How JJ and Mikey Found THE SMALLEST TINY VILLAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

Huh hm it’s kind of strange oh I mean have you ever seen a village this small there might be something inside so be careful first of all we need to become small to enter this Village like this wow we are really small now and now we can enter this Village but you know

It feels really strange no it definitely feels off somehow but anyway let’s check it out okay sure here we go slowly okay we’re in the house oh there’s a bed and some pumpkin pie but don’t eat that H nothing looks suspicious to me H H well there’s a

Painting oh hold up H Mikey look there’s a lever here oh what’s it for let’s see 3 2 1 Flip H hang on huh there’s a secret underground passage W let’s go inside we might be able to find a clue down there on how to get back home what could be down there let’s go here we go H oh what’s down here huh what is this

There’s a chest oh I’ll open it wo look at that now that’s what I call treasure it’s a blaster rifle this rocks nothing will stand in our way nice look it even has a scope wo that’s sick it’s a dead end yeah wait a sec see that thing that

Looks like an eye what about it h what do we do it seems important wo look huh what happened I looked right into the eye now it’s red really I guess that means it’s activated when it’s red wow oh what’s this huh open up oh look Mikey

Ender pearls oh golden apples too yeah we definitely needed these there’s an enemy in here don’t worry I’ll take care of it oh I get it now we’re supposed to use the Ender Pearls to climb up let’s do this thing if I throw it up here can I take a shortcut

Wo Mikey it worked really where’d you go I’m far up here now all the way at the top yeah whoa hang on I did it we skipped a lot you Did oh wow you beat me to the top I thought I was fast but you’re like lightning Mikey let’s open this chest over here wao swords so cool hold on a second I need to take out the creeper zap wow what a weapon Nice Shot well let’s keep moving yeah wait a minute

That big creeper looks like the boss creepy this looks like trouble yeah but we can totally beat it oh we won these Blaster rifles might be too powerful maybe let’s keep going it worked oh another dead end what is this place I don’t know maybe there’s more let’s

Check this chest elytra oh sweet there’s elytra and fireworks too let’s put them on and explore some more we can fly across this big cave sure follow me Mikey let’s fly well hang on a sec hey this is hard to control that really hurts ouch I messed up well hey get back

Oh no you’re being attacked don’t worry I can beat it oh what’s that weird thing that dropped what is it it’s an Ender Diamond it looks like we got a really important item what does the door say wa hang on a second Mikey we need to throw 40 Ender diamonds into

The slot to open it oh time to hunt some creepers yeah we need Ender diamonds sounds good let’s get them all where are they they dropped them like loot cool take them out a nice I have six already we need a lot more so let’s try for 20

Each okay on it how’s it going I hav’t caught in oh well just do your best wo 12 nice good woo yeah get him I’m at 14 how about you six not bad I’m at 16 oh there’s some more now I have 18 you’re fast I have 10 20 crazy like

12 we only need 10 more yep hang on Mikey we have enough now we do awesome job let’s go back Mikey I’ll toss in the Ender diamonds I’m holding first first okay put him right there I’ll add mine too sure bye wao look at that the

Lamps above are lighting up I’ll bet the door will open when they’re all lit what do you think Mikey yeah whoo it opened it did oh wow awesome yay oh that looks like it could be a problem what is it waa is it an enemy what’s going on

Attack be careful JJ for the treasure yes we did it woohoo we got more diamonds that was crazy these Blaster rifles are really overpowered yay oh look what there’s a Target down there do we have to throw something not quite oh the center of the target looks

Like a hole I think we need to try and jump down into it that doesn’t sound easy but I’ll try it’s a tough shot oh a chest maybe we need an item first you think what’s inside will help us hit the target yep let’s see all right 3 2 1 oh glass glass

Uh well good luck let’s see okay yeah H I’ve got it yep I’m confused wait and see yeah it’s a diving board it increases my chance of hitting the Target now I’ll jump down the center hole you think so okay yep here I go wait that’s not right oh I was

Close were you though I thought so I’ll try again H hey Mikey can I try all right I think I know what I’m supposed to do oh watch okay H there ah how is that better than my diving board what did you you can have the rest of the glass Mikey this instead

Of your diving board yeah I’ve lined up the ends of these blocks with the center of the target you can see through the glass so when I stand at the last block and break the glass beneath me I should fall directly into the hole really

Let’s find out care I can see that I’m standing over the exact center if I break the glass directly under my feet I should hit the bullseye let’s go 3 2 1 did it work wao wo I made it nice your turn Mikey all right stand in the center go nice wo

