JJ and Mikey Found DIAMOND UNDERGROUND MAZE under VILLAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

There’s something strange what is that huh huh what do you mean what is it a bunch of villagers are here too h Huh it’s weird is that a diamond pit what could be up there it’s like a diamond pit to Heaven impressive it looks like it goes really high

Up wow all the villagers are staring where could it have come from Mikey there’s a sign too what does it say it says do not enter in big letters a but I really want to go up I bet there’s some amazing Treasures up there am I right I

Am curious about what’s at the top too I know what the sign says but I’m really tempted come on let’s go coming I have to know what’s there all right here we go what is this place huh it looks like lava parkour there’s a clown and a robber guy

Ahead this seems dangerous ow hot be careful all right our only choice is to parkour across the diamonds that’s it yep yikes I’m scared keep going you go first we’re so high it’s making me dizzy watch out for that guy what do we do about the robber it’ll be fine y

Mikey seriously he knocked me off you fell down all right watch me what are you doing I’ll get the robber H I need to attack while jumping ready yes nice I did it all right good job JJ careful of the edge that’s a really bad fall okay there’s one

More he seems like an enemy so let’s stop him I’ll push him into Mikey no way no not again he’s so strong careful yikes oh at least we took care of the clown we can move on let’s do this oh there’s a chest awesome maybe there’s

Something good inside let’s open it oh 3 2 1 open wo not bad Mikey we got katanas I’ll grab mine katanas are so cool yum Golden Apple you’re eating it already I couldn’t resist I’ll eat too they’re great I feel stronger you’re right let’s go all the way to the top the stairs

Keep going let’s go huh there’s something here H is this the way I don’t see anyone uh-huh this is the kitchen let’s hurry uh there may be traps so be careful okay I won’t let my guard down yep yep yep okay see anyone proceed with caution

Yeah we have to be ready yep all clear it looks fine looks clear to me oh stairs I think we can head up from here let’s go yeah whatuh what was that huh hang on a trap activated what do we do we can’t get through we have to go through here to

Reach the boss’s Castle but we can’t I guess we have to look for another way let’s look hang on anything Mikey follow me H here huh I’ll use a rope we might be able to go up this way W yes let’s go through this spot under the roof and

Then we’re here wo wo Okay jump past it w woohoo made it great We snuck past it let’s go let’s go let’s go try not to be seen hang on Mikey huh enemies huh this is the only way so we have to go through here but how get him with shuriken sneak

Up close and throw on my mark okay on your mark all right ready and go get them the training paid off all right woohoo our shuriken took care of them nice job good our training was worth it now let’s hurry yeah hurry up go go go

This way here yo wo hang on nice shuriken it attacked us W wo close call we managed to pull through okay let’s move let’s go y see someone a guard oh I’ve been seen all right nice all right we got them uh this way Mikey next floor okay

Go to the top floor take that I took it out with a sneak attack nice let’s go hang on incoming got it nice okay where’s the top floor we’re headed here oh it’s right here here here H let’s go let’s move move hang on Yo they’re standing guard hit them with

Shuriken strong all right all right wo good let’s go yeah let’s do it y yep yep yep wo is this almost there all right all we have to do is stop their boss the floor above us is probably the top floor yep let’s go let’s

Go oh oh shoot huh what this is really bad what happened oh no what we’ve been spotted by the security camera we’re caught Mikey seriously what do we do that means the boss knows we’re coming right yeah the boss should know by now he’s probably

Waiting for us at the top of the stairs that’s bad what now normally I’d say it’s hopeless but we can use it to our advantage how do we do that first Mikey what let’s break this wall and then let’s step outside for a moment huh look

Here at the roof above us wa that’s probably where the boss is yeah follow me we’re going all the way around then what I’ll toss a rope up here okay wow we’re climbing up from the outside instead of taking the stairs just like ninjas right then Mikey be very quiet

Okay look what’s he doing it looks like the boss is standing watch by the stairs over there waiting for us to come up but since we didn’t take the stairs he’ll be waiting there forever mhm so what do we do let’s creep up behind him and hit him with a sneak

Attack mhm okay quiet as a mouse 3 2 one go all right no one hit didn’t work get him take him down he’s strong really strong who wo we beat him w wow wow wow we really beat him and look it’s all the stuff that guy stole from us woohoo we

