This is the Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Adventure | Episode 1

I put together almost 200 mods in a brand new mod pack I’m calling the ultimate survival Adventure I’m going to see how long I can survive and if I can discover all 12 eyes before losing all of my lives and ending the series this is a story of dragons Dungeons and

Danger and it all begins right now day one all right here we go day one let’s do this and so I started like you would in any Minecraft play through or at least most of them punching down a tree to get myself some wood but it was very

Quickly that I realized I wasn’t alone on this Coast ow ow ow what the heck what was hitting me that was a dinosaur okay avoiding the dinosaurs I made myself a crafting table a few sticks and ran over to another small piece of land checking out a few of the mobs that were

Standing around trying to figure out who was dangerous and seeing a sunken ship off in the distance I swam over towards that mining my way in to get a lot of iron and gold which allows me to Short Circuit a lot of the early game upgrading straight to iron tools and a

Chest plate I dug into a nearby little structure which was filled with mole rats oh my God I’m at one heart I’ve been recording for 4 minutes and you might be wondering why I care if I die it’s survival after all I only get three in this whole

Series and with all the mods I’ve added it is super dangerous so while I can finally die every death counts and I only get a couple of them so I don’t want to waste them on episode one and hey this is a cheeky subscribe call subscribe while you’re watching the

Video Okay bye so I spent a little bit of time eating up what I had cooked and finding a little bit more food with legs getting myself back up to full health before heading out and seeing far too many creepers camping out underneath the island I was just standing on oh no look

At that there’s like 12 right there secondly that skeleton looks very scary and I’m not having that right now I didn’t actually intend for this to be a very aquatic start but ending up on the ocean and doing a lot of sailing from POI to POI is how I spent a good portion

Of this first day I grabbed the wool from some sails nearby so I can make myself a sleeping bag to go through the night seeing several different versions of pirate gallions all crewed with tons of mobs with dangerous upgraded weapons in their hands I saw another sunken ship

Getting a few pieces of armor some basic crops and food my first few pieces of inferium essence so I’ll be able to craft up and grow resources but don’t worry this series is going to be pretty chaotic as well you know what sure why not why won’t that happen and since we’re in

Very aquatic theme Siera cue the pirate Music Anda one day when these ships have a ton of treasures on them they can help me kind of skip the early game get towards at least Diamond gear so I’d be able to take some risks and actually take on some of the more dangerous mobs in this pack but to

Even do that I need to at least get up a little bit better on food and supplies so I saw a nearby fishing tler making my way onto the ship and seeing the captain just abandon and leave I guess I am the captain in now I grabbed everything I

Could from all of the barrels getting a lot of raw fish and gold knowing that the roof was made out of furnaces and a campfire I actually started smelting there that’s where decorative blocks go a little too far but I didn’t want to be alone on the ship I wasn’t trying to

Evict the captain I was trying to make a friend get back over here getting the Villager back onto their ship I went up onto the roof where a campfire was waiting for me which allowed me to smoke and cook all of the meats I had collected without using any fuel making

Myself a sleeping bag and ending my first day in this world well first in-game day I still have a lot to do all right we’ve officially survived one day we’ve made it wait there it goes with the Sun up I went over to that closest Little Island finding a few raw

Carrots that I could craft up into some better food sailing around to check out what else I could see in the early accessible areas on the water and there’s a lot there’s a ton of different structures Dungeons and challenges that are waiting for me out in the world but

I need to take it very carefully I really don’t want to die in episode 1 that would set such a bad tone for the series so I really want to make sure that I’m doing this right but I thought that that brick building could potentially be some sort of large

Village structure and once I sailed into the river itself seeing that it was surrounded by a spruce tiger Village I thought it was good until I walked in and saw who was actually in charge of town not just a what is you not just a village that’s a tree that’s a walking Tree okay so Village that’s taken over Mhm nope ah not good not good not good all right first Quest Liberate the village so I have my first quest of my adventure I have to free this town yes I could go to another Village I could work with other villagers I could set up all

My trading elsewhere but let’s treat it like a nuzlock run this is the first one I found so I have to save it but I’m in no condition to do that right now so I crafted myself up a bow and I stashed all of my excess materials in a chest

Right here in the village knowing I’m going to have to return for it but I have to venture out for better armor and weapons if I’m going to stand a chance there’s another little bit of light across the river so I went there seeing a tower that would potentially have a

