MAIZEN FAMILY: NOOB vs PRO: AIRSHIP HOUSE Build Challenge to Protect My Family (Minecraft)

Today we are building Airship houses to keep our friends Mikey and JJ and their families safe can we build them in time before the sun goes down and the zombies attack what do we need to build first J we need to start with the base of our Airship so let’s use something strong

Like iron it’s a little heavy but it will give us the strength we need to survive the zombies but how long until the zombies attack Milo we only have 20 minutes until the sun sets and the zombies come to get Mikey JJ and their families we need to build our ship

Strong enough to protect them I’m going to use that wait Milo D is not strong enough to survive a zombie attack we need to use iron blocks well it’s strong enough for me and that’s what I’m using okay oh gosh Milo if you use dirt your Airship might not work and that would

Make Mikey’s family really at risk no way Mikey told me he actually really likes that I guess we’ll actually see Milo all I can do for now is make sure that my Airship definitely works my Airship will have multiple sections it’s not just going to be this tiny little

Iron thing no way this is going to be the safe room it’ll be at the very center of the Airship where anybody in me or JJ’s family can come to stay safe it’s going to be right in the middle so that it’s protected by every other room we’re building speaking of other rooms

We need to grab some Spruce planks this will make sure that our Airship is big enough to hold an entire family and me as well well I think it needs to be so big so everyone can fit on Milo how’s your dirt Airship coming along it’s really good except some of the dark

Keeps turning into grass and it’s really annoying me yeah Milo I don’t know why you didn’t think that through if the whole aship becomes grass it could grow plants on it and trees and get way too heavy to fly talk about heavy you’re building out of iron buddy that doesn’t

Sound very aship to me hey it totally is Ion is the center of the Airship and besides Milo iron is what engine rooms are made out of so if we didn’t have iron this Airship would not be able to fly H I know I started using iron for

The walls of this place but I need to use something else let’s use terra cotta I think using red terra cotta would be perfect it will fit really well with JJ and his family it’s also a lot lighter than concrete that’s why people use it to make pots and plates as well concrate

Is way too heavy to hold but terra cotta can fly really well it means that our Airship will not be too heavy even with all the iron that we’ll have chip do you have even any experience in building airships uh yeah I totally do I’ve built helicopters and airplanes

Before they’ve flown really really well and Milo I seem to remember your airplanes and helicopters not doing too well what do you mean you must have a bad memory no my memory is really good I’m going to build windows but I need to explain to you Milo whenever you build

Something that’s meant to fly it normally does not work and I always have to to come save you I really hope that’s not what has to happen today well I hope it’s not either because I am building the best thing I’ve ever built really this Airship is the best thing you’ve

Ever built yeah everything else has been doooo e Milo you mean dirt dirt I can’t believe you always use dirt to build everything surely by now you’ve realized it just doesn’t work very well but it’s my favorite block and sometimes I like to eat it ew Milo that’s just gross I

Think we w have any dirt eating people inside my Airship instead we’ll just have a really nice roof to keep everybody safe from the rain and the lightning and the Thunder that you get when you’re up in the sky we’re going to fly so high with this thing this room

That I’m building right now needs to be the living room and it needs to be really big so everyone can fit inside it and I also need to make a hallway that goes through this thing and wait a second I’ve made this totally lopsided if I make this not symmetrical it will

Not be balanced and it won’t be able to fly if I try and lift this thing off the ground as it is right now it’ll totally flip over that would be really dangerous for JJ and his whole family oh goodness I can’t believe I almost let that happen

I need to be way more careful by placing these iron blocks down we can really make sure that this whole Airship will not bend over to one side that would be a disaster but what wouldn’t be a disaster is adding in some more rooms I’m going to keep building out of really

Light materials and I’m going to use orange and red because red and orange are some of my favorite colors and JJ’s family loves them too it’s really important that we all have a really good idea of what we want our Airship to look like if I want it to be orange but JJ

Wanted it to be red we’d be fighting all day about what color to make it and we’d have no time to fight off the zombies and we’d have no time to survive the zombie attack which is still coming so we have to hurry Milo how’s your dirt Airship coming along it’s good I’m

