Hello and welcome to hermitcraft season 10 episode 2 my starter base that I built in the previous episode that I can’t currently get into is looking rather wonderful I’m miraculously still alive I I haven’t died yet I’m still in the game of demise although I imagine

That game is going to be finished by the end of the week at the rate that these Hermits are dying and I’ve got some pretty exciting plans to start off today’s hermitcraft episode uh plan number one is I need to do a little bit more resource gathering this is good but

Not enough let’s descend into the depths and I got to say things are painful before you get enchanted I always forget this you know enough time passes between Seasons that I forget how slow it is to just mine things with a regular diamond pickaxe especially now that we have deep

Slate it it feels like you’re mining through honey like it just takes forever to get anywhere but you know we we have managed to get a decent amount of stuff and deep slate does look nice and as I returned back up to my base a wild grian

Appeared how do you get in uh that is a very good question gr something I have not worked out did you I found something yeah did you say you found something this is yeah I mean it’s not right it’s not right under your base but it’s pretty close okay I’m just

Your name is definitely gray this is that is okay yeah because if your name was red right now definitely wouldn’t be trusting what you were saying oh I see no no no no I found a I found a lovely I found a lovely SK Skelly spawner just down here brother

No you you biffed it R you biffed it R wait you guys were in cahoots Ren you get nothing more for me there’s nothing more I can do you had one job buddy oh my God I cannot believe I missed it I’m actually I cannot believe it I’m

I’m annoyed at you even though I’ve survived is this like a secondary trap like was this a decoy and now I’m through into lava I I was just trying to get you with the sign over here bu that’s all I wanted for today that’s all I wanted well this what for what service

Ren what service you provided like okay I feel bad because really nothing a lot of people mention in my first episode I did nothing but blast you but you can’t you can’t not be Blast for such a terrible performance like this I don’t even know what’s going on I he just said

I want to kill bu I said say no more wow Gan wow so there’s me I logged in I was like I am going to build a skeleton spawner today I cannot wait this is going to be a great start you know I need bones I was really excited and and

And you acted so confused when I said oh if your name was red you’re like no not oh that never even crossed my mind so almost as if you forgot your own game and then there was a split second look we wouldn’t be having this guilt trip if

Renard succeeded so I’m blaming him oh my God we now have to the real trap here is that you didn’t make a way out you is true I I am sorry about that um you’re kidding we got to dig our way out yeah we

Got do we all have to dig out this is the worst thing you should stay down there don’t worry think about what you’ve done I’ll place the Torches for you guys don’t worry I’ll I’ll help you out Mumbo I saw him he had such a long

Time had such a long time I took forever to come down like I had half a second no I took forever because because I was shocked by the fact that grian went down so fast I was I was shocked by it because I I wasn’t expecting him to just

Plum it into a hole so then I at least was up there for like 2 or 3 seconds before dropping down and he placed he placed one scaffolding but not the second so why did you not pre- place the scaffold I did place I placed the the

The scaffolding but I think it placed as you entered that block so it just broke and you didn’t actually splat it was I I am so disappointed in myself I don’t I don’t want to Reaper anymore can I just un Reaper myself I’m so bad at

This no this is the third kill attempt I failed and you had help you had help I was like how often is it that you get someone who is willing to just plummet into a hole sight unseen Ren you had yeah you all you you didn’t even need to

Do the scaffolding you could have just placed a block where the water was he he he really wanted to do the scaffolding it was it was really important to him why I needed to do it for flare M it was for flare that is pretty yeah that is

Pretty lar oh gosh well this seems like a great opportunity for Ren no g g you’re not you you don’t even have the name I’m going to die Under Pressure why am I going down I feel like I’m messing up again how did you I was on a one by one

Pillar in I can’t believe this how did you end up down there and me end up up here oh gosh that’s bad this has all gone horribly wrong I’m going to hurridly pill her out damn it I don’t have enough blocks to chase you no have you not got any anything I

Got I’ve got I got a stack of fish you gave me earlier Ren if you could please right at some point do something that doesn’t involve me having to shout at your incompetence that would be ideal because because my viewers are starting to think that it’s personal when really

