This is Actually the FASTEST PICKAXE in Terraria…

What is the fastest pickaxe in Terraria that is the question we’re asking today we’re grabbing the strongest pickaxes from vanilla and moded Terraria and we’re going to find out which one is the best so let’s get to it we are here trying to find the best the strongest

The fastest pickaxe in Terraria it has literally been four to 5 years since the last time I did a video about this meaning we got a bunch of new mods that add in pickaxes there’s been updates to the vanilla game itself all kinds of stuff has happened but let’s hop

Straight into it we got our wall here of all the strongest ores and blocks there might be something stronger than lizard blocks nowadays but for now that’s what we got at the end this is just for our strength test we’ll have a speed test later but for our strength test this is

What we’re rocking with okay now last time I went through all the vanilla pickaxes we’re not going to do that this time instead we got the strongest of the strong here with some of the best reforges they can have for Speed except for The Godly laser drill cuz that one

Doesn’t have a speed one apparently and then we’re going to max out everything we can I think it caps out at 70% speed but I think you could get 135% but it caps at 70 so it doesn’t matter but I’m doing it anyways we might as well Max it

Out with all these goodies here but let us start with let’s do the laser drill cuz is the slowest out of all of them let’s do it now obviously we expect this thing to go for probably to the end and probably past the end but let’s see we

Got to put it to the test slow down a little bit I’m not going to lie slowed down when we got to chlorop FY but as you can see fairly fast and at the same time could be faster but it did power through everything now we will have a

Little bit more of a bonus power drill later or bonus power test cuz we’re going to install something like the Calamity mod and use some of their leg game ores but again we’ll separate that into its own thing all right next let’s go on to the pixa here this is one of

Them I expect to zoom through oh my God that was beautiful almost just just tickles your ears that mining sound effect but yeah let’s move on to the solar flare pickaxe this is one of the strongest pickaxes I think in area may not be the fastest but it is one of the

Strongest hey that was pretty fast maybe it is the fastest just kidding it isn’t the fastest cuz we got the ultimate digging tool in Terraria not including mounts and that is the shroomite digging claws this is the thing I expect to go crazy you ready I expect me to be on the

Other side in like half a second let’s get it oh we were zooming but the shroomite digging claws don’t got the power that this does a little bit upsetting I’m not going to lie let’s do it one more time though I just want I just want to see

Compare the speeds back to back oh I don’t know bro honestly the the solar flare one and all the luminite tools oh I don’t know bro it’s hard to tell it’s really a hard to tell thing with just an eye test yeah in terms of vanilla pickaxes trite probably faster luminite

Probably the strongest we got that out of the way let’s get to the next big thing which is the mods I know yall want to see that so we have a couple mods installed here again we are in a newer era of modding for Terraria so you know

A lot of the old pickaxes that were in the original videos they don’t exist anymore so we got some mods lined up here for the earlier ones you know the I would still consider this a weaker tier I grabbed a random pickaxe from thorium one of the random late game ones and

Then we got a Zenith drill from drill expansion we got a Terra pickaxe from miners equipment and we got the terraformer from terraformer simple and then this one we could right click and switch between you know different versions but we’re going to stick with the drill version obviously but let’s

See this one first the white dwarf pickaxe this is pretty much luminite tiered I expect this to do pretty good yes sir and next up is the Zenith drill come on you got Zenith in the name you got to be good there’s no excuse for anything that’s got Zenith in his name

And it’s just kind of slow honestly a little bit upsetting it still got the job done it still got the power but in terms of just raw speed I’ve seen faster with vanilla after that the Terra pickaxe this one literally says no there will be no Zenith pickaxe they don’t

Know what’s going to happen later in the video but it’s separ mod separ mod is fine but this one I expect to be very fast too come on come on that’s solid faster than the Zenith drill there doesn’t need to be a Zenith pickaxe from this mod cuz this obviously gets the job

Done and then we got the terraformer just a sick name so I expect this thing to be crazy let’s see though oh I don’t know it it’s not that slow but at the same time because it’s a laser drill it’s just not as fast as a normal

Pickaxe it’s still strong but it just doesn’t got that speed like the Terra pickaxe it’s time to test the big boys boom as you can see we are four lined up there’s probably more mods with crazier pickaxes but obviously I don’t know every mod that exists but we got some

Big boys lined up I’m very excited to see these in action started with the Zenith pickaxe in its normal mode this thing I expect to annihilate this no problem let’s see yes sir honestly it kind of felt a little slow but don’t tell anybody it wasn’t that slow it was

Fast enough to the point where you know it’s fine it’s fine look that that felt faster maybe I just need a couple reps you know a couple warm-ups and it feels faster but then we move on to this one grandar from the Multiverse of memess

