LIVE: Chill Farm Vibes: Cozy Stardew Valley Adventures

Hello how you doing what’s going on how is everyone today congrats on first silver wolf and congrats on second Ki Oh my goodness how are you how you boy doing hello wolf how’s it going waffles hello hello crowna hello how are you lovely hope you’ve been well I hope everyone has been doing

Good Sab hello how you doing brb no worries wolf all good you take your time Ki hello how are you lovely how have you been what’s been happening um I’ve just been hanging out you know the usual just had a chill day I did a uh

Another Tik Tok live um I’ve been doing one every day just just just to see what it’s like just to just to check it out um it’s been a lot of fun crza you’re doing great but your workout has you beat no I mean I guess it’s a good thing because

Like when you’re sore after a workout I feel like it’s a good thing cuz you know that you’re working yourself in the right ways if that makes sense I don’t know um thank you so much for lurking here Ben I really appreciate that let me catch up on these um

RS Brer thank you so much for the three stream streak I really appreciate you I appreciate that you watch my streams thank you thank you oh we’ve got a zest redeem hold up let me check my daily zest thank you for the hydrate as well JM how you doing hope you’re well and hello Ramen oh my gosh it’s good to see you what’s been happening Sab you got the new character this morning congratulations that’s so exciting I’m so excited for you things are kind of bluy and I have no energy today no not the BL not the

BL I hope I hope that you start feeling better really really soon as she um I really I really do there’s nothing worse than having no oh just having no energy it makes everything so so difficult um got to push yourself to get those gains exactly exactly um I

Certainly don’t push myself I’ve been doing squats every day actually um and uh yeah my legs hurt but they probably could hurt more you know what I mean like I don’t know if I’m working myself enough don’t know probably not if I’m questioning it probably not right right probably not

Anyways more Stu Valley are we ready for a stream of me just just running around talking to myself cuz that’s pretty much that’s pretty much my uh St uh Stu Valley Streams as of late I really do need to do that list thing I think it would really help my golly goodness

I really struggle B B barting I feel like the the the to to to be able to Bar in in a bar full way a convincing convincing bar is very hard I don’t know maybe it’s just me for me it’s very hard careful hitting legs or any one muscle

Group too frequently what’s going to Happen I’m going to injure myself aren’t I it’s happened before I did that with Um uh what is it what is it uh planks I did that with planks and I I um I hurt my back and my back has never been the same since um it’s not ideal so yes I feel that to be honest to be honest I’m um I’m kind of

Trying to work like around the body if that makes sense so like one day one I I try and do squats every day but I also try and do other things every day as well and like to be honest I can really only do like 20 squats before I start

Dying so that that’s that’s how unfit I am um if anyone if anyone wanted to know I mean I’m fit I’m fit in other ways it’s just that um that kind of strength I just don’t have Sher hello how are you so good to see you what’s been happening what’s going

On thank you so much for watching my streams sh I appreciate you uh and I’m doing good Sher I’m doing good thanks for asking it’s been it’s been a pretty chill day today just uh hanging out you know worst case injury the muscles need need test to grow otherwise you’ll

Fatigue and verbally feel more weak than strong waa okay all right we’ve got to we’ve got to rest we got to do we got to do our rest days it’s all good crowns love we we we get we get you we get

You I I I I get I get what you get what you mean I feel like it’s happened to me before so I’m like yes I I get that oh boy I’m just taking it very slow because I am you know I’m not very fit in that

Way so I’m kind of trying to work on um work on the areas that I’m that I’m lacking in you know just very slowly though because oh my gosh when I was doing planks and I hurt my back it was the wor like I couldn’t I couldn’t move for a

While it wasn’t ideal so now I’m like NOP just do it slow just just don’t try don’t try and push yourself too hard make it slow hello hamster how you doing nothing much work was hot today Sho has been so stinking hot and I keep getting flood warnings for my area as

Well and I’m like blood blood blood blood Bloods are scary um so stay safe out there people hello elen how you doing so good to see you what’s been happening if you insist on hitting them more frequently give them a one day rest okay that sounds like a very good idea

I’m going to take your advice thank you thank you Fitness expert crowno I appreciate it appreciate it we’ve got to be kind kind to our bodies all right so all right all right all right we need to we need to think about this thank you so much for the hydrate

Earthbound I encourage everyone to take a drink of water as well It’s so loud I’m so sorry to anyone who got frightened by that I apologize um yes no more no more mango commands I’m sorry and I still I still have to um I still have to recreate the song cuz that had mention of mango in it as well

Or well not mentioning mango that’s the problem we can mention mango mangoes are great that’s the that’s the problem I don’t want to ban I don’t want people to feel like they’re banned for mentioning mangos do you know what I mean I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re banned unless unless unless

You’re doing the wrong thing yeah you learn from one of the best yes let’s go you love Stu I can only play it because Google Play pass oh cool it’s it’s such a good game it’s so chill I don’t know there’s something special about it water I was thinking

Lemonade I would love myself some lemonade right Now sorry for redeeming it no no no didn’t mean to hurt your ears it’s all good it’s all good I probably should um alter the sound alert volume I should probably write that on my never ending to-do list that I keep forgetting to actually look at and and implement

You’re saving 100K points is that for VIP VIP whoa whoa slimes give me slime oh my gosh I’m sorry to anyone’s ears if anyone’s ears are getting blown off let me know if let me know if it’s actually like really horrible and I can I can actually stop the

Redeem uh for for this stream and I’ll fix it up for next one I cannot go one stream without it remember when we didn’t have it for ages I haven’t had any um issues as of late with um with the copyright so that’s pretty good it’s pretty

Handy I can’t hear it but that’s cuz I have multiple applications of sound on right now oh my gosh can you can you even hear me can you even can you even hear the stream can you even hear what’s going on apart from what’s going on in chat

It’s not loud to me it’s the song itself oh the song itself you don’t you don’t like the song you’re not a fan I get that um I’m up says like whenever I hear it come on I’m like yeah let’s go it’s time to party I don’t know I love it I

Like well look at the color of the water it’s like purple W zo dance Dan dance dance Dance hello Julian how you doing good to see you what’s been happening we’re going to skate to one song and one song Only oh my God The Zo we dance hello sleepy puppy as well how you doing hello hello what’s been happening I’m doing good how are you it’s good to see

You what is this caramel dancing yes time to redeem it no no wait you almost dropped your phone don’t drop the phone don’t drop the phone no I keep missing it stop distracting me chat it’s your fault I Blame You just kidding it’s me it’s all Me Whoop I’m glad to hear you’re doing good sleepy puppy glad to hear that wait where was zooie dance um it’s a redeem it should be somewhere it’s it’s literally just called zooie Dance I think or do you mean whether I was actually dancing it’s a sound Redeem purple water is so nice I can’t recall seeing this kind of water in this game before I don’t know and probably just I’ve probably just got a really bad memory or maybe it’s one of the mods is it one of the mods making the water purple I have no Idea wait did other people hear the Zoe dance I could hear it you should have been able to hear it it is a bit quiet I know right [Laughter] now spe I want to get the treasure no we didn’t get the treasure not fair it’s probably because aw probably

Because the game sound is too loud let’s turn turn things [Applause] down turn it all turn it all down that’s that will probably help it’s still fun to wiggle to even if the quiet yeah but we got to be able to hear it we got to be able to hear

It I find it really difficult to like balance the um the sound of the game and the sound of the redeems wait that didn’t even give me a chance to get it that was rude where the lemon zesty dany’s gone yeah um I need to rewrite it cuz it

Has mention of don’t mentioning mangoes and we’re not doing that anymore we’ve changed Direction so yeah I need to update I need to actually update this song I need to like legit rewrite it to say we love mangoes cuz legit we do mangoes and lemons go together so well

And mangoes are like you know mango are kind of yellow they’re like orangey yellow yellowy orange I don’t know but but mango mangoes are are great I love them m is a delish delicious Deliciosa seaweed whoa okay this little fishy is a little slimy little bit slimy nice I hope I make lots of money from this fishing Adventure I want money I want the money oh I missed it I missed it see you later wolf thanks for hanging out for a bit I appreciate it take

