Learning to Build in 30 Days

Building in Minecraft was never my strong suit now I could have started this video like guys this was my best attempt but that just be deceptive this is my current skill level which yeah we have an interesting shape gradient and whatever this is but if you take a step

Back it’s so Bland and uninspiring and I didn’t like that so I was going to change that I saw PewDiePie’s video of learning to draw in 30 days and I thought that would be a great way to learn building myself now this was my first attempt so for my second build I

Want to start with something huge cuz what you lack in skill you can make up for in size seriously it makes a build inherently impressive so I started with the reference of the ho and zolan castle from well obviously Burke Holland Z this is one of my favorite building tricks

Though having a wall and an elevated terrain on top it’s a clear sign that like yeah humans did that but I am writing this script after 30 days so I know my skills have improved by a mile maybe 2 miles but it makes watching this build a little like oh good grief don’t

Do that oh no you know this is going online my internet footprint is ruined like the roofs they’re roofs I like I made them blue to add some color but they’re very basic so many flat walls as well but my biggest mistake by far was being way too ambitious way too early on

This is a mistake I think lots of people make when learning a new skill like I’m going to do everything I’ve ever dreamed of but then an hour 20 minutes in I’m bored and just don’t care the blue windows were added as a last Stitch effort to make it look nice but I

Believe this build could be summed up as Bland but that’s the point of learning we make mistakes notice them and improve them so day three I was building a small Hut in the woods which clearly would be smaller so I could focus on the details

And I did once I was finished with the Hut I started building the story of Earthly airbnbs for aliens first there is a landing pad for their UFOs with little slime Trails leading to the front door my favorite is the pen of cows and deer but they all have anti-gravity but

This really isn’t house building because if you’ve been watching my videos for a while you’ll know I don’t really like Building architecture I like building stuff you’d find in a build battle not Windows and walls so I grabb gravitated to the stuff I did enjoy like I love

This little animal I designed but this was at my current level if I really wanted to improve I’d have to push myself so day four I was going all in on one Mansion Walmart Mansion the block pet was just whatever I felt like was Walmart and the inspiration was Green’s

Mansion from hermitcraft season 7 mine was going to be much smaller but the basic shape was still there and I let myself be creative with the details like the stairs were a road in the middle was a giant Bell which was just an excuse to get that signature yellow in the build

You might have noticed I’ve been using an axe to help me build which is because I have a program called world edit and today I learned more commands Jaren why’ you only build half of it cuz bang wait a minute there we go I was intentional about learning commands because when I

See big creators build they’re zipping all around making stuff up here moving rotating and because of it they’re not like inherently better Builders they can just make mistakes faster it only takes a couple of seconds for them to determine uh that looks bad an hour wow

That’s an hour exact I think this might be one of my favorite builds we’ve done so far I think it’s funny that the front yard is a parking lot and the decoration inside was what I believed a Walmart in the future would look like a single self

Checkout this is the future day five I felt proud about the Mansion so I was going to do it again I realized I was scattered in what I had built but to really improve I needed more repetitions of the same thing as well this time I used a reference photo which was

Literally Look up the word Mansion 12th image on Google later we’ll find better ways to do that but it was an interesting image and I was happy with how the shape was coming along but I really struggled on the windows so much so that’s why I spent half the time on

Which is how you learn I do multiple iterations which is how I can really understand Windows okay I feel like we got to take a little step back and like like this is sick really proud of this one like I like it and no the back was

Not finished now in my journey of learning to build in just 30 days one thing I found is mental health or just how you’re feeling plays a tremendous role in creativity setting this goal wasn’t just about improving a skill it was about challenging myself and dealing

With the stress that came with with it that’s why I’m throw to introduce the sponsor of today’s video better help better help makes starting therapy easier and less intimidating offering a way to deal with the emotions and stress that can hinder the creative process it’s not just about trying to do the

