Our best friend Cristiano Ronaldo is in big trouble now me and my brother Milo must build him a new versus Pro Ronaldo house to keep him safe but what house will Ronaldo like the most and what happens to the loser the real Cristiano Ronaldo will love the house that I built

That’s right Milo and he’ll totally love the house that I build too because we only have 20 minutes to build an epic Ronaldo house the losers house has something terrible happened to it but we won’t find out out until the end of the challenge he you’re getting started

Already I better go do mine I’m building the Real Madrid Ronaldo because Ronaldo and the Real Madrid team is so awesome what I’m building the Manchester United Ronaldo because that’s the best Ronaldo ever no way Real Madrid is the best by far I’m building a giant house that

Ronaldo totally has to love that’s why I’m going to make it a giant statue of Ronaldo we will be able to go inside the statue for real it’s going to have so many awesome rooms me and Ronaldo are going to live that together and it’s

Going to be so cool he can teach me how to play soccer like an absolute Pro he’s the best in the game so there’s no one better I could possibly learn from right now I’m building the sock but now I can start on the legs perfect this is going

To look so cool my epic Ronaldo house is going to be standing on a soccer ball and flexing his huge muscles Ronaldo is a pro athlete and you do not get that Pro without being super strong yeah raldo is my favorite SOC player in the world I always watch his videos on

YouTube me too I know him so well that’s why I can totally make an epic Ronaldo house like this I basically know everything about Ronaldo that’s why I know I’m totally going to build something he will love the only thing I have to be worried about is being too

Nervous to meet him Ronaldo is my hero so I really hope he likes my house that I built for him well I’m not for sure that he’s is going to love my house because I’m such a good soccer player and he’s really going to like the vibe

What Milo since when did you become a really good soccer player well ever since I taught myself how to play soccer on the Xbox what playing soccer on the Xbox and being a pro like Ronaldo in real life are totally different it is way harder to be a pro like Ronaldo

That’s why he’s so impressive whatever chip I’m just going to make him teach me how to play STA and then I could play for Manchester United as well what playing on a team with Ronaldo sounds like a dream I really hope he likes my

House better so that I get to do it and not you Milo you’re right buddy you better be Wishing every night for that to happen cuz it’s not going to happen yeah I will wish all right now I just need to make the rest of Ronaldo I think

I should make both legs except the other leg is going to be doing a different pose it’s not going to be going straight down it’s going to be angled up to the side because this leg will be standing on top of a soccer ball that is something that Pros like Ronaldo can do

To show that they own the game perfect I just need to make the bottom of his pants like this this is already looking so good I think I need to make it a little bit shorter though I might have made it a bit too wide let’s also build

A little further out like this perfect oh I cannot wait to build the succer ball that Ronaldo will be standing on he’s going to stand right on top of it like the ultimate Pro I can also build a little bit backwards this way it will really look like he’s sticking his leg

Out to stand on top of the ball he won’t be standing straight down on it that would just be really hard to stand on he CH what is it Milo I have a fun fact for you wao what’s the fun fact is it about Ronaldo yeah pretty much okay give it to

Me Milo all right did you know that Manchester United is in England uh yeah everyone knows that Milo what I only found out about that yesterday where did you think it was M yeah the moon or something Milo there’s no soccer on the moon the gravity would be way too low to

Play it only Earth gets to play soccer what I am never going to the Moon thank you very much I wasn’t planning on going anyway but I’m glad I could let you know I think I would be really upset if I went on a holiday to the Moon to play

Soccer and found out that they don’t even have it there sounds like a really crummy Planet if you ask me yeah and I bet Ronaldo hates the moon as well oh yeah he totally would Ronaldo loves suck a more than anything except for his fans

Like me I’m such a Ronaldo fan I love every single game he wins yeah when he doesn’t win I bet we even watch that’s only because you can’t watch because he wins every time okay I’ve already made the pants that look like he’s about to

Kick the sucker ball now I need to add his actual leg I think it needs to go on an angle just like the rest of the pants perfect this already looks so awesome I think the real Ronaldo will love it he’s so cool I really hope he likes what I

Build if he doesn’t I will be so embarrassed to have disappointed my hero that’s why it is really important that I win this thing I do not want my epic Ronaldo house to be destroyed I really hope he goes gentle on it but I don’t know Ronaldo is so powerful he can kick

Anything if he wanted to kick my house into the sky he totally could he could make it hit right in the sun he can hit any Target and any goal that’s why I’m also going to build a big goal post on house so he has some fun goals to kick

Chip guess what what is it Milo I can run as fast as Ronaldo what Milo that’s insane no one can run as fast as Ronaldo how do you think he scores all those goals instead of everybody else scoring them well I can run really fast okay I’m

