I Built a Zoo for EVERY ANIMAL in Minecraft

Our server has been hacked and in 20 minutes all the animals outside this Zoo will die me and my brother Milo have to build custom enclosures for each mob before it’s too late including our pet cat whiskers y I can’t believe some evil hacker has programmed out serve it to

Kill every Minecraft animal what are we going to do we need to build the most epic Custom Enclosures for each animal inside this old abandoned Zoo you go find the first four animals while I build the star the first four animal enclosures I’m going to build is chicken

Pig cow and horse do you think you can find those Milo I’m on it all right the first one I’m going to build is a chicken coop so I definitely need to grab some wood this chicken coop is going to be made out of hay bales and

Oak logs it’s going to look just like a barn enclosure first I think we need to make the area where the barn will be I say we make the oak log building right over here we can have it be really really long in this direction let’s break this wall down so that the

Enclosure can be a little bigger this whole zoo is really abandoned so there are no animals already here this is perfect we already have a protective wall against the hacker and it means that we can put any animal we want in here I think having a petting zoo right

At the beginning will be perfect everybody that comes into this amazing zoo will absolutely love it let’s make this whole thing one block higher and place sideways oak logs all the way around just like this oops I almost forgot about these ones here I can’t be making mistakes like that the more

Mistakes I make and the more I mess up the more time the hacker has to try and take over this world and delete all the animals that’s why we really have to focus on making this Zoo as good as we can to get as many animals saved as

Possible I think this is a pretty good start now let’s add some more Oak lugs here and start adding hay bales the hay bales can be a little bit messy because Ro’s made out of hay are notoriously weird looking it’s going to really match the look of the barn area I think all

The barn animals will fit in so well here we also need to add some Oak fences along here otherwise the hay would just flop around everywhere by adding in more Oak fences here we have a really really nice area for the hay to rest on I wish we could spawn in these animals

Ourselves but they have to be animals that we find otherwise there’s no point in saving them if we just spawn animals inside the zoo then all the animals left outside the zoo will totally suffer we do not want animals to suffer so in order to protect them we’re going to

Grab as many wild animals as we can and save them by giving them a new home away from where the evil hacker can reach evil hackers will not be allowed inside this Zoo I’m going to make sure this zoo is beautiful but only for kind people

That want to come in only for awesome people as well hackers do not have a place inside this amazing area this is an animal sanctuary I think this first part needs to be the chicken enclosure let’s start adding some hay bales on the floor these can be where the chickens

Lay their eggs there are no chicken eggs that you can place down inside of Minecraft but I know a really cool build hack in order to make it look like there’s a real chicken Nest first we need some Coral fan as well as a water

Bucket and a slab we also need an item frame not to mention we totally need a chicken egg there we go that’s the perfect one underneath the floor here we’re going to place an oak slab but we also need to place a water bucket down this way the oak slab will be filled

With water and the water won’t go everywhere because it’s kept inside now we need to place a coral block on top normally when you Place Coral on a block with no water inside after a while the coral will turn gray and die that is terrible and we do not want that so here

The water protect protects the Carl and keeps it alive now we can remove the Carl put an egg down and then place the Carl back look it looks just like a chicken Nest wow that is so cool I think we’ll make another one over here we can

Do this one even quicker and we can even rotate the chicken egg so it looks like it’s facing a different direction let’s run over here and quickly grab an oak fence gate this way we can put it down so anybody can wander into the chicken C

Now that we built the chicken Co and have to wait for Milo to come back with the chickens it is time to get working on the pig area this pig area will go back a couple of blocks it’s even bigger than the chickens because pigs are just

A bigger mob than chickens are I think this is perfect instead of using path blocks we are going to be using podzol podzol looks a lot like mud and we can even grab real muddy Mangrove blocks real mud is too messy and the blocks sink down into it so if any pigs step

Over it if they’re too small they’ll sink right in and they could get really really hurt by making sure this is the mud that we build we make sure the pigs have a really really nice amount of breathing room and that they’re super duper safe I think as well as podzol and

Mud we also need to add some coarse dirt it really really makes this place look super muddy like a real pig sty oh wow the last time I saw a pig sty was Milo trying to clean up his chest room he has so many random things we are going to

Build a pig feeding area we need a couple different things for it I say we grab some pumpkin seeds as well as the composters let’s put them right over here we need to make sure that we make the fence in this area a lot taller otherwise the pigs could just climb up

Here and walk right on out that would be pretty bad because if they leave their enclosure they might wander out of the zoo and there they’ll get attacked by the evil hacker he will delete them from existence that would be awful and I could not live with myself if I let the

