Music Producer CAPTIVATED by Terraria Calamity Soundtrack

[Applause] That is a combination I never expected to hear and I welcome it genius Masterpiece this is the music of Terraria Calamity catastroph fees before the Calamity interlude 3 oh okay so I’m guessing this is a series of interludes there he is again dm dokuro with his favorite chromatic descending chord [Applause] [Applause] so much ear candy going on here especially with those Lush sounding synths and this clean guitar arpeo which by the way kind of sounds almost like a piano etud a piano Exercise [Applause] Hell yeah that dropped [Applause] Aah [Applause] [Applause] W [Applause] yes the power ballad section of the metal section and those ethereal sounding piano arpegios in the background with uh lots of heightened reverbs it’s making this sound both powerful yet Ethereal yeah such passionate lead guitar playing making it sound almost like it’s singing it’s such a lyrical style of playing [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Tempo slowing down to give you a chance to absorb this sudden Grandeur Wow okay for the standards of song length in the Terraria Calamity Soundtrack This is what I would consider short and sweet I like it it’s a standalone story in itself feels like you’re trekking in a jungle environment then you suddenly stop at a cliff and then you see the beauty of the

Wilderness almost like that feeling when link ran to the cliff in breath of the wild stopping and then seeing the grandness of the surrounding world around him something like that yeah beautiful One A by the way I heard you love video game music I arrange and produce an album series called video game music box these are music box arrangements of your favorite game soundtracks from Zelda to Mario they’re essentially lullab for gamers and I just dropped a new album Terraria Calamity volume 1 for your

Enjoyment links in the description stained brutal Calamity I know a lot of you have been waiting for this moment and I have been waiting for this moment as well 13 minute song oh wow there’s usually a significance when a composer decides to write longer music like what

Happened with Nobu o Matsu he just got so engrossed and so passionate about writing dancing mad that he kept on going and going because he had so much to give and that is usually something that represents a moment where the composer just got so much into the Zone

He got so inspired that they just had to make an extended Masterpiece couldn’t leave us well enough alone could you everything was going well until you came along fine let’s settle this [Applause] Now [Applause] Yeah [Applause] GL [Applause] Wow in the context of Terraria Calamity this is like his Beethoven Symphony Number n an opus that is just so inspired so passionate I can hear the same similar harmonic progression as tale of a cruel world but this time oh my God in the epic orchestration style that you can hear in orchestral

Masterpieces like Carl ORS Carmin Burana or like I said Symphony Number n there is always something ethereal and haunting with coral pieces played with an entire Orchestra or an entire Orchestra sounding Arrangement where to even begin wow let’s keep listening and see where this leads All M The Like I said this is his dancing mad moment his One-Winged Angel moment a gamechanging piece of music that totally upends the whole soundtrack I’m at a loss for words right Now The Before we let DM deuro continue with his wonderful singing voice I just got to point out that this is a marriage of two of my favorite styles like I said earlier the gothic slbo style Coral hymns with the orchestra with all those suspended cadences that is very much

Heard in Baro orgon pipe organ church music Coral music it’s all present in here the classical music theory rules of following quote unquote strict harmonies but only to a certain extent I keep hearing that signature DM deuro minor third or major third modulation up or

Down he does it it’s a great example of a Visionary composer knowing traditional music theory but chose to upend it anyway so what we have here is a masterpiece of music that sounds in some certain sections almost as as if you’re listening to a coral hymn by heyen or

Mozart but with the skin and bones of symphonic metal and the cordal sensibilities of DM Deuro Bab your manal for it to is b loing trust anding friendship and raous goting right the to your sness watching as courage turns into madness are you sure you want to lose your life from the wi who had come are you Nothing but St oh wow okay he definitely puts the symphonic in symphonic metal it’s more symphonic with a hint of metal and we’re hearing like the tropes In classical music writing of music that is supposed to sound massive and Heavens shattering massive string orchestras church organs and that massive orchestral choir that

Is like the Holy Trinity of writing massive sounding music in the classical Context It’s so thrilling to hear the chord progression that he keeps using on the main theme but in a huge Orchestra Coral Arrangement it’s a great use of light Motif callback but in this sense light Motif usually refers to single line melodic passages and composers would like to spread that melodic call back

