Mikey vs JJ Family – Noob vs Pro: Airplane House Build Challenge in Minecraft

W who are these people wo they’re red what’s goodie with the hoodie they’re awesome homes I know right hello and hold up there’s more people over there babes check them out they’re Girls Just Like Us W they’re Turtles oh my goodness gracious they look so cool my favorite

Is these ones though right Luke these boys look way cooler yep these have so much swag I know right girls those turtle ones are not as cool om poo they are way cooler what oh my gosh no way guys hold up what are they even doing

Here and what the what is that oh no are those nope zombies oh no I think they are oh gosh um excuse me red dudes family stay with your fam we about to go check out the zombies you two green people oh no I’m scared what’s going on

Don’t worry Alexa I will protect us with my big giant muscles everyone’s de behind me will do MMS please go first what really oh my gosh Luke I thought you were going to say you wanted to go and F be up it says beware the zombies

Are coming for the families oh oh no Luke the families are those people oh no they’re so swag we have to protect them yeah it says only one family will survive oh no no no no the red side’s going to survive uh no way SS the green

Side’s going to survive right girls yes for sure no way but it says you have until sunset to build an airplane and get out that’s why there’s runways on the floor we have to build an airplane to take the family and get them out of here before

The zombies come and they’re going to come at Sunset I’m going read the last sign good luck M what the W oh no my family is going to survive sorry Alexa just tell those Turtle dudes that they going to get boomed no Kappa no way our our plane is

Going to slay and bring our family to Freedom oh my gosh Luke Roxy we need an airplane right now and the first step of an air airplane is the base of it and we want it a little bit above the ground yep we have to make sure it’s sturdy the

Structure exactly so I’m going to grab the structure out of iron blocks and we’re going to make it right over here so Luke Roxy help me with the base yeah let’s go all around over here make the butt part of the Aeroplane and ly Pooky

Make sure it’s even if it’s not even we going to get boomed homes I’m going to make it even Steven ooh thank you so let’s go all the way down over here make make sure it’s even on the front end like that for our brand new friends yeah

E it over here what the what that’s what that magic W dude oh my gosh nice job ly now let me bring all of these blocks down over here and make sure it’s 100% even Steven just like that awesome sauce now Roxy we must do the side of the

Airplane yeah let’s use the magic wand o great thinking Roxy and sorry girls but uh you’re going to get boomed no way babes come on Heather let’s make the airplane way better than the boys what oh no come on boys lock in I’m setting it all with some iron blocks right now y

Bow then let’s do this side as well ly so build it up now let me set the first position there second position over here and Y yay now let’s fill up all the sides for real for real we got to build fast don’t worry Luke we are going to

Win and Roxy help me out with the roof over here so let’s build it one block inwards Roxy one block I got you my boy let’s go I’m going so fast right now Roxy I’m the fastest in the universe no caps involved my boy no caps involved

Second cuz I’m here and I’m faster what are you serious right now wa no way nice job but then let’s go in one more just like this and all the way down yo that was me I was first Roxy not you sorry L bro you’re not that guy no that was all

Me that was that is not true Buddy b bow the airplane’s looking very snazzy now let’s go down the middle and go crazy yo yo yo yo yeah and boom the airplane now has a roof and we should be super duper safe whoa we have the shell of the

Aeroplane but Roxy and Luke how are we going to see out of the Aeroplane it’s just blocks we need Windows so we can drive our brand new friends to Freedom yes s key let’s grab some glass ooh nice all right let’s grab glass and we’re

Going to put bop bop then bop bop and then bop bop then bop bop all right friends get inside the airoplane we have the structure buil yo my boy hello luk how do I communicate with them hello do you guys speak word all right what what do we do don’t worry OHS Luke

To the rescue just work on the wings all right thank you and what yo Crystal are you actually working on your airplane yes babes we’re going to make the best airplane in the world not possible but come on Roxy Focus up let’s make the wings and I’m going to make it super

Duper wide out over here just like that boom and this is the first one on this side and we want it to be pretty thick like this then we it go all the way down over here like that and wo that looks so cool now let’s just fill it all up just

Like that and Roxy make sure that it’s perfectly even my boy we do not want uneven Wings in our Aeroplane I got you so here I’m going to break it open like that on this side and bro Luke can you please destroy that what the what uh

Luke how did they actually come inside how did you do that it’s cuz they my boys No Cap wait do they actually speak did they talk to you luk yeah but only to me what hello do you say words hello oh my gosh they’re not talking to me but

All right Luke oh nice job you shredded the tree let’s destroy all of that yeah yeah yeah yeah and boom all right now the tree is completely destroyed now we must make the wing and since I broke on this side we can now see exactly how we