Just trying to learn yeah you can learn by watching me and Ronaldo run around my epic Ronaldo house once he totally chooses mine as where he’ll live what the no way when Ronaldo chooses my house moves in with me we are not inviting you over to play socle with us what hey

That’s really rude if Ronaldo does pick my house then I’ll totally invite you over too you’ll just be a little bit sad all the time because your house will be destroyed by Ronaldo once it loses oh I really don’t want that to be real I’m

Going to try my hardest to make my house the best thing I’ve ever built me too Milo I’m only going to build the best house for Ronaldo in order to make his shoe accurate I need to build the sole of the shoe first it needs to go down

Just like this then it will slowly come up the closer we get to Ronaldo actually standing on the soccer ball it’s going to look so cool and the Very tippy top of the shoe can also be pointing a little bit further upwards that’s why I will build it in a slightly different

Shape than I built the rest of it in okay this is looking pretty awesome so far now I just have to add the final little details and we should be ready to build the succer ball this socker ball needs to be so epic ESP especially if it’s for Ronaldo Ronaldo only plays with

The best soccer balls you wouldn’t give a regular old bad soccer ball to a professional athlete that’s why I need to try extra hard I also now need to make this soccer ball the coolest one I have ever built I need to make the shape first so I will be using white concrete

For now but once it comes time I will be adding black concrete to the soccer ball so that it has all the right colors and shapes that real soccer balls have in the professional matches Let’s Build It Up in a loop on this side as well and oh

No I think I’ve made it a little too tall let’s move it a couple blocks this way yep that just fits it needs to tightly fit underneath Ronaldo’s shoe because otherwise it could go flying and I would never do that to Ronaldo I only want to set him up for victory that’s

Why this house is going to be the perfect training ground he’s already the best at soccer but I think if we train together I could become really good as well then I could join his team and kick all the balls his way so he can score the super awesome goals destroying any

Team we go up against Real Madrid is totally going to take the victory this time I might even have to change my color from Orange to white and blue to join them now let’s build some white concrete around here we’re almost finished making this soccer ball now it

Is time to make the sides this is what will turn this random collection of blocks into a real sphere that is the shape that every single sucker ball is and this sphere needs to be perfect if I place even one block wrong it could tilt the shape of the ball making any goal

Scored with it a foul and Ronaldo would never do that he only plays Fair which is why I need to make sure I build the best soccer ball I can I bet if Milo built a soccer ball it would be really wonky and it would be so hard to score a

Goal with I know Ronaldo could totally do it but it would be a little Annoying for him and I would never want to annoy him like that only Milo would do something so silly I need to place these last few bits of white concrete on the

Corners then once I finish the top of this soccer ball we will be ready to add the black patternold over it all right I’m pretty nervous I only want to do the right thing by Ronaldo so I better get started let’s Place some black shapes on

Each side I think this is the perfect way to do it it looks just like a real soccer ball let’s make sure we add the perfect amount not too much and not too little if we do the soccer ball will have a really weird color and it’ll look so different from the professional

Soccer balls that all the pros like Ronaldo use if if I fail to make the right kind of soccer ball everyone’s going to make fun of me and Ronaldo won’t want to be made fun of so he’ll probably choose Milo’s house to live in that would be so embarrassing I don’t

Want to be in a world where Ronaldo doesn’t pick me as his favorite he really is my hero so his opinion means a lot to me besides I do not want him destroying my Ronaldo statue I bet if Milo’s Ronaldo house is worse than mine he will break that instead because he

Only wants the best statue to stay on that’s why I need to make my Ronaldo house as epic as possible only the best for Ronaldo wow that soccer ball already looks totally perfect now I can finish making Ronaldo’s pants I’ll build them just like this we need to make them a

Couple blocks taller because Ronaldo is really tall that’s one of the reasons he has such a good sight on the whole field which helps him score so many of his awesome goals I’m so happy Ronaldo join the team Real Madrid that way I can build a real Madrid Ronaldo Pro house

He’ll totally love living in it it’ll really fit and anything he wants to add he can it’ll fit the white walls which is a color that can go with anything although I think we’ll make mostly blue Furniture it is the second color of the Real Madrid team so I better make sure I

Add it absolutely everywhere the main color is definitely white though so when I build Ronaldo’s Jersey I need to use white wool luckily I have a bunch right here let’s go all the way around in this shape exactly I Don’t Want to Miss a single single spot that would be really

Embarrassing and I think it would really upset Ronaldo when he comes to see this base he’s going to be so impressed this jersey also needs to be pretty big because it’s going to be the main area where I build my bedroom Ronaldo’s bedroom as well as the kitchen and the

