Minecraft, But My Friend Is An Axolotl…

In this video, I turned my friend into a Minecraft axolotl. As an axolotl, he can only help me fight mobs. No breaking blocks, no placing blocks and no eating food. For him to heal, I have to use food on him. Our goal is to beat Minecraft, but if my axolotl dies, we lose.

And if my axolotl is out of water for too long, he starts to take damage. This was super fun! Also, only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed, so if you enjoy this video, please consider subscribing. It’s free, and you can always unsubscribe later. Also, drop a like on the video.

I just realized I never actually say that in the intro, so…. Like the video. Enjoy this video. DREAM! DREAM! -AHH! Dream! What? You’re an axolotl?! -I am. How are you an axolotl? What happened? You’re a beautiful green axolotl. -I am. -Wait, go swim, go swim. -AHH! -Wooo! This is epic!

-Oh my god, there’s– my brothers are here! Which brother is this? -I don’t know, there’s a bunch of them. [ LAUGHS ] My brothers, my sisters, my– this is my uncle. So Dream, we have to beat Minecraft, but you are my axolotl.

Why are you attacking me? You’re meant to be on my team, stop! -I can’t pick up any items or anything, I’m so useless. I can heal you. You can’t break blocks, you can’t pick up blocks, you can’t do anything. -If I’m out the water too long, then I die.

I’m gonna try to rush a water bucket, so then I can save you from drowning. Wait, do you drown or do you… What do you do? You run out of air. [ LAUGHS ] Wait, you don’t even drink air. I don’t know how you work. I don’t know your biology.

They’ve changed all the textures of the ores, it’s so weird. -Is there water down there with you? Uh, no, don’t come down here, don’t come down here. Dream, there’s no water down here, you might start dying. -Where’s the water? I don’t know, it’s over here somewhere. Wait, where is the water?

-Oh, there’s water here. Okay, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! -Woo! [ LAUGHS ] Hey, where did you go? -You’ll never find me. [ LAUGHS ] Stop! AHHH! -What is it? -There’s a creeper. Stay back, stay back, I’m getting the iron.

-You need to protect me. I’m trying, you’re running off on your own. Watch out for the creeper, watch out, Dream! I didn’t even have a weapon. Wait, it’s after you, it wants you so badly, it doesn’t even care about me. Dream, Dream! -Kill it!

I got it, I got it. I’m out of hunger, Dream. I need food. -How am I supposed to help with that? I can’t even… I don’t know. Wait, there’s a creeper up there, Dream. Watch out! -Wait, I need to get in the water. I can’t even sprint, I can’t even sprint. Go. -Yeah.

Feels so nice. Is it nice against your scales? Do you have scales? -Oh, there’s a glow squid! Oh my god, it’s totally glowing, look at it. -It is glowing. Don’t say totally glowing, just say glowing. It’s glowing. Yeah, it’s totally glowing. You’re meant to kill them, you’re meant to kill squids. -Wait, really?

-Yeah, axolotls kill… -It’s my friend. All right, all right, we’ll keep it as our friend for now. -There’s iron down here. Where’s the iron? It’s down here, follow me. axolotls dream, actually… -You shouldn’t place it on the iron. -Oh yeah, you’re right. -Because then… Wait, how do I do this?

I just go like this. -There you go, yeah. Wait, what am I doing? Dream, I don’t know how. I don’t know how. I don’t know what I’m doing. Oh, there’s a cave here. Wait, that’s not even you. I’ve been following a different axolotl. -There’s iron here.

How am I meant to get it in the ceiling? -Just place a door. I can’t place a door on the ceiling. -Let’s go down on the cave. Down here? -Oh my gosh! You just took damage. Wow! -Look! This is huge! Okay, I’m killing this skeleton over here. -Oh, there’s iron right here.

Oh god, I’m going to die. Dream, I’m going to die. I’m going to die. I’m on one heart. I need food. What?! Dream, I’m on half a heart. What is your problem?! Dream, I’m going to die. -It’s fine. You were one heart, and now you’re still one heart.

