Testing the Scary Myths of Minecraft’s Giants…

Players have reported sightings Giants ever since Minecraft was first released but with thousands of fake videos on the internet of these myths even real today we’re testing to find the truth starting with is there actually a terrifying giant hidden in the depths of the ocean according to you guys on my Discord

Server the answer is yes in fact there have even been posts of screenshot evidence capturing the Giant on this exact same seene now they all have one thing in common at least the images do they show this giant squid in the middle of the ocean so that’s where

We’re going to begin our search however this isn’t just any old Jolly boat day where we sing sea shanties out on Shore no we need to proceed with Extreme Caution checking our backs and being careful at every turn because while a regular player can only load up to 80

Chunks the giant squid can load 1,000 not only can It see you first but once it starts hunting you you can never Escape however this also means that the more of the ocean that I explore the higher chance we have of actually finding this thing and hunting him down

Ourselves however still a major risk maybe we should turn back and with out of lead i could be searching the ocean for days so I quickly geared up and collected some food to prepare me for my journey and I’m already sick of water look it’s literally been four Minecraft

Days and there’s still no sign of the giant squid I’ve been around the perimeter of the island I’ve checked at night checked during day I don’t know I’m beginning to think maybe it’s just you guys pranking me in the disord you see those bubbles hey yo

There’s a ton of bubbles that is huge why are there so many and why are they covering such a large area that could be the giant but this could be it this could be it oh my gosh this is it this is the moment okay we need to be quick

Come on come on come on come on come on come on go go go go go go go let’s see what’s down here wait what bubble columns ah no I’m actually dumb it was it was magma all along no way there are only like four bubble columns here wait

A minute I I’m certain there was more bubbles on the surface before guys can you rewind the video and check and even then look there’s like three or four columns here but then there’s no water on no bubbles on the surface there aren’t even enough bubbles for the amount we it was like

This huge area and now it’s not maybe it’s just like a rendering glitch because of the magma I mean it could be a Minecraft glitch that makes sense all this could actually have been the giant squid who was there and then left I don’t know but we need to figure out

What was causing those bubbles to appear because this could be really our only lead so I texted the people who originally told me about the giant squid this is what they said starting with Jordan donel 44 MC who says Hey OMG e stream well mate you’re in a video now

But what’s more important I also saw lots of bubbles before the giant squid Attack me but we saw bubbles too but then what we didn’t no squid and it certainly didn’t attack us perhaps Robert will give us some more information okay literally any more information than this will help so

Please tell me s o Sophie can tell us something she’s the one who gave us the screenshot before wait I’ve attached a video recording of my whole experience videos have the most information this is the best possible evidence we could get right what do we got here in a Boden look at those

Bubbles those are the exact same kind of bubbles we saw but they disappeared for us why aren’t they disappearing for him I don’t understand wait the person isn’t moving are they stuck wait they both just broke oh my gosh that’s it that ain’t no normal squid I mean it

Says pumble by squid but that thing was huge it literally appeared out of nowhere so that thing has to be crazy fast right I mean the swimming speed has to be insane I’ve got to be more careful but guys do you notice anything else unusual here just take a little bit

Closer look at the ground you can’t see it there is no ocean floor in this video which means only one thing this has to be incredibly deep ocean where you literally can’t see the ocean floor but at least that can narrow down a search with my new found knowledge I began

Exploring the ocean to find the deepest point and I am now certain that this has to be a real seed because check this out I have now been sailing for 7 days straight and there is still more ocean so if the giant squid is real it’s got

To be here now here’s the thing I’ve been wasting a ton of time actually sailing down to the bottom and checking if there’s ocean floor because you can see it’s actually really quite hard to tell but after looting a couple of ocean ruins I’ve now discovered this really

Cool trick you drink a little bit of night vision potion and boom you can see the bottom of the ocean like right there oh I see some deep ocean over there okay maybe it’ll be over there I even used tools that would help me detect the deepest chunks in the Minecraft world

