I Survived Minecraft’s Scariest House

In today’s video we’re surviving janary scary house swim or die swim no bro come on tell us where we’re going dude stop playing these stupid games just just follow me just follow me okay guys I have to just show you something this is so sus man all right come on come on we

Got to go we got to go we got to hurry Qui stuck Qui stuck in the hole Qui stuck in the hole oh he’s punching me down yo Qui hurry up bro bro I got pushed down slow so slow no guys guys come on this is serious this is serious

I literally found this check it out what is this what is this I don’t yes I literally found this it’s like some sort of house or something I got scared I didn’t want to go in by myself I know it’s actually haunted dude I don’t know obviously you bring this here house bro

Dude we have to explore it oh that’s cursed man anyone who says that will die that’s a stupid mentality dude I’m not going to die when I go in there okay go first go first go first all right all right all right you’re the test subject

You bought yeah why you walking slow go all right come on let’s go let’s go none of you guys like built this or something I me this is huge I don’t I don’t think anyone could have built this on the server we’re all in survival mode I

Don’t know about this kidy you should I’m saying I leave I’ve seen who needed to know you don’t enter yeah this is this is looking a little creepy but I will lead the way okay it’s fine I heard footsteps was that you guys that’s just wait wait everyone everybody quiet oh my

Gosh yo what what is this door I just heard something what is this door what is that someone open all right wait wait wait rock paper scissors rock paper scissors okay okay I got I got it I got it guys calm down okay never mind Scout cookies we have double double chocolate

Or okay whatever I’m just going to open this oh oh inside it’s like a hotted house oh my gosh okay there’s pressure plates guys okay let’s go come in oh my yo we call Escape wait did it just close guys guys wait what it won’t open guys I can’t break it

I can’t break it I can’t break it I can’t break it I can’t break anything chill wait what’s going on what’s going on we got I think we got Point into an adventure mode it seems like we’re in some sort of like trap or or something

Like we can’t get out okay I’m I’m going to I’m going to lead the way I’m going to lead the way okay um there’s two doors I I guess I’ll just try this holy oh yo he’s dead yo y dead y there’s no way he just

Died um so we now know it’s not the right door I guess we take the left door wait are you actually going to you’re cra no no before anything let’s check stairs yeah yeah yeah I was going to say I was going to say that quiff all right yeah you lead the way

You’re you’re the new red guy wait I just heard jingle shut up no you’re lying no I really did I didn’t hear anything yo wait books are there any books in here or these all empty did you guys all hear that I heard carpet oh my

God I did I did I did it’s an LA though no right no no it isn’t LA but where is he no wait that’s the laay noise yeah okay I’m going for there’s a book there’s a book there’s a book I knew I knew he what it say isn’t gone you

Isone can’t kill them oh no I don’t want to hold that book what let me see this let me see this okay if he’s not dead that means he’s still alive yeah are we sure it’s talking about skidy who’s them you can’t kill them who is them the

Monsters who would have built this though yeah wait what wait this makes no sense though okay well it looks like yo one wrong move and we dead yeah oh we’re captured to say the least all right you open the door you go no wait maybe ladies first yo ladies first oh no wait

Guys this is empty okay well there’s there’s trap doors another book I see it someone grab it someone grab it I’ve got it okay two turns it takes it opens for you two turns it takes here yo there’s a cauldon here and one has water and the

Other one doesn’t wa two turns it takes is there something we can turn right click guys going like inside and out is there anything else wait guys what oh yeah there’s come back two turns it takes skidy was the first one meaning this one’s open and free oh my God gen

Yo guys guys guys guys guys guys God yo yo yo y she sh the door yo buy out you shut the door on us where did she go we can’t let that thing out I’m right here you almost got us killed no no no I knew you guys are fast enough

It’s fine where’s he gone um oh my God run in run run in run in go go go stop close it oh my gosh okay we’re safe now we’re safe now there’s a chest I see a chest another book of Quil read it read it read it find the lever get out don’t

Fight don’t fight don’t fight yo yo yo yo yo guys okay find the lever guys look oh what is that wa we got to get there is something down there maybe the efficient Ro something down there wait what do you mean I think we have to like

No we have to glitch wait really oh okay it it open upstairs Bon you’re a genius you have to go there oh stairs all right yeah you go first oh yeah go ahead go ahead okay all right guys um wait why’ you close it okay okay to go to go down