Care save up save up your points for the new for the new redeem I’m not sure what it’s going to sound like like I don’t know will it be similar should it be similar or do we like change it completely I don’t know I don’t know I feel like yeah yeah I don’t

Know um I do apologize there’s like a whole heap of work going on outside and it’s really quite loud I don’t know if you can hear it but um I hope it’s I hope it’s not too bad for you for you on your end fingers crossed fingers crossed I’m

Going to surprise you I’m going to surprise you with this song and and you’ll have no idea what it’s going to be like until until I release it right I’m excited what’s the new redeem which one which one are you talking about what’s what’s the redeem called which redeem ah slippery

Slippery little fishy all right all right all right I’m going to head home cuz it’s nearish bedtime you can’t hear any background noise now oh my gosh everything’s broken now I’ve broken it I turned it I turned it all down too much oh scuff stream scuff stream there must have been music or

Something going on in the background before uh I won’t turn ambient Ambient volume up maybe Music Volume lower footstep volume will make it will make it a bit louder okay it might have been the waves the waves might have just been too loud for the the for the redeems

Bloopo blop bloop I want to keep I want to keep that Coral because I need it I need it for something I need it for the for the teleportation Towers pop those pop those all in there thank you for the head P Julian oh the construction work out okay I’ll

I’ll change I’ll change it back then I’ll change it back that’s so funny although you probably can’t hear anything now cuz it’s super duper quiet in game um I’m glad that you can’t hear anything um going on outside though that’s that’s that’s a plus all right

Bedtime wait can I say hello to my beautiful puppy or is it too late little puppy sleep yay I always to get to say hello to my doggy I feel really bad um yes I can hear everything except the background noise on your end well that’s good that’s good you don’t hear anything

In the background either nice I’m glad I’m glad to hear that did you see my recent message earlier I can repost if I need is that about the um about the redeem what’s the new redeem I’m not sure what you’re referring to do you know what the name of the redeem

Is if you can tell me the name of the redeem I can give you information but I’m not sure which one you’re talking about is it the throwing throwing things I actually need to check if this works oh yay it’s working again we fixed it fix okay whoa hold up what did I

Do what did I do what am I doing I don’t even know a sleepy puppy I didn’t see that one you’re awesome I love your vibes your vtu character is so cute oh my gosh thank you you’re a sweetie thank you so much such kind words I really appreciate

That oh the lemon zesty danies redeem was a song that I created but I need to recreate it yes I will be adding a a new sound redeem but I have to write the song first I Um cuz I wrote a song but um before uh we used to we used to have this command exclamation mark mango and it would tell you how banned you are for mentioning mango um but because I love mangoes I couldn’t I couldn’t justify having that command anymore so um now

Now I need to rewrite the song because the the song actually mentioned uh you know don’t mention mangoes so I was like H this now doesn’t make sense uh so we got to got to do got to do a little update to the song but I will hopefully remember to do that

Soon at some point it’ll happen hello lovelies how yall doing how yall Going Do I see yes I’m getting very confused mangoes are delicious delicious and nutritious and just all of the goodness all of the Good Vibes am I a singer no I am definitely not a singer can I sing yes uh no not well I I oh my Gosh oh my gosh I really need to turn that down I really need to turn it down it’s too loud it’s too loud I apologize you know I might I might do a quick BRB and and try and um try and turn it down now so that we don’t blast everyone ears

Off I don’t know why but I just started singing the Jurassic theme song ah I don’t want to sell those I don’t think I’m going to sell those actually no I’m not going to sell those I’m going to sell those and those oh bummer I should have put

Actually I’m going to sell the Truffle okay there’s a lot I need to do I will miss the lemon ZD deadsies but it will always be in my heart don’t worry we’ll have a new one we’ll have a new one and then you won’t you won’t miss it at all

Right my ears I’m sorry hang on I’m going to do a quick VB in a bit and and I’ll turn it down I apologize Patty hello how you doing thank you so much for lurking here I really do appreciate appreciate it I hope you’re having a wonderful day so good to see

You um hold up let me I’m going to do I’m going to do a quick BB we’ll be back in a bit I’m just going to turn down this sound redeem okay I’m gonna I’m going to test it I’m I’m just I’m I’m warning you I’m going to test it okay I’m hoping

I’m hoping that it has fixed it but it might be still too loud so let me know if it’s still too loud um where is it I can’t even find it wait legit where is it hold up is do we even have it is there even

This is this even a redeem does this even exist wait for real I can’t see oh no wait hang on hang on hang on I actually can’t see half of them it’s cut off it’s cut off on the edge here we go all right let me know let me

Know it’s still the same isn’t it I feel like it’s still the same loudness that that didn’t that didn’t improve at all all right let’s let’s go let’s go right down okay okay maybe maybe we have to be off stream for it to work I don’t know but we’re going to try

Again that’s definitely better all right was that was that was that better that was still that was still loud that’s that’s a 30% loudness imagine what it was at when it was um 100% crazy loud crazy crazy loud crazy amounts of loudness um I just turned it Down I I turn I turned turned the um the the sound of it down so I don’t know if I don’t know if it’s I don’t know if it’s better it’s better for me like through my headphones but I don’t know if it’s better for you on your

End uh but we’ll we’ll test this out and see oh my gosh Kashi thank you so much for the resub I appreciate you so much oh my gosh nine months what the heck I love you um enjoy your adree viewing and sub emotes and

Um and I I adore you I adore you thank you so much she is amazing she is incredible o do what I feel like I feel like there’s so much I need to do but I don’t want to do the things that I need to do does that make sense

Does anyone else feel that way sometimes about games like I just feel like a little bit lost love you Ki it should say resubscribe it did it did didn’t it it says resub for me it says resub on my end wait no more caramel dadson no more no more it says

Subscribed on your end oh weird weird that’s bizarre I have no idea why why would do that that’s rude that’s just rude how dare how dare how dare absolutely not okay not on that kind of behavior not on wait have I even said hello to my animals today have I even been a

Wood animal owner all right we need to go we need to go to the mines I think it’s time that we um or do we just buy do we just buy the stuff that we need from our friend so much easier to just buy it I feel terrible but like at the same

Time it’s supporting local business right it’s kind of what I try to tell myself I feel like that’s a lot better it’s still I feel like caramel Denson is just one of those songs that’s always going to freak you out right um but yeah I um oh okay blam

Yeah cool I need to upgrade my tools well I need to upgrade my my watering can specifically I think most of them are upgraded to the maximum but I keep forgetting to water my grapes what am I doing wait up I I I forgot to

Do wait no I didn’t yesterday I did I do the did I do the hardwood yesterday I think I did need to remember that wait you can’t hear it you can’t hear it at all yeah you can don’t you don’t you lie to me eloen eloen can hear it it’s better

Not so loud like before but is it too quiet is it now too quiet have I now made it have I now ruined it now I can see on my um I can see on my monitor how loud it how loud it’s going I don’t want it to be too loud we

Don’t want to um we don’t want to scare people away BL all righty this looks like you could shake it and get oh you can hold up I’ve never noticed that before What I feel like it’s the perfect uh the perfect volume for me at least look at all these berries we got to collect them we got to collect the berries super super important oh yeah that’s right oh my gosh I’m just like randomly remembering things that I need to

Do and now I’m distracted by the berry bushes my goodness will I ever get anything done will I ever will I ever actually do the things and the stuff yeah I’ve turned the volume of it down hamster I’ve turned it down because it was way too loud Before way too loud way too loud you be scaring the people away people people come here for a cozy comfy experience and caramel dancing isn’t specifically a cozy kind of song you know something is wrong with twitch for you that’s no good twitch be bugging whoop plop

Plop maybe mobile would be better I don’t know about that mobile is even more buggy usually I’m only here for the mangoes what about the lemons what about the lemons you’re not here for the lemons too surely surely you are yay oh no oh I thought those