Pigs get hurt like that let’s fill these composters with seeds it doesn’t actually fill them with seeds it fills them with more podzol and you can even see the bone meal on the top that means it’s ready for the pigs to eat I also want to put two coupl stone slabs in

Each enclosure this way the pigs and the chickens both have different amounts of water to drink here’s the pigs watering hle and the chicken one can be right over here now that we’ve built the pig enclosure and the chicken enclosure I think it is totally time to make the cow

Enclosure cows are so cool and I think they deserve their own space as well let’s extend this Back Fence a bit more I think the cows deserve such a huge open area cows love to eat green green grass so by making sure all the grass in

This area is nice and green and that they have plenty of outdoor space we really give these cows the best life they can possibly have I also want to quickly make a compost but this composter will go right in the middle I think rather than putting it on the edge

Where the cows could climb up it and Escape by putting it in the middle we make sure all the fences have nothing around them that the animals could use to get out of the cows also need lots of water so we’re going to make a huge water feeding area right over here I’ll

Also put trap doors right over the water so that the water does not evaporate in the hot hot sun that would be terrible and it would leave the cows really dehydrated now I’m going to grab some grass these cows deserve lots of long luscious grass grass not toll grass

Though because to grass is really hard to see through we want to make sure we can at least see the cows if nobody can see the cows then nobody will come to the zoo and then it’ll be really lonely for the animals I’ll also make some path

Blocks right over here this way the area where the cows will totally walk on really does look like it’s been trotten on by a bunch of cows it is so funny I really love this already but we’re not done we also need to have some item frames right next to the composters and

Oh no I accidentally clicked them let’s put the compost back in inside this one I don’t want to leave the cows hungry but I also don’t want to leave them thirsty cows absolutely love milk that’s why you can get it from the cows you get

It from the mother cows so that they can feed the baby cows because lots of baby cows will be saved inside of this zoo we need lots of milk buckets so the baby cows have plenty to drink no animal will go hungry in this Zoo it’s too cool now

That we built that amazing Bond area I need to make this wall a little bit taller that’s because horses are really really good at jumping and this next area is the horse stables we can have a couple different areas that way we can keep a couple different horses we can

Have different colors and different patterns oh it’s going to be so cool and over here we can even have a smaller section where we keep the baby horses oh wow this is going to be so sweet I cannot wait to see this we need to make

Sure that all of these fences are two blocks tall we also need to make sure that the entrance is two blocks wide horses cannot fit through one block gaps they’re just too big that’s why by making them two blocks wide we totally give each horse PL plenty of space it

Also means it’s really easy for me and Milo to take them outside each day for a lovely walk around horses need so much exercise they’re really big and they love to gallop everywhere they’re also really muscular so by letting them out every day you can really help build up

Their muscle and make our horses the strongest in the entire universe once I finish building this wall to the exact same height as the other ones I will be able to grab some amazing Spruce trap doors just like these ones now we can actually add them on the top I need to

Sneak while I place them otherwise if I try I’ll just open them all and it won’t get done very quick that will give the hacker a really good opportunity to sneak in here and totally steal the animals that Milo brings in then if they’re outside the zoo the Hacker’s

Killing curse will reach them that would be terrible so we have to make sure that the roof really does stay on now that we’ve done that we can actually go inside and stop making this place fit for some horses let’s give them some classic old compost bins perfect and we

Also need a new water area the other watering stations are way too small for a majestic creature like a horse to enjoy by having a huge tub of water here the horse has plenty to drink all day we don’t want the horse to only have stuff

To drink though we also need to make sure it has plenty to eat that’s why I’m placing hay bales all along here so the horse will never go hungry I also need to bring a netherite shovel back or maybe even a diamond shovel this time I keep losing the netherite one so maybe

Having a shovel that’s bright blue will make it a little easier to spot and way harder to lose this horse enclosure looks great I think we need to get different types of horse hor armor on the walls one of them should definitely be diamond and I think one of them can

Be gold I don’t want to do iron cuz it’s a little bit boring but I think if we grab leather horse armor there’s actually something really cool that we can do with it I’m not going to do that just yet though this horse enclosure gets the diamond armor let’s leave this

Place and start working on the next one I think instead of having just one pile of hay on this one we can have a massive massive mountain of it the horse inside this enclosure is going to be so big and beefy even though beef comes from C this

Horse will be so huge I think it’ll really love this enclosure it’ll have more food than it could ever want I’ll place the composter right over here as well as the watering chamber I’ll place it right over here perfect now on this wall let’s place an item frame we can