Is anything anything uh well it just drops down hold on don’t is it safe down there I hear the ghost thing though yeah it is should we come down wait if we drop down here is there a way back up what if we can’t get back up wa this

Might have been very stupid I I do have a water bucket um okay wait yeah okay that’s fine that’s fine come down kiple okay okay guys it looks like some sort of weird I’m hearing more noises I’m hearing more noises no no no hold on

Hold on hold on guys guys every room so far yeah every room so far has had a creature in it we got to be careful okay I would say don’t jump down yet cuz I don’t think there’s a way back up true yeah whatever bro okay honestly you guys are brave there’s

A pain just look around there’s maybe okay I’ve seen a I’ve seen a enough movies to know keep your eye on that painting If It Moves we know it’s watching us okay maybe we have to get up there it’s like are Prett you don’t have

The key we need to find a key guys yeah yeah yeah it’s locked oh okay wait so there’s a key somewhere in the library um yo remember these bookshelves some of them can contain books so keep an eye out for anyone that could o right here right here you’re right oh yeah here

Look at it it’s different oh we got black light wait what oh y wait yo what is that on the say paint paint paint paint painting painting wait move over here painting dude you guys are so smart how do we get up there we got to get up there guys I

Don’t see the painting you don’t see the painting he talking about the one up there wait toss it oh wait here look read this book read this book yoink The Floor will tell more yeah sneak around them pain painting painting move over here quick move over here wait sneak

Around them okay that’s it geez sneak around them yeah I don’t know yeah you you want to do you want to try it oh yo yeah yeah thank you thank you wait look right click this door guys we need a password password painting pain there’s probably something behind the painting

That gives us the code oh wait shine it up there shine it up there yeah yeah I am I am I’m trying I’m trying I don’t see anything there’s something up there no no no there is oh there is wait oh it’s a trail guys when you go on F5 do

You see it oh yeah yeah yeah I do I do wait on a second that’s an arrow it’s not a tra it’s an arrow maybe you guys can hit me okay let’s look for like a ladder or something we got to get up there oh wait up there speaking of up

There there’s another floor up here guys but how do we oh stairs opened y there stairs over here we’re blind oh yeah the arrow is literally pointing dude we’re boss we are boss and then oh it’s B you go first what do you mean I go first is

It invisible wait yeah wait where is it to hold on wait hey oh it is oh the the floor the I’m correct I’m correct the Birch yep or the the stripped oh my gosh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh guys we go inside you’re right you’re right yeah

Yeah yeah yeah be careful oh remember we need a code we need a code oh wait you need to you need to what you need to listen listen I got the key I have the key though what meaning we we could go back downstairs to this door and if

We open it now oh my God what was that what was that oh my God oh my oh I think it’s a dead person is he moving oh my gosh SC happened you bro what happened ow Sorry God what does that book say you could you could right click him you

Don’t oh radio radio list radio you have to listen oh oh oh okay we all have a radio then okay you guys ready on go 3 2 one go today is January 9th 24 my name is Jackson Hall that’s when I came in here January 9th

24 I I haven’t been able to find a way out way out starving and and there there is no way the man with the sunglasses and the red tie where did he go I I saw him he gave me this vacuum cleaner that sucks up the ghosts but I he needs two

Batteries he needs two batteries two batteries it needs out maybe there are more in the Next Room no no I am not going in there with all all those ghosts I I’ll just wait here and and close my eyes and and I’ll fall asleep and I’ll wait

And this will all yo that was the creepiest recording I’ve ever listened to yeah um okay those are the dates he said January 9th 24th could that be the code yes probably 1924 okay I’ll give it a shot let’s try it let’s try it are you

Guys ready did you hear him talk about the guy the scary guy with the glasses do you hear it do you hear that you don’t hear that no I hear it I hear it okay 20 wait what is it what what was it that I typed in chat 0 1 1924 n

24 oh my god it worked guys shh I don’t want to be last okay wait where is that coming from shut the door shut the door shut the door we can’t yeah I can I can 2 4 okay I loost it I locked it the

TV she upstairs oh it’s the TV it’s the TV I’m not standing in front of that I’m not standing in I have a remote oh change it oh I got what battery we need two batteries so I have one battery right now it’s the vacuum cleaner wait

Where did you get that suck up the ghost from from from the zombie oh I didn’t even see that you didn’t say anything yeah you didn’t say anything the suck up the ghost bro guys guys get oh my God oh my God yo okay wait there’s another book