Epic Ronaldo room I think that room is going to be my favorite and I think it’ll be Ronaldo’s favorite too that’s why he’ll totally want to live here instead of Milo’s house I don’t think Milo’s house is going to be very big at all I really haven’t seen it yet I don’t

Even know what color he’s building it out of I think he’s building a Manchester United Ronaldo but Milo can get a little confused sometimes he might build it out of the wrong color which would really upset Ronaldo I really hope Ronaldo doesn’t pick Milo’s base over

Mine if he does I will be so sad I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win to have Ronaldo move into my epic Ronaldo house and live with me that even includes cheating or sabotaging my ‘s build if I need to I have to be sneaky

With my sabotage though I do not want Milo to know if he does he will tell Ronaldo and Ronaldo is such an honest guy that he will never come live with me if Milo or Ronaldo find out that I plan on cheating today then he will never

Respect me and he won’t want to live in a house with me okay I better make sure I do not let anyone find out if I decide to cheat now that I have almost finished Ronaldo’s Jersey I have had plenty of time to think of what amazing cheats I

Can use on Milo to give myself an advantage and help me totally win this thing and have Ronaldo live with me I think I have a perfect idea I’m going to sneak over to Milo’s side and do different things to his build first I am

Going to need a world edit axe this will help me sneak over and build as quick as possible I need to be Speedy just like my hero Ronaldo because the longer I take the more chance that Milo will see me and get angry at me and tell Ronaldo

What I’ve done okay I need to come down down here without him seeing me and quickly change his build I think he’s done such a weird job this looks like Pinocchio I don’t know why he’s done that and at least he has done the colors of Manchester United if we set the

Second position to here we can type this command to replace red concrete with blue concrete I think that’ll be so funny look at that that is not the Manchester United color at all uh-oh Milo’s coming towards the back so I better stay pretty far away I think I

Also need to add some more Ronaldo is so cool that even just changing his shirt color won’t make him any less cool maybe I can add some things to make him even more awesome Milo will be really confused I’m going to grab diamond blocks to build Ronaldo a diamond helmet

Just like this Milo’s going to be really confused Ronaldo does not need any protection so this will really throw Milo off I think Milo will wonder what dangers are here that could cause Ronaldo to possibly need to wear armor Ronaldo would never wear armor even when fighting the strongest enemy he’d be

Able to take them down just with his athletic ability I think this will confuse Milo so much it’ll buy me lots of time I think we need to be Speedy though Milo looks like he’s getting restless let’s build the back of the Diamond Helmet before it’s too late okay

I think this is good uh-oh there is the hole that Milo entered Ronaldo’s head from I have to make sure I am not visible from there because if I am Milo will totally see me and come outside to ask what I’m doing here I think I need

To make this quicker than I thought I wonder how many blocks I built this way okay this looks pretty good now I just need to make sure I keep the same design the whole way through wow that Diamond Helmet looks so funny I do not think Ronaldo will be happy with Milo’s build

At all that’s why I am going to make his Ronaldo look really angry I think I might even change this into a frown it’s going to look a little crazy but if I place blocks like this it should look like he has a really really upset expression oh wo he looks like he’s

Totally frowning there that is how Ronaldo will feel if he chooses Milo’s house he’ll be really upset because there’s really not much in it that’s why I need to make sure my Ronaldo house is as big as possible I think by putting all of those extra little pranks on

Milo’s house we by myself a lot more extra time oh I really nearly finished the interior of Ronaldo’s head and what the oh my gosh what happened to my Ronaldo hey he look so grumpy oh no has my ralo come to life and even change teams I’m totally freaking out I better

Get on my side quick before Milo asks too many more questions but now that I’m back over my side I can totally say that that was awesome it worked really really well and I think it bought me lots of time Ronaldo is super Speedy so he will

Definitely be back before the time is up I do not want to waste any more time I better make Ronaldo’s shoulders and then his arms let’s place blocks to make his shoulders just like this Ronaldo also has really really strong muscle Muses he is one of the toughest athletes in the

World that’s why I need to make sure that any arms I build for my Ronaldo are equally Strong by covering the top of Ronaldo’s shoulders and wool we make sure that the chest area of my Ronaldo house is a huge open space we can add anything we want inside that gives us

Lots of room to add things that Ronaldo will totally love and help him choose my house over Milo’s house any day although I don’t think I even have the rest of this day to build it Ronaldo is going to come here so soon so I have to be way

Speedier than I have been I need to start building Ronaldo’s arms Ronaldo’s arms are really muscular that’s how he can run so fast he built up all the muscle by running really really fast trying to catch all the soag balls he can to score the best goals in the world

