If I Take Damage in Minecraft, I Feel Real Pain

This is a haptic suit where I can feel whatever my Minecraft character feels in game in real life for example when I stand in this water here my suit is actively getting colder right now or when I stand in lava it gets extremely extremely hot so imagine just how bad it

Would hurt if I were to walk into this Cactus where I could literally feel its thorns nah I’m good I’m not going to do that and so my friend built 10 dangerous Bedrock rooms and my job is to get through all of them with taking as little damage as possible but something

Tells you that’s going to be impossible okay for this first room he’s going to have to get through all these cactuses in this humongous Cactus Maze and I guarantee you he’s going to graze at least one of them I don’t care if it’s 3% he is going to die oh wait no you

Guys shouldn’t see this okay all right here we go first room oh my no way oh he’s so stupid look at that stupid face there’s cactuses everywhere man okay I think I just have to go this way oh all he has to do is get to there come on

It’s not hard the exit is the target block good luck where’s the target block oh I see it it’s right over over there it’s not that hard Mr L okay I think we just go this way here we go look about to take damage right there right here

He’s about to hit one of these spikes so to start this video we’re starting at 3% and every time I take damage in Minecraft it’ll double so the second time I take damage it’ll be six then 12 then 24 so on so forth it’ll get pretty

Bad pretty quick why is he walking so scared do I need to go in maybe I go in here maybe I go in here he’s supposed to do this okay wait that’s a fake that means there’s one around here that isn’t fake I throw all of this like this and

Then look how easy it is I know I’m in great mode but shut up that one’s blocked off too I think I have to go up okay he’s going to c one of these where do I go from here oh oh he found it get GL this one I’m jumping all the way

Across this one’s easy man I’m getting out of here okay look at him he’s skipping jumps ah I did it this rrap made it through next room oh oh my okay for this next room all he has to do is find the button there’s trap doors oh my

Gosh look at all the chests down there find the button to escape wait a second oh it’s cold ah he’s going to drown get in there go oh he said Don’t Drown you psychopath go swim oh it’s really cold for him isn’t it let’s go down let’s go

Down oh my bro it’s so cold oh oh my bro we have no time to get anything in this okay go it’s so cold ah okay go quick quick quick it has to be one of these it has to be one of these I’m having dude dude dude dude dude there’s something

About when you’re swimming that’s so panicky oh no I can’t like drown and die in this right oh I’m running out of time three Buton three bubbles three bubbles we’re good we’re good okay okay let’s do this where can the we need to start like top left about

Having trouble this guy is so annoying having trouble come on it’s going to be in one of these surely did he hide it somewhere else wait what if it’s somewhere else did he just hide it in like a dumb spot no way oh look at him

Okay we got to be careful with these bubbles watch the bubbles watch the bubbles keep going keep going three oh go go go dude it’s so cold please man I’m sick and tired of this this round oh no all the chests in those Waters it’s not in one of them

Guys go quick quick quick quick quick quick please be one of these oh it’s right there look dude I can still feel it oh that’s why I was like why is it still cold it’s cuz there was a little waterfall right there man keep going down there yes keep

Going down there even though he’s right here on the surface look how stupid he looks why is it none of these it’s none of them I’m having so much trouble here dude my fingers are getting cold glub Glo glub Mr fishy glub glub glub what does that mean let me help him it’s

Not it’s not in here it’s not in here it has to be somewhere else let me help you look what does that mean what he just turned into a fish which one of these is it in please help me please please please it’s cold oh no I am I have no idea oh

Wait I like the third one I look in it’s not in any of these bro it’s fine I’ll take this one out oh three B bubbles bubbles bubbles I’ll put it in that weird chest up there I’ve checked every single one what is that oh my this guy’s a

Psychopath hey I thought you look a bit stupid you’ve lost your mind bro aren’t you stupid boy what is this room right now what is this come on I need you to sort out my animals for me y we got a bunch of cows we have a pig mushrooms

