Testing Minecraft’s Unsolved Scary Myths

Most people believe that enchanted books make powerful but if you use the wrong comination will it reveal a terrifying TR and if you’re walking in a bamboo forest and Shear this scream do not run War we’re testing scary myth that will haunt you forever but first the spine

Villager this user open eyes 3 posted on Reddit claiming that he was messing around when he accidentally broke the neck of a villager revealing his spine but from the picture it’s still hard to tell it’s pretty zoomed out and all I can really see is this small white blob

Between the head of the Villager and the body but one thing is certain it is definitely disconnected and there are these red splodges which could be blood but is this really a spine is this photoshopped is it fake what is more concerning is the comments other people are actually agreeing with

This redditor that they’ve seen this as well look I’ve also spotted them in a village before if this was fake all these people wouldn’t be agreeing with him they’d be calling him out for clickbait but you can’t break necks in Minecraft right and if you can why the

Villagers do have some seriously thick necks I mean it is so fat that it Blends into their head so for the first test perhaps we just need to Target hitting that exact point on the Villager in order to well break his neck as the poster claim so I’m just going to try

And trap a villager here okay we got one we got one okay we almost had one come on go back I just want you in here thank you we’re just trying to perform some tests which involve breaking your neck I promise it’s not that bad yes he’s in

He’s in all right we got him in there and I’ve got my cursor right on that neckline there hopefully that should be okay let’s give it a go right all right oh readjust I’m just going to make sure okay that that’s his neck right nothing

Seems to be happening maybe I need to go faster Bo he’s moved just realign with the neck and he’s dead honestly sorry guys that was stupid it can’t be that otherwise loads of people would have discovered that if it was an actual feature I need to think outside of the

Box wait I have an idea if we basically use the force of gravity we should be able to detach the neck right put a fence there grab ourselves a lead perfect attach this to the Villager can we attach leads onto villagers okay no wait why can’t I attach a lead onto him

Oh it’s because he’s a farmer villager I need to find a villager without a job over there that’s perfect come here wait what he’s not letting me attach leads onto villagers but I’ve seen so many videos on YouTube of people doing that do you have to use commands or is it

Only on Bedrock Edition great it’s CLE clear that this is not an actual feature of the game which makes it a lot more cursed it’s some sort of glitch in order to break their necks but how I began my research looking for any videos that broke villager functionality then fin

Okay I found a video showing exactly how to break the villager’s neck but before we do that I also found this video showing what the spine villager is capable of and it is terrifying just look everything’s normally is feeding his sheep but do you see that do you see

The Sheep glitching there there there there do you see that that one gray sheep right here his wool is like going in and out and you might think that’s just a normal Minecraft bik but look closer look at this look it’s not for a split second it’s not just his wool

That’s glitching look carefully at his legs look at that they are like going into his body and coming out it’s it’s like they’re breaking like broken bones I know that might be a stretch but I mean look at that it’s just glitching like crazy only viruses are known to

Glitch like this could this you know this spine villager be a virus or is it an entity I’m not sure yet but I think we’re getting closer now this is where things get weird did you see did you see that did you hear that I think what happens here

Is he sees the glitching legs on the sheep he sees see look he looks he freaks out you can see the head movement freaking out he runs to his home cuz he’s terrified and then you hear a crack sound he’s alive for a second and then

Dead now here’s where it gets weird if we rewind just before this smoke look out the window it’s only there for a Frank do you see that it’s a bit hard to tell but I think that’s a villager’s face I don’t see a spine or maybe I see

It it’s too hard to tell but I’m putting my money that that is the spine villager and it’s clearly breaking not just other people’s bones but also the bones of mobs but why what does it want and is it even real I don’t know but this is

Beginning to get really scary and I’m going to find out but back to my research I found that by forcing a mob head onto a villager the game will detect it as two heads resulting in what some people have calculated to be about a 2.7% chance that it will completely

Break the entity model which I think might create the spine villager although it’s not confirmed so we’re going to figure it out let’s see what wait guys look at this I go to click on the Villager and nothing happens what I mean when you hold the head normally and you

Click on it it goes onto your head but when I try and click on the Villager just opens up his trading of course it wasn’t going to be that easy going to need to figure out some other way so I gear up and started building my Redstone rtion my first experiment is relatively

Straightforward we have a piston that will theoretically push that skull and force it it onto the head of a villager I also brought a sheep nearby as well because we saw in that other video the spine creeper was glitching out the sheep and it wool its legs were breaking

So this is our test subject okay here we go keep an eye on the sheep ready 3 2 1 okay great it just broke it so the game is going to try and stop me we need to find a way to get around that at first nothing seemed to work work but

Then since a piston broke the head perhaps we can use the dispenser to insert it directly into the inventory of the Villager wait it’s working no wa W who w why is he dying why is he damaging is he suffocating the head no no no no I