It doesn’t change anything, this is fun. It’s not fun. Dream, we need food. We need food. -This… Look down here. There’s like– what is that? Is that diamond? I think that’s diamond. Where? -Straight in the middle down there. Dream, there’s a creeper. Dream, back up! Dream, I have one heart. Dream!!!

-I got it! -Dream, I can’t help you. -AHHHH! Oh my god, Dream! Oh! I saved you! -Wait, follow me. Follow me. -Wait, Dream, I have half a heart. -It’s fine, just follow me. It’s not fine. -Look. -What? -Look, there’s diamond. Oh, no, that’s not diamond. That’s iron. That’s literally iron.

-Oh, no, it’s not even iron. It’s the glowing thing. Oh, this. -Look, there’s so much stuff. There’s iron down here. There’s a creeper! I’m literally on- Dream, I’m on half a heart! -Get the creeper. Oh! Dream, Dream, stop! -I need food, I need food. Dream, stop! Yeah, Dream, we all need food. Stop!

-Look, I’m on one heart. I need food! You’re being so, like… bad. You’re being bad, Dream. We need to go to the surface. -Take it back. Dream, Dream, we’re going to the surface. I’m on… -You said I’m bad, take it back. I’ll take it back once we’re at the surface, okay?

Because for now, this is really dangerous. I’m just getting this iron because I’m being greedy. I have 28 iron, okay? Is there more iron? -Let’s get a little bit more. Look, there’s a bunch over here. Follow me. Oh my god, Dream. I’m on half a heart.

Dream, there’s going to be like a random creeper in here somewhere. -I’ll check the area. Dream, this is scary. -Wait, if I die, the video ends. Yes, so you don’t die. -I’m more important than you are. Yes, if I die, it’s technically fine. We just lose progress.

But Dream, if you die, the challenge is over. So you are the utmost priority, okay? Okay, I have 37 iron. That’s enough. Let’s go back up to the surface and we can always come back down here. Oh, Dream! Is it after you? No! Dream! Dream! -HELP!!! Wooo!!!

Oh my god, Dream, we need to get out. We’re getting out right now. Why are we taking so many risks? Oh, I hear a skeleton. -Diamond! Diamond! What? -A skeleton! Oh, I see it. -There’s a skeleton, though. -Oh, okay. Should we just dig straight up? Let’s just dig up, Dream. -NOOO!!!

Dream, get out, get out, get out, get out! Dream, run! Dream, run! Dream, run! -I’m going in this hole! -I can’t save you, I can’t save you. -I’m in the hole. -Okay, Dream, I’m gonna…. -Noooo! -Go in the hole! Go in the hole!

Stay in the hole! Stay in the hole! -I’m in the hole! I’m coming! I’m coming to get you! I’m coming to get you. I’m coming to get you. -Save me! Please save me! -I’m coming, I’m coming. -Please save me! -I’m coming! -Please save me! -I’m on my way.

-The skeleton is on you. You can kill the skeleton. I’m not getting the skeleton. If it turns around and hits me once, I’m dead. -Please, save me. -Dream, I’m coming. I’m coming for you. -Save me. I’m coming for you. I’m coming, Dream. Don’t worry. -I’m so scared. Dream, don’t worry, I’m coming. -No…

I’m on one heart! I’m going to save you. I’m going to save you. -I’m just in a little hole. Luckily, I can get in this. Swim! Swim! [ SIGHS IN RELIEF ] -Give me food. -I don’t have food for you. I don’t have food. -We need to go up.

-Alright, Dream. -Just mine up. -We’re mining up, we’re mining up. -Mine up. This has been the worst caving experience in a long time. Oh, god. There’s another cave here, Dream. Are there any mobs? I see light. Dream, follow me, follow me. I’m going for… Dream, Dream! Stop running off without me.

