NOOB vs PRO: DOOMSDAY BUNKER Build Challenge in Minecraft!

Guys are you excited to go on this scientific field trip oh me me me me right here Daddy I want to see what you guys think you’re going to see uh maybe like a spaceship oh maybe like a okay it’s a good guess Jupiter or Uranus okay

Don’t you dare curse daddy that’s what it’s called oh yeah I forgot you’re right that’s a planet name yeah Neptune or Pluto or o wow Gooby you really know a lot of your planets I love out of space d your anus is like a black hole joh are you just talking about a

Butt no I’m but right now um no definitely not okay Daisy what what are you excited about you see the giant ball of cheese what what you mean giant ball cheese that’s not a thing the Moon the Moon is made out of cheese is it really

Someone’s got a go back to school we can eat this I want to eat the moon Daddy pick me to eat the moon eat the Moon the Moon cheese it’s not eat the moon you guys aren’t mouses you’re not going to go in the moon and eat cheese all right

Daddy then you tell us what we’re going to see you guys are going to see a rocket ship launch into space no ways everyone got to put goggles on because your eyes might bleed really I don’t have any you want to wear goggles okay then you don’t wear goggles all right

Everyone follow me we’re going to see a scientist launch a rocket ship wowow wo this place looks so cool this is awesome um D why is it not talking it’s because he’s super smart he thinks we’re really stupid so he doesn’t want to talk to stupid people he thinks you’re stupid

If you think I’m um so smart then don’t say anything oh Gooby is actually smart oh he’s smart scoy makes no sense though I’m super smart in fact I’m so smart let me see let me look at this rocket for a second Scooby no what are you doing

Looks pretty good uh the little wires over here I think they need little twisting hold on no Gooby stop don’t touch those wires hey look what I found you guys look I found a little thing wait what is that I don’t know should I press the button you didn’t press the button

Press the button Gooby do it press the Buton don’t do it press the button yeah do it oh God behind you gooby what do oh my god oh no oh gosh oh gosh guys this isn’t good Gooby I don’t know if you supposed to do that uh uhoh uhoh 10

Minutes until detonation what does that mean what’s I think you just launched a bomb a bomb and it’s going to hit us bomb going to die I don’t know let me ask the scientist real quick scientist is that bomb going to come here and blow

Us up he shook his head yes oh God where is he going what hey guys underground guys it looks like the scientist is making an underground bunker because that rocket is going to come down and hit Earth look what you did Gooby this is all your fault oopsies you had to

Touch everything uh let me just give give him back his little thing here you go it’s not going to fix anything do anything Gooby uh-oh uh well what do we do well guys we have to make a bunker I don’t want to die yeah I don’t want to

Die either I’m on Daisy side yeah I’m on dais side let’s do it we need to go far away so let’s go over here and make a bunker okay Daddy we’re following you my to the opposite side all right Daddy I think this is far enough guys I think

This is a good space to make a to make the bunker all right well I’m going to make the hole this is going to be the entrance okay just’s go all the way down all right but guys we need to make sure all of these blocks that are surrounding

Us are out of bedrock and obsidian that’s smart they’re the strongest blocks in the game all right check this out boom now literally nothing can break this and we can use this reinforced trap door ooh that’s actually so smart Daisy what the heck how you get you there all

Right guys help me break all of these walls right here we need to make them and turn them into obsidian this is going to make it look so good I don’t care if it looks good I just want to be safe yeah you’re right Gooby are you

Helping we don’t have too much time yes oh God there’s water oh God oh God don’t worry I’ll get rid of it can’t have a leak in here oops I fell all right guys the entrance is pretty much done Daddy what are you building down here oh just

Make a room oh okay that looks pretty nice then we just put a door daddy we also need to put water down here so we could fall and we don’t die we need ladders how are we supposed to get up um we’re not going up we’ll have to live

Down here for like years what do you mean I’m going to ladder up we’re going to need a garden then all right fine dad I guess you could do a ladder maybe we need like a farm with some Piggies or some cowch that’s a genius idea I want

