MAIZEN FAMILY: NOOB vs PRO: TRAIN HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Today we are building train houses to keep our friends Mikey and JJ and their family safe can we build them in time before the sun goes down and the zombies attack looks like the sun is in the middle of the sky so we do not have a

Lot of time to build these trains and get Mikey and JJ and their families to safety okay JJ’s family and all right Mike’s family we need to split up in order to help you guys I’ll take JJ’s family and you need to take Mikey’s family Milo don’t worry Mikey’s family

I’m going to build the best train so that we can escape from the zombie invasion they’re coming soon we need to hurry let’s go the first thing that we need to grab is a train station this is the most important block so I’m going to

Put mine right over here it needs to be facing in this direction because that’s where the train is going to go it’s important that Mikey and JJ’s families stay over there on the side of the platform they cannot be on the tracks it’s too dangerous now that we’ve put

Down the train station we need need to grab a train casing if we click assemble new train we’ll be able to pop it right over here this is the beginning of the train that we’re actually going to make I’m going to be building my train out of

Iron as well as netherite it’s going to be so cool and I guess I’ll need some deep slate as well we can’t just have iron and netherite that would look a little bit crazy oh yeah this is going to be so awesome I think the floor of my

Train can totally be made out of polished deep slate this is going to be the engine room so it needs to be pretty cool looking and it also needs to really work that’s why the sides need to be ironed because iron is such a tough block it can survive really really high

Amounts of heat and it can survive a lot of zombie attacks which we’re definitely going to need all right I think this is a pretty good hype for my engine room how’s your train coming along Milo it’s really good I’m super excited for my train to save the day really your

Train’s going to save the day what makes you say that well I’m building it out of really good materials like dirt and wood and maybe even a little bit of of moss if Mike’s lucky what Moss Milo that is not how you build a train and dirt and

Wood really I don’t think this has a very good chance of working well that’s who who makes you the train expert chip um the fact that I’m building a train right now kind of makes me an expert Milo I’m really worried for you if your train doesn’t work then you and Mikey’s

Family will be eaten by zombies thanks for worrying chip but you don’t need to we’re going to be just fine oh gosh I’m really worried now the tunnel is only a certain amount of blocks high so we can’t build Too Tall I still want to make sure this train looks awesome

Though so I’ll make it pretty long in the front we can have a bunch of different carriages but the engine room needs to be the best one it’s the first Carriage so if we run into any zombies on the tracks this Carriage needs to be strong enough to be able to fend them

Off I say we need some walls on top these walls are going to act as a chimney for the train we also need to grab some glowstone because this train cannot see in the dark on its own by adding some headlights at the the front of the train we totally make it much

Safer and it really means we probably won’t hit any zombies on the tracks at least hopefully not because we also need to add some glass I think orange glass is the perfect choice here it’s a nice orange color and it’ll help stop any zombies from climbing Through the

Windows I’m also going to add a netherite ring around the front of the train this will really help make it tough and strong it’ll also make it a little bit heavier but I think that’s not important because it’ll be so much tougher that the zombies won’t even be

Able to climb it I’ll also make the netherite blocks go down the center like this this train is already looking so awesome wo I love this thing so far I cannot wait to ride it to escape and survive all those zombies Milo what do you think the zombies are attacking us

For well I have an idea but I’m a little bit embar to say okay you can tell me your idea while I put furnaces inside my engine room to help my train go quicker you have an engine room what the Yeah of course I have an engine room I’m going

To put furnaces in it so that my engine can go so fast but what do you think the zombies are here for well remember how I was chewing really loudly and you got mad at me Milo I don’t think it has anything to do with that you’re crazy

But hang on a second you might actually be on to something you were chewing really really loudly while I put this orange seat down I think I better be so careful because your chewing might have attracted the zombies yeah that’s what I’m thinking and if that’s true I’m

Really sorry everyone I’ll try not to chew want my butt seats loudly anymore that’s okay Milo you don’t have to apologize all you have to do now is survive I’ll work with you on this Milo we don’t have to compete if we all get in my train we’ll have a way better

Chance of surviving I don’t want to go inside your train my train is beautiful Mikey’s going to totally love it oh look Mikey and JJ’s families are getting restless if we don’t build this quick enough before the zombies arrive they’ll totally leave I better get going on my