Sweet your way is easy it worked and now what’s that huh what is it Mikey look over there what the Villager in that cell has been locked up for so long he forgot everything about his old life even his name really that’s awful we have to get out of here before we forget

Our names let’s start by looking around yeah see anything it’s empty huh what’s up poor guy he must have been locked up here for a long time I hope we can escape fast there has to be something useful here somewhere oh a hidden chest Sweet let’s see oh a flint

And steel that’s useless everything’s made of stone what can I do with this this doesn’t look good what’s over here looks like this person forgot his name too but he’ll take my Flint and steel in exchange for an arrow we’re starting to make progress I

Guess what can I do with it let’s go back did we miss something is there another hidden chest if there is we’ll find it h nothing over here hey hey Mikey I found it oh where was it up here in the ceiling wow open so TNT

Wo what is this doing here hey I think this villager offered me a trade for TNT oh yeah he’ll give me a bow in exchange oh that could be useful maybe you could use it with the arrow that’s right do you remember what happens if I shoot the

Cracked stone bricks yeah Ready Aim Fire nice yeah now we can get through here we did it we solved the puzzle let’s go we’re free all right oh a path H this way okay come on JJ we’re wait what it’s another cell oh we’re on the other side but it’s okay Mikey don’t

Lose hope let’s explore this area you can parkour across let’s do it okay now this way there I made it don’t lose your balance you’re almost there you can do it good job Mikey awesome I made it thanks for waiting yeah this way we’re almost out of here wa wait what just

Happened huh seriously where’ he come from I think I figured it out see these red lines yeah they’re a security system we have to avoid the space between them how we’ll have to jump across cross it worked now it’s your turn here I go oh great job I think it worked we

Made it those guards were scary oh there’s TNT TNT I think we have to blow it up to get through these iron bars that’s awesome do it okay here goes I hope this works this is going to hurt wo it worked let’s go hi I’m in okay the

Fire’s out let’s make our way through this just be mindful of the lasers all right they aren’t too huh run JJ what hurry I lost Mikey oh no I’ll catch up soon this is bad the explosions are intense JJ I barely made made it good

You okay I died a Mikey try to make it back to me I’ll be right there I’m glad to have you back buddy let’s keep going yeah let’s slay the boss in the Next Room take it down without getting hits take that oops sorry nice take that and that die

Already it’s tough we must be near the exit Yes W loot sick we got diamond swords nice y we’re really making some progress we have a key too let’s go all right hey it’s another big fall looks like we’re jumping into hay bales what’s down there

H Huh oh I feel like we’re near the end yeah look another vent let’s go Watch How I parkour then I climb me too higher I’m curious about the outside me too wo look both parkour cool wow like so wo how was that close one

Then you’re good I made it oops I moved the last boat let me readjust it for you thanks just a little little okay good luck all right it looks like you’re teleporting yeah last one Yay good job let’s go yeah okay nice now okay we made it safely to

The vent are we out wow I think we’re close almost whoa hold on ah the gravity is weaker here just jump to the top of this parkour course jump huh I wonder what’s at the top of all this same we have to reach the top to escape yep we’re definitely

Close I can’t wait oops I fell you okay ow you’ll be fine oh I see it the way out right there I’m coming keep jumping what Ow like this to reach the top oh wao you got to get up and see this Mikey it’s so cool okay huh oh come on almost

There I fell no hold on just a little more thanks for waiting oh nice thanks now check this out Mikey huh what’s this H what is it looks like there’s a portal at the bottom of this pit maybe it’s the way back to our world wo let’s try it

Okay here we go okay back home huh what’s this room for there’s lava here JJ I think we can get across on the white blocks easy yep you’re right let’s jump across H like this just keep Jumping oh the path splits here Mikey oh H oh did look there’s a cake over there you’re right and the other path has a monster that means we shouldn’t take the path with the monster let’s take the path with the cake it looks delicious it

Might be a tra be careful it’ll be fine just watch this woohoo Mikey wait that cake must be a trap don’t eat it it’s weird to find a cake here right JJ you’re way too suspicious it’ll be fine I’m hungry yum yum yum yum

Wait oh Mikey so it was a trap the cake was a lie I’m so sorry Mikey we have to go down this path all right come on careful this monster I knock him in all right oh H it’s safe to cross now thank you JJ all right I made it

Across awesome I did too wo nice well let’s unlock it open up W what’s next huh what’s this room for hold up there’s another lock keeping us from moving on H I bet the key is in one of these but what’s with all these chests do we have

To search them all that’ll take forever wo it looks like we have no choice oh seriously not here well H well which chest is it I wonder if the key really is in one of these chests I mean there are just too many I think I might try