Have to do it so it’s 1 2 3 on the first layer then the next layer Luke is 1 2 3 four five six seven blocks make it seven blocks on the second layer over here so one 2 three four five six and seven and

Then the next layer is a little bit more than that it’s seven8 nine 10 so let’s make the next layer 10 blocks let’s go all the way down over here 1 2 3 cuz 7 + 3 = 10 perfect now the next side it looks like is one two three more than

The last side so let’s go all the way down over here one two and three then let’s fill it all down oh yeah Luke I’m doing math right now I’m a professional waa you’re counting so well dude thank you now the last one is just one shorter

And let’s go right over there then boom throw down the blocks awesome sauce wo we have two Wings yes sir ski and wait now we have to put some blocks over here cuz I do not want people in the airplane to get afraid so let’s throw it all down

What the what is that what the what Alexa why is the airplane green cuz it’s sister slay oh my gosh and hold up are your people able to speak words my dudes just stand there like this yes they’ve been speaking to us wait what are you serious let me try and talk

To them hello hello my name is back up you’re weing the M are you serious wait let me talk to the little one yo bro what’s goody my boy hello why are they ignoring me um the red ones are talking to me what what are they saying hello

Guys were you guys talking hello hello all right why are they not talking to me whatever uh they just stopped talking weird bro are you serious but hold up let me put the blocks all around just like this and guys every single Aeroplane always has Windows so the

Passengers could look outside so put some glass one block apart all the way until the back like this then let’s flip it around over here and let’s put glass in the exact same area but on the other side yes sir this is perfectly even I know right oh yeah it’s even Steven now

We have to work on the back of the airplane over here make sure that it’s perfect and ly every airplane has wheels they always have one one in the front and two in the back so to make the airplane Wheels let’s put one block going down to support it then we’re

Going to need some blocks of coal for the wheels oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and oh yeah these are the wheels ly poo yes s key this is how the plane lands successfully exactly and we’re going to need to back over here so let’s set a

Block there then go all the way down over here like this and we could set some wheels on the bottom like that yo and yeah and then let’s do the same over here on this side one two three one two three and finally one two three and

W our airplane is looking litty you hear that Heather our airplane is way better than yours and we’re going to save the family actually Els that is not true we’re making our airplane way better than yours what oh my gosh how is it better Heather we’re working on the

Inside so it can be luxurious for the family oh gosh Luke do we have it inside my boy do we have it inside bro it’s actually doooo cheeks in there what how dooo cheeks are we bro what the f Roxy wait were you talking to them yeah they said they want

Seats to sit in are you serious did you guys actually say that hello why Roxy why do they not like me it’s because you’re not red my boy oh my gosh Luke roxxy’s already a part of their group uh whoa it’s cuz they’re connected cuz they’re both red exactly but that

Gives me an idea I’m going to get seats for all of us so we have red for the family and red for Roxy of course then I’m going to get green for ly yes sersi so we can all sit together and then of course the final color light blue my

Favorite color so let’s put some red seats over here and I’m going to make this entire Lane with red seats cuz look let me count one for the mommy one for the kid one for the dad and Roxy do you want to sit with them yeah they’re

Awesome all right I got you my boy bow then ly I’m going to put one for you right over here next to the window I’m giving you a window seat cuz I’m a w man’s let’s go those are my favorites and then I’m going to have a seat right

Over here for myself right next to the wing oh I love the wing SE cuz I could see the engine and then wait what if the girls want to hop on our plane when they realize that their plane isn’t enough yesi let’s add some guest seeds ooh very

Good thinking Loki and for Crystal we will need some s and should I put it next to me or I’ll just put it like over here right l no bro sit next to your girlfriend what hey she is not my girl girlfriend bro she is not we’re just

Friends that just hang out sometimes I’m going sing the song Luke sing with me Luke you better not sing with him I got you Roxy first comes love then comes marriage then comes the baby and the baby carriage why why do you do that yay

Are you serious right now oh my gosh and why are they still not talking you guys don’t have any reaction to that hello ma’am ma’am ma’am all right Luke what was that they’re trying to tell me that you need to back up from them oh my gosh

Well next we need a seat for Lily so let me grab a pink one yay thank you no problem Lily and then wait who else was on there oh Heather and Alexa so Heather your favorite color is yellow right no my favorite color is purple what are you

Talking about buff face uh are you sure because you like yellow cuz you paint your seat yep I know that was a good burn burn yes sir that wasn’t even that good are you serious all right fine I’ll cat you your purple seat let me grab the

Purple put that John over there then finally uh we need lime for Alexa I didn’t forget about you let’s grab the lime sea and put you all the way right over here boom and oh my gosh guys our airoplane is actually looking super duper snazzy but uh how are we going to

