100 Days – [Minecraft JUNGLE]

It appears I find myself now in a jungle well that’s better than the time I woke up in the nether by this time I’m used to these dreams I wake up after 100 days or death I prefer 100 days but if I’m going to make it that far I’ve got to

Get down from this giant tree I can’t live up here well there goes half my day I hope I don’t have to eat these melons for too long at least that’s my food now I just need shelter and uh looks like I’m going to be living in a tree maybe

Not this is a good find found a chest with mostly garbage but a flint and steel that’ll be helpful looks like I won’t be living in these trees be burning them so I’m going to get to clearing here that is until my memory completely blacked out I awoke to find

The area clear and me no longer homeless yeah I’m living underground but at least I’m living I can see a cave right by where I set up camp I think I’m going to go in it I don’t really need coal there’s so much wood I can use for fuel

And copper copper who needs copper I need iron but it’s being guarded by this skeleton oh that one’s in my side who yeah I’m out of here I’m out of here heal my wounds bellet oh that’s stink defend yourself eh not so tough when it’s just you and me huh yeah well

That nearly ended me but at least I’ve got this nice little head covering good thing this was just a spider spawner pretty good loot too I was pretty sure sheep weren’t in the jungle it’s a weird dream I hear zombies like a lot of zombies right under me yep oh yeah

There’s the spawner ooh good stuff in here iron bread gunpowder even an enchanted golden apple I don’t want to push my luck anymore I’m going back home really don’t want to get caught out here at night I put this nice door in whole sweet hole all right it’s been 3 days I

Haven’t been killed so far so good I’ve already got a massive tummy AEG from all these melons and I’m out of them so I think it’s time to set up a farm a melon farm might as well use the daylight and for some reason all this paddling

Doesn’t make me tired oh boy more melons and a skeleton spawner that can’t even touch me with my shield chests were fine I really don’t care about the music discs I’m on the verge of starvation yeah I probably should have been harvesting seeds this whole time it got

A little dark on me here that was risky I haven’t seen one creeper but I know they’re out there come on chicken live with me in Civilization all right come on come on hurry my civilization’s not far from the Wilderness and you’ll get clapped out there chicken 2 was much

Farther but I’m a successful man and have a boat nice some new organic grass-fed chickens and my wheat Farm’s exploding thanks to all those skeletons I killed nine breads not bad but I don’t think I can quite put the melons away just yet the whole place is a bit

Chaotic but it is the jungle I’m doing my best but I’d like to make it less jungle flat ground is just safer obviously I haven’t thought much about safety there’s a portal to the underworld on my land so I spent some time got rid of the canopy cleared the

Ground I’d like a wall but there’s no way I can build one with all this scrub and I got to stay in Camp anyway for my chickens I’m trying to get a perimeter going an area where I can feel at ease and I think I’m on my way I think once I

Have some decent armor and food sorry chickens I’ll go exploring some more hey it might also be nice to not have a burning lawn I can just see myself falling into into that and that would be tragic I think I’m good with this amount of land I can always cut down more trees

But I’m only in the jungle there can’t be that much cutting down all this jungle has given me enough wood for a wall all right technically it’s a fence but it’ll keep the creepers out which I still haven’t seen built the fence yeah built the fence I built my fence it was

Common sense I guess I didn’t realize how much area I cleared I thought this fence would be done in a day the parts by the jungle are done that’s what worries me the most the river does act as a natural barrier though it’s not perfectly safe got to get some of these

Burned trees they just look bad oh yeah see that’s why I’m building a wall fence I’m not trusting the jungle outside my walls it’s dangerous this is not a game after some hard work now the river is Walled too and now as long as I’m in my

Fence I’m safe and in the jungle that’s valuable still I wait on my chickens so I guess I’ll do some Landscaping I’d like to at least cover this nether stuff it doesn’t look good I know I probably owe my life to this ruined portal but

Still I’m going to cover it I just keep having visions of myself falling in that lava and I don’t want that to happen if I die who would eat the chickens day 10 is always a special day I’ve been here now 10 days and I get to look at my land

