chests that

Means we’re going to put the rails and the wagons on them now it’s going to be a really efficient mechanism and we’ll be able to get everything right to our house that’s what really interested me how you’re going to do all this I’ll help you with anything you say the

Villagers aren’t here yet that’s great I’ll do the main part of the mechanism and you make sure no one comes to us okay that’s how we’ll work are you really getting anywhere Mikey look here we go the weat is in yeah we really did it now we have enough blocks for

Everything I can’t believe it was all that easy we really did something really cool we were able to rob the store by digging underneath it that’s just unbelievable can we try the same thing with the bank or the candy store Mikey no jokes we actually did it we can’t rob

A bank that way there’s much better security there but it’s easy to accomplish our mission the rest will follow I really hope none of the villagers saw this now it’s all going to our house at the end no one will notice it that sounds just great we are a

Couple steps away from doing something really cool I want that Golem as soon as possible it will help us get richer I want to use the Golem to take diamonds and emeralds from villagers I’m sure we have every right to take their emeralds and diamonds we’ll try to do it that

Sounds dangerous but anyway we just don’t have a choice we’ll have to make the Golem help us with our every job I really hope there won’t be any more problems we’re one step away from success no one realizes that we are siphoning resources from the chests

After the end we’ll have to bury and hide it all so that no one realizes anything yes let’s destroy it all and bury it we mustn’t leave many traces the wagons are already at our house all the resources from this store are there now we can definitely do something we’ve

Wanted to do for a long time now a Golem each of us did everything we could to get it it’s going going to be really very effective I hope there won’t be any problems with it we have more blocks to make that might take a while too Mikey

But it’s already the Finish Line we’re going to get it done I can’t wait until we actually make one we’ve already prepared everything we need this is the last step then we have to walk around the village with him to show the villagers after all he won’t be

Protecting their Village but our house from Bandits do you really want to do that it will be very very fun anyway there’s no no changing my plan we have to collect diamonds and emeralds from the villagers for protection only after that can we really realize everything

100% it’s going to be really cool each of us is doing our best to realize all our ideas that’s really cool I believe we can earn a lot of diamonds from all of this I want to realize all my ideas as soon as possible and of course finish

With this after all the faster we get it all done the better it will be that’s great Mikey we’ve managed to get it all done we now have enough for two Golems at once let’s go as fast as we can and create at least one then we’ll think

About it oh the time has finally come I want to see our Golem it will be very very strong and serious indeed that’s right we need to put the potion in the center I had completely forgotten about it just before that I need to go home

And put all this stuff away I don’t want the villagers to find them then we’ll be found out you’re dragging this out too long JJ we should have made a Golem by now and gone about our business let’s solve this as quickly as possible POS

And move on I want to be done with this I know what you mean too we have to solve all the problems as soon as possible but that was a problem too it’s an unnecessary suspicion on us okay I’m here now we can actually create a Golem

It won’t be a big problem come on put it in as fast as you can we have to create a Golem right now woo we did it Mikey JJ look how big it is now it’s our new friend we have to show him to all the villagers in the village as soon as

Possible they’ll love him for sure I really hope everyone in the village will treat him well Golem you have to help us with one thing we want to collect diamonds and emeralds from the villagers for the protection we give them you’ll just have to stand and maybe jump a

Little you can do it villager hey we’re here for the diamonds and emeralds it’s been a week and you have to pay for your defense see that Golem protecting you yes I remember about that here are your emeralds and diamonds thank you for protecting our village so let’s move on

Mikey we’ll have to go around the whole village with the gollem that sounds really hard but that’s okay for the sake of such emeralds and diamonds it’ll be worth the effort here you go this is your part we’ll go on and ask for more the gollem is doing a good job but I

Think the villagers will not give it all villager don’t run away from us we’ve come to you to pay for your protection it’s been a week already have you completely forgotten about it or what here you go friends I have a lot of food for you you this time instead of diamonds and

Emeralds yes that’ll do too we’ll be eating all of this stuff the whole time thank you friends the gollum is really helping us collect all this from the villagers he’s a good worker it’s really important for us we have to collect it all every week because we work too we’re