Next train Carriage I’ve already built the engine room but I need to lay the foundation for my next few trains yeah you’re taking forever boo hurry up hey you’re taking a while as well Milo don’t attack me for something you’re doing too every single one of my train carriages

Needs to be connected I think they need to be huge as well so I’m going to leave a pretty big gap in between them I think this is a pretty good spot to place them I want to have lots of different carriages cuz my train needs to fit lots

Of people especially if everybody needs to evacuate your train Milo and come on to mine because why does your train have spikes on it because I’m trying to make it scary so the Zombies Run Away oh Milo if the spikes are too much then what if Mikey’s kid gets stuck on them that

Definitely won’t happen mind your business chip my train is awesome and these zombies are not going to want to mess with me okay I guess I trust you Milo but I’m just a little worried I’m also placing this deep slate but I need to be careful if I place this even

Slightly wrong there will be no Bridge connecting the train carriages and JJ’s kid could definitely fall off as well as JJ and his wife not to mention Mikey’s family if Mikey has to come over to my side too I’ve got to make sure I place these really carefully so that that does

Not happen I also need to place them quietly oh goodness there are so many things to worry about but I can’t let myself be too struck with fear I need to focus on making sure I build this properly there are so many things I need

To include in my train as well I’ve got to have every single thing we could possibly need to survive these zombies like an alarm Bell System maybe even a carriage where we have weapons and armor on it that’ll totally stop the zombies especially if they break into the train

I can even have a bedroom Section and a secret security bunker that we can Retreat to at the back of the train that way in case the zombies get really close we’ll still have somewhere to go and of course Milo I’m still going to make it big enough for everyone I really don’t

Think your train will work it’s made out of wood and dirt and you’re never really good at building these sorts of things what that’s so rude what and D are the perfect materials for train every train I’ve been on has been made of wood and dir oh Milo I think that’s why every

Train you’ve made hasn’t worked very well that’s so good I’m a really good train engineer yeah but so am I Milo that’s why I’m making my train so good I’m adding train sliding doors to it so that they can go right in the walls I’ll add some more blocks of iron this train

Is going to be so awesome my first Carriage is going to have blocks of netherite on the very sides just like this but most of the walls will definitely be Iron I think that’s a pretty smart idea it’ll definitely help us survive and iron wears less than

Netherite so if my whole train is netherite it probably won’t go very fast and the zombies might be able to catch up that would be a disaster I’m never going to let that happen let’s add more iron blocks around the top just like this I also need to have huge Windows on

My train that way we can see any threat that might be coming that’s why the windows are only one block High zombies cannot fit through one block High Windows unless they’re baby zombies luckily I will will be adding glass panes to those windows to make sure that

Even baby zombies do not come through let’s add an orange glass pane I think this is the perfect color it really matches my engine room as well speaking of my engine room I should probably add some windows on the sides of that too that way we can see out let’s add some

More netherite blocks just here wo this Train’s already looking pretty awesome now I think it’s time for me to make my roof let’s use polished deep slate slabs for the roof just like this this is what real trains use train roofs have to be go thin so they don’t scrape the top of

Any tunnels they go through CH what is it mil I just had a really scary thought what’s your scary thought tell me now well what if the zombies also have a train and they try to use it to crash into US oh Milo that’s a really good

Point you just have to make sure that your engine is as fast as mine my engine is going to be turbocharged it’s going to go so quickly and uh-oh I just fell off that could not be good I’ve got to make sure that my train does not have

Gaps like this this way we could fall and get caught by the zombies I also think if the zombies have their own train we better build some sort of defense mechanism at the very back of the train that way they will not be able

To follow us I need to grab a bunch of seats to put inside this Carriage I’ll grab some orange ones as well as some red ones for me and JJ’s family I’m also going to grab lime seats and blue seats that way Milo if you or Mikey really

Need to evacuate you have a place to go I don’t like your train I’m not stepping foot on that that thing what but I spent so long on it it looks great so far and um Milo why does your train have a cactus it’s for looking at in case I get

Bored Milo you w need to look at a cactus we’ll be moving there’s nothing boring about that at all well not for you maybe but I get Bor really easily Milo this is a disaster I also need to grab some chests these chests will go on

The roof of my train this way every passenger has a storage place we can keep all of our belongings and all our luggage in here as well there are going to be four double chests on either side that way me you and Mikey and JJ’s families will all have somewhere to put