Mod and this one let’s see just how fast grandar is let’s get it okay not bad but you know we got to go we got to go twice yo I feel like the second time is always faster am I tripping am I tripping is it the mouse placement I feel like my mouse

Placement is not terrible I’ll put it all the way on the other side let’s see yo it might be my mouse placement we going back to the Zenith one I’m putting my mouse all the way over here they feel about the same but now we get to everyone’s favorite including my

Favorite honestly and that is the crystal Crusher but not the new Crystal Crusher not this one we got the classic Calamity mod Crystal Crusher before it got the crazy crazy beam it’s just a normal pickaxe here we go oh my God just a handful of swings and we’re there that

Was like two swings look at that two and a half three swings and we get all the way through that no problem oh I messed it up I added an extra layer of lizard blocks is fine but obviously we knew that the crystal Crusher was going to be

One of the best but now we move on to the Moder day Crystal Crusher which honestly I don’t like this Sprite I I think I like the OG Sprite a lot better I don’t know what what do y’all think yeah we got the modern day Crystal Crusher let’s see it’s regular left

Click right yeah regular left click mining speed yo this thing is slow what the heck that is the first time where I really noticed it was way slower way slower why is it so much slower than all the other pickaxes what the heck but it does do one thing better than everything

Else and that is this it does do this oh my God it tore up my whole damn Arena that I had set up it’s time to move on to the speed test here we got all our pickaxes ready to go let’s start with some vanilla ones which

I’m not going to give too much shine to because who really wants to see the vanilla ones still not terrible Pace I think I’d rather use bombs to dig down most of the time anyways but now let us go ahead and try the uh pixa here all

The pixa wants to do is cut down trees okay here we go now we should be gone okay I like that that’s respectable and then we move on to the solar flare pickaxe here this one also should be zoom in and then we get to our Golden Boy the shroomite digging claws wait

Hold up yeah go ahead and cut down those trees let’s see it in action I expect just pure speed I expect to turn into the Flash oh my God does not upset it really does not upset that’s respectable for vanilla Terraria and then we get to

Our modded our first set of modded tools let’s go ahead and see these babies in action not bad and then we get to the zena drill come on you got to make up for your uh you your speed SL power test from earlier do you got speed going down

Wards it does which it really better have speed going downwards cuz it is a drill drills are supposed to be faster and then we get to the terror pickaxe this one did great in its last test oh my God and it did great right here

That’s what you like to see oh my God this thing is moving and then we move on to the terraformer which again is a drill but it’s a laser drill so I really don’t know how this is going to do it’s not that fast the thing about lasers

Drills you know they give up a little bit of their speed for their range which I do like a lot but sometimes I need the speed and just pickaxes are going to get it done most of the time now that we got the little baby pickaxes out of the way

Let’s move here to the big boys the big dogs starting with the Zenith pickaxe in it’s normal mode very very fast acceptable amazing I expect this from something that’s got Zenith in the name and then we move on to the grandar oh yeah this one probably might be the

Fastest so far that’s pretty fast and low key flash banging my screen with this picture of this Grandma hitting the inhaler all right normal Crystal Crusher the classic Crystal Crusher this one should also be very very fast yes sir the crystal Crusher I know and remember

And then we got the new Crystal Crusher this might be slower than some of the vanilla tools that’s a little bit upsetting bro how the Chrystal Crusher really is falling but then again it it it does this it it does this don’t don’t don’t forget that it does this y’all

So I could just go like we’re not done yet though we’re not done yet I really haven’t even shown off the right click mode of the Zenith pickaxe the ultimate mode Let’s see that in action oh yeah now you get why it’s called the Zenith

Pickaxe so if I would want to dig down like that let’s just see how fast that is oh yeah pretty fast pretty fast honestly might keep up with the crystal Crusher our final test to really determine the greatest to pickaxe is to break all the Calamity ores and this is

Modern day Calamity ores not the classic version I went on the wiki gathered all the ores from the lowest tier to the highest tier hopefully I got them in the right order I made sure to kill all the bosses you need to kill so that they can

Break but the question is can all these pickaxes break all of them let’s find out of course we got to start with the vanilla boys starting with the laser drill let’s see you know the first couple should be no problem hold up let me make sure I got my uh encumbering

Stone off so we can actually pick up all the or it’s not messy but the first couple shouldn’t be a problem it slows down a little bit as we can see and then it just stops right here what’s the name of this Ora the exodium cluster which is

Lowkey like my favorite Calamity or I don’t know it just has a sick name on to our next set of vanilla boys here and that is the pixa which I’m assuming stops in the exact same spot I I really think that all of them except for maybe

The luminite one let’s just see the uh digging claws insanely fast man I got to really put some respect on on some digging claws I never get them in playthroughs cuz I feel like I mean it’s pickaxe speed do I really need it sometimes but I might have to put some