Building the balloon pot at the top out of Glowstone balloon out of Glowstone Milo glowstone can’t fly what yes it can anything can fly if I make it Fly good luck making it Fly Milo if you want your Airship to fly like mine definitely will you need to work on the structure a

Little bit my Airship is going to be made out of only light materials like wood terracotta and wool as well as a little bit of iron but this is for the engine and the safe room if I didn’t have that we’d be in a lot of danger I’m

Also making sure that my Airship is the same on both sides if I build one side really really big the whole Airship will tilt and it’ll be really really dangerous it means we might fall out of the sky I hope yours gets into the sky

In the first place and is not too heavy when you see my assip flying around you’re going to be totally jealous of it I don’t think I’ll be jealous but oh no I just built this totally wrong I better fix it before the zombies come uh I

Thought I was the pro but I’m acting really newbie today by building these incorrectly I risk everyone’s life and Milo that glowstone really will not fly I know you think it will but I just want to let you know there is no chance if you try and fly that glowstone Airship

You will Doom yourself and Mikey’s whole family I just want to extend an offer if you or Mikey’s family need to come onto my Airship to survive you are more than welcome to I will take you on and keep you guys alive chip you are so dramatic

Nothing’s going to go wrong I don’t know Milo you’ve had some pretty bad flight disasters in the past it never goes well and I always have to save you well maybe if you stop bringing it up I can stop being sad about it but I have to keep reminding you Milo otherwise it’ll

Definitely happen again just like I really have to make this roof out of glass by using glass blocks we make sure that we can totally see the sky that will be really helpful for steering this massive Airship around the bigger the Airship is the harder it is to steer

Luckily I’m a total Pro when it comes to these things so I’ll be able to steer us wherever we need to go I just hope you realized that before it’s too late Milo now at the end of the safe room I need to make something crazy I’m going to use

Smooth quartz blocks and quartz bricks quartz is a pretty light material but it still looks really cool this way we can have an awesome looking engine room that will still be able to take off my Airship will be fueled by some really strong engines so it will be able to fly

Even if we build out of quartz and iron luckily I do have a bunch of other materials so it’ll be able to fly really fast my Airship is just going to float out of hot air and I’m going to pull lots of cows in the balloon so they FS

Make it fly ew methane power Milo that’s gross and what happens if someone lights a match your whole Airship will get lit on fire well obviously there’s going to be no flammables allowed um Milo zombies burn in the daytime what if a zombie catches a ride on your ship and it

Manages to survive until the daytime the whole ship would go kaboy the second the zombie gets lit on fire by the sun well at least the zombie will get blown up yeah Milo along with with you and Mikey’s whole family guys it’s not too late to come over to my Airship I’m

Building enough space for me JJ’s family and everybody else yuck we are definitely not going over that chip your place looks ugly what hey that’s just cuz I’m building the inside right now I haven’t even started decorating yet I’m focused on making sure it’s nice and big

So we can all survive in here together what I will focus on though is making this engine room once I finish this roof I will be able to make the front Lookout section this is where I will pilot the whole Airship from that’s why I’ll make

This window really big and it can even wrap around like this this way I’ll have a view of not just in front of us but also to the sides and kind of to the back as well I think we should add more windows on each side this way everybody

Can keep a look at speaking of when the zombies come when they do we are going to need to be able to Pilot this ship that’s why I am now going to build a massive Pilot’s desk this is going to have so many redstone contraptions on it

This way no matter what happens we’ll have have a button we can press that will steer us to safety I’m also going to grab some stairs I think using Acacia stairs is perfect These are nice and orange and I can use them to make my awesome captain’s chair oh boy I’m

Having some really angry thoughts right now what angry thoughts Milo what angry thoughts are you having just about the zombies and pretty much if I see one I’m going to punch it uh Milo do not punch the zombies if you do they could bite you and you might get infected imagine

Trying to fly in airplane while being infected that would be terrible you wouldn’t be able to grab any of the levers or the Redstone comparators that I’m placing right now I sure hope you have something like this on your Airship steering device otherwise you won’t be able to fly it um yeah