Blackberries were going to go into the water I was like hang on a second no come back come back berries this is my favorite season when you can get the berries I don’t know I really wish that um we had Berry trees cuz I know that in places in

Europe you can literally just go and pick berries off the off the bushes that would be so much fun I want to experience that one day yum yum yum 20 lemons and 20 mangoes that’s a lot of lemon LEM and mangoes my goodness what would we make with lemons and

Mangoes we should have a cooking stream where we where we literally only cook with lemons and mangoes you know you could make Pard me you can make a lemon cheesecake and put mango on the top I reckon that would be delicious yeah lemon lemon mango juice that would be delicious as well

Love me love me some juice juicy juice juicy juicies um okay let me see what’s going on here what do we got stuff some Things you made lemon cheesecakes today sha and you didn’t bring me any what is this how dare how dare you do that but but they sound delicious I want all this talk of Cheesecake I really want me some cheesecake right now Cheesecake is delicious Le mango you should do a challenge cook two

To three different dishes with mangoes and lemons let’s do it and you can’t hello Kent how you doing I am scrumming scrumming scrumming my tumming tumming withing chocolate chip muffin muffin muffin oh my goodness thank you for liking here hamster I appreciate that you got to go to bed have a dentist

Appointment at 8:30 a.m. no worries hamster all the best at the dentist thanks so much for hanging out I appreciate you take care you haven’t failed me shyer just next time make sure you bring one okay no I’m kidding up to you it’s up to you you you don’t have

You don’t have to bring the the lemon cheesecake but you know extra brownie points for the lemon cheesecakes you know extra extra points oh my God go but now now what have you done I I I really want lemon cheesecake now like so much

So what am I going to do we’re going to have to we’re going to have to do a cooking stream I think I’m feeling a cooking stream maybe maybe I’ll do a surprise stream on the weekend and we can make we can make um we can make some uh lemon cheesecakes with big

Money yeah big big money won’t want to be involved though he he will want to be involved in the eating part of it though I’m doing really well Kent how are you how are you I hope I hope you’re doing well is that my final warning final

Warning Sher final warning if you don’t bring me a a lemon cheesecake next time you bring it up just kidding you’re all good you’re all good I don’t want I don’t want you actually thinking that I’m mad I’m not being silly I probably didn’t have to tell you

That I’m being silly but I just I don’t want people to accidentally think that I’m being serious I’m Sorry I’m Sorry love you thank you so much for watching my streams Kent I really appreciate that seven stream streak let’s go yes we’re starting to fill this shed up with Kegs we’re going to be going to be rich I’m going to be rich we’re going to be rolling in it roll in it soon I need more sheds I think I need another shed I need more crystarium actually how do I make those Crystalarium two aridium bars how much idium do I even have I can’t even buy aridium from um from our friend any anyway either no I don’t like going into skull cabin I’m done everyone it’s over for me no no you’re not you’re not done oh my gosh so fisty FY

Hing Rift thank you so much for gifting two subs oh my gosh I appreciate you so so much thank you thank you that is so kind how you doing what’s been happening Rift oh my gosh what a cutie what a cutie oh my gosh that that emote is so cute

What that is so adorable I love it how have you been Rift what’s been happening oh my gosh king of bork and Earthbound got um got gifted Subs I love that I love king of VK oh my gosh so cute thank you thank you you’re an absolute

Sweety last time a bestie from me said I’m donzo I haven’t heard that word for ages what does Don what does donzo mean I’m sorry I have no idea what that means I feel like this is the story of my life though people people saying words that I just don’t understand oh my

Gosh what the heck Rift what the heck what you doing thank you so much for the for the five Subs oh my gosh you’re such a sweetie what the what the thank you so much I really really appreciate you really appreciate that I do use mods I use and I keep I’ve

Got it written down on my list on my to-do list to write down the staru valley mods that I use but I keep forgetting also hello Mino how you doing how you doing I hope you’ve been well what’s been happening what’s been going on uh hold up what time is it it’s

10:30 10:30 in the p.m. the UI is so adorable I know and I love yeah I love all the um yeah every everything it’s just like a total overhaul um do you do you play Stu and do you do you also mod your Stu I love that just all the aesthetic

Mods like making all of the items look cuter all this yeah I’m obsessed absolutely obsessed wait all of our wines ready no way we’re going to have to um going I have to uh come back in the morning or we could maybe do it now no let’s do it in the morning

Um let’s not overwork ourselves today you know bed bedtime right now hello Chris how you doing so good to see you what’s been happening you play stud too yes let’s go but I don’t know much about the mods I love the pink and white aesthetic yes it’s so

So nice um mods are pretty easy to install if you’ve never done it before I recommend using Vortex and Nexus mods it makes the process pretty pretty simple donzo means done oh my gosh finished retired but I call it I’m done done for okay I see done so I’ve never heard that

Before you’re doing well Chris I’m so glad to hear that I’m so glad to hear that um I’m also doing really good I’m just I’m just having a chilled time on on the stardew valley uh it’s a lot of fun I love it thank you so much for the follow

Welcome in if you would like to introduce yourself feel free to in the chat uh but if you’re happy lurking that is absolutely okay as well it’s day nine of fall year three we probably should have achieved more by this point in time time however however we’re taking this very slow oh

My gosh it’s the wizard greetings young adepts I have enclosed in this package an item of Arcane significance use it wisely a shall a shall wizard dear zoie one week from today we are holding the staru Valley Fair in the Town Square it’s the biggest event of

The Year drawing people from all across the country to our humble town if you’d like you can set up a great gr display oh my gosh that’s the display the display one I always forget I always forget about it uh okay cool let’s let’s do this oh my gosh it’s wine

Time it’s wine it’s wine selling time are we ready are we ready for the wines to be sold I need to make more cegs as well my golly Goodness yes let’s make more kegs real quick as well I’m pretty sure I have all the ingredients we can make a few more wait why could we only make two because we don’t have enough wood oh my gosh oh my gosh we used up 99 wood hold up this is redonkulous

Hold up I need more wood I need to plant more plantations we need more kegs 30 oh my gosh we just made we just made 30 30 kegs wow I mean we’re taking this business really seriously you know really serious L Chris lanches welcome in hello hello how you doing your game looks

Awesome with this aesthetic mods I know I love these mods I love these mods I really I really really need to um I really really need to write up my mods list because um but well I do have a kind of is list of what mods I use on Nexus mods but

It’s not um a complete list certainly not a complete list um but yes wine equals money much money exactly that’s why I always focus on the wine in this game makes so much money hello shadow up pardon me I’m so sorry I am coughing a lot at the moment

Um it’s so good to see you Shadow Monarch how have you been thank you for welcoming everyone in Sher you’re an absolute Champion we need more space wait I’m going to have to get rid of have to get rid of all these now let’s go got to make

Room make room for the kegs so we can grow our business make money become rich my my plan all right kegs let’s go keg keg keg keg keg we’ve got we’ve got two um we’ve got two sheds full of kegs now this is amazing incredible so exciting oh whoops I’ve kind of built

This wrong but it’s fine we can fix it up fix it up at some point all right those ones are done um time for time for this side hello Rich how you doing I hope you’ve been well I’m doing really good how are you how have you

Been oh my gosh is that Maria thank you so much thank you so much for following I appreciate that so wonderful to have you here so many pops we’re popping let’s go you’re ecstatic in fact I’m screaming in a good way wait has more has more luck come to you in

Genin Rich cuz like you had Insane luck yesterday or are you still high from The Amazing luck that you had yesterday cuz like you know I totally get that you had you were you were so lucky so lucky yesterday Ruff hi okay I’ll say I say hello to you Hi I’m glad to hear everything’s going good Shadow Mona so good to see you can’t wait for daylight savings to end so I can catch the stream when it starts oh my gosh daylight savings we don’t have we don’t have that where I am good old Queensland doesn’t doesn’t uh doesn’t

Doesn’t think that it should be a thing uh okay let’s pop these all back sell oh my gosh let’s sell these wines they’re going to be rich rich I tell you rich I want to say but I don’t know if I can cuz it’s related to me and my