I need to do him Justice by making sure that my epic Ronaldo house has just as many muscles as the real Ronaldo that’s going to be pretty difficult though the real Ronaldo is one of the most muscular guys in the world let me add a bunch

More wool blocks over here to make sure I don’t miss a single spot over here is where the muscles will end but not because Ronaldo runs out no way he would never run out of muscles it only ends because here is where his elbow will begin his elbow needs to be pretty sharp

Because it has to bend right up into his next few muscles I think we’ll build his elbow just over here let’s add a couple more blocks to make sure that we build this properly and we do Ronaldo Justice I wonder if I can spawn mobs around my

Side I bet Ronaldo will love that maybe I can spawn goats because Ronaldo is the goat I think that would be so funny I’m also going to make this next part of his arm go straight upwards he is going to be flexing his muscles so hard that’s

Why all of his muscles are almost popping out of his shirt I think that would be really bad if that happened it would rip the Real Madrid Jersy that I’ve spent so long making that would be so sad and I do not want that to happen let’s build straight upwards so that we

Can then add a fist on the end but before we had the fist we definitely need to add more muscle definition the real Ronaldo would be horrified if he came to look at his Ronaldo house and all his muscles were gone he would be so upset that he would kick this house way

Far away where no one would ever hear from it again and he’d probably live with Milo and Milo would get to live out all my dreams of meeting my hero I must be the one to meet Ronaldo and have Ronaldo live in my house that’s why I

Need to make sure I do these muscles really really well okay this looks pretty good so far I just need to make sure I link it up properly I don’t want to accidentally build it wrong and make it look different than the real Ronaldo with all his actual muscles that would

Be the worst thing I could possibly do let’s make sure we do this properly and correctly as well this is looking pretty good so far I bet the real Ronaldo would be so proud and really really impressed now that we’ve added a little bit of extra muscle definition to Ronaldo’s arm

It is time to make the fist he’s clenching his fist because that is how you flex your muscle Muses the absolute hottest and nobody knows how to flex their muscles just like Ronaldo does he is so cool and he’s one of the strongest guys I’ve ever heard of that’s why I am

Such a huge fan of him I want him to teach me how to be strong like he is then maybe he can help me fight all the monsters that I need to fight to keep my brother safe that would be so kind of him I bet he definitely would now I just

Need to make a thumb I think building fingers is so difficult building fingers is pretty hard but I think I’ve done it that totally looks like a fist I need to do the same on the other side though then we can start working on Ronaldo’s neck I need to make sure I build

Ronaldo’s neck really really awesome because if I messed this up he could totally be offended I definitely would be offended if somebody tried to build my neck and messed it up that’s why I need to make sure it is nice and Tall Ronaldo can definitely see anything he

Wants to so if I made his neck too short he would not be able to see or turn his head to catch any of the sucker balls coming his way luckily his neck is really really good at turning that’s how he can spot anything that anyone tries

To send towards him he can achieve anything he puts his mind to and luckily he put his mind towards being the best soccer player of all time just thinking about it makes me so excited that’s why I cannot wait for him to come see this house I need to make sure I build

Ronaldo’s face really really accurately I don’t want to mess up building the face of my hero that would be so embarrassing and he would really be upset with me definitely understandably though I think this looks pretty good now we can actually get started on making his face first let’s build his

Jaw it can come off the side just like this it needs to go pretty far down I think that’s pretty awesome Yep that looks really really good we’ll do the same thing on the other side as well I have to make sure I don’t accidentally

Mess this up let’s move his cheeks in a bit like this Ronaldo has a really really efficient face structure he looks kind of like this let’s make sure we do the same on both sides Ronaldo’s face is perfectly symmetrical so I can’t mess it up we’ll break one block on either side

Of Ronaldo’s jawline that way it looks really really defined okay we’ll also Place more terra cotta blocks in like that this is starting to really really look awesome I can’t wait to see the look on Ronaldo’s face when he sees how epic this Ronaldo house is he’ll totally

Love it and he’ll definitely vote for my house instead of Milo’s that’s a really important part of this build everything I make has to be something that Ronaldo would absolutely love I also need to add Ronaldo’s hair Ronaldo definitely has hair so if I don’t add that I will be

Missing a really important part of Ronaldo that would be so embarrassing and I know Ronaldo would not be happy I cannot build a b Ronaldo okay the back of his head is looking really really good I only have to add a couple more blocks and then I can finish it and add

His hair let’s start curving the top of his face inwards this is where we will put all of Ronaldo’s hair Ronaldo has brown hair just like me it is so cool that we match I bet he’s totally going to think it’s cool as well I just have

To build the very very top of his head and once we do this we’ll be able to add all of his hair we need to use gray terra cotta to build Ronaldo’s hair this looks so awesome we just have to put it all the way around every single side the