Here yo I locked myself in a room guys come in here if you need come in here if you need go go go go go all that they roll that everyone inside everyone inside go go go go go go close close it close it close it dude there’s so many wait I don’t

Think I want to be locked in here um yo whose room are we in yeah I just want why did you look like kiple hey I’m way cuter than that oh bar oh it was inside of it oh that’s who was making the noise wait a second you should be to get him

You got this okay suck him up suck him up yeah I’m sucking keep sucking bro you’re the best I’m I’m sucking them all yes take that you dumb ghost there’s a few more down here there’s more there’s more there’s more guys I think it came with a curse I took the Bary

From the doll and I’m seeing the doll right now wait what do you mean I’m seeing the doll spawn in random PL wait she’s haunting you guys I’m being haunted okay wait wait wait wait I I do have a book say two batteries find them

Or die oh that’s it okay well that book was kind of useless well the ghost a lot you dumb book Chasing me everywhere I don’t see any ghosts uh what if I I don’t know oh I should not have clicked her I I see what you’re seeing now I see

What you’re seeing oh she follows there’s a sign writing she follows well she is following me oh I just saw her too I just saw her too wait okay we need to pass wait how do we get to the next door four four numbers trying to find

Some sort of thing I’m going back upstairs 9703 9703 it was on the TV on the TV wait where it flashes sometimes oh I just saw right behind you we need we got to get out of here how do I get you look I don’t know the password what’s the password okay it’s

Lo it’s Lo it’s Lo it’s Lo okay thank god dude I think that girl going to following us though oh God okay we got to get through do this quick then we need to get out of here okay be careful be very careful iar I he you still you

Have the vacuum right I have the vacuum ready okay good all right yo no no who’s opening that no rock paper scissors no you go come on guys aren’t you guys gentlemen you know I have the vacuum ready I have I have I have the vacuum ready if anyone comes I’ll vacuum them

All all right F ready girls rule okay I got you oh my God they’re there get him Qui get behind you behind you oh nice I’m I’m sucking you I’m sucking you I’m soing chill chill all right they’re gone they’re gone you don’t got to do more sucking Qui man oh

Wait wait wait one more there’s one more there we go there we go we’re good okay wait what’s back here oh my God emergency exit yo it looks like some sort of maze guys or something I see an iron door over there I think we got to

Make it to the end of this door there’s a pressure plate or something down there you guys see it zoom in yeah we got to get through this door over here but Bonnie come over here I feel like there’s some writing okay maybe I’m stupid this nope y over here painting

With a chest that says a book and quill okay wait wait wait there is riding swim where or die die swim you are qup qup yo yo yo yo y them up oh my God that scared the balls out of me I’ve I’ve legitimately just got a a book that says

You are a rat in the Maze find all free question marks or die okay wait says swim wait there’s something up here have you guys been up wait how did you get up there there’s a ladder you’re so there’s ghost get him get the ghost

Get G oh my God there’s another one one more one more one more him I’ve got him he soed he soed he soed he soed there’s lever miss anything press it kly all right we should just flick this and flooding IM that was so stupid whose

Idea was that s wait get out of the trap door come on guys this way oh my gosh oh my God I’m trying okay okay swimmer die what is the exit’s open the exit’s open yo yo yo wait Qui Qui okay R okay wait

There’s a lot of side do this a maze be careful be careful b b on the wall wait oh this way okay in here in here all right B you take the lead okay oh man I’ve got the Ghost Hunter readyy diamond block that’s a trap that has to be a

Trap no it has to be a trap I’ve got the I’ve got the sucker ready I’m sucking don’t a trap it’s beautiful wait all right we can’t guys wait if certain blocks glow that might mean something later on oh my gosh time for this wait

Do we go more arrows you have to find more arrows I am I’m using the flashlight wait a second I just muted up it has a skidy Industries logo on it what about back here do you any arrows here this is so sus you guys follow me

We can’t split up guys wait you guys aren’t following me yo wait where are you going don’t don’t turn down something if there’s not an arrow right yeah I’m so lost wait where are you guys is there anything on this wall no oh my gosh okay we need to leave now I’m

Trying to find the exit but I think I’m lost nothing this way nothing this way hold we’re coming guys come to me I found a pressure plate all right we’re coming coming oh my gosh okay oh not this way not that way come this way this

Way oh okay okay I’m following you I’m following you dude this pressure BL does anything really uh it survived the water yeah look rats in the Maze we’re going to drown if we don’t get out of here oh I think it’s for us to like maybe just