And see what have I done what have I done here in 10 days well I’m at the point now where I’m chopping down floating trees for the sake of my land looking good so that’s a nice sign I’ll be honest I’m still fairly weak if I get

Caught in a bad situation I’m definitely going to get killed I’ve also been completely on the surface the deepest I’ve gone is in that cave but I’ve only been mining 30 seconds and I already don’t want to do it anymore so I’m not going to regardless for day 10 not bad I

Wake up to the thunderous clucking of chickens so I think I know what time it is thank you and thank you thank you kind of thought I’d get more than 10 raw chicken but anything beats melons but with 18 bread I think I’m on a new diet

Now and I’m feeling good because of it so I think I’m going to delve down into more caves looking for iron that would be a huge upgrade I got a few pieces not much mostly coal I’m feeling adventurous this time on the rivers it’s a very safe

Way to travel because nothing can spawn on top of water if I go into the tree line I forfeit my life but here on this boat I’m feeling safe I was kind of hoping to get lucky with some kind of jungle structure but found nothing yeah

Just trees and brush as far as the eye can see and after two days of nothing I really don’t feel like adventuring anymore I’ve decided I’m going to stop living underground this is a big step I’ve got a lot of bamboo just sitting around and I’ve never built a house out

Of this stuff so I figured I’d try to me nothing says Conquering the jungle like building a house out of it ooh that two-tone tile that’s that’s crispy it won’t be that large but I’m still mostly naked so I’ll take what I can get and in

One day I’ve got four walls and windows real ones no roof yet though I built it a little bit close to this bridge over the cave it should be fine my fence will hold and I know I just got tons saying that I have a lot of bamboo but

Apparently not enough to build a house so I’m going to compromise and use a lot more jungle wood than I previously thought because I essentially have unlimited jungle wood I love a nice small house you know trying to fit everything in make it all work it’s a challenge I’m being very intentional

About where I put everything to make this space work one thing I really want to take advantage of and this has nothing to do with safety is the great view the jungle’s dangerous but I love how it contrasts with my land all right I need bamboo so I’m going to farm this

Stuff the disgusting way just like you chickens just like you okay 59 chickens yeah that’s better ooh yeah I already regret this I can’t even walk around it’ll be worth it it’ll be worth it I’d kind of like to be sleeping in a home by

Day 20 I wanted to get rid of a few trees near the house just don’t want anything jumping down on top of it that would be bad I still haven’t seen a creeper I’ve been real good about going to bed early they’re green they blend into the jungle and one would definitely

Take me down so I woke up day 18 to my monstrosity that is a bamboo Farm next to my lava pit I was trying to save the lava cuz it’s somewhat valuable but you know what if I do this I’m never going to fall in it you know what yeah I’m I’m

Breathing a little easier now with that lava gone and my house now officially has a second floor I wanted panoramic jungle views and I got them I originally thought this would double as my bedroom but I don’t think I’m going to go with that anymore so I’m going to put a nice

Tall roof in and sleep in the Attic should be plenty of space up here it’s just me and the voices the structure is pretty much done I think it turned out okay it’s a house and I’m living large I’m going to get to sleep in it before

Day 20 the land is not done no I’ll slowly upgrade it and myself for the next 80 days cuz yeah I have a home but a skeleton would still kill me in three hits put some vines on the house today I think I’m going to regret that for sure

Day 21 my paranoia was telling me to burn down some more jungle here’s my thinking I’m safe in my wall yeah but there’s jungle right by my wall that’s got to go I have no more flint and steel so I’m using lava super safe hey a little crevice might as well go down

Plenty of daylight left instantly I found iron that’s great I really haven’t been touching a lot of this stuff saw my first creeper in this cave so there’s that I’m not going anywhere where there’s monsters I’m getting the easiest stuff first just grabbing easy stuff got

Me 19 iron that’s enough for some armor I kept my little skeleton Shaw but now I’m fully kid it out that lets me breathe a sigh of relief it’s also just going to let me feel better about walking around in the jungle especially during the daytime you’ll probably never

Catch me out here at night I don’t trust it the jungle is not forgiving I found a little cave with some archaeology inside I’m going to check this out too bad I don’t know how archaeology works and destroyed everything it’s not my fault I’m very poor and was dazzled by these

