Poor vs Rich: Noob vs Pro Prison Build Challenge in Minecraft

Today I’ve challenged my brother Milo to a poor versus Rich prison Build Challenge can Milo break into my top secure Rich prison or will Milo get locked inside forever okay chip I am ready to build the most secure prison but how come I have to use all the poor

Blocks I want to use the good Rich blocks it doesn’t matter Milo because at the end we will both have 5 minutes each to break into each other’s secure prison and try and find the Vault with the secret hidden item inside well I’m totally going to build better than you

Let’s go I’m so excited I’m going to stop building right now first I need to build the starting foundation for my massive Rich Pro prison I’m going to build a huge amount of iron bars going out just like this we’re going to have the entrance be right here I think I

Need to make it a little wider though let’s expand it a couple blocks this way perfect oh I’m so excited we’re also going to push it a couple blocks back and boom we can have netherite here I’m going to push this all the way around because it’s going to be the entrance to

The big main hallway this is going to be the massive massive room that everyone walks through at the start of my prison it’s also going to be where Milo has to go through at the very end to try and Escape I don’t think you’ll manag to do

It though this main hle is going to be so big it’s crazy I’m using netherite blocks to outline it because they’re pretty awesome and really rich wo I love this so much and Milo are you already building out of dirt and plank that’s what I have to build out of I don’t

Really want to but I guess I have to because that’s the rolls you set this can be the parkour room yeah I love that idea perfect and the parkour can go like this and we’ll just Loop it around this way oh I’m so excited to see what

Awesome parkour I can make for this room it’s going to be epic and on the other side I’m going to use gold blocks actually wait I’ll use diamond blocks that way it’s totally symmetrical I think on this side we we can have a security office oh yeah that’ll be

Perfect here is where all the guards can come and collect information on all the prisoners they have to keep track of so many so it’s important that they all know exactly where the prisoners are and done perfect now next to the security office we’re going to have a big long

Hallway this hallway will go really far back but we’re not going to be able to go the whole way through it it’s only going to go up to here perfect now let’s make it go backwards and I’m loving this so far it’s also going to end right here

I’m also going to make the parkour section just one block shorter I want this prison to be the same on both sides because if it’s symmetrical that means it’s easier to keep track of and we won’t lose sneaky prisoners like Milo I also need to grab some Emerald blocks

I’m already running out of blocks to draw the layout of this prison with we’re going to use the emerald blocks just like this this room is going to be where we keep Milo in his very own prison cell oh yeah I’m excited I don’t think he’s going to be able to break out

Of this one actually I think we might even make the prison cell a little bit bigger I think he’s going to be stuck in here for a while so he may as well have a nice amount of space next to Milo’s prison cell is going to be the cell hole

This is where every single prisoner in the entire Rich prison is kept and because our prison is so rich we can afford to keep a lot of prisoners here yeah we basically have the whole world in prison in this place I’m also going to build a couple more cells here we

Need to be able to keep more people than just Milo in prison otherwise I could just box Milo in some obsidian that would be way too easy this is a real challenge okay we’ll make the final cell right here and it’s a little small I

Think we need to make it just a bit bigger perfect this means we will have to extend this room just a little bit in this direction though let’s break these netherite blocks and now we just have to extend a diamond hallway in the back here this hallway is going to be insane

Because it will be filled with lasers the best lasers that our Super Rich Pro prison can buy okay yeah I’m so excited I wonder how good the lasers are going to be probably way better than any laser I’ve ever used before on this side of the prison we will not have any cells

For the prisoners to be trapped in instead we’re going to have the prison Courtyard this is where all the prisoners will come after a long day of being jailed up and it’s where they get there outside time they’re going to be really angry though so if Milo comes

Through here he’s going to get a bit frazzled I think that’ll be so funny finally we need to build an area for the vault to go this vault is going to be what Milo tries to get while escaping through this prison it is the only way

Out because it’s where we keep the keys and it’s where I’ll keep a special secret item as well I can’t say what that item is going to be because if Milo somehow finds out what it is he’ll try extra hard to get it and if he gets his

Hands on this thing I am totally done for I need to do everything in my power to keep him away from it the netherite blocks that I’m placing right now are not vaults even though they definitely look like it these are just bigger parts

Of the hallway oh yeah now all I have to do is extend this hallway to the other side and we’ll then be ready to build the actual rooms I’m so excited to make them and I’m even more excited to watch Milo go through them he’s really going

To struggle especially with some of the crazy things I have planned to put inside here okay boom we have now finished the foundation now I’m going to build the god Towers I think here is a pretty good spot to line them up with just that diamond block there okay we’re

Going to build them out of netherite oh I’m so excited this is going to look really really awesome I think this is a pretty good amount of blocks to go through they need to be really big and really really tall there’s going to be so many guards inside because our prison

Is Rich we can hire as many people as we want to we can totally afford it we can even extend this one block extra in this direction to make it extra thick yeah I love this so much Milo’s never going to be able to climb the god Towers to get

Out that’s why I’m making them so tall and so scary on the inside the floor is going to be made out of smooth quartz blocks just like this smooth quartz is really expensive so obviously only a prison as rich as my one can afford it Milo’s prison definitely would never be

Able to now let’s use our netherite blocks to extend this Tower really far up I think this is a pretty good height yeah I’m happy with this now let’s extend it this way on the inside side I’m not going to make this tower out of normal blocks no no no that’s what a

Poor prison would do I’m going to make this tower out of gilded Blackstone we’re also going to use little bits of gold but let’s place the black stone first just like this we can place it up here and wo this wall already looks so shiny gilded Blackstone is really rare