Reason why I know this hair fits perfectly with his hair color is because it is also my hair color it matches so well and I’ve built my own statue so many times that means I had a bunch of practice before I ever had to build a

Ronaldo statue I also build him an ear just like this I think that might be a bit High though I’ll build it a little further down like here oh that is perfect this looks awesome already let’s make sure we add the hair on the back Ronaldo’s hair goes down pretty far and

It even ends in a cool Spike shape I also really need to add his ear over here I don’t want to forget that that would be so embarrassing I think I need to make it a little bit bigger though I’ll move it slightly upwards in order to do that perfect this looks awesome

Let’s Place hair all around the sides too and uh-oh I almost forgot to place hair on the very top I do not think Ronaldo would be very happy if he went to look at my epic Ronaldo house and saw that I hadn’t put hair on top of his

Head he totally has hair on his head so he would spot that immediately let’s add hair over the top of his ears and we can even make his hair come down over the sides a little perfect that looks so cool I wish I had Ronaldo’s hairstyle I

Think one day I’m going to ask the hairdresser to give me it but I’m not going to do it just yet I think me and Ronaldo need to have different hair at least Le the first time we meet then I can copy him if the first time he sees

Me I have the same hair as him he’s going to be really freaked out which is totally understandable I’d be pretty freaked out as well so I’m not going to do it I think that looks totally awesome it looks just like Ronaldo’s hair now I just have to build his eyes and I’m

Going to make them out of brown concrete I think this looks pretty good but H I might even move them one block down let’s add in some eyebrows like that as well wo he looks so tough you would not want to mess with this Ronaldo uhoh I

Just went over to Milo’s side I really hope he does not get angry and that he did not see that luckily I’m not cheating this time so I can totally just focus on making Ronaldo look as epic as the real Ronaldo lastly the final part

Of his face that I will build is this cherry wood for his lips we’ll put them right over here we’ll also put them there so it looks like he’s frowning oh I would not want to cross this Ronaldo now it is time to decorate his jersey

His jersey has to look just like the real one and that is why I am grabbing only the correct colors I need the colors of the Real Madrid logo and the colors of the fly emirat sign on his shirt this is going to be pretty tricky

To make but I think I can do it I just have to be really really careful about writing it in the very middle and uh-oh that is not on the center at all I better change that really quick that is way better now I’ll just try and write

Emirates on there but I think I might struggle Emirates is a big big word and the letter M is so long I have to be really strategic about this this wait I think I might actually have it hopefully this works and Ronaldo is not upset with

How I’ve drawn this I do not want to disappoint him like that that would be a disaster it was a little too long to write but I think that looks great perfect as long as Ronaldo doesn’t spend too much time looking on it he is really

My hero so I hope he doesn’t look too long at what I’ve written and instead focuses on what I’ve built I now need to make the Real Madrid logo I think that looks pretty close I should also make the Real Madrid Crest on the corner here

It’s gold on top and has a bit of blue on the bottom just like this yeah that looks awesome I should probably move it one block down though it needs to be symmetrical with the other logo on this shirt this shirt needs to be absolutely perfect Ronaldo will see it every single

Day if he chooses to live in this house so I have to make sure he will not hate it at all okay this looks pretty cool I think we’ve completed the Jersey except uh-oh we need to add some other little folds in it just like this otherwise the

Jersey would would look symmetrical on all sides like a Lego costume that’s what miles kind of looks like like a Lego Pinocchio we’re not building epic Lego Pinocchio houses we’re building epic Ronaldo houses so I better make sure mine is as epic as possible this

Looks so awesome I love this so far I really hope Ronaldo agrees though that way I can meet him and have him move in with me at the end I have to make the inside of the house though so that he can actually move in in the first place

For the inside of my Epic Ronaldo house I need to make sure I do the real Ronaldo Justice that’s why I can’t let any grass blocks get through perfect now I will place iron doors on the side of his shoe this is how we will get in

Perfect once we get inside this door we’ll have to climb this really big ladder I don’t think Ronaldo will mind at all he gets so much exercise every day just by playing soccer and being a professional athlete that this will be a piece of cake to him I’m going to add

Some bookshelves Ronaldo is really really smart so he definitely reads books all day at least when he’s not training to be the best pro athlete in the world I think I need to grab some flower pots too I don’t know what flowers he likes but I think if I add

Blue flowers just like the colors of Real Madrid it will fit really really well I’ll put gray concrete and some more white concrete on the very very back of his legs this can be the end of the ladder upwards we’ll just need to place all the final ladders before we

Actually get started on the main floor areas wo do not fall down there that’s a pretty intense drop in the pants section of Ronaldo’s Epic House here I am going to add a little mini area here is where we are going to have one little bedroom