Waist Zone up on top so I spent the time climbing to only find out no are you kidding me right now there’s supposed to be a tower on top of this with that being a bit of the Miss I went back down took care of the zombies that were

Around but the illusioners were still on the hunt that illusioner was pretty deadly I’m taking a ton of damage right here my early game armor is not prept for this so I need to gear up plus I have nothing when it comes to combat at

Range so I really need to find myself a good source of ammunition but leaving the village behind for right now I sailed along the coastline finding another fishing trer where I was able to get a whole bunch of gold and some upgraded fishing rods finding a hunter

Who had been smoking some meat just for me grabbing everything I could and dealing with a few drowned that really didn’t understand that they’re supposed to live underwater I mainly now need to find one leather because that’s all I need to be able to then make a lot of

Progress if I can just make a backpack I can carry everything I’ve found so far and then some so we really need to find leather but my pockets were once again full and I wasn’t finding what I needed so I sailed around a little bit more finding a few of their ships with

Various resources and loot inside of them and look at my inventory it is full and don’t worry it’s giving me anxiety as well I grabbed a few books and some prismarine boots from one of the chests here grabbing a treasure map that would lead me to some other spoils later

There’s a giant nether portal that had a knife inside which gave me some advancements but as I continued sailing along the coast the pillagers were definitely a problem problem as more of them had set up shop near the next Village I sailed into the Birch Village right here just immediately jumping into

The church seeing what I could find there was some Redstone an antidote vessel which would make the blindness from the illusioners way easier to deal with but the most important thing was just a few cows camping out underneath one of these homes one of them dropping leather and letting me get ready to

Craft a backpack so now I had two Villages both under threat of Pillager attack but like I said the Spruce Village I found first was somewhere I felt compelled required to go and save so I sailed along the coast back up the river and started making my way in

Towards the building where I had stashed all of my stuff I was very careful to block off the entrance so nothing could find me hoping that no evokers would know my position being able to send Vex through the walls undoubtedly killing me but I was able to collect everything

Crafting myself up a backpack and then upgrading it through iron and gold tiers where I had significant more storage space to work with after that it was a quick little bit of organizing everything making sure that it was all set in place I was finally ready to

Go oh no ow that jump scare reminded me that well I might have felt ready I definitely wasn’t losing 7 and 1 half hearts in one hit is more than enough to make people reconsider so I headed back out into the ocean and I had to do some

Serious mining I grabbed a little bit of gravel very quickly making myself some arrows and some iron armor upgrading what little I had luding yet another sunken ship and then heading off into the woods there was a farmer here which would allow me to sell a whole bunch of

Different animal pelts and other things but I hadn’t collected any of that just yet I did collect all the food from all of their chests and a new friend from out in their yard turtle turtle we just have a turtle get in the backpack oh another turtle in the river right in

Front of the house was a way down leading to a small area that was exposed out to a cave with a campsite right here at the entrance there was a bunch of iron I was able to mine and then I saw another campsite just around the corner get water

Trapped what’s this movement speed after taking damage okay I’ll take that taking care of a chest with teeth I was able to get my way to a whole bunch more iron and then using doors and an underwater Cavern I was able to find a ton of diamonds mining those up and digging my

Way into a underground area that was filled with oxygen you know the breathable stuff so that was useful there’s a whole bunch of mobs here that I had to be very careful of taking out at range but I’m getting things like gold lapis and inferium and if you watch

My e air 100 days you know just how powerful that stuff can be there was more mimics around here that I had to deal with so that was a bit of a problem Oh I’ll take that too no problem but I’m grabbing myself any diamonds that I can find and getting some Hope

From the local Wildlife as far as mining perfect thank you that fire Gauntlet is awesome anything that I hit now immediately Burns I have fire aspect on every weapon including my fists and it’s making taking down a lot of the mobs here a whole lot easier the only problem

Was these caves are massive and very full of creatures and I need to be careful that I don’t get overwhelmed and have all my new magic powers make me overconfident and easily killed so once I knew I had enough I swam all the way back up to the sunken caves grabbed an

Anvil on my way and slept in the Hunter’s house going into the next day nothing bad can happen from that right I’m just going to steal witch’s cauldron I’ve never read any story with where that goes badly I really jinx myself there now this is concerning cuz if I remember right this