Because it can only be found in piglin bastions the piglins defend it pretty hard almost as hard as my prison guards will defend this Prison from Milo trying to escape trying to get this gilded Blackstone is really difficult but look this prison is so rich I got a whole

Wall of it Milo’s probably going to be so jealous when he sees how awesome this guard Tower and the rest of my prison is Milo how’s your prison going yeah it’s good I’ve just built the main entrance and a little waiting room I’m trying to

Build a God now out of a snor Golem but he keeps running away Milo Snow Golems are some of the weakest mobs in the game when I try to run through your prison it’ll probably totally miss me this God Tower will not have a regular roof

Instead it will have a crown that’s just how rich my prison is look at this it already looks incredible but it needs to look a lot better this Crown needs to go all the way around and hey Milo are you throwing snowballs at me oh no that must

Have been someone else Milo I can see you my God tower has an excellent vantage point so I can basically see the whole world from here on the side of every single one of these God Towers I’m going to have a diamond shape made out of gold and of course in every diamond

Shape I need to add a diamond in the center otherwise it just wouldn’t make sense I’m going to make one on every side and then I’m going to put these towers all around the edges so I’m basically halfway done well I’m getting started on my outer Security Fence good

Luck with that Milo that fence looks really silly now because my prison is so rich I can afford the best world edit there is so I’m going to copy this building and put it all around every single side I’ve already built my incredible watchtowers and now I just

Have to make this awesome fence that will go all the way around I’m building it out of iron bars it’s way better than silly Oak fences Oak fences are made out of wood so they’re never going to be as good as strong metal are you doing anything to your walls other than just

Having Oak fences Milo well I might make the oak fences a bit higher but that’s my main idea wow I guess it’s not just your prison that’s newbie it’s also your fences too too hey that’s really weird my prison’s going to shock you when you

Get into it Shock Me Milo I didn’t know your prison had electricity well it doesn’t but it’s going to shock you in your brain what a brain shock Milo is that even a thing you wait and see you’re going to be so surprised when you see what I put in here there’s some

Tricky things that are really going to make you go crazy or do I have to wait and see I think in my super duper Pro prison we can afford some pretty cool tricks tricks like this invisibility potion only the richest people in the entire world can afford this and luckily

A couple of them are locked up in my prison so I can afford this invisibility potion I’m going to sneak over to Milo’s side and have a look at what he’s really doing if he is building something crazy then I guess I’ll have to eat my words

But I don’t know I don’t think he is it looks pretty normal to me so far there’s a fence and what is this Milo presson entry what oh he’s trying to say prison hey he hasn’t even built a way in how is anybody meant to enter when they get

Arrested that is really embarrassing oh goodness I think I need to help Milo out his prison has no defenses but I think one defense that he’ll totally like is some lava I’m going to put lava buckets all the way around the front of his fence I think he’ll really appreciate it

Quick I need to throw this lava bucket in the lava to ditch the evidence all right I also need to run back to my base quickly grab a milk bucket and pretend that I never went over to Milo’s side I really hope he believes my lie well I’m

Pretty much done with the outside of my fence and hang on a second what is all this lava lava Milo is there lava outside your fence yeah and I swear I didn’t put it here I hate lava get it away maybe you’re such a noob that you

Put it there and you forgot oh wait a second maybe I did or maybe someone really sneaky cold chip came over and put it here oh chip if I found out you did it I’m going to be really angry okay Milo I better not tell you anything then

Maybe it was a prisoner there are some pretty sneaky prisoners locked up in prison and some of them got arrested for pouring lava over everything there are no prisoners here yet okay I’m still building this fence is so high security it’s crazy it’s even bigger than I

Originally thought it would be I planed to have this fence be huge but I never thought it could get this massive I hope I’ll have time to finish all of this before Milo’s prison is complete I better go really quick I might be rich

And I might be a pro but I’m no dummy I know that if we run out of time we’ll have to give Milo an unfinished prison to run through and it’ll give him a huge Advantage I’m not going to let that happen I’m way too smart for that all I

Have to do is Place one more fence on the other side of this place and we’ll be done oh yeah I’m excited for this real excited after I finish this fence I’m going to get started on what I’m most excited to do or at least one of

The things I’m most excited to build there’s lots to be excited about when you’re this rich and this good at building I’m excited to make Milo’s prison cell I wonder what things I can put inside maybe something really embarrassing or really silly or I could even just make it really ugly inside so

Milo wants to get out although I could make it really nice inside so that Milo never wants to leave that’s actually not a bad plan okay this gives me a really good idea I’m I’m going to build Milo’s prison cell right here and I’m going to

Build it out of blocks that I know Milo loves Milo loves blue things just like diamonds so if I make the whole prison cell Diamond no one will ever leave oh yeah this is turning out so good I better make the ceilings pretty tall everyone knows that rich buildings have

Really tall ceilings they have so much more money to spend so of course they just buy more materials to make the walls even taller that is exactly what this prison does but it also has a really good benefit perk because the walls are so tall they’re even harder to

Climb and really hard to hide on when this ceiling is only two blocks high it is really easy to hide inside of a block or behind a chest and none of that’s going to be happening in my prison it is way too tall for that no one can even

Reach the ceiling let alone climb on it perfect now I’m going to make the floor out of emerald blocks wow this prison cell looks awesome if I was Milo I’d totally want to hide in here all day I would never even think about escaping all right now let’s Place Emerald blocks

Here and perfect wow I love this this is great these iron bars are going to be airtight so Milo will have no way of going over them but I’m not totally cruel I’m going to add a little tool in the top right corner of this secret

Prison cell and I think I’m going to give Milo a wooden pickaxe wooden pickaxes are really slow and they won’t be able to mine any of the blocks other than these iron bars it’ll give him a pretty good ability to escape this cell so I’m going to make it pretty hard to

