I Found a Villager’s Secret Base in Minecraft

I’m on the hunt for a villager secret base and once we find it uncover their dark secrets and we’re here in the middle of a freaking desert are you kidding me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo there is a Pillager Outpost but it looks destroyed hey yo wait what let’s go how

The tables have turned you guys got raided oh you expect me to feel bad stupid freaking Pillager out hey yo is that is that blood what the heck is that oh wait it’s on the wall too this looks like some sort of explosion yo I I I

Guess the the villagers kind of got their revenge for once yeah look at this yeah it looks like the villagers freed the whatever was trapped here a Golem or whatnot oh my gosh dude this is so crazy and wo wo wo whoo wo there’s a there’s a

Villager right there and he looks kind of angry okay yeah let’s stay away from him for now let’s definitely grab some wood real quick what is he doing it looks like there’s some sort of like grave there no something is sus about this Pillager Outpost Gamers don’t worry

Investigator Bonk is on the case Bonk the detective Bonk the detective that is making a poop sword because that is his Detective weapon okay I just want to make it clear a poop sword is not my detective Weapon It’s the only thing we can get right now okay and uh I mean and

So I guess if we like yeah follow the trail of blood we should go inside of here hello oh my gosh dude this place got really like raided I I kind of almost feel bad almost I don’t feel too bad oh my gosh there’s more Pillager

Blood I I hope it’s the Pillager blood these evil squid worbs had it coming there’s more on the wall and it looks like can we even get over there I don’t think so okay hold on we just got to place a few blocks parkour yeah hello

Wait I hear a Pillager boy oh my gosh hello there wait hey yo why is he not attacking me you good okay I’m a little terrified shouldn’t he be like completely aggressive on me he’s staring me down hey your uh your zipper’s down nah made you look no bad joke all right

Well I’m sorry wait a second other than a zipper being down bro he has an iron shovel what uh he looks kind of just like upset I mean or kind of like unbothered which is very weird for a Squidward boy hold on a second yeah that

One also looks like he has some sort of shovel and those look like Graves oh man are are are you are you okay he literally doesn’t even want to talk to me he’s actually disinterested in me wow I didn’t know these pillagers could have that behavior all right then well I mean

If you don’t care I’m going to go and just y yo holy loot we got three iron ingots perfect I’m actually just going to make that iron pickaxe right now right now there you go and check this out we got some more wood we got some freaking food dude we’re actually

Stacked an Infinity book oh wait that’s actually huge some potatoes bottle of jandon and a goor oh wo wo wo w oh okay for a second I thought maybe like that did something but no he seems fine all right in that case let’s make a bread and honestly

Because we have the infinity book I don’t know what we’ll need it for but a bow with infinity will be crazy now hold on a second what if I try talking to him I’m right clicking bro just does not want to say anything to me okay well oh

W oh okay okay sorry I think I right clicked him too much he got a little angry there okay wait maybe this guy wants to talk I don’t know dude this is really sussy sussy Baka sorry that was really cringe but why is there so much

Blood leading up to him are you okay do you need a medic wo wait a second not only is he angry he’s crying I didn’t know pillagers could cry are you good bro what what happened here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why is there a bunch of

Mist oh dude this is kind of this it’s getting a little creepy I’m not going to lie who are these Graves for he has a stone shovel and a Wither r that is so weird and dang hey yo bro it’s kind of thick okay sorry sorry I I got a little

Distracted with the booty the other Pillager didn’t want to talk maybe this guy does those stuck up villagers took my children are they dead are they alive I don’t know but I don’t their grave anyways wait what so you’re telling me you you made two graves for your two

Pillager kids I didn’t even know you squid rers could have kids and you don’t know if they’re dead or not because well apparently those stuck up villagers took them wait a second dude that’s really evil you’re telling me not only did you guys get raided villagers took your kids

I don’t I don’t get it wait why why would they do such a thing they’ve been Yonk our Offspring to do their dirty Iron Golem factory work in their secret lair wait they have a secret lir and an iron golem Factory hold on a second so you’re telling me the villagers raided