Bare minimum it’s about trying to thrive and reach our full potential with better help you can have therapy sessions in whatever format feels right for you phone calls video chats or even messaging they match you with a licensed therapist suited to your needs preferences and challenges it’s completely personalized which ensures

That you’re not going to be alone on this journey because you will have support when and wherever you need it as someone who set a goal to learn a new skill in 30 days I can attest to the importance of mental resilience and health now we’ve seen it’s not going to

Be easy all the time so better help can help me improve focus stay motivated and overcome the inevitable setbacks if you’re looking to make a positive change in your life whether that’s learning a new skill tackling a creative project or just aiming to be a little happier each

Day consider giving betterhelp a try go to betterhelp.com Jaren to get started and receive 10% off your first month once again I’d like to thank them for sponsoring this video and giving me this opportunity to learn this new skill on to day six I started the recording late

But you can tell I got a bit too ambitious Panda Manor that was the idea this was the inspiration the first thing I did was make panda Manor even more ambitious ambitious then I accidentally used a brush and brushed all over the place this is a little bit out of order

But I built a panda and red panda which I should make clear are two very different animals and one of my college classes specifically public speaking for taking attendance instead of saying here you’d have to say your faor animal but there couldn’t be any repeat the class

Was big and I was at the bottom of the list so the easy ones were already taken like dog cat and harder ones too like snakes Panda Buffalo so when it got to me I just said an animal I remember seeing at the DC zoo red panda and my

Professor goes no somebody already said Panda oh oh you might have not heard me red pandas you know the smaller ones and they’re red still my professor said no now maybe I should have defended myself they’re two very different animals I I don’t even think red pandas are even

Technically pandas but it was 7:30 a.m. so I just said fine polar bear he said thank you those are two different animals sir Panda and polar bears are more closely related to each other than red pandas ever could be gosh I tell that story mostly because I and then I

Dropped out of college 2 months later I tell that story mostly because I don’t know this build was kind of lame I once again made the mistake of making something way too big for my skill levels so I was just bored by the end the windows are supposed to be Panda

Themed but all they do is look broken day seven I wanted to learn brushes I’d seen them used before by other creators for terraforming so monkey see monkey do this was going to be a ski resort based off one in Vermont it was one my lifestle friends and I went to for a

Couple of days but this little Shack here is one of the sugar waffle stands they had throughout the resort I tried a bit of someone else’s it’s literally just waffles and sugar So evolutionarily speaking obviously it tastes satisfying but for the ski lodge itself the whole

Time I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing I had a reference image I tried to add depth but all it did in the end was look fine I think the terrain around it really helped it look better but I’m about to have a huge

Breakthrough so I’m moving on to day eight I wanted to build a French cafe but I felt I hadn’t hone the skill of detailing enough to come up with like normal details on my own so I added a little story a French cafe that only sells Pop-Tarts something that doesn’t

Exist and I hope it never does here’s a useful tip if you just look up lettered B generator online it gives you a website that lets you customize lettered banners way easier than in Minecraft so I could add a sign to the cafe TARTA added more details to this one than any

Other build so far I even did my first interior so let’s speedrun it flowers and pots obviously Pop-Tart colored in the Attic are cobwebs the first ever Pop-Tarts to ever exist now I did make a joke about Bill po the creator of Pop-Tarts being dead and I felt fine

Making that joke because he was alive and well at the time this is now me talking a day before the video uploads and now the joke doesn’t seem to be appropriate I then went on to slander pop charts saying they come from Vats of acid but I think all I should say here

Is I’m sorry but Day N is huge see MOX swamp is a big inspiration to me whenever he builds in his super flat world it’s like it’s just so unique so I reached out to him for advice for getting better and his advice was quite different he recommended the quickest

Way to learn was to just get in a world with somebody better than you and just build together so I asked him when are you going to help me build it absolutely changed how I thought about everything and just want to share it first Pinterest is a great resource for build