Reach he’ll have to do a bunch of Parkour up these gold blocks in order to get to it yeah I think this is really fair if Milo can make it up this parkour he deserves to make it to the next spot cuz Milo is really bad at parkour he’ll

Never make it up here in a million years Milo’s going to go to jail for the crime of being a silly little guy and the punishment for that is being locked up for the rest of your life what am I going to jail for in your prison Mila

Just being the worst man ever what what’s the punishment for that well you’re going to be locked up for 10 years and also you’re going to have to take BS in lava BS in lava that sounds dangerous Milo yeah it’s pretty dangerous but you deserve it because you’ve been doing naughty things to

Everyone I guess I have been a little bit cheeky but I think BS of lava is a little extreme I’m even making this massive prison Hall out of netherite blocks these are going to really keep everyone inside not just Milo these netherite blocks need to be just as tall

As the diamond cage right here yeah I think this is perfect now we need to place them along here like this and we also need to remember to add more iron blocks it’s not just going to be one cage for Milo there’s also going to be

Lots of other cages here let me grab the more iron bars here and put them along the emeralds these other cages are also going to have Diamond walls this way if Milo accidentally steps out of his cage and into the other one he’ll be totally hypnotized by all the amazing diamonds

Here he might even get distracted and want to go inside another cell I don’t know if that’ll happen but if it does that would be the funniest thing ever I’m almost halfway done building these cells I’m moving so quickly I’m never going to get caught off guard by how

Quickly anybody else is building their prison especially not Milo I’m going so fast and even though Milo’s prison is way smaller than mine I’m still moving so much quicker this is really good because it means I have a great chance of winning this thing I better escape this prison really really well because

If I don’t that’ll be so embarrassing I’m never going to let that happen I am not an embarrassment kind of guy now that we finished those diamond blocks let’s quickly make the floors of these other two cells I wonder what prisoners could be kept inside here probably some

Real Dangerous Ones there are only four prison cells in the entire prison and one of them is going to Milo who got arrested for being a silly little guy the other prisoners are going to be much much scarier their crimes are going to be so crazy I think one prisoner is

Going to be arrested for stealing the entire Earth that is such a crazy thing I don’t think even I’ve done that not even in my worst prank and maybe another prisoner in this prison could be the Ender Dragon for all his crimes in the end the Ender Dragon is such an evil mob

And it’s a boss so it’s definitely in charge of a lot of other evil mobs by arresting the Ender Dragon and putting him in prison we can totally make sure lots of Minecraft is way less Evil all right perfect we’ve now built the roofs of the these cells I’m going to grab

Some lime stained glass and these Emerald blocks as well we’re going to make some pillars around this building yeah it’s going to look so cool it’s even going to look like an awesome bank vault wait a minute I should put the pillars here that way they won’t block

Our view of the cells the better view that we get of these prison cells the quicker we can catch any prisoners that might try to escape by designing my prison to be as smart as possible I really make sure the money stays in the prison yeah that’s a great idea I’m also

Going to add some quartz bricks around the bottom of these pillars it looks so cool wow I’m so excited Milo’s probably going to spend so much time looking at how beautiful my rich prison is he might even forget to escape oh I so hope that happens that could be my ticket to

Winning this thing and if Milo never escapes he’ll never discover the embarrassing thing I’m going to put in the vault at the end now let’s add some lime gloss swirling up this wall now let’s just do the same on each different wall I’ll do the same here except this

Glass GL will go in a different direction we can do lots of things here the glass doesn’t just have to go one way now it can go this way as well it even looks mirrored wo imagine that a building so shiny and fancy and reflective it just is a whole way of

Mirrors and complete okay that was the last quartz block wo this area is already looking so amazing let’s make sure we add in some iron bars to each of these rooms I’m not ever going to let any other prisoner escape perfect only Milo room will have the parkour because

He’s kind of a noob he’ll never be able to beat it anyway if I add parkour with a wooden pickaxe in any of these other cells then the crazy Pros I have trapped inside will definitely be able to escape and use it really easily yeah I’m not

Going to be that stupid I’m going to be really smart and planned for the future especially in case somebody tries to escape okay I finished this cell wall there is only one more set of iron bars we have to place and then we can get

Started on the next part of my prison I am so excited to build it it’s going to be so cool now that I’ve built that amazing room it is time to build the equally amazing laser hallway I’m so excited to see what this looks like but

First I think I need to check in on Milo and see exactly what he’s done I think if I go to the front of my prison I should be able to get a pretty good Viewpoint okay I’m just going to peek around these iron bars and okay it just

Looks like he’s built a dirt prison that is so embarrassing he also has another room over there but I don’t know it has a window so it can’t be a cell uhoh Milo’s eyes are wide open I better sneak back down so he definitely doesn’t see

Me he also has a bunch of signs what if a gang robber he is trying to find the prison and they find it so easily because he’s written all these signs telling people where it is oh goodness it’s going to be so easy to break out of

Milo’s prison I better make sure that breaking out of my prison is way harder this laser hallway is only going to go in One Direction the other one is totally going to be totally blocked off it’s going to lead right to the end into this really long Diamond room let’s

Place a bunch of quartz blocks on the floor I do not want anybody seeing grass in this prison if a prisoner reaches the grass level it basically means that they’ve escaped already my prisoners can totally afford really really rich enchanted diamond shovels and those mine so quickly in prison movies they dig out

Using a spoon but imagine how quick they’d break out if they had diamonds yeah I’m not going to let that happen that’s why every single floor Block in my prison is going to be made out out of quartz or stone or something really rock solid like that yeah no one’s going to