Put golden horse armor inside this one this means that the next horse armor that we do will be leather horse armor which we can dye different colors I say we do that right now let’s grab a crafting table so we have dying materials and let’s also grab some dye

Too I think I know exactly what color I want to make this horse and that is orange although I suppose we could make it cyan but no you know what this horse already has diamond armor and that’s basically blue I say we definitely need a horse that is my color so orange is

Definitely the one I’m picking let’s place down the orange horse armor first oh it looks so Majestic and beautiful this will be the baby enclosure so we only need a little pile of hay I don’t want the baby to eat too much food then it’ll feel really sick and I’d feel so

Bad for it let’s add another trapo over here so this can be where we keep the water and we’ll just place a water bucket right there perfect this looks so awesome I bet the horses will love it here they won’t even have to think about the hacker trying to kill them and every

Other animal as well I wonder how Milo’s doing with grabbing the animals to put inside each of our amazing pen so far I have spent so long making this little fence and collecting the horsey the Pig and the cowe I’m look I’ve done such a

Good job but the last animal I need to get is a chicken if I don’t get the chicken then Chip’s going to be really mad at me and I’ve got one over here I just got to sneak up really slowly hi Mr Chicken no reason to be scared hello hi

Get back here yeah you mister what are you doing you got to follow me I got some seeds come on let’s go we’re going to go right back to the little cage that I built you’re going to be safe and sound no reason to be scared of the

Nasty hacker in his nasty hacks a you’re actually a really cute little chicken I’m glad I’m saving you but oh my gosh what the a creeper just blew up behind me and killed the little chicken that I found I’m so annoyed I do not have time

For this now I have to go find another chicken yeah chicky chicky time to go into your pen thanks for getting these animals for me Milo you did a great job that’s okay it was kind of difficult but it was worth it Milo we only have 15 minutes left until the server gets

Hacked and all the animals are killed oh no CH we got to be quick uh Milo what is that pig doing outside of its cage oh no that naughty piggy was doing that before as well he’s so cheeky oh no we better get him back inside and Milo you need to

Go find four more animals before the timer runs out all right I’ll go now bye CH bye Milo good luck in order to keep this pig safe I think we need to leash him onto with Paul in the center of his enclosure he cannot be trusted he keeps

Trying to escape don’t you know the hack is coming oh gosh we don’t have time for this we need to build the next four enclosures while Milo looks for the next four animals I am really worried that we are not building fast enough and poor whiskers might not make it unless I

Build whiskers and enclosure at the zoo before we build whiskers and enclosure I say over here we need to build an enclosure just for rabbits rabbits are so cool I really love them they bounce around everywhere and are so ener IC I think I do need to make the fence a

Little bit taller though rabbits have a really bad habit of jumping everywhere and escaping from so many places if we don’t make sure that this fence is super secure the rabbits will definitely escape and we’ll have no chance of getting them back once rabbits Escape you have no hope of finding them again

Let’s raise all the cobblestone on the walls around this place this way the rabbits will not be able to jump around the sides I think it’s a great idea it’s really going to help make sure that our zoo is super duper safe and no animals escape to get killed by the hacker I

Think rabbits love Hills and they also love Meadows we need to get lots of different flowers I think corn flowers are perfect and we also need to get some D Alliance too I think some aliums could also be perfect as well as Lily of the valleys let’s also grab some tall grass

I know Meadow biomes have so much of it so by placing this all around the rabbit enclosure they will feel right at home let’s also make some dandelion everywhere and place the flowers all around this exhibit everyone thinks that rabbits only eat carrots but they also o

Eat grass and seeds and flowers they eat so many things they can be really really hungry sometimes that’s why we’re placing so many flowers around this rabbit enclosure so they will always have enough to eat perfect this looks awesome but I still think we’re not done

Let’s fly over here and grab a spruce trapo we are going to build the rabbits a network of tunnels on the inside of this Mount let’s go down here and start digging out a space for them uh-oh I broke that one a little too much and

That one too oh goodness I have to be more careful here is a perfect most beautiful place for the rabbits to stay let’s also Place some hay bells so they can be nice and warm inside oh I’m sure they’re absolutely going to love this I think rabbits are really hard to catch

Though I really hope Milo’s having an easy time catching them wherever he is he stupid snakes get away from the bunnies you can’t eat them oh no this is really bad snakes are evil get away from my little bunnies I need to get these rabbits back so we can build the SE in

Time while Milo is looking for rabbits I now need to build a cage for a parrot these parrots look so beautiful and I need to make sure the cage looks beautiful too that’s why I’m using the most awesome colors of glass I think this cage needs to look like a real