It’s not it really isn’t no okay that was incredibly close I should really be smarter I’m now suspicious of everything including this for some reason look I I don’t think this has been here the whole time and now I’m worried about it there are also there’s 12 pieces of bamboo

That have been planted here I just counted them that can’t be a mistake can it I am incredibly nervous but I’m going to push on with my next project and it requires leads and I have no idea how I’m going to get the ingredients for them leads require slime balls that is

Completely ridiculous am I going to have to make a slime farm making slime farms in episode 2 hasn’t historically gone that well for me first thing I need is a bunch of fish then I need a little bit of string what on Earth is that sound what is that sound is that a

Warden where is that coming from I am so mythed it definitely sounds like there’s a warden around am I going insane P I heard there’s a w in new here Parts is this you did you hear it man be careful it might kill you did it

Get you did it make you jump it it really made me jump I was terrified how were you doing that here we go here’s the magic button oh sake I I forgot about that just that man that’s it that’s so annoying I at least I could tell you’re

Panicked by your frantic name running all over the place TR to figure it out I was really trying to work it out I was terrified how how did you have you killed a warden more importantly yes I have is that how you became a red name no actually no I got fishing rodded

By your friends so wait pesent Moon conqueror of wardens killed by fishing rod don’t make it sound so sad please it’s already bad enough as it is I told you the hmet craft server is scary anyway we are building a slime farm so I’ve got my

Fish and I’ve got my string which aren’t actually useful to the slime farm at all what I have to find is I have to find a swamp and I have to find some mushrooms over 500 mushrooms excellent I found my first mushrooms I have many many more to

Go and this swamp is looking pretty good as well although I’ve still only got 21 mushrooms and if my lack of mushrooms wasn’t bad enough that swamp I found is actually the future shopping district so I can’t use it what a failure and now that I’ve removed all of the mushrooms

From that swamp and realized that there’s really no mushroomy areas around me at all I think I’m going to ditch the mushrooms for now once I get bone meal getting large quantities of mushrooms will be much easier but for the time being it is just it would take forever

So I’m going to make use of glow lyen temporarily instead which will slightly reduce the efficiency of the farm but it’s still going to work well oh and if you don’t know why I currently need those items all will be explained in a second one glow Len another glow Len and

So on and so forth then I grab some more stuff I hate being in the nether I especially hate being this close to Lava this feels terrible but now I have everything that I need to make myself a slime farm so let’s go and make one but

Before I do that iscal has just invited himself over to my house okay I need you to pick a number between 24 and 32 do I do I tell you yeah you tell me oh okay um I thought this was going to be like a magic trick or

Something it could have been no this is not a magic thing okay well yeah yeah you could get try and guess my number 28 that’s so annoying cuz that’s actually correct that’s really yeah you know what that you know that says something about you m that says that

You’re very mid oh I now need you to pick up 28 blocks it doesn’t need to be 28 different blocks but it shouldn’t also be 28 of the same block they should be placeable it can be slab stairs or normal blocks and um and yeah I I you

Can pick any blocks you want you should pick blocks that you like is a good thing no no don’t show me don’t show me you got to you got to do it in your inventory do you have 28 of those planks there yeah uh yeah yeah yeah I just

Threw them down and picked them up I thought I’d won the competition is that not what I had to do no but do you want to pick 28 of the same block you have the possibility mble to pick 28 of any blocks you want in Minecraft and you

Pick 28 of the same no you want to do I guess I mean if you don’t want to be more creative than that that’s fine I guess probably not um so you you can’t see these things is that is that the rule well yeah no don’t tell it’s fine

If you hold them in your hand but don’t tell me what it is cuz we’re going to go on an adventure now we’re going on an adventure right now we’re going on an adventure right now I got I got to sleep I got to sleep so and and I can only

Bring 28 blocks with me is that yes yeah there you go there you go oh man this is this is actually quite difficult I think this oh that oh I’ve actually got quite a smart block here I think that’s that’s intelligent I I’m trying to think I’m

Trying to think of what could catch me out for whatever this could be okay it cannot be redstone dust by the way that’s not a that’s not what about what about a redstone block yeah it can be a redstone block yeah AB cool I’ve got one of those I should stop

Telling you these things you can never go wrong with those and then you can probably never go wrong with these okay cool are ready okay okay we’re ready okay let’s go this is the first time that I remember having a horse in Minecraft I think the last horse I had

