My Pig Can’t Be Killed…

Imagine living in Minecraft with your best friend but after 5 days everyone around you tries to kidnap him well that’s actually happening throughout this week me and my team must build Minecraft’s most secure base filled with traps defenses and everything we’ll need to keep Neil safe oh my God Neil all right Neil

Welcome to your Abode for the next 5 days we hope you don’t die all right here NE that’s my team heads Knees Toes and we are going to do everything in our power to keep our Pig safe now we could just hiding it in a 1ex one obsidian box where’s the fun in

That so say hello to the pigs Armi all right the plan is to breed thousands of pigs and hide Neil amongst them that way he will never be found by anyone so we dug out an open area stole a bunch of carrots and got straight to work oh my god look I can literally just spit

In circles and they all breed there’s so many oh my God no he stop well if Neil dies from entity cling we we can’t lose Neil on the first day we decided to move Neil to a safer area so he doesn’t die but at this point you guys have

Literally no idea why Neil’s even getting hunted it’ll start a few days ago when we were trying to think of a new game for everyone on the server to play we decided on a game called capture the p so there’s three different teams on the server the dogs team buggers and

US heads Knees Toes each team has their own Pig and after 5 days the first team to steal all three pigs wins the game but right now this amount of pigs is not going to be enough so let’s fix That pig breeding was going great every Harvest we were getting more more and more pigs 1200 12200 oh my God Rie help me help oh my God oh my God Wy this is we created this feels so unethical yeah I feel like this is how people make chicken nuggets nowadays three two one

Go 2,000 2,100 2 oh my God 2,00 got 2,000 oh my God we did it no but this was only the first trap although the pig army will help hide Neil we’re going to need some extra layers of Defense to make our Pig Unstealable now the way this Bas works is NE will be hidden in this room with all the other pigs however to be able to actually enter that room the players will have to pull all four levers in each of these four sections but the challenge of actually getting to of

Those levers is going to be near to Impossible room one will be the first trap before the player can enter the pig tsunami room I actually don’t think I’ve ever seen a trap like this before in Minecraft I mean hopefully it works if it doesn’t uh Neil I’m sorry I’m sorry

Neil So the way this trap works is there’ll be a one block on the ceiling where the lever will be kept however with the combination of both Dolphins dep stride magma blocks you’ll be going insanely fast making it pretty much impossible to get to all right I think it might be time to

Test out this room and see if it actually works Chief welcome to the Neil Escape as you can see there are a bunch of holes above us uh however one of those holes has the exit now uh figure out how to get up there uh

Aha I’m one with the squids you want you got this when you got this almost and while we test out this room I’m going to hand you over to Tiny miles what’s up guys it’s me tiny miles and I want to tell you about today’s sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is a free-to-play

Large scale multiplayer Action Game featuring ground air and Naval Combat this game is available on PC Playstation Xbox and even Mac War Thunder stries for a realistic battle experience using Real World locations insane graphics and authentic military vehicles but it gets better War Thunder have just released a

Brand new update that has equipment like the famous t90m su27 the legendary fighter Gripen and the F-15 Eagle War Thunder have also completely reworked their explosion and fire effects all for their new map of volcano Valley this will allow you to test out their latest aircraft in battles among volcanoes I

Mean how cool is that download War Thunder for free today by using the link in my description all new players and those who haven’t played War Thunder for halfy or more will receive some special bonuses this includes rentals the P40 E1 aircraft and the M4 tank for a whole

Week along with three unique skins for them ESP special decorator Eagle of Valor 100,000 silver Lions three premium vehicles for free a whole week of Premium Accounts and even more gifts thanks again War Thunder for sponsoring this video and Tiny miles oh miles you got this you got this it’s

Easy cake it’s easy cake Chief I’ve got this oh yes miles yes let’s go I’m so proud of us we did it I am too that was awesome thanks man Y no problem dog hey you guys got time oh what the heck sorry I’ve been here listening the