Channel but I can share it in Discord DM absolutely absolutely rich um feel free to if you would like to but I totally get that Queens live in the live although I do feel like um I do kind of feel like daylight savings is a good thing in in in some

Ways I don’t know sometimes I would like to have whoops sometimes I would like to have daylight savings oh my gosh I have I’ve really messed this up all right let’s let’s Continue making oh no we’re out of coal we’re out of coal no Hello Alex how’s it going Daylight Saving Time hella confusing do you usually stream at this time I do this is my this is my usual time however I am um currently looking for jobs so

Once I get a job the schedule’s going to be so much different I’ll probably stream uh a bit later than I normally do um but we’ll make it work we’ll make it work I’ll still I’ll still be streaming maybe just not as much and um and at different

Times you shared the exciting news in a DM yes look SC I’ll check it out after stream I can’t wait to hear it but that’s super exciting I’m excited for you good luck with the job searching thank you I appreciate it we’ll get there we’ll find we’ll find something go find

Something it’s so exciting I think my heart heart rate has almost tripled oh my gosh I’m excited for you sounds it sounds super good I’m excited to hear what it is let’s go okay beautiful that goes there these go over here uh oh my gosh so productive we’ve we’ve made a whole heap

Of wine we have just spent time on our farm hanging out you know that’s just that’s just the farm life right all right do we have five did we get five no we’ve got two okay I need to keep the gold star ones where should I put them maybe I’ll put them in

Here so once we get once we get five I can take them to complete the joa bundle oh wait we’ve got more have we got come on give me gold star ones all right so no no um gold star ones from that batch but that’s okay boom boom boom now I need to Start taking Out these room it’s Time oh my gosh C hello thank you so much for raiding in here hello hello how was your stream I hope you had an amazing time you were doing some art I love this oh my goodness um everyone in chat definitely head on over and check out

Cod absolute Champion um but Cod if you or anyone who came through the raid need to raid and run please make make sure you’re looking after yourself go to all the post stream selfcare that you need to do um I really do appreciate you coming on in coming on in here uh

Welcome in Raiders uh my name is Cho you can call me zooie or zuu and I play a lot of comfy crazy games um yeah we’re playing some stardo today um but yeah tell me tell me all about your stream Cod I’d love to hear I’d love to hear more about what you’re

Working on welcome in smashmas how you doing hello hello W let’s go no mic art stream because I’m very sick oh my gosh cod cod please do make sure you go and rest up and um and get get all the hydration and all the self-caring that you need um

Because there’s nothing worse than oh my gosh I’m GNA hop hop on over here hello another raid monolith welcome in how is your stream tell me all about it you are playing some LOL nice were the games good I hope I hope you had some good

Ones um please tell me all about it yeah back to two two backtack raids let’s go um everyone in chat definitely head on over and check out the amazing mono monolith wait have I said your name correctly oh my gosh um um but yes C I’m so glad to hear that

You had a wonderful stream um and thank you thank you I appreciate that Cod go and look after yourself go and look after you need you need to get you need to get some need to get some rest in get that get over that sickness I hope that you’re feeling better really

Soon um but monolith hello welcome in welcome in Raiders how is your stream tell me all about it um if you need to raid and run please make sure you’re looking after yourself go get all the self-care and post you know post stream stuff in that you need

To do um like get some hydration or some food or just take your eyes away from the screen um but I really do appreciate you bringing your beautiful community on over here um it was good you’re about to go to sleep no worries thank you so much

Again for um for rating on in here I hope that you have a spectacular sleep um please do please do go take care of yourself um but yes thank you for the raids oh my gosh cuties appreciate it appreciate you sorry if I’ve missed anyone’s messages um but yeah we’re playing some we’re

Playing some Stu Valley today I uh I tend to keep streams here pretty chill sometimes I get a little bit excited but uh majority of the time we’re pretty we’re pretty chill we’re just we’re just having a fun little time oh my gosh you know what I think we need to start planting

Some of these um at Ginger Island which I really need to get the um what should we call it dance the tower dance with the zoo dance let’s do the zooe dance Dance let’s go Zoe dance woo okay we’ve cool we’re done we’re done with those AR chokes so you know what I need to do I need to make Arch choke dip I don’t know if I have the recipe yet though hang on how do I

Find how do I find what recipes I can make fried egg uh oke dip there we go we just need we just need milk okay we got this we got this happening uh let me not forget to water that as well I’m not sure if I watered that just before hello z

Z I can’t believe I’m having so much trouble saying your name hello Z how’s it going DCH what’s going on thank you for the stretch smash Master how’s it going how’s it going oh my gosh I encourage everyone to do a little stretch as well that stretching very important to move move the

Body absolutely oh my gosh and now it’s Fitness frenzy time Hooray I am winning I’m always winning are you winning are you winning oh my gosh king of B hello lovely how you doing so good to see you what’s been happening and yes Rift was so kind and gifted a h Subs what a champion absolute Champion you’re not doing too bad no

You’re evil wait sh where did that come from you’re not evil you’re helping me you’re helping me become um you’re helping me become fit that’s what you’re doing hello insane how you doing it’s so good to see you what’s been happening all right all right all right um

So all right I’m going to do I’m going to do 15 squats I’m sorry it’s the only thing I can do right now without like hurting myself uh so I’m going to do 15 I’m we’re going to count all right ready set go one 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 15 yay thank you Sher thank you for the fitness frenzy oh my goodness you ain’t ever winning for real for real no you are you are winning I’m telling you you are my gosh congratulations insane you’re now an official Uncle that’s really exciting very very

Exciting I’m excited for you oh my goodness now I’m officially out of breath um and I’m going to take a really quick break I encourage you to go get some water go get some snacks go um do a little stretch I will be back very very soon for for

Hello hello Ro how you doing what’s happening thanks for the welcome back I appreciate it did anyone get some snacks I’m just I’m just curious I want to know what snacks we got cuz I’m obsessed with snacks love me some snacks I’mma fight you yeah I’mma fight little little

Slime this is just like genin impact fighting the slimes so where did the Slime enemy come from in the first place because like I’m sure that somewhere somewhere had a slime enemy first that everyone then just went oh slime’s enemies now does anyone know where the Slime originated

Tea if it counts tea absolutely absolutely counts what kind of tea do you have what kind of tea we got you’re feeling kind of less bad I mean that’s good I don’t know just making it through a few minutes at a time oh you got this you got this slow progress is

Progress like you you can do it one one step at a time you got this my friend you got this earliest I’ve heard of slimes is Dragon Quest okay I am curious I now kind of want to look up the history of of video games and where where the first slime

Was was discovered I guess oh you’ve got a nice black tea I love that delicious stream’s been good it’s been super chill just um just running around on my horse horns uh and and picking berries and farming and making wine and um trying to remember what I was

Supposed to do but then forgetting and then running around on my horse again the next day but then realizing that I was supposed to go to the mines and uh and do stuff so yes yes sounds like staru is this is this is this a common thing in staru does everyone do this

It’s it’s it’s not just me I mean I’m glad I’m not the only one but I always feel so bad I’m like hang on a second I was supposed to do stuff today for you it’s common nice well I’m glad we’re on the same page sounds like we we have similar play

Styles which is fun all right I’m going to go to bed we are tired oh my gosh all that wine all that wine look at it all delicious so much monies but I want more we need more more we need more uh we need more sheds we need heaps more sheds my golly

Goodness oh my gosh that um that emote is so cute such a cute emote what the so many adorable emotes it’s it’s making me um it’s giving me ideas I do need I do need ideas for more remotes for when we unlock more and I want to actually um update

Some of my current ones cuz I’ve been looking at them and Going H I did I did actually have to rush them to get them ready for my uh debut you that happens a little while ago um so I feel like now that I’ve had a chance to kind of sit

Down and look at them for a little bit longer I might um I might do some updates to some of them but if anyone has suggestions on what you’d like to see emotes wise I’d love to know I’d love to hear your feedback right oh you like the AMS detch