All around the soundtrack kind of like how Toby Fox uses The Melody of hopes and dreams and spreads it around other songs in the soundtrack but he changes the harmony sometimes he changes the chord progression to it this one in uh DM dururo he does also retain the original chord progression and the

Melody but dresses it up in a different instrumentation Arrangement Wow Yeah that Cadence that is a very classical Cadence right There [Applause] all [Applause] Okay could I just say that that almost traditional sounding Coral Counterpoint right there very Baro very medieval style and then that sudden entrance of a sliding Baseline that is a combination I never expected to hear and I welcome [Applause] [Applause] It Oh Oh Okay the coral Parts where the chords kept on descending you would usually hear that in funeral songs like the very famous One Mor Tarts reu it would usually be associated with hallowed ceremonies funerals or prayers or masses associated with something Melancholy or sad but then you add a powerful metal rhythmic

Accompaniment to it and what do you get it becomes some sort of energized sadness energetic Melancholy For Of course Calamity signature Bells This piece totally deserves its length because it’s got so many things to say I can still hear this DM deuro style of the contrast of the Sinister and the hopeful and we’ve seen that with a lot of the other Tera Calamity songs he loves to inject a hopeful sounding

Section in between a song that begins or starts as something more serious and dramatic this time it’s 100 times reflected in this masterpiece right here and choosing to end it with that acceptance part at the very end with this sustained pedal to and the heavy Reverb on the piano

Symbolizing a huge cavernous sound typically like a church the classical aspect of writing that is reflected in his music is usually music that used to be associated with church music in the classical times nowadays it’s now just a style of classical music writing but the history of it Still Remains the

Historical association with it remains that is why this style of music mus right here is still very much like those massive sounding classical masterpieces of that time and wow wow wow if heyen or Mozart was also a metal artist this is what they would write but

Yeah oh wow that song is an absolute journey through Heaven and Hell and maybe Victory and freedom wow GL [Applause] [Applause] A N Now click on this next video if you want more discussions and musical analysis of video game music

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Here’s #Episode15 of my Terraria calamity videos! We have reached the end of the Terraria Calamity soundtrack composed by DM DOKURO. I will be taking a break from Terraria Calamity content for a while and will be pivoting to other franchises while also starting to produce the Calamity violin album.

Be sure to check out my previous Terraria Calamity videos if you’re looking for your favorite song:

Reaction, Analysis, and Improvs by The String Player Gamer
Original music by @DMDOKURO

●Want more of this MUSIC?

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I take video game, film, and TV music suggestions! Suggest a song:

#TerrariaCalamity #MusicReaction #SongReview #StainedBrutalCalamity #CatastrophesBeforeTheCalamity #VideoGameMusic #VGM #Violin #ElectricViolin


  1. 4:50 the epic section is the "Draedon's Motif", my absolute favorite of them all. Appears in "Interstellar Stomper", indicating the creator of Astrum Aureus, can be partially found in "Engineer's Sanctum" (not DM Dokuro's, theme of the Bio Labs), showing the absence of the owner, and finally it is implemented into the Exo Mechs themes by PinpinNeon (Infernal Fabrications, Catastrophic Fabrications, and Zenith Fabrications).

  2. Currently, there is another boss in Calamity called Draedon and his Exo Mechs that is the same difficulty as Supreme Calamitas with an equally as hard hitting theme in the works.
    Keyword: In the works. It's still not finished and is being developed by a different musician, CDMusic, as I'm sure you're well aware by now that DM Dokuro has stopped producing music for the Calamity mod. However, much of the sneak peaks he has given out show a lot of promise to be just as good as Stained, Brutal Calamity. I highly recommend checking the song out whenever it releases, as well as the three themes he has currently made for Calamity's boss rush mode, if you feel so inclined.

  3. Вы говорили, что ближе к финалу музыка звучать как-то грустно, словно похоронная, мне кажется это довольно точное описание. Насколько я знаю, во время Old lore игрок именно убивал Высшую Каламитас, возможно, от того и такой мотив песни. Уже после lore был переработан, а игрок в итоге пощадил Высшую Каламитас, и (в игре) Высшая Каламитас становится NPC.

  4. Something that came to mind off the back of you mentioning your love of gothic style music was the thought that you might love the soundtrack of Darktide.

