How the Vault Could FIX Minecraft 1.21’s Biggest Problem

As 1.21 gets more snapshots we’re seeing more and more features that are making the update look really exciting the brand new crafter is one of my favorite new additions the new tough blocks all look fantastic there remove one of the reasons the cul bulb was so good why did

They do that but in the most recent snapshot they added a new block that I think is one of the most important blocks they have ever added to the game that block is the Vault now at first this just seemed like a mildly interesting inclusion but upon thinking

About it more I think this block has the potential to fix my single biggest problem with the entire game but what is the Vault and what is the problem I think it could fix well that’s what we’re here to discuss today the reason I want to talk about this now is because

The problem I have hasn’t been resolved yet but as snapshots are still happening it could be solved if enough people want it so with that being said if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel at 200 C ranking every 2D Mario level and

Let’s jump right into what the Vault actually does a lot of people don’t actively keep up with the snapshot so I think it’s important we cover what the Vault does first what you’re saying you have actual lives and can dedicate every waking second to what new Wacky Block

Minecraft is adding How Could You The Vault will be found in the game’s brand new trial Chambers which seem to be the primary focus of this update right off the bat can I just say I’m already a big fan of these there are massive underground dungeons with a ton of

Different rooms each with a large assortment of chest and trial Spawners the mobs from these trial spawners are also pretty interesting too they have the basics like zombies skeletons and spiders but also some unique ones like skeletons that shoot poison arrows and the new Breeze mob the tri spawners work

A bit differently than normal spawners though as they don’t infinitely spawn in new Mobs no farming poison arrows for you well that might be a disappointment to some that does allow for a brand new mechanic once you defeat all the mobs from a trial spunner you’ll get a random

Item as of making this video there are eight different ones you can collect those being glowberries emeralds baked potatoes golden carrots ender pearls potions of regeneration and potions of strength those are definitely pretty decent but if you’ve been counting along at home you may notice that that was

Only seven instead of eight who am I getting you guys can’t count that’s because I haven’t mentioned the last item yet being the brand new trial key also apparently you can get these from decorated pots too figure I should mention that this is a 50% chance to

Appear from every trial spawner but for the longest time we had absolutely no idea what it actually did that was until the introduction of the vault as it turns out the freakishly stretched out face is not just for decoration as you can shove a key inside of it to unlock

The Vault upon doing so the player will be rewarded with several different items now Mojang has said that the loot tables for this item will change in the future but we might as well cover what you can get from it now currently it gives 19 different items those being enchanted

Books emeralds iron horse armor Shields Enchanted iron axes Enchanted iron pickaxes Enchanted iron armor gold horse armor Enchanted crossbows enchanted golden apples Diamond horse armor Enchanted Diamond axes Diamond chest plates and diamonds definitely some pretty solid loot here especially early game but after seeing that you may be thinking so

It’s just a lock chest well it’s still got some more properties we haven’t discussed yet even if it was just a lock chest though I think it’d be pretty cool I mean it actually forces you to take on the challenges of the trial Chambers and I think that’s great but what makes the

Vault so important is its other use the tri Chambers are quite unique for Minecraft’s other structures and that it’s very multiplayer Centric they mentioned this at Minecon live but for those that missed it the chambers will actually get harder the more people there are and in single player only two

Mobs from each trial spawner can be alive at a time with you needing to defeat six in total to get the loot with every additional player though one more mob can be alive at once and two more mobs will need to be defeated to get the

Loot good thing I don’t have any friends so I won’t have to worry about that y this is a really cool mechanic and I’m really looking forward to raiding one of these with a big group but why do I bring it up in relation to the Vault

Well that’s because this also got a multiplayer use as well and it’s what makes the Vault so important have you ever been really excited to finally find a structure only to go inside and see all the good loot is taken I’m just kidding that’s a normal jungle temple

Chest well the Vault attempt to fix this multiplayer problem of someone taking all the loot before everyone else each player can only use the vault key once basically just like opening a chest and taking the loot however even if it’s been opened before a different player is

Able to open the same Vault and get the same loot that is a perfect addition for this structure as it makes it much more worthwhile to actually raid with friends at first that’s basically all I thought about this a cool block that works really well with the trial Chambers

Multiplayer theme but as I thought about it more this has the potential to fix my current biggest problem with the game with only a few minor tweaks I think it’s time we see what that problem actually is a few months ago when the trails and Tails update was on its way I

Made a video covering my personal biggest issue with it the netherite upgrade template now that by no means was a controversial video looking back at it I don’t think there was a single person defending the template which is how you know it’s bad I’ve seen people defend the Phantoms there’s a lot of

Sickos out there as a recap though my problem was a bit different than many others I’m personally fine with the idea of needing an upgrade template and I’m also on board with it costing seven diamonds to duplicate netherite armor is the best gear in the game after all so

