Welcome to hcraft season 10 this is episode 4 today we have some incredibly exciting plans I am going to be creating a killing chamber for myself most people when they create killing Chambers make them for other people I’m going against the grain here I’m making one for me for

Those of you who missed the previous hmet Craft episode I now have a way to get into the moth ball I just have to kill myself it’s that simple the only thing is I was actually making a bit of a meal of it I kept jumping off of these

Blocks not quite dying it was really embarrassing so I want to make a killing chamber that guarantees a glorious and horrific death but before we do that Ren wants to show me his new Redstone door there’s been a lot of interactions with Ren where I haven’t exactly been a

Positive about his Minecraft skills so I’m going to try and make a change here and I’m going to do it through the use of diamonds I’m not going to give the diamonds to Ren that’ll be way too positive instead I’m just going to make sure that I don’t say anything negative

About what he’s doing or what he’s created if I think a negative thoughts while interacting with Ren I I’m going to burn a diamond you’ll never hear me say the negative thoughts Ren won’t know what’s going on just every single time I think something negative Diamond goes in

The fire and hopefully this will train my brain to be a little bit more positive when around Ren and even more hopefully imagine if I don’t use a single Diamond imagine if Ren manages to not do something stupid in the entire interaction although that is unlikely

Wait was that negative I I feel like that was negative we’re off to a strong start I have High Hopes I just accidentally burn an extra Diamond I promise you I was thinking positively hello Mambo how’s it going good see you’re still walking oh wow oh you come

Straight in with the insults wait hang you don’t even have an elite TR you do have a very fancy hat though how’s that come about as the minister of administration in this neighborhood I redirected some budget to making this fancy hat I thought it was necessary

Okay I’ve done Redstone M I am so excited this is actually awesome it is actually awesome I’ve made a door okay okay I made it on stream wow bold very bold extremely bold couldn’t be much more bold I don’t even do redstone know the rule never do redstone on stream we

Know the rule yep but to impress you I did it on stream wow okay is this is this it here this is my house Yep this is the door the button is where the magic happens wow okay this button Y and I’m going to give you the honor to push the button M

Okay oh baby that is quite something you got to be quite fast though to get in do yeah it was it was a little bit fast but that is actually really good I’m actually I’m actually really impressed you know I I have a confession to make Ren I’m trying to not

Release my negative thoughts to you because I think I think I’ve been releasing them a little bit too much and actually I I do actually owe you one of these because when I turned up I had a negative thought when you immediately blasted me for the lack of my Elite

Uh every single time I had a negative thought I burned a diamond you only cost me two diamonds you still owe me five diamonds for me proving to you that donkeys don’t go in boats though by the way so you know what you given me two extra that’s two extra negative thoughts that

You give me there R I’ll let you in on the secret it’s a Wither projectile head sound wow so the blue wither head you know not the the other one yeah and you just stick it on Note Block escal did it for me though so I can’t take all the

Credit oh esal’s actually here as well he is go go let go let go come do you want to hear the sound list they’re repeating other names silence everyone quiet silence everybody are you ready are you ready don’t say anything now because then I could would you like to see my Redstone

I don’t know if I’m going to financially recover from this okay let’s go oh oh oh okay okay okay okay you know what no there’s some yeah there’s pulse extenders on each side that’s interesting cool okay no no yeah why is there a pulse Extender on

Each side I don’t know I don’t know I’m going to have going to have to throw di Into the Fire for that one I had one small negative four gentlemen I I don’t know what a pulse extender is you got two of them mate congratulations it’s not too bad you

Know what it’s not too bad I can’t knock you and I like the decoration the decoration having like the Pistons exposed is nice the sound is is a wonderful touch I’ve managed to only have I think six negative thoughts in this conversation which is really good well I’m having negative thoughts right

Now because there’s shroom blocks missing the negative thoughts they’re just too much and Isa wanted me to check out his new base which naturally meant I had to secretly place blocks in it this is the uh version two of the monstrosity it’s it’s a big I like how

You haven’t seen it this entire time you like I didn’t I didn’t five blocks away from it no I I hadn’t noticed it I didn’t realize this is where the oh my game’s going to be so much harder now I’m not going to be able to place a

Single block on here without you noticing oh that’s right I forgot about your game I’m sorry mate but I thought you’d be happy to see that so what I’ve done is I’ve taken every single block that was part of the no Mambo I’m looking at you