To be in charge of that no I want to do that no I want do it stop arguing we’re on a team all right I’m going to start reinforcing the ceiling with a bunch of Bedrock does that sound like a good idea it’s a very good idea all right guys

This is starting to look like an underground base we’re making the whole ceiling at a Bedrock so if the missile comes down our ceiling shouldn’t collapse on our faces good Daddy what are you working on now I’m just making some rooms you’re making rooms yeah so

We could put some stuff in maybe we could have like one section for like slumber parties what the other for like a kitchen want my own room what you want your own room yeah I thought we were going to be uh bunk buddies nope dad I

Want my own room stupid I’m going to design it and make it myself oh I’m on my own room too oh heck no Gooby you are not getting your own room you’re the reason we’re in this situation in the first place so you’re going to be sleeping on the most uncomfortable place

Ever oh come on man I just want to have my own rooms look there’s your bed right there you can sleep on the obsidian no it’s too hard yep it’s hard it’s cold that’s where you’re going to sleep every night are you sure yes what you had to

Hit the button Gooby you had to hit it I mean I saw the scientist said I was so smart so I saw I could use something good oh my goodness all right daddy I’m going to help you build whatever room this is going to look so cool which room

Is this this is my room you get your own room too why don’t I get a room you got to go make your own room all right I’m going to make the bestest room ever well I want to make my own room too wait Daisy are you putting your room in here

Um I don’t know I’m kind of just digging this out wao why is this looking so cool keep trying to build stuff but all this stuff come falling down that’s called gravel Gooby what’s that gravel how do you not know what gravel is it’s basically sand but it’s not sand it’s

Like it’s kind of like uh little Pebbles yep exactly little Pebbles I’m making my room all the way in the back farthest from where the missile might hit us okay well my room is already kind of looking pretty strong all right be the best whatever you guys do in your room make

Sure to put Bedrock on the ceiling cuz it will literally never break that’s a good idea hey Daisy what are you doing hey I broke into the hallway what the heck oh my gosh you better fix that right now I’ll fix it you’re going to make my room look super ugly you’re

Going to make my room look ugly well don’t think both you already look ugly he all right my roof’s almost done here we go and boom done all right what color should I make my room ooh I should make it at a gold block because it’s yellow

And my favorite color is yellow and also gold is super strong probably one of the strongest blocks besides Bedrock all right just going to replace all these blocks there we go these is looking super good I love it yeah well I’m going to make mine out of diamond cuz it’s

Blue what Diamond I’m pretty sure gold is better than Diamond no yeah I think it is uh nope I think it’s not ooh mine’s looking amazing though all right and for the floor I’m just going to put more Bedrock cuz I don’t know what other block to choose there so much gravel

Everywhere else got to break it get rid of it there’s so much of it break it break it break it stop complaining why is there so much okay my room’s done ooh my room’s coming out so good I added a bed I added some nightstands and I even

Have this sliding door that actually is looking so amazing what the heck how do you already have all that stuff um because I’m fast I’m the best builder in the world um your room probably just looks bad no it doesn’t look bad why would you even say that when you don’t

Even know what to look looks like Daisy because I’m not even done with my wall are you over there I have a working fan in my bedroom right now this is actually so cool I he’s cheating the next thing I’m going to do is add a little couch

Area with a TV because I need a little area to relax all right just going to get this um where should I put it ooh right here perfect oh yeah that’s really big all right we’re going to put down our TV just like that and now we need

Yellow couches going around perfect that looks amazing oh besides that don’t look at that there we go beautiful all right my room’s coming out pretty good so far but I just thought of the probably the best idea in the whole entire world I’m going to put a window right here now you

Might be thinking this window is going to lead to more Stone and more caves but I’m going to make it look like it’s outside so that means I could still kind of feel like I’m in a real room but not it’s going to look amazing that’s a good

Idea yeah I’m kind of smart not going to lie maybe I should do that too no my idea don’t steal my idea Gooby really okay fine I won’t oh yeah this is coming out so good all right make everything blue like that now I need some water for

Like a little river right here there we go there we go and now I need a little Oak so I can put down a tree and boom tree tree tree all right finally I’m going to place down some grass and then put the glass in front of it just like