Thank you I appreciate it I um I wanted my follower emotes to be um really cool as well but um yeah I I I do like I do like a lot of them I think there’s just some of them I could improve upon you know but you know that’s that’s the

Thing with with everything right you can you can improve improve upon all the things all the time so yeah I’m kind of like well now that I’ve got a bit more time to kind of sit down and work on them I may as well may as well do it while I can

Before I have a job before I get another job yes out joke dip let’s go now we got to go find our friendo find our Friends and po those in there I might sell might sell pleas and and that and all of those and that and that okay oh wait and this now horns where are you my lovely horse we’re going on an adventure oh I just realized there’s an ad happening right now I should have I

Should have timed my break for the ad I will get better at that up is he here is the Bear yes hello I have your dear I have it n Nom oh now you want now you want what is that what is that one is it that blazed DMs I think it’s glazed

Gems oh no now we need yam now we need yams and Sugar how do I grow myself a yam Lu oh my gosh hello how you doing so good to see you what’s been happening five stream streak what the heck oh my gosh thank you so much for watching my streams I appreciate you swinging through while I’m on a quick

Break work oh my gosh hello hello wait I missed I missed that message well the watch thing streak didn’t work but I wanted to come say hi while on a quick break at work have a good stream oh my gosh thank you I appreciate you thank you thank you take

Care of yourself and I hope that your day at work goes super quick I’m sorry I didn’t see that message sooner I don’t know why it didn’t it didn’t come through like normal twitch mobile why are you like this so frustrating I’m just a bit slow Lu that’s that’s my

Problem it did work but yeah um twitch mobiles uh a little a little a little a little questionable um but it’s so good to see you and I hope that you have a good day at work thank you so much for stopping in I really do appreciate

You I can attest that it’s probably twitch mobile fa it’s always twitch mobile right always always it’s always its fault um let me see is it yam is it yam season yam it is yam season wait how long do they take 10 days should be fine wait how

Many do we need like multiple yams or just one yam one yam and one sugar I might actually buy sugar while I’m here right now so you can just buy it there we go you’re doing wonderful Zoe you’re amazing oh my gosh and you and you Lux you’re amazing you you

You off to do the rounds now got to say hi to necro too yes of course necro cutie um enjoy enjoy enjoy the rest of your of your day CL I appreciate you stopping in and saying hello it’s always so wonderful F to see you hello Sara how you

Doing I’m doing really well how are you how are you Sarah I wanted to ask you how are you enjoying your new pc oh my gosh it’s amazing it’s incredible um words can’t even describe how incredible it is compared to using a laptop um and my brother gave me a screen to

Borrow and it’s really cool because I can set it up um vertically so I’ve got like I can make chat really big I can like it you know to be honest it doesn’t really help my dyslexia but I feel like it does help in a way um um for being able to read

Messages so feel like I feel like it’s good like it’s really good I’m pretty sure that twitch put Todd Howard in charge of mobile development oh my gosh Lux love you bye take care of yourself thank you so much again for popping in and saying hi I

Appre appreciate it oh my gosh Joy hello lovely how are you so good to see you thank you so much for popping in and saying hello I really appreciate it I hope you have a wonderful evening it’s always a pleasure to um to see you even for the briefest

Moment all right we are planting some yam seeds let’s go boom and boom and we got to remember to water them I’m really bad at remembering to water because I mean well we don’t normally have the water stuff cuz we got our Sprinklers you know what I really do want to set up another section of aridium sprinklers now what do we need to make aridium sprinklers gold bar aridium bar battery pack gold bar aridium bar that Trey pack barium bar batter Trey back and I just want to make three so that’s perfect perfect

Beautiful um I might put put those wait hold up I’ve accidentally sold all of my Oak resin no what why did I do that seriously oh my gosh I can’t believe it I need that for my kegs far out R indeed you completely get it I’ve been using my

IPad for games and Mac it’s not the best experience either especially since I have 34 in screen that can’t get used well no since Mac doesn’t support genin my main game what that’s so frustrating yeah I um I used to only have Max and then I started gaming and I was like

This ain’t working plus my my iMac was getting super old and I was like yeah I don’t know if I can stream on this anymore so I switched it out for a laptop but then I realized the laptop wasn’t strong enough and then we got we

Got ourselves a PC so doing we’re doing good now I’m glad to hear you’re doing well joy so glad to hear that um staru Adventure is going well although I just realized that I literally got rid of all of my Oak resin somehow I sold it and um and

Yeah now now I’m really now I’m really regretting my life Decisions but it’s okay we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll get more it’s it’s fine we’ve got our little Oak resin Plantation happening wait what’s what’s happened there we go we got this we got this all right clearing space for some more crop areas now one two this goes here and then I’ll probably literally

Just go boom boom and boom there we go done done D leonis Ellen hello how you doing thank you so much for the head Pat I appreciate you how have you been what’s been happening so good to see you yes somehow I know uh yeah I I somehow I somehow lost

Them I’m not sure how I’m sure you’ll be able to make up for it yeah we’ll we’ll figure something out I just can’t believe I did that unless I used it all up I could have used it all up on my kegs making my kegs let’s be real that could have

Happened I made I made something like 38 kegs so we might have actually just used it all up we simply just used it you know could have could have happened could have happened you’re doing okay Ellen I hope everything’s all right um but it’s wonderful to see you I’m doing good just

Playing some comfy star you um um I’ve been I’ve been struggling a little bit with genin lately but we did get Nita yesterday so I’m very happy about that that was very exciting um but I’m trying to give genin probably a little bit more of a break cuz I’m struggling with the

Grind the genin grind is uh is making it a little bit difficult for me to enjoy now I don’t know like I really love the game but um yeah just become just become a little bit too repetitive maybe even though staru Valley is very repetitive I don’t know there’s something special about

Staru valley though I love just looking at stue Valley that’s fine grench and grind is what made you stop as well oh my gosh and there’s nothing worse than um getting burnt out and then hating the game right I feel like it’s so important to to recognize that it’s all just a

Little bit too much um and then and then say you know what I’m going to focus on my mental health and give this game a break engine is half Guta half grind to be fair absolutely absolutely it is and I mean even the gcha aspects can be really frustrating like if you’re if

You’re not getting any luck and saving up all these Primo Primo gems and and wishes and you’re not getting not getting the luck can certainly feel very very um frustrating I want to say hello to the wizard I didn’t bring a present though I probably should have um but that’s

Okay I would really like so okay we need we need to save some star fruit I need to remember this so I really would like the island o blisk oh my gosh we need Dragon Teeth I remember this being a pain cuz we have to go into um whatever

It’s called skull Cavern of the of the of the desert of the yeah Island no I don’t want to I don’t want to too can I cheat thank you so much for following welcome in so good to have you here um if you’d like to introduce yourself in

Chat you’re more than welcome to um but if you would prefer to L that is absolutely okay as well when I first started playing I was addicted I’d play the whole day and then I got super burnt out a while back so now I just play it for 30 minutes to 4

Hours maximum per day I think that’s a good that’s a good good plan like if you’re wanting to play every day like don’t spend don’t spend too too too many hours on it um but yeah I’ve hardly even been logging in like I log in to get my

Welome um Primos but that’s about it I haven’t been doing my dailies or anything I’ve been very very lazy e but I think sometimes you just need to give yourself that that time away from something that you’ve that you’ve overworked yourself on for sure let’s go all right I’m not going to worry

About not going to worry about them today we’re just going to chop our chop our woods and be on our way let’s go oakly doly beautiful daily hardwood collected thank you thank you um okay it’s 910 in the p.m. so we should probably think about going to bed uh we need we

Need to get dragon teeth dragon teeth really not looking forward to that I need I need to get that mod again where I’m Invincible because I literally will die a 100 times before I can get these Dragon Teeth so maybe maybe I’ll try and remember to do that before next stream and I’ll

Write that down as something that we should do next stream but I actually have a plan cuz my streams l lately have literally just been me running around in circles which I mean it is it is um the way with this game however however I feel like I do need a bit more