It should probably be hard to get plus it gives diamonds a bit more of a use too which could encourage some more mining my problem though is how you have to get the template in the first place it can only be found in bastions however even then it’s not a guarantee most

Bastion chests only have a 10% chance to come with one with the only exception being the treasure Bastion which has it 100% of the time now in a single player world I think that’s pretty fair but problems start to seriously arise when it comes to multiplayer bastions are

Somewhat rare structures so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for someone to go loot them all and take the templates for themselves then for new players to the world it just becomes a frustrating experience trying to find find an unrated Bastion heck even if just a few nearby get rated it’s

Extremely frustrating since now they have to work significantly harder to get the gear they want especially if they don’t have access to the seed to find the Bastion locations easily now in my video I did propose a solution which I still think is good but it did get some

Understandable criticism I said they should make the nether right upgrade templates and extremely rare piglin barter so rare that it would just be easier to find a Bastion in single player but it leave the option open in multiplayer now that does take away from the need to go to bastions at all which

I feel like might go against what Mojang was trying to go for with this feature additionally people that it’d be too easy to farm the template from bartering even if it was really rare I think they could have it so each individual piglin only ever trades one template to make

Farming it a hassle but regardless of what you thought of my solution I don’t think it’s the one they should go for now the Vault perfectly addresses both the issues I have with the template and the issues people had with my solution the Vault removes the need to worry

About chest being looted in multiplayer as everybody gets access to it no matter what the Vault also still forces players to actually go to the structure and there’s no way for them to farm for it unless they make a billion alt accounts but why would you do that there is just

Just one problem the Vault isn’t in bastions as of now there’s been no announcement of any kind saying that the Vault will be added to other structures right now it is a trial chamber exclusive and the reason I’m making this video is because I really don’t want it

To be I don’t think it has to be in every structure or heck even every Bastion but just putting one in a treasure Bastion with a netherite upgrade template would be a fantastic change this isn’t the only structure I think should have it though while putting it in others could be nice there

Is one more that I think needs it long before the netherite upgrade template there was another piece of gear tight destruction that shared many similar issues that of course being the elytra the only way to get this is in end chips which only spawn in 25% of end cities

Elyra are the best method of travel in the game by far so it’s super important that players can actually get them in fact I’d say they’re more important than getting netherite now why didn’t I bring them up in my original video then I kind of cheat when I play in my multiplayer

Worlds I play with a few data packs from vanilla tweaks mostly it’s so I can get more mob heads what would I do without a light gray sheep head but I also play with one that makes the Ender Dragon drop an elytra so my imaginary friends

Can also get one if they put an elytra vault in the end chips though I won’t have to do this anymore and I think for the sake of those that don’t play with data packs they absolutely should add this now there are some problems that

Come up if they were to just add the Vault to these structures as is let’s just say you go up to an end chip to get your elytra see the Vault and H yeah there’s no key you can’t open it I think there are two possibilities of how they

Can fix this first off it’s just not requiring a key at all which would definitely be the most simple solution just letting people go up to it and right click would probably be their best bet the bastions aren’t necessarily about taking on all the piglin inside

Though so I don’t think a key is necessary however if they did want to add a key how would they well for bastions I think this is fairly simple pigin bartering that makes keys always accessible to any player which is important as that’s the whole point of

Wanting the voler in the first place I think they could also make pigin brute drop keys too for how hard they are to defeat they don’t have any drops aside a big amount of XP that leads to me and many others just trying to avoid them

Rather than fight but if they make them a guaranteed source of keys then I think it would make players approach bastions differently I would only want this in addition to the barters though as piglin brutes don’t respawn and I don’t want them to respawn those things are

Terrifying as for a key for the end ship I was struggling a bit with this one I think this would probably just be best not to have a key people already want to fight the shulkers for their shells so there’s no need to make them fight more

If they really want to add a key though there are two ideas I came up with first they could just make it craftable using pop chorus fruit which would work but it just sort of complicate the process without making it much more interesting the other method would be kind of

Fitting though and that’d be to have the dragon drop the key this would then sort of build off the data pack I use first it ensures that players need to actually defeat the dragon before they get in a light surprisingly this wasn’t actually a requirement before because you could

Always just make a flying machine and escape to the end Islands before even defeating the boss huh this would make it so new players would also have to defeat the dragon so they don’t just get a free pass after the dragon is dead now this does raise the issue of group Dragon

Fights which most people including myself like to do since the tri Chambers are able to scale with multiplayer though I think scaling the number of keys the dragon drops based on the players on the main island could be good but again that’s all assuming they want

To have a key at all they could very easily implement the vault to not need any item to open so I think that covers the main things I want the Vault to be able to do give the player the netherite upgrade template in bastions and electras in nend cities personally I