This and just like that we have an amazing looking window isn’t that so cool I’m literally a freaking genius all right what else should I add to my room um I don’t really know uh maybe you should add like um maybe like a swimming pool or something what a

Swimming pool so you can like swim in and go so deep underwaters I’m not going to add a swimming pool in my room maybe we should add one somewhere else so everyone could use it yeah okay that would be super good yeah I’m actually going to add a little place where you

Can eat some food and then I’m going to put down some cake no it’s not working all right fine I’m going to put down some steak there we go all right my room is officially done guys almost done all right let’s see what you guys been doing

Let me shut my doors ooh Daisy this is looking really good thanks wa wait why are you sleeping on leaves those are flowers and because I love flowers oh well this room’s a little too pink for me I don’t like it well it’s not your

Room all right let me just do this real quick make it a little bit better there we go hi Daisy Runing everything no I’m not all right I’m going to make this hallway look really good I’m going to copy the same design you’re doing over there Daisy make sure you use reinforced

Floors I know I’m doing it we need to use reinforced everything because you know a missile’s going to come and kill us all right just going to break all this flooring and then place down these reinforced bricks just like this all right this hallway is officially

Completed and it looks so good um Gooby where are you oh gosh I’m over here Gooby what the heck are you doing over here making my womb what is this you don’t like my womb um no I don’t it looks really ugly what why not it’s ugly

You got a bunch of different color blocks and you got it’s just it’s really small and cramped I don’t know I don’t like it I haven’t put even put on the furner yet what did you say I said I haven’t put even the furner yet yes oh

You haven’t sat on the furniture yet wait what furniture are you talking about like I need to put like you know a des and like a sh oh you don’t have furniture I sometimes I can’t understand you gooby because like you’re you’re spitting when you talk well sorry that’s

Just how I talk and also Gooby you have some slobber coming down your face I do I let me get that oh sorry hold on go no no it’s not better but I’ll just allow you to build your room I’m going to go see my daddy’s doing yeah okay you do

That all right daddy oh no what do you want what the heck why do you have lava in here Daddy wao what the daddy this place looks crazy coming through the door daddy you have a really cool painting here I’m going to take that thank you hey it’s going to take here

Ooh don’t take anything this place looks freaking awesome I know it’s cuz I made it you have a kitchen yeah why would I have a kitchen it’s actually really smart I know it is now I’m about to make a bathroom ooh that’s that’s right Daddy

I got to add a bathroom to my room I need a personal one just in case you know Gooby blows up the one that we you know we all share well Daddy can I use your bathroom cuz you know I won’t blow it up only if you pinky promise you

Won’t clog the toilet all right daddy pinky promise I won’t clog it all right all right fine and once I’m done with this bathroom then I can make a farm out there wait I want to make a farm no I’m going to make a pretty farm dad what animals should we have should

We have cows yes but we also need crops we just placed a bunch of cows oh great running around moing we need some Piggies yep we definitely need some Piggies too you like my farm this doesn’t look like a farm this just looks like two random cows it’s cuz they’re a

Part of the farm duh and we need to do something about this room well this is where the cows are going to live all right how about you make it look pretty and then I’ll follow you are we making the whole floor Bedrock no just this little area right here okay everything

That’s Granite make it Bedrock everything that’s Granite make it Bedrock I don’t get it um you see this brown block right here make it Bedrock why because it’s the Coe it’s fancy what the heck are you doing I think you’re ruining it Daisy you don’t even know how

To build Daisy is good at building no she’s not I’m watching it right now no she’s good at itby I don’t trust your opinion because you’re probably the worst builder here CU I only play fortnite little bit I mean oops we’re not playing fortnite what are you talking about I me

Playing Minecraft yep we’re playing Minecraft good job Gooby only took you 10 seconds to figure out I know how to build stuff oh my goodness all right this is not looking like a farm at all Daisy well this isn’t supposed to be the farm room wait what I thought this is

Supposed to be a farm no this is our living room um no because I just made it into a pool I made the decision that this should be our pool area but this is our living room this is where we hang out nah pools are way cooler right I