Our belongings and at the very back I’m just going to put some bookshelves so we have some nice entertainment to read we’ll never get bored on my train I’m already bored of your train what Milo you haven’t even seen it yet it’s not even done well I just know you and

Pretty much you’re always building boring things it might be boring but it’s definitely going to survive Milo you know it’s not too late for you and Mikey’s family to join me and JJ’s family on this train yep my train will work perfectly finely thank you very

Much in fact my train will be faster and stronger than yours in every way I am not convinced Milo yeah well get convinced buddy I’ll get going on the next part of my train to show you that you need to join my train as soon as you

Can all right FL boy in order to make sure that I’m not just lying and that my train really will go fast I need to give it a test first I need to grab some superglue trains need to be super glued together otherwise everything in them

Will fall apart that would be a disaster because it would mean we won’t be able to go it would also mean we leave all of our valuable items on the tracks where the zombies can get it that would be a disaster I’m not going to let that

Happen I’m just supergluing all of this together we need to superglue each carriage separately that way there will be no random moments where we discover that one part of our train is Left Behind if we don’t superglue our trains correctly it will be a real massive disaster luckily I’ve really thought

This through so we won’t have a disaster at all I just need to highlight the back parts of the train like this it’s important that when we use the real train to go it’s not empty like this one is that way the zombies could jump onto

It from the top of the tunnel or climb onto it from the sides if we need to slow down we can only go to the end of the track so we can’t go too far hopefully we go fast enough that the zombies can’t follow all right now that

We’ve superglued everything we need to go back to the train station and assemble the train oh yeah look it’s totally working let’s name this chips train oh yeah the train is in capital letters because this train is super duper loud I hope it’s so loud that it

Scares the zombies away I’m done being quiet maybe if we’re loud enough the zombies will be too scared but now that we’ve assembled the train we can see that all of the carriages are now connected the middle Wheels have also been removed because we had way too many

This makes the train even lighter hopefully this will make it a bit easier to get from platform to platform but now that we’ve assembled the train it is time to give it a go and start testing the engine room I really hope this works look the control panel now has levers on

It all right let’s give it a go I really hope this works and wo look the train is actually moving wo I don’t want to go too far though we better quickly reverse the train now you can even see out the windows and the station as well now we

Just have to park the train right at the train station perfect this is awesome now we can exit the train disassemble it so that we can start creating more parts perfect I’m really going to make this train as good as we possibly can let’s continue building oh chip that was crazy

Your train just started moving yeah it did I’m so proud of it aren’t you impressed Milo yeah I’m pretty impressed to be totally honest what are you building now now I’m building the next part of my train this is going to be a nice play area for the kids if the kids

Get too bored they’ll run away and they’ll totally land themselves in with the zombies I’m not going to let that happen though this play area needs to be so fun I got already made a play area as well um Milo where’s your play area look it’s got some doors here Milo there’s no

Railings if the kids play on your play area they’ll fall off on the tracks it’s fine they’ll be okay these kids are really smart oh gosh Milo I’m so worried about you anyway best of luck I just need to focus on my building now that I’ve placed all of that netherite I need

To grab some blocks of diamond this play area needs to be so fun and diamond blocks will definitely help help with that this play area is even going to look like a bouncy castle I bet I can add slime blocks inside to make it super bouncy and springy and fun oh yeah this

Is going to be so awesome no one will ever want to leave and Milo you know that Mikey’s kid is also welcome in this play area right well that’s nice but he’s totally not going to use it why not Milo I really think he should no he

Doesn’t want to he even told me what you can speak to Mikey’s kid well not really but I thought he just was whispering to me but he was just sneezing oh okay that’s really silly I bet your train has a lot of dust in it to make people

Sneeze yeah that’s a little bit of dust but that just happens when you use wood and dir to build Milo this is why you should use iron blocks and netherite as well as diamond blocks now too yeah I don’t need any of that fancy stuff I

Just need my good old wood and duck oh gosh Milo I’m really worried about you but right now I just need to make this play area and I’ve got a bunch of colors I think will be perfect I say if we grab all of our colors plus some nice yellow

And magenta to spice things up it’ll look so cool we’ll have a line of JJ carpets and Mikey carpets right next to each other we’ll also have orange for chip Light Blue for Milo and yellow and purple for I have no idea let’s add some more different carpets around here oh

Wow it looks so cool and I guess we can do this design for Milo as well I’m sure he’ll totally love it oh wow this play area looks so fun and it’s really bouncy as well I’m sure Mikey and JJ’s kids will absolutely love this Mikey stop it