And here you can see the exact point we spawned and currently in this map it is showing a space of a th000 by a th000 blocks large and this is where it gets crazy as I zoom out look at this that’s the ocean we’re exploring now we’re showing about 10,000 by 10,000 blocks

That’s not even it look at how far this ocean expands all the way from the bottom left here to the top right a distance of almost 20,000 blocks in both directions and that’s not even including this little bit that comes up here and over here it just expands and goes down

In every direction but I keep finding Heights that aren’t that hole let’s see right there 52 that is too high of an ocean and then the light blue here this is 64 y value okay so clearly the darker blue is the lower areas maybe if we go

Like right in the center here no that’s only 45 I don’t know what this purple means wait I think the purple might be the ultra deep that’s a a y value of 35 right here and this pit is huge that could be it we just need to get there

And if I’ve been following the coordinates correctly the deepest part of the ocean should be right below us what oh no no no no no don’t tell me I mean yes technically speaking this is a deep ocean but that’s not how Minecraft includes this this is called a cave

Biome it doesn’t actually count plus no giant squid is fitting down here and what an amethyst geode love that that’s great just got to keep searching until finally something caught my eye and I’m officially out of night vision potions I’m honestly ready to call this myth F wait do you all see

That what in the world what is that are those fish wait and there’s more fish over there as well huh were they there before why are there so many dead fishes just floating above the water did the game just bug out or did something kill these guys

Wait let me check what kind of fish are these tropical fish they only spawn in Coral biomes and I don’t know about you guys but I’m not seeing I’m not seeing a single living creature crawling the bottom of this ocean could this be the work of the giant squid and if so then

Where is he maybe the cave actually was its home I mean it wasn’t there before and then suddenly it appeared and holy mother of fish that is are you seeing that guys that is a whole ton of fish that ain’t fish that ain’t fish what is

That like some sort of black and gray particles wait a minute guys I don’t know if you’ve ever seen But when a squid swims away it squirts out particles behind it that is there are a whole ton of squids well that could be the giant squid

Swimming it could be it if it is then I need to capture on camera we need to go and prove this thing is real if it’s just there and it’s swimming away we can prove this thing right now but wait we need to be careful if we can see

Thousands of chance is probably already knew I was in that cave and it knows I’m coming for it now how do we even be careful I don’t know guys we just have to be ready to retreat at any single moment getting closer that thing is huge

And it’s staying there way too long for it to just be be one one tiny squid this has to be from the giant squid it’s Left Behind it’s ink Trail but where is it surely if it was that big we’ be able to see it by now just wait what was that

Wait guys what was that something spinning around me guys what is that looks like some sort of Shadow it’s going around me in circles I can’t keep up with it it’s moving so quick what do we do I can’t see it where’s it gone is there the shadow wait my boat it broke

What happened no no no no no no I don’t know where it is I don’t know where it is uh do I have a sp Bo yes I do quick go go go out out out out out out out out out out out what just happened I saw

Like the shadow of I I can’t tell whether it was a squid Shadow or not but surely it must have been and then my boat just broke it tried to eat me I mean if it broke my boat it must have swam in at crazy speed or it could be

Something else entirely because all we saw as a shadow we didn’t actually see the giant squid but how do we prove it how are we ever going to see it if it moves that quickly unless wait a minute I’ve been recording this entire thing on

My replay which will allow me to go back in time and use a second camera angle we can slow it down and we can show the squid exactly when he tried to break my boat come on come on please tell me the footage isn’t corrupted yes here it is 2

Hours and 37 minutes surely somewhere in this we will be able to see the giant squid I mean there’s got to be at least a single frame of this thing why is it not loading guys do you see that I’m moving my mouse around the screen and

Nothing is happening oh my gosh no don’t tell me the pile is broken no no no don’t freak out just yet this is normal the file is like almost 3 hours long the computer’s just taking time to render I can see in my task manager the game

Hasn’t crashed yet I just have to wait instead of just waiting around I began searching the internet for more giant myths until I found this turns out players have reported a virus in the form of this giant tree which seems in innocent enough until it keeps growing