Glorious mud bricks oh it’s raining that’s not good I got to get home immediately there’s lots of dark spots in The Jungle which lets monsters hide and when it rains they can come out got home and placed down a lightning rod because my entire infrastructure is made

Out of wood then I counted my blessings my house my hole my chickens my lawn myself yeah myself I’m going to let you know I have no shortage of meat but still I’d like to go grab some animals I’m now surviving in the jungle no problem I’ve got unlimited food and

Shelter so now I just want to get everything the jungle has to offer unfortunately I came up short in my search for Jungle cows ooh that’s awkward my body cam was off day 24 who knows what I could have done a lot actually I found a jungle temple you’re

Just going to have to believe me the river is by far the safest place to travel I never want to catch myself being on foot the only real danger is getting lost and with my markers that’s just not going to happen I put down a piece of wood and a torch that always

Points towards home it’s a great system it’s not a very direct way to travel but this is the jungle you got to be careful that gave me the idea for a map then I’ll really never get lost problem is this map is just not very big I need way

More sugarcane now give that some time I’m looking for a sheep today they’re fairly easy to spot on the rivered got them those rare jungle sheep I hope they like it here small problem there’s no more River I’ve gone through all of it well that just means it’s time to build

A river or Canal I can connect these two big Rivers right here and that’ll unlock so much new land for me but it’s dark got to go home on my way to the job site the next day I saw a panda oh and he’s a happy one nice most of the time they’re

Angry all right get in the boat I didn’t expect this to be an all day thing but look at his stupid stupid mischievous grin he knows what he’s doing got the panda back home by night time but he’s going to have to stay out there a little bit there’s skeletons around getting him

In the wall should not be this hard it was just a struggle I think he’s too happy to listen walk just walk walk he’s in I wanted to hit him so bad getting the Pand in wrecked my boat dock so the first thing I did was fix that now I’m

Digging out a hole for garbage I’m getting to the point where I have too much stuff which is always a good feeling done and Panda proof all right I I’m going to do it I’m going to go out at night I’d really like a bow which

Means I have to either kill a skeleton or a few spiders oh got one this one just dropped arrows oh well I found enough spiders for four string hey chickens like my new bow let’s play a game it’s called Dodge the arrow and good job back on the road day 30 uh

River I’m still just trying to get lucky with easy loot on the riverbed however my River system’s getting pretty long by the time I got to the end it was night time and had to go home I’ve got an idea for my problem that should work nicely

I’m going to make a little camp in the far lands nothing too crazy put up some torches a shack just a nice place to rest my head when I’m exploring I found this perfect little island should be very safe and I had my little shack up

By night time I even did some subtle Landscaping this is a fairly new area for me so I climbed up a tree and tried to get a good view I did see a hill where I might get a better view yeah pretty much just trees it is the jungle

I can’t really complain it’s a nice view though kind of makes me wish I did live in a tree on my way down I found some iron so it wasn’t a total loss and after all that exploring I got to lay my head down in my shack don’t have to go all

The way home bro get out of my boat H this neighborhood my shack is right by where I’m going to do a new Canal to connect to more River not a very difficult process to build a canal really the hardest part is clearing the way little fire makes that easy one day

Everything’s clear just got to put in the New River I’ve had this gold shovel for forever might as well use it’ll get Construction done faster see not that bad dig a hole put in some water that’s really all it is now I just got to set

Up a toll booth then the real profits begin I actually have to dig two canals today just to get home oh well this one wasn’t that bad and I brought a jungle cow back with me the cow will live between the chicken and the Sheep but that’s going to have me renovating the

Chicken pen time for a new gate chickens don’t leave if you know what’s good for you back back you animals well at least I won’t have to worry about food for a little longer cow went in just fine now I got to go find another they’re fairly

Easy to spot from the river it’s not like cows actually belong here in the jungle see that didn’t take long jungle cows exotic let me ask you this question do cows live in the jungle nope they live in the barns in Barns how about sheep would sheep live in the jungle no

They live in the barns yeah how about pandas yeah but they do pandas do good good I’m going to say it I’m looking for diamonds yeah no I’ve reached that point I’m still pretty fearful out there in the jungle I feel like maybe if I had some diamond armor Enchanted I might