You guys and took your kids for them to do their labor I guess that meaning building Iron Golems for them dude that is that is evil dude that is beyond evil wait but don’t you guys just kill the Villager kids you know during a raid but

Then again two wrongs don’t make a right I I yeah I don’t know I’m starting to feel bad for this guy all right well do you not know where they’re keeping your kids or whatever we haven’t been able to locate their location there is an orange I guess referring to the villagers

However we’ve noticed odd activity at this Village far away wo wo wo wait courts courts we have the courts to apparently the the the village with odd activity okay you know what pillagers you and I we haven’t always you know seen I to ey or whatever the saying is

But I promise you Squidward boy and the other Squidward man that I will get your kids back because I don’t support uh doing that getting kids to build you iron golems for an army no that’s messed up that’s really messed up now my only thing is G gers if we’re going to take

On this Quest and find their secret lir dude we don’t stand a chance right now I mean seriously poop sword this ain’t going to cut it the villagers seem extra strong so in that case I think you know what time it is it’s Grind Time hey Grind Time Grind Time Yeah Grind Time

Yeah wait pause the grind time we found a desert pyramid ooh dude if we can find maybe like a god apple or something that would be huge okay down we go break this yoink come on Golden Apple okay that’s actually really good oh we can also

Upgrade our bow with punch too gang ging gang come on more iron Easy Come on a dang honestly not bad we got nine pieces of iron and I guess since we still need a cave for Grind Time uh oh dude let’s go this cave is sick and now to continue

Grind Time I said it’s Grind Time Grind Time Yeah Grind Time grind time it was only a matter of time before mobs spawned and dude holy gang gang check this out there’s a diamond right there I see another right there and if my eyes aren’t deceiving me there’s another one

In that direction over there I don’t have any Zoom mod or anything so I can’t actually check okay but let’s definitely make ourselves a shield cuz holy crap no this creepy booger is coming stop no oh my gosh okay perfect dude we got to be

Very careful I also don’t want to use my iron on a new sword because we’re about to get freaking some diamonds so hold up hello mister come on come on come on come on come on oh my goodness there you go yoink all right yeah let’s definitely

Leave our iron smelting bro we have so much you know what I’m going to be smart Gamers and make another furnace B and there you go now we’re smelting double iron now we do got to be careful because I don’t really have that much food so

Any damage we take we won’t be able to oh my I hate the shield I blame the shield for failing that stupid water clutch bro all right let’s grab our Diamonds though yo let’s go holy crap wait this is actually sick oh this Vin is crazy let’s go dude is this an eight

Vein no way we got this lucky no way oh my gosh it just keeps going it actually just keeps going bro what what holy crap okay wait is there another one there’s no way we just got a nine vein is that even is that even possible or was it two

Veins combined in one I feel like that’s even more lucky bro let’s go dude this mining session is epic already now we are down on some hearts so we got to be very very careful and I think we did find some diamonds over here dude this

Makes me think like how stacked do we oh yeah right here right here right here how stack do we need to get for like the the the villagers I mean if they have an army of iron golems we we’re going to have some trouble and okay hold on a

Second speaking of trouble there we go oh my gosh dude there’s so many mobs no no no run run run run run I do see the diamond I do see the diamond go go Bon go go Bon go oh my gosh Armor Guard go go go water bucket yes superpow ooh and

There’s a m shaft unfortunately it looks like it’s burning man global warming is even hitting the caves bro dude if we can maybe find like a god Apple I’m calling it now that would be insane and wow I love water water is so good for

You guys did you know that all right bet we have 12 which is awesome I don’t see any more diamonds around here dude I should probably be collecting the cheese just in case we get some more apples so we can craft some more golden apples too

Dude wait why are there actually so many mobs here bro what is happening this is insane and there’s cheese everywhere oh my gosh and these green boogers leave me alone what the where did this baby come from that guy spawned out of nowhere man