So big that this player reports it will lag out your game crash your PC sometimes even destroying it and I’m risking my own PC by creating a world in snapshot version 12 w3a why because the virus will only be released from the code if someone is unlucky enough to have loaded a World

Created on this snapshot in the latest version of the game and I’m using this seat here because apparently there is a jungle biome right at spawn which will make things a lot easier for us to test after all this snapshot was the first version where jungle trees were added

And they were very experimental and buggy hence why some people believe you know that code must break when it enters into a newer version releasing this virus I mean just look at this version everything looks absolutely horrible these Graphics are terrible but that’s what the reports

Want us to do so let’s move this world over all right at least the graphics ain’t trash no more but clearly when we did the port some things glitched out because the hanging Vines are they are floating I don’t know but it is still a jungle so I guess we got to start

Looking for this giant tree I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find a giant tree look around for yourself there is no giant tree unless maybe we’re not supposed to find it because it never existed in the first place hear me out what if we actually had to create it

Because we all know normally trees you create by planting a single sapling it grows it and gives you one of these small trees however one of the most buggy features in that snapshot perhaps where this virus came from is the four sapling tree that makes one of these you

Know extra big trees not quite as giant as the screenshot we saw from the Reddit post but still relatively big however what if we just took that exact same logic and made it bigger right instead of two 2 by two we do 4×4 a total of 16

Creating that extra giant tree and maybe we’ll prove it’s not a virus at all but just that all right ready and it didn’t work maybe I ran out of bone Mill okay I I literally just Spam like 100 bone Mill in there and now the zombie is beating me up that doesn’t

Work fine the mobs are coming out I reckon we just hit the bed and sleep all right we’re up see you later boys yeah that’s right die oh okay well now on do you really have to ruin this I’m already having a bad enough day wait you’re seeing that okay I might be

Crazy but if you rewind the video I swear hand on my heart that tree was smaller before it just got bigger it was not that big before was it maybe I’m just making up things because I want this myth to be true and I want a good

Video so I can get views but I I don’t think I am guys I actually think that that tree got bigger please check for me wait a minute look around look around us the leaves they’re gone they go guys this is exactly what the reports was saying the tree gets bigger by killing

The life around it I mean there were all those mobs last night and they died when I woke up this thing sucked their life and it sucked the life of these trees too either that or I am just believing really random scary stories on the internet and spooking myself out for no

Reason but wait we can actually test this and trial this to see whether or not the tree did grow bigger and I’m going to build a tower that’s the exact same height as this tree and then we’ll be able to see whether or not it grows any taller all right there’s the exact

Same height didn’t think about how I was going to get down from here but we going to go for that vine all right here goes the jump come on come on come on come on come on come on that was actually such a clutch I

Can’t believe I got the vine at the last minute now we’ve got that there we can see whether this thing grows or not wait did you guys see that look at this look at right there the tree okay it’s really hard to tell from this angle but the tree is taller than the

Cobblestone pillar now look at that it they were the same he as before and I think more trees just got consumed as well wait do you see that what is that gray what is that what what is this block can we pick it up can we I really hope this doesn’t

Crash my game please don’t give me a virus lifeless dirt not only is this trend consuming the life of other trees around it but it’s also destroying the grass now but the thing is is this supposed to be a virus but I have an antivirus so can

We see just how big this tree will grow and will it actually grow big enough to make this game lag and crash my PC I don’t believe it okay clearly I believe that this giant tree is real but is it actually scary that’s the question I

Need to find a way to feed this tree what if bone meal that should make it grow right I went straight to the mines to farm as many bones as I could not going to lie I’m pretty certain I ended an entire civilization of skeletons for

These bones the mom and dads will not be happy with their dead children I also went and grabbed some Gunpowder so we could make some TNT if there is like any off chance that maybe this myth is real and again I I don’t think it’s going to

Crash my PC I literally have like a 480 graphics card the highest NPC you can get but just in the small chance that it gets cuz the Reddit post has scared me a little we can just blow the tree up right like it’s growing too big we blow