Feel better really just trying to get lucky with some easy stuff from a jungle Temple but no luck today see this is why I wanted a bow there’s skeletons in my Canal got to love that nice straight cleared perfect land in the jungle I’m about 1,000 blocks away from my main

Compound on foot that would be quite a journey but on the river oh it’s easy no temples yet I’d like to not mine but I probably will have to paddling around day 38 and I saw clearing out in the Horizon wait Horizon I haven’t seen the

Horizon in a month at first I thought this was a giant Lake but no it’s a jungle ocean yeah I know that’s weird but I don’t really care I’m going to profit there’s so much loot out here I’m 100% going to get lost though I can just

Feel it of course I’ll do my best to not get lost and even if I do I live near the center of the world so it shouldn’t be hard to find my way back home I’m just finding so many of these nether portals and I’m hoping for some good

Stuff but something’s definitely wrong with this ocean it shouldn’t be here cuz day 39 and 40 it all just crashed turning down the graphics seems to stop the crashing and lets me keep looting I am like I said very lost though I mean I can get home I know the general

Direction I just have no idea where my Canal is I’ve got to go through jungle it’s not horrible in the daytime still makes me nervous found my Canal so now I can get home no problem well just hoping I don’t get struck by lightning oh home

Sweet home it’s been a while going to take some time put some stuff for my Adventures up like my new bell I got a bunch of Clay on my journey I’ve made some bricks and now it’s time to install a fireplace generally I burn a large

Portion of my house down when I do this so that would be great to avoid all right this looks stable h y see see I’m burning my house down I will make this work done house isn’t burning we’re good for now but now I’ve got a problem of

Where do I put the chimney it’s a weird problem cuz you don’t even technically need a chimney going with an artsy design here because I care about Aesthetics uh not because I’m low on bricks or anything in the jungle that there that’s a chimney I’m also going to

Set up a little more attractive Farm my first one was a little bit slapped together then I looked at my animals and realized I don’t have pigs I can find pigs but I won’t be able to breed them with without carrots and I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to get carrots in

The jungle well zombies drop carrots and I’ve got a zombie spawner right nearby converting this to a proper Zombie Farm should not take long it won’t be super efficient but it’ll work all I had to do was dig out underneath put some water in fairly simple it was very important to

Me to clear a path to my zombie spawn I really don’t want to get killed while I’m just walking to a farm I’ve survived here so well because I respect the jungle and as soon as I stop respecting the jungle I’m going to die and where you can’t respect the jungle just burn

It so here’s my path not bad for a day with stone tools I just realized it too it’s been 45 days and I still have a stone pickaxe here’s the thing though I’ve just been living in the jungle I don’t really need the good stuff stone

Stone is enough most of the time I’m just chopping down trees mining up Cobblestone and for that stone tools feel just fine of course some diamonds would make me faster but for now I’d rather have carrots and with a functional zombie spawner carrots should

Be on the way my arm is already tired I am sick of hitting these guys with a stone sword so I installed a magma block that should do the work for me I got to just stand here cuz I don’t have enough iron for a hopper but eventually I

Should get that carrot so that’s what I did I stood there and waited a lot of suffering for a single vegetable especially since I got nothing all of day 47 dear diary I’ve been sitting here for about 2 days now still no carrot I’m really not getting used to all of the zombie

Screams and uh they they don’t seem to be dropping anything so uh maybe I am doing this wrong but I’m going to let it go for another day I love you diary whatever I’ll figure it out later that’s all for pigs which I don’t even really need just chilling here making the

Entrance look nice when I heard something in the brush pillagers and they’re totally stuck in the jungle yeah right here see this this is why you shouldn’t come to the Jungle I might knife you none of them had a Pillager Banner which was kind of weird I was

Hoping to put that up in my house oh well got a sick crossbow day 50 halfway through always a nice Milestone great to check myself and see how I’m doing sure I’ve still got stone tools but I’m wellfed and I’m safe which for the jungle is all a man can ask for however