Looking outside in the chest forget about that JJ hurry up and help me open chest H hang on Mikey hold up Mikey look what Mikey look what over here huh wo what look huh the key the key it’s here incred inredible let’s go woah wo unlock

It all right wo nice it’s open huh I wonder what’s on the other side let’s go Mikey let’s go open wo now what do we have here what’s this huh what’s that oh Mikey there’s a chest I’ll open it wow rust blade it’s a rusty sword is this a

Dead end of course not Mikey it’s parkour watch huh it starts there let’s avoid the lasers it burns and the lava try not to fall in Mikey are you okay my bad I slipped I’ll eat my golden apple if you eat that it might heal you fast enough

To save you okay now without touching it jump over the laser are you okay Mikey just barely I need so many golden apples we got this it burns this isn’t good now here hot one step at a time right ow good I cooked way too long that was

Close take it easy that was close too close it’s h you okay Mikey use a golden apple hot lava ouch I have one left eat it I am OE here Mikey have my Apple thanks JJ I survived wo we barely made it but we got through

In one piece let’s keep moving one burnt piece uh Mikey what is that it’s a lava creeper or maybe a nether creeper and the floor is super hot careful Mikey the floor is made of magma you shouldn’t step on these blocks oh they’re hot try not to step on the magma blocks while

Fighting the creepers oh nice good work there are more coming these creepers have fire resistance scary they’re not hurt so tough magma doesn’t affect them ow oh stairs good let’s go creeper alert there’s more use your bow right take that another one yeah nice Sharp Shooting let’s go last

Creeper we beat them yay oh huh we’re above the last area Mikey let’s parkour our way through that was close The Middle’s made of magma oh no Mike lava it burns this is bad Mikey you good do your best to come back up here I’ll be right there okay welcome

Thanks let’s go slow and steady if you crouch on the magma ouch then it won’t hurt you oh you’re right yep just a tip not again seriously Mikey you fell back down to the start it burns are you okay it’s hot come back up I’m almost done I’ll wait

For you over here you can do this Mikey hang in there just a little more yes finally that was close I made it Yay good job Mikey more parkour yep one mistake and it’s back to the beginning I don’t like the look of it here goes nothing I’ll try take your time okay

Very carefully you can do it Mikey oh nice okay This way nice awesome job climb up here I made it yes okay good luck hey I made it pH that was rough what now let’s move on there’s more chest treasure it’s not the one we’re looking for but still okay we’re looking for treasure at the very

Bottom of the cave right let’s keep going oh we have company get him yeah these guys are tough we have our Stone swords they can’t win is this a maze I wonder what else is here me too maybe treasure as a reward oh it’s a dead end tough

Enemies yes all right there’s nothing here the exit we made it let’s keep going let’s go you can break these you see all right wo look a mini boss can we handle this oh of course take it down I don’t think we’re at the end there’s no

Treasure here after all yeah oh we beat it weird maybe we can use these to get through the clay right let’s keep going what’s over here I’m curious let’s keep digging are we at the treasure yet let’s see oh man I hope we find treasure huh what no treasure just

Enemies why are there so many take them out you’re tough take this careful of the lava pinks for heads Out nice sweet they’re done we did it not bad all right now huh oh there are three ladders I think we have to figure out which one of them we supposed to climb only one can be correct let’s see I’m going to go for the one on the right huh

I choose the middle one trust me the middle is the way to go you sure I’m sure but I don’t really have a good reason I got to trust my gut I’m starting to feel like it’s the middle one too oh well go for it my gut tells

Me it’s the right one sure let’s try it out okay ready this is long I’m coming hurry here I go wow what it just keeps going oh Mikey I bet there’s treasure at the top I’m so excited I can’t wait what’s up here I’m opening this trap door ready go is there

Treasure H did you pick the wrong ladder JJ oh wait Mikey I think I chose the correct one I’m not falling for that wo oh that thing just punched me you better not open your door Mikey these hippo men are after me I’ll be right back hold on why are they only targeting

Me at least I’ll be safe as long as I stay on this side of the fence what’s in that chest wow I got Stone swords and apples I’ll share them thank you Mikey come here one sec I’m coming you made it that wasn’t too hard take this really

Thanks let’s defeat them with our new swords sure let’s take them down attack nice there’s more treasure over here a chest oh really here I go ready wo Diamonds oh iron too that’s a lot of treasure awesome yeah here’s your half of the loot Mikey thanks are we done yep we did it

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: How JJ and Mikey Found THE SMALLEST TINY VILLAGE in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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