It up holy mother of tree I can see it from all the way over here from the cave I don’t think I could even see it before this doesn’t make any sense that thing is huge that thing is absolutely massive this is huge look at my Cobblestone

Tower and look at this tree is it just me to get thick as well what happened to the world around it everything is great even the logs wait look at that creeper what is it doing it’s just walking towards the tree hey y I don’t like this freaking out

Freaking out it literally made that mob walk into it and kill itself it’s sacrificing mobs to make the tree grow oh my what’s going on what’s my game’s lagging dude it grew again I did not expect the tree to grow this fast it’s literally almost the clouds we need to

Stop it it’s already lagging the game okay we’re putting the TNT down we’re blowing this thing up blow up blow up all right light it and run this tree is dying it just regenerated it just grew itself back how am I supposed to defeated it again hold up what’s

Happening to me guys guys look at my skin it’s going gray it’s suck in the life out of me no no no no no it’s going up it’s going up what do we do do we run away do we run away we got to go we got

To go we got to get out of here go go go go go it’s still taking the life out of me watch until the end of the video to find out what happens for now back to the giant squid and if you remember correctly a Giant Shadow just appeared

And broke my boat but look at this there I am and there’s no Shadow around me is it just because replay mod doesn’t render Shadows or I don’t know but we are going to take the speed all the way down to 0.1 and we’re going to look out for

Here holy freak holy mother of squids that thing is huge that’s it the giant squid was actually here wait but it just like appeared I was at 0.1 time speed and there was nothing here and then boom it appeared what which can only mean one thing if there

Was the shadow before that thing in a single frame must have zoomed from one other end of the ocean all the way to here in a split second that’s how fast this thing is I was at 0.1 time speed what happens then it comes onto me and

What that’s must have been when my boat broke and then where does it go and then just launches up but that thing if that thing’s still here and it knows I’m here that means it’s still in the world we need to get back in that world now

Before we lose it all right I’m back in the world where do we start looking for this thing probably in that direction wait wait it’s right here it’s still here it’s going to eat me it’s going to be be me I can’t move I can’t move

What’s going on I’m stuck I’m stuck wait wait wait wait wait why can’t I see the moon in the ocean where did the thing go what where am I where am I this is just Endless Ocean the what happened where where’s the giant squid where am I and I

Can see the sun I can’t see the floor it’s just like the video we saw but how did I get here wait a minute do you remember how fast the squid was it must have ined me picked me up put me here and left but then where did it go I

Don’t understand unless we went down there we go after it I mean it didn’t try and kill me I don’t know here goes nothing we’re going down into the water I’m going to regret this aren’t I my bubbles are going down real quick here guys and I

Can literally see the moon when is it going to render guys I’m on four bubbles wait I think I saw some rendering the sun’s disappeared okay there might be something here but I’m on two bubbles Golden Apple Golden Apple Golden Apple oh my gosh oh my gosh magma magma magma

Pull me down magma yes the bubbles are returning holy mother we almost died there this is crazy this is the deepest ocean I have ever seen but that means this must be the home of the giant squid so surely there’s more things we can discover about it wait

What what these are fossils are these the fossils of the giant squid or other giant creatures I don’t I don’t know quick back to the magma back to the magma before we die go go go go go but they didn’t look like fossils of squids that means the giant squid killed them I

Mean let’s just confirm AR these the fossils of giant squids no there’s no way that’s a squid which means we need to get out of here I need to go I need to go we go go now we need to go oh oh we stop at the magma first wait what was

That sound where is it coming from where is it coming from that does not sound good I don’t like this I don’t like this what do we do okay um go back get some breath that’s okay that’s okay we’ll just get some breath and then we’ll get

Out of here okay come on good get back on here breathe breathe breathe Bree breathe bre breathe we’re okay we just need to figure out how to get oh no oh no oh no oh no that’s the sound it’s the thing it’s the giant squid swim swim