Did it we did it nice wo cool oo there are doors here open up let a s what what’s ahead H what’s this oh stairs hold on it looks like we have to jump down but there’s no way back up should we let’s do it yeah first what this place oh they’re

Boats yeah hop in a boat all right let’s see where this goes okay this is nice wao it keeps going oh it splits I’m going left oh oh now I can’t go back lava Mikey JJ JJ I fell in that was crazy I’m going to the right are you

Okay JJ this seems promising okay I’ll be right there make sure to go to the right I will Mikey caught up and we’re ready to rock and roll let’s go all right where are we going riding a boat over ice is super fast wo we’re really traveling in style huh this is

Cool uh oops my bad it really is a frozen world is there any way to escape MH we’ll find a way out we have to I see the end wow really nice careful what next oh it looks like a slime area I feel like we’re near the end definitely

It looks like we need to go up there yeah the vent is near the ceiling let’s go we’re doing great oh there’s a button that bounces you higher oh nice ah I fell a bummer hang in there it’s okay let’s keep moving forward you all right I’m good oops good

Luck ow all right I’m going cross here okay and right here I fell I’ll just climb up and try again okay I just have to make my way through the Slime parkour boing boing ouch okay aim for the vent up there we can do this yeah all right wo

Aw don’t lose hope okay not bad at all last leap nice like this I made it yay good luck wait for me that was close I’ll make it oh wo wo almost there yeah awesome thanks for waiting look over here there’s a chest what’s inside let’s find out

Oh bows and arrows huh hey we both get a set that’s nice but why do we need these to climb a staircase huh you make a good point oh there’s a button here look you’re right let’s push it maybe it has treasure can I be careful Mikey it could

Be a trap it’s fine 3 2 1 push H what is this stuff what I’m backing up what is it it looks like poison the staircase is covered in Poison ouch there’s no way we can climb up now ouch it hurts this is seriously bad we need a plan do we give

Up maybe not see that button you pushed yeah if we can go push it again maybe the poison will stop flowing down the stairs but we can’t reach the button now we can’t even get close what do we do well Mikey there might still be a way we still have our

Bows what if yeah we push the button with an arrow oh I’ll try it too that’s a tough shot a again go I hit it wo look the poison it’s going away woah Nice Shot thanks can we climb it yeah once it all clears up we can start

Climbing again what a nasty trap but we figured out the solution the poison is gone let’s go and please don’t touch the button again I promise I won’t come on let’s go quick okay I wonder what’s at the top h a dead end again oh man well we can’t

Climb or jump that high but look there are two buttons this time one on the left and one on the right yeah so one has to be the correct choice and the other a trap which one is it um well let’s try the one on the left

Yeah okay I have a good feeling this time it will give out treasure can I push it sure but be careful okay please be something good here it goes ouch H so H so no Mikey lava wo it’s still spitting out lava Mikey the left button was the wrong

Choice no kidding the right button is good want to push it but what if it’s another trap should I yeah I’ll push it I hope it’s safe come on Treasure bam oh water waa wow we can climb the water he right W good work Mikey it’s set up so we can

Climb using the water okay yeah a little more all right let’s go yay let’s move almost there we’re at the top h Huh where’s the entrance there’s no way in look Mikey there’s another button oh if we push it will an entrance appear H but what if we push it and something bad

Happens it could be a trap I don’t want to push it you do it okay Mikey I wonder what it will do 3 2 1 it worked oh when you push this button a secret entrance opens up you’re right let’s go in here we go what’s inside go here I come

W it’s a narrow path I wonder what’s down there stay on guard let’s explore there must be something h Huh oh a chest let’s see what’s inside oh wao I’m so happy incredible look at all these diamonds you take half Mikey thank you now I’m super happy we did it

H Huh this place is made of bricks and it’s full of lava it looks like we need to go through here to reach the top yeah okay let’s get a running start like this so you don’t fall into the lava let’s make our way through the lava parkour course like

This wo parkour careful mhm nice yes keep jumping across like this wo let’s parkour to the top it would be really bad to fall from here mm the lava’s hot that’s why you need to be cautious got it no right yes I did it