Stop staring at me wait Mikey what are you looking at and hey why is there TNT on the back of my train Milo what are you doing I don’t know what you’re talking about this is so dangerous I can’t believe you do something like this is this because you’re jealous that my

Train looks so good so far no I’m just sick of you always being rude about my beautiful train Milo I’m just worried that your train won’t work well I’m worried that your brain won’t work wa that’s a sick burn but I think the next sick burn will come from my super cool

Weapons room where I’m going to have lots of weapons with fire and different abilities this room will be made out of Bas salt iron and chains as well it’s going to look so cool at the bottom we’ll have some Bas salt connected to some iron just like this it needs to

Make a really cool grid shape it can be one block shorter than this other bouncy castle room that one only needed to be so tall so that nobody would hit their head on it luckily I don’t think they will so this room should be pretty okay now let’s continue the same design on

The other side I’m still so upset about Milo placing TNT is going to be something I can do to teach him a lesson he should not be pranking me right now that is a really bad idea and besides if he destroys my train then I’ll have to

Go under his and nobody would survive not even JJ or Mikey’s family wait a second that gives me a good idea maybe I can prank Milo to make him come over to my train and he’ll bring Mikey’s family with him him that will keep everybody

Safe I know exactly what I’m going to do I’m going to grab a silverfish spawn egg and spawn it right inside Milo’s train we’re going to tell him that it’s infested with silverfish and that the train inspector won’t allow it wait a second they’re all running away H I need

To rethink this let’s spawn them inside this compartment luckily Milo does not see us so we have to quickly go back and pretend we were building the whole time la la la I’m just building my train Milo no one cares but wait a second chip best

S fish on my train oh no Milo silverfish do not pass the safety inspection your train needs to be cancelled get away silverfish you’re disgusting oh thank goodness they’re all off my train now but that was really nasty dang it it didn’t work Milo is still building his

Train and Mikey’s family could still be going on it that would be a disaster we need to keep thinking of other ways we can make sure that they come over here it’s the only way to make sure everyone is safe from the zombies I’m building a super awesome weapon room though by

Adding chains in the walls we have a great view of the zombies and zombies cannot break through chains they’re made out of iron and iron nuggets so they’re so strong it’ll be a really good way to see outside of the train carriage and to use our weapons through the gaps without

The zombies being able to get back in GH there are still silverfish everywhere though that’s so gross yeah and I’m having to use all my precious time getting rid of them because Mikey’s wife does not like silverfish Milo I’m just worried that your train won’t work and

It’ll become a victim to the zombies have you even superglued it yet super glued it no way I hate superglue it’s so sticky what Milo if you don’t use superglue your train will not work it’ll just stay there and the zombies will totally get you and Mikey’s family yeah

Well who made you the train expert um studying trains and building an awesome train like this one Milo can you even name one train yeah I can and his name is Thomas Thomas the Tank Engine oh Milo I think I need to come over and help you

You can’t just have a train like this if your train is going to not work at least let me help you a little bit well I guess you can help me a little bit if you have to Milo your engine room has absolutely no furnaces in it you have no

Coal Power so I’m going to replace these trap doors with blast furnaces just like this I guess that’s okay but I really liked my trapo design yeah I guess I liked it too but you also need some pipes coming off of them this way the steam power can connect up to the main

Pot of the train wow that’s pretty cool actually I did not know yeah that’s totally understandable and you’ll also need a valve handle this will help you pick the amount of speed you want your train to have well that’s awesome I hope it really works oh yeah it totally will

I’m going to go add these to my train as well I totally forgot them I was so worried about you and Mikey’s family that I didn’t even think about it well thanks for your help chair you’re welcome Milo anything to help you Mikey and JJ’s family survive this I need to

Add some deep slight stairs this way while piloting the train we have a way better view before we could only see up to here which was not great this way we can see any zombies that might be coming I’m also going to replace my chimney on top of the train with this super

Hightech copper pipe one oh yeah that looks way better already it also looks like it would do so much smoke as well I’m loving this so far I’m also going to add some buffers on the front of the train this way if we hit an object it

Won’t totally go through and we’ll have nice braking Force before it does any damage let’s add some more netherite blocks right over here this way the first carriage and the engine Carriage match in design it’s time to fill our weapons room with a bunch of different