Fly the airoplane if we don’t have a place for the cat Captain Luke how’s Captain SES going to fly this John yes sers we need the cockpit son yep and for the cockpit we need to make it away from everyone cuz I don’t want people watching me as I fly the airplane that’s

Going to affect me so let me make a little room right over here just like that y bow and now I’m going to add a door but Roxy it’s going to be an iron door so the people can’t just come in you’re going to have to have special

Permission actually instead of an iron door I’m going to make it a door with a keypad with a super super hard code don’t even try and guess it Roxy I already know what it is before you even put it that’s not possible Roxy it’s nearly impossible to guess you give

What oh my gosh are you serious right now was it 1 2 3 4 yo yo keep it on the low bro no one knows about my secret password it’s really hard it was super obvious oh my gosh but this is the boy cockpit cuz we all going to be driving

The airplane so when one of us goes and sleeps the other one could take control the plane what happens if all of us sleep at the same time oh then the airplanes going to fall that that wouldn’t be good are you serious stay up Luke stay up all right so guys let’s

Grab three seeds and I’m going to put the light blue here then the red for Roxy then the green for lucus pus bow oh no we triple threaten this John we look awesome selfie bowow I’m taking so many photos I’m getting an angle of your butt

Luke oh yeah that’s good that’s good yes sir but how do we drive this John we have to use something that looks like it could control an aeroplane and this right here this looks awesome it’s like a joystick and oh we could also get a microphone so we could talk to the

Passengers when we want to tell them announcements about the flight so let’s put a block here and wow Luke that’s literally perfect we can move it left or right depending on how we want to go and then I’m about to put the microphone right over here attention passengers Luke is a butt

Face um actually attention passengers SS meant to say ohms is a 40 but what that is not all what I meant to say wait let me put my butt in this what what are you doing he bro oh my gosh I am passers so gross I am so sorry passengers Roxy the

Parents are literally looking at their kid oh my gosh they’re giving them a talk about what you just did my boy they got troll hey yo my boy hey yo but hold up I think we’re destroying the girls let’s take a peek at them sh sh sh Mission invisible sh Luke stop talking

Dude stop talking let’s do this invisible potion oh no I’m invisible wait where are you guys I’m holding the potion what what who’s holding the I’m holding the sofa okay Luke you’re holding the sofa Roxy what are you holding Roxy where are you I’m afraid I’m holding the iron block oh hi Roxy

All right guys let’s go on this mission mission mission mission mission guys where are you where’s the blocks where’s the blocks I’m right over here dude look at this they literally have a rocket boost in the back of their airplane and let’s check out their interior

Hello guests would you like any of our drink or food options what are what they have food Alexa I’m going to start building the kitchen for the food oh no this is not good I’ll help you out Heather what oh gosh oh gosh Luke Roxy quickly make it

Back to the airplane we’re getting smoked right now quickly quickly are you guys back in the cockp pick yes arey I made it back oh my gosh ship on some milk so I can see y’all boys okay I’m good guys this is not good at all ly

Where are you we have a giant Emer my boy I’m pulling up my boy bro their side was literally super duper awesome sauce they have a rocket booster in the back and even milk oh we don’t have a kitchen or rocket boosters that’s what I’m saying excuse me people can you guys

Move Luke do your magic and move them again this is the kitchen area I’m going to work on building a wall right over here while you move them okay y’all right this way into the cockpit so you could drive the airplane what Luke they’re not just going to listen to you

My boy they do not talk at all what do you mean bows already here what is bro yapping all right what bro are you serious why are they talking to you guys and not talking to me because you’re not red um Z are you serious Roxy I am

Actually you’re right I am blue but why are they talking to Luke cuz I got sweat what does that even mean but guys we need a little kitchen area so we could come out and be like what hello there would you like any food or drinks

Ma’am oh no what about you ma’am oh no oh what about you ma’am that’s what we have to be like guys that’s how the flight is attendants are yes sersi that’s W customer service exactly and then they’re going to give us a festar review and then our airplane is going to

Be the best in the world okay okay everyone come to the back in the kitchen over here and I’m making us some room by making it a little bit wider just by expanding the blocks out by one just like that let’s do the same over here

Expand it out by one like that and we just got so much more room all right Luke kitchen time the first step in a kitchen is a refrigerator to keep the foods cold since we are going to be in the airplane for a while yes sir we

Can’t be having no hot food it has to be cold exactly so let’s put a refrigerator over here and what food should we serve to our customers and S to our friends it has to be good ly I was thinking about some raw beef oo wait look that is

Literally only my favorite food oh my gosh all right fine we’ll put some raw beef just for myself but what’s your favorite food I want to have everyone’s favorite to be fair I like to eat a lot of grass yes sir I already knew it and what about Alexa does she also want