Escape from here I’ll make sure of it myself now once the prisoners reach this wall they’re going to reach a bunch of diamond and the only way out is going to be into the courtyard here I’ll make the entrance there yeah that seems pretty fair I’ll build the wall up like this

This hallway is going to be a lot shorter than the rest of the prison though I think up to here is pretty good I need to make sure that the roof is low because I don’t want anybody climbing over my laser this hallway is only as

Tough as the lasers inside it and if the prisoners can just go over the lasers then there’s no point of having a laser hallway in the first place I’m way too smart to just let them Escape like that so I’m going to make sure it’s nice and

Short yeah this is looking so good I’ve almost finished placing all the diamonds to build this hallway out of and I’m about to be finished this is so exciting and boom now that I’ve done that we can actually get started on placing the lasers inside this hallway I think if we

Grab a laser block I’ll know exactly what to do with it we need a lens first we need a colored lens just like this we’ll also need a crafting table some red dye and not to mention a harming module these lasers are a little complicated than my usual ones but hey

When you’re as Rich As I Am you can buy the most complicated equipment all right these lasers look pretty okay but at the moment they’re just white that is really boring so I need to make some colored lenses let’s grab some red dye and spread it all around to make a colored

Lens that is red now I need to add this inside of these laser blocks see it turns the laser red that is awesome and now I just have to right click it with a harming module and anybody other than me of course that walks through will get

Totally prickled by the laser I’m so excited Milo will definitely fall for this and I’ll put another laser block here because this hallway is going to be so short it will definitely go through the ceiling and Milo won’t be able to jump over it let’s give this laser the

Same treatment adding a red block and then another harming module we can add a bunch more going down this hallway just like that one let’s have one in each corner just like this and then we’ll have one that he has to jump over right afterwards wo I’m just letting these

Ones be white and painless for now I’ll add the pain in the red dye really really shortly let’s also add two right here and finally We’ll add two over here as well yeah I think that’s pretty good this laser hallway is already crazy I’m going to add one last one right here so

That Milo will have to duck underneath it wo this is so scary if I was a prisoner I would have definitely given up escaping this hallway by now it is too crazy to be able to escape on your own let’s also add the harming modules on every single one of these lasers I

Don’t want to forget so I’m just going to do it right now now it is time to make every single one of these lasers red if even a single one is left as white and painless that would be so embarrassing I’m not going to let that happen by making sure that every single

One is red I make this hallway look as scary as it possibly can and this hallway is already pretty freaky so I think I’m doing a great job we have to add this one and let’s check on the lasers in the ceiling making sure they’re red as well is a huge priority

For me okay I just have to add these red dye in here and once we add it in this one we’ll be totally set all right let’s add these three and boom every single laser in this hallway is now red we can finally add the final parts of the

Ceiling let’s add some more quartz bricks it’ll go right above these lasers just like this I’m going to use the same design we’ve used in the other rooms by doing doing the same thing in each room we make sure this prison has a really cool look if one room looked weird and

Different it wouldn’t match an only poor Architects plan like that because we’re rich we can afford the best planning and we do not miss out on it let’s just add these final diamond blocks so that it can connect up to the wall in the back of the prison the entire back of the

Prison is now basically complete that is so exciting and you can even see the laser blocks on the sides that must be really scary for any prisoner thinking about escaping if I was a prisoner in this prison I would not be silly enough to try and Escape it is way too awesome

Inside let’s add some more diamond blocks here and we’re basically done with this roof let’s just add the smooth quartz and boom we have now completed the laser hallway and can finally move on to making the courtyard I need to replace all of this outside grass with

Blocks of raw gold they’re so hard to mine through and they’re actually made out of nine raw gold items combined together they’re so strong they’re basically as strong as a gold block but these ones have not been cooked so they’re way rougher and spikier yeah I

Don’t think any prisoner is going to be able to escape by digging through these all right let’s just make sure we add them all the way around and then once we add them in a square shape we can use our amazing world edit abilities to put

Them all through here all we have to do is type set hand and boom it automatically completes how amazing is that wow we’ve already done such a good job but it’s not just a floor we have to build in this Courtyard we also have to add some residents I better build the

Walls up high so they don’t escape these residents are going to be actual prisoners from inside the prison I’m moving them in today only three of them other than Milo will get cells inside the cell room the rest will have to stay in the hallways with the gods where they

Can keep a real close eye on them we have to make sure we add gold to this part of the building as well if we don’t the prisoners could climb up this wall using spiders in the night and I’m not going to let that happen because this

Gold will stop them from doing that as well if they try to climb up here they’ll get stuck in the cobwebs and it won’t be fun for them let’s make sure we add the same gold effect around the diamond as well perfect now we just have

To make sure the gold goes down like this wo this looks so cool if this wasn’t a prison I would want to live here myself I’m sure everyone would want to especially if someone was really really rich wow perfect I’m going to make sure they go all the way around

Especially on this side I do not want the prisoners to think this prison is ugly maybe if I remove the top block of every single one of these gold items it’ll look even cooler wo I was definitely right it looks so awesome you can definitely tell that only the

Richest prisoners would ever get to go here let’s make this part of the diamond hallway into a netherite ring it kind of looks like a nether portal wow that’s crazy I’m also going to add a block of gold here as well perfect it looks exactly like somewhere a bunch of Rich

Prisoners would come out of speaking of Rich prisoners I think think it’s time to summon them look how amazing they are they’re highly trained to attack whoever they see other than the prison Warden I’m just going to make sure they can’t escape here let me get some iron bars

And place them right along here they were about to try and get through but now they’ve stopped look they’re together as a group they’re already forming a gang this is crazy the most dangerous criminals in the entire game all together ready to attack Milo I