Respect on the digging Claws and the luminite one I wanted to say for sa for last because this one I expect to be stronger oh yeah oh yeah God damn what the that thing just kicked me so far away because I couldn’t mind it but as

You can see the luminite ones or the moon Lord ones whatever you want to call these tools they’re pretty good they got all the way up to what is this Ula Bloom good job but they did not mind this one and then we move on to our first tier of

Modded tools here starting with this stor yum post Moon Lord pickaxe what do we got okay stops in the same spot do I want to get touched by this fine whatever only because it’s funny I will get hit by it every time if the pickaxe

Doesn’t get past it oh that one got past it though yo hold up I was lowkey disrespecting the terraformer cuz it was kind of slow but look at this it’s strong enough to break the arore what a surprise that’s an under Underdog Story right there and then we got the Xena

Drill this one I really don’t know what to expect oh my God another Underdog Story too many underdogs maybe the modded pickaxes are just way better oh my God this one’s so fast but it stops at the arc one you hate to see it man

You hate to see it you hate to see it specifically because this Terror pickaxe is crazy fast we are on to the big boys make sure I’m in the right mode okay I’m in the normal mode I expect all of these to make it pass no problem Okay I lied I

Was wasn’t in the normal mode but as you can see the non-normal mode pretty fast now we should be in the normal mode okay I expect it to break everything yep no problem at all these are the god tier pickaxes I expect this Grandma you better do some work right here if you

Don’t get past all this I’m going be very upset with you what’s going on oh I’m in the wrong mode okay let’s see what she got for us okay Grandma I see you she got that speed you know a little hit of that inhaler and she’s moving and

Then of course the greatest pickaxes from this mod I expect to be able to clear all this no problem they’re literally Calamity ores versus the Calamity pickaxes now come on this one a little bit slower but then again it’s literally from the mod and I expect even

The laser itself is going to do enough damage damage my damn platform too this is tough because we got four pickaxes here and they’ve all been very solid I think the winner of the strongest pickaxe might have to come down to y’all in the comment section all that just

Four amazing pickaxes here pickaxes that stand miles above the rest due to you know unique abilities and just overall speed like the grandar might not have crazy abilities it can cut down trees and also cut down walls if I switch it to uh hammer mode here but just its pure

Ability alone its pure speed puts it very high up there with the others cuz like look at this I’m moving and then the OG Crystal Crusher can also keep up with that so we can’t ignore that either the old Crystal Crusher like this is the veteran who still got all the moves and

It can keep up with the youngans and then of course the new Crystal Crusher even though it is slower it’s got just pure athletic ability by just being able to do this so everybody in the comments of this video I want y’all to leave the comment for what you think is the

Strongest the greatest the fastest pickaxes out of these four right here and then on the next video maybe we’ll do like a video it’s like fastest a or something in that video we will announce which one won I I’ll count up all the ones all the comments that you guys

Leave and we’ll see who win so make sure if you think it’s a Zenith pickaxe you type Zenith pickaxe if you think it’s grandmar type grandmar now when we get to the crystal crushes you’re going to have to put either classic Crystal Crusher or the new one now my final

Final test here is can to killab boss I’m bringing out Master mode Golem and we’re going to see if these weapons do anything to master mode bosses really looking at this just off rip not terrible damage for a pickaxe and then what if I switch the form thees

Switching the form make it stronger does it make it a projectile weapon but it’s not much stronger and now we got the grandar which does do true melee damage but is that damage enough to even hurt a master mode Golem absolutely not the OG Crystal Crusher just it is decent damage

Like bigger numbers but those bigger numbers ain’t coming out fast enough or strong enough to even tou the health bar and last but not least we got the new Crystal Crusher hold up the new Crystal Crusher damage ain’t terrible bro that’s not terrible it was actually able to

Break those fists pretty quickly but let’s see the drill or the laser effect does the laser do it damage yo the laser itself does damage I know I didn’t really want to include this as a test because I feel like it’s in a relevant test but maybe we accidentally got our

Answer here but we’re still going to leave it up to y’all in the comments I’ll be you guys enjoyed this video don’t ask why the Zenith pickaxe is like gigantic compared to everything else I really don’t know why but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video this really

Reminds me of some of the OG videos we used to do a couple years ago so let me know if you want to see more videos like this cuz it’s been a minute like the whole state of ter is updated so doing new updated videos of you know what’s

The strongest wings or what’s the strongest axe or what’s the strongest this or that or what’s the best this or that like it’s changed a lot so we could do new ones just like this video shout out all the mods in this video all the developers that worked on the mods in

This video spriters all that make sure again to leave your comment which one you think is the strongest and also make sure to leave a like on the video subscribe and hit the notification bell all that good stuff video should be popping up on the screen I will see y’all next time

As Terraria enters a new age, we ask the Question of What is the FASTEST PICKAXE in Terraria? Let’s find out!

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