Ow oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no no leave me alone leave me alone oh dude this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good this is not good oh my gosh oh my

Gosh what I had my shield I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh run run oh my goodness yo we’re actually dodging and weaving and bobbing and creeping actually the only thing is creeping are

The creepers all right I’m going to grab this last bit of cheese and we out bro Okay I lied there’s more cheese right here I love cheese Gamers give me give me give me oh my gosh yes the furnace is stopped which can only mean oh I can’t

Even Sprint bro oh my gosh we’re stacked we got tons of iron and we got 12 diamonds so we got to be super careful how we use these things let’s definitely make ourselves a diamond sword there you go boom let’s cook our potatoes and what should we make oh my gosh that Infinity

Book we already have the arrow it’s going to go so hard if we get the bow so I wonder should we just yeah wait we can honestly just make the Anvil I feel like I should yeah there you go let’s definitely do that combine boom we have the infinity bow probably our best

Weapon right now oh wait should we just put punch two on it too yo low key right let’s go we have a pretty solid bow now the tricky thing is is what do we do with our diamonds you know what I’m going to make protection where it counts

With my why would you do that I want diamond pants all right sue me you know what I’m saying and maybe we should just make a diamond pickaxe just in case yeah there you go you can’t go wrong ever with the diamond pickaxe it’s time to find ourselves a god Apple Gamers inside

Of this m Shaft come on come on a little ging gang told me that if you guys smash the like button we will find the chest with a god Apple in it honestly yeah I don’t know how strong these villagers are going to be I mean they completely

Analed that Pillager Outpost so we got to get as strong and op as possible and right now I’m losing a little bit of Hope please gang ging gang smash like gamers oh my gosh oh my gosh dude it could have been a god Apple you know

What no we got this at least we got a piece of bread so we can heal up some food yo I got so hyped I thought for sure it was a god Apple man that just means you guys didn’t smash the like button hard enough ooh diamonds hello

Gangang worked oh my gosh let’s go actually a pretty op vein bro this mining session has been so much fun you know what Gamers maybe leaving a like wasn’t enough maybe you need to leave a comment saying gang ging gang gang ging gang oh my gosh wait what the hey yo

This one is floating I have never seen anything like this all right oh I I got stuck in okay leave me alone bro this is the final chance gang gang comment it down below 3 2 1 ye oh my gosh I knew it let’s go baby and a diamond bro this is

Okay this is the best thing ever this is the best thing ever shout out cybor Army thank you Gamers I love you honestly my confidence level has gone up now that we have this God Apple Gamers cuz yeah these villagers are probably going to be super overpowered and hold on if we take

A look at these chords 449 okay 1,119 7,000 this is going to be a long long journey for me because with the power of editing we can do a boat time boat time yeah it’s boat time boat time L ho dude let’s go what is that what is that oh my

God is that is that is that the village that thing is huge oh it’s just a tree bro it was just a tree rendering in I thought it was the village I see it okay wait things just got serious oh look there’s a shipwreck over there wait what

Is that is that a boat wait are you telling me we’re not the first ones to go on this adventure and pull up on this Village oh no yo you can’t make this up guys why is there a boat a player boat like that’s the one you you craft and

Place down and then there’s an actual shipwreck structure coincidence I don’t think so okay now I’m a little creeped out so we got to keep our eyes peeled Gamers cuz like honestly I have a bad feeling about this I mean of course these are the cords so yeah we’re

Definitely at the right Village I don’t see anything super sus about it like right off the bat honestly I’m going to yink some food before we go inside of this Village just in case yeah I definitely want to go inside healed up okay keep your eyes peeled Gamers keep

Your eyes peeled wait two Golems okay that’s a little odd for sure but we have a weapon Smith right here here hello what double chest wo all right well I mean we got some diamonds we got some obsidian a lot of bread some apples yeah

I’m not too sure why I’m a little like worried about the double chest that’s not supposed to be in a normal village there’s also two Golems wait no three why is there three Golems um okay something is not adding up here I’m going to make an iron ho just so we can