No good try though good try it was it was I’ve taken every single block that is part that was part of the monstrosity and it’s built into this including your chest I can see the chest it’s looking good and it’s still it’s still got the strip Mangrove above it which I

Appreciate that’s a nice touch good and then all that deep slate that you placed extra is the reason this entire side is just deep slate pretty good is what it is no mble get stop no it’s time to work on the killing chamber first things first I’ve got some resource Gathering

To do my goodness I’ve stumbled across something weird I’m just looking for the end portal I have genuinely no idea what I’m finding here I’m also down to my last 13 salmon okay I just spent an hour trying to find the end portal I couldn’t find it anywhere I’ve woken up quite

Early today so there’s no one to ask where the end portal is I did find an iron farm so I’ve borrowed 64 bits of iron and that should hopefully cover us for the project so lightly stealing things still counts as resource Gathering doesn’t it first things first

We need a 4×4 volt door let’s see if I can find my old design it’s kicking around somewhere in here cool I mean I could go all out I could build a 6×6 oh I shouldn’t look at this sort of stuff cuz I want to build that after

Searching for that for ages turns out that the updated version isn’t even in my Redstone testing World here it is along with a bunch of other cool ones including this old thing which funny story about this door one time an absolutely massive YouTuber really really big downloaded one of my

Minecraft maps and made a video on it pretending that it was his build there was a bunch of Minecraft doors in the world and this was one of them hilariously he referred to it as a creeper face and in fact it was very clearly my face I had millions of

Subscribers at the time thankfully a very small number of people who watched the video noticed and told me and I was able to call it out but think how often this happens to much smaller creators who don’t have the audience that I have now if you could please excuse me I have

A lot of negative thoughts to burn okay let’s actually get to building now the first thing that I had to do is do a little bit more resource Gathering to get all of the bits and pieces is required for the Redstone components and then it was a case of actually carrying

Out the space for this piston door now when it comes to these sorts of things I don’t I’ve been building doors for like over 10 years now and I still almost every single time will get the Piston layout in the wrong place I’ll always put them too far in and then there won’t

Actually be Space full of block so I managed to sort all of that out and then in terms of the Redstone circuitry this door is a little bit weird because the input is actually at the top of the door which means the circuit kind of travels

From the top down to the bottom which is unusual for a lot of redstone based doors so it means that when I was building it from bottom to top and nothing really made sense until the final bits of the Redstone circuit were in but it in it’s looking good it’s all

Functioning well and now that it’s all decorated with all these nice little details and a little bit of Ruin ification I guess it’s looking sweet but while I was building up this piston door this guy actually came over with a bit of a quest for himself I guess this setup is

Actually pretty perfect for you because you could you could probably open the trapo so you actually might be the only person that yeah can access my base oh that’s so annoying no I have to die to get up there so I’ve had to create a system Oh

That’s oh that’s awesome wait but what is it oh is it getting a little bit stuck on the slab as well what is are are no no no no no it’s fine they’re not stuck don’t worry about no stuck I’m wor they’re not stuck oh I’m

Sorry mate are you jealous of my Trident I I am that was high risk that was good I like that I am here to offer you a oh no wrong wrong I’m here to offer you a iscal man service yeah and uh I will get you a trident really what would

I have to do for that though that seems expensive no strings attached I need to make sure that I don’t cut this from my vide oh here we go again with the cut uh well keep this in what’s I did not keep it in uh he returned 1 and a half hours

Later did you manage to get a trident yeah and then okay and then I came back 6,000 blocks in a boat and I came back here was past the rail and you locked off I was like for goodness sake sorry I need to eat I’ve been I’m working on my

Doors and stuff you know yeah it’s beautiful it’s been uh it’s been something has happened here last time yeah it’s all bu I don’t want to go in cuz it’s a killing chamber well it’s not a killing chamber just yet I mean I to be fair if you did go in there you

Probably would get killed cuz you’d be crushed by the door it’s a very cool door yeah oh my goodness it’s pretty nice hey uh it’s called it’s called it’s called man man man less excited no no okay isal man woo trient for you wow because you

Logged off I had time to go and enchant but I only had I only managed to trade Riptide 2 and rip 3 so it has upgrade potential and it needs it needs a bit of a repair it does need a bit a repair if I throw does it run out of durability