Sheep and guys I know what you’re thinking how is he going to take damage sorting out animals that’s because lightning strikes will happen randomly uh while he’s standing around here somewhere I don’t get it there’s four different pens am I supposed to like guide these guys oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Then he said sort the animals out for me you have five week good luck what and then just like that I go to vanish he left the game oh I have wheat oh I do have wheat oh oh no look they’re all attracted to this same thing how am I

Supposed to put each of these different animals in a different pen bro oh my gosh they’re all just going to follow me this is going to be insane how am I supposed to take damage oh oh get in there get in oh no one of the lightning strikes turned the

Mushroom into a brown one why is there lightning why is there lightning okay mushrooms are in this one oh no the piglin spawned oh my God lightning strike why did you hear the piglins move don’t eat it oh okay lightning over there lightning over there bro what happens ah it’s hot

Chill that one was close chill out don’t take damage come on we just needed to take 3% so we can double this please let’s try to get this cow in bro this is so hard every single one of these animals eats wheat stand back sheep oh it’s so hot no don’t die don’t

Die okay wait a cow went in there it’s fine it’s fine only the cow is left come on lighting please just hit once please lighting please get in there yes oh my gosh I’m a genius sheep sheep no cow don’t come in get over there sheep come

In come in sheep please oh it’s so hot why is there a piglin there we go oh how’ the cow get in there you guys come over here okay now we’re going to stop we’re going to open this bad boy up close it hit you over there open it oh

My bro it’s it’s hot cuz of the the the lightning bro what of the sheep just died but it counted get in get in get in get in sheep close yes yes get in here cow no don’t leave please I don’t want lightting to hit me please please please

Please please just get in please just get in get in get in no get it’s hot get away from me it’s hot it’s hot oh oh I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I’m a genius I’m a genius he’s

Actually so lucky man this isn’t fair go parkour time what does that mean what oh oh oh oh oh don’t fall okay come on Linux parkour time all you have to do is not fall surely that’s not hard right if I take fall damage what does that mean

For me what happens to me oh yeah I forgot to mention lover is right Rising ah what the oh no no no no no no no no no no no no you know what a burn right okay just go slow and just y it’s did that just

Move did the lava just move did the lava just move where am I supposed to go from here oh the lava’s going come on L hurry up oh it’s moving up okay we got to go we got to go which side do I go get suit

Getting hot yes yes it’s getting hot yes it’s getting hot go go go it’s fine I win this I win this oh my God this is it no no no no no no no no stand jump jump no no come on lava please we got to get

All the way over there okay we’re going there how do I get there four block jump jump you got to make this Okay jump over there I did it you got to make this jump he’s so lucky oh I made it oh you lucky

Rat oh I can feel it I oh wa my hands can’t feel it but because it’s so warm I feel like I feel like my hands can feel it what did I just say I said for this room you have a shield good luck for

This room you have a shield oh nice good luck okay there’s a chest over there as well make it to the floor let’s get over there first make it to the floor how am I supposed to get to the floor with a shield how is he going to do that you’re

Wondering guys well in there is a water bucket oh water bucket oh wait why do I need a shield and I know what you’re thinking why does he need a shield if he needs the water bucket clutch I can just land with the water bucket to make it to

The floor well guys okay that is this is where it gets tricky because if when he lands there if he opens that door there’s a skeleton in there okay here we go boom bro that was the easiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life it’s cold

Though and I think that ly is dumb enough there we go now all we have to do is hope that he opens the door you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying bro easy clap oh my God he got hit he got hit

Once he got hit he got hit come here oh my oh my God oh my God that counts oh my what was what is wrong with this guy yo die die bro die shoot shoot I dare you I dare you oh my my God I can’t do damage

To it oh I can’t I can’t die where did that hurt him ah my chest why open the door he’s an idiot bro look at my chest it’s all red ah if 3% hurt him now it goes to double oh my God was that worth