Yoink some of this food yeah finally we got some decent food bro I mean it’s bread but it’s something but why the four why are there four Golems right here there’s four golems and then this one’s a little broken as if he just had

A battle recently dude no no no no no no I don’t like this at all 100% making a diamond chest plate I usually feel a little bad for like breaking some of the houses but no I don’t care for griefing the secret layer has to be here bro why

Else would they have so many like Golems just guarding dude there’s another one over there there’s two more how many Golems does this place freaking have and this door is literally open okay we got to find the secret layer guys and save the Pillager kids I never thought I

Would be saying that dude what stores open again why would the villagers leave wait where are the Villers y I just realized there’s all these golems and no villagers oh my goodness no no no no this is this is weird this is officially really really weird we got to kick down

Every door and check every single house and honestly right click in a bunch of places that maybe normally we wouldn’t right click there’s a chest here there’s some leather and a leather C that seems like such odd loot secret entrance no nothing here dude one of these cauld I

Literally have no idea maybe the cauldrons right click these cauldrons just in case no they’re not some secret button or anything nothing in this house dude that’s so weird wo wo wo oh my gosh we found it oh my gosh oh no I I guess it’s just weird chunk generation with

Another Golem on the other side okay this house is sussy but there’s nothing inside of here bro what are you guys even defending then one single Pig oh there’s some more food there there’s even one over here bro what oh man I’m not necessarily losing hope I’m just

Worried we’re not going to find this thing in time before I don’t know maybe the villagers know that we’re here but this is definitely proof that there is something going on because there’s so many Golems now wait I think we already checked this house yeah there’s another

Golem right there this one has a chest with nothing inside of it wait oak logs how come none of the other houses had oak logs is there hidden door dang it dude I thought maybe there was a hidden door what the wo wo wo did you guys see

That wait I saw a line here as if this entire house was like a block oh my gosh it happened again and then it just disappears wait what okay that is very weird but it now it seems like it’s a normal house with a bed what wait a red

Bed hey yo none of the other houses had red beds right and none of the other houses had glass blocks which why can’t I wait I can’t break with anything I can’t break anything huh oh my gosh but it’s still a solid block something’s wrong here I can only interact with the

Bed and then I can only interact with the door what and the torch yo I just broke the torch and it’s doing the thing this is one single solid block Gamers I think we found it I think we found the secret base what oh no I dude I I’m

Running I have no words I have no words my words are stutters okay uh I do have one idea and that’s definitely to set our spawn point here bro ah I’m a little terrified I’m not going to lie guys so we found the entire house was the door

Dude I would have never thought I thought it was maybe some sort of grass or something but no this is this is scary this is honestly very scary here goes nothing Gamers if you’re new here subscribe because this adventure is going to get even crazier and there’s

Going to be more like this bro how many stairs is this thing I’ve been going down here forever now wait can I just all right you know what 3 2 1 YOLO oh my gosh let’s go I’m a G baby oh my God there’s a village right there why is he

Tweaking should I shoot him no you know what it’s fine maybe they don’t know that I’m here to you know save save the kids that they abducted there’s another one right there yo no wait a minute why are you pulling your bow huh what’s

Going on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait they’re bugged wait are they bugged are they conflicted you know what yo if you guys don’t know whether to attack me or not that’s fine easier for me baby dude these guys yeah can’t

Decide whether or not to kill me this is really odd Gamers really really odd but look at this place this is awesome okay wait this oh my gosh I was going to say the parkour seems really easy but okay wait lowkey is I just oh my all right

You know what I don’t even care bro I don’t care about this stupid parkour all right wait this part’s easy I can actually do this one let’s go let’s go oh my God hello Mr Golem oh my okay I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my

Goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness what’s wrong you little bot oh okay we almost just died there dude wait where are we right now look at this yo we’re like in some sort of like

Underwater cave part and oh no I have a bad feeling about this um what if I dude I wish I had some sort of villager mask let’s just try and blend in hey everybody what’s up hey yes yes I am one of you okay all right all right honestly