Sure I’m definitely going to do something like that Milo you sound really suspicious right now have you really not made anything to steer your Airship with well I haven’t really thought about it yet honestly but it’s going to be my next time ask oh Milo I

Have a feeling this is not going to go well I’m going to add shulker boxes on the sides of my captain room they are going to have emergency supplies in it we’ll have three red ones and one orange one that way there’s one for me and all

Of JJ and his family will just add some trap doors on the sides these will hold the shulker boxes securely in place meaning they can’t go flying in case the Airship goes tumbling we’re going to need to grab some supplies inside of every single one we’re going to need to

Place a water bucket the water bucket is really important because it will be able to break any fall damage we also need to place some Redstone torches that way we can build redstone contraptions to save ourselves if we fall off lastly we definitely need some food I think some

Bread will keep really really well I’ll put one stack in every single emergency Sher box that way we’ll never run out and we’ll never go hungry it’s especially important that JJ and his wife get lots of food cuz they’re really big the baby can go for a while without

It cuz he’s so small he doesn’t need to eat as often on the left I also need to make a book bookshelf this will have very useful information in case anybody needs to know how to Pilot an Airship I also definitely need to grab some orange

And some red chairs we’ll put the red chairs oh I totally know we can put the red chairs right behind me I’ll put them just like this this way there’s one for every single member of JJ’s family they can totally stay with me and watch as I

Fly the Airship I also need to put some iron doors in or even better we’ll get some framed glass doors this way we’ll be able to see exactly when the zombies are coming and we’ll be able to make a run for it at the perfect time now that

We’ finished the piloting room I think it’s really important we get started on making the engine room first we definitely need some furnaces and some blast furnaces as well as some pipes these are really important so all the steam power can flow from one device to another otherwise it would all get

Trapped inside and the Airship would get really boiling really quickly I won’t let that happen though I know my stuff way too well we’ll put pipes on both sides of this place there we go now the pipes link up the steam to all the other walls and the steam could perfectly flow

Throughout the engine we do need to grab some copper valve handles as well as some copper bars too these will help keep all of the engines nicely in place and it’ll make sure that they don’t fall over everywhere we also need to place copper valve handles right on these

Walls this way we have engine parts that we can twist on and off to turn the steam power up or down it’ll really help to make sure we can raise this Airship as high or as low as we need it to go I’ll also add some campfires this will

Help make the steam really boiling hot but it’s a bit dangerous we need to grab some Acacia trap doors and place them just like this making sure that no one especially not JJ’s kid can accidentally walk into the campfire and get hurt this is now really safe so I can get started

Working on the sitting room this way everyone will have a really nice place to stay and don’t tell Milo but in the sitting room I am going to place green and blue sofas that is really important because as well as having a red one and

An orange one for me and JJ’s family we also have one for Mikey’s family and one for Milo if Milo finds out about this blue or this green sofa he will get so angry because he will know that I do not trust him or his Airship I really think

This could be a disaster it looks like a glowing dirt mushroom right now I do not think it’ll work and if Milo gets his way it’ll totally spell the end of him and Mikey’s family on the other side though I think we need to make an eating

Room this way me JJ and everybody else can totally eat dinner together by making sure we can eat dinner together we stay real safe because if one person is missing in a zombie invasion then you do not know if they’ve become a zombie or not that is really dangerous because

Then they could come back as a zombie and totally eat us all I would not let that happen so by making sure this table is safe and we can all eat together I am stopping the zombie apocalypse from happening this looks pretty cool I love

All the chairs we have at this table I do think we need something to eat though so I’m going to grab a bunch of cakes oh yeah yum will cover this whole table in them actually I think only putting two one on either end is definitely the best

Option we only have a couple more rooms to do before it is time to build the big balloon at the top of the Airship this next room is going to be a bit crazy though I really hope nothing goes wrong we better grab some copper bars and some

Copper doors I don’t want anybody just walking through here especially not Mikey or JJ’s kid that could be terrible I think we need to grab some waxed copper as well right now I only have cut copper which could be kind of bad cot copper can oxidize over time turning