Weapons I think I know exactly what I need to do first we’ll grab some chests and some armor stands as well we can’t use item frames because the things inside the item frames would probably just fall out we are on a moving train after all we have to be really careful

Let’s grab a full set of netherite armor and put it on each of those different armor stands wo I just got an ACH achievement Milo I’m already accomplishing so much I’ll do even more once we survive these zombies without trains what time are we going to survive everything’s looking great yeah totally

I still think you need to work on your train though now that I have all these netherite weapons I’m going to put them inside this chest we’re going to have so many swords zombies use up a lot of a swords durability so by having a bunch of different swords we won’t have any

Risk of losing them let’s also grab every different kind we need to grab a dancer sword and a Claymore this is a really big blade let’s also grab a Sinister sword and a broadsword let’s give each of them their whole row and wait I hear a silverfish will be able to

Test out one of them the other ones need to be able to do their purpose so by testing one of them we don’t waste unnecessary swords all right this sword should totally work and wo it does great swipping damage and this sword is so big

I wonder how big the broadsword is wo it one hit killed that silverfish that is awesome I say we definitely need a whole chest full full of the broadsword it did so much damage I think this one’s a great choice this way it does not compete with any of the other swords

Inside this chest we also need some golden materials let’s also grab a bunch of different kinds of bows these power guardian and trick bows will be really helpful let’s make a whole chest full of each different kind of bow we’ll definitely have to test out each one on

Each of the zombies let’s also grab a bunch of arrows I think the spectral arrow is great and wo there’s a red snake bow as well I didn’t even see that let’s add only one of them we’ll also give it some space around it so it looks really really distinct from all the

Other bows it’s a legendary weapon as well the trick bow is only a common it’s just like the bone bow and the guardian bow I cannot wait to see what these do let’s make another chest here and fill it with spectral arrows these are way better than regular arrows now I need to

Add some lanterns and some campfires this Carriage needs to be really really bright and wait a second I totally forgot to put the golden apples anywhere let’s add them next to the swords the enchanted golden apples can go here and the regular golden apples can go there perfect now let’s Place lanterns all

Along the top of this Carriage we’ll also place a campfire right here as well as a bunch of train trap doors surrounding it to make sure that it’s really secure and it won’t totally burn JJ’s kid Milo your train is making a whole lot of noise are you sure we

Should be this noisy when the zombies are on the horizon yeah it’s the party Carriage Milo it’s more like the FY Carriage it’s making so many ft noises right now oh fine I’ll switch it out if you really hate it but that’s really me mean sorry Milo I don’t mean to be mean

All I want is to survive that is my main goal I’m totally going to survive I got this under control Milo I don’t really believe you and I think I need to come and look at your train besides the Sun is almost setting it’s already basically

Over the hill if I don’t check your train now we will not know if it’ll work and that could leave you and Mikey’s family vulnerable to zombies feeling pretty wored right now not going to lie me too but don’t worry Milo just show me what you have and I’ll be a able to

Figure out if it’ll work or not well we’ve got an epic engine room which you helped me build so it better work yeah it’s one part of it but the rest of your train needs to be just as good if you want it to go well this is my little Art

Gallery I just like to look at the paintings when I get a little bit bored okay I guess it’s good to have odd on a train but is this your sleeping area yeah it’s the bedroom isn’t it awesome um Milo there’s no guard rails and everybody’s sleeping next to Giant

Spikes well I didn’t think about that moving on okay I’m so worried and why are there two doors inside this room this is the toilet oh uh it looks great Milo yeah you can use it whenever you want um Milo the toilet doesn’t have a sewage system so any item dropped inside

Will stay there forever no it just drops at the bottom of the train ew that’s disgusting and what is this room this is the party room where everyone comes and has a really cool dance why are the piglin head on the sides of this Carriage well because zombies are kind

Of scared of piglins so they’re going to scare them oh Milo that’s not true I don’t know who told you that but the rest of your train is so bad if this final room is not really impressive then I officially declare it will not go well you already know about the cactus room

But this last Carriage is a lot of sores that are going to chip up the zombies when they go past okay that’s pretty good not a bad idea Milo but I don’t know I’m worried I think I need to make room for the possibility that you cannot

Get Mikey’s family to safety you don’t have to worry but I do want to see your train anyway okay sure here is the back room I haven’t made it yet I’m going to turn it into a really cool Final room but here is the weapons room the back