Entire time with my stream and they have been enjoying it completing both the pig tsunami and the Neil Escape has given me a huge Boos in confidence at protecting Neil Chief and wck have also started work on room two and three of the base we are working at the most efficient

Rate guys I’m actually thinking now this this actually might now be possible what has happened um why why why are there so many pigs here why have the pigs just gone everywhere who did this what has happened wait what who did this they oh my oh my god oh no okay what

What do we do there just pigs everywhere I don’t know what to do with all these pigs they just stretch on for Miles the entire Pig storage mean Wy spend hours doing has been completely drained we can’t use leads to get them back as there’s just two many pigs for

That I mean and even if we could there’s just simply not enough time left we already on day three of the event and in 2 days from now Neil will be pretty much completely defenseless I mean we have the Neil Escape but like that’s just not

Going to be enough now we have three options with what we do now we could either spend the remaining last few days breeding all the pigs back option two we could build a bunch more traps in the base or option three we could get some Revenge all right team hkt it it’s

Pretty obvious team buggers did this to us from this sign they left us as it looks like a 5-year-old root it now the plan is simple we build a flying machine to get to the top of their base then we plant a boat bomb which will completely

Cover their Tower in boats then we build an escape route so we can get away as if we were never there got it heads Knees Toes all right ready boys three two one okay no way this is first try please work first try that would be so cool

Please please please yes no way wait wait button again button again button again button again one final test if this works it works oh my God it work time we did Red genius we genius oh you don’t want the Quasi connectivity boys so I’m going to wrap this over here

Quasi connectivity I how you guys give me so much crap but that is such a thing connectivity yeah it’s a thing Che it’s a thing it’s a thing it’s a thing Che anyone got a repeater mhm yeah yeah quity connectivity as I was building the ice

Track I got a message from my friend Tazo not looking good for you buddy excuse me so last year we kind of got into this race to 500,000 subscribers and uh he’s going to win by over 100k subscribers I don’t want that to happen he’s already gloating about it

And he hasn’t even won yet so guys please I know it’s a slim chance of winning but if you haven’t subscribed yet please consider doing it this is Lally My Last Hope okay I I I don’t want to lose okay we did the es Escape Route let’s go we’re going to

Go is everyone in why are you guys always so much behind this is getting me motion under the bridge wa oh yeah under the brid under the bridge are here woo complete day I’m done with this day I’m tired I want to go to sleep it’s stupid we’ll prank AA

Tomorrow all right boys boys it’s Mission time yeah it’s Mission time she is on esta is online so go go look at us go wait who has the helmet on get the helmet off Sor miles lock in quit geeking okay okay all right boys hkt heads Knees Toes out all right we’re

Going now let’s go boy Bo we’re going did she see I see a I see where wait She don’t worry about it oh no she’s taking the bubble Vader up uh-oh um oh no oh no oh no oh no um we got to go quick boys be careful be careful get get your swords out she might try jum no she she can’t she can’t she can’t

Jump it can she jump it block it block the slime block I’m block I’m going block something why don’t you have any blocks because I’m not stupid I got I got it I got it that works going going keep going go go go go okay we’re setting up shop here okay uh

Chief you build the thing and then we’ll distract her okay yep I’m on it okay I’m underneath her base I’m I’m overhead her base I’m getting ready to set go go go Chief go I’m coming down I’m coming down I got it I got it I got it I got it

Got so much okay trying desty some of your stuff yeah yeah yeah um yeah Lally just got to keep stopping sell that’s what we got to do I got again I got again I got again boats are loading in boats are loading in uh I’m going to come back up okay do

We have any more wood left or is that all uh should I break the sh box here is there any is there any you will but is there any wood left in there I got 1.5k right here yeah I got I got a bunch of w

As okay see see she’s up there back I this back oh God quick quick quick quick quick keep it moving come on M you got this man keep the defense up keep the defense I didn’t mean to kill her I’m sorry miles you murderous I didn’t mean to how how do we

Need there’s a th000 boats here there actually let me check there’s 700 more that need to be put in oh my God all right we’re all right now we just have to defend we just have to defend yep I see estela all the way down there at the