-I’m just looking. We’re digging straight up. We’re digging straight up. -Wait, come. Follow me, follow me. Dream, I can’t handle this. This is too much pressure. Wait, is that natural light down there? Look, this way. This way, Dream. Come back. Look, is this natural light over there? -Look. Oh… Okay, follow me, Dream.

Because you can’t place blocks, you have to follow me. -Wait, George. I need to get in the water! -Oh god, okay. -I need to get in the water! Look at how long it’s been. -I don’t know, it’s been ages. Okay, come on. There’s water right here! Right here! Go, go, go, go.

-Noo! -Dream! No! -Oh my god. I’m on half a heart. -Okay. -I need food, I need food. We’re safe. We’re safe for now. -Are you just staying in this water? -It might be safe. -Sheep! Sheep, sheep. -Where? Where? -In the woods, that way. I’m out of the water, I’m following you.

There’s a bunch of cows. -Okay, we’re safe, we’re safe. But you can’t eat these. You can only eat fish. -Wait, really? Yes. What do you mean, really? Don’t you know your diet? -No… You’re an axolotl, you don’t eat meat. You eat fish.

-How are we going to get fish? I’m on half a heart. I’m going to find it for you. Don’t worry, don’t worry. Okay, look. I’m healing up now, so I’m safe. I was on half a heart for so long. I don’t know how I survived that.

There’s got to be fish around here somewhere. Nice. Kill that fish. Eat that. That nice? -Yeah. [ LAUGHS ] Oh, look, I can make a bucket. And then whenever you need to be in water, I can just drop it on you. -Oh my gosh. Look, you’re safe. -Thank you. -Boom. -Yay!

All right, Dream, I have some cooked salmon for you. I have three. Eat. Okay. -Yum. Oh, look how many fish there are. There’s so many. -I’ll come pick them up. Nice. Oh, there are so many. And we have so much food. You’re going to be set.

I really want to go back for those diamonds. How do we get back over that? -You really want to? Why don’t we find… We can find other diamonds. We can just go in the caves. For those diamonds and other diamonds. -Oh, there’s another glow squid. I think you should kill it. -It inked.

Why is it taking so many hits? Just die. I killed it. Oh, I’m dying, Dream! Stop punching me, stop! Stop! I’m going to die. What is your problem, Dream?! [ LAUGHS ] That is not funny. That’s actually not funny. -Oh, here we go. Oh, no, that’s not it.

-It was like… -Where is it? Where was it? It was right… [ SIGHS ] Dream! That’s fire. -Oh, look right here. Wait… Oh, yeah, this is where we came out of. The diamonds are here! The diamonds are still here! -Let’s go! They didn’t leave. They’re still here for us. Yesss! Diamonds! -Yay!

Wait, do a dance. Do a dance. Sing a song whilst you do the dance. -This is the axolotl song. If you know it, sing along. I’m spinning in a circle. And I’m green, not purple. -AAAAAHHH! Okay. Oh, god. Dream, eat the fish. -Help me. Eat. Okay. Wait, where did it go?

Oh, Dream. -It’s here! Help me! -Please. -Oh, my god. -Thank you. Okay, you’re low. -I’m full now, I’m full now. Dream, look. -There’s an enderman. I just looked at it. No, Dream! Dream. Dream, I can’t help you. I can’t- Stay in the water if you have to. Oh, we got a pearl!

-Another enderman, help. -Wait, did you hit it? -Help. Dream, what is your problem?! -Kill it. You think you’re like some hero or something? -Thank you. -Oh god, there’s a skeleton. Dream, we’re wasting so much food because you think you’re like a hero. -Thank you. -You think you’re… -I’m not the hero!

You think you’re the hero, You think you can go around… Okay, we need more diamonds. I want diamonds. -Diamonds! Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds. Diamonds! Oh, what? That’s so cool. There’s a split. It’s half and half. There’s so many. Yes. Okay, I have six diamonds. I’m going to make a diamond axe.

We need to go to the nether, but we also need more food for you. I only have three salmon. -Oh, there’s obsidian. This is a lava pool. Wait, we have a diamond pick. What if we just… -I can just mine it.