Like going in swimming pools see Gooby likes it well then you can decorate this room and I’m going to go make us a living room all right sounds good Daisy I’m going to make us the coolest pool in the world oh yeah this pool is coming

Out so good I’m going to add the hottest water ever too because it’s going to be a heated pool which is super fancy all right now time to fill it up with water oh God water’s going everywhere ooh the pool is looking pretty good right now

Guys if you want to take a little dip then come by me because the water is hot o I want to see the pool you yeah you want to see the pool of course you do cuz it’s the best pool in the freaking world wow oh look at this pool this

Looks huge feel really good I need to F my butt my butt’s been hurting e you got butt sting uh-oh e dadd that’s weird I don’t want to know about that I got to get out of the pool now why the water’s fine I’m just bubbling it up now it’s

Full of poops now no it’s not you definitely came here and just poop daddy get out of the pool right now you’re banned for going in the pool cuz you pooping them I didn’t poop in the pool it was goopy and he he just blamed it on

Me get out Daddy get out a poopy poopy poopy I just man to make the bestest place I found the best womb oh yeah wait I want to see Gooby where are you what the heck this place over here what are you doing down here whoa whoa Gooby I’m

Bouncing I’m making a bouncy womb it hurts my head I keep hitting the ceiling ow well that’s why I need to make it bigger oh my goodness this is actually the coolest room here Yep this is going to be the place that you always going to

Want to hang out I want to hang out here for the rest of my life yeah well that’s why we need to build it like this wow this is awesome um why do you bunch of chains in your room that’s to make it stronger so if a missile comes it won’t

Get hurt also this doesn’t work Gooby what do you mean it doesn’t work works for me wait let me try get out of my way hey it’s not working I don’t think I’m enough secret a secret door for me only I know it’ll definitely work with my

Daddy cuz he weighs like 1,000 lb this is like a magic M that if you only me could look at it then it opens oh oh I see it’s like a scanner it scans your face yeah it’s got face ID wow that’s pretty impressive I’m going to put one

Over here too so that I guess I’ll just open it like a normal human yeah you have to open it like normal hey this is looking good now we have a bunch of food here that we can grow because obviously we’re not going to be leaving this base

For years I know it’s just such a shame that Gooby had hit a stupid button hey it’s not my fault dad stop screaming at Gooby it’s not just his fault said that I was smart Daddy it’s actually your fault because you took us on the trip in

The first place well actually it’s the scientist’s fault for allowing Gooby to get the Detonator and then it’s Gooby fault for hitting the button with the Detonator but then it’s your fault too you’re just blaming yeah stop blaming stop being a blamer BL yeah you’re just

A blamer you guys are the real blamers check this out Daddy I said a door that’s kind of cool but how you going to get out Daddy I’m trapped open it there we go oh D I think we should added this bridge where right here why would we do

That here cuz it looks cool looks horrible I just want to added a bridge somewhere dad oh oh guys it says 2 minutes until detonation we only have 2 more minutes until the bombs are going to explode fure build I’m not done building my bouncy castle oh my gosh oh my gosh a

Missile is literally going to hit us guys this is not good look this Bouncy Castle Bounce Bounce wooho this is going to be the most fun place ever we got to do the roof wait guys I have a question how are we going to know when the rocket

Comes and tries to explode our base uh that’s actually a good question question maybe we have to make some type of like Observatory so we can see the rocket on the surface exactly but we won’t blow up and die hey that’s a good idea I could

Also put a bunch of cameras down so I can see them from down here yes yes yes okay we have to go up all right d let me get the security cameras hey guys wait for me just come up faster okay okay I’m coming wait I want to come up here too

Gooby we don’t need you up here going keep working on my room then you’re probably going to blow this place up with another rocket or something this is a nice Farm you guys made too yeah I made it I did that nope I made it wait

Uh who made it again me I did it me I did it wait you made it I plac the cows I placed the cowch no I placed the cow I did all of that I’m a little confused was B daddy while you’re doing that I’m going to make some big towers over here

With cameras on them okay all right just going to do something like this there we go now I’m going to place a camera right there connect the camera up and boom Oh look I see myself who is that guy right there there now I’ll be able to see any