It I’m going to tell him to call me hello H hello did that hurt yeah bro it’s all it’s like it’s like red why did you open the door I told told you not to open the door how was I supposed to know that that was going to happen Target

Block is the exit why did you open that door you said land on the floor make it to the floor bro you’re insane you’re insane well now you’re on 6% so the next time it it’s going to hurt twice as much I don’t know how it did it’s red my

Chest is Red from that I don’t care who asked never taking damage ever again in this video step in said step in okay pick a number hello Donnie all you have to do is pick a number waa what is this

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay pick a number on the blacks pick a number one of the black numbers okay come on it’s not that hard I’m just going to pick five five is a good number right look up here we go

Look up why I’m looking at you what does that mean oh okay I see what we’re playing here that was so close ah so now I choose a number of the Reds I’m assuming pick a number on the red pick a number on the red okay it could be one twice oh

Come on baby please but it would be number one twice so I’m going to pick number two pick pick him pick it pick it please pick it come on he’s going for Te yo chill chill chill please please wait what is an anvil oh my wait please oh my God they’re getting

Less and less chance now we’re it’s becoming one less every single time okay here we go he stayed on he stayed on that green wait what did the odds one and three at the end let’s go six let’s go number six for green yeah your number properly get on your number properly okay

Oh that was one off oh my God that’s so close oh my what are the odds okay do I go orange now I’m on orange now what does that mean come on here we go please do I look up I don’t want to look I

Don’t want to look I don’t I don’t want to look oh my good I heard it one off again I’m going four I’m going four for yellow I’m looking up and I’m not looking here we go I don’t want to know if it falls on me it makes me so nervous

Please please please no please please no please no please no I heard it oh I’m good oh my God he gets one off every time I’m going one it’s gone one so many times I’m not looking again oh come on okay that was so lucky I’m good yes I’m

Going one lucky number one baby L one please be good to me L one lucky number one lucky number one no look baby no look yes sir ah ah this guy gets so lucky oh my yo get me through the door get me through

This door baby yes all you has to do is make it to the other side okay here we go J try and jump this Gap I dare you make it to the other side okay is he going to be dumb enough to use the Ender

Pear that’s in the chest how do I get to the side oh chest I don’t think he even sees the chest yet go use the chest I want a fly an ender pearl go ahead throw the ender pearl ender pearls don’t hurt you why would they hurt you they help

Are there barriers like am I going to throw this has be some sort of trick right I’m going to say don’t miss I just want to make sure that I do it don’t miss okay but how would I miss trying to make it seem like he can miss from here

Okay here we go 3 two 1 there’s no way I can miss stop oh oh my back oh my oh my God he so stupid Oh my bro it’s like someone punched me 6% hurt bro it broke off the little straps that I have on it’s 12% now no chance there’s no chance

He’s insane I passed this level get me out of here he’s on 12% now ah dude my back man okay go get over this wall okay how am I supposed to get over this wall I’m going to say watch out for the spikes fizzy lifting drink levitation a

Bottle of fizzy drink when you drank cuz the Drinker float higher in the air and they burp to get down again watch out for this way what does that mean so the idea is he drinks the levitation potion goes around and then realizes that he

Has to fall at any point what does this even mean get over the wall I don’t understand this and I think he I wanted to think that the spikes is the issue okay so we’re going to go two for two for Linux doing something stupid okay

Please this got to work is there another way to get over or do I have to okay I guess I’ll drink it the spikes hurt okay I said the spikes hurt don’t touch them but it’s the full damage it’s going to hurt you okay okay okay okay okay okay

Okay I’m going to get over I’m going to get over it don’t touch them oh my God he’s insane go go go go go go get over get over get over he’s insane the full damage is going to hurt go go don’t touch them I’m not touching them I’m not

Touching them I’m not touching them did you forget about fall damage how do I get down no no no no no a oh my back oh oh my one idiot okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m going to win this I’m going