Variety I’m literally just doing the same thing every day but I love it I still love it it’s just so it’s just so calming I don’t know cires stream let’s go let’s run around in circles do the Zoomies I love doing the zumies do cool cool cool I think I want to sell those and then it might be time for bed I need to remember to say hello to my doggy hello hang on I can’t remember what I need to do for Grandpa’s Shrine oh wait hold

Up wait how long has that been there for that’s probably been there for forever we’re almost at the end of year three I was waiting for this I didn’t realize wait I always had to oh my gosh I’m a silly Billy what the heck what but how cute is it with this

Mod that makes it makes it a different color but seriously what the [Laughter] heck I can’t believe that oh my gosh hello SEI how you doing sty Valley I think gets updated semi-regularly um yeah I’m I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I see updates coming in like sometimes um but SEI how have you been good to see

You I know I I’m silly okay I’m silly thank you so much for the follow welcome in um if you’d like to introduce yourself in chat you’re welcome to um but if you’d like to lur that is absolutely okay as well it’s wonderful to meet you and wonderful to have you Here thank you so much for the follow as well welcome in so good to have you here um if you’d like to introduce yourself in chat feel free to but if You’ prefer to lur that is okay as well statue just been sitting there watching you build your farm well it’s only been

A year it’s only been a year cuz I’m on I’m almost at the end of year three and you usually get at the start of of year three right that’s it’s only been sitting there for almost a year oh my gosh I can’t believe that hello welcome in how you

Doing legate hello how are you it’s Abby she lost her account because she got hacked no what that’s that’s so frustrating so frustrating whoa eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs eggs we should probably today you know what today I’m dedicated no I’m going to die if I if I go to

Um if I go to try and get the the dragon teeth today I will I will die and it won’t be fun cuz I’ll lose all my cheese I don’t want to lose all my cheese I’ve already I’ve already made that mistake steak once I lost a lot of cheese I was very

Sad I think it was 100,000 gold worth or something maybe even more it was a lot of cheese it was it was was a sad day it was a very sad day thank you for the hydrate detch I appreciate that I encourage all of you to hydrate as

Well she was just letting you know have a good stream thank you I appreciate that appreciate that hope you have a wonderful rest of your day take care of yourselves and it won’t be fun I will lose all of my cheese exactly it will happen it will happen

Welcome in hello hello thank you so much for following it’s so good to have you here um if you’d like to introduce yourself in chat feel free to too uh but if you’re happy lurking that is all good as well I appreciate you Oly doly right

So what what what are we actually should we actually should we actually do the thing I think we should I think we should I think we should although we should probably sell our honey first and we should bring we’re bringing cheese where’s my cheese where’s my cheese stack have I sold my cheese

Stack probably probably you’re Terry hero of Hyrule oh my gosh wait isn’t hyru from Zelda isn’t isn’t that link how you doing Terry welcome in hey Paul how you doing how’s your day been my brother just coming in and uh throwing stuff at me how rude so

Rude 34% zesty though you know you’re on you’re on the sweetest side today not bad you’ve been a little crook so you stayed home my gosh I hope I hope you’re feeling better soon but I’m glad to hear that you stayed home from work um cuz there’s nothing worse than going into work

Sick wait what was I doing I literally forgot wait okay I’m looking for my cheese wait legit where’s my cheese is it at skull cin I think my cheese is at skull Cavin or I sold it whoops I might have sold it we can’t we can’t go we can’t go

Without the Chiefs so I think it’s just going to be another regular day of doing the rounds I know no I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure my cheese is at skull Cavin or it’s at um or it’s at the other mines you know what I might go check the other mines

We’ll see if it’s over there cuz I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have sold it a lot of cheese to sell I mean it could explain why we’re so rich though potentially who knows who knows but we’ll see we’ll see let’s see if it’s if it’s not here

Then it’s probably at skull Cavern oh my gosh we have six cheese here it’s definitely at skull Cavern it’s it’s definitely 100% there I promise you there’s no way it’s not there no way negro and Cara oh my gosh two of the cutest cuties just popping on popping on in raiding on in here you absolute Champions thank you so much uh necro and K for the raids um everyone in chat if you’re not following the amazing the incredible KRA and also necro I’m just

I’m just giving them shout outs now you’ve absolutely got to head on over and give them both a follow they are absolutely incredible I love them both so dearly they are absolute Champions they were both doing a um a collab stream with the wonderful Assa as well um playing staru Valley

Super duper comfy cozy let me let me let me get Assa let me get Assa a little shout out as well um but tell me all about it how was it did you get everything done that you wanted to have you been more productive than I have

This stream uh which you know I’ve literally just been running around in circles and figuring out that I’ve sold all of my cheese and all of my Oak resin and so I cried but no no we’re fine we’re fine um but tell me all about your

Streams if if either of you or anyone who came through with the raid need to raid and run please do make sure you’re looking after yourself go get in all the um selfcare post stream selfcare that you need to I’ve just realized we’re halfway through an ad break at the

Moment so I might just waffle on for a little bit about absolutely nothing at all until the ad break is over so that everyone can hear what I’m actually talking about um yes necro and uh and K thank you so much for raing in here welcome in

Everyone it’s so wonderful to have you all here Raven Hello Um sorry uh hang on hang on hang on let me let me catch up necro hello hello ASA hello how you doing welcome in everyone AA hello hello KRA hello how are you doing how is stream Nixie hello your ears are looking particularly round today zo well is that

A compliment I’m going to take it as a compliment thank you very much appreciate it um how are you doing you absolute Champion I’m doing absolutely brilliantly necro how are you doing how are you how have you been what’s been happening how was the collab tell me all about it

Hello Sean how you doing lovely so good to see you what’s been happening I hope you’ve had I hope you’ve had a wonderful day always lovely to see you zoie I hope you’re well and having an amazing stream thank you so much KRA I really appreciate that it’s so wonderful to

Have you all here welcome welcome everyone um for those of you who are new here my name is cheerful zoo or you can call me zoo or zooie and I play a whole bunch of cozy games um we are we are lurker friendly chat friendly just feel

Free to hang out however you would like to however you’re comfortable um but it’s so great to have you all here appreciate you necro and Kaa Flora for choosing me and trusting me with your beautiful communities we have been productive and a little bit spicy in chat ooho

That’s always that’s always a bit of fun I love that I love that um but I’m glad to hear that you were productive you know productive productive Stu is a good Stu session in my opinion Raven how you doing cheese how could you sell the cheese I know well

I’m pretty sure I’m pretty I’m pretty like 99% certain that the cheese is actually at skull cabin so I’m hoping I haven’t sold it but we’ll see I need a little zooy dance before I go to bed oh my gosh KRA KRA please sleep well thank you so much again for

Raiding in um I know you’re probably already already headed off um to bed but yes I really do appreciate you thank you thank you thank you and Aya hello I don’t know if I said hi to you Aya but hello how are you I’m sorry if I’ve

Missed anyone’s messages feel free to um send them again if you if you would like me to see them I apologize I I take a little a little while to get through get through all the messages um I must raid and run unfortunately and get some sleep but have a wonderful

Stream zooie no worries K hang on let me give you another little shouty YY in case all the other ones got missed um but definitely head on over and and give the amazing KRA a follow along with the wonderful necro kitun and the amazing as a cat you could say eily round

Round e really rounds grza that’s a good one that is a good one you forgot zubba wait what did I forget Raven what have I forgotten is it someone’s birthday wait did I forget to say Happy Birthday to someone I’m so you know what I’m actually really bad at um at at at

At birthday stuff I either forget that it’s it’s it’s a person’s birthday or um I I say I say it like a day before or a day after it’s really embarrassing you’re doing well Aya I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been building Ryan’s weapon on your America

Server account today I have her fourstar weapon to level 80 now oh my gosh look at you go absolute Champion you’re you’re smashing it I love this I love this oh okay Raven wait what what what did I forget then mine is this month though don’t forget Oh shoot what day I

Need to write it down in my calendar hold up hold up hold up for real for real I’m I’m going to I need to know when your birthday is I need to know when everyone’s birthday is actually have you have you put it in