Missiles that try to hit us I’m also going to add another Tower over here all right the cameras are set up I even added one over there so now I have three cameras this is actually perfect wo Daddy this is looking really good up

Here thank you thank you a lot I try my best wow all right well I’m going to go downstairs and hide for my life so I’ll see you guys later yeah me too well I’m going to stay up here all right daddy you stay up there and you let us know if

The Rockets are coming all right I’ll do like a a bird noise like a a okay really dadd down yeah ah ah 10 seconds wait 10 seconds until detonation oh God oh God oh God guys this isn’t good what do we do I’m going into my house I’m going

Into my room and I’m never talking to anyone ever again bye guys I’m checking the cameras I don’t see any Rockets yet I see it oh God see them oh gosh they’re blowing Stu up oh God oh my goodness Daddy come down here hold on I think I

Think we’re safe they we’re not safe go go Daisy what are you doing I was curious what was going to happen I see you on the security cameras guys I’m telling you you need to come down here right now the door blew up the door blew

Up I’m coming back down JY be careful Gooby where are you I’m in my room you can come over here if you need to Daddy watch out daddy run run I’m fine I’m fine daddy you’re not fine you need to come down here right now they’re not

Even doing anything I’m going to switch to the other camera daddy say hi to the security camera I’m looking right at you which you at that one right there daddy you’re looking at me hi Daddy you should probably come downstairs because I think there’s more rockets on their way no I’m

Fine they haven’t done anything yet to this base um yeah oh God what is that what the heck what’s that noise what that sound what going on out here guys guys there’s a weird green gas oh my goodness D this is not good thank God this is very insulated uh sounds a

Little scary it looks scary Marty I’m coming up it looks like the Grinch uh he came over here he took a big fart ew a grinch fart daddyy I want to see the Grinch fart I’m coming up daddy where’s the green Grinch fart I don’t believe

You oh it was right here oh my goodness D this place got destroyed yeah but we’ve been surviving yeah we’re doing really good uh-oh more dropping on us oh gosh what was that oh my gosh what is going on guys there’s so many it’s raining I want to see I want to see

Should we come up here it’s actually crazy they’re not really hitting us though they’re missing our base yeah that’s why I’m enjoying it right now oh God what is that oh God Daddy what is that that’s not good blocks are moving no guys underneath us it’s turning everything

Into lava help me oh no stuck help me Daddy I’m stuck uh I don’t think you could uh survive that no guys look underneath us I can’t get down here now our base is getting destroyed I’m going down I’m going down oh God I’m about to

Die SP look up there look at the sky I’m going down guys I spawned outside help me help me Daisy yeah I’m out here too uhoh uhoh I’m opening the door almost out here open it open it open it ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch okay I’m in I’m

In run Marty run oh no this whole place look so destroyed guys we should have thought about this we should have had multiple entrances to our base now look the entrance is blocked off by lava great uhoh Le we have our Dome is the last thing protecting us we there’s no

Way down there hold on let me check Gooby you’re going to die if I just go down over here oh my gosh ouch ouch ouchies ouch hi Gooby uhoh uhoh uh the whole place is floating up oh my goodness I’m stuck in a hole guys it’s a

Gravity missile oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what is going on somebody help me hey someone help uh oh Gooby you’re dead run over here this here no this whole place is going crazy over here you were literally Dead uh I’m going to

Go see if I can get to our base oh there’s a lot of lava down there the blocks are still floating where are they going in the sky are they going to drop down on us maybe probably ouch oh gosh guys they’re all coming down they’re all

Coming down what is happening over here there’s another anti-gravity one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh uhoh uh-oh these missiles are horrible oh the blocks are flying what turned everything to Lava um I don’t even know uh you guys I’m still stuck out here you be get in

Here look I’ll break the glass okay break a little bit of glass okay no Rocket’s going to come through one piece of glass maybe two I’m stuck in a hole now Gooby right here come here I’m coming I’m coming go I see you I’m going