Bright blue and that’s basically like rusting it would mean that the copper becomes really unsafe and it could break at any moment that would split our airship in half which would be a total disaster especially if we’re flying it over a horde of zombies we would fall

Right on top of them and that would be a real Disaster by making this whole thing out of waxed copper we make sure that that will not happen I’ll also add in some copper bars just like this so we get a kind of nice view out it’s a

Little hard to see though but that’s on purpose because it means it’s hard for the zombies to see in this bridge will be one of the most important places in the whole ship so we need to make sure it’s nicely defended the copper will latch around the sides of the main area

This helps make sure that it won’t just randomly fall off if that happened we’d all be toast zombie toast we make sure we can build as strong as we need to which is why for the final room I am building a giant weapons and armor room

This will help us fight back against the zombies look you can already see the shape of the Airship it’s going to be small at the front and then get bigger this makes it really good at sharply gliding through the air it looks just like a swordfish which is one of the

Fastest things in the entire Sea by making our Airship the same shape we give ourselves a real Advantage I don’t know why Milo’s Airship looks a bit like a big bomb Milo why does your Airship look like a big bomb why do you mean it looks exactly how it’s meant to look I

Don’t think so Milo it looks like it won’t fly why it’s so Stumpy mine is going to have specially built wings and fans and fins as well as some extra engines to glide through the air so quickly well yours doesn’t even look like anything yet that looks like a

Weird Blocky Block uh-oh Milo’s kind of right I have built a weird Blocky Block I think this whole Airship looks kind of square now that I think about it Milo is round so it’ll have way better aerodynamics than mine will uh-oh if the only Airship with a good shape is the

One that can’t fly neither of our airships will get off the ground this is bad I better pull out my trusty diamond blocks and my trusty iron blocks and make sure that this is the best Airship that anyone has ever seen I’ll start by extending out the front just like this

It needs to be round otherwise this will definitely not work I also need to make sure that it goes almost to the top and then curves away in a shape that looks just like this one let’s also remove two blocks on each of these sides we can

Also do the same from the bottom ones right here just like this oh this looks way better already I would never never tell Milo but his advice was actually really helpful wow I guess even the silliest person can be right sometimes I’ll also add iron blocks going right

Back here I don’t think we have to worry about this being too heavy at all my engines will be so powerful that even a billion netherite blocks could take off yeah I think that’s definitely a better plan I think we’ve replaced enough of our couple blocks with iron now we can

Continue making this shape I think this is great look at that it’ll totally slice through the air let’s do the same thing on the other side side we’ll do it right at the bottom and right at the top we build four iron blocks there and then

Three more on this side and in the middle we can now make some diamond block Wings we can make them pretty big because these will help us steer this Airship is going to be so Pro it’s going to have so many wings on each side it’s going to basically be like a big

Stingray except way cooler and this does not go in water if this Airship gets wet from anything other than the rain we could be in trouble now it is finally time to build the connecting device this is what will link our Airship to the big balloon that will carry it off and Away

Into the sky we better use strong iron blocks just like this I think this is a great idea and Milo why are you staring like that I’m just thinking about stuff H okay I’m really suspicious of you now Milo I’m going to keep a super close eye

Out and make sure you can’t do anything weird yeah definitely okay or even better electrified iron fences these are way tougher than wood could possibly be wood is so weak and I don’t think I want wood holding up my entire Airship that would totally suck and it would not work

To get us off the ground it would basically be a ground ship and if that were the case we’d totally be pummeled by zombies and Mikey and JJ’s families would be in big trouble these have to be pretty sturdy because the balloon needs to be close if we want some accurate

Steering the further away it is the more we’ll swing and it could be a disaster especially if we fly over some rocks or some mountains we’d go swinging into the side and the zombes IES would get me and JJ’s family and Mikey’s family if we

Need to save him too and what is that why is there oxidized copper on the back of my Airship hey when I placed this copper down it was covered in wax but now it’s not oh I think I know who did this Milo why did you oxidize my copper