Was actually a donkey well we have arrived oh I see I think I see have you crowdsourced the B face I am I’ll tell you the truth three Hermits in it was looking pretty good but uh I think you’re number 10 and uh yeah I regret my decision it’s uh this is stop

Trying this is something there’s me thinking I was going to do some kind of like I I brought the most tactical resources I thought I was being really smart and then it turns out no I’m actually they’re so ugly every block that I’ve brought is really ugly no

Don’t say that I’m going to start things off I’m going to I’m going to make you a gravel roof that’s gone well goodness sake that was the worst Mumbo come on it’s part of your roof you can’t get rid of those that is part of your roof but then okay I’ll

Also I’ll add some you brought dirt dirt around yeah just in case I needed a scaffolding oh some storage for you that can go up here that’s really useful I think you’ll get a lot of use out of this chest I imagine it’s not even on a

Block there are blocks next to it it’s a floater oh there’s a crafter okay that’s powered okay which does mean it does mean that that craft is now permanently powered which means unfortunately it will never work I oh I’ve yeah I’ve got a good idea here so

You’ve got your crafting bench I’m going to do your crafting bench there so you’ve got one of those and then and then I’m also going to install a furnace for you here oh so that’s good that’s really helpful I mean okay yeah now the crafting bench is totally accessible but

It has blocks around it and then I’m going to install these blocks for you too and then top it off with this oh so it’s completely useless everything is just completely useless nice oh actually on that note just here strip that one too this is not going well so I feel

Like I’m being a little bit mean so I’m actually going to at least I’ll I’ll put some symmetry here this this is the worst idea I’ve ever had I thought it was good yesterday morning but it is bad it is it hasn’t gone well oh yeah we got to enter your

Name hold on cuz I I actually have nothing to do with this my name is not on the list I’m adding you Mumble so you’re have you absorved have you absolved all responsibility for this thing I have no responsibility I haven’t placed a single block except for the

Frame blocks oh wow but yeah no I haven’t done anything here wow okay so you this is not me it’s nothing to do with you I take no responsibility I mean how could I how could I I have tried to get people together and like build a

Nice house and uh you can see this is the result no but at least at least your gravel roof is holding up strong I can’t believe he actually has to live with that that is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life okay now that that monstrosity is completed let’s

Actually construct a slime farm and I thought this would be a good time to talk about why I’ve been Gathering up all of these strange blocks uh this slime farm design is not by me this is by Il mango I’ll put a link to it down in the description but the story goes

That in hermitcraft season 9 episode 2 I made a slime farm so terrible that it became the laughing stock of the technical Minecraft Community basically uh it was a swamp Bas slime farm it was Dreadful it never produced a single slime ball I’m very embarrassed about it but but while the technical Minecraft

Community will laughing at my terrible slime farm and they they kind of realized that actually swamp based slime Farms could be possible and Incredibly efficient due to the way that Mojang have changed how mobs spawn recently you see mobs used to spawn in all light levels below seven whereas now they only

Spawn at light level zero however slime in swamps will still spawn at light level s or below so that means if you can build an area inside of a swamp that has a light level of seven or below only slime will be able to spawn which means

You can make really simple and really really efficient slime Farms which is why things like glow Len which have a light level of seven are great for the Slime Farms but better than that is brown mushrooms cuz they give out a light level of one which means if you

Just fill the area with brown mushrooms everywhere will be a light level of one and you will have a ridiculously efficient slime farm obviously all of this is described in old mango’s video and again that is down in the description and that slime farm is now

All constructed what on Earth uh so I have just literally me building the platform literally me just building this pillar here look it’s nothing special it’s just a ladder and a pillar just me doing that this slime farm has produced over three stacks of slime balls how how how how it’s it’s tiny

That is ridiculous and I didn’t even build it properly like I wasn’t using the mushrooms the mushrooms make it more efficient I’m using glow L that’s like that’s completely pants compared to the mushrooms and yet that’s probably more slime balls than I currently need wow that’s absolutely blown my mind

Okay this is very exciting this is very very exciting the only issue is none of the hopper system is anywhere near fast enough to keep up with a number of slime balls the H mine cart keeps overflowing so we need to sort that out as I pop

