Is Stardew Valley Worth Playing in 2024? MUST know BEGINNER tips!

Is stardo Valley worth playing in 2024 and if it is where the heck do I even start well this is the video for you allia welcome back to all stefen games if you’re new here welcome beanitos I’m Steph and if you aren’t on Twitter the developer of stardo Valley concerned ape

Recently posted a teaser about the update 1.6 that will be coming to us very soon stardew is somewhat the Pinnacle of what I feel current cozy games are usually compared to if you played even one closing Farm Sim you always hear it being compared to stardo Valley in some form of fashion for

Anyone who hasn’t played stardo Valley some of the biggest push backs that I’ve heard is the game is so confusing and they have no idea where to start this will be the most extreme beginners guide on where to even start so like the start of any new farming Sim there is the

Character customization and even in pixel form there are so many options that you can choose from when it comes to your skin color eye color hair and your clothing options this is also where one of the biggest decisions is made and that is choosing the farm which it’s

Really not as complicated as it seems there are only three Farms that really affect your gam playay and it’s honestly only the early gam play that’s really affected and that is the beach Farm Wilderness farm and Hilltop Farm I usually recommend starting with the standard Farm or the forest standard

Because of the amount of farmable space you get and the forest because it is very easy for forgeable items that help with early game stamina now before we get into the game in the options you can select for onee Community completion if this is your first go round I wouldn’t

Really stress this again this is for very beginner people for the most chilled playthrough when starting there is a cut scene that I will not spoil because if you watch this you may not have seen it and I don’t want to ruin it so for the

Sake of the video I will skip that part so on Spring day one once you wake up on your farm you are going to be greeted by a box where you will open up 15 parsnips which you want to make sure that you get planted away but the number one tip that

I will give and you should use this tip every single day of your in-game day which is to check the television the television will let you know what the weather will be so you know how to plan for the next day it’s also going to give

You tips and tricks and things to do within the game to make sure you’re foraging and all these other things which is really great so you want to make sure that you are reading that as well it’s also going to provide you with recipes which you will need for Basic

Foods basic meals as you continue to progress your playthrough as well as give you your luck for the day and your luck can range from either good or bad this can affect how how your gameplay is when you’re either in the caves or when you’re fishing it can affect these type of

Things so you want to make sure that you are checking that every single day the next thing that I always do is go into my crafting and check my options in my options I always want to make sure that my UI and the view of what I can see is

As zoomed out as possible when you start off it’s going to be at 100% I bring it down to 70% which is as low as you can put it but that is needed because as you’re traversing through the map you want to make sure that you’re Gathering

And able to see all the for fora bles that are around you which does lead me to my next tip which is forage forage forage you want to forage and pick up every single thing that you see some of the items you’re going to need for the

Community bundle some of the items are great for gifting the NPCs that you come across and as you’re starting a playthrough one of the first things you are required to do is to go through town and introduce yourself to all the locals this leads into my third tip which is to make sure

That you are gifting specifically Caroline Caroline you can find her in the early mornings at Pierre’s shop she is Pierre’s wife and you should be able to find her in the kitchen you want to make sure that you’re gifting her her two gifts per week as well as talking to

Her daily because once you get her to a level two parts you are able to get a recipe from her which is a really great early game Money Maker trust me you’re going to want to make sure that you’re gifting Caroline while you’re in peers you want to make sure that you purchase

One of each crop to start planting these crops again are going to be needed for the community center I sometimes will buy one to two of each crop while I’m here because of the fact that as of right now you cannot place a scarecrow so they have a possibility of eating a

Crop or two so just to cover myself I could I would recommend buying two of each crop along two plant with your parsnip you have the option of either buying from Pierre or JoJo Mar which is another shop however if you were to go to Jojo Mar and purchase from the

Crooked Corporation please keep in mind that the prices are definitely higher however they are open every single day the one day that Pier is not open is on Wednesdays so there are times and it seems to always happen that the day I need to buy a crop happens to be on a

Wednesday so definitely make sure to plan accordingly and just know that if you were to purchase from jojamart the prices are going to be significantly higher in early game you want to be able to save as much of the coin as you need as you are planting all of your crops be

Sure to also try and clear out as much of your farm as you can I would focus on just clearing enough of your plot so that you’re able to plant your crops as well as gathering at least 50 wood so that you can make a chest your inventory

Space is very low so you want to make sure that you have a chest to store all of your items especially since you are foraging so much and in order to upgrade to the next backpack it’s about 2,000 coins and that can be a little difficult

To come by so you want to make sure you at least have these chests at your plot so that you can go ahead and store everything that you foraged which leads me to the final tip which is on day two you are going to receive your fishing

Rod from Willie and fishing is a great early game Money Maker as well as getting the fish that you need for the community center bundles day three it’s always guaranteed to rain and there are certain fish that you can only find while it’s raining so definitely take

Advantage of the first 5 days when the game is a little bit more slow paced there’s really not much to do aside from introducing yourself to the locals so take that time to fish fish fish like I said the fishing can give you great early game money which you’re definitely

Going to want to need not only to upgrade your pack but also to continue to buy crops so that you can continue to grow them so that you can continue to sell them and do what make more money so definitely make sure that you are fishing within those first 5 days take

Advantage of that time so I give all these tips to say yes stardo is definitely worth starting in 2024 whether as a beginner or even a new save as a veteran I never get tired of this game and it is such a comfort game for me if you’ve enjoyed these tips and want

More stard Valley content I do stream twice a week on my channel and I’ve started a 100 day series and while you’re at it if you can like And subscribe I would love to have you join the Familia and until next time I will see all you wonderful beautiful human beings later

In today’s video we go over some VERY beginner friendly tips for starting your Stardew Valley journey in 2024!

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  1. I love Stardew Valley. I still have several farms and just started a new one. I only got to 97% completion on one of my farms because I suck at the mini games inside of it. Also, always make sure to look up the Stardew Valley wiki for directions and explanation. There are many youtube videos that can help you through various things in this game like not getting killed in the mines. lol! I can’t wait for the upcoming update. I wish I knew how to put mods in this game on my steam deck.

  2. funny because I started playing Stardew Valley a month ago and I got so invested! I love this game so much. I think it's definietely worth playing! It's super fun and enganing

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