Minecraft but Everything I touch turns to NERF

Every block I touch turns to Nerf and the further I go I unlock new blasters new powers and new sick Nerf structures our goal is to become the Nerf Champion by eliminating the other Nerf competitors but if I die even once I am eliminated from The Challenge

All right so my goal is to get as much progress as I can as fast as possible because the competitors could be here anywhere are you okay not a competitor let’s go let’s go let’s go now we only have one life so I gotta be very careful to not take fall

Damage one percent reached and I got myself the Nerf micro Blaster right click to fire darts oh heck yeah man yeah all right now I feel much better take this piggy I will eliminate you sorry piggy I didn’t kill him I eliminated him this is just uh

Elimination fragments I do have to be careful I don’t know where the competitors are or how they come out 2.5 reached a Nerf cargo truck is pulled up nearby that might have some goodies in it oh that looks like it parkour yeah all right uh I don’t see

Any competitors here I think we might be the first ones here hello cargo truck what oh gosh they’ll ever beat all the Nerf challenges no sir I will yeah take this they did a lot of Hearts man I gotta be careful oh gosh I’m already half Health

Okay run run run run run no teaming up dude that’s not fair hey it’s four against one oh gosh I’m gonna jump in this water okay I’m almost gonna die I gotta be careful swim no no they’re chasing after me but I’m hoping they might just drown

Oh this is bad I could get some higher ground though and this might help oh man I could really use some food four percent reach oh I got a double sword dude it looks like if I right click I can turn it into a shield in front of me

All right that’ll be useful I’m gonna also get some Higher Ground here where are they oh gosh where are they oh I can’t be eliminated already dude oh there’s one there’s one can I snipe him from here oh come on get up Nerf or nothing all right the bridge looks safe oh my

Goodness oh wow oh there he is he’s hiding in the water come on I got him okay I don’t see any more competitors I think that might be all of them but I gotta be careful gotta check my six there are some chests in the truck is

There any goodies in here okay golden carrots I’ll take those and we got some armor and old golden apples all right dude we’ll take those oh gosh don’t die fall damage ow that was really scary but dude that was worth it man I got some

Armor I got food and I got these double swords that act as a shield we’ll take that eight golden carrots is awesome and it will hold us over but I will need more food for this Challenge and I figure the safest place to get it is gonna be a village hello beautiful thank

You thank you thank you 45 bread that should just about do it oh my goodness that is the buffest zombie I’ve ever seen uh sir oh gosh no no oh goodness gracious that’s a lot of damage all right he might be a competitor I cannot tell Nerf blaster yeah oh this is not

Worth it dude this is not worth it the Blaster shoots so slowly oh okay I’m just gonna back up I’m just gonna back up all right have a good one sir enjoy your competition he’s so fast I’m out this is not worth losing the competition fast hello poppers please don’t eat my

Brains thank you very much all right lesson learned don’t mess with buff guys let’s get ourselves a little more progress before we start taking out big buff zombies dude I’m not sure how safe a forest is but at least I can use the trees as cover if need be ten percent

Reached I got a terrascout RC Recon drone oh snap oh my oh my goodness look at him dude he shoots something what do you do you squat he puts down a little path and if I click he creates a bridge out of Nerf that I could use oh dude this is

Gonna be so useful man heck yeah dude it feels good not to be alone in the dark Forest oh I really don’t like how dark it is dude being eliminated from The Challenge from a Creeper explosion would just be embarrassing so I’m gonna quickly try to Juke around this zombie

Guy get myself a bed and then use that to sleep the night away pardon me sir I’m not here for killing okay okay quickly quickly uh oh this might be a bad idea it’s fine it’s fine I’m gonna sleep here really terrifying this is so fun though

Good morning okay you enjoy your sleep in the water you got nice pruney toes unless you’re hiding a blaster in those sleeves I think the villagers are safe which is nice you’re not hiding blasters in those Hooves Arya hey 15 reached a Nerf Water Park is open nearby ah I’ll

Take it let’s go well boys looks like I found the water park and uh looks like it’s already occupied fantastic well that’s all right I’m coming in with some Nerf blasters and a new Nerf buddy what’s up guys you guys want to be teammates okay no you want to take me

Out that’s fine get them yeah come on dude it’s not doing any damage our little Nerf guy’s fighting too can I take him out with my swords oh gosh oh man I’m losing a lot of Health here no my swords will do anything I have a