Rooms I don’t want to go on back rooms in your train Milo not the back rooms the back room it’s basically a caboose it sounds like the same thing to me but anyway this is the weapon room where we keep our netherite armor and our overpowered bows and swords well that’s

Good it’s always nice to have some weapons I suppose um Milo before we go into the bouncing room could you please not bring that dead piglin head inside okay ew don’t leave it in the weapons room well I don’t know where else to put it you didn’t give me any options Milo

Just put it in the campfire it’ll burn up all right now we need to go through into the bouncy castle room uh-oh I totally fell down there I think I need to add a trapo but look this whole room is so bad and fun this is a really fun

Room this is my favorite Carriage of them all thanks Milo I also have more carriages though I’ll place a trapo so we can get inside and here’s the sitting room it’s also where we have a bunch of storage for everybody to keep all of their belongings yeah this is pretty

Nice I mostly like the blue seat yeah that’s there in case your train fails and I need to bring you all along oh I don’t like it anymore then okay Milo and over here is the engine room my engine room has a really good view of the front

This is a really nice engine room chip you tottally did a great job with this thanks Milo that’s why my train is going to go I better get building the final Carriage though we know that the sun is about to go down and once it does the

Zombies will attack and our trains need to be finished by then yeah I’m pretty much nearly finished I’m just going to do some last touches on mine okay good idea I wish you the best of luck Milo I need to grab netherite blocks blocks of iron as well as orange tained glass I’m

Not going to forget the Deep slight slabs first I’m going to grab polished deep slate walls and place them right above some slabs on the sides just like this perfect this looks great already I’ll do the same on the front and the back sides as well let’s place the slabs

First so that we can have a really good blueprint for putting the walls down this room is going to be pretty tall so I need to make sure I don’t waste time tall rooms take way longer to build than short rooms so by making it tall we

Really have to commit to this I’ll also put blocks of netherite on the side just like this it is the back room after all so the zombies will probably totally find it and it has to be really strong to make sure they can’t just attack let’s place netherite blocks on the

Sides as well as a little balcony on the back this balcony needs to be really safe though because it’s going to be the final thing protecting us from the zombies I’m going to make it out of iron bars this way the zombies will not be able to break through let’s also add

Some slabs over the top of it so it makes a really nice roof and the zombies won’t be able to fall down onto it now we have to place blocks of iron just like this I think this is a pretty good size for the windows this back room

Needs to be really well defended so the windows can’t be too big let’s place them just like this and we can even make them only one high I’m also going to place blocks of netherite on the top just like this now we can add out deep

Slate slabs and the roof will almost be done we’ve also got to add deep slate to the very middle of it I also need to add deep sight to the middle of this Carriage too I almost totally forgot that would have made our roof Way Too

Thin which means it would be way weaker giving the zombies a big chance of getting through I would never let that happen at least not if I knew about it that’s why I’m correct correting it now I’m not going to let our train have a single mistake that’s what’s going to

Make it so Pro all right wait Milo you’ve added diamond armor to the very back of your train yeah that’s Milo’s defense stuff having your defense stuff in the very back of the train could be a bad idea it will make it really hard to

Get to if you have to reach it in an emergency well it’s not a bad idea cuz I’m the smartest birdie in the world oh gosh okay uh yeah totally I’m going to place more blocks of iron like this as well as a train trapo I also place the

Train door right over here perfect the back side of this room can also have a train door but it’s going to be surrounded by netherite blocks it’s got to be really really well protected and I actually might move this whole wall a little bit backwards let’s Place those

Deep slate slabs back I think the blocks of netherite fit really really well here it does mean the balcony is a little bit smaller but that’s okay if that’s the price to pay for safety so be it instead of orange glass on these walls I’m going

To have iron bars this is the final security room it’s where we need to run and hide in case the zombies make it through I’m going to add different colored beds inside the Security Vault this is where we will sleep because when we’re sleeping the train will not be

Able to go that makes it really dangerous because the zombies could Ambush Us in the night I’m going to add every bed that anyone could need for here perfect I can’t even see the sun anymore that’s how late it’s getting Milo Milo we need to get inside now the

Sun is about to set and the zombies are about to arrive oh my gosh I’m totally freaking out this is scary we need to get Mikey and J J ‘s families on our trains before the zombies arrive all right let’s do it let’s go quickly hey