I’m not going to add anything in this leg because it is a little wonky I do not want Ronaldo to come into this house and see the wonky leg if I put a room in there he’ll be so upset that it’s wonky he won’t even want to come inside let’s

Grab some Spruce stairs saving space is really really smart and I know Ronaldo really appreciates smart people because he totally is one that’s why I need to make sure we build everything really really smartly on the inside of this Ronaldo house I think now we need to

Place Spruce Planks on this level as well as some quartz all the way along the sides just like this even though we’re adding more blocks to this house in total it makes it feel a lot more open and a way bigger space inside just by breaking up the flat walls it’s a

Really cool building trick that I learned a really long time ago I’m so glad that I am now able to use that building trick to support my hero Ronaldo he is going to absolutely love it I just need to make sure I add the quartz blocks all the way around I also

Definitely want to add something on the arms the Real Madrid Jersey actually has blue going along the arms just like this and I think for the most part that could look pretty cool especially coming down from the outsides here but I think we can do a little better than that the

Blue will go for a while up to here but then once it reaches this level of the house the blue concrete will transform into blue blue stained glass just like this we can place it so that it matches perfectly with the blue concrete and it can continue down until the Jersey ends

Look at that we have an amazing view I’m also going to put quartz all on this wall as well we can’t have a single spot that’s not totally covered by Quartz otherwise it would look really messy and Ronaldo would not like that I need to keep this house so clean for Ronaldo so

He’s not disappointed in me perfect look at how awesome this level already looks I also really want to add some more book Ronaldo really loves reading I can even write stories for him about his epic victories in soccer let’s give this bookshelf a really interesting pattern

It can do squiggles and run all around just like how Ronaldo runs circles around the opposing team they don’t ever stand a chance over here I’m going to build an orange bed for me it’s going to be small because I don’t need that much space but Ronaldo can get his own bed it

Can be blue colored just like Real Madrid he can have two white beds here and a blue bed in the in the middle wo that already looks so awesome I’m going to add some more stairs here before I forget but once I finish these stairs we

Really need to think about what else we can put in the bedrooms I bet some more flower pots would be awesome he would totally love a blue orchid it matches the colors of his team showing his support for the Real Madrid colors at every opportunity I think now that we’ve

Placed this Spruce I also totally need to remember to add the blue concrete and the blue glass to the other sides of his J as well Ronaldo would never forget something like that he has a really good memory so I need to be just like my hero

Ronaldo and remember to do that too uh-oh I just broke one of the quartz blocks that could have been really bad Ronaldo would be really upset if I gave him a broken Jersey that was not painted correctly I better place this glass quickly I think Ronaldo is going to be

Coming really soon I don’t know if I’ll have time to beat this before Milo can do his one I think I know exactly what I have to do I need to sabotage Milo again but how I have to really think about this maybe I can do something with gold

Because Ronaldo always wins the gold trophies for his team I might also want to write something on the gold and the bamboo sign is the perfect way to do it I should probably add pressure plates on the inside of this door as well and I’ll throw them out because I need to be

Really sneaky I can’t be holding iron while I sneak over to Milo’s side to prank him I just have to make sure he’s inside and oh look he’s still inside his head he’s decorating the inside of his Ronaldo just like I’m doing H I already built something on his head before that

Was the diamond helmet and look you can still see the blue that I put on his shirt Milo did not replace it correctly I think I’m going to build Ronaldo an award Ronaldo wins so many that Milo might not even think twice about it but this award is going to be different from

The other ones that Ronaldo’s won this award is going to go to not just Ronaldo but Ronaldo and Chip Milo is going to freak out if he sees that Ronaldo has won a trophy with me instead of with with him let’s add the sides of the trophy just like this Ronaldo’s trophies

That he wins are always so fancy so I better make sure I do the exact same let’s add the top of the trophy just like this and we can break the bottom bit as well that already looks like a trophy let’s add a little bit more up

And we can even make a cup shape inside wo this looks so cool Milo’s going to see this trophy at first and think that he won but it’ll also say and Chip one too that’ll really make Milo so angry that already looks pretty cool but I I

Think I can make it even better let’s grab some glow ink sacks to put it on this trophy now whenever Milo walks by the glow of this sign will catch his eye he’ll think it’s the trophy shining but when he takes a closer look he will see

Exactly what it says and he will not be happy that is the perfect prank I better go continue building the inside of my epic Ronaldo house while Milo freaks out I think I’m going to build up into the head I can turn renaldo’s eyes into glass windows that way we can get a

Really good look at what’s happening w wo this already looks so cool I love this so much I just need to make sure this room is a little less scary I think being on the inside of a giant skull is crazy so let’s totally do that I’m also