Is from The Dungeons that’s a problem for later that’s not a problem for right now going to take on those dungeons taking out those bosses and getting the secrets and power that they have hidden within is going to be essential there’s no way around it I will need to do that

To unlock the eyes but we’re still level one we need to get our way through the basics and we need to secure the village who was first to offer me shelter but as I was sailing back I got quartered by Poseidon’s younger brother is that seriously the only arrow I

Had no that can’t be the only arrow I had did you drop your battle fork for me no dang that would have been epic though you all know that that would have been amazing but I continued sailing the ocean slaying monsters and doing a little bit of trade and by trade I

Mainly mean just taking stuff Hello horse decoration lots of decorations thank you oh a magnet oh that’s huge What this is massive breathe underwater heck yeah but this ship this one just look at how it looks with the god rays and the awesome sails it looks like it had run ground and there was a potential opportunity for me to attack and get a ton of loot hidden inside but

It was also covered in spawners and filled with danger that would be a problem for another day and by another day I meant once the sun was up oh that’s a they have fireworks oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God this is so bad this is so bad

They have rocket launchers literal actual non-f figurine Minecraft rocket launchers it literally set foot on your ship for 2 seconds this is potentially stupid but we’re going to do it Anyway one down lots to go [Applause] That’s a Vindicator dolphin yes dolphin come on give me give me speed dolphin Wheelman beautiful yes all right let’s get the last one oh God I even know what kind of mob that Is it’s the Archers they have a heck of a punch bow are you kidding [Applause] Me okay oh sorry leave me alone [Applause] Oh there goes the helmet and the boots have one ability left and this ship was proving ridiculously dangerous but that just made me want to conquer it more because all of that danger had to be guarding some good treasure right so it’s time to quit geeking out and just lock the hell [Applause]

In oh yes [Applause] be free be free my friends you can escape you totally could have made a flint and steel to burn this entire ship down what are you thinking you totally could have burned the ship down Nope [Applause] ow seriously ow and now that I was down in the lower decks I perfected a strategy of what I call door camping if you played rust you know exactly what I [Applause] mean Whoa whoa whoa oh that fires at half Health that was a waste oh oh that could have been very very bad with the deadly melon trap disarmed the remainder of the ship was a relative Breeze I was breaking the Rick asley paintings moving through having to make

New axes cuz I’m chopping to my way through a lot of walls and looting all of the remaining loot rooms on the bottom of the ship and I came out of that thing looking absolutely glowing I have like three stacks of gunpowder plus another three or four I can make just a

Stack of TNT I could blow up the entire Village I’m fully Enchanted this is awesome let’s go I mean the feather falling is pretty good but we’ll take protection we’ll take some diamond boots also feels like a you found everything kind of reward which I think we did I think we

Took the ship for literally all it’s worth it’s taking two days ow it’s taking two days there’s still items just flying around me oh no just barely not but look how far we’ve come all right I think at this point we need to find a

Place and I think I have an idea I’m going to need a home base probably several honestly all throughout this world for me to be able to actually prepare myself for the challenges I had ahead cuz believe it or not we’re in Easy Mode right now I’m taking on the

Mobs on my terms and that won’t always be the case so I started sailing around trying to find myself a location where I could rest my head and hunker down and the dinosaurs are making that difficult on second thought this might not be the

Place to live no this can work I can see just building something very cool right there but for now oh well um if it wasn’t already going to be our house now it is cuz this is a very cool front yard so let’s start digging this Grove was perfect easily

Defensible covered by a Giant Mountain on two sides and having enough space that I could build up a pretty decent size and decent looking base here over time Yeah broken deals but what would you do would you play the Game and my timing could not have been better oh oh oh no well uh I am very glad that I have started to make a house cuz I perfectly timed that we’re just going to mine and pretend that the outside world isn’t happening I spent

Almost all of Day N in this world just decorating and making the house look passible a place where it would be viable for me to lay down and rest talking like everything still is the same rooftops and ceilings the only thing Stopping Us Now Yeah up oh look little ducks hello little duckies this is the best front yard ever but I still had things I needed to do and for that I needed diamond armor crafting all of that up sailing over and taking a quick nap in the river and then it was time to free the

Village did I save did I seriously save the Fletcher at the last possible I did my friend I will take your entire stock I’m going to need every single one of these arrows probably with without the bow being Enchanted it did really bad damage but it was the only way that I