Parrot maybe even a huge one I think the parrots will love that and they’ll never want to leave that’s a really important part of making a parrot exhibit because parrots are really really good at escaping they can copy the voice of the Gods and they can fly they’re also also

Really small so it’s really hard to spot them once they do Escape I think it’s better that we make the parrot enclosure out of glass glass is so beautiful and you can’t sneak through it so it’ll be way easier to keep all the rabbits nice and closed inside I think this color

Palette is also so beautiful because it is the exact same color that a real parrot is parrots have so many different colors but my favorite one is the same color that the pirates use it’s the red yellow blue and dark blue ones it looks so cool it reminds me of all the pirate

Movies I’ve seen I think this is a pretty good height to build the parrot enclosure to let’s just add one more layer of all these glass panes going right around then we’ll be totally done and we can make the roof I bet the parrots are going to love it in here I

Have some really awesome things for the parrots to play with as well parrots are really smart that’s how they know how to speak human languages all you have to do is speak to them and they’ll be able to copy you so we need to make sure the

Pars have lots of fun things to copy I don’t think we’ve added enough red glass here though let’s add a little bit more oh no no the horse is getting restless I bet he can sense that the hacker is on his way this is bad I think we better

Get moving let’s grab some slabs I think some Mangrove slabs as well as some bamboo followed by some warp slabs will be absolutely perfect it really is the same color that a parrot would be let’s Place The Mangrove slabs like this and we can even raise it on the inside as

Well I think we need to focus on building the inside of this parot enclosure quick let’s build a bunch of play structures for the parrots to enjoy we’ll also grab some Spruce fences put them over here and some more climbing structures over here oh if I was a

Parrot I would love this I’m also going to grab a note block and put it on the ground we’ll also get a jukebox we’ll put the jukebox on the outside because every visitor that comes to the zoo will be able to play music for the parrots parrots will actually dance to music so

By making sure they have lots of music we can make sure that they always dance let’s grab a bunch of music discs we’ll grab this one cuz it’s a cool color and this one is too only the coolest looking music discs get to be used by the

Parrots I think this is a great amount we put the music discs on the floor but first we need to make a little area I do not want anybody coming into this zoo and having to step on yucky dirty grass that would be terrible and they’d never

Come back to the zoo we’d lose all our visitors and ticket sales and we’d have to close where the hacker could totally come back and get us that would be a disaster so I’m not going to let that happen let’s place all these discs inside these item frames now once Milo

Brings back those parrots we’ll be able to put them in here and play them some music I wonder what parrots he’s getting I found cutest little parot in this crazy jungle now I just have to teach him to talk to me okay parrot repeat after me Miler is the

Best hang on why isn’t he talking all right let’s try a different sentence um okay can you say this chip is a bozo hey why isn’t he talking this parrot is really annoying now I’m going to have to go find a parrot that will actually like talk to me next I need to

Build a llama enclosure and I know exactly how I’m going to do it we need to grab gravel and some light gray concrete powder we can also grab some suspicious gravel because it’ll look really cool I also want grass and some coarse dirt this enclosure is going to

Look so insane the first step is going to be to replace the front side of this whole area with gravel most animals would not like to live near gravel at all they would hate it actually but llamas actually love living near the mountains so will totally enjoy all this

Gravel everywhere we’ll also Place some light gray concrete powder behind it I know llamas don’t actually like light gray concrete but I’m sure they’ll really enjoy it then behind it we’ll Place some coarse dirt this place is going to look like a really cool Mountain Plateau it’s like a hill but

It’s a hill that ends on a really flat surface now that we’ve added all that coarse dirt we can really start adding grass blocks behind wo this enclosure looks so cool let’s build it just like this I think we only need to make the underground slightly Hollow it’s not

Like the hacker can hide inside it or anything at least I hope he can’t if he can that would be the most insane and overpowered hacker I have ever heard of and this hacker is pretty intense already he’s already trying to kill me and Milo’s beautiful petat whiskers not

To mention every other animal in the entire world except for the ones inside this Zoo oh this zoo enclosure is looking so cool I just have to remember to make the outside fences a little taller llamas also eat hay so we’ll just add a couple hay bals here and there and

I think we might be done with this enclosure oh wow we’re going so fast I bet Milo’s totally finding these animals really quickly we probably aren’t even keeping up with him I’m waiting for him to come around the corner any second maybe he’s still looking for them I

Wonder why look I found two llamas tied up to a PO it’s absolutely perfect now I just got to sneak over and get them without getting caught of course okay be quiet Milo nobody can know that you’re doing this all right let me get one hey let his