I’m just putting beds down what are you talking about hey Milo I can see you running to put the beds down don’t lie to me we have to work really hard on this otherwise Mikey and JJ’s family get eaten well I’m just jealous cuz your thing looks really cool and my thing

Looks a little bit nerby I still have some more to go Milo I do not like that you totally oxidized this I need to replace the copper with something that will not oxidize like diamond blocks this is also going to make my Airship way stronger and it makes it resistant

To lightning copper attracts lightning so the more copper I have the more lightning my Airship will get struck by and that is not good when you’re trying to go high in the sky and stay there by adding diamond blocks all around the back here you have helped me see that my

Airship was not strong enough and definitely not pro enough now that I’ve added all these diamond blocks along the back and I can keep adding as many as I want I can make sure that my Airship is as Pro as it needs to be to protect me

And JJ’s family as well as Mikey’s family if your Airship isn’t going to cut it Mila oh great so I pretty much helped you yeah you definitely did Milo this is not a competition we both need to survive the zombie attack and we really want JJ and Mikey’s families to

Survive well it’s a competition to me because I want to have the best ass ship in the world what Milo this should not be a competition I want everyone to live and it’s not going to be the best airship in the world especially not if I make my awesome Airship this entire back

Section can be made out of diamond blocks just like this they already look so awesome rather than having Cobble blocks in the floor we definitely need to replace them with blocks of iron they also add some nice weight balancing because the front of my blimp now has a

Bunch of iron and diamond blocks on it we need to do the same in the back this weapon room I’m building at the back is going to be perfect the diamonds and iron blocks will be really strong and will stop any zombies from getting inside I better use electrified iron

Fences for the back here it’s important that we can see out of this weapon room because if zombies decide to sneak TNT in and blow up the back they could get in and steal the weapons without us knowing but not anymore by adding Electrify iron fences all throughout

This place we make sure it’s as strong as it can possibly be let’s also grab some doors I think brass doors are definitely the best option look at how amazingly they slide they also just look so awesome I love it already this living room is pretty good but it definitely

Needs a hatch to go to the top level let’s grab a brass ladder brass is so shiny and cool it’s way better than a normal newbie ladder oh yeah this already looks awesome now we just have to add the final parts of my Airship and we can really get ready for takeoff

Let’s dig out some shapes at the back here just like this it looks a little weird with the diamond and iron blocks mixing but this acts like a tail at the very back we can steer it in any direction and it won’t just be a tail let’s add two diamond blocks here and

Two diamond blocks here because we’re also going to be adding some powerful engines on the very back here these engines can go supercharged mode which is way faster than any other Airship engine this will really help us go super quick to escape the zombies meaning I can protect JJ’s family so much and

Mikey’s family too I basically know now that Milo’s Airship will not fly just look at it it has nothing except the glowstone and dirt that’s not going to fly at all by making sure that Mikey’s family has a place to go on my Airship we can make sure that everybody stays

Safe in this Zombie Invasion I’m also adding electrified fences here this way we have a nice balcony where we can go outside and get some rain water that way we will never run run out of things to drink I also just realized that these engines don’t actually have any fire

Coming out of them that is terrible it means that if we tried to start our Airship it would not go I better grab every color of glass from Orange all the way to Red this way we can build the fire as hot as we want making sure that

It definitely will activate when the time comes let’s replace this orange glass with light blue glass this is important because light blue fire is some of the hottest Flames ever next it will connect up to the white glass to show white hot fire and then yellow

Followed by orange and red by using this selection of colors we really make sure we can do anything we want here let’s add orange just at the back like this and we’ll also add some red on every single one they all need to be the same otherwise if one was burning really hot

And the other one was just burning a little we’d be totally seering to one side because only half of our engines would be working at top speed that would not be good and it would make it really hard to steer away from the zombies we might accident L steer back towards them

Which would be a real disaster perfect that fire looks awesome I already love it I just want to add some deep slate it will add the finishing touches onto these engines deep slate looks way more intense than iron especially for something back here deep slate can also survive way hotter temperatures because

It only exists at the bottom of the world around all the lava perfect that looks so cool now we can actually build the balloon I’ve been so excited to make this for a while but I’ve got a really good plan first we need to build rings