  5. I am not super into terraria or calamity mod. But I found this other album not composed by DM DOKURO but that aims to replace the Terraria soundtrack with songs that better fits the ambiance of the Calamity Mod. It is all original and it is also available as a mod for Terraria and on YouTube to listen on its own. it is called The Resurrection of a Cruel World. From what I read, the main theme even uses a section of Tyrant at the end, a scrapped theme for Yharim, which was made by DM DOKURO. If you are up for listening to more Calamity Mod music, it would be a good option. There are songs in that album that also follows a Grief, Lament, Epiphany and Acceptance progression. I am not sure if this album is as bombastic as The Tale of a Cruel World but from the songs that I could hear, they are also really beautiful and inspired. Wish I could tell you more about them but I'm not well versed in music theory myself.

  6. Thats unfortunately all for DM Dokuro's Calamity music. Toxic Wisdom was the last piece of Calamity music he made before quitting because of harassment & impatience of asshoke Calamity fans.

    But there is more Calamity music made by Turquoise (although I think he changed it from Turquoise, don't remember what he changed it to though) & CD Music, they have the spirit of Dokuro in them. Especially CD Music.

  7. God, it's so upsetting that Dokuro was this close to doing the Exo Mechs before the Calamity Community stepped over the line. I would have absolutely loved to see what he did with them. Pinpin and Sidetracked gave me enough to satiate my Exo Mech obsession, but I'm willing to bet Dokuro's track would have blown those out of the water, as good as they are.

  8. You know, in an odd, yet cruel twist, It may have been because of how much DM Dokuro was pushed that he could put so much passion and heart into Stained, Brutal Calamity. When he talks about a "witch" who causes nothing but strife, in a way thats him talking about the hateful community full of trolls and shitty assholes who kept demanding he do the song now. I hate that he suffered like that, but I'm glad he was able to use that pain for this final hurra and turn it into something so beautiful. The only critique I'd ever give is the fact that the chorus's lyrics aren't clear enough, so its hard to tel they are singing anything at first without knowing the lyrics.

    But.. even with that, It's DmDokuro's greatest work, and Its sad he was buyllied out of the community, he deserved better, and I sincerely hope he stumbles across your vids. Cause he needs those words from you, to know that his work wasn't for nothing… or, maybe he doesn't need them anymore. I certainly hope he doesn't as that would mean he's gotten better and is happy again,but still, I think it'd be nice for him to hear that someone like you consider's his work a masterpiece.

  9. DM Dokuro did not deserve all the pressure people put on him, but with all of this he still created such a masterpiece.
    He's such an inspiration and i hope he's doing well wherever he is now.

  10. You are nothing but a fly to be swatted. Bells are ringing. After ripping through the same world she destroyed so long ago, and more importantly killing her boss’s pet, you’ve become an annoyance. The fight has am incredibly brutal start, an incredibly fast and unforgiving bullet hell, most tries at the fight end during it. But when you persevere, when you find your way through her swarm of skulls, she has to start trying, and so the guitar comes in. You’re no longer just a fly to be swatted, it’s personal now. You finally get to start hitting her back, ticking her health down bit by bit, and you claw and scrape and fight for every second of the 12 minute long boss fight.
    You keep clawing your way further and further, and suddenly the music feels different. The sections only progress when you get her health down to certain thresholds and the attacks keep getting harder and harder. But you keep getting further, and the music changes once again, because she’s scared, by the time DM DOKURO has started singing she’s trying so desperately to get you to give up. She’s furious you won’t stay down, and as soon as you clear that section the music has its most important change. It’s your theme now, it’s your bells, they herald your immanent victory. Because the end has come, the witch and the prophecy. She’s still fighting as hard as possible, you’re still clawing for more and more time, to be able to reach the end of the fight, to just have enough time to deal enough damage, but now she’s on the back foot, and you both know it. It keeps getting harder, it keeps getting more intense, the end of the fight has multiple persistent, run ending, and nearly unfair projectiles as she summons all her allies, uses huge and slow moving projectiles that take up almost half the arena and follow you around for the rest of the fight, and never lets up the onslaught of fireballs. But you’re so close, it’s only a matter of time at this point. She’s terrified, she’s pulled out all the stops and somehow you’ve persisted. She is the Crimson Witch, sinker of seas, curse of the hells, killer of gods, a one woman army who serves only the godking conquerer of galaxies.
    But the player has killed gods too, and now she’s next. She’s witnessing and unstoppable force and as much as she likes to believe it she’s not an immovable object. She was like the player once, but she broke against the cruelty of that god emperor who took everything from her so long ago, the one who she has been fought on behalf of. Your bells won’t stop ringing, she’s tired, she’s tried everything. Your theme rings out forcefully once more, those bells that were once hers, that have been ringing for you since you entered this world.
    It’s over. In the quiet section at the end she has stopped fighting.
    She has accepted her loss, so she just talks to you for a little bit. She failed, she can’t return to her post as lieutenant, and if she just hides on some distant world from the godseeker she will surely die by his hand for her failure. She has been so filled with rage for so long, serving the same tyrant who killed her brothers. Perhaps this needed to happen, you’re different than her, you have a chance, Yharim will come but when he brings his armies perhaps you will finally do what she could not. Kill the Godseeker. But for now you rest, for now she does too. And when the day comes when Yharim finally arrives, she’ll help you finish what she failed to do all those years ago.