Heart half a heart half heart no not good not good take cover buddy oh man they are resistant to my damage oh this is perfect I got a little bunker ah they’re right there they’re right there no are they on top of each other’s shoulders dude yeah this is not working

At all this is not working at all the nice thing is The Shield does work but their water blasters push me back not cool man oh my oh Mike they’re on top of the building as well wrong Higher Ground Putin them there we go there we go we’re

Gonna need some Higher Ground here help me out buddy oh can I make it can I make it all perfect dude my little drone is awesome I’m on top of the water slides I’m hoping there’s an upgrade in here okay no what are you doing on the Roof

Dog well never mind see you later okay no goodies in here there has to be something around here yes yes yes there’s a chest and we got ourselves a Nerf Super Soaker dog yeah man I dive off of the platform let’s go all right let me fill this thing up with water

There we go and now I’ma soak you okay that works they look like they take damage take this Buzz oh man play with crafty in real life grab yourself one of my new cubles toys this fun origami puzzle transforms into a crafty action figure complete with moving parts and

Accessories with simple instructions and assembly in minutes there’s no better way to build and play so grab a crafty cuebles today oh I gotta be careful I’m very low on health it might be time for the Golden Apple there’s so many of them back cool these guys are just sitting

Ducks now inside the water take that boys oh no problem boom looks like all the competitors have been eliminated and I’m leaving with myself an upgrade wait wait before we go I gotta ride the water slide and down we go yeah yeah oh guys I’m stuck in the water slide

Somebody is there a lifeguard on duty yeah all right that was fun that was fun now the question is oh I can use the Super Soaker to make progress as well it’s not super fast but I mean I’ll take it hello chicken would you like to be a wet

Chicken oh gosh it does a lot of damage oh man I’m the bad guy I didn’t think shooting a chicken with water was gonna topple it over well the chicken’s a bit eliminated and they’ll spawn in the next challenge and 20 reached I obtained the Nerf Z Strike crossbow no way dude it

Fires five projectiles oh that’s so much nicer not only does that make a lot of progress faster but that’s gonna be so nice for taking out hordes of competitors ah yeah have him I kind of want to take out a Pillager Outpost but also I don’t want to do anything risky

In the event I accidentally lose my life oh that’s really satisfying dude it makes an entire line of progress more nerf uh this item should be nerfed get it because because it’s beautiful it’s gorgeous it’s illustrious it’s bombastic 30 reached a Nerf Z strike Arena has opened nearby well that’s a coincidence

I just got my own Z strike this has to be it man there are some zombies but that shouldn’t be too hard to take out all this is so good dude oh you’re on fire here I’ll help I’ll shoot water at you what what happened I shot water at

You oh this is incredible dude Dodge and weave oh gosh this guy behind me oh try to sneak up on me zombie yeah take that dude it looks like our z-blaster oh they’re coming from all over the place it doesn’t do an incredible amount of damage but I love that it shoots

Multiple darts at the same time and the one thing to do in every intense battle is to munch on some cake all right I’m ready for action and I’m ready for a stomach ache what’s in this we got Secrets oh heck yeah a Nerf battle mace

Now we’re talking dude whoa snap yeah oh it like launches mobs up nice mealy weapon too oh can’t even touch me zombie goodness it does like no damage though yeah I mean it is made of Nerf oh my goodness hello boys well it was very hard to take on that one Iron Golem

Earlier so yeah let’s take on two no problem dad take this they do so much damage oh gosh I gotta be careful stay back oh that doesn’t work that doesn’t work the Super Soaker doesn’t send them back but thankfully the battle maze does launch them backwards to keep them away yeah

Yeah oh it feels good to be powerful launch out some Z strike missiles one of them down yeah we got em dude heck yeah that’s sick man I think we did it I think we completed the challenge this battle mace might be my best upgrade so far just because I can launch

Competitors back and will it yes dude it makes progress as well turn the world into Nerf yes yes oh sorry buddy sorry that’s my bad this is so satisfying you are a tree and now you are Nerf tree nah oh 40 reached obtained the Nerf Vortex Paragon my goodness these names oh here

It is oh I can fire projectiles which is nice they’re like these discs that shoot out and it drops down a trampoline that I could walk on yeah to launch myself in the air dude this is so useful man I can launch myself up do some damage launch