Need to do something help um um um um what we he just disappeared he just disappeared what the where did the Villager go it’s just it’s just the skeleton head he he died so fast no that doesn’t seem normal he definitely should have taken longer to die right I don’t

Know I don’t know okay we’re just going to have to find another villager it’s okay clearly it works the head was there but just not the vill oh no no no no are you guys seeing what I’m seeing where have the villagers gone hello no I don’t

Like this are they maybe they’re inside the houses like the daylight cycle glitched and they’re in their beds they’re not in their beds okay I’m totally not freaking out I’m calm I’m calm I’m calm where did that thing go he definitely did not die I did not hear a

Death sound okay maybe maybe I was just freaking out too guys rewind the video and check did you hear wait no no no no you guys see the Sheep’s doing what the Sheep’s doing what I did in the video it’s glitching look at the wool wait check its legs

Check its legs check its legs what the look its legs are like going in and out of the body they’re breaking they’re breaking and so is the rest of the sheep what do we do I don’t know what to do what wait what the oh

It’s just his body is just broke what do we do I don’t I don’t know what to do no that’s the SP villager that’s a there that’s it there run run run and what do we do do we fight it do we it’s coming it’s coming after this things

Runs fast up the man up the man come on please please please no no no no watch until the end of the video to find out what happens seed 301 0 0 3 1 I’m creating this world in survival with sheeds turned off so you know everything you see in today’s video

Is legit now I have been flooded your emails to my fan mail ey at spawnpoint media claiming that this seed has a bamboo forest that traps you once you enter you can never leave and honestly I’m not going to lie it’s kind of freaking me out that must be it right

There okay we take a closer look here that Forest looks pretty tiny to me I’m not not seeing some gigantic Forest that you know would trap you forever I mean look it goes to about there so that’s not very wide and then it just stops over here as well and then there’s a

Little small Forest patch over here but that’s where the bamboo forest ends now from the pictures that I’ve seen that’s the one that it’s referring to but look and then there’s a river on the other side it this is a tiny h of land ain’t no way this is ever trapping me right

Right there’s no point talking about it we got to test it I’m going to Simply go in and I should pop out on the other side of that River seems to be fine now and I can literally see the other side out of the bamboo forest we’re going to be out

In a few seconds I mean it can’t be that deep wait hold up the exit should be right here I just saw the river no no it took me a few seconds to get around the entire Forest the exit should have been just here oh wait oh there’s a mountain

Here you know what I’m stupid this thing’s probably blocking the river it’ll be on the other side what it can’t be this deep you we literally walked around it before what everything looks the same everything looks the same from every direction I actually don’t know where I should be

Going was it this was this the way out am I guys let me know in the Com how is there a sign here this is a single player world you guys saw me create this world look I’m not even open to land there is no one else here and yet there’s a sign which I thought that only players could write signs you

Belong to me no no no no no no no no no no no no this is what this is what I was talking about no it can’t be real it was so quick as well we I barely even did anything I just walked in keep heading in this direction this was the right

Direction right that’s another there’s another side no where do these keep coming from who is trying to trap is it the forest or is there a player because there is no Escape is written okay I don’t like this but you whoever is doing this you better let me out let me out of

Here no no no what is that sound where are those sounds coming from no no no no no no help help somebody please oh my what do I do what do I do um um tower Tower tower Tower I can see the exit if I just

Build up and we will see the way out of here right that that seems like the obvious choice all right we’re just going to figure out where this thing is it’s okay all right let’s get all the way up here where’s the exit guys the bamboo forest literally stretches to my render

Distance how is this even possible there is bamboo everywhere but it was Tiny before was there a bigger part that I just completely ignored and didn’t see and I only just saw a tiny section or is this myth actually real is that a cross that bamboo is

Awfully shaped like the cross that might just be terrain generation I don’t know how possible that is but that’s freaking me out I I do not like I don’t like this by the way I just don’t have a good feeling about this wait un thought someone broke my

Tower run run run no no no no no no get me out of this place okay I am willing to B Money that that a death has something to do with that cross I’m I’m so sure of it but it can’t be a forest

It has to be a player right I mean rying sign there’s something in here I don’t know what it is but we’re getting out of here come on no no no this is not fair how is this even possible go go go go wait I see the light I See the

Light what we’re out we’re out okay where at I’m just going to stay in the water because this is technically a different biome to the Bost is the river biome how is that even possible this makes no sense the bamboo was infinite I looked in a full 360 and it was infinite

But now I can see other biomes I could not see that when I was up when I was up there I don’t know I need to confirm this one last time so there’s no doubt and you guys don’t think I’m click baiting I don’t want to go back in but

We’re going to go back in something we know for certain is that my my jungle Oak blocks they did break they were broken I I don’t think that could have been a glitch unless the game was lagging a ton wait look at this look at there’s just these Open