Could fight at range and minimize the amount of damage coming my way that was until I tried approaching in from another location and the evokers were made aware of my assault it was at this moment that he knew he up oh my God that is so many Vs Time to run time to run and just to show you I’m going to pull up the map here I started here and I ran to here and they still wanted to kill Me that thing has sharpness five or something that did half my health in a single hit are you kidding me right now okay maybe we save that Village later maybe that’s a it’s like a that’s a day two problem that’s not a day one problem I don’t think so with my heroics being

Put on hold temporarily temporarily I promise I just spent some time collecting a few more resources a lot more Spruce Wood that I was able to make myself a boat and have a lot of the supplies that I could use to upgrade my home from there I found an illusioner

House who I was able to pin into a corner with cobweb and stab repeatedly until they decided to give me the deed there was an awesome enchanted bow in their chests which is going to upgrade my damage considerably as well as a few potions and some Brewing stands which

Will come in handy but I spent some time dismantling the house here there was a lot of different Spruce components that would make my base look good so instead instead of having to craft them up collecting them from elsewhere is definitely useful as I was sailing home

I found a little abandoned wheat field with some torches right here some hay bales and food which is really good food is useful for staying alive but I sailed out through the river and off towards my home using all of those Spruce components and all of the chests that I

Had set up to store a whole bunch of supplies throwing down some Mossy Cobble in the floor some different Oak walls to make it feel a little bit more homey it’s a kind of a hobbit hole 2.0 and a bunch of other supplies and details around making sure that the place was

Safe and habitable the following morning I sailed back up and over the SandBar and went to explore another Direction I’m still not going to trade with villagers until I get that first Village rescued it feels required at this point but there’s other Dungeons and areas

That I could get loot in that would be good to explore now before it gets harder and I stumbled across a a giant mushroom filled with really geared out zombies and this thing was Dangerous oh my God But I worked my way through the multiple different layers fighting whatever mobs that I could making sure to clear out whatever was attacking working my way up to the very top seeing some chests hidden inside of tables and I’ve fought with this mod before there’s a bunch of

Good loot in here although a little bit tones down from the somewhat absurd levels that it has been in previous mod packs but even in diamond armor these mobs still have really good loot on their hands which means that I was down to under half Health yet again and I

Really don’t want an episode one death so I bravely retreated away from the base and that led me back towards the Pillager mansion and as I took a quick nap I thought you know what I might not be able to save the Village but I can

Avenge them you know I might not get any loot from this but this is a moral Victory not a strategic [Applause] One You take over a village I burn your no no that bird stole my food you take over Village I burned down your house easy as that oh you are kidding no that did not seriously just happen all right I’ll be back I’ll be back for

Revenge you mark my words will I be able to save the villagers will I survive long enough to find even a single I see you all next week for episode 2 we to change the game we out here taking Nam let our voices rise let them Reach the

Skies we about to change the game we out your

This is the Ultimate Survival Adventure – a fantasy modpack with almost 200 mods and one simple mission, collect all 12 hidden eyes and defeat the Ender Dragon before you lose your three lives. Once they’re gone… the series is over.

In this psuedo-Hardcore Minecraft adventure I’ll try to take on Dragons, Wizards, and Pirates to conquer the world and beat the game… and I might not always be alone…

Modpack will be available once I’m back from vacation!

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  1. Try surviving 100 days in Gensokyo and I hope you like bullet hell because in Gensokyo yokai and fairies, phantoms, spirits inhabit the world and they would chase you down until you die so good luck and have fun

  2. The one thing I HATE! the most in ark survival is the seagulls for ofc stealing your items n dude u got em here as well…I wanna cry soo bad😩😩

  3. Bruh u need to work on your thumbnails, i feel like they're all the same boring thumbnail of a generic minecraft hill, tiny logo, and your character.

  4. Could you please start putting in links for the music you use? It is really annoying to not know what ANY of the songs you use are called and never being able to find them despite really wanting to listen to them

  5. This series is gunna be great, love it! Gothic RPG enjoys throwing random evil beasties at ya when first starting
    Two mods I would recommend are (if they aren't already in here) L_Enders cataclysm (the one that adds the netherite monstrosity and ignis, also adds some other bosses that are really fun)
    And Crimson steves more mobs (a tad over the top and silly, but adds some unique features like pillagers attacking undead and the like)

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