Lead go what the maybe there’s some leads inside this house in hey there we go now where did those pesky llamas go come back here I’m taking you with me all right now we got to figure out where to oh my gosh he’s going to get us I’m

Really sorry for taking your llas I was just trying to save them you don’t understand come on llas we got to run get away from me here the Villager this next enclosure is going to be for an animal that Milo is so excited to have

At this Zoo he always talks about it and now his dream is going to come true I don’t know if he’s already onto looking for it at the moment he probably isn’t he’s probably still looking for something silly but while he looks we are going to build the enclosure for

This animal I really don’t want to say what it is though it needs to be a surprise but it does need a lot of glass in its enclosure we need to build a huge glass tank all the way around here and and then once we finished building up

This glass tank we need to fill it with really really salty water this animal cannot live in fresh water so we have to make sure the water comes straight from the ocean we can also add a bunch of seagrass and kelp to make it feel right

At home I’m going to make a cool platform where people that visit the zoo can walk up to and drop their items in the water for this animal to play with of course it’s going to love it so much all right now that we’ve almost finished this glass wall we can finally start

Adding the water in oh yeah this looks great we’ll just add the water all the way around let’s grab some sand and place it all along the flooor of this tank we’ve got to make sure that this tank feels just like home and if there’s grass and dirt at the bottom of this

Tank that would not feel like home for this animal this animal lives in the ocean and there is only sand at the bottom of that if we add grass to the bottom it’ll just make the entire tank Mucky and dirty the animal would not want to live here if that happened

Luckily the animal doesn’t need to breathe the water the animal actually breathes air even though it lives in the water now that we’ve built this tank it is time to build some hoops that this animal can jump through we’ll have one orange one right here we need to make it

Pretty big cuz this animal’s not too big but I don’t want it getting stuck that would be horrible and it would really hurt the animal we do not hurt animals here here I’m going to make the second hoop a little bit taller and a little bit smaller this way the animal can have

A bit of a challenge if it wants to it can have an easy hoop or a difficult hoop it gets to decide I would never make an animal pick one over the other especially if it didn’t want to this looks so cool though before we add sea

We need to add some Oak stairs this way the viewers can both climb up the platform to throw items inside for this animal to play with and they can totally sit down and have a wonderful time watching this animal now that we’ve placed down the stairs we’ll be able to

Place some seating areas we’ll have one over here I think so that we can look through underneath the staircase let’s also have a seating area over here in the corner this way you can watch from any angle you’d like we can actually have one in every corner that way no

Matter what angle you want to watch this creature from you can pick any any of them I’m so excited to reveal that this tank is going to go to a dolphin dolphins absolutely love big tanks with huge amounts of seagrass sand and Hoops to jump through it keeps it really

Really fun for them I also need to grab some item frames Dolphins love to eat fish so we’re going to have a bunch of different kinds we can even have blob fish tropical fish cod as well as salmon this looks awesome if I was a dolphin I

Would love to live here I would want it so bad it already looks amazing I really hope Milo’s having an easy time finding those animals we don’t have long before the hacker gets here you really better not be dilly-dallying oh if I find out he was wait a second Milo you’re back

Hello I’m back with all the animals oh wow you have a parrot a rabbit two llamas and um Milo aren’t you forgetting something what am I forgetting there’s meant to be a dolphin for the dolphin exhibit oh yeah I did get a dolphin I just left it outside the front of your

House Milo you left a dolphin out outside my house sure I did couldn’t bring it in on a leash Milo yes you can oh goodness I need to grab a leash really quick so that we can save that dolphin oh Milo I can’t believe you’ve

Done this I need to fly over and what why is there a dolphin on the outside of my house Milo I can’t believe you’ve done this we need to get it inside before it dies if this thing dies and we have to get a whole new one that wastes

So much time and it means the hacker has an advantage it could cause whiskers to die Milo I’m really sorry here I didn’t think get through very well oh no oh no I don’t know if we have much time left I need to fly I hope this dolphin doesn’t

Get hurt and wao we just manag to save it here have a bunch of fish I’m healing this dolphin up so much because it must have taken so much damage Milo you can’t be that crazy again I forgot that Dolphins needed water that’s true but Milo we need to get all these other

Animals inside their enclosure before it’s too late I’ll take the llamas over here first they should be the easiest ones to get inside come on llamas you got this oh I’m sure they’re going to love it here wo they totally do yeah this is way better than the village I