References genuinely the feeling of the website is if Google Images was wearing a suit and tie it’s just way classier you picked a Victorian style house to use as reference one of M swamp’s favorite styles then you look at those images and builds from other creators to

Build up a library of ideas in your head that’s why it’s so important to build with others so you can quickly share or in my case steal those ideas now for more practical stuff first our build wasn’t symmetrical because it makes it way more interesting to look at this is

An illegal building trick but iron trap doors can be used as a trim for your porches baseboard also you need a wall in every block pallet because they make great pillars and just regular detail blocks and the transition from wall to fence can make an even better pillar it

Felt like every part of this house was gosh that’s so smart my favorite by far is the dark blue strip because it’s there to visually separate the first and second floor I learned more but I don’t want to Rapid Fire it to you cuz I use

These tricks later on but to sum it up it felt like the whole idea was keeping every part of the house visually interesting I’d be like okay the house is done and he’d be like no there’s still empty space here it’s repetitive that’s not interesting we got to fill

That so I added a bunch of leaves thinking okay I added something but MOG would say the leaves are better but those were still technically repetitive so we would add another window to add variety basically when and out window if you learn one thing from this video let

It be this when you think you’re done with the house go back in and try to fill the empty space Maybe Place some fences as trim round a corner or add an an entire balcony then it’s finished I’m kidding do it again trap doors signs

Maybe mix up the roof a little then do it all again I genuinely thought this house was done but then MOG started adding buttons you just keep adding these small details but it all comes together for one of the best builds of the video so far because day 10 I was

All on my own that’s kind of why the house looks very similar to the one we just built I didn’t want to change anything too much I just wanted to solidify everything I learned like when you have pillars holding up an awning doing a pattern of stairs and slabs

Gives it that rounded look but anytime I forgot how M swamp did something I just hop back on his server to remind myself and basically steal which when starting out I say is totally okay this might be crazy to learn but Mo swamp did not invent Towers but he did invent side

Balconies please thank Mo swamp for the balconies then again you just keep detailing and detailing and I wish I could give a philosophy on it but it’s really just feel like that kind of sucks that that’s all I can say but I don’t think I’m smart enough to like

Understand what’s really going on just take the tools like Signs trap doors buttons fences and experiment also I recommend the mod Axiom that’s what I’ve been using to move copy and stack blocks it does take time getting used to it but so does a car and like a car it will be

Very worth it I did get bored by the time I had to do the back so I hastily put this together which is special but all three other sides make up a very solid house and the more I look at it the more I love it and I’m starting to

Feel I think I like building AR chitecture right after the building with mock swamp I went into my creative world and this wasn’t even part of this whole 30-day challenge and I Just Whipped this up it’s a house for a beta Minecraft server so that’s why it has such a

Hindered block pallet but like this is something I would never do just be like you know what I’m going to join a creative world and build for fun day 11 was building Victorian again I really wanted to hone this skill but to keep it challenging I built it on a slant and

You’ll see why some techniques are like second nature now I love the dark blue lines the window was right in the middle of the slant but that allowed us to use the illegal iron trap doors again to add a trim for this build I really leaned

Into the court slabs and I only had to do the front and back because when I was done I copied the house to the left and right to make a complex of them that’s 35 minutes of work right there ah but day 13 is an interesting one with the

Most boring reference image it’s a Dutch Revival they should have kept it dead maybe it can be saved by the interesting color palette that I once again stole from Mo swamp super flat I’ve been trying to figure figure out what my unique style is and so far it’s a 99

Cent Store Mock swamp but if we work real hard we could be the dollar store version now I do love the color scheme so I made the windows more ornate just to sneak more blue into the house but I think that became the issue for why the house has that inherent feeling of

Something off I still believe the Decor on the sides were good ideas you’re going to see similar things in future builds but they don’t belong in this one it’s a Dutch Revival which I didn’t think about this at the time but this is just an average lame home so you have a