Like does it break it breaks fully yeah but I’m oh I think it should be f it should be fine it has like a tiny bit of durability it should be fine enough for you to attempt this cuz this is now this is now the this is now what you have to

Yay that was very that was pretty cool that was pretty cool ow I forget they hurt that’s right in your face wow wow that’s wow that is next level you’re like you’re like one of the gymnasts who’s finished with their arms up oh well thank you thank

You escal for this gift really happy that you’ve made my entire episode redundant I’m really chuffed about that redundancy aside let’s build up the killing chamber now a lot of people had some really good suggestions about how I could be killed you know renamed mobs intended bass design and such but I’ve

Been playing around with death messages and I think I found a pretty good one so I drop down get really low on health and then fire a snowball at Al causing it to spit me onto a magma block let me get the death message Mumbo walked into the danger zone Jude to

Llama which with no context is absolutely hilarious you have to think there’s a lot of people on the hermitcraft server that have no idea that I have to die to get into my base they’re just going to see that pop up in the chat every now and again and be very

Confused oh what a nice surprise I just realized I built this next to my Redstone pimple poppers Redstone testing world is full of nice and nasty surprises now my first task is to swap out the button for this thing which currently opens it to be a chest that I

Have to fill up with my items in my inventory so I never go in here fully equipped I was going to do a fancy item pickup system and transportation system but honestly that seems like a bit of a f I’m just looking at this I don’t like

These two chests being like this I must admit I didn’t expect to find this part hard I think something like this works so we’ve got we’ve got a little emergency hatch here this is where I put my items inside this Barrel doesn’t match up with the chest and looks kind

Of interesting maybe with a small bit of bone meal in the area wow is that really all that bone meal did so the items go in door opens kill myself come back out retrieve my items door closes I thought the pink would be more electable than the white this is the

Worst thing that’s ever happened next stage of the process is to actually build the chamber itself first stage of that process is to just clear out the space behind our door I shouldn’t need too much space because of course all of the action is happening at the bottom of

A pitfall a room of this size is probably about right and then we got a 2X two hole in the middle that’s where I’m going to be dropping round and then I’ve been trying to work out the decoration and things I think just something really nice and simple will

Work I I’m going in there to die not to Vibe I’m sure this has been done about a million times but this is one of my first times experimenting with signs as just pure texture I really like the way it looks honestly the optical illusion of this and the signs being slightly

Darker actually makes it feel like their inset as opposed to poking out it’s kind of messing with my brain a little bit in a good way Cub just came by and placed this with absolutely no further explanation and flew off I’m on board and I’m also on board with just how this

Whole room has come together again it’s nothing special but I really really like it it fits the tone of death now let’s go out in search of a llama and this is the first time I’ve ever wished for a Wandering Trader to appear that would

Make my life so much easier it would be amazing if I just saw one on the horizon but instead I’ve just got this thing where do you even find llamas that looks like llama territory to me I got excited then but that that is not a

Llama that also is not a llama okay well there doesn’t seem to be any llamas here wait a minute is that no I imagine it’s not but wait is that no I imagine it’s not okay there’s none in this biome either I swear about 50% of my time

Spent on this episode is just looking for things and not finding them I had a lot of high hopes for this Savannah Biome but I found nothing now the next llama specific biome is about 5,000 blocks away so if they’re not there I’m going to have to think of something else

I’ll be honest I didn’t think that this would be the challenging part there it is I can see the biome loading in now the question is is there any evidence of llamas nope nothing so far okay this is starting to get a little bit concerning have we just like Switched Off llama

Spawning or something is is there something that the people of the hermitcraft server aren’t telling me alarm is even in Minecraft I have I imagined it what the how could I have predict I I got so excited then I I saw a thing with long bits and I thought

That must be a llama it’s an iron golem how have I found an iron golem before I found a llama Ah that’s so annoying is there more than one there’s more than one I thought that was a armor as well it’s three of them what they even protecting there’s not even a

Village nearby how’s that come about oh what is this there’s another Savannah Biome it’s it’s another 5,000 blocks away there’s no more hills around so it’s only savanas how committed am I to this stupid death message I hate myself okay I can see the beginnings of