Down with the mace oh I’m liking this already I’m feeling good about my odds of winning this challenge how high does it launch me dude can I get all the way on top of the roof from here can hold on hold on I did it I did it

Wow it seems that the way that I jump on it changes how high I can jump oh now I’ve Got The High Ground Anakin yes I’m on top of the world kid boom and then come back for a ground smash come back this is so sick man I can’t wait to use

These combos on competitors hey hey 50 reached a football field I killed the chicken my bad a football field has opened nearby okay I know how to play football that’s the one with the round balls you throw into a hoop golf right this looks like a football field uh

There’s a chest here a Nerf Arrow Howard a Nerf editor outdoor film dog awesome man these names dude don’t judge me crafty’s chance to play professional football oh no that’s bad for everybody involved all right hello there everybody skipped leg day oh what what don’t judge

Me all right I I assume I’m gonna throw the foam ball into the goal there there we go hey they’re trying to stab me Miss Oh shoot that’s not good I gotta get close as I can and then yeah no they block it oh this is bad uh yeah okay I

Threw it as high as it possibly could oh no is not good I got like one more chance wait a minute guys they’re blocking this goal over here but nobody’s blocking this goal go easy money no I also missed oh no I missed it and nobody was

Guarding it okay let’s try this again shall we oh I know what I’m supposed to do I’m so silly I gotta use my Vortex to make a little trampoline and then then I can throw it in go yeah go one out of three oh gosh I gotta make it three

Times yeah come on make it make it yes dude easy peasy Juke em do a little spin blue 42. made it I have to yeah dude let’s go big dubs man and now anybody anybody can I be professional now all right well that was useless any NFL recruiters around

Here I am open for Duty I have zero years of experience and also I’m blue oh my goodness dude the Nerf ball makes a lot of progress here you go Nerf tree oh my word Nerf flowers go yeah this is awesome man this is my favorite

Upgrade so far it just keeps one up in itself it has no cooldown so I can spam it too yeah yeah Nerf competitors got nothing on me another Milestone I unlocked tactical armor dude heck yes I would have put this on yeah oh now we’re talking I look kind of like a scuba

Diver I’m not gonna lie I thought it was gonna look awesome I look like an accountant whose side job is a scuba diver yes I’m here to do your taxes and look at cool looking squids well the nice thing is is it reduces the cooldown of all of my items by 50 so

That’s nice what am I doing trying to jump up a mountain there we go that’s much better go footballs the ground 65 reached already a rival Perseus mxi 5000 these names dude what happens uh okay uh oh wait a minute so I can shoot little darts and then over

Time they’ll explode there it goes they’re little fireworks oh and 70 reached already okay a Nerf laser tag arena has opened nearby now we’re talking hold on before we go hey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that actually is really sweet looking it isn’t quite as cool as my foam ball

But I do like the little explosions I assume there’s gonna be some competitors at the Nerf Arena so I’m gonna be a little careful but I’m very excited transition oh I’m excited there they are wait wait hold on I’m not ready for this hey back up son high score the legend 28

We can beat the high score man Nerf Phoenix Blaster yeah oh watch out watch out Dodge they still do damage I could get eliminated from this challenge so I still gotta be careful here ready for action yeah stiped them oh I can’t there’s so many guys all right all right

I’m fine we’re gonna get some Higher Ground yeah take dudes upstairs there’s a couple guys up here ah surprise attack I’m not very surprising I am kind of loud yeah snipe them yeah take them out dude out okay okay I gotta be a little careful here man

Don’t spawn me I’m two hits from Dad oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh no he’s sniping me yeah we’re almost at the high score yeah oh come on come on get up get him yep that’s it yo drone help me get up there man there we go I can Bridge

Myself up just like this oh I’m gonna die I’m gonna die no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh this is bad this is bad I’m literally anybody that shoots me now I’m gone oh my gosh that was so close dude I gotta

Be a little more careful than that oh okay I gotta heal up as much as I can gosh dang it yeah no I’m almost at the high score this is so close I’m gonna try to heal up as much as I can this is intense this is awesome I do love me a

Good game of laser tag I saw a guy around the back I might be able to he doesn’t see me yet I might be able to sneak up behind him just like this oh man where are you come on where are you hiding dude I need that high score there he is

Yeah there’s one more dude now yeah I’m running in come out wherever you are Legend 27 if that is your real name don’t be afraid of losing your high score or those legs I see them that must be him Legend 27 I might be able to jump