My um in my Discord server cuz I have a birthday bot in there now which I think is going to be a lifesaver for me for remembering people’s birthdays sadly I must raid and run zoie but I will leave you aler I’m wishing you all the best with Stu thank you so

Much necro I really appreciate that um thank you again for the raid appreciate you take care of your myself um and I’m so glad to hear that you had such a fun time with K and Assa in your stream um but yes do take care of yourself uh and

I’ll I’ll catch you again soon thank you thank you appreciate you so much I’ll think about it okay Raven okay you do you you you do you boo I I I get that I get that thank you for lurking necro appreciate you oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshy

Come on HS this this is just all we do at the moment run around run around with horns having a good old time it’s fun though I I love I love my horse I love my horse in this game H H is so cool oh shoot I am too how long

Have I how long have I been like that I’ve been like that forever for forever I’ve been like that for forever and and and it took Raven it took Raven to tell me what a noob my gosh it’s not like I do this every day you know La that is too

Funny that is too fun flipping funny I can’t I literally can’t why do I why do I always do that I always do that it happens so often like every stream every stream no you are I I I I I wasn’t saying it in any way

Raven I wasn’t saying it in any way there was no there was no um hidden meaning behind what why I don’t know why I said that okay please don’t cancel me please don’t worry I’m here oh my gosh yes Rift came in and and gifted a

Whole he of ss Ramen how have you been going as well it’s so good to see you you’re not the least observant person I don’t know why I said it like that I don’t I don’t I don’t know why it did it didn’t make sense it

Didn’t make sense the way I said it I’m I’m silly okay I’m I’m a silly Billy please forgive me will you forgive me Sean how have you been what’s been happening so good to see you oh my gosh this little this little slime is real angry at me like get out of my home get out of my home oh my gosh oh my gosh they’re killing me I need my cheese I sold all my

Cheese hello there thank you so much for following welcome in it’s so good to have you here um if you’d like to introduce yourself in chat feel free to uh but if you would if you would prefer to L that is absolutely okay as well it’s so wonderful to have you

Here I’m not offended and technically Assa was here and she tends to distract me so it’s un understandable statement well I don’t know I I I certainly didn’t mean it in that way though that that that that that that’s not what I meant I I I I really I really

Don’t know what I meant I really you know I really don’t know you know all right we need to make we need to make the yam the yam thing whoops that is not what I wanted I want that and then and then and then and then we want to make we want to

Make no blazed yams wait no that wasn’t a yam that was something different wait no that is a yam all right we should hang on how much do we need like two sugar or something or one yam and one sugar why is it saying that I can’t make it no we

Can oh no that’s saying I haven’t made okay that’s saying I haven’t made them yet gotcha I’m a silly Billy just constantly constantly showing off my silly abilities you know if if um if there was a silly competition I reckon I’d win I reckon I’d come close to winning

You know if if I didn’t win I think I’m going to have a nap throw so I’ll be back later no worries Raven take care of yourself um appreciate you coming through with the raids and uh and yeah I I’ll talk to you later take care of yourself and nap well Silly Billy

Abilities I actually love that that rolls off the tongue real nice Silly Billy abilities love it love it man all right I’m probably going to finish up stream after after this day so I need to I need to get dinner ready got to get dinner ready for my

Love before he heads out for the night but I was thinking I might do a cheeky sneaky little um Tik Tok stream potentially depending on how I’m feeling um after this stream but we’ll see silly abilities oh my gosh that’s so good silly abilities I like that I like that I like

It I like it a lot you know what I’m going to start saving I’m going to start saving goats cheese for the mines for um I can’t remember what’s it called the the um Ginger Island caves what is it called I actually can’t remember cuz there’s skull Cavern which is um which is

The the desert the desert mines but then what is what is um the other one can’t remember my memory my memory is forgetful I am forgetful the local mines I mean it could be also salty WS have I said hello hello if I haven’t um I I hope you’re doing

Well it’s good to see you hello hello sometimes you know I’ve got to admit sometimes I’m not sure if I’ve already said hello to people I apologize if I say hello to you twice um I really don’t mean to but my brain is is very strange and

Sometimes it it thinks I haven’t seen a person even though they have been in chat and then sometimes I’ll think that a person has been in chat for a while so if I don’t say hello to you I was so sorry oh it’s not you it’s me I I I’m very

Forgetful this is what we’re talking about with the Sy abilities silly silly Bilities I’m just a silly Billy it’s um it’s just who I am I’ve I’ve learned to accept learned to accept the fact and you know what I didn’t used to like that about myself I used to hide it from everyone and I used to be just

Super duper quiet I still am in a lot of social situations very very quiet cuz I worry I worry that I’m too silly for people but here here is my safe space so here is where I be all the sillies without without worrying too much about

It you all make me feel so comfortable in my own skin all right I think I think it might be time to finish the day and then we might finish up stream yeah everyone in chat I’m giving you I’m giving you big Hogs wait I haven’t

Checked on those in a while but we’re good we’re good oh my gosh hello Jam how you doing thank you so much for raiding in here I really appreciate you how you doing how is your stream I hope you had an amazing time my gosh you were playing some Super

Mario RPG how was it did you get all of the things that you wanted to done um also if you or anyone who came through with the raid need to raid and run please make sure you’re looking after yourself go do all the post stream

Selfcare stuff that you need to do um I appreciate you raiding on in here and welcome welcome it’s so wonderful to have you you all here um if if uh for those of you who are new here my name is CH zooo or you can call

Me zuu or zooie and I play a whole heap of comfy crazy games uh today I was playing some stardew Valley um that I also play like Pia and genjin impact and um Animal Crossing as well thank you so much for following welcome in it’s so

Good to have you here um if you’d like to introduce yourself in chat feel free to uh but if you’re happy just lurking that is also okay as well hello Sunny how you doing Michelle hello how are you hello hello it was good I’m so glad to

Hear that jam I’m so glad to hear that I’ve seen quite a few people playing um Super Mario RPG and it looks super cute and like a lot of fun so um yeah I I hope you had the best stream so wonderful to have you here uh

Everyone in chat definitely head on over and check out the wonderful janon joycons your name is so cute as well um I’ve given you a little follow and I hope that I can catch your stream sometime as well it’s it’s so wonderful to meet you um um yes but everyone in chat

Definitely definitely um check out Jam I’ve just done another little shouty outy in case the uh in case the other ones got missed before uh hello welcome in thank you so much for following uh feel free to introduce yourself in chat or if you’re happy just lurking that is okay as well

Thank you thank you I appreciate you I saw you playing a very aesthetic mod of star too I hope you’ve been enjoying oh my gosh it’s so pretty I actually need to write down I actually need to write down all of my mods I want to do like a Google doc

Um a Google doc of all of my mods but yes we’ve got um we’ve got quite a few aesthetic mods so I’ve got mods to change the look of my house to change the look of my um you know items around the place uh like um to change my horses look to change

The the look of the animals as well um yeah it’s very cute I love it um yes I was going to I was going to finish finish stream soon but I’ll I’ll stay on for a little bit longer um now that now that you’ve raided in oh it’s so wonderful to meet

You did you know that before crowbars were invented row just drank at home hold up [Laughter] wait oh my gosh that that that that that is a funny joke I like that one hello cozy sweet potato I love your name it’s so adorable welcome in it’s so

Good to have you here love the lemon Vibes thank you I am absolutely obsessed with lemons hello there they are literally the zest um if I do say so myself thank you so much for following sunny it’s been wonderful to have you in here you’re welcome to introduce

Yourself properly in chat if you’d like to um but yes we are we are lurer friendly and also chat chatter friendly so feel free to hang out any way you would like to Pink is best color I love it I know I know I feel like though because I am all

All about the yellow I might need to try and find like some lemon SL yellow mods to take over the pink ones but I do really love the pink Vibes so I don’t know I’m kind of like hm yellow and pink yellow and pink do go

Together so maybe we just maybe we just go with it you know pink is a wonderful color It’s a Wonderful color I am a carp and I hecking love orange yes orange orange is also a great color I do I do enjoy myself some orange too I