  11. "Наконец-то, дождались"
    I've been waiting for this moment for a long time because "stained, Brutal calamity" is one of my favorite tracks from Calamity

  12. speaking of community, Dokuro doesn't want to take that pity the majority of community shows. He specifically wanted to not be reminded about that time. He had a weak state of mind naturally, and many troubles he was going through (like losing someone close, dad i believe) had broken him. The community rushing him wasn't the only thing to drive him away, but only a last droplet. Now he wants to forget that time, and with Calamity community continuing to whine its kinda hard. If you actually value Dokuro, stop with the "" Dokuro left😭" mentality, and give some love to current composers, who slowly leave because they feel unneeded, like ENNWAY! (Twisted garden and the entirety of Calamity mod Extra Music pack, alongside other mods), PinPinNeon (Calamity Infernum OST, plus some biome themes for base Calamity), CD Music (Boss Rush themes, and soon Exo Mechs theme), and other. They need that love that is spent at remembering the person who doesn't want to be remembered. I ask you, whoever is reading this, to reevaluate the effort, and listen to the people who give it all for your amusement


    No more holding back
    They'll wish for demise
    They thought they were invincible
    But you could see through their hollow lies
    You've seen how far they've come
    How many they've slain
    You will gladly tear their limbs apart
    All before they start to kill again

    They were seen as a threat from the moment
    The dragon was killed by their hand
    Now you're sent to demolish the foe
    Upon your ruler's despondent demand
    Something tells you they have scaled in their power
    Should they win it shall be your final hour
    But you still have control of the fight
    If they mess up you might have a chance to destroy them
    But is this the right path that you've taken?
    Are your morals correct or mistaken?
    Are you sure you'd want to lose your life
    From a legend who's power could salvage mankind?

    You have known for certain
    Your path is one of justice
    All those who try to obstruct shall have paid the ultimate price
    Yet, upon inspection
    Your foe is overwhelming
    But you remember what she tried to sacrifice
    Signs of self disappointment begin invading (these putrid emotions begin to take control)
    Symptoms of paranoia begin invading (Such petty emotions have sabotaged your soul)
    Your mental fortitude is fading
    Losing trust, ending friendship, and rage escalating
    Right on the road to your sadness
    Watching closely as courage turns into madness
    Are you sure you'd want to lose your life
    From a witch who has caused you nothing but strife?

    The end has come
    The witch and the prophecy
    Deciding fates with the world on the line
    Who shall emerge
    From the ashes of calamity?
    How shall this fable end
    Through these legends intertwined?

    End of reasoning
    Carnage and pain
    A feral sense of dominance
    As all the blood melts into the rain
    A clash of history
    In blood sweat and tears
    This war will cause our world to change
    And will be remembered through the years
    End of reasoning
    Carnage and pain
    A feral sense of dominance
    As all the blood melts into the rain
    A clash of history
    In blood sweat and tears
    This war will cause our world to change
    And will be remembered through the years

    (Edits to fix spelling errors cuz typing on phone with fat fingers is hard, okay?)

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