-Block this off, I’m gonna explore a little bit and you do that thing. What? -What? -Wait, there’s more diamonds! And there’s a chicken guy! A chick… A big… A big chicken. Whatever his name is. -A big chicken? (Laughing) -The chicken. Umm… Oh my god. I can’t even think. -What?!

-Just help, just help. -Is it a chicken on a zombie? -Yeah, a chicken on a zombie. -Okay. I’m gonna.. -I mean no, what? A zombie on a chicken, what? Look, there’s diamonds right there. -Oh my god. -And look, there’s the chicken guy. -And there’s a glow squid as well. -Oh, it died.

Will you kill him? No, I’m not killing him. He’s fine. -Put him in a box. Put him in a box. -What do you mean…? -Box him like a fish. All right, fine. Oh, he’s dying. Look, the chicken… -Save him, save him. Dream!!! -They can hit, they can hit, they can hit.

Just, just… Okay. No, no, don’t kill him. Don’t kill him. Okay, okay. What do I do? -Just dig him in a hole. The chicken, this chicken is so dumb. -All right, it’s fine. Let’s just get it. -No! No, no, no, Dream! -Wait. Water! I need water! -Okay, where are you? Where are you?

-Noo!!! -Where are you? -I’m running back. Please run to me, run to me! I’m on two hearts. -Oh, here, here, here! -Oh!! Watch out for the– for the zombies! -Oh my gosh. Look, I found something cool. Follow me. Look, look at this. What is this stuff? There’s water dripping on it.

[ SIGHS ] -I want to go in. -Oh, it’s a dripstone cave. -Uhh! I feel safe in here. Oh, look, we can go to the surface from here. It’s perfect. Oh, but we didn’t get all the obsidian we needed. -It’s fine. You have how much? I have seven. It’s not fine.

-Wait, there was a– there was a ruined portal. There’s a bee mad at me. -Why did you punch the bee? -Where are you? Can you kill the bee? George, I’m next to you, save me. -Okay. Why did you make the bee mad at you?

-Just kill the bee! -Why did you make the bee mad at you in the first place? -Okay, just follow me. I didn’t mean to. -See, there’s a ruined portal! There’s a ruin portal, follow me. Wait, let’s just sleep. Let’s just sleep. Wait, can you even sleep? -I’m sleeping. -Oh my god.

-Get in a bed. I want to see what you look like. (Laughing) What? -Get in a bed! You look ridiculous. -Get in a bed! I can see the underside of you. -Yay! -Oh we did it! Nice. -I’m on one heart though. I need… Okay.

Um, okay we need to go look for some food immediately. Wait, where’s the ruined portal? -Oh yeah, there’s one here! Nice. So yeah, we can go to the nether whenever we… Whenever… Whenever… We want. Let’s see what’s in the chest. Oh, gold. -And obsidian! What, there’s so much obsidian.

That’s enough to even make a portal. We don’t need to… I have eleven now. So I think we’re ready. I can build the portal here, right? -Build it in the mushroom. Boom! Mushroom portal. Oh I still have five diamonds. So I’m gonna make a helmet. Diamond hat. Okay, we have 21 fish, Dream.

Are we ready to go to the nether? -We can. Okay. Well… Let’s go. I’m lagging. Wait, what?! Dream, we’re already dying! Dream! Oh my god! -Oh, I’m… Wait, am I in lava? -Dream! -AHHHHHHHH!!!! Go! Go, please! -Should we just run? -Help me! I… Oh, they’re after you! -There’s a guy!! There’s a guy!!!

Where’s the ghast? Wait, there’s a bastion here. Dream! -Oh god! Come here! -We have to go back. We have to go back. Dream, wait! Wait, I’m trying to kill this ghast! Wait! -Go back! I’m gonna die from water! -I’m gonna die, just wait! George, just go back! We have to go back!