Of iron just like this we’ve got to make sure that they’re big but not too big if they’re too big we won’t have any time to finish them before the zombies arrive that would be terrible there’s nothing worse than an unfinished Airship when you’re trying to escape from zombies

That is other than an Airship made out of dirt maybe oh no I’ve made this top section Way Too Tall I need to move each of these blocks one over to the right just like this now they link up and form a perfect Loop now we have to build the

Same in every other part of this Airship but for for most of the pots we also need to use orange wool by using wool we make sure that our Airship is nice and fluffy and can totally float the orange wool needs to carry the rest of the

Airship so it can’t be too heavy and the shape has to be really really good if I only focused on the materials in color and not the shape that would be terrible because it would definitely not fly and it would get blown around by the wind as

Well just like a kite by making sure that I build this in the best shape possible I give me and JJ’s family the best chance of survival let’s continue this orange all the way around the front and Milo what have you done since I lost so your build I don’t think I’ve seen

You change anything if you leave your buildup for too long the dirt will turn to mud and totally get soggy in the rain that would be even worse than dirt at flying no way my D is looking real good along with my interior which I’ve toally finished what you’ve already finished

The inside yeah my thing is looking really good oh goodness you’ve made the inside quick than I have I’m still building the balloon in my Airship it’s going to be so big I bet you’ll really like it yeah I’m probably going to go pop it what Milo you won’t be able to

Pop this balloon even if you had a thousand swords this balloon has iron rings that will protect it from getting popped iron rings that sounds really crazy I’m actually excited to see it when it’s done I think you really should be excited Milo because I’m going to

Give you one last chance to say that you’ll live on this Airship with me it means that you’ll be able to fly away from the zombies as well as Mikey’s family too no me chip Mikey his family and I do not need your help we’re going

To be just fine on my ship okay I guess that’s all I can do to help you Milo if I can’t convince you to come live with me on this Pro Airship that will actually work I cannot help you any longer I really really hope your Airship

Survives because I want to see you again after the zombies attack yeah well I don’t really want to see you again what why is that Milo because you’re being weird if wanting everyone to survive is a little bit weird then yeah I might be a little weird but I only do it because

I want everyone to live I just care that everyone survives this Milo as much as me and JJ are such good friends I don’t want to live only with him I want to make sure you and Mikey’s family survive as well well thanks I guess but luckily

Mikey’s got me building his ass shf and we’re going to be just fine yeah I sure hope so Milo I’m going to add a little little bit more detail to the front of mine to make sure that no matter what it definitely will work I’ll just add some

More balloon bumps here and I have to break these two orange wool blocks oh yeah it’s already coming together I think you’re going to regret deciding not to come on this Airship with me the only thing I’m going to regret is not spending more time on my Airship cuz

It’s really good Milo you spent lots of time on your Airship now you’re just running around yeah I just want to look at it from the outside cuz it’s beautiful I guess the glowstone is kind of pretty but I don’t know Marlo I have

A bad feeling about it well I have a bad feeling about you I guess the only way to see whose bad feeling is correct is to see what happens when these things fly but I still have to build a couple more rooms I am not finished and if I

Don’t get this done by the time the zombies arrive me and JJ’s families are going to be in a lot of danger I need to extend the back part of this Airship to make sure that it flows just like a total arrow in the wind it needs to

Point in the right direction so that we can only fly one way I do not want the wind pushing us backwards that would be terrible and it would really make it harder for us to escape this already looks so awesome but I just have to add

A couple more fins on it let’s use diamond blocks for the back of this one I think this is going to look so cool and I also have to add the diamond blocks on this other side but I better make sure I’m making it correctly I

Don’t want to mess up my own Airship that would be so embarrassing and not to mention really dangerous okay I think this is looking pretty right so far and yeah it’s totally the same on both sides I’ll just add Diamond fins to the top of

It as well if we only had these on the bottom it would probably sink down but by making sure that we can steer upwards using these fins we can go as high as we want I’m also going to push each of these fins one block backwards this way