To come help you look come up here Gooby quick quick quick more missiles are on their way oh uhoh uhoh uh-oh hurry guys you have to get inside I’m coming I’m coming more missiles more missiles get out ah ah I can’t get through I can’t get through raining missiles uhoh I’m coming

What the heck what is happening I’m being pulled too oh my gosh you made it we’re in we’re in we’re in oh gosh Daisy get away from me I’m getting stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck me too help me what’s going on Daddy so many Ys and colors

Every what are you doing Daddy I died I got thrown out of here I’m getting P oh my goodness what type of nuclear explosion is this make it like a black hole black hole keep getting sucked in the black hole it’s absorbing all of our energies

I’m coming out daddy I’m going to come stop the black hole oh you dare don’t do it this your worst ever oh my God I keep dying daddy how did you stop what the heck I keep dying I put blocks in front of me oh yeah I’m going to hit you daddy

Take that no don’t you dare don’t you dare no no no no no don’t you dare hit me oh gosh oh gosh Daddy I’m stuck in a hole I’m stuck in a hole Daddy I can’t get out help me I think it’s fair to say

That we lost this no we didn’t daddy our base is perfectly intact ah I’m getting suck in no goobies with me uhoh help me guys I’m still inside the Dome I’m getting stuck in the vortex uhoh I’m becoming the vortex make it stop make it

Stop ah wait I’m in some water I’m in some water uh guys I think it stopped yes we did it oh my gosh look at all the lava though we won that’s a big hole of big spicy macaes do you think our base is still safe no why cuz look at our little

Tunnel it just destroyed the little tunnel yeah you’re right you guys watch what happens when I swow this Ladder into the lava okay oh it burned it’s gone wow good magic trick Gooby is that yeah it’s really cool this is a cool field s well guys I think that’s all the

Nukes I think so too and I never died last detonation incoming wait there’s one more in the dome everyone in the dome everyone in the dome Dome Dome Dome Dome doome uhoh let us in let us in I don’t like this get in get in Daddy get

In I’m in here oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m so scared I’m so scared ow Daddy stop it I’m sorry I got ansy I got an everyone look in the sky do you see it yet no I see it oh God oh God oh man okay well this is destroying everything

Oh my gosh it’s still going don’t fall da crash no our base guys it’s slowly being deleted I see it I’m going in for it ow ouch H the whole world is gone guys look someone’s base is still kind of here it’s my base wa Gooby and look your bouncy castle is

Still perfectly intact wow that’s a good bouncy place then there’s no no way that goo’s base actually survived a little bit bedroom’s still here I made the bestair wa you still have a chair Daisy let’s go that’s not fair my base got blown up yeah me too this is stupid told

You they were bad those poor cows are gone though yeah the cows got destroyed and guys look how big this crater is this totally ruined our Minecraft world well guess you got to build one again what the heck the scientist survived look the scientist is still here guys

Maybe he is really smart he’s a nerd well whatever we do rby you stay far away from the scientist don’t even look at them hey Mr scientist W that’s a cool rocket you have there oh hey look there’s something over here wait what Gooby what no no is that another you

There with the button it’s a button I’m everyone run everyone run R he’s got a button run well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now o what’s this button do no Gooby you launched another rocket uhoh oops

Today, Jeffy, Marvin, Daisy and Gooby build a DOOMSDAY BUNKER Build in Minecraft! Will they be able to defend themselves from the nuclear missile? Watch to find out!

#jeffy #sml #minecraft


  1. hi jeffy i now you wont say yes but just asking do you think i could be in a vid i have bin a big fan for a long time now and would love to be in a vid i am funny and nice i now it might not happing but i am just asking now i am 11 so you might not like that but its up to you and pls dont hate so ya love the vids

  2. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤤🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😡😡😡😠😠😡🤬🤬🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

  3. i love jeffy so much my mom dont let me watch jeffy but i love jefy so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Kuykikkyykykuy Ik ikyku Ik,k,,k uu,kiyik,yik,Yakima,Ik,,Ik,uikkikk yuk ukulele,k I kikuyu,ikukiiukiikilil Iloil,oololiloliolol😅. 😅😅 Mullins 😊😮k,k,u,mkuyiikyikkiuk,Jill,Ik,lo k

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