Think he’s going to be in for it if he tries to break through here I’ve added Warp fence gates to make sure that the prisoners cannot Escape through this door Milo will have to open them from the inside I’m also going to add a couple more I don’t think these

Prisoners realize exactly how easy it would be to escape they’re all such Pros but I’m not going to let that happen if Milo wants to get through here he’ll have to complete this netherite level parkour oh yeah this is perfect he’ll have to jump all around here and go

Through the next gate it’ll be right over here it’ll be the same shape as the other one making sure that Milo knows where to go but I don’t know I almost want to hide it to make it more hard for him I won’t though I’m such a nice big

Brother so I’ll go easy on him for today this hallway will lead directly into the security office so even if Milo does manage to escape through he’s going to really have a difficult time getting past the security officers my security guards are going to be highly trained

There’s no way Milo will get through them that easy this gold wall is really tall as well it looks so cool I’m even going to add quartz pillars around the edge of it just like this wow these look amazing I think this security guard room needs to have a bunch of gods inside

Already I don’t want them to have to wait to enter this way no matter when Milo enters this room they’ll be ready for him and fully trained to attack him maybe instead of gold we can even make this part out of diamonds gold is a lot less valuable than diamonds and my

Security offices are going to be pretty rich so I think if I want them to stay in the room I’ll definitely have to make it out of diamond oh yeah I think that looks way better now that I’ve done that I can really start making this wall even

Taller the security guards need a lot of space they’re going to be so well trained and they need to be able to Su assault off the ceiling there’s no point hiring someone to guard your prison if they can’t climb the walls this way no matter what the prisoners decide to

Throw at them they’ll be ready to take them down oh yeah this is so exciting I cannot wait to see this fully in action I’m going to make sure the security room is really big Milo is going to have to sneak past all the security guards I

Think the bottom of this security room can be a massive Maze of hallways where the security guards can get into any part of the prison really really quickly Milo will have to walk on platforms above them if he wants to get to the other side this will make it really hard

For Milo because he’s really clumsy and gets really nervous if he falls down into the security guards he is toast this is part of my strategy for making sure that there is no way Milo can escape this pro-r prison if he even tries he’ll be totally thwarted by all

Of my defenses yeah I’m so excited about that perfect let’s keep making this Diamond wall even taller I think once we’ve done this round of it we can finally start working on the maze inside where all the security guards will wander through now to make it as scary

As possible all of my security guards will be walking on deep slate redstone ore this looks like a spider eye got turned into a wall it is really creepy and totally terrifying I do not think Milo is going to like it at all and that’s the best part it also has really

Freaky glowing Redstone particles if Milo runs along it the security guards will be able to see the particles and they’ll be able to chase him even quicker if I just make sure that this covers the whole floor Milo won’t have a chance at getting through this place

Perfect let’s place it right over to the other side like this I also need to make sure that the guards are already here before I even make the roof here are the first three guards I will ever hire at this prison that’s amazing now it is

Time for me to start working on the roof the roof is also going to be made made out of quartz and quartz bricks I think if we make all the roofs look the same it might even make Milo confused about which room he’s in this could make him

Doubt himself and it could buy us some extra time that extra time is so critical because it is how the gods will find him the longer Milo takes the higher the chance that he’ll get caught and thrown right back into his cell which I really hope he does because then

He’ll never find the item I will hide inside the Vault once we finish making this roof we will be able to make the maze on the ins inside of this security guard room and done now we can actually start working on it I’m so excited this

Maze is going to be made out of iron but not just any iron iron trap doors as well as some chains chains are actually also made out of iron so this should look pretty terrifying For Milo it also means that the guards should be able to

See him and follow him if these iron trap doors were not see-through it would be way more difficult for my gods luckily because they are the gods will have a really easy time so I think Milo’s going to have no chance of escaping this place this entire part of

My prison is going to be like a maze Milo’s really going to have to think about where he’s going if he wants to try and Escape there will be lots of dead ends to trick him into going into the wrong direction the more mistakes that Milo makes the more chance he will

Fall off of these platforms and land among the guards there they’ll totally take him down and Milo will really regret being so rushy about trying to get through this prison okay now that I’ve placed these I just need to make these other platforms a little bit bigger and the starting platform is

Totally fine perfect now that I’ve placed all these down let’s start adding the chains these iron bits need to be supported by the ceiling iron is so heavy most rich things are yeah if it’s not heavy it probably didn’t cost very much gold and diamonds and netherite are

Some of the most expensive things in the world and they’re also really really heavy so it definitely makes a lot of sense perfect we’ve added a bunch of chains now let’s keep adding more until there are so many chains my can barely see his way through the room maybe there

Will be so many chains that it’ll make the platforms really wobbly and Milo will get confused and fall off now that I think about it maybe I don’t even need to add hallways for these guards if they just stay in this room forever they will

Be a great obstacle to take care of Milo if he falls down I’m also not going to add a single ladder back up this way if Milo falls into here it is all over for him that is so intense so this room is really important for Milo to make it

Through if Milo manages to make it to the end of this room he will reach the next part of my prison which is going to be the main hall this is going to be so exciting for me to build but H I haven’t seen what Milo’s built in a while and

Wao his prison looks crazy there’s googly eyes on top of it okay I better lower my voice because I have a pretty sneaky plan I’m going to disguise myself and sneak over to Milo’s prison this way I can test to see how he would really react if a prisoner escaped wao I look

So different I don’t even look like me anymore but don’t worry it’s still me chip okay I just need to make my way over to Milo’s prison and see how he’d really react I need to sneak in so that Milo doesn’t see me entering this way he’ll definitely know that I’m meant to

Be a prisoner and not some random visitor oh wow he has villagers locked up inside this prison that is so silly okay I think I’m going to take my place inside this Village’s cell okay now buddy as long as you don’t snitch to the authorities Milo won’t know a thing okay