Grass or wait how about sea grass yeah that’s Al her favorite oh okay okay grass for luky and sear grass for Alexa and Roxy what do you want can I get enchanted golden apples what enchanted golden apples are you serious why that because I’m overpowered ro oh okay relax

Roxy okay I understand I understand let me grab the enchanted golden apples for you my boy and now let’s put it in the refrigerator next up Lily what foods do you want some cakes please of course I got you let me grab some cakes for you poop and Crystal I already know you’re

Going to say cookies cuz it starts with a CA babes I want some cookies cuz it starts with a CA who Luke did you see that oh no Roxy let’s sing it what what are you guys about to sing right first then comes marriage then comes the baby the

Babyage what did I do to deserve that and the F then bro really Roxy can you tell him that’s very not nice that’s hilarious Luka oh my gosh all right fine I’m putting the cookies inside but it’s just a coincidence that I knew that you would say cookies and Heather I know

What you’re going to say you want spider eyes cuz they look like grapes and grapes are purple yes yes grapes are the best all right I got you oh no bre two girlfriends I’m going to sing it what don’t do it Luke do not do it Crystal

Sitting in the tree triple the triple please don’t don’t do the part he didn’t do the part two I’m coming in with this first comes then comes Mar then comes the baby and the baby car well at least you didn’t fart that right uh wow wow

Wow wow wow that was beautiful it was not beautiful Luke it was not beautiful but we have all of our favorite foods and we need a area to make the meals let’s grab a sink in the middle over here and I’m going to grab a light blue

One boop boop then we can grab some water and fild it John up all the way to the top then we’re going to need some cabinets to cook the food on so let’s grab a light blue one put that John right over there then put another one

Right over there and we’re going to need some cutting boards guys so let’s grab an item frame B Boop and then B Boop and then we’re going to need some utensils so let’s grab a spatula put that John over here we’re going to need a kitchen

Knife put that John over here and we’re going to need a diamond sword in case enemies come inside bow hey I’m a friendly oh you’re friendly all right you’re dope and wait let’s make it look like we’ve been preparing some food I’ll throw a cake over here and enchant the

Golden Apple for you Roxy cuz we’re about to prepare it up for you yay you’re the best no problem my boy but now guys we have a very very major problem what are we going to cook the food on bro that’s exactly what I was going to say we need something to make

The food but I know exactly what we need a gorill and I’m going to grab a light blue one let’s put boop boop boop triple Grill oh no what for each of us and wait a minute I’m going to make it fun I’m going to put a light blue one for me

Then I’m going to add a red grill for you Roxy yes this is awesome and of course ly don’t you think I forgot about you my boy bow green so we now all each have our own colors yes s ski these things are drippy sauce yep and I’m even

Going to add carpets over each of them boop boop and Boop awesome and wait that actually is perfect for the spatula hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up I’m about to put the spatula on this side so let’s grab it now we have to lay some

Food on top of all the grills and luckily we have the fridge over here everyone grab some raw beefs yes let’s make some burgers oo all right all right let me boop boop and Boop and here I’m going throw some be for both of y’all bow now let’s flip the patties y wait

Wait not so fast we didn’t put some coold to light it up oh very very smart ly now the grill is getting hot in here now the burgers are burgering oh yeah and get ready for this look I’m about to flip the Patty and you go think that I’m

The most coolest person on Earth ready yes cersi Show Me What You’re Made Of OHS boom Oh My Gosh Luke are you beeping this oh no I’m the burger Master Bow Bow Bow Bow boom Oh my gosh that is actually super duper awesome wao all these Burgers but they’re missing their buns

Oh yeah we have a little area for buns let’s grab a chest throw it over here and we’re going to need some bread for the buns and let’s put a stack in there just like that and one for each of us wow we got the Burger Station unlock but

Boys we have a big problem remember how I went out and I said food and drinks we have the food part locked down bxy we don’t have no drinks we go have a dry mouth huh oh no we got no Bev exactly we need a Bev right now and

We should make a Bev machine where it shoots out a beverage into our hands that sounds awesome all right let’s do it let me grab a dispenser over here boop boop and Boop and now we have three Bev machines wao do that mean three different flavors exactly okay okay so

What do you want the first flavor to be luke milkshake oh that’s actually busting all right let me grab a side let me put it right over here and I’m going to make it say milkshake yeah then we’re going to need a color it and what color is a milkshake

Normally white oh yeah you’re right so let’s put white in we’re going to add a glow squid so boom it pops up so much more then we can grab a Buton so it yeets out of milkshake now let’s grab the milkshake and throw a bunch inide

Dispensers now Luke would you give it a test hit the button please of course I would um oh delici bro got a whole milkshake oh my gosh all right Roxy you get the next choice what would you like for your Bev my boy soda and a red cup