Miky miky it’s time to go on my train All Aboard all right JJ’s entire family is now safely on my train and oh no the zombie invasion has started I better run through my train and make sure I get back to the safety of the carriage oh my

Gosh chip there zombies are here oh no I see them too Milo I have to run as quick as I can the baby zombies are right underneath us I have to shut these doors all right JJ’s family stay safe I’m going to Pilot this thing oh no chip

This is really bad I agree Milo but we have to go look my Train’s working hooray a chip what is it Milo we have a little problem because my train is not working what your train isn’t working how is that possible Milo I told you this would happen I didn’t know it

Wasn’t going to work I was really trying to build a good train okay I have to reverse to come and save you guys this is Bad Milo this puts JJ family in danger oh no I feel really bad please help me chip I’m so scared I will don’t

Worry I’ve built everything I need to be able to save you guys I just have to make sure I get back through without dying to these zombies oh goodness this is going to be bad I can hear so many of them I just need to make it to the

Weapons room this is where I keep all my op items okay I need one of every sword and a whole stack of Enchanted apples I also need to grab a netherite pickaxe and a netherite axe just like this okay perfect I’ll arrange my inventory so

It’s really neat and I think I also need some super overpowered bows let’s get each legendary bow I think the legendary ones are definitely the best we also need a whole bunch of arrows to be able to use the bows oh no the zombies are

Really going for Milo this is bad I bet come save him hey yeah take that zombie a chip that totally got me surrounded okay I’ve just put on my netherite Al a Milo so don’t worry I’m on my way oh no the zombies are here and I think one of

My bows dropped through the floor that is not good I need to quickly run this is Bad Milo I did not want it to start this way wait a second it’s in my inventory hey zombies take this this is the red snake bow it’s such a cool

Weapon wao Milo there are so many zombies on me oh my gosh and there’s more that keep on coming I can’t believe it’s this bad this is really bad Milo hey zombies take that and stay back oh no Milo I’m losing a lot of Health right

Now I need to use another one of my bows yep I’ve got some enchant Ed golden apples if you need them thanks Milo I’ve actually got my own but I have a bunch of spare as well in case anybody needs them I can provide as well I’m going to

Use my bone bow the arrows get bigger and bigger the further away they get so if I shoot them up into the sky they’ll rain down as massive arrows on the zombies make sure you don’t get Mikey and his family goodness gracious yeah I’ll try my hardest Milo I do not want

To get Mikey or his family and I also don’t want to get out trains too that would be terrible hey zombies I’m going to use the Sinister sword wo it does potion effects on them these zombies are really strong Milo they’re taking so much damage I don’t think I’ll be able

To destroy them all but what I will be able to do is to come over and rescue you and Mikey’s family from your train quickly chip we don’t have a lot of time come on Mikey’s family oh no I have to break into the train luckily the netherite axxe will be really helpful

For that I need to rush though the zombies do not leave much room come on guys we have to go come on everyone thank goodness we’re all here but hey JJ’s sitting on my seat Milo we don’t have time for this you need to sit down

So I can pilot this thing come on Mikey’s baby go sit down you cannot be standing it’s not safe but you know what I don’t think we have time to worry about that I need to shut the door so I can pilot this thing everybody hold on

Tight it’s going to be a bumpy ride to escape these zombies oh my gosh chip your Train’s really moving wo I can hear it damaging them we have to go quicker we have to go through the tunnel before the zombies follow us oh my gosh I’m really scared right now wo oh goodness

This is bad I need to control it but I can’t see where we’re going I really hope this works I can still hear zombies though so we need to go further y I’m going to jump over to your Carriage oh Milo I don’t know if that’s a good idea

Okay I’m here how can I help oh hold on tight Milo we’re reaching the bumpy section of the ride wow that is crazy it’s so steep I don’t know how we made it this far but wait a second Milo I think we’ve reached open air and I don’t

Hear any more zombies wow we really made it chip I think we totally survived we did let’s just check on Mikey and JJ’s family I really hope we can make this jump okay I made it Milo and you made it as well look everybody is safe and we’re

Away from any zombies yay we really survived the zombie attack thank goodness you know how to make a good train chip yeah Pros will always survive a zombie attack when you have an awesome Pro train woohoo HBY

Our friends Mikey and JJ are in big trouble so now, we have to build them TRAIN HOUSES and make sure they work! But what happens when the zombies attack our trains?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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