Okay, just go, just go! The portal might just get destroyed. Get in the portal, quick! -Any water? Go, go, go, go! -Go, go. -Quick! -Oh my gosh, I’m so safe here. Okay, Dream, I’m getting more fish because we already used six out of our 21 fish. Okay, Dream, I have 40 cooked salmon.

I think we’re ready to go. -All right, let’s go to the bastion. We need to go over here. Wait, over where? There’s a ghast, Dream! Wait! Oh, watch out! -There’s a brute!! Oh my god! Run, run, run! The brutes are so strong! What? Okay, I killed one. Are you low? -There’s one here.

I healed you. Dream, I’m low! I’m going to die! Wait, wait, we saw… -Oh, he’s so mad at me! He’s so mad at me! Where? Run, Dream! -I’m trying to punch it, but it doesn’t die. Dream, behind you, behind you, behind you! There’s a person behind you. Oh, you’re dying!

Get in, get in, get in, get in, get in, get in, get in, get in, get in! It turns to snow in the nether. -That totally makes sense. -It makes a lot of sense. It’s logical and it makes sense. -There was another chest somewhere out here. -Oh my god, there’s lava there.

Be careful, please. Efficiency IV diamond shovel. What?! -It’s kind of trash, but it’s cool. It’s not trash, it’s epic. -There’s a golden apple there. Okay. Alright, here is an enderman. It’s right in this hole. Wait, isn’t this where the gold blocks are? Are they underneath these things?

Oh! -They are, they are, they are, they are. Yes, this is epic. Wait, look, I can just trade with these people. Oh, there’s another gold block right here. Oh, I just got pearls, I got three. -Wait, there’s another chest here. -Don’t go too far. -Oh, there’s a sword… with looting III! Oh!

-But now you can kill enderman, you can get so many pearls and we can kill… We’ll be so quick. -We need to find the fortress. -I’m gonna find it. I’m navigating away from here. Oh, there’s a blue biome right here! -Wait, really? -There’s an enderman! -There’s an enderman! I’m killing it.

There it goes. Whoa, that’s… Dream, you- Oh my… I might die! You idiot! There’s a brute right here. Just run, just run. -How many pearls did you get? -I don’t know. I don’t know. I have eight pearls. -There’s a blue biome. -What? That’s so many.

-I don’t know where the blue biome is. -There’s another enderman… There’s another enderman, what is going on? -We’ll just come to- Because we’re in a blue biome, that’s why. Oh, we’re in the blue biome, that’s why. I just repeated what you said. Okay, we have nine pearls now.

Boom! Ooh. I have 12 pearls. -He drops like two pearls. -There’s a fortress literally right there! Let’s go to the fortress. Wait, I have looting III. I can kill… -I know, the blazes will be so easy. You can get all with like a couple blazes. Boom, I have 16. I have 16.

-What the… That dropped four. Yeah, yeah, it’s ridiculous. Looting III. Dream! Dream, you have to be careful. We’ve come this far, do not die now. Now be careful, Dream. -I’m exploring. -The blazes… No don’t explore. Let me go first. The blazes are very dangerous. If they catch you on fire, you’re in trouble.

Because remember, Dream, if you get on fire…. if I put you out with the snow the snow disappears, okay? So you cannot get caught on fire. -I’m looking… I found it! I found it! -Where? Don’t get caught on fire, please.

-I won’t, I won’t. And if I do, you can heal me with the food. We only have seven food. -Look, there’s a blaze right there. I’m gonna kill him. No, Dream, don’t get caught on fire. Do not! Stay back, stay back. There’s… oh god. Okay, I have two blaze rods.

I have two blaze rods already. Oh my god, I already have enough blaze rods. I have enough. -Let’s go! -I have 11. -Let’s go, let’s go. Looting is so good. Come get the snow. Nice. Okay, now we just need… Wait, we’ve got 16 pearls. We don’t even need any more pearls.

-Yeah, we don’t. We just gotta go. Just be careful. He’s after you. I just tank the shoot for you. -Heal me, heal me, heal me, heal me, heal me, heal me. Heal me. Okay, I’m fine. We have no… We have one food left, Dream. -Alright, we just need to go.