Swim swim no no no no I’m going to die I’m going to die no now back to the giant tree no no no no oh no no no no no no now I’m also turning everything gray it’s using me as a conduit wait what’s going on around me I’m being surrounded

I can’t escape the tree is trying to kill me guys it’s lagging it’s lagging really bad it’s lagging it’s lagging we can’t run away we can’t run away we clearly can’t run away the TNT didn’t work but we can just Burn it Down Right the fire will burn faster then the tree

Will be able to regenerate it grew again it grew again it grew again oh my gosh guys my game’s lagging I can barely control it come on light it up light it up light it up come on it will burn faster I’m certain of it burn to the

Ground come on come on come on there’s no way it can grow faster than fire no way what just happened guys what just happened what just happened it’s grabbing me with vines I can’t move I can’t move it’s trapping me with its own Vines the tree know I’m trying to burn

It down is it trying to like stop me it just killed my fire and now it’s growing more Vines okay no no no no no no it’s trapped me it’s trapped it’s trapped me in the Vine The Vines are coming down from the Tree to grabb me oh no it’s

Trying to keep me here so I don’t I’m going to burn I’m going to burn okay get out get out get out run oh my gosh my PC is lagging so bad right now maybe if it’s at a render distance then it won’t render and I won’t lag anymore we’re

Just got to get out of here it’s not reaching us Vines can’t reach us wait what was that wait those Mangrove Roots it’s roots are going out of the ground they’re trying to trap me they’re trying to trap me mother of trees that thing is big no wonder it’s growing it’s root out

Here okay we can get out of here we can get out of here that’s okay wait I don’t think it’s reaching us anymore oh no I’m trapped under the root it’s got me I can’t I actually can’t move what do I do what do I do what do I do guys guys guys

Guys I’m clicking on my keyboard nothing’s happening my game’s Frozen my game is frozen I don’t think my PC can take this any longer we need to close the game we need to shut it down task manager task manager quick what how guys this Java this is what Minecraft runs on

And it is currently got using 126% of my CPU you can only use 100% of the CPU how is it using more than my CPU that can’t be right I mean wait a minute I closed the game the tree it’s still growing even though I’m not in the world no no

No no no it’s still going up the cvu is going up it’s going to overheat my PC is going to explode wait what’s that smell is that smoke oh oh no no no no but this man doesn’t even come close to Giant Alex giant Alex she’s always been there

Always watching lurking in Shadows with her eyes of void and bleeding skin she stalks your every move and every word but one originally found on the seed Death Steve written in decimal code I created the world in survival with cheats turned off but what I don’t

Understand is how giant Alex is a linked to Steve’s death is she a mutation of his outdated code and if so how do we even go back to proving that now you guys can see I’m creating the world right in front of you so you know everything you you see in today’s video

Is legit and real there’s no multiplayer there’s no commands and so we can figure this out together but right off the bat I’m not seeing anything out of the ordinary we have an oak biome here Spruce over there some water not even a swamp the original location that giant Alex was

Reported this just seems normal to me maybe in this direction I don’t think I’ve had a look over holy flip guys look there’s a forest fire right at spawn what could that mean something I mean before filming I did a ton of research and watched loads of videos going viral

From YouTubers claiming that Forest fines are clear sign that giant Alex is watching you wait a minute bro that’s absolute rubbish there’s literally a lava pit right here well duh the lava is going to burn the trees oh my God guys that’s absolute rubbish all right it doesn’t mean anything whatsoever this is

Just natural generation you know what these YouTubers they’re literally just trying to scare kids right now for views like what okay what else can we see here guys I’m not again I’m not saying anything in the area maybe we can jump up on one of like these taller Spruce

Tres and get a better view of the area and see maybe there’s a swamp biome nearer to spawn which we can actually check out and not you know just pretend like o forest fire so scary when really that was like legit natural gen okay we got we got a spruce Village over there

This isn’t exactly the tallest tree so I can’t quite see in that direction but I suppose I may as well head towards the village I searched in every nook and cranny for even a hint of her curse it came up with nothing other than the loot I stole and tools I