Oh all right I’ll get you Red soda inside of a red cup let’s see if we can make that work for you my boy and oh we literally could all right I got the Red soda inside the red cup then we’re going to need a sign over here and make it say

Red soda and then in a red cup just for you Roxy please give me the button so I can drink the soda oh my gosh all right all right I’m putting it down hold up hold up let me close s toy that John boom then let’s put down the sodas all

Over and ready for this button delicious oh my gosh bro sipping on that drink no caps yes I ski but the last flavor is for you oh all right nice wait I’m going to put some countertops so when you hit it it doesn’t just fall on

The floor lands on the counter but for my drink I’m going to get something super busting I’m going to have some milk because I am a blue dog and blue dogs love milk that’s a fact ly that’s a fact yes sersi it’s so busting seriously

All right let me make it say milk and also the people inside the Aeroplane is going to love it okay so let’s grab some white Boop and milk keeps your bones strong as well so let’s grab the glow squids and bow perfect now if I put the

Buton over here I can flick it and oh milk dispenser sheesh we all got our drinks boy yes sir I’m sipping on that I’m sipping on that yeah yeah yeah this is awesome SAU and the burgers are ready Al W that is legit awesome sauce but wait a minute

Guys we need a item to put all the food in while we walk out so we walk out and we’ll be like hello would you like something sir and what can we use for that L key oh Ms I know a Sher box we can carry them bro that’s actually a

Genius idea and also we can get them in all of our colors so he knows whose is who so let’s put the shers oh right over here I’m going to store one for luky one for me and of course one for Roxy right over here let me just make the plate out

And boom now boys bow check it out I can walk over and be like what hello sir would you like something to eat or drink and then I can put down the shulker and offer them food but wait my shulker has nothing inside I got to load it up with

Some food yes Siri fill that John up all right let me throw some bread in there let me grab some cooked beef in there in case they want a nice fresh Burger let me go inside the refrigerator and I’m going to grab every single type of food in case everybody body wants her

Favorite food so let’s grab all that John then bow bow bow bowow boom perfect then over here I’m going to need to grab one milkshake Boop thank you very much for the milkshake let me store that over here then I’m going to get a red soda in

A red cup Boop slide me that red drink perfect then finally I’m going to need some milk bow and now we have all of the beverages holy guaca this thing is looking crazy and guys make sure to load up all your Sher boxes as well yes sir

We can’t have these Johns be empty exactly and check it out now I’ll walk over and I’ll be like well hello sir here is some food or drinks but wait a minute guys we have a major problem we’re like the flight attendants but we don’t have flight attendant outfits we

Just look normal they’re not going to like that one bit yes sir we got to get dripped up out here ah and wait we have to do in the bathroom so let’s go to the bath we don’t have a bathroom oh no where people going to poop oh go this no

The worst thing ever what type of airplane doesn’t have a bathroom they’re literally going to have to poop on the floor we cannot have that happening Luke but I know exactly where to make the bathroom let’s move the red seats up one just like that over here so we’re going

To have some room to make a bathrooms we don’t have much space are you sure it’s going to fit don’t worry Luke I am a professional at this check it out we’re going to expand the Aeroplane back over here trust me this has to be done bro we

Need a pooping area wo all this just for the bathroom of course the bathroom is the most important thing ever and bro airplane bathrooms are always super duper shiny so help me make the walls out over here a couple blocks high like that and they’re always literally This

Tall Luke like I can barely walk inside so this is a good hide siy let’s make this bathroom all right bow now the first step of any bathroom is a toilet to do your business so let’s grab a coldron boopy Boop and I’m going to put

Some water inside like a toilet toet and check out this cool building design I’m going to grab a trap door put it right over here and flip it up so it looks like a toilet seat yes sir ski so when you’re all done you could close the lid

And wait wait actually we can make the automatic with a toilet flicker like that so once you’re finished with your business you flush the toilet and boop boop boop boop it closes the lid as well two in one baby wao that’s actually genius I know right but now we need a

Place to wash our hands because I do not want people wiping their touches and then shaking my ha without washing their hands yeah that would be totally gross Luke have you ever done that before look at me the eyeballs huh no hey you turned around all right let me put this thing

Right over here let’s grab some water inside what what what is did Roxy just poop wipe and then leave without washing Bros hands that’s gross oh my Roxy what are you doing I have to eat some food you better not bro you better oh my

Go okay we’re going to have to cook up some new food but let me fill up the sink over here like this and the bathroom is super duper lit and we need a place to dry our hands and I know just what to use we can use a battery cuz it

Looks like a big towel ooh good thinking OHS so let me double up on that so now you can wipe your hands fire now we can walk out of the bathroom and we need a little door over here so let me make a hallway just like

That Boop and get rid of this window make it go all the way up over here and perfect now I could grab a door and a good door would be something that doesn’t have holes in it so let’s grab o a spruce door perfect so now Luke no one