Semi- boring shape very boring Roof then these over-the-top windows that don’t fit in and they’re blue when have you been in a neighborhood and said oh look at that blue house who lives in blue houses Smurfs Smurfs don’t even live in blue houses so the lesson learned from

This one is actually I think very interesting is you can over detail because the complexity of everything should match the complexity of everything day 14 I felt like I was also getting bored and wanted to try something new so I reached out to M swamp and got a new architectural style

To work on neoclassical and uh-oh jiren is inexperienced in neoclassical but is building something huge I wonder what lesson he’s going to learn by the end of this but this was my first time truly doing some texturing I had watched a very informative video by snar and the

Whole idea is yeah a house wouldn’t actually be made of wool but from very far away it’ll look real now not to get political but I didn’t realize my reference image was the US state capital average American intelligence and yeah the build was too big but it did give me

A chance to work with some of axiom’s more complicated tools I made a dome and that was it but yeah once again an hour hit I was getting bored so there was no way I’d detail this whole thing so once again don’t build too big day 15 I

Wasn’t letting neoc classical beat me first I picked out a great pallet of blocks like who builds with looms this guy cuz he’s the best Sandstone can go with almost anything and it makes easy pillars that’s why it’s one of my favorite blocks in beta Minecraft it

Goes even better with strip Oak and birch wood on the sides are these things called niches which are indents in the wall to put a statue I think it’s a fun way to add texture honestly I might start putting it in other styles that it doesn’t belong because it turns out the

Niches make this build Baroque architecture not neoclassical but does it really matter because architecture is made up anyways that’s what I love about this build even looking at it now I’m impressed how I came up with some of this stuff especially the back like how

Did I come up with this now one tip I previously said is to avoid symmetry but this build is well symmetrical but we can ruin the Symmetry by just adding a small room off to one of the sides so far it’s my favorite build which is great when learning when you see

Yourself improve and keep beating your previous self it motivates you speaking of always improving day 16 I got worse I remember I started late and had to rush this build because I had a club that day so if it wasn’t the front it wasn’t done

But it was important to me that I at least build something I think everyone can agree that you’re not going to improve every day but I think we can also agree that just showing up to build is important now this one isn’t terrible I probably would like this build more if

It wasn’t sitting right next to one of my favorites and I actually had time to finish the sides instead it turned out fine and also it has a face that just that just loses points in my book you know what they say day 17 you can’t fail

Twice in a row I’m kidding this was a disaster as well I tried my hand at building Gothic but I chose the exact same color palette just adding in oxidized copper for the roof it’s clear at this point that I didn’t get Gothic and hour was up

And what they really say is day 18 you can’t fail three times in a row and that is a universal law today I tried building a pagod and I feel like this exact one has been built at least 100 times futuristic Japanese builds are very popular and this is like the only

Reference image that shows up on Google Images now that was just a hunch but now I know it’s been built so many times because when I struggled with the roof and I looked for a tutorial it was also the exact same reference image what I found interesting was when it came to

Detailing most of my experience was from Victorian but that skill transferred over I knew where to put buttons and trap doors I use walls as trims I think I just have a bigger library of ideas of like oh I could do this like sneaking in that white line to divide the floors I’m

Pretty sure I couldn’t have built this at the start day 19 I know I couldn’t have built this pagota at the start first it was a complex shape it’s not easy to get an octagon that doesn’t look like a mutated Circle and please welcome back strip logs they becoming one of my

Favorite block tipes with the experience building the roof of the previous pagota I was able to slowly get the right shape then the commands came in handy I rotated the roof around and copied that up four times then I built another Flor on top that were just smaller now this

Build turned out big but because I was basically building two floors then just copying those up I still had time and motivation to decorate then I decorated one floor and copied that down I’m surprised I haven’t talked about this but it’s a great technique to have your

Builds be darker at the bottom and get lighter at the top it can draw the eyes up but more importantly it gives the base feeling of foundation like this thing it ain’t toppling over speaking of lights and darks day 20 is black this was a rematch against Gothic