Spaces I don’t I don’t get it I I don’t I don’t understand I I can see the outside this is where we this is where we started I walked to the other side and back everything is normal but it but it wasn’t normal when we were in there

I’m not just going crazy you guys I swear if I look at this video footage and none of this saved I’m going to be so mad Why didn’t it work when I went back through I need to know your theories in the comments below please help me and if you thought that was

Scary can you actually combine enchanted books to reveal a secret Mor this YouTube video claims he has evidence but how is he going to combine books I don’t think you can use an anvil for that can you pay attention to the first letter of every book oh he’s using

A chiseled bookshelf so curse of mining C uh Unbreaking U respiration r c r sharpness s efficiency e c r s e de try to De cursed the first letter spell cursed what does that mean what is happening why did the weather change and the sky at the time of day it’s

Happening wait those clouds those clouds they’re red they’re blood clouds how how how is this even happening I don’t understand I’ve never seen anything like this before that mob that cow the pig they’re upside down wait I don’t even see a dinner bone name tag on them file Java rotary player function deleted

Creating new player function no no no no no this looks like some sort of virus it’s infecting the player the screen just went black wait guys the recording’s still going there’s still 20 seconds left in this video he was upside down as well did the virus enter the PC I need to

Test this and find the truth but what happens if it infects my PC for those of you who are new to the channel you might not know I actually have to buy two PCS for every single one of these videos in case one of these myths is actually real

And it breaks one and I have to have the other one to back up the footage onto and yeah fine I have two PCS it’s okay but no it’s not because each one of these things cost me $110,000 to buy and I am sick of testing these things and

Then breaking my PC so please please like And subscribe and comment on the video because otherwise I’m going to be broke okay curs The Binding there’s C here’s our chis bookshelf here goes nothing C then you go second R for respiration okay s for sh nness efficiency for e and finally our last

Book death strider for D spelling the word curs 3 2 1 what nothing’s happening the sky the same no upside down mobs are spawning I’m not going upside down maybe it’s because I have too good of a virus protection I don’t know I mean I I guess

It’s good because I have still have a PC but am I doing something wrong hold up let’s try this again I’m going to double check CU I put them in the right order c u r s e d cursed maybe I didn’t put them in fast enough let’s try Again nothing I think it looks like we got click baited y’all I hate people who P post fake videos on the internet either that or I’m doing something wrong so if you guys have any suggestions please tell me in the comments but for the time being I’m classing this one as

Fake now back to the spine Village no I was not prepared for this we need to do something quick we’re going to kill it we’re going to attack it we’re taking him on oh wait he just disappeared wait I can’t I’m moving slower what happened

To my leg it’s busted it’s broken no no no no no no no no no no no it’s F villagers no my arm’s gone he heard I was going to kill him and he just he made it so I can’t hold an item anymore can I I can’t hold any items where did

He go he’s doing the same thing he did to the Sheep to me wait what’s going on what’s going on my neck’s breaking my neck’s broke it’s so sideways I can’t breathe anymore look I’m getting Bubbles as if I’m drowning in the water I don’t want to die wait if the spine villager

Is actually a virus we can turn use an antivirus quick tick tick tick tick come on why did that go backwards try again okay am I safe screen’s back to normal I’m not drowning anymore I’m gone literally too hard okay I need to eat quick in case this thing appears again

Grab my stuff grab my stuff I’m I’m fixed I’m fine my body’s returned to normal I think we did it we defeated the spine Village so the moral of this is just make sure you have your antivirus protection on and you fine that was way too close I I’m taking a

Break thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

I Tried Surviving Busting and Catching the Unsolved Mystery of “The SPINE VILLAGER” on Camera in Hardcore Minecraft! 😨

Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶

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You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)
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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. Every time me and my friend lava would play minecraft blocks would appear out of nowhere and last time we were literally in a zombie apocalypse and then a warden suddenly spawned even though we were nowhere near the deep dark and he was moving when these things were happening and he claimed he didn't know any commands besides the command block but he didn't have one

  2. Eytreem I want to sem you try to complete the naștere of dad of entity 303 DREADLORD/NAEUS THE KING OF THE NETHER IT was kill by herobrine but he get revenge qnd he îs the biggest mistery în minecraft!and o yea I watch at 3:44 AM I just wake up and yea

  3. Hey ey iam a new fan I just wanted to tell you that I was playing Minecraft playstation3.edition and I went to the village I saw at night a villager with no face and I hit him a single hit he disappeared and my brother joined me the villager teleported to him like an enderman Soo since that day the server Crashed and we deleted the server I hope you bust this because iam Soo scared 😨😳

  4. Y'know a YT channel is gonna go AWOL soon when your screen is partially blocked by little ads for his merch every 5 minutes. And guess what? They just keep coming back, no matter what. If I'm watching a video, i dont want to dismiss merch ads every 5 minutes. I want to watch the actual video and relax.

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