We have a bit more control and we make sure the steering on this ship is way better this already looks so awesome but we only have time to decorate a couple more rooms before the zombies get here I better make this living room perfect let’s grab some carpet I think red

Carpet is perfect even though I need to live here as well the red carpet will make JJ’s family the happiest I’ll also grab some more chairs let’s grab orange and blue chairs that way both me and Milo will totally see ourselves in this design it also means Milo might actually

Decide to live on this thing if I don’t use some sort of blue he will never come over here this Airship does feel pretty intense and dangerous though I need to add some bookshelves and some flower pots just so that there’s some nice decoration around We’ll add flower pots

Here and wait I’ll put them in front of the window so they grow really nice nicely I think tulips are perfect we’ll grab red tulips for JJ and orange tulips for me put the red one on the right and the orange on the left this already looks so awesome I’ll move this flower

Pot over to the window as well though I want both flowers to have lots of sun not just the orange one and finally it is time to fill this weapons room with as many weapons as we can get first we’re definitely going to need a chest

And we’ll place a bunch of them all over the back to store as many weapons as we can get I also need to grab some armor stands and not just netherite armor netherite armor is too easy we need to make sure that we also have chain mail

Helmets chain mail is a lot breezier than netherite is and it’s a lot lighter too this means that if I fall off this Airship or anyone in JJ’s family falls off the Airship we won’t hit the ground as hard it’s a perfect idea and it’ll

Really keep us safe as well I wonder if there’s anything else we can add to this weapons room to keep us safe I also need to grab some Ender pears and we’ll put them in this chest this chest will make it really easy to teleport down and back

Up in case we need to I also also definitely want to grab as many amazing custom weapons as we can let’s grab a flen elementar clinch and put it in this chest this way will have a bunch of giant swords just look at how awesome it

Looks when I hold it wow that’s amazing it’ll definitely fit in and we can also get the wind elementar as well wo just by holding it it gives us extra super speed that’s amazing I can now run through the entire airship in no time this will make it really easy to

Transport around and to run around in case of an emergency let’s grab some hammers of gravity gravity is a pretty big deal when you live inside an Airship it can be pretty intense as well as storms storms can be kind of a big deal we will also get the fangs of frost and

Some daggers as well nightmares bites will definitely help us and reinforced Diamond Pickaxes means that we can go down and mine anything we need to in an emergency I’ll also put fire Brands here the Hammers of gravity can definitely go over here I might even add an extra one

Right there it can pretty much control gravity so it’s very powerful and very important to have lots of in case of an emergency daggers can also definitely help us be safe let’s also grab some classic bone bows those are very very powerful and if we just grab some arrows

As well I think poison arrows are perfect we’ll have the ultimate recipe for Superior air control let’s add a bunch of arrows all inside this chest we will also fill the final chest with golden carrots I think this is a pretty good amount of supplies for the weapon

Room we won’t need much more than that at least I don’t think it all depends on how powerful these bows are I think we have one person that we should definitely test it on we better get better at aiming if we want to convince Milo okay that looks pretty good and wo

Look how big that arrow is Milo Milo what the chip look so much attacking me yeah it’s like a giant zombie they just sh a huge Arrow into the side of your Airship oh no does that mean there zombies are attacking I’m totally freaking out yeah you better get inside

Quick oh my God gosh this is horrible what am I going to do now that we know this bow works we can be certain that everything in our Airship works perfectly we just have to make sure the engine room works properly as well and uh-oh I think we don’t have much time

The sky is darker than it was before and look I can see the sunset from the front if we check out the back right now uh-oh I can definitely see the sun is about to set Milo this is terrible we need to get inside our airships and make sure Mikey

And JJ’s families are safe the zombies are going to arrive at any second now oh my gosh really okay I’m going to secure my ass here come on everybody get inside I just realized I have not built a door we need to make a secure door right here

This way anybody can get in and out but I better add some fences we’re going to be in the air so I don’t want anybody to just be able to walk out of here perfect these fence gates will keep everyone inside and the zombies out all right

Everyone JJ’s family we need to go okay everybody safe and sound inside of my airship I need to check the cameras to make sure the zombies aren’t coming and oh no they definitely are okay everyone strap in it is time for takeoff all right I need to take off right now wo