Got them from oh yeah I bet I’m not sure what the village was like but I bet it was pretty weird and boring it was fine I guess wait Milo these are wandering Trader llamas did you have to take these from a Wandering Trader somewhere well

I’m not going to say no but I’m also not going to say yes uh Milo that’s really worrying but we don’t have time to worry about it I’m going to grab this rabbit and put it inside the rabbit cave the rabbit cage is one of my favorite

Enclosures I’ve built so far I hope there’s no snakes in there that rabbit has seen a lot of snakes oh wow I have no idea what happened but I bet it wasn’t very good Milo we did a good job we got all these animals inside but there’s only 5 minutes left until the

Server gets hacked oh my gosh chip we’re Totally Running Out of Time quick quick what else do we need to do we need to hurry there are still some enclosures to build and some animals we need to save we’ve got to do it for whiskers we need

To build a fox enclosure foxes are really really important for the environment so we need to get a bunch foxes love to live in Spruce Forest so we need to grab Spruce saplings and ferns that is what lives in Spruce Forest naturally and we also need sweet berries not to mention we also

Definitely need some podzol this should absolutely be enough I’ll place down the saplings if you want to bone meal them into a giant tiger tree oh that’s huge wo that totally worked awesome job Milo now we need to start placing the ferns around foxes love to have places to hide

So by making them a natural hiding spot we really make this a pleasant place for them I like to hide as well I know you do Milo you’re doing a great job of hiding in the ferns I’ll Place some more up the front and now we can add some

Sweet berry bushes I’ll place them down here if you want to bone meal them yeah I I really hope I don’t step on any of these yeah me too but they’ll give the foxes something really nice to eat now I think I need to make this fence way way

Taller foxes is a famous for jumping over fences to escape I’ll make sure we still have some gates that we can enter and exit from but other than that we do not want any other way of getting in or out of this place yeah because they’ll totally could kill the chickens and the

Bunnies Oh no you’re right Milo and these chickens and bunnies are the only members of their species that will survive the hack if we don’t save these ones then all chickens and bunnies will forever be gone we need to be super careful you’re right Milo we need to be

So careful I’m going to place these final fences and then I think the fox exhibit will be done after we place these fences we really need to get working on the next exhibit which will go to the bees the bees oh my gosh that’s going to be so fun to build bees

Are so funny yeah they totally are now that I’ve placed all these blocks we can totally get started on them I say bees need to live in a giant giant glass thing we can also have honeycomb on the bottom as well as honey I’ll grab the honeycomb and the Honey blocks and don’t

Forget about the beehive oh great idea Milo if you grab some beehives and throw it to me I’ll be able to put those down as well I just need to clear my inventory a little that should be perfect We’ll add some honeycomb blocks all around here and hey thanks Milo um

Do you have any of the beehives that actually exist in the wild I think they’re called be nests or something okay I found one here you go thanks Milo you’re doing a great job now that we’ve placed all the honeycomb on the floor we can start making the glass around the

Outside if you place the glass up just like this around four blocks high I’ll be able to start filling this entire thing with bee nests but chip there needs to be some grass so that we can grow the flowers oh great idea Milo I think if we make a little hole in the

Side of the Beehive that the bees can come in and out of they’ll be able to leave once a day to grab all the flowers they want they’ll also help pollinate the flowers which will really help the flowers grow while you pick flowers I’m going to add honey blocks to the inside

Of this place bees love honey and it’ll give them a really nice snack to eat especially if if they’re super duper hungry bees can eat honey all day they made it just for themselves so it really is exactly what they need perfect and wait you’re building orange flowers

That’s so nice Milo I’m so happy you thought of me that side is orange for you and this side is blue for me of course wow that is so lovely I’m going to get out of this bee enclosure though I think if I break the glass you can

Totally fly up through it just like this okay I’m going to get out as well but this honey is sticking all over me ew that’s great bro Milo you definitely need a shower this next animal takes showers all day bamboo showers because it is always eating bamboo it basically

Rolls around in it you can only find it in a jungle as well so it basically never leaves the next animal is going to be a panda Milo yeah I love pandas they’re always sleepy like me yeah totally I’m going to grab some jungle saplings and some melons as well as some

Cocoa beans once I place all these down I need you to start bone mealing them is that okay yeah but I also want to put down some bamboo oh great idea okay how about I bone meal all of these different things that way you can place the bamboo

As well and I have a go at bone mealing that’s a great idea have a look over here it’s going to be the cutest little bamboo forest you’ve ever seen wo the pandas are going to love that wo this looks so cool and look the bamboo is