It’s back this way. All right, don’t take any damage. Be careful. What were the cords of the portal? -It’s fine. I know exactly where it is. Okay, Dream the Navigator. Okay, I’ll believe it. -I’m navigating. Okay, we can do this. We can beat the game. -We actually can.

Do you actually know where we’re going? -All right, okay. Maybe I don’t know exactly where we’re going. -We just went in a circle. -Alright, look. I know where we’re going. -You don’t know where you’re going. -Just trust me. There we go. Perfect.

I know exactly where we are now. I actually know where we are. I just took damage. I didn’t mean to. All right, look. Go back up. Go back up. -We have one fish. Dream, we have one fish! We can’t be messing around. I’m not messing around. -You’re messing around. You are:

I know where to go, I’m the navigator. -I am the navigator. Listen, I know exactly where we’re going. Follow me. -Please, Dream. -This way. -I do know where we’re going. Up here, break this. You still don’t know where you’re going. Dream, where are we going?! [ LAUGHS ]

We need to get out! We have one fish. -There’s an enderman, you can kill the enderman. Look, I took you to the enderman. You said we didn’t need one. -Okay, then we don’t. We don’t, we don’t. Dream, do you know where we’re going? -Yep, we’re going up here. Wait, no. Dream.

-Look, I’m over here. I know exactly where we’re going. Build a cross here. Quickly. Actually, I know where we’re going. Build the cross. Build the cross. Just build. Just build. It’s shooting me. It’s fine. I’ll distract it. No. Come here. Where do we go? -Look, this way. This way.

How do you know where to go? -Okay, I don’t know exactly where to go but I know the general direction. Why is there so many dead ends here? Dream, you don’t know where we’re going. -I know where we’re going.

Okay, I’ll tell you exactly. Look, I’ll tell you where we are. Are you ready? Dream, we have no food left. And you just took damage. Dream. -Oh, I know exactly where we are! I know where we are. I know where we are the whole time. Follow me. Dream, if you– if you…

You’re playing so risky, Dream. If you die, the video is over. Please be careful. -Come here, look. Look. What? -We’re in the open. And? We are lost. Just admit it. We’re lost. -No, we’re not. We’re not. -Admit it, just admit it. -Just admit it. -Just trust me. You don’t know where we are.

You don’t know how to get back either, do you? -Okay. I… Look. I pretty much do. All right, look. -The portal is right there!! I see it! I see it! It’s all the way across. -That’s what I’m saying. I was trying to show you. Okay, Dream. Follow me. Follow me. Umm, wait.

-I’m following you! I’ve been leading you the whole time! -You’re dying. -Give me water! Give me water! Where? -Okay. Dream. You’re like a one-hit. -Look, I let us here. This is so terrible, Dream. I need to get blocks. -I lead us here. -You’re basically dead. You’re so close to dying.

-Look, just tell me that I’m good. Congrats. It only took you like 20 minutes of running around. -Okay, tell me that I did a good job. -You’re almost dead, you’re almost dead. -I’m on one heart. Okay, be careful. How are we gonna get down? -That’s your fault. -Okay, Dream. -Do you have gravel?

No, I don’t have gravel, but guess what I do have? -Pfffffff…. You can make it. You can make it. Nice. Okay, to the portal. Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. Yes! We did it. We actually did it. We actually did it. Get in, get in, get in. -We’re home. -Get in, get in, Dream.

-Yessss. -Yes! -Let’s go! Oh my gosh. There’s fish there, give me this fish right now. Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my god, there’s a fish. -Just give me a raw, I don’t even care. Just give me a raw. [ LAUGHS ] Shut up. Yes!!! -Yayy!!! -We survived!

-There’s so many fish. -We actually survived, we actually survived. -Give me this fish. -Okay, okay. Look, look, look, look, look at this. I left the smoker. I left it behind. -I’m still on two hearts. It’s supposed to be nighttime. Just get the fish. -Let’s get the fish, let’s get the fish.