Perfect all now I just need to place the iron blocks back and let Milo know that I’m here but I can’t let him know that I’m me I need to put on a voice so Milo doesn’t realize I’m actually chip hm what voice can I do oh I know hey Milo

I’m inside a prison wait who is that I’m a prisoner inside this prison and I’m about to escape I don’t see you what hey what are you doing you arrested me a couple years ago that’s why you don’t remember me I really don’t remember you

You you look like a freak hey I look really good I think okay well what do you want I’m trying to build my present or chip can’t get through it oh Chip he’s a really good guy isn’t he no he’s the worst he’s my brother and he’s

Always being really mean hey hey don’t be mean to your brother uh but you know what I’m going to do what are you going to do I’m going to escape the prison what oh my gosh come back here how dare you Escape oh no this is really bad oh

Goodness Milo reacts really badly when you escape he tries really hard to keep the prison is locked inside okay well I guess that’s a bad situation but I can’t want it distract me from building my epic prison a now all the prisoners are escaping dang it now that I’ve made my

Way over to this cave I need to switch back to my normal skin perfect I’m me again now while I build this amazing main hole I know exactly how Miler will re react if I escaped from his prison he does not react well but he’s also really

Silly so I think I have a good chance of making it now one thing I definitely learned from looking at Milo’s prison is he is absolutely really close to being finished so I better go really quick and my amazing world edit teacher taught me something really cool he’s so expensive

So he’s very good at his job if I do this command it should stack really high upwards wow that’s incredible it is now the tallest building in the entire prison I better fly back through this guard chamber and make sure that I break the entrance in the right spot perfect

Just like this wow it already looks so incredible I need to make sure the front entrance is visible otherwise nobody could even get into the prison even when they’re being brought in to start their jail time now that I built this prison so quickly it gives me a lot extra time

To set the floors to diamond blocks oh yeah that happens so fast let me just add the final diamond blocks to the floor over here and we’ll be ready to decorate the inside of this massive hole hallway already this is so quick in my wildest dreams I never thought we’d get

It this fast okay I think we need to add a section in the middle here that H oh I know is a big golden statue yeah every really rich place has a really rich golden statue that’s a huge part of it let’s make sure we build this really

Nicely far out okay then we’ll build it going backwards Milo cannot go through the golden statue area it’s going to have fences but not just any fence it will have electrified iron fences all the way around it making it impossible for him to get through this is so funny

I can’t imagine what Milo would go through if he tries to go over the electrified iron fence now for the statue in the very middle I’m going to make a pretty cool monster this monster is really really famous inside of Minecraft it’s caused so many deaths and

So many explosions over the years it is a creeper I need to make sure I build this thing really really well if I don’t then it’ll look really silly and because it’s the first thing you see when you walk inside my prison it needs to look

So so scary this creeper is going to be built out of netherite and gold hm I think I know exactly how to do the mouth though bamboo stairs are a really similar color to Gold so if I just place the mouth like this and then push it a

Couple blocks upwards it should look a lot like a creeper’s face would okay now I just need to place stairs on the bottom side just like this and wao it looks like a really scary creeper that is crazy how that works okay perfect I love this now I just need to make sure

That the roof is made out of the same quartz blocks we’ve done the rest of the roofs out of this place does not get any special treatment just cuz it’s super duper tall let’s place it along here oh yeah I cannot wait to see how crazy

Awesome this main area looks once I do the roof here I’m so excited we’ve got to go really fast though we still have two more rooms after this to make and not a lot of time to do it in I’m getting so close to being finished Milo you better start hurrying up I’m

Hurrying up as fast as I can I’m trying to make some really tricky things for you to try and get through really tricky things what tricky things could that be well I’m not going to tell you otherwise you’ll try and figure out a way to finish it h I guess you’re right and

Speaking of figuring out a way to do things you’ve just reminded me I’m placing more and more electrified security fences around my prison to stop you from escaping oh goodness I don’t like electricity I know that’s why I put it every where it’s a really important part of making my prison super secure

Yes s word sorry Milo I’m just doing what I can my prison is super rich and super pro so it would be really embarrassing if someone got out you know what would be really embarrassing what if you kept yapping hey I’m not yapping I’m saying really cool guy things yeah

But you’re not such a cool guy when you’re going to lose at my prison no way you’re going to lose to my prison these two final rooms I’m making right now I’m making so difficult just for you Milo well thanks a lot I guess you’re welcome

This final room is so difficult I’m even making the entire floor into lava it’s going to be a super duper tall parkour section and if Milo falls into the lava he’ll totally get burned up and have to start all over again back at the prison cell yeah that’ll be a really good thing

If Milo manages to do that well good for me at least not good for Milo at all okay now that we’ve destroyed the grass let’s start placing in all this lava wo it already looks so cool and I can feel the heat coming off of it right now lava

Is so powerful I’m so glad we can afford a whole room of it in the Super Rich prison I bet in the poor prison they don’t even have any lava that’s so sad other than the lava prank that I pulled at the very beginning that was so funny

Luckily it taught me exactly how to handle lava as a prison owner so I’m basically an expert on it now let’s Place lava buckets all the way along here I’m not going to miss a single spot uh-oh like that one once we add the lava to this final section it’ll be complete

And boom now we can add the parkour H I’m only going to add the first section of Parkour because I need some time to think on what might be good to add let’s add some iron blocks and uh-oh I accidentally plac the iron bar in the

Lava wao this is really getting to my head placing iron bars over lava is really stressful so I need to make sure I focus I think this is pretty good so far but hm the rest of this parkour can’t just be iron bars I need to think