Always fighting against Monsters and protecting the village now we go to the most problematic villagers they never pay I really hope the Golem can punish them and of course make them pay us for our work I’m 100% sure villager hey pay us for our work immediately oh we’re

Being attacked by some little gollem but over what I don’t even know what it’s made of it just needs to be destroyed maybe he was trying to stop us great it looks like it’s all clear here now we need to find that villager it looks like he lives around here somewhere they all

Look the same and I don’t remember them yeah he must be around here somewhere we have to catch him and get all the diamonds and emeralds Mikey and JJ don’t even think about taking my emeralds and diamonds I’m not going to pay you for something you don’t do forget about it

All together Golem break down his door and make him come out we have to talk to him okay just don’t hit him I’ll give you everything I have but please don’t hurt me good we’ve collected all the villagers debts now we’re incredibly Rich Mikey look at this they gave us a

Cool minigun too lots of guns and diamonds that’s really cool I hope we get the same amount every day this is just incredibly cool Golem has helped us a lot with these problems I think the Golem and I should share some of what we got I mean he’s been working what of

Course not it’s just all of our resources oh no JJ what did you do now the Golem is angry and trying to attack us let’s run away from it as fast as we can we don’t have to fight it at all what was that did he really want a piece

Of everything of ours and we had to agree like that we were working together with him he should get a part of it I don’t think so if it wasn’t for us he wouldn’t be here at all we need to create another Golem so he can defeat

This Golem I’m just a genius JJ I don’t really like your plan but if you like it let it go let’s do it all right the next Golem will be a watermelon Golem he’ll destroy it I really hope your plan really works after all I don’t want many

Golems against us we’ll create one and he’ll listen to us this time Mikey look at that Golem it’s much bigger this is is going to be a really serious battle but ours will definitely be much stronger we should really do our best to realize this battle take that

You didn’t want to work with us so you’ll be destroyed Mikey’s gone wild too and is attacking him he can’t withstand the two of them this wheat Golem will definitely lose to the watermelon Golem that’s 100% Yoo we did it we actually managed to defeat that Golem he’s already retreating and afraid

To fight us our new Golem has become much stronger than him Mikey this is no time to relx we have to be ready for anything he might turn and then we’ll have to destroy them all these Golems may come in a little more and then it’ll

Be a real battle I really hope we can withstand their attack and defeat them all I don’t want to lose to the Golems but right now we are 100% Victorious this watermelon Golem is much better than the last one it won’t attack us we

Made it more friendly to us so we can do whatever we want with it that just sounds really cool we’ll be able to be friends with him 100 % okay Mikey let’s go rest already this day has been really very challenging for us Mikey look out the window there are

Some Golems standing out there and they want to attack us oh no that’s just awful we have to destroy them all immediately our Golem will fight with us so we’ll have to help him let’s go as fast as we can we must destroy the wheat Golems once and for all there are a

Little more of them than there are of us but we can handle them 100% our Golem is several times stronger it will destroy them all without any trouble we’ll win this 100% we can do it and win I really hope that each of us can realize literally everything we want we will do

Everything much faster and of course we will win it’s going to be very cool there’s one last Golem left it was a really easy battle we won it quickly yeah beat it as fast as we can we’re going to build a house out of watermelons with JJ now YooHoo we did it

We were able to defeat all the Golems now Mikey and I want to give our cool Golem a present a house made of watermelons so we want to say thank you to him he really deserved that house that was really cool we really were able to do something incredibly cool I’m glad

We pulled it all off we were able to earn a lot of diamonds a lot of emeralds we also made a new friend that’s great we finally finished making a house for our Golem it turned out interesting yes the house is really cool I hope the

Golem likes it a lot but now we are really tired I want to go watch cartoons and eat cookies as soon as possible so friends I’ll see you very soon bye everybody

Why Did JJ and Mikey Steal WHEAT From VILLAGERS in Minecraft? (Maizen)

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Maizen – @maizenofficial


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