Dream, we did it. We did it. Get over here. Get over here. Sit right here. Eat this fish. And boom. You’re fully, you’re full. -Yay. -You’re perfect. We did it. Okay, I’m going to make a bow. -Okay, what’d you say? You said you were gonna say something. You did good, Dream. Okay. -Yess.

I have 11 uncooked fish and three cooked. I think that’s probably enough, right? -Yeah. And all we have to do is go to the End. This way. I wonder if I can out swim your boat. Would I beat your boat? I don’t know. Let’s do a test.

-We’ll do a race. -You want to race me? Alright, come here. Ready? Three, two, one, go. Oh, it’s close. I took the same speed. I think you’re a bit quicker, actually. Well, you went like… Oh, you went this way. Okay. -I was faster, definitely. I think it was similar. I think it’s similar.

-I was better. I was better. I don’t know. -I’m stuck in a pool. Oh, do you need my help? Oh, poor little Dream needs my help. Oh, look at Dream stuck in a little hole. Come on. Okay. -But there’s a goat! A goat? -Wait, I didn’t realize they spawn in here.

Yeah, they have goats now. Wait. -I thought that was added in like the part two or whatever. No, we have the goats. What do they even do? What do they do? -I don’t know. Don’t kill it. Oh, it made a sound. You’re evil.

It didn’t even do anything. You just killed it for sport. I thought– I was experimenting. I thought maybe it would give me food. -Oh, there’s an ocean. We can race. Oh, it’s like a… -AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Oh my god! Let’s go! Three, two, one, go. You’re not even moving. You’re so slow. Wait, what? Dream?

Oh, no. -I’m going. No. What?! No. -I’m going! I’m leading! No! No! How? I even had like a head start. -I’m winning. You’re too quick. You’re way too quick. Wow. You’re such a good swimmer, Dream. Where did you learn to swim? -It was natural when I was born. Just throw it.

Oh, it’s backwards. It’s like- We’re literally right here. -Yeah. We can just go down to this cave. Let’s just dig down. Just jump down with me. -Then what if I fall? I don’t know. We’re going now, it’s too late. Oh, we’re here. We’re in. -Alright. We go down here.

Now we go down the staircase here. Here we go. Oh, I hear it, yeah. Is it here? Nice. Okay, I’m getting it. Okay, Dream. I can die. You cannot die. Okay? Boom. Dream, are you ready? No! No! -Let’s go! Okay, I have a bow. I have a bunch of arrows as well.

Okay, Dream, we’re going to do this. Just don’t look at the enderman. -We’re going to beat it. [ LAUGHS ] Just don’t look at the enderman, Dream. -You are so… weird. Please don’t look at the enderman, okay? Seriously. And then I can just do all the work and kill the dragon.

I got it. -Uh. -I got it. -There’s one to the right. look over there. Shoot that one. I didn’t mean to hit the enderman! Oh, Dream. Dream, run, run, run. Die! I got it. I got it. Wait, I have an idea. -I need water! I need water! -I’m putting it down.

I put it down. I put it down. -It’s not gonna get there. Run, run, run, run, run. -Okay, it did, it did. -Okay. -Oh, barely. Oh, my god. -Get the dragon. Get the dragon. Get the dragon. Wha…

Minecraft, But My Friend Is An Axolotl…
I turned my friend into a Minecraft axolotl! He had to be by my side and help me fend off mobs attacking me but he could not break or place blocks. This was crazy fun…

Follow my socials ↓↓↓
Twitter/Instagram: @GeorgeNotFound

Merch: https://georgenotfound.shop
Patreon (Plugin): https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken

Dream: @dream

This is a new Minecraft but, 1.14/1.15/1.16/1.17 challenge that we have decided to try.

Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or a speed run / speed runner of Minecraft against a killer / assassin


  1. everyones saying that it was considerate of dream to say green instead of yellow
    but wont george just think that yellow color that looks like a different color in his perspective is called yellow

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