Mean any any any Citrus is is amazing you know I I have oranges and lemons in my hair you know we just we’re all we’re all about that Citrus all about that zest you know that’s that’s that’s what we’re going for that’s that’s what we want that’s what we’re all

About um but yeah so wonderful to meet you all so wonderful I hope I can catch your stream soon Sunny hello Rory how you doing I hope you’ve been well the origin story for blood orange is Crazy by the way wait tell us what what tell us what’s what’s the origin

Story for blood oranges wait is it gruesome is it Gruesome then why does chat only have lemons what do you mean how else what how how else can I incorporate more zest how can I incorporate the Orin and the grapefruit I’ve been so busy and I can barely catch any streams a that’s okay Rory I totally get that I don’t want

Anyone to feel like they have to be here or they have to um catch every single stream I totally understand that people get busy whenever you can make it it’s amazing but I feel like I feel like you make it you make it all the time Rory you’re here quite

Often got a citrus punch bowl oh my gosh Citrus punch I haven’t had punch in a very long time but now you’ve inspired me and I would love some I made a pun get it barely oh my God I do I do get it that’s a good one that is a good one

I like it oh my gosh I love I love silly jokes silly pwns P puns are the best like anything Pony literally my my favorite my favorite thing barely so good so good oh my gosh what’s everyone what’s everyone having for dinner or what did everyone

Have for dinner cuz I’m having some kich I’m actually starting to get really hungry I probably should um I I probably should start getting dinds ready very soon I’m going to hang out a little bit more going to hang out with you a little a little Longer yes Aya you had some Thai food that sounds like delicious what exactly did you order for Ty I’m having a croissant sandwich for post stream snack oh my gosh jamine that sounds amazing that literally sounds delicious yes Rory what kind of pizza are you going to have

Yum now I want pizza and Thai food and croissant oh my gosh ancient Travelers proverb man who ruin man who runs behind car gets exhausted man who runs in front of car gets tired oh my gosh that’s a silly One honestly I just had a protein soaks and a mountain of pizza rolls wait pizza rolls crza do you have a photo of the pizza rolls I want to see I want to see what that I want to see what that is pizza roll how do you make that sounds

Delicious I thought you might have meant Shake but I was like is this another one of those things that I just have never heard of so after World War II some governments were experimenting with radioactivity and crops they plant them in a circle and put the element in the middle closest to

The source of the crops would uh would wither and die then there would be a ring that would have weird growth like plant tumors but where that ring ended they would take the first seeds from those plants in order to have a quicker growth of crops blood oranges are one of those

Crops wa that’s crazy that’s crazy that is an interesting story actually you had Pad Thai with rice noodles chicken peanuts and stir fried eggs in Tamarind sauce and I had Thai tea as my drink yum that sounds delicious AA delicious yum I love Pad Thai I feel

Like Pad Thai is one of my favorite um one of my favorite dishes aren pizza rolls Frozen I I’m not sure I’m really curious now sorry I recently cracked my phone and I I think my Ty Pros are getting worse no it’s okay crowner it’s okay um I understand I understand what you’re

Trying to say sometimes I think that it’s me um not understanding the lingo but um you’re good you’re all good don’t worry about it pisto hello how are you doing so good to see you oh I bet ala would have been so good I think twitch doesn’t like me

Mentioning confucious why why Toby hello how you doing so good to have you here what’s been what’s been going on Pardon Me maybe it’s the confusion stop it’s too good oh wait you’re saying sorry I missed I missed these messages it’s the bum it’s the Bum Nixie you’re funny TW twitch um well Auto auto Auto mod doesn’t like doesn’t like bums Auto mod it’s Auto mod not twitch it’s Auto mod I’ve turned my auto onto um the highest setting so pretty much uh it’s it’s really difficult for people to say bad

Words and there’s a lot of bad words that I don’t actually realize are bad words and then there’s some words that are like not bad words that it picks up and I’m like hang on a second that’s not a bad word um so yeah I don’t know I um I

Think I think it’s pretty funny pretty funny it’s it’s it’s just my Auto mod my Auto mod is super strict oh my gosh oh my gosh I probably have I probably have like 15 10 10 more minutes I’d say before I before I absolutely have to end

Stream we might start wrapping things up now um Auto mod is wild in general it catches the most random things regardless of the setting oh well you know it it is it does help because some people do come in just swearing and um having Auto mod there

Just allows me to not worry as much that those are just going to get through you know what I mean I don’t want I don’t want anyone to be offended you know what I mean California steel hello how are you you definitely test the Auto mod give it a go give it a

Go um wait what what does that mean is that is that something I should delete is it actually wait do I have to delete everyone’s comments now I don’t want to delete them all hello Nia how you doing so good to see you what’s been happening I hope you’re well

So good to see you oh okay I’m not I’m not familiar I’m not familiar with it am zooie you’re such a comfort streamer so I always love chilling here oh my gosh you’re such a sweetie Nia I appreciate you thank you so much for hanging out I really appreciate it

Always always so wonderful to um to have you here hanging out you’re amazing amazing oh my gosh all right I think I think it might be time to finish up the Stream let’s have a look and see who who is online that we might be able to raid

Into which Champion are we going to choose today cuz there’s a lot of Champions I’m telling you there’s a lot of Champions and it’s really difficult to choose a champion to raid oh my goodness oh my goodness all the cuties all the cuties in the

House let me see I don’t want to raid into someone who’s like just finishing stream as as well I sometimes worry about that too um but let’s let’s uh let’s do the do the do the stuff um for anyone who’s new here feel free to uh check out my other

Social accounts if you’d like to follow me anywhere else uh we also have a Discord where we like to chat outside of stream times would love to have you over there jamm thank you again so much for the raid I really appreciate you it was wonderful meeting you and I hope I can

Catch one of your streams really soon thank you crowna thank you for being here and pisto thank you for coming in I appreciate you it was wonderful to see you even though it was right at the end it’s okay thank you Cod thank you thank you um I appreciate you thank you for

The raid as well absolute sweetie appreciate you so much thank you for being here Rory Earthbound Take Care thank you for being here Chris thank you as well for being here take care chub goat hello how you doing we are about to raid out um but it’s wonderful to see

You uh remember to copy and paste the raid messages friends um so the first the first message is for those who don’t have the sub emotes the second one is for those who do uh feel free to copy and paste the one that you can um sorry sorry chub sorry chob

Um oh my gosh um you’re you’re you’re a you’re a funny you’re you’re a funny one I appreciate you popping in saying hello Ling on a pony lemons all right we’re going to raid into the wonderful let me make sure I spell this right the pink planter who’s currently playing some Dinkum and

It looks super adorable let me make sure I’ve spelled that correctly that looks like the correct image the pink planter super duper um super duper cozy streamer as well we love our cozy Vibes um everyone please do take care of yourselves thank you so much for being here hello Sut how you

Doing we’re just about to raid out but come on through with the raid I appreciate you being here um take care of yourselves let’s give uh let’s give pink planter all of our love um and I will I’ll see you all again very very soon thank you so much

Again for hanging out I really do appreciate you all take care stay zesty and bye for now bye

Welcome to our Stardew Valley live stream, where the tranquility of the countryside meets the thrill of creating our own farm! Join us for a relaxing and heartwarming journey into the pixelated paradise of Stardew Valley.

Join me, Zooey, a bear VTuber from Australia, as we escape to the cozy world of Stardew Valley for some laid-back farming and heartfelt conversations. Kick back, relax, and be sure to bring some snacks as we go on this adventure together!

What cozy adventures await?
Choosing the perfect crops for the season.
Relaxing by the river or ocean and trying to catch the biggest fish in Stardew Valley.
Sharing viewer farms, answering questions, and bonding over our love for Stardew.

Chat with us:
Interact with fellow farmers, share your favorite crops, and exchange tips for a bountiful harvest.

The stream schedule is posted weekly on the Discord:

Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and join the cozy community. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to in Stardew Valley!

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