A savannah I’m getting excited I you I don’t want to get my hopes up up too high it’s a donkey it’s a donkey it has it has a long neck ah that should be illegal horses horses a I’ve just done some Googling I’ve just done some Googling I have just done some Googling

In my defense I blame Exuma someone that I think of as being an oracle of knowledge for Minecraft llamas only spawn in Savannah biomes on Bedrock Edition they don’t spawn in Savannah Biome s in the Java edition of Minecraft which in case you haven’t realized is the version that I’m currently playing I

Had no hope I had no Hope from the start now they do spawn on things like Savannah plateaus and winds swep savannas which thankfully there is one here there’s maybe still some hope this is redeemable potentially maybe actually know this is a wind swep Savannah they don’t spawn here either they only spawn

On Savannah plateaus what on Earth is a savannah Plateau what it’s a horse again okay there’s a savannah Plateau a few thousand blocks away I think this is the one right I’m assuming that is the Savannah Plateau so now we are in the correct

Biome I assume I hope no no no yes yes yes yes that is a llama that is a llama there’s two there’s three oh my goodness lavas lavas lavas ah look at them look at them all oh my goodness they’re appearing out of nowhere oh man oh God I don’t even know

What to do with I should have brought more leads I could have had a whole gang of llas I’m kind of making an assumption here I I assume I can get a ll in a boat yes oh gosh there’s two llamas in the boat for the time being I’m just

Going to transport one but I’ve left the three llamas over there so if something does happen to this guy we have some spares I genuinely could not be happier so now that that massive Adventure has been concluded let’s finish off the killing chamber so this is where our pit

Is going to be going I need to dig out a 4×4 hole down proba probably about 15 or 20 blocks and I’m also going to do a little bit of decorating as I go I think honestly I mean it doesn’t have to be anything too fancy something like this

Does the trick this definitely feels like a death hole and I think the death hole has now got the correct depth that should hopefully do it so down at the bottom here I’m now going to create a slightly larger area this is where our llama is going to be stored and all of

The magma blocks and bits are going to be all right this is looking good Landing zone areas for chests and most importantly llama Zone oh gosh this is so difficult but incredibly useful now I’m wondering NE brick how does that look if we had nether brick back here does it

Look good I actually think it does yeah I mean it’s it doesn’t quite match up with the mangrove but in a slightly darker environment like this I think it works then on the lava side I’m going to have magma blocks which really really go well with the

Mangrove so that looks pretty cool now it’s time to actually get our llama in and there is potential that this could end in tragedy I mean I am so incredibly nervous right now you have no idea right come on buddy all you have to do is just

Go down here just go down here just just go in the hole go in the death hole I know it’s got a scary name but it will be fine I promise you bud I promise you we’re fall yes he survived yes that has gone incredibly well all right let’s get this fence set

Up he is all sorted doesn’t have to be on a lead but he is in he is in place then the magma goes in and around this area and that is our death chamber all completed now it’s time for the test first stage of the process I have to put

Some items inside this chest and that will open up the door door second stage of the process is to walk inside here and fall down to the bottom then I grab myself a snowball from the chest fire out of the Llama the Llama will spit at me

And I get the best death message ever and then when I resawn I’m up in my base yes this is worked in the best possible way and that makes me very very happy this is the greatest base I’ve ever built and now that the de has been done

And I’ve accessed all the things that I need to access inside of my base I just grab my items from the barrel free gear up the door closes so I can’t accidentally kill myself again this is the best stter base ever and it’s only taking me four episodes to finish it

In this episode of Hermitcraft Season 10, Mumbo works on creating the stupidest death message in Minecraft on the Hermitcraft Survival Multiplayer server. This Hermitcraft episode includes some additions to my Minecraft Survival Starter base, interactions with Rendog and Iskall, a giant hunt for Minecraft Llamas and more!

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. You could make the process a little smoother by putting some pressure plates and droppers to put a snowball into your inventory as you land.

  2. Only thing I could think of making the Death Door better would be to make the barrel into a dropper setup where when you come back to it, the dropper will rapidly spit back your items.
    Making a possibly recurring process easier.

  3. Should have a minecart collection system under the death hole so you don't have to put your stuff in a chest. It should feed into the delivery system you've already built so that it ends up inside your base storage.

  4. Hey mumbo you should make it so the door is a button and you walk in and put your items in a trapped chest that makes the floor open and drops you in the death chamber.

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