Could look at you while you poop oh man I kind of like when people watch me poop what do bro bro bro chill with that my boy chill with that and wait I’m going to make it say bathroom on a sign let’s put it up over here

Bathroom bow oh my goodness gracious we now have a bathroom and now we can serve the people food and they can even wash their hands oh but are always supposed to eat on the floor this isn’t really clean oh no Luke emergency bro we have literally the most

Luxurious airplane ever but we don’t even have a place to eat our food what are they supposed to do eat on their laps oh no we need to make a place where they could eat H let’s think cuz their seats are all over here we need to wait

So that it leads to a table in oh oh I just came up with a really good idea ly what are you thinking of instead of just having one seat over here like this we could put all the chairs facing this way just like this on each side Boop and

Boop now it’s all facing together and we can put a table on the inside yes sersi now it’s eating time baby a so let’s grab some tables and I’m going to throw it down in front of everyone oh my golly gash gash check it out and we still are

Going to have a lane down the middle of the airplane to walk through and when they want to be next to the window again they can just just switch your chairs like that this is awesome wait let me set the table down let me grab some

Plates boop boop boop and then boop boop boop boop boop and boop boop bow oh my gosh this is lit now Luke we must serve them food let’s grab our flight attendant boxes uh yes I ski so we can have our Good Eats but wait up Luke we

Didn’t change into our outfits I’m going in the bathroom do not look at me I’m changing right now I’m looking bro I’m closing the door I’m closing the door all right now you can’t see me we go inside the kitchen to change oh hi why

Is there a window oh my gosh all right let me change to my outfit hes I’m changed and Roxy is too o so am I and I feel like I look like a very manly pilot right now check me out oh holy guacamole and cheese bro you actually look swag Mo

SS you look goofy why are you laughing what are you talking about you have a whole suit you’re supposed to be professional what do you mean am I not professional right now no you look goofy what up bro am I in a dress right now oh

My gosh Roxy do not look at it no oh my go don’t look okay Luke why are we in the bathroom together can you please get out I need to change my outfit all right fine I need to put on something that’s more professional like a suit Roxy you

Should change too all right let me just Boop come on get out of this girl outfit and I should be good now ly take a peek at me do I still have the girl outfit on well you are even more girly now what are you talking about how is that even

Bruh do I have hearts around me and am I wearing girly shoes ain’t no way let me let me try and get off Luke okay I’ll give you some time to take it off it’s not coming off and whoa Rox you looking swag no cap yesi I’m looking

Spiffy wow Luke take this off me right now I don’t want to be a girl hes you got hearts on you they stuck on you forever bro oh my gosh let’s just get the food for the people are you serious all right let me let me grab it hey I’m

Here giving food and stuff do you want some talk more cute you’re supposed to be FL attended oh hello you phood yeah just like that I’m not talking like that I know you’re messing with me Luke but wait for the red people what do they

Want to eat I’m going to just give them raw beef because it’s red just like me no they want golden apples Roxy that’s what you want my boy don’t worry I got you let me go over here down let me grab something for Crystal cookies of course poo of course you put crystals

First just say you love her W I like her as a friend that that high fives that you’re married to but I am not married to Crystal oh my gosh let me just put the sea grass over here for Alexa then the grass for luky then of course we

Going to have to get the golden apples for my boy Roxie right over here Boop and Roxy our seats are next to each other and then finally I need to get the cake for Lily and the spider eye grapes for Heather like that W our airplane is lit yes iy this is

Vibes zero caps in BO but wait a minute girls is your airplane coming out as good as ours wait Roxy we need a little door for us let me break over here and I’m going to put a removable stair Casas so we can get in and out of the airplane

Really really quick so let’s put it like that make it go up one and then over here then okay we could easily access it and I’m going to make the door an iron door so no one accidentally opens it oh really smart OHS thank you and button

Over here and let’s put another button right over here okay now it’s good and oh my gosh wait look wait for got the flames in the back hold up girls before I come to you I just need to do something H you better not be copying

Our ideas what Luke pull up over here so we can copy their ideas well I’m not copying your ideas come on guys um we’re not we’re not copying right let’s put the Flames real quick all right I’m about to make our Flames look even better check it out first I’m going to

Start off with an orange base just like that and then Roxy I’m going to throw on some yellow o smart owns and then guess what color comes next red of course yes sir so let’s make that John look like a real flame so I’m going to make it

Coming off of the yellow just like that oh my guacamoley and cheese Luke is this looking flea or is this looking flea my boy I’m messing with the heavy my boy let’s go and look I’m making it like the yellow’s going through but bro it literally has jet boosters our airplane