Bottom all right where is she oh my God estela that’s for the pig that’s for the pigs oh my God I’m actually wait how many frames I have 34 frames if I look in the direction I you have 34 try living with 31 okay I guess it’s not

That much of a difference we got the point um I just have to say uh in a second actually can you give me one second all right a sta everyone don’t mess with our pigs girly pop go go go go go go oh my godo there’s so many boats here

Ow there’s so many boats hello take that Stela don’t mess with our pigs mil I can’t even get out of here wait how do I get how do I get out oh no I’m falling down this so many boats you I’m going to kill you Chief

Run Chief run I’m going to kill you you stupid we’re waiting wait so wait you wait why did you put all the boats there oh mess pigs yeah yeah huh you mess with our pigs yeah I’ve been working on my Park no PS that we were breeding and you just

Let them loose I Chief I haven’t been in your I haven’t been near your base at all what I wasn’t even online yesterday I is it a it was yesterday have we just been gaslighted by someone do you oh my god way oh my God no way whimsic said it Whimsical said it

Was you and like all the signs are written like you um not not a proudest moment we may have just ruined this team’s entire base for no reason I I mean you know it it sounds pretty funny out loud but that does mean only one thing if team buers

Didn’t ruin our base it must have been team dogs their plan had worked perfectly they had single-handedly ruined both our Towers to put theirs on top you know what me and Neil will not stand for that even if we have less than one day left I’m going to do everything

I can to make Neil the most secure pig ever Chief and wreck finally finished work on their two tracks now you’re probably wondering that’s three rooms built with three levers to be able to reach Neil in the center but what’s going to go in the final deadliest room well we are going to

Build wait what what is that is is that a head sne toes poster oh yeah that’s right head sne toes are going global baby we’ve used so many flying machines in our videos and it went wrong almost every single time oh no oh my God do not think about This Miles Jee they’re probably some of the funniest times I’ve ever had in Minecraft so all three of has met up to sign every single one of them so you can brag to your friends about your new signed heads KN toes poster we even put invisible secret messages on some of the

Posters so if you want to find out what they say go buy one but be quick though because once these posters are gone they may never return turn so make sure to head to the second link in the description to grab your very own hkt poster all right the post is are up

Actually going to be this room instead I’m going to use this trap to redeem myself you see in my light speed video I built something called the Bry Cannon the fastest way to travel in all of Minecraft but it failed get ready I mean chief died and I nearly

Joined him we should have been shot thousands of blocks away but only traveled around 50 and for such a cool machine I am not going to let that Abomination be its Legacy so I’m going to build the Bry Cannon 2.0 and the first step to that is trying to find out

What actually went Wrong um this could take a while oh what what do I do it’s not working if I like the lever now it’s going to work bam I get shot out 1,000 blocks however we are in Creative so now if we do in survival we barely go anywhere ow um we barely go anywhere

Now what’s up what’s what’s up with that I just can’t figure out why though it has to be something to do with like taking damage from the TNT mine carts maybe using a shield could help absorb some of the damage ah I I don’t know though all this is this please this has

Got to work flick the lever hold the shield and boom yes it worked okay that worked way better ow I think I think Shields could be the way then all right now let’s actually build this thing on the server okay we’re finally starting to make some pretty good progress down on

This trap as you can see I’ve made two TNT Chambers one lever open to the exit door while the other blast you thousands of blocks away so that will force a player to have to use a shield or else they’ll just uh die Roy has also been working above us

Breathing as many pigs as possible it won’t be like anything we had before but hopefully it will be just enough to distract all the players away from Neil we then tried out Rex and Vil tra it was insanely hard but while we were doing that we found out

Something I terrified pole in 3 2 1 out Jesus Christ This is a fishing rod launcher it may just seem like a bit of fun but I had an idea in mind for how we were going to use this technique on the final day oh and uh speaking of the final

Day um So the plan is we’re going to start off by rushing team Burger’s Base as it seems like they’ve got the hardest Tower to infiltrate and we’ll need as much time as possible to reach their Pig okay we’re going ready heads I’m ready Knees Toes