About what I can add but rather than thinking about it while I just build random stuff I’m going to think while I build this wall hopefully an amazing idea will strike me and I’ll be able to build it so quickly hm it definitely can’t be anything water related because

If water spills down into this lava it’ll become obsidian and the parkour will become way too easy I would never let that happen not in a million years which is longer than even Milo is sentenced to be in jail for hm maybe I could do something with fences but ah

That seems a little similar to the iron bars they’re both really really skinny maybe I need to do some other kind of block one that slows you down or even better slips you up yeah some sort of slippery block would be perfect but I don’t know many I don’t think honey is

Slippery at all that block just makes it really sticky wherever you walk you can even use it to jump down walls I don’t think Milo would ever be able to do that he’d probably eat his way through the honey and be able to Escape through the honey wall that would be terrible I

Would never let Milo Escape that quickly that would just be embarrassing for me H maybe instead of Honey or fences or more iron bars the slippery block that I add could be some sort of ice yeah and it’ll perfectly match the blue from the diamond blocks in this wall uh even

Though I don’t like the color blue I really do love the color of diamonds just because they’re so expensive it really fits that I am building the super duper Pro Rich prison and Milo is building the Newbie poor prison if I had to build the poor prison I would be so

So angry and I would probably quit right on the spot and never do another build battle again let’s add the final two diamond blocks to make it the same height as that other Diamond room where all my gods are that Milo will also have to get through Milo is going to have to

Reach the very top of this room if he wants to make it into the Vault yeah I’m going to make this really hard for him if this was easy everyone would be escaping from prison so it’s a pretty good thing it’s not I’m not going to add

Just any ice I’m going to add blue ice it is the slipperiest ice in the game and hey I can’t believe I missed a spot in the lava there let’s add some iron bars here leading on to the first block of blue ice I think I’ll place it right

Here and the second one can go here oh yeah this is going to be pretty difficult for Milo he’s not the best at parkour he’s quite a noob at owning a prison and a really big Noob at doing parkour it’s honestly kind of funny to

Watch even though I do feel bad for him sometimes once Milo makes it up these final blocks it will lead him directly into the final Vault oh goodness I’m really nervous I hope he never makes it to this final Vault it is where I’m going to keep my secret item if Milo

Never makes it to this final Vault I will never reveal what the secret item is because I don’t want anybody telling Milo about it if Milo finds out what the secret item is he’ll never forgive me and will probably never speak again oh goodness I don’t even want to think

About it the only thing I can do is make sure that I build this prison so tough so he never finds it I’m going to bury this secret item at the bottom of this netherite cage I’ll even make the floors netherite netherite is one of the

Toughest blocks in the game so no one can dig up through it the secret item is protected in a passcode chest and the passcode is definitely going to be 1 2 3 4 you’ll have to type that every time you want to open the chest the secret

Item is Now hidden inside a passcode protected chest this is the most secure I can possibly make it that’s the reason why I’ve been trying so hard to make my prison as secure rich and pro as possible because if it’s any easier to escape than Milos is he’ll find that

Item and the world will basically end that’s exactly how bad it is okay I’m just going to place these final netherite blocks and I’ll add some netherite on the ceiling as well let’s add the same netherite around the sides and after this all I’m going to have to

Do is add the quartz on this ceiling add a little bit of gold and we’ll be done I did not realize it was this easy to build a massive Rich Pro prison I should build more of these things I think I should own every rich Pro prison in the

World I’d do such a good job at it I’d basically be the best prison Warden ever speaking of prison Warden once I finish this roof I also need to add Gods on top of every single God Tower it’s not exactly really a god Tower if there’s

Nobody goding it then it’s just a tower which nobody wants that would just be embarrassing I’m not going to let that happen I’m going to make sure each of my God Towers is fully covet in them my gods are going to be made out of iron and pumpkins because they’re going to be

Super buff iron Golems just like this we’ll have three on top of every guard Tower I think yeah that’ll be perfect three of them will definitely mean that there is enough in case anybody breaks up here they’ll be able to fight together as a team making it so much

More difficult for whoever hides up here to break out perfect we can even make them quicker if we place them just like this hey get out of the way you’re making it difficult to build right now okay perfect I’m learning so many hacks about building Iron Golems really

Quickly right now it’s making my life so much easier and once we place these final three Golems we’ll have placed all the guards on the tower that we need to do and perfect done now we need to add our Gold Blocks around all these roofs

To make sure it looks super cool and pro let’s also build this netherite Tower up if we don’t it won’t look anything like the other one and anybody wanting to rub me and my prison will know exactly where to look that would be a disaster so I’m

Not going to let that happen now it is time to place the final blocks of gold on top of my ultimate Tower in the middle yeah this is going to look pretty awesome once I finish adding the gold all around the roof of my prison it’ll basically be finished and we’ll be

Definitely ready for Milo to come in and fail trying to escape it let’s do the same on both sides this gold needs to be absolutely perfect because otherwise we won’t look like a rich prison we’ll just look like a prison with a bunch of really weirdly placed Rich blocks all

Over it that would be embarrassing and I’m never going to let that happen to us let’s add smooth quartz blocks in the corners of this massive netherite building just like this I think this really helps make it look awesome wo I’m super duper loving this so far I’m also

Going to put it on the sides as well we can’t leave any spots missing that’s what a noob would do not what a rich Pro would do a rich Pro would make sure every single corner of his prison is fully decorated I better hurry though we

Do not have a lot of time left okay Milo now that I finished my prison it is time to break into each other’s prisons and find the Vault with the secret item inside you saw that chip you can come through the gate when you’re ready and

Then you have to try and get to my secret vault okay I think I’m going to have a really easy time hey Snow Golem Milo your guard is letting me right in your poor prison is not very secure at all snow golem you are meant to shout at