Back to my base to pick up more bits and Bobs iscal invited himself over again why am I here why are you here escal let me okay I’m we’re going to play a little game Mumbo again again wow I’m sorry there’s another thing okay go ahead go

Ahead is it to do with this face you went up to this face I made that face I knew someone had made that face I made that face I’ve been suspicious of that all day i’ been like I don’t want to go near it I I assumed it was a trap no I

Saw your 12 bamboo as well I saw your 12 bamboo all right what’s your game go on okay well well okay well you did you did say that like oh another game like you didn’t sound very excited look okay your episode of you doing your many block

House right has already come out this is two games in one episode for me but I’m sorry for appearing in M’s episode twice no it’s this is the right amount of iscal twice two in two in one one episode is great and you know this gives

Me room to pick and choose in the edit which one I want to include and which one I want to cut wow it’s always a pleasure to see his SC and I value every single one of his visits now I’m down in the mines because I’m trying to get more

Iron because our Hoppers can’t currently keep up with the amount of slime balls that the slime farm is producing and I tell you what I find Iron really difficult to come by these days I think getting myself set up with an iron farm at some point fairly soon would probably

Be wise although this vein seems to actually be quite big think this might actually solve my problems oh my goodness it keeps going yeah there’s a chance the iron that I’ve already got combined with this should actually do the trick so then I went back to my base

To find iscal had find himself over again here he is here he is the enthusiasm there he is I left the mines I’ve left the mines for this I I bring you a gift Mhm pick them up I have another gift as well okay so I would say that I was better than the mine I gave you you are better than the mine are you serious I can’t wait to see what is call you cut cuz you can’t cut me giving you nine diamonds I

Won has to be I won’t so anyway guys I’ve just come back from the mines and look I got one blog of di I swear each of these interactions just just get stranger and stranger okay hopefully what I’ve added here should do the trick at keeping up with our slime

Ball supplies so I’ve got I’ve got a bunch of double chests here cuz I’m assuming that we’re going to get quite a few slime balls and then I’m just going to place four hoppers in a line this is this is not technical like that I’m not doing any fancy Redstone here just

Because I don’t have comparators I don’t really have any resources this seems like the right way to do it so our Hopper mine cart is going to travel over these four Hoppers and then travel back so each time it Cycles it should drop off between like 8 to 10

Slime balls I imagine that’s enough I mean it can’t be that efficient right this thing’s tiny H mine cart has been installed everything is up and running I’m now going to dump my resources somewhere and go AFK overnight and the reason that I am dumping my resources is

Because I’m not entirely sure I’m going to survive the night there’s a lot of people on this server not currently right now but there are a lot of people on This Server who do want to kill me so I guess we’ll find out in the next hermit episode if I managed to survive

This one oh and I never explained why I needed the leads did I

In this episode of Hermitcraft Season 10 survival Minecraft series, Mumbo builds an industrial Minecraft slime farm! This fully automatic minecraft slime farm drops thousands of Minecraft slime per hour on the Hermitcraft Season 10 server. We also do some Hermitcraft demise with Grian, meet up with PearlescentMoon and catch up with Iskall on the Hermitcraft Survival Minecraft world.

INDUSTRIAL MINECRAFT SLIME FARM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKx8heVPhlM

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. I watch mumbo and grian and i love the differences in their videos this season. it definitely seems like theyre both reinvigorated with this season and their videos feel really unique in style, rather than just the person

  2. 28 is actually a unique number and I will not stand for this mid slander! In fact it is a perfect number! Literally, that is what numbers like 28 are called. It is the only two digit integer that is the sum of its divisors. 1+2+4+7+14=28

  3. 5:11 Seeing grian pillar up, you placing diorite, and seeing the dripstone in your inventory, and then a hard cut to later with you suddenly going from 4, to 3 dripstone… What could've happened??

  4. The funny thing about your s9 slime farm is, it sounds like it would have worked. Doc was commenting that it was just too high up to spawn slime in it lol.

  5. At 8:54 when Mumbo asked Iskall to guess his number, I guessed to myself 28(no joke) and then Iskall guessed 28 and that happened to be correct?! What are the odds of that 😂

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