Crafted I’m so scared ah small dirt all of the ground somebody please call my mommy I probably shouldn’t make fun of the situation in case I accidentally jinx myself but I mean it’s kind of hard not to when it seems so obviously clickbait I mean there isn’t even a

Swamp biome nearby it’s literally just Spruce and Oak for days where do I even go like I I can’t use commands to locate a swamp biome so I’m going to need to find another way and I don’t really want to walk just in a random Direction since

I a’t God commends this website chunk base is the next best thing all we do is we paste our seed right on the top here and it generates a full map of your entire world allowing you to identify any biome so all we have to do is Click

Highlight biomes here and select the swamp wait what there are no swamps within 1,200 blocks of Spawn so we just got to keep going out and out are you kidding me there’s literally no swamps in this world what bro that’s impossible there isn’t actually a single swamp in

This world oh wait there’s one there’s one right there holy moly guys are you kidding me the only swamps in this world are literally 5,000 to 8,000 blocks away from Spawn that is ridiculous I mean the swamps do kind of form like a square shape here is like the head of giant

Alex but honestly okay even that is a stretch guys it can’t mean anything right so I wasted the next 5 hours of my life painstakingly walking in survival to the swamp hey yo a Rowan portal the first interesting thing I’ve seen on this entire Journey this world legit has

No structures it is completely empty and wait bro finally yes thank the Minecraft GS you can’t be serious right now we finally made it to the swamp oh my goodness bro this actually might be one of the largest swamps I’ve ever seen that is actually insane right now hold

On wait wait wait you guys see that I think that’s Spruce planks right there that’ll be a witches hut that’s as good as place as any to start keep your eyes peeled and your mind sealed we’re looking for anything that might be out of the ordinary here with the witchart

Oh okay well so far nothing is out of the ordinary we’ve got ourselves a witch that is pretty seted right here guys I mean if there was something scary the first thing I’d say is oh the witch is missing but the witch isn’t missing she tried to take me out right there so

Other than that what is different about this place looks pretty normal to me we even got the flower pot and the mushroom that’s standard as well let’s uh jump up here do we see anything inside here no crafting table cauldron bro all right di Alex absolute click B the only thing

That’s out of the ordinary or whack out here is how yucky this water is am I right ladies and gentlemen get out of my town home oh Flip Flip Flip oh what was that did you okay sorry I’m just trying to there was something in The Cauldron I

Don’t know for certain if that was the giant ACC I didn’t I barely looked I just freaked out and I ran I haven’t started taking damage I haven’t started dying or anything so it doesn’t hurt me we can just go back I need to confirm

What that was oh I don’t want to oh we got to do it we got to do it okay just got to confirm let’s have a look here huh what no that was definitely something in there I don’t know if it was galex related or not but there was no way I

Imagined that there was something in the cauld okay guys right now go back check the footage for me all right rewind and let me know in the comments below if you saw whatever was inside that cauldron I don’t understand how did the water hide that over I literally couldn’t even see

It wait a minute if the water could hide that maybe the water’s hiding more I mean we’re not seeing anything out here on the surface I mean it’s a Best Bet right okay we’re just going to come over here please tell me there’s not a bunch of heads inside

Here huh nothing wait hold up hold no no no no no no okay well I mean one or two could spawn natural generation three 4 wait a minute and they’re turning wait no no no that’s not natural generation those are actual footsteps it’s like she was walking here and turned okay you

Know what I just want to apologize I want to take back everything I’ve been saying I am stting with that shadow out the giant Alex is here and stalking me like No Cap what I don’t understand but what does she want and hold up it makes no sense how there only footsteps inside

The water there’s none here on the surface way maybe we can figure out something more if we go to check them out ourselves let’s have a look here guys all right anything strange anything unusual no bro these are just holes in the ground could it be natural generator I

Don’t know I’ve never seen anything like that four okay maybe wait there’s a second level to the cave there I mean I doubt giant Alex would be able to fit through there but I mean it’s worth checking out we got to we don’t really have any other wads to have a look at