Like most men that have everything they need I’m still not happy said 100 times I don’t need diamonds doesn’t mean I don’t want them no diamonds but a lot of iron 5x to my entire stock it was all in a Chasm so there was plenty of daylight

Made the whole process pretty easy I may have stayed a little bit too long but there was iron come on figured I’d just pop a golden apple on the way home I’ll be all right yep no problem I didn’t think I’d be sad to see my little chain

Shaw go but I am I’ve had this thing for forever it was about to break and iron is just more responsible Full Belly full iron tools I’m feeling good I had enough iron to splurge on a hopper system in my Zombie Farm that carrots mine but I

Wanted to see if I could Farm up zombie stuff all the way from my Camp so I’m going to wait for it in my house so after a whole day of listening to self-doubt inside my own head it’s time to check my Zombie Farm and there’s

Nothing H so if I don’t hit them they don’t drop anything I’m just learning this right now so I changed up the spawner and now I hit them would have liked those couple of days back they’re valuable after a lot of zombie suffering day 54 I got the carrot you might think

It was a diamond I was so happy so now it’s Farm time this shouldn’t take long I got a lot of bone meal killing skeletons never gets old I got a big stock of carrots and set my farm up I’ll have him forever now I’ve seen this pig

Living his happy life in the jungle for months now that angered me welcome home of course day 55 I’ll be looking for another pig that’s what I do out here I live my life to me a pig is happiness I don’t need anything else too bad I

Didn’t find one I shouldn’t be able to find a pig I don’t know why they live out here but if they do I’m going to grab one there he is I grabbed him gently here is your wife I do not care if you don’t like her nice happy pig

Family that will make a good Christmas dinner well that’s all the animals that shouldn’t even be in the jungle in the first place now I’m wondering what next I could call the chickens I don’t really need to but I could remember that chickens no I think I’m going to dabble

In some archaeology I’ve seen a couple of different sites on my River track and I’m going to check them out they look like this there’s a lot of them and you know maybe they’ve got some good loot I use this brush to unearth objects this

Time I got a red candle all right that was pretty lame let’s see what I get this time looks like a broken piece of pottery ah Another Broken pot down here great I guess there was some terada but not enough to really do anything you know nice yeah some orange dye one piece

Of it that’s that’s useful oh a single piece of wheat wow all right that was pretty much just a waste of a day but I’m going to keep at it there’s probably some good stuff out there I was able to find that one archaeology site that I completely ravaged earlier and good news

Is not everything was gone I got an armor trim here that’s not bad can’t really use it though I’m not going to trim my iron armor it’s just going to break I cleaned this site out pretty good A lot of junk some terracotta that was about it I’m pretty poor right but

Even for me archaeology just ain’t worth it I really don’t know know why I keep doing these things I’m just going to be disappointed yep the only thing I eluded all day was sadness I will say I am inspired and do have an idea now but

It’s far away so I’m going to have to sleep in one of my Shacks for now to anyone watching this this probably just looks like any other random piece of jungle but to me this is a specific area I need to be in I know this jungle I’ve

Lived in it for 2 months you remember that giant jungle ocean well I’m one Canal away from connecting myself to it so obviously I’m doing some construction I’d like to build a canal and a shack so I can much more easily explore this ocean and I was not fancy this is a

Certified Shack Canal’s done didn’t take too long I’m good at it and the burning helps so now it’s on to the ocean for more archaeology G I’m really just wondering if there’s anything out here worth finding other than archaeology and Nether Portals maybe I’ll stumble upon something great probably just more

Jungle though regardless I sail into nothingness hoping to get lucky a yes more orange dye that’s just what I wanted I don’t want diamonds I’m here for orange dye I’ll say these nether portals are almost always worth it I’m at least going to get some gold might

Get lucky in the chest good finds they’re also fairly bright light my way back home that’s convenient oh another beautiful day waking up in the shack let’s get on that ocean do you know why I’m doing this like do you do you really know why I’m doing this because I’m not

Doing it for archaeology I’m not doing it for the nether portal I’m really doing this because I don’t want to mine yep I’ve said it it’s Minecraft it’s in the name and I don’t want to do it is that a me problem is that a Minecraft problem I