Inter turn oh wait whoops sorry go go go we’re going oh my God off the I’m bouncing I fell through there he is let are we all in are we all in are we all in let’s go let’s go get in the boat go oh it’s the battle of the secure P have

You guys got any water buckets so can like so we don’t die when I get yeah here take mine take mine now you may see we have some fishing rods on us and that’s because we’re about to pull off the greatest super fling of this Century to beat their

Tower super fling let him meat let him meat okay 3 2 1 super fling oh oh my God yes oh my God one go it works yes oh my God yes it’s working it’s working I’m right above you be careful with those NEOS oh no what

The heck all right I’ll Chas my oh guys here we’ll fing you up go to the corner go to the corner quickly quickly we’re losing time we’re losing time both of you all right I got okay ready 3 2 1 pull he will next why

Is why is the S here get him before he dies to her I got I got W I got W okay ready me it worked it worked it worked it worked it worked all keep moving boys keep moving keep moving help this go oh

My yes this is way too hard not to use our boats yeah use Bo one go oh I hit a block it’s fine so much that was really good okay okay don’t push me Chief no CH oh no okay he’s not all the way down

He’s not all the way down what jump are we supposed to make I think we’re supposed to go to there maybe think oh no that fell down it’s just me and you oh no okay what what we have to make this for the team for the squad for Neil

For Neil both Chief and Wookie had felled to the bottom meaning me and reck could no longer pull our super fling play we decided we’ll carry on doing the parkour while Chief and wiie head over to team dog space that way we can collect both pigs at the exact same time

Uh do you know what this thing is I know what it is it’s a trap Pig be very careful just follow my lead I got a tour from Whimsical over yesterday it’s pretty dangerous but we can probably maneuver our way around it yeah pretty dangerous Chief you got this we got a

Lock in it’s for Neil man oh dude I’m locked you’re locked okay good I’m waiting for you man don’t worry I SAR I’m just you know me the Russ W just wait up God dang it stop just wait I found their Pig I found their Pig this

Is their Pig wait pig pig okay how do we get it down okay let’s go go for it go for it go let’s go baby let’s go come on buddy just go as fast as you can go as fast as as you can I’m working as quick

As I can man oh my God there’s a skeleton there I sniped it I’m the coolest ever dude there’s no way they expect us to make all these jumps here we got to go go that way ah I don’t think we can super fling with only two people you got

It you got it you got it oh my God oh my gosh I got it that was too close bro wait if you can like if you can Rod me now um I can probably Rod you just get in position yeah you’re going to go above me I think I think you should

Shoot for that ladder up there okay 3 2 1 yes oh oh my God yes okay okay miles we fling the boat up ride the boat as it’s coming up at its peak jump off wait but we can both FL Flink can’t we double FL oh you’re right and we both missed

All right so is the plan we try to ride the boat I think we have to ride it up yeah we have to ride it okay good luck good luck okay 3 2 1 go we both missed it oh hang on it’s on my head though wait two one

Go we both missed again oh no wait that that’s perfect wait miles if we get another boat on my head you can get up there okay um okay yeah three 2 1 yes okay wait who head is on we’re both crouched oh we should no I’m so

Close okay oh maybe if it’s not Crouch 3 2 1 yes clutch yes what did it hit ATA this is so hard dude oh no oh no no okay I’m just going to explain this next part because it get a little messy when I got back to the parkour plays

Team boogers had successfully captured all three pigs including Neil now you’re probably thinking how we made the most secure base ever well not exactly for some reason Chief accidentally built something that allows any player to skip every single trap including my Bry Cannon God thanks a lot Chief you’ve

Ruined everything not while we’re still here though we’re going to die um we need to get out out now oh no he went so far where I don’t even see he’s over he’s so far away how far away do we need to hit here maybe I don’t

Know I thought we were going to die if we go here I don’t know see okay good luck jumper you got this oh my God oh my God she went so Far it Worked

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Thumbnail inspiration : @Knarfy

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