Guys all right let’s have a look down here yeah absolutely nothing down here whatsoever oh okay I’m going to tr we need to get out of here holy flip what no no no no no no what is that bro wait what oh my go guys I can’t get close to

I just get pushed away bro what are those no what what we’re going to drive we’re going to drive get out get than goodness there was an air pocket there holy flip bro what was that those I’ve seen that before were those giant Alex’s legs I I actually don’t know bro if this

Wasn’t here we actually would have Di holy moly okay we need to confirm right now was that giant Alex or not all right go down wait it’s gone it’s gone I couldn’t get through there what bro wait if that is giant Alex we need to get to

The service now I need to prove that that was giant Alex she couldn’t have gone far right yo wait that witch hut is totally destroyed quick we’re good go go go go go go go go yo hold up guys look there’s more Footprints here and they’re heading in this direction we need to

Follow the footprint there’s no way she could have gotten far right right hold up let’s go wait where are they going hold up I think they’re turning left here all right we got to head in this direction right now guys do you see anything out of the ordinary quick

Follow the footsteps where is she I literally don’t see her right now wait bro where did that fire come from hold up hold up no no no there’ll be Lava nearby right there’ll be Lava there’s no Lava there’s no lava and it’s literally everywhere how did the fire spread this

Quick it’s spreading so quickly no no no no enough oh my goodness we need to get out of here just follow the footsteps follow the footsteps I ran as fast as my little blocky legs would take me I was so scared of dying I didn’t even notice

What had happened to the world around me wait I’ve been running for like 15 minutes and I’m still in the swamp biome I knew the biome was big but it couldn’t be that big right and we were running towards the mountains weren’t we where did the mountains go hold up hold wait

What bro it can’t be that big anyways it’s physically impossible within Minecraft’s code oh no no no no no what wait this is this before I wait I feel like actually I’ve seen this place before oh my I’m so conf wait am I in some sort of infinite loop I mean the

Reports claim that giant Alex is a stalker but could it be possible that it’s more than that if she’s trapped man’s I don’t know some sort of Twisted simulation wait if that’s the case we should just be able to bait her and then trap her she’s supposed to come out when

We play on render distance 2 I mean that’s supposed to lure her out because she feels comfortable enough to roam nearby and we can’t see her so let’s go to video settings and do it and the minute we see or hear any kind of sign of giant Alex we just Spam the render

Distance all the way up to Max instantly exposing her in the act it could work right I mean I have tried this before but only on 1.12.2 and back then the game couldn’t load fast enough but in the new version of Minecraft and with my

New pc it shouldn’t be an issue oh giant Alex I’m bit giant Alex come for me I’m actually you know what we should probably put some armor on we got some if she is real I want to be as protected as I can be right we just walk around

And just walk here wait what do you guys see that quick turn it all the way out 54 CHS go wait he get in get in get in go go okay quick we need to get up on top of the tree we get a better view go

Go go up we go up we go up we go up go go go go right come on come on come on come on do you guys see giant Al right there we CAU her there’s on camera oh wait you just raing no no no no no no no

No no no what’s happening she just standing there what are we doing she’s on camera we got her right uh wait guys why is she nodding her head no I don’t know but we’ve been here long enough I got all the proof I need she’s

Real it’s time to get out of here oh run run run run we’re out of here we don’t need anything El all right we just got a bolted absolutely stretch it as far as we can go wait what huh wait why okay I don’t understand I glch back that’s just

Lag it’s just lag right it’s lag come on come on come on keep going what what I’m still on the tree oh no and GI Alex is getting closer and closer closer I didn’t think of a solution fast wait get creative modifi turn the world onto land

And turn off cheats open to land creative mode to land cheats on back go wait but giant Alex is gone when we opened it to a server what thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if

You want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and cck ey megaan

Trying Scariest Cursed Minecraft Secret TRUE Stories and Mysteries About GIANTS! Will it they Caught on Camera? 😱

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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