Down on top of them to take him out this is risky but I’m gonna jump down yeah we’ve done it dude new high score and does it say it yeah crafty ten thousand one get wrecked Legend 27 or 28 there’s a new high score in town oh that

Was awesome dude oh man I want to play again but I eliminated all the competitors I’m just too good at the game or whatever it’s such a shame can I still use the laser like out in the world not really I can still play laser tag with the cows gosh why does

Everything eliminate everybody oh sorry chicken doc gosh dang it I’m really not trying to eliminate the passive mobs but I can’t help it I’m so powerful eighty percent reached we got a new thing called a Nerf vulcan oh dude this thing looks like an absolute Beast what oh my

Word it’s like a minigun dude oh take that mountain yep 90 already that makes sense a battle royale has started nearby maybe you can make it to the final Circle and claim victory Royale Don’t Mind If I Do Battle Royale countdown three two wait hold on I’m not

Ready dude that’s fine there’s four guys over there man this is not gonna be an easy one yeah yeah take it dude dude not see me right now wait wait Now’s the Time for the Boy yeah yeah oh that worked brilliantly did they take fall damage oh gosh hello buddy oh man oh I can still use my laser gun oh man I’m very low on health I can’t lose now I’m almost at the win did that dude just what the heck how did he die well I’m

Not complaining yeah yeah smack use my shield that’s it yeah oh not good heal up heal up I can use my lasers which is not bad wait a minute wait a minute does my phone ball do damage whoa there’s a lot of damage oh heck yeah there’s still a lot of

Competitors left man yep straight from yeah this is awesome I think the foam ball might be my favorite yeah take that gentlemen if there’s a large group this is a seriously good weapon Nerf crossbow attack of the Nerf crossbow feels so lame now here’s my foam balls a couple

Of times there we go that does a lot oh I’m gonna die I gotta stray from here yeah get them drone you got this dude yes we are crushing this man I think we might actually win this come on come on be careful be careful yes is this the

Last guy come on come on it’s half a hard man careful here use my phone Ball come on come on yes oh I’ve got a breather here for a second so I’m just gonna quickly heal up as much as I can and then try to at least locate

Where this last guy is he might be up top here yep there is oh I should have healed up more before I did this that’s cool that’s cool you dude number one Victory Royale yeah looks like there is a chest up here oh hello chess don’t worry I shall use my

Catapult what do I got I got a Nerf fortnite blaster yes yes a casual grenade launcher as one does oh it literally is a grenade launcher okay ooh that’s half of Health all right I gotta be a little more careful watch after all this I get eliminated from the fall

Damage I would be so upset okay careful careful careful all right oh that was a close one dude oh looks like we’re leaving back to the real world and oh nice it looks like my explosions cause progress as well explosion go Nerf destruction it’s Nerf or death oh gosh

The Nerf PR agent’s like well we’re not working with crafty I love how it launches me backwards as well like it’s so powerful of a blast it just shoots me back we are almost there you guys we are almost at 100 find the nearby Nerf Challenge and tunnel and Nerf the enemy

No one else has dared to all right you got it dude oh I see custom blocks this might be a tunnel down hello I am here for the Nerf challenge look at my inventory man look at how many items I have dude this goes down a long way hey

Guys I thought this challenge was over but not yet oh get him oh big explosions yeah oh now we’re talking man this RL Blaster is incredible whoa look at this place man is this a shrine to me the new Nerf champion in a moment yeah take this dude smack him

Okay I think that’s all of them look at this build man the giant blasters is this a shulker yes Nerf strike long shot oh yeah baby oh my goodness it’s a sniper dude oh heck yeah this is my throne and I shall sit upon my Throne oh

Wow all right well there’s a Dragon portal here does that mean this is the Throne of the Dragon if I have to take out a dragon to become the Nerf Champion I’ll do what I have to yep the Nerf Dragon oh gosh I can’t even mine these

Blocks dude I don’t have a pickaxe I gotta use my Vortex here it’s time Dragon I will be the Nerf oh my goodness that does a lot of damage I will be the Nerf Champion yeah this long strike is so sick what are you shooting breath at

Me I’ve got a mask on can’t even smell it I use it for scuba diving and for taking out giant dragons yeah yeah dude I am the Nerf Champion let’s go

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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but Everything I touch turns to NERF! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but Everything I touch turns to NERF

#Minecraft #But #nerf


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


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