They seem pretty weird but like let’s see is there anything in here okay I’m going to set my spawn point in here just in case we die in here dude that one is literally a full-blown Archer there we go we have some V regular villagers H

Yes yes I hate pillagers too I’m so happy we uh stole their children I mean you guys don’t say that dang it uh okay wait what is this place yo what is this what is this that guy has a piece of iron wait what’s going on

In there hey there’s so many people in here yo wait a second is this the factory look at this wait yeah these guys are holding the iron wo yeah look they’re lowering some sort of iron ore into this thing dude this is where they’re making all those iron golems

That we saw up there okay this is really cool but like wow they actually do have a lot of iron okay I don’t want to just mine the iron and have them like you know angry at me we just got to continue not acting suspicious I not suspicious

Don’t act the suspicious in this okay wait these doors are open okay we got some apples in here which I’ll definitely just to to I meant to say take and and Y at the same time to new word unlocked you’re welcome Gamers dude this place is honestly insane they have

Tons of diamonds and emeralds everywhere wao bro this is honestly such an insane secret yeah honestly it looks like a flourishing Society well that obviously has a deep deep dark secret of course now where are those children that they abducted or maybe what if they didn’t wait never mind never mind this looks

Like some sort of prison this looks like some sort of bank or prison oh my gosh it’s a bank it’s a bank bro wait what the wait wait why is bro hitting me with the freaking Apple oh my gosh oh my gosh I think I just I wasn’t supposed to be

In here I just got some golden apples wait I got the armor oh my gosh I’m putting this on I’m putting this on baby yo give me this no no no they’re trying to shoot me holy Emerald holy emeralds bro what wait I don’t want I don’t want

The things I’ll take the blocks I’ll take the blocks baby dude we’re stacked we’re actually stacked I don’t need the Cobblestone anymore oh my goodness all right here goes nothing okay this guy’s kind of tough this guy’s kind of tough got him oh my goodness all right this

Guy’s after me now no no no no no no no no eat the golden apple eat the GL Apple I forgot how tough Iron Golems really are oh my gosh wait in here in here we can lock ourselves in oh what the there’s a guard die you bot you don’t

Even have you guys don’t know what you’re doing these villagers suck how do they wait actually that makes sense that’s probably why they needed the Golem what in the Gerber is that hello are you the missing child wait there was two oh my gosh right here look at this

Little guy oh he’s you hello yeah look he thinks I’m his dad oh wait okay the other one’s kind of defiant wait they just switched cells what guys you need to follow me I’m breaking down this door this way this way please maybe what if I

Give them an emerald oh my God they’re holding they’re holding totems wait they’re escaping oh no oh no oh no no leave them alone leave them alone no God Apple God Apple no oh my gosh they killed them they killed the baby wait there’s still one more left I promise

I’ll protect you oh my gosh there’s an arrow hey leave him alone wo woah wo bro is so quick what the heck take that oh my gosh why am I using this pickaxe go go go go go go go go go in here bro where you at where where did the little

Bro go oh my gosh he is following me in here in here no no no no in here yo where are you going he’s going the wrong way over here oh my gosh dude stop stop no Gamers Gamers this is not good I can only protect him for so long oh my gosh

Oh my gosh your brother just died you bot follow me okay maybe I could just hit him in this direction yeah there you go this way do you not see they’re trying to kill you oh my God that dude thank God you’re short go up there go up

There listen to me before you die there’s arrows oh my gosh I’ll take care of this nerd got him don’t look at me like I’m your dad all right I’m not your dad I’m your protector okay you know what no you can’t have him you idiot

Okay wait what how did I just get hit what the heck all right I’m double stealing this up don’t worry little bro you’re safe with me Mission successful subscribe if you also don’t support villagers using Pillager babies as their Factory people

I Found a Villager’s Secret Base in Minecraft

💥 MAIN CHANNEL! – @Bionic

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