Is lit but girls knock knock do you guys even have a way to get inside of your airplane yes we have a fancy entrance where’s the fancy entrance Alexa it’s in imaginations just fly up in here what oh my gosh you can’t just do oh wait you

Actually do have an entrance oh hello guys and Luke can I speak with you outside real quick and girls I’m not saying because I think this is really cool I’m just saying that oh my gosh babe do you think it’s good no I just had like a fly

In my throat Luke can I speak with you outside about something very serious uh yeah what’s up bro this place is super duper ly sauce the zombies are literally going to Boom us and not them cuz they’re just going to fly out of here oh no we’re toast oh gosh all right don’t

Seem too excited when you look at it Roxy don’t seem too excited that’s a ball pit a ball pit wait what a ball pit hold up hold up okay let me calm down so I don’t get excited okay why am I still in the outfit okay just ignore that

Ignore that okay let me look inside and oh my gosh yes bouncy bouncy cryst stop talking oh go they literally have an awesome ball pit look it’s so cool it literally has rainbow balls my favorite type oh no they’re actually litty for that okay okay just keep her cool keep

Her cool hello guys we’re here to just like check out your place to see if it’s better than ours Gumball mushy okay maxy relax it’s not oh my gosh that is so cool it’s not that cool it’s it’s not that cool Alexa don’t think that this

Place is cool or anything it’s lay well you don’t have like an arcade machine or anything like that do you uh yes we do check it out wait you have a pink one over here yay it’s pink for me bro oh my gosh that’s awesome and wait a green one who

Is this for it’s green for Alexa and our new friends oh my gosh wait have they SP smoking yet hello hello hello hello yes they were just speaking to us earlier just to you guys Crystal were they talking to you too yes I love them oh my

Gosh speak to me now I’m grabbing a blank talk to me I Chiller talk to you eventually oh my gosh right find B is this a sitting area to watch Kung Fu OHS no this place is crazy I know right I mean um this place is pretty cool it’s

All right it’s cool Chris nothing crazy come on sit with me let’s watch Kung Fu Els and SM and wait is this a slime chair bro they even have a bouncy house in here Luke a bouny house this is lit oh my n and wait a minute Lily what are you

Doing drawing someone don’t like oh no oh no oh no Roxy who is that right there with the pink heart next to it I don’t know it doesn’t look like anyone I know L look at this and look at the dude standing next to it this is definitely Roxy

Oh no Roxy I’m going to sing of Roxy and Lily sitting in a tree first you guys chill d n my boy you totally like her oh maybe oh no but oh there’s a pink bed for Lily purple for Heather lime for Alexa and light blue wait I think this

Is supposed to be zad for Crystal no bab I wanted to be like blue so I’m close to you at all times oh my S are you serious right now but bro you have an exit side and a whole guitar oh my gosh and paintings and drawings that Lily made

And is this the control center the cockpit oh no this is dope and why am I still on the outfit with the hearts yes B I was going to ask you about that why do you have hearts all over your outfit well I I don’t I don’t have an answer

For you but this is lit and um Roxy uh can I speak with you outside real quick please yes let’s talk outside real quick all right um we’re going to be back but you guys don’t have pizza so this place Isn’t that cool Bab yeah we do check it

Out over here they actually have pizza oh my gosh and it’s open and closable all right seriously Luke Roxy come on come on come on come on come on come on okay uh what do we do why are plan about to get destroyed oh no the red family

Are we just going to let them get boomed they were so nice when they talked to me what they literally have not said a singular word no bro they’re really chill when we spoke but you guys did not speak your big baing right now we need a

Plan to Boom this Aeroplane anybody have an idea bro I think we got to make it go boom we need a TNT cannon oh yeah um guys the sun is about to set so the zombies are about to figure out which airplane they want to boom so we’re just

Going to put some final touches on ours all right babes good luck thank you Crystal I appreciate it all right boys come on come on quickly come on come on we let’s go we got to work fast all right we have a little bit of time and

The first step in every TNT cannon is a sticky piston cuz we’re about to make a very very modernized one yes very Advanced uh-huh so then we’re going to want the slime blocks the Redstone does the Redstone repeaters and of Cl the TNT I just hit that high not sheesh my

Boy you got them vocals yes sir ski so the first step in the TNT cannon is putting a block right over here lucus pus sheesh SS what’s next then putting a sticky piston right over here roxus roxus huh wow what’s next then repeater going over here with a dispenser facing

Upward and this is a dispenser with all of the TNT then above the redstone repeater we’re going to need a slime block over here like that then facing right out of it we’re going to need a redstone repeater with a couple of ticks bow bow then another slime block with a sticky

Piston underneath right over here now if we grab a baton check out what’s about to happen you’re telling me this is going to make everything go boom boom bro yes Luke have I ever been wrong ever about anything uh yes a couple of times oh my gosh well first of all I don’t