Totally growing I’ll bone meal them to make them go super duper quick thanks chip you’re welcome Milo wao they’re growing so fast there’s so much bambo here this is awesome I bet the pandas are totally going to love it they’re never going to want to leave she’ also

Put a little water feat you in so that they have a lot of water to Splash around in yeah and to drink as well we do not want these pandas being too thirsty if they get too thirsty they’ll leave to try and get some water to drink

And then the hacker will totally get them he’ll get them really quick too we don’t have a lot of time okay I’m going to put some water down don’t worry great idea Milo I’ll keep bone mealing all this bamboo and then I’ll be able to stop placing the melon and the cocoa

Beans but first I think I need to place some different jungle log structures this way the pandas have something to play on for fun we’ll also grow some cocoa beans on the top so that if the pandas climb up and finish the course they’ll be able to have some sweet sweet

Chocolate flavor oh I’m kind of jealous of the pandas now don’t be jealous of the panda chip you’re great just as you are a thanks Milo you’re awesome as well we’re doing such a great job building this enclosure for the animals I think we only have a little bit left I’ll

Quickly bone meal the ground over here though to add some grass and some flowers for these pandas we do not want these guys to just have an empty looking area I can’t believe this nasty hacker really wants to destroy all the animals I know that is so terrible of him but

Milo there’s something we can do about it and that is building the next enclosure I think the next animal we definitely need to build an enclosure for is the Frog it’ll feel right at home the froggy oh my gosh Froggies are so awesome yeah they also jump pretty high

So if you work on making sure that the fence is really tall I’ll get started thinking of what we could possibly put as the Frog’s house I think we can get Mangrove propagules frogs love mangroves in real life so I think if we grab Mangrove propagules as well as some sand

And some clay to grab some drip leaf plants I think that’ll be really cool you’re doing a great job making the fence taller Milo but I think it might need to be even higher frogs can jump super duper tall and they can even jump over a four block high fence even taller

Oh my gosh right I’ll get to work thanks Milo you’re doing a great job now I can actually put down a mangroo of propag let’s add some water beside it first I don’t want the mangrove to be thirsty all the time mangroves can only grow in

Lots of water so by adding lots of water down we really give it so much space to grow in oh yeah this looks perfect let’s also make the outside of the water a little bit of clay that way we can add some beautiful drip leaf plants Y is

This tall enough yet oh yeah that’s perfect Milo great job now you can help me make the inside of the Frog pen can I put some mud in there uh sure Milo go ahead I love mud it’s one of my favorite things ever really what do you like

About mud well it’s really messy and sticky and sometimes I like to jump in it oh Milo is that why you’re always leaving muddy footprints around my house yeah maybe oh Milo you’re so tricky okay these drip leaves look awesome I think the frogs are really really going to

Love them the baby drip leaves also add a really pretty effect now now it is time to bone meal this Mangrove propagule and see it grow a massive massive Mangrove tree wow that’s awesome chip I didn’t know it could do that oh yeah it can totally do that it’s really

Cool I think the frogs are going to love it inside here but Milo we don’t have time to focus on the frogs right now we still have to build the donkey enclosure the donkey enclosure all right let’s hurry I say we build the donkey enclosure right over here donkeys live

In plains biome so it should be pretty easy to make a spot for them they do not take much effort at all oh yeah boy this is really easy yeah it totally is but we can’t let our God down too much we also need to grab some hay bales donkeys love

To eat hay so if we made a biome without hay they would be so sad I don’t want the donkeys to be sad no neither do I and we also need to add a little Lake in the middle so the donkeys can get some nice refreshing water and take a little

Swim I’m on a chip I’m now digging out a lake me too I’ll totally help you Milo we work really quick and really well when we work together that’s so true now I’ll just dig this Lake down a little bit and perfect this donkey enclosure

Looks so good we don’t even need to add anything what’s next the final enclosure that we have to build is the bat enclosure the bat and clure what the bats live inside of caves so we need to grab Stone and dripstone blocks as well as some pointed drip stones are you

Ready to build a cool cave yeah I hope it looks good enough for the bat yeah me too I’ll I’ll actually make the walls of the cave if you focus on turning the floor to Stone that way it’ll feel just like home for the bats oh my chip I’ll

Build as fast as I can I’ll also build as fast as I can I’ll just Place stone blocks everywhere I also want to make sure that the front of the cave is made out of glass that way anybody that visits this Zoo can look inside and see

All the Amazing Bats in there yeah I like staring at bats sometimes so it’ll be really good for me what staring at bats when do you stare at bats mil just what a good money for my little diamond oh that’s so true I actually do that as