Him what are you doing just smiling wao this prison is really weird there’s a visitin area yeah this is where you can sit and visit your family if they’re arrested um and there’s a gloss ceiling Milo a criminal helicopter could smash through and break anybody out and wait a

Minute is this a garden yeah just for really pretty Garden moments Milo this is not secure at all every prisoner is so close to escaping here yeah but you can’t jump over that fence can you buddy I don’t know about that Milo watch this okay well that’s really not very good

Come back here okay fine Milo but only because I need to make it through your prison and find your secret vault and okay this whole way seems pretty empty at the moment ow never mind there’s a bunch of skeletons why did you do that because I wanted you to get stuck you’re

Meant to not get through my prison dum dum now try this on for size yeah it’s a pretty nice size actually Milo it fits me really well and hey thanks for the berries they make a really nice snack to heal my Hunger what the how are you

Getting through my present so fast it’s meant to be the most secure place in the whole world no way Milo this poor newbie prison is not secure at all I’m going through it so quickly and what’s this a lava room with iron bosss that’s right your favorite thing parkour wow I

Actually have something really similar in my prison really that’s crazy well great minds think alike oh gosh that’s really embarrassing for me um I think my mind’s pretty great but I think it’s a coincidence we both came up with it but Milo look I’m basically almost at the

End how are you doing this so fast chip a well at least you won’t be able to get through this um Milo who is that guy oh you’re not going to like him at all Milo if I jump down here am I going to get in trouble with this guard well I guess

You’re going to have to find out but first let me give you this sword okay just make sure it doesn’t fall down you’re going to have to come get it from the ground I guess okay I’ll just have to be really quick and all right oh gosh

Ow he hit me hey stay back stay back God wo he’s huge yeah and he’s pretty tough yeah wait a second did you just get him yeah I totally did I destroyed him and now I’m going to go through and see what’s in this chest and ew unwashed gym

Socks these are disgusting oh no I can’t believe you found them you want me to even get to them yeah well I did I got through your prison in no time hey don’t thr threw them at me that’s gross now you have to escape from my prison Oh no

You’re telling me I got to break out of here yep if you want to find what’s In My Vault you’re going to have to break out of this cell but you don’t have much time Milo you better hurry oh dang it all right how am I going to get out

Maybe if I just punch these little Gates no that is not the answer Milo there’s something hidden in your cell um is it these golden blocks oh rich people make me feel sick hey rich people look cool and it’s what’s above the golden blocks you need

To find oh wow there’s a little pickaxe I better go grab it but ouch that really hurt when I fell off the parkour I bet it did Marlo you need to be better at parkour if you want to escape this prison well I finally got this pickaxe

And it’s time for me to break it okay you did it good job Milo but I think you’re going to have a pretty hard time getting through the rest of this prison well this doesn’t look very complicated in fact it looks really easy yeah it’s not that easy though you can’t mine your

Way out of the rest of it it is too strong you have to make your way through this Laser Maze oh no not the lasers okay I’m going to sneak P really careful and Dodge these ones hey I’m doing a pretty good job yeah you are for now

Okay I’m going to jump over now and hey I made it but wo this was pretty easy and y yeah what uh I guess you made it through at least you took some damage but Milo I think this next part is going to be pretty difficult for you you have

To make it through a courtyard full of other prisoners well who are all these guys hey everybody do you want to be my friend hey why are they punching me you got to run through Milo they do not like you very much at all yeah there’s

Nowhere to go you’ve put me in a death trap these are rich prisoners Milo they don’t take kindly to poor prisoners around here they’re really trying to punch me and it’s hurting quite a lot you need to find a way to get out of this area and into the next one hey what

The they’re even punching me up here yeah they have pretty high reach these guys are Pros remember you guys are real mean I don’t want to be friends with you anyway I’m going to go through here yeah you found the next part of this prison there are a bunch of guards here ready

To take you down if you even slip off of this platform well that’s not going to happen cuz I’m really good yeah if you’re so good you better be quick Milo you’re running out of time what do you mean I’m not running out of waa what is

This this is my massive creeper statue it’s pretty cool right well I better jump down I guess hey that full hurt me a bit but this room looks pretty easy yeah it kind of does the next one is really really hard though you will not make it pass and you definitely won’t

Get to my Vault ow what the I was just trying to look at my prison and something just shot me yeah it shocked you all right this is an electric fence ouch I don’t like electricity all right time to go through to the next section

Hey you copied me no I didn’t we just built something really similar well it’s fine cuz I’m good at this kind of stuff I’m really really awesome I don’t need to be rich to be cool oh I don’t know Milo and wo you did skip a lot of that

Part well I got to be very careful cuz one thing about ice is that’s really slippery you’re right Milo but you do not have much time left you have 10 seconds to get to the end of my Vault 10 seconds what the wo okay you’ve made it

And now you need to guess the password I really hope you don’t I do not want you finding what’s inside of that chest a the passcard is definitely 7843 nope that that is not it if you do not get it within the next two guesses the security passcode chest is

Programmed to blow up okay I’m so scary it’s definitely 4 five 78 nope that is not it Milo if you get this wrong one more time the chest will explode and I will win well I’m going to try one two three and four uh-oh uh you definitely

Guessed the code but I do not want you finding what’s inside there it’s a secret item that’s really precious to me what’s this it says Ro book I wonder what it says inside rules of the game Mar has to be rich chip has to be poor

Chip you told me that I was meant to be poor um well maybe I was lying sorry Milo that’s why I hid the rule book in My Vault you’re a stinky Li I’m so angry I can’t believe you cheated ah I’m getting out of here run

Who is going to win today, poor or rich? Noob or Pro? What happens to the losing team?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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