Don’t really know all I do know is archaeology is not the fix sorry sorry just me out here alone with my thoughts in the jungle ocean can you blame me all right it’s time to be fair I would like to State for the record I finally found something decent with this archaeology

I’ve done about a dozen of these now and I’ve gotten absolutely nothing but right here I got my first Emerald can’t really do much with it besides look at at it in the jungle but still I got one I need to mine but I’m not going to more of the

Same day 66 just floating around looking for any Petty loot I can find it’s not a real ocean so it’s very very empty so there’s a lot of floating around I’d like you to know that despite finding about a thousand nether portals in this video I won’t be going there it’s not

The jungle in caves I went that’s fair in Badlands I went that was a bit of a stretch I just can’t swing it in the jungle I think I’m just about done with this jungle o it’s time to go home now uh which way is home I was pretty sure I

Set up infrastructure for this but it looks like I’m traveling 2,000 blocks through dense jungle and on day 69 man this is not how I wanted to be spending this with clear weather in the daytime you really shouldn’t even be afraid of the Jungle it’s basically just a dense

Forest but I’m hustling cuz I know at night it gets bad found my Canal I’m as good as home surprisingly I have daylight left I can enjoy day 69 guess I should find a spot for all these valuable archaeology candles I’ve als also got way too much gold let’s see if

I can make something out of it ah that may be a bit too much next to my bamboo house you know what whatever until I need this gold it stays I put some other memorability up my Shaw my crossbow they look nice after all of that I figured it

Was actually time to go mining I need some diamonds and then I found a brown panda well thanks Universe I didn’t want to go mining anyway this is a great distraction should go get a snack or something it’s going to take a while she doesn’t walk very fast got home and

Tried to make my own Brown pant Panda oh oh no the parents did not care that I did this so I got a brown panda and that had me thinking why don’t I have an ocelot yet I should be mining but instead I’m going to go find a kitty cat

In the jungle look at this look at this I’m paddling and one spawned right in front of me I have no idea how I get this lucky hey anything to avoid mining left the cat in the boat cuz I want to go check out this hole here a lot of

Times they have good stuff it’s obviously too shallow for diamonds but I’ve been living in the Iron Age for a while and haven’t had any complaints turned out to be a a smaller cave than I thought day 73 I went over to the spider spawner I found on like day two I need

Some string made a fishing rode and was going to grab some fish for my new cat when I noticed some pillagers this time one had a banner that’s nice at least I’ll get a trophy not really sure where I’m going to put it my house is getting

Full of useless stuff I found in the jungle whatever that works anyway back to fishing these last few days have just been so distracted I wanted my ocelot to trust me and he won’t without fish turned my back for 1 second now he’s eating all my chicken well that’s

Completely my fault for not baby proof it’s safe to say the ocelot likes his new home I’d like to find one more but I really doubt I’m going to get as lucky as that first one and then during my journey I stumbled upon that old crevice

I found last time I was here I got in and got out but this time I think I’m going to do some serious Mining and step one was make a little safe area the last thing I want to do is go all the way back home through the jungle at night

And once that was set up I got to mining really should have done this on like day five when it got dark I just went back to my safe Zone a strategy I will definitely use in the future I found a mine shaft nice these generally have

Some good stuff no diamonds but a name tag that could be helpful for a number of things I’ve been very productive all day I’ve got so much iron but I really could use some diamonds I worked all day trying to find diamonds and in my haste

In the dark I didn’t see that there was no floor here and in this moment I was completely at the will of gravity thankfully gravity was kind you can see the absolute panic in the way that I make a little Cobblestone box around myself I stayed in there for a while

Thinking about how bad that could have been caving is a little more fun than normal mining like this but you know what there’s nothing that beats normal mining so it’s time for some normal mining hey there’s a big deep cave that’s exactly what I’m looking for I

Really took my time getting down here I’ve already had a near-death experience and would like to avoid another but there it is after 77 days my first diamond I quickly got more this is a giant cave by the time I left I had 17 now that I have diamonds I need an

Enchanting room and I figured the best spot for it would be under the house it’s it’s a tight area but I’ll make it work I wanted stairs but I think I’m going to have to use a ladder yeah it’s a little less premium but I am only in