Want to make them go boom boom right now first we just need to make sure that it actually works so I’m going to make an obsidian wall so it protects their airoplane come on guys help me with the wall please all right I got you my boy

I’m speed running yeah yeah I’m the fastest ly you’re never going to be as fast as me little bro don’t even what are you doing why do you have the magic W yo yo what are you doing why do you have the magic wand you’re never faster

Than the magical wand BR well you didn’t do this side over here I’m doing this side over here way quicker than you can yeah thanks for the outline my boy wait what do you mean thanks for that what are you doing all right well I’m going

To do the floor so it doesn’t blow up the wings oh yeah oh yeah I’m going crazy yo yo yo yo right let me spin the block over here yo y y what are you thanks for the outline are you serious right now boy ain’t no way and wait you

Didn’t even do it move move move yo yo yo yo yo Roxy come on place with me place with me let’s do this yeah let’s be faster than the magical wand really Luke are you serious right now bro well at least now we can test it out bada Boop and oh no you

Serious okay um um no one saw that that not that much damage Roxy fix up the inside and I have to fix up the roof okay yep let’s make it good as new all right go inside and okay nothing happened Luke you didn’t see anything my boy you didn’t see tot just boobed

Ourselves you did not see that bab what was that sound nothing Crystal nothing’s going on we’re just um okay gosh let me just quickly put this back okay ly I think I know what the problem was we put delay here but there needs to be more on this side

Yes that’s what I was thinking so now if we put the button it should oh oh my gosh peep it peep it peep it we got a TNT canon that works perfectly check it out yeah and Luke are you bugging I’m putting on the walls baby bro you’re

Actually crazy oh gosh oh gosh the girl nothing Heather nothing guys nothing no need to look no need to look oh gosh quickly repair it repair it we do not want the girls figuring out okay okay okay and um you guys are good right you guys are good Alexa did you

Hear that no there was nothing to be heard yes what was that booming noise look get rid of the obsidian I’m trying I’m trying okay okay it’s gone um nothing’s wrong girls just uh stay in there just stay in there okay Crystal babes are you up to something no but yo

Turtle people are y’all boys F to talk to me hello why are they just staring at you Alexa it’s because green communicates with green arms well that girl in the middle is wearing it off brand Oh’s outfit okay I’m still on the gr okay don’t look at me Alexa Don’t

Look At Me Oh no you’re a pretty girl I’m not a pretty girl oh my gosh are you serious right now I am not a pretty girl I am a manly man homes you’re literally wearing my shoes right now are you serious Heather these are yeah actually

They look like they would be your shoes okay Luke I say we do it it’s about to be sunset yes sersi we must boom them all right girls I am very very sorry for this W bow oh W yo yo I’m spamming it oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s

Getting real serious out here oh my gosh what’s happening yeah yeah oh gosh oh the luk okay it might have just we’re going to P ourselves okay oh no what are you doing Roxy but we did some serious damage to the girls H why is there only three blocks

Broken what are you doing um Crystal wait look it didn’t even penetrate oh no we’re actually big Nob in no no no we’re still good the zombies aren’t out for a while right uh SS the zombies are out oh no this is not good they’re coming to

Our side um girls this is not looking good bab we’re hiding inside of our airplane you’re welcome to come if you want no no no no Crystal we do not need that um look we’re set okay um you think the airplane will still drive yeah we should be good they’re coming in through

The kitchen well at least most of the the structure of the airplane L this is not good explod what do we do what do we do what do we do Luke oh gosh things are not oh my gosh Luke are you okay right now my boy

This is not good this is not good dud everything’s getting boomed foxy Luke Retreat girls can we come inside your airplane come hurry up oh my n I’m getting inside boys Happ oh gosh is it going bad over there dude we’re running dude it’s crazy all right all right I’m

Inside hello girls hi go inside quickly I’m here it bro all right all right all right hold up how did these dudes get inside yo talk to me how did y’all H why are they ignoring me Alexa it’s cuz they’re looking at me baby oh my gosh

But wait is our airplane good and oh noar why is it TNT oh no bro it’s INF festive with zombies oh my gosh well at least that’s the worst that could okay never mind oh the TN guys we don’t have an airplane anymore bab yay that means we want and

Survive the zombies oh my gosh the won luk and Roxy bab you’re part of the curls look at your dress are you serious no one finds that funny no oh my gosh and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye

Today Omz Luke Crystal Lily Roxy Heather and Alexa are Playing with Maizen Mikey and JJ! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Omz #OmzandCrystal


  1. I'm a big fan of you guys and I Love your video every day and I am your biggest fan in the world and OMZ and CRYSTAL SITTING on a tree K I S S I N G 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 on the lip from crystal

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