Not die so now we can keep that in mind wait we might have to hurry up guys that’s what I’m saying I just realized that oops oh my okay go go go wait how do we get back flashlight oh we are going to we got to cover every single

Part okay nothing over here what like fake wolves no way that would be very upsetting dead end dead end dead end turn around let me shine nothing all right go go go go wait is this yo wait this is the St M we’ve got in a circle

Okay wait wait wait just come over here wait but guys there’s there’s two arrows pointing this way too wait that might just be a trap that might just be a trap time is running out oh my God wait there’s something at the end I see sign

S swim swim swim guys swim wait light one light two light three what is this light what does that mean where light oh light one is when I step on the pressure plate it turned on oh the pressure plate back there okay bonic bonic you go I’ll

Go on the one to the left bonic you find find the pressure plate on the right okay okay I’ll stay here I’ll stay here do you remember the wqu I I not really but I’ll figure out well you’re going to have to dude all right we got this we

Got this we got this my go we do we do I’m almost dead okay don’t drown Don’t Drown make sure you get your air bubbles Qui oh dang okay he can’t hear us anymore bro come on come on go B go you

Your I can hear you no no no I I have to I can’t I did I did I found it are we good okay we have yeah light that’s light too quiff you need to find yours now quiff step on it bro stand stand stand on it stand on it’s open oh my

Gosh oh my gosh I’m almost dead I’m almost dead get some air bubbles get some air bubbles all right I’m diving in go go go go go come on come on oh my gosh don’t drown dude this is crazy guys I’m coming back I’m coming back oh my

Gosh I’m nearly dead I’m nearly dead quick see my name see my name come on yo go go go go go go go go go come on guys come on come on go Qui go go Qui go bro bro we’re going as fast as we can the

Door’s open the door’s open get your toes out of my face bro bro bro we’re a team here you got to sniff them swi hey yo oh we made it oh okay that was too close gosh light on the floor there’s something right here oh yeah

There is which one which one wa there’s three doors oh no hold on hold on wait there could be a clue According to which one we should open get looking get looking get looking yeah oh yeah I don’t unless there’s there’s some stuff on the floor I think

We just have to guess what about the ceiling is there anything on the ceiling uh there’s this one wait why is this one pointing to like there’s one misplaced Block it’s a little darker I wonder if that’s random hold on a second what if you just oh you can’t have five on the

Doors can you dang it they’re not like paintings okay maybe we all three choose a different door what if there’s probably two wrong ones so we all shouldn’t choose it at the same time okay I will go door to okay I’ll stick with my gut seeing this block being a

Little darker and go over three kly I guess you’re taking one okay but are we opening all three doors it says which one so why are we opening all three if there’s only one right answer that means two people are might die buttons buttons buttons Redstone buttons and Redstone oh

Oh no that’s the same thing which one no wait oh never mind no there’s got to be a way to here yo there might not be a clue guys we might actually have to just YOLO this one maybe wait a second wait a second I just realized what there’s

Three of these that is true difference yo I did notice this block on the third one so try to figure out what what a difference is between all three of them the one with the difference might be the one but how would we know which one’s

One two or three this just a reflection you it says which one so what if we just go to one I feel like we’re losing a lot of time here kly just Yol let her Yol it oh my no it has to be two I’m telling

You free is too bit 1 2 three bro I’m telling you I’m going to go with two quiff she just died in front of your eyes and you’re blah BL bro bro because I was trying to explain two it has to be two you’re you’re you’re heartless dude

You’re heartless go on then open open two then open two okay okay you idiot you bot why do I feel like there’s literally no three okay well it’s just me gang gang 3 2 1 yo guys are you actually really dead oh oh they’re actually dead oh it’s actually

Just me alive um all right then I’m screwed aren’t I guys I’m honestly terrified I don’t know if I want to be alone why is there a trap door there oh my God shut up shut up I made it no wait a second my friends are all dead I made

It oh hey bionic what’s going on I knew it I’m just eating some cake you want some I knew it what what’s up the logo on the flashlight why would it be on there and it was on [Laughter] quips is that it was that all just your

Stupid game yeah pretty much let’s go I win that was a good game let’s go dude you made it wo subscribe let’s go g arm me let me get some cake baby eat the cake yo you’re going to kill me bro

I Survived Minecraft’s Scariest House

💥 MAIN CHANNEL! – @Bionic

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