Well there are so many bats inside of diamond caves wait that actually gives me a really good idea once we finish making this cave really big and really dark for the bats we should not only add dripstones we should also add diamond ore just like these oh the bats are

Going to love this Milo that is such a good idea chip wow it makes it look like a real cave oh yeah it totally does and it’ll also look like a real cave once we add these dripstone blocks let’s add the dripstone St going up the wall just like

This and we can even add it on the ceiling now for the fun part we get to add the dripstone spikes and they actually drip it makes the cave feel nice and wet I can basically hear the dripping sounds and the bath squeaking echoing through the cave that’s awesome

I really like this one it might be my favorite me too actually I think my favorite might be the dolphin cave that one is just so cool now that we’ve built this I think if you replace this last few blocks of grass with stone I’ll grab some glass blocks so that we can

Actually see into the bats you got it now that I’ve placed the gloss it is just time to grab the bats and all the other animals and get them inside the enclosures okay look at all the amazing animal enclosures we’ve made Milo the chickens are even laying eggs that’s so

Cute the Pig and the cow both look so happy and our horse has three massive Stables all to himself yeah this is awesome I can even see the dolphin look it’s swimming into the hoop it’s having so much fun a the Dolphin’s really cute a look at the rabbit as well Milo and

The parrot wait watch what happens when I make the parrot dance what look at him he’s flying around really happy wow what a happy parrot that is awesome I won’t keep him awake though he probably needs a rest and look at these llamas wow that heel is really tall yeah it really is

And the foxes are so cute as well they’ve eaten all the berries and they keep falling asleep a little guy that’s so sweet and wo all the bees have made so much more honey they’re buzzing around happy is anything speaking of happy look at how happy these pandas are

And uh-oh I think this one has a sore nose oh no he looks a little bit sick e don’t go close to him and whoa that one’s trying to escape that’s not a good idea but uh-oh speaking of Escape I think we better push this frog back inside frogs are really good Escape

Artists yeah look at that one up there oh no get back inside oh he almost missed me and and finally we have the bats and the donkeys 1 minute left to server hack Milo we need to build a pen for whiskers before it’s too late and

The hacker kills him what we don’t have a pen for whiskers yet no we don’t we were too busy protecting the other animals which is really generous of us but we need to focus on whiskers I need to grab some diamond blocks and some orange stained glass we’re going to

Build whiskers the best pen in the entire Zoo right at the front check like chip we don’t have a lot of time okay I think this is pretty good no wait we need to make it a little bit bigger I don’t want whiskers to have no space he

Needs to be really happy in this Zoo especially if it’s going to be his new home there’s no time to worry about that we only have a few seconds okay I need to make the walls of this enclosure really really tall by using orange glass we show both of our colors blue and

Orange because we both love our pet cat whiskers we should do speaking of whiskers we need to hurry up and get them oh yeah that’s a really good point where is whiskers uh-oh Chip he’s not anywhere I thought you had him before I don’t know cats disappear like that man

Oh gosh all right we need to find whiskers I’ll quickly make this roof if you quickly go find him I’ll be able to join you in a second though Milo I do not want you to be alone searching for this cat it will be really hard and all

Right I finished the enclosure we have to find him we do not have much time left he must be here with the panda since he’s black and white as well he probably thought the pandas were his family wait a second I think I know where he could be I have to go check

Somewhere okay CH you run I think whiskers ran home because he was so homesick and worried and yeah here he is come on whiskers we have to get back to the zoo right now we do not have a lot of time hurry hurry oh no only 14

Seconds left we have to run come on chip quickly oh come on whiskers please please get inside get inside right now okay we just have to shut off this enclosure and boom we did it the server has been hacked but look whiskers survived and so did all the other

Animals we did it chip we saved the day with our amazing zoo yeah take that hacker we built a zoo and saved all the animals

What happens when a deadly virus is killing all the animals in Minecraft? Milo and Chip will rescue them of course! But what happens if they don’t build the Zoo in time?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. The The Daily 😮Caller 😂reported on ea 😂 even be the one who really 🎉think about🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I🎉ew the only thing I can 🎉think of is the way the people in this thread 🧵 think 🤔 lol I’m sure they’ll love the show and I think it’s great for the kids too lol 😂 I’m not even kidding I think 🤔 I’m not even joking 🙃 lol 😂 I’m a bit hmm but I don’t know how I would do that if it was true or false but it would have made it more sense if I had a 🎉😂😂😂😂trttt lol xx 💋 😘 😚 I love it too lol but I’m a little scared to do that I’m going back in a year or

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