Yeah I made it to the top woah there’s a chest H you’re right let’s open it 3 2 1 open wo oh awesome it’s full of golden apples and golden equipment Wow Let’s equip ourselves amazing wow now to try out our new items yes very cool I’ll eat a

Golden apple too yummy we powered up h Huh GJ what there’s a button here but that says do not push you’re right I wonder what happens if we push it huh it might give us a clue to reach the top let’s give it a push push then go ahead 3 2 1

Click huh huh wait oh no Mikey there’s a flood of zombies pouring down we have to fight them Mikey come on let’s do this how are there so many of them they just Lan down from above wow hm H we did it they died all right we took

Care of them woohoo see anything helpful huh H oh H look I found a key no kidding Mikey wow this key might open that door oh yeah I wonder what’s behind it m I bet it’ll lead us up the tower we might be able to go higher

Hm huh w wow careful this is high we’re so high already I’m scared that’s a big fall hang on there’s slime oh we might be able to use these to climb higher wo W they lead awkward use the Slime devices to clim wow wow Mikey come here yes one check go

Nice that was close careful Mikey we’re really high up you be careful too this way let’s do it yes one more here I come wo wo made it great hey we made it wow oh um oh hm check it out oh oh a hole it’s in there yeah it’s really well hidden

Definitely you ready open it here it goes is it a trap or a Treasure 3 2 1 open will wao H it’s good really look huh we found dynamites wo yeah sweet it’s perfect we can break through the wall with the cracks in it yeah so let’s

Blow it up we’re breaking out definitely before our execution yes what’s this wo wo behold the treasure room that’s amazing this treasure is epic yeah let’s open this chest wo diamonds wo wow careful what’s that there’s a villager in here but why hi there uh wonder what he’s doing here but there’s

A treasure chest let’s open it 3 2 1 open let’s see oh wow this is quite a haul this is great a full set of diamond armor o and an enchanted sword ah and some bread awesome Wicked we’re ready why is all of this equipment here what

Are we ready for let’s find out time to open the door I’m excited let’s see 3 2 1 open oh H it looks like a maze let’s go I want to go higher up uh what is that it hit me it’s an enemy what is it

It’s so creepy all right I beat that weird octopus thing nice H thank you is this way right oh h Huh huh hey stop why that looks pretty suspicious I think it’s a trap who the floor fell away if we toss something it’ll activate the Trap before

We go aren’t you glad you grabbed those arrows earlier yeah we’re really high up here huh it’d be bad if we fell yikes now let’s be careful while we do parkour now yes it’s a door are we already at the top probably we have strong weapons

And great armor that’s true this must be the goal 3 2 1 oh huh is that the boss no way I already ate mine this has to be the boss scary whoo knock him off all right maybe we can’t this boss won’t be easy to beat

Let’s do this get him use your diamond sword take This he’s strong wrong and that huh we beat him great job Mikey we did it all right let’s do this ready open yeah huh huh what’s that what is this place that is some heavy duty security yep lava and lasers this is going to be tricky mhm let’s do it

Nowhere to go but forward right there’s no room for error this is hard don’t touch the lasers are you okay Mikey I’m doing it nice almost there okay wao it missed me I’m okay but that was close all right we made it we better hurry huh let’s go what’s next what’s this

More acid yeah it looks like it yikes that looks like an exit let’s go that way hurry before we’re digested it’s like parkour let’s go yeah you’re fast come on come on I’m going as fast as I can yes nice good job be careful Mikey

Don’t fall in the acid made it now what we have to go over there that exit is our goal we need to cross this thin bar to get there be careful and try not to fall off can’t turn back nope let’s go okay I can do this we’re so high up you

Good I am if I don’t look down almost there Mikey yeah we made it great job nice awesome we’ve gone far we got to be getting close to the exit let’s move I think we’re close now let’s go it’s been easy so far Mikey run what is this that

Something’s after us which way do we go that’s a dead end I’m going this way run it’s like a maze this way I think this is a dead end Mikey in here I made it it can’t follow us that was close yeah yeah what is that thing I’m not sure I don’t

Think we’d ever escape if that thing caught us so scary seriously but we’re okay yeah what’s this oh a chest let’s see what’s inside oh wo I’m so happy incredible look at all these diamonds you take half Mikey thank you now I’m super happy we did it

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found DIAMOND UNDERGROUND MAZE under VILLAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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