Architecture so I went with an all black color palette so you couldn’t mistake it for anything else but that also became quite the challenge because when looked at from far away Shadows are also black so everything Blends together that led me to putting in more deep slate bricks

Which is just a smidge brighter this is a great example though of what I would consider my style seeing through most of these builds it’s slab work basically I really like stacking slabs on top of each other specifically each of them being on the bottom half of the block or

Using a bunch of slabs to make designs over doorways it’s all over this build but it might be hard to see because it’s all gray in the end really what I think matters for Gothic is the shape and I believe I captured that now day 21 i’

Previously seen an image for Gothic but it didn’t like actually seem Gothic but I wanted to try it out after building the front clearly it wasn’t and then I just stopped building still you can see the slab work all over it day 22 the recording is a little scuffed but

Honestly I think it’s good we skipped this one I wanted to learn texturing but it took me 20 minutes to realize you know it’s not that fun trying to learn texturing when all you can do is go from dark gray to dark dark gray once again another unfinished build this is

Something I believe is common when learning a new skill and that’s just getting bored of it I thought I just needed a new challenge so I once again was back building with MOG swamp this time learning texturing this had to be the most practical advice I’d gotten

He’d showed me all these new tools and all these tricks pro builders use to make big stuff fast but even after building a solid Lighthouse and Landscape I still didn’t feel motivated to work on this project like actually I I didn’t build for 2 days so I told

Myself the 24th build to just build something simple and to figure out what was going on first this small build was actually fun because I got rid of that pressure to always build something better I knew it would make a terrible video if I suddenly started getting

Worse but that stress never let me just have fun with the building so I spent an hour detailing taking a step back then detailing more and repeated that cycle until there was nothing left to detail and then I detailed a bit more and actually had some fun with it so day 25

I no longer cared about building the coolest thing ever I just wanted to build what I wanted to build so Panda Manor was back much smaller this time more realistic that I could actually finish this build but this one was just straight fun I actually built for like

Way longer than I thought I would and again Day 26 Walmart Mansion 2 day 27 I don’t know what this is but it was fun and day 28 I went with something fantasy which took me to day 29 the almost final day now I had the biggest build of the

Video planned for day 30 so I took this day to revisit my first build it had some good ideas the texturing was attempted but I wanted to rebuild this to have a clear before and after of my skill this build turned out to be an amalgamation of all the ones before it

Because each time I had an empty wall I’d fly around to see what designs I could steal from the others best one was the niches from the Baroque builds these do not belong but I don’t care then once I was done with the house design that’s when I added the color gradient and

Unlike day one the gradient actually made sense I also did a gradient for the walls but with how much stuff is on it you can barely tell now I don’t want to boost my own ego even though I’ve done that this whole video but I’m just going

To show you both and you can pick which one you believe is the best one please pick the one on the right but either way day 30 I wanted to put together a giant collage of all my builds specifically in a ying yang getting this shape right

Took over an hour but the reason for the shape is that I can put all the builds into two categories the good and the bad then I added the back wall and used a new painting tool to give it a jungly feel because it is a jungle it was

Fascinating seeing all these different types of builds all come together for one last Mega if you’re interested in learning to build or even any skill for that matter I’d really recommend just taking some time each day for the next 30 days to just go for it clearly this

Video was inspired by the PewDiePie one where he learned to draw in 30 days because that has to be one of the most inspiring YouTube videos on the platform just seeing people improve makes me want to improve and it’s powerful just what an hour of deliberate practice can do

And free lessons from M swamp

Click https://betterhelp.com/YeahJaron for 10% off your first month of therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Join over 4 million people whoโ€™ve met with a therapist on BetterHelp and started living a healthier, happier life

Where I get my music: https://share.epidemicsound.com/30xq36
Discord: https://discord.gg/WRbeVp3

learning to build!


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