Don’t think any of the other structures need to have them just because their loot can either be gotten elsewhere or just aesthetic armor trim so who cares me I care maybe they could add a sponge one for Ocean Monuments but besides that I think this would be good I do have one

Other minor thing I thought I should bring up though currently the vault is destructible by mining you can’t move it with pistons or destroy it with TNT but you can mine it this could possibly cause issues if you’re playing with a sneaky snitch who destroys the Vault once they loot

Them luckily though the time it takes to mine this block is absurd so that’ll probably discourage most people from trying Honestly though I wouldn’t mind too much if these were just indestructible some structures have indestructable blocks like bedrock and end portal frames so it’s not unheard of but I understand them being hesitant

Plus people will always find a way to break them anyway maybe make it a game roll so people have the option to make it breakable or not if they keep it as it is then it’s perfectly fine but I just thought I should throw this on at

The end but anyways that’s it for this video do you hate me for not putting the vault in war motion ruins let me know in the comments this is a really short video I know but I wanted to praise this feature just because I think it’s a great idea that could be greatly

Expanded upon I’m honestly really looking forward to this update by the way the crafter and trial Chambers seem like so much fun but anyways dry BNS for Smash and I’ll see you guys next time La

The minecraft 1.21 update is looking fantastic so far with so many great new additions like the crafter and the trial chambers. Speaking of those trial chambers though, in a recent snapshot Mojang added a brand new block to them known as the vault. While on the surface, the vault just looks like a cute little addition, I personally think this has the potential to fix minecraft’s biggest problem due to how it works in multiplayer. So join me as I discuss how the vault can fix my problems with the netherite template in update 1.21!

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  1. They could also change the texture to make it resemble the structure it's in, like having an enderman open the mouth with purple eyes and a piglin with red eyes in the bastion (also the keys as well)

  2. Personally what I would change for the Piglin/Bastion vault (and maybe the End City ones as well) is making them have their own keys for their vualts instead of using trails keys that you can get by the methods you outlined so that you still have to engage with the respective areas to get the loot instead of interacting with piglins for the elytra or trail vaults.

  3. you or someone need to post this to minecraft feedback so mojang sees this its such a good idea and would be so helpful

    i remember how annoying it was getting elytras when me and all of my friends kept dying and getting new ones we had to just keep going further and further and further from spawn

  4. Well keep in mind that they said that if the Vaults are good and well accepted they could add these things in other main structures and yes it wasn't just for the Trial Chambers

  5. Side note about the Vault, it's all data related. Both the loot table it'll drop and the key requirement is saved data. Meaning, they can set the key requirement to be air (no key) easily enough or even just any random item (end rods, sticks, etc) and change the loot accordingly. It was also brought up that it was built like this for the intention of eventually moving these blocks into other structures if the feedback is highly positive as they do want to fix this multiplayer issue.

  6. Kingbdogz has said that they are open to adding vaults to other structures but they would require some tweaks. Additionally the change log of the snapshot that added the Vault specifically alludes to the possibility of other keys, most likely for different types of vaults for each structure.

  7. i had no issue with upgrade templates but the multiplayer issue is a thing – i really hope they consider adding vaults to other structures; be it only for important guaranteed loot like upgrade templates or elytra; or just for general loot too. if it were up to me id prolly want the vaults to also give some extra random loot related to the structures so people get a little more than just an elytra or upgrade template even if theres nothing else left – heck in the end they could have a coupke shulker shells in the loot table so people can at least get a box or two even if all the cities nearby have been wiped clean of shulkers

  8. I would say for the end if you play Minecraft dungeon there’s a structure that you have to stay in the area and fight mobs maybe that could give you the key

  9. My idea is that several structures will have a themed-vault, and you need themed-keys. You can craft these by making key templates first, to craft key templates, you need the trial key or an existing key template, a tuff block, and copper ingots (instead of diamonds), to craft the themed-key, you need to do it in a smithing table by using the trial key, the key template, and a specific block. So, for Bastion Keys, the block will be Blackstone, End Ship Keys will be Purpur Blocks, Ocean Monuments will Be Prismarine, etc.

  10. tbh i'm waiting for the end update until calling an update fantastic, but i'm wondering for 1.21 if theres 1, the lootable change, and 2, a new trim and disc

  11. I’m actually excited for this, I play a realm with like 6 other players so looting is gonna be an issue eventually, but more so when mining in the nether which is already an issue for us so having this would actually be very cool that way the wealth is spread apart for everyone plus I mean this is a good trail for me the gang when we go out together as a team, adds teamwork and a cool spin to the gameplay, no other mode like this and I want more of it, I know sometime they get flacked for some of the new things they add but to me if they do things like this but is missing a few things to make it better then they will always get a pass for me, just boring knowing they play it waaaaaaay to safe or don’t do anything worth doing at all

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