Going to add a giant brain in here because Ronaldo has a really big brain he always makes big brain sports plays that’s how he wins every time the big brain can be a giant chair that me and Ronaldo can chill on together it’ll be really really cool and it can also be a

Bouncy Castle wait that’s even better I love that idea so so much let’s Place quartz that goes all the way down I think it looks really weird seeing the direct neck color on the outside of this by placing quartz we really turn this into a super fancy house and we can make

Sure Ronaldo doesn’t get weirded out at any point I know I would if I lived inside a giant statue of myself with realistic bones and everything but I have a feeling he’s going to really really like it I need to make sure it’s awesome just for him that way he won’t

Be upset let’s also break this a little bit and move this quartz far down it’s going to look pretty cool if I do say so myself and I hope Ronaldo will say so himself as well a chip I’m totally freaking out what you’re freaking out what is it Milo chip my Ronaldo is

Holding a trophy and let me have a look at what it says wait I totally need to come see this hang on Milo keep talking a chip I just read this Trophy and it says ralo won and Chip one two what it must be true then I guess me and Ral

They really are winners and hey don’t destroy Ronaldo’s Trophy this is stupid chip you are not winning this Ronaldo is my favorite guy ever and I want him to come live in my ralo house no way he’s going to be living in mine I can’t believe I came out and I let this

Distract me I need to continue making the final parts of my Ronaldo house in order to win I’m going to make a huge gold vault storage area it’s going to have a bunch of gold blocks and a bunch of diamond blocks too this will be where Ronaldo stores all of his amazing Super

Rich Sports money turns out when you’re good at soccer like Ronaldo you make a lot of money and you need an entire floor of your house just to keep it all in that is why I am building this for Ronaldo I’m also giving him some of my gold it’s to help Kickstart his

Collection over in this place because all his gold is so heavy he won’t even be able to move it here he’ll only be able to start a new new Gold collection which will fill up pretty quickly because Ronaldo is so so rich Let’s make sure the concrete goes all the way up

Almost to the ceiling and I’ll also do it on both sides I’m not missing a single spot Ronaldo never misses a single goal so I can never miss a single detail when building now at the very back of his head I need to build a ladder that goes all the way down I

Might have to move some of Ronaldo’s riches out of the way but it’s okay I’ll Place more back down soon right over here this way Ronaldo didn’t lose a single thing I’m even placing more than I broke initially in the first place I’ll pay for it myself Ronaldo’s a

Legend so I’m totally fine with it now I’ll place a ladder that goes all the way up into his head and at the very top of the ladder I will place the brain it’s basically just going to be a bouncy castle a really big one though let me

Grab some slime normally most people’s brains aren’t really that big but Ronaldo will take up his whole head I think my brain’s about like this and Milo is like that but ronaldos is going to take up the entire front section and it can also go here as well oh yeah this

Is going to be so much fun look at all of this amazing bouncing opportunity he’s going to totally love this let’s also add brain to the top of his head so you don’t see the skin color up there either oh yeah this is going to look

Awesome now that I’ve added a really big brain to the top of Ronaldo’s head I think we just need to build an epic Ronaldo room and in that Ronaldo room I just need to make a soccer playing area this is where Ronaldo can practice

Playing soccer he is so good at it so he doesn’t need to practice much that’s why the area isn’t too big I will add Spruce stairs on the sides though it looks so nice I bet Ronaldo will really really appreciate it I won’t have much time to

Build this though I’ll just add some plants in here so that it makes it a little more challenging when you’re as Pro as Ronaldo you’ve done everything before so you need to shake it up every now and then just so that you don’t make it too easy for yourself now I will add

My final remaining few shelves with a bunch of different cool flowers on them let’s grab some torch flowers those are really cool and they look like the Olympic torch the Olympics have been going on for so many years but Ronaldo’s way cooler than them I think he’s the

Best athlete of all time I think this also makes the leg look really cool and finally the very last thing that I will build on this epic Ronaldo house is a swimming pool in this soccer ball I think I just need to add a ladder to the

Side of this thing so me and Ronaldo can climb up then in the very center I have to place a bunch of water buckets I’m going to place them all around like this the swimming pool is not going to have very many air bubbles but it will have

Some at the top just not too many there’s also going to be a waterfall coming right from the ceiling down into the middle that is how you get in and out of this swimming pool area it is so cool this is the final layer of water

That I will be building before I add that little waterfall in just like this perfect now I think this house is ready which is perfect because the timer is up Ronaldo is going to be here any second it is time to let my know we need to be

Ready to show off our houses to see who wins the Ronaldo epic Build Challenge oh my gosh it’s the real Christiano Ronaldo I love you Cristiano Ronaldo can I please get your signature Milo chill we have to be cool around him this guy is like my idol okay chip I will chill out