It’s totally working we’re raising up in the air I can see everything from here look the Moon is rising as well this is real bad I really hope Milo’s made it safe wow chip you’re really flying uh Milo it doesn’t look like you’re flying

Where are you oh I don’t know I think so something might have gone wrong hang on a second oh no Milo I’m looking at your Airship through the camera and it’s not taking off at all chip something’s not right here I don’t really know what’s going

On oh my gosh I think my bone popped oh yeah it totally did Milo I can see all the destruction from here this is bad it’s okay Milo I’ll come down to save you CHF the zombies are trying to get me oh my gosh I just got p punched in the

Face don’t worry Milo I’ll come save you I need to come down and get you but I need supplies first I’m going to my weapons room because I am not about to fight those zombies empty-handed I’ll need a bunch of different materials to get them with I have some daggers and

Some really cool weapons I think this Axe and all these bows and arrows could be really really useful please hurry up they’re all looking at me funny like they want to eat my brain that’s cuz they do want to eat your brains Milo okay I can’t go in a Direction they will

Expect so I need to come from the window all right Milo I’m going to try and save you first I need to get some of them with my bows this bow does really really big arrows but I don’t know I don’t think it’s enough to shoot them all down

Quickly champ we don’t have a lot of time you’re right oh gosh the Moon is getting even higher the later end the night it gets the more zombies will appear okay I need to water bucket down but if I place this water bucket wrong I

Will die I have to make sure I do this totally correctly oh my God gosh this is the scariest thing that’s ever happened I really hope I can do this Milo okay I’m coming down I did it I used the water bucket that was so intense but uh-oh now I need

To fight through these zombies I hope my weapons are strong enough yeah what is that hammer that you have this Hammer is called the storm Lander it channels the power of the skies and because I own an Airship my sky power is even more intense so I can summon lightning bolts

What the that’s so awesome them a please save us champ thanks Milo I also have a couple more weapons this is the nightmares bite it refreshes so quick so I can really get these zombies uh-oh they’re doing lots of damage to me though I need to run so I can quickly

Eat some bread oh they in my ship chip that’s not a lot of time I know Milo don’t worry I’m on my way I’ll try a couple more weapons but I don’t know if this will be enough look the hammer of gravity sends some of these zombies

Flying upwards wo that’s doing a lot of damage to them as they fall back down CHF I really forgot to put any weapons in here oh no all right Milo I’m going to come try breaking to save you I don’t want to use the door but oh goodness

There are so many zombies I need to find a way to lure them around but how I’m coming back and now I’m going to break this dirt okay Milo you need to get you and Mikey’s family out over here I have one final trick that will save everybody

From these zombies but I can’t do it alone I need your help come on guys let’s go oh my champ we’re all out here now Perfect all right everybody get ready I have a way to get us up to my Airship what’s that you’ll see Milo just

Look up in the sky oh wow that’s so cool yep it totally is this is my last minute saving system it’ll keep the zombies away just make sure we all get on in time oh no what are we going to do the zombies are on top of it we have to get

On while the zombies are off I’m going to lead them away Milo you just make sure Mikey’s family can get to safety I’ll take one for the the team I hope you guys make it come on guys we got to get on this platform hey zombies take

This and that oh yeah I’m really getting the health down Milo what oh my gosh you’re doing such a good job we’re ready to go back up all right I just need to make my way over to you I hope I can make it I’m on half a h heart CH this is

Scary I know I’m scared too I need to heal oh goodness this is terrible all right Milo I’m going to be on my way back soon all right Milo I managed to make it past all these zombies I’m going to get on and this platform is going to

Raise quickly now it’s working Milo take that zombies yeah you guys are the worst we did it Milo we escaped the zombies on my amazing Pro Airship I can’t believe it chip you really did such a good job thanks Milo all right it’s time to sail away and be safe forever Yeah

Maizen are in BIG TROUBLE! Now Milo and Chip must build Noob vs Pro AIRSHIP HOUSES to get Mikey and JJ to safety! But what happens once the sun goes down?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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