Minecraft but There’s Only One Elemental Block

I’m trapped on one elemental block I need to harness the elements and combine them to unlock new Elemental abilities and bring back the world and here we are Elemental block looking good as usual ah yes some nice doet we’ll expand our Island look it’s already oh gosh my poor

Dirt hold on hold on there we go now I can expand it even better okay well whatever it’s fine why do I got gravel dude that’s so unhelpful on a one block man yeah it’s so nice so helpful that’s and come on bro I don’t need that expand the island a little bit

There we go I feel much safer already oh New Island unlocked check it out dude heck yeah Island’s looking cool and very far away hold on let me get some more dirt come into my inventory Dirty Boys I regret that sentence aha sand you weren’t so useless after all I shall

Make a staircase yeah I’m already out of supplies all right I’m taking damage it’s fine what do we have here we’ve got something uh an element tuner it’s like a guitar tuner except not not at all like that oh snap this thing is cool hold on I got to make a staircase or

Something oh no I don’t have nearly enough blocks for this it’s fine it’s fine so it looks like with this bad boy if I right click the one block I can turn it into different elements and now hopefully I get different items yeah check it out I got an egg now I have

Chicken friend welcome to the world buddy it’s not a very exciting world but hey I’m here so that’s good right uh some wool some arrows okay more chicken friends yes oh all the items are air related like uh chickens are um chickens uh chickens have wings that make air or

They fart or something I don’t know a new island already must be the air Island are you joining me chicken boys you’re just going to stay in there and not help that’s fine I didn’t need help anyway just going to grab some more of these supplies and we shall head to the air

Island feels very weird using glass as a staircase doesn’t feel extremely supportive it’s fine what’s the worst that could happen no editors remove that thank you we’ve made it what do you have for me air Island except uh what is this snow I I can’t craft a shovel or

Anything come on give me something useful here dude hello and home oh gosh that’s the cutest little chicken I’ve ever seen he’s so cute dude here I’ll give you a friend there you go buddies is that supposed to be a chicken or like a cloud that somebody painted eyeballs

On anyways whatever it is I like it oh uh there’s some alyss here hey buddy you’ve got some air for me can I have that please I like to breathe can I can I grab that no h I must get the air element to combine it later uh what do

You have more air ah gosh I can’t get it though what must I do to grab your air it is quite cold in here come on boys tell me your secrets what do you want what do you want must have the snail shell looking air speak to me boys speak

To me a music box do you want me to play some music is that what’s I shall play the best music somebody wants yeah it’s working dude don’t you worry little alleys it’s going to be okays my my song is terrible come on little guys give me all your stuff I

Play the music of your people it’s dance techno rap I hope you like it what do I got to do come on boys give me the air give me the air can I have it now can I yeah now I can grab all their air they

Loved my music thank you my boy I shall take my payment of air thank you aha so now I have the wind element very cool so I can shoot a blast of air that damages mobs and sends them flying fly chicken fly oh God I did not think he was going

To die Dames M chicken I’m sorry dude I just thought I was going to lift him off the ground or something oh crafty too curious for my own good aha hey nice would you look at that they made me a nice breakfast for me he’s like no dude

That’s my child I’m like M omelet all right all right here you go so I guess now that I have my wind I can change this over to Earth and if I can get the other elements I can combine them to get more islands and more elements ah look

At that I got some cows now too villagers oh man just casually summoning some sentient beings oh goodness hello buddy looks like a caveman or something got a little cow as well it’s a magical floating cow oh okay what else you got for me dirt one block a new island who

Would have guessed it we got the dirt Island over there looks kind of gross to be honest I see coal and gold and iron although I don’t have any wood yet so can’t really take advantage of those materials just yet I do have Cobblestone so that’s good and I have some villagers

For companions this is gorg and this is Borg twin brother bodyguards hey if a zombie comes by punch him in the face all right boys the head turned excuse me gentlemen just going to get more of this one block and let’s head to this new island oh oh

Gosh not the most secure staircase but you know we do we got to do oh gosh rock monsters gross boys you’re all moldy don’t worry I give you some dry cleaning there you go yeah I shall break wind on you yeah take that rock monster yeah oh

This wind is helpful dude I love it what’s going on down here boys there’s cages oh gosh are there villagers in those cages not cool dudes I shall take you out with wind I’m not sure how much damage the wind does I’ve never had a

Breeze come by to just Keel over oh gosh I’m going to die no yeah take that zombies crushed it and the villagers have been freed enjoy Freedom my boys back to the mine you go they’re like a man we were comfortable in those cages back to working for minimum wage I guess

Hey check this out I’m going to grab some of this wood here hopefully it’s not a loadbearing log and we can craft up a pickaxe and grab some of this iron in case we need it any juicy loot in the barrel some ore no bread though we take

That I was getting hungry oh gosh wait was this the miner lunch I’ll just I’ll leave some of these in there for you boys thank you it is my payment for saving you how about that and we got the Earth element as well which when I right

Click it it sends out these stones to launch mobs up and do some damage so that’s pretty cool back to the one block we go creeper a man wait wait is that me old am I old biome creepers DX explore any new world you create as you battle dangerous biome creepers will you

Survive find out now on the Minecraft Marketplace glorious one block what’s next for us water ah yes I was getting quite thirsty oh goodness what is this ah yes a salmon egg quite a delicacy we got some grass uh oh some water yes I shall make a little Pond for our salmon

Boy don’t don’t eat them dude don’t no the salmon is our new friend don’t you eat him dude there we go and there’s a little Pond for our salmon perfect and he’s got a friend and everything my own little fish tank come on water Island