A little bit okay hi Cristiano Ronaldo I think you’re here to see our houses and I think you should definitely see mine first you’ll totally love it all right let’s go over there first I’m sure he’s going to hate it no way he’ll totally love it all right so the first thing I

Want to show you is this custom soccer ball swimming pool if you come up this ladder you’ll see it and how amazing it is there’s also water inside so you can go in as much as you like what the can I go in as well chip yeah but Cristiano

Ronaldo can go in first he’s what this build is for all right he can go in first and wow chip this is actually really cool yeah look he totally loves it he’s even swimming and sneaking around that’s awesome all right now I think we should totally come out of here

Before our clothes get too wet I’m going to show you the next part of this awesome base in here is the entrance to the main house area you can come up the ladder or you can fly it’s totally up to you why don’t you come inside personally

I’m going to fly cuz I’m a buy oh wa that’s true hey don’t go ahead of Cristiano Ronaldo this is his house remember Milo at least if he picks it to be the winner sorry Mr Cristiano M I’m really sorry yeah that’s okay here is the practice soccer room I’ve added a

Bunch of ferns in so it should be a nice challenge for you I know you’re a pro so regular grass is way too easy hey Milo are you hiding in the grass yeah it’s also really good for hide and seek I wonder if Mr Cristiano Ronaldo likes

Hide and seek yeah probably all right let’s go upstairs to the bedroom area this is where we can sleep and as you can see I’ve built a giant bed for you you have so much space and I have my one over here on the other side of the room

That way we can have sleepovers every night what the chip you forgot to build one for me uh oopsy daisies um I guess you can sleep in this next room up here we have the Vault area where Cristiano Ronaldo will keep every single one of his dollars that he earns from playing

Soccer wow Cristiano Ronaldo is so rich yeah he totally is it’s amazing how rich you can be from being a pro aete and finally up at the very top we have the brain bouncy castle Cristiano Ronaldo is pretty big brained so up here I built a

Bouncy castle out of it it is so fun and look we even have amazing views out the front eyes oh yeah this is really good chip great Lu thanks Milo I’m really glad you like it and I think Cristiano Ronaldo likes it too look he’s so happy

Here yeah he’s pretty happy but wait till you see how happy he is in my Cristiano Ronaldo house yeah good luck I basically won already oh way come on Ronaldo come and see what I built hello Mr Cristiano Ronaldo welcome to my amazing house I built it just for you it

Looks exactly like you don’t you think uh Milo this looks like a Lego Pinocchio still I can’t believe you didn’t fix it there’s no way he’ll like this more than he likes mine it totally does not it looks super realistic all right let’s go around this side and oh my gosh yep look

I accidentally forgot to fix this oh yeah uh oopsie daisies well how do we get inside Milo obviously this hole in the back of his head what you built a hole in the back of Cristiano Ronaldo’s head yeah well how else are we going to get inside his massive brain yeah that

Is true I guess but wa it’s actually kind of nice in here You’ve Got A really lovely kitchen that he can make all his professional athlete protein meals in yeah only the best for the best isn’t that right Cristiano Ronaldo oh yeah he definitely agrees with that okay I guess

You might actually stand a chance at winning but he does not like this as much as he likes mine and this is the Epic trophy room this is where Mr Ronaldo keeps all of his epic Awards wao Milo he’s really excited in here yeah he

Loves it and oh wow look it’s my little friend um Milo is this guy’s name unit Ed no his name’s United like Manchester United obviously oh okay I guess that’s true uh-oh Ronaldo really really likes it in here he’s totally having a blast this is really bad that’s right I know

Raldo would like my build so much now it is time to see which build he will live in forever and which build he will destroy oh no I really hope it’s not mine we better go out and see what he chooses look he’s deciding and he’s already set up these buttons there’s a

Bunch of redstone leading to my build but I don’t even know what it could do oh CH whaty got choose I’m so so nervous he’s deciding between them but oh he’s looking at the button for your one what the wa I think I just lost Milo he just

Blew up your house that’s terrible and wait a minute why is he not pressing mine this is Bad Milo I have a bad feeling about this maybe he hates both of our houses look there’s a bunch of dispensers and Redstone dispensers can launch TNT baby for nowo hates both of

Us oh my gosh oh no what’s he going to do he’s pressing it and wo it’s fireworks that then turn into orange he loves it I think this means I won and Cristiano Ronaldo will live in my house forever this is the worst day ever I’m so angry hooray

Milo and Chip are going head to head with a Noob vs Pro CRISTIANO RONALDO House Build Challenge! But what happens when someone starts CHEATING!??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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