To win this an idiot ah it stings it stings can you guys see it can you guys see it get me out of here take the bottle bur is poing at me I don’t care about this anymore this guy has some sick plans okay dude what is

This it’s like a pink looking room there’s llamas looking at me what are the llamas doing wait there’s more llamas over there what is going on this next room is like Ballo Tower Defense okay one llama in every corner and all lyx has to do is get to the other side

Using his shield without getting shot by any of the llamas am I supposed to run what am I supposed to do are they nice hello are you nice ah oh my why would he try that is he insane what is wrong with you psychopath that was

25 I’m assuming that’s why I have a shield bro I’m thinking in my head maybe he’s supposed to give me something that was 25% bro you got to be kidding me oh my God he’s killing the llama with his own bullets we’re past ah why is he

Fighting it just run I’m good why am I stuck on what am I stuck on what am I stuck on oh my God okay we’re good we’re good oh my go it’s so cold water in Minecraft is so cold why why why is it cold bro what is he doing okay can you

Stop spitting at me you guys are the worst brother why why did this spit hurt so bad oh I can hit it back at him oh yeah die die it won’t die oh okay yes I did it no he’s at 50% though that’s good memorize the pattern draw it

Up top good luck what does that mean he left me my shield so does that mean I need it all you has to do is memorize the pattern down below and draw it again up top hello what is this draw it up top so I’m assuming up here oh snap chokers

All while the shers are shooting him oh God this is not going to be easy okay there’s a bunch of Colors oh oh is this a match he said matching game right oh my God look at him ah no don’t hit me please please please please please

Please look at him he’s Jing he’s Jing he’s Jing he’s Jing okay we got colors match the colors okay we got red he’s Jing the shers green and blue red green and blue red green and blue yellow orange red green blue come on it’s not

Hard we got red in that corner Green in the middle blue on the right side okay red green blue perfect that’s right that’s right that has to be right okay next one next one next one orange turquoise purple SL magenta whatever that is where does yellow go I got

Yellow I got yellow yellow goes in this corner blue green red and the yellow is that right like light blue pink light blue light blue pink next time you get hit that’s 100 Orange right there orange is right there we got to get purple bro

We got to get purple we got to get purple okay we have cyan uh purple teal orange cyan’s in the middle we know where purple needs to go please don’t hit me please don’t hear me I hear them shooting I keep saying hear me please

Don’t hit me and the last one is purple is he crazy enough to do it let’s see okay purple’s right there we just need to get the purple we just need to get the purple okay here we go 3 2 1 go go go go go go go grab purple go go we

Can’t get hit get up there no purple purple purple boom We we did it we did it we did it don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me get me out get me out oh and he’s done it oh my God one more

Room one more room this is it oh my God I can do it I can do it I didn’t think he’d get this far but this next room is my fail safe I’m so sorry ly for what’s about to happen final room baby what is this he hasn’t even noticed me what what

Are these blocks is it supposed to kill me bro it’s the final room where it’s going to do 100 damage donn’s lost his touch bro the second he turns around this game over here we go what is why are why are they like white how am I

Supposed to get out of this room is is it parkour you can’t even jump that high what is he what is D doing up there they’re like puzzle blocks what is that Don says hi okay my I’m so sorry what is this room I’m so sorry what is he sorry about the great

And good of the universe L I’m so sorry is I’m going to fall out the sky like a train it’s at 100% yeah I know I have to test it what for mankind you don’t have to test anything for mankind I’m going to beat this D you’ve lost your touch

Bro you’re horrible I won basically right right this is the end for the greater good of the UN what is he talking about what what is he doing no no I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I won this one Donnie I won it okay and everybody who’s watching this knows it subscribe

For a part two and I’ll beat Donnie again

If I Take Damage in Minecraft, I Feel Real Pain

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  1. Lol, should've known, when Doni makes the level for lynix, its always rigged so we get to see the suffering.

    We may say lynix wins by surviving the rooms which takes skill and luck, but still gets the full effect in the end which is a win win for everyone

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