The jungle got to give myself some credit so now the enchanting room’s roughed out I just need some books good news is leather I have no shortage of I’m actually a bit short on sugar cane I don’t know if I’ve ever had that happened to me but I am so I went out

Looking for more day 80 I’ve got these diamond tools but they’re not Enchanted gross waiting for crops to grow is so much worse than mining so I mined a little took up that obsidian two days are missing sugar still growing then I got bored and renowned my house a bit

Just like that got a sitting room still no sugar cane any day now I’ll landscape got a balcony installed day 88 looks over the jungle this I really like fishing really just doing anything I can think of right by the sugar cane so it’ll grow Horus no Horus why can’t you

Be like Helga you know what’s awkward I totally forgot about lapis lazuli hey a diamond don’t even need it that stuff’s pretty rare but you only got to find a few veins and you’re good I’ve been in this cave too long I’m fighting off spiders on the slim chance they’re might

Be more diamonds yeah I’m going home hopefully I pop out somewhere on my canals ah nice it’s daytime that’s a relief oh yeah I know exactly where I am I know you probably don’t but I’ve been living out here for 91 days this is my jungle see already almost home there’s a

Lot of cool enchantments fortune and sharpness but I think in the jungle what I really want is feather falling 4 and I just got it with feather falling I’ll feel better about starting on my next Wonder of this world a tree an absolutely massive tree why is a very

Good question here and the biggest reason is I just just like a very noticeable Landmark the jungle’s full of trees right as far as the eye can see well I want one that stands out I’ve only been at this a little bit and it already does though it’s definitely

Getting to the point where even with feather falling 4 I’m going to die if I fall off so it’s time for some safety features all I need is a thin layer of water at the bottom and somehow that’ll save me this would have been done yesterday if it wasn’t for all the

Cutting I’d like a nice long Straight Shaft the View’s already pretty helpful I had no idea there was a bunch of lava over there and getting up and down should be easy with the Vines it’s been something living in the jungle can’t believe I survived in all that and being

As high as the clouds looking down just makes me think about it all while constructing with my Keen jungle eyes I saw a temple it was right nearby this whole time that had me feeling great about the tree it’s already coming in handy I’m up bright early day 97 going

To find that Temple it might be a little bit harder from the ground look at that I know my jungle in the spirit of the Jungle I’m going to try to clear this thing the legit way so I’m going to flick all these levers and uh maybe

Something will happen I can kind of hear working behind the wall but I’m not sure if it’s doing anything well that was fun time to dig right through it like everything else I’m not taking any chances I’ve made it 97 days I’m making it to 100 well that was fun I’m glad I

Actually recorded it this time all right let’s see if I can see my tree when I walk outside that’ll be awesome H don’t see it don’t see oh there it is mean I guess I could use coordinates but this is way more fun put some Trims on just

Wild it’s all I really have access to and now I’m upset that I don’t have Diamond pants why’d you do this chick so I went mind a few diamonds you know normal day I like wild as a trim I know for the jungle it’s really all I can use

I like the helmet that would look good netherite the rest of the armor though is pretty uninspired anyway shot some zombies from the balcony before going to bed day 99 my last chance to build something before this whole dream is over I’m building a rail Through the Jungle it’s not safe I wouldn’t

Recommend it but even if I die today I’ll still put out the video it’s a monument to my survival out here when I first started I was scared to even go through the jungle now I’m going to build a rail through it I’ve come a long way surviving only in the jungle I’m

Proud of myself I really don’t think there could be a better way to end this adventure than a rail ride through the jungle this this right here is what Hardcore Minecraft is really all about yes survival but eventually you get so good at surviving you build something

Dumb here’s the dumb thing I’ve done it thank you all for being here I appreciate every single one of you of course if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that subscribe button that really helps let me know in a comment what biome you’d like to see me live in

Next I’ll do my best to get them all thank you all for watching please stay notable I’ll see you in the next video

I survived 100 Days in the Minecraft Jungle, this is what happened…

Trapped in the Jungle, Luke TheNotable’s only chance for survival is living in this land carefully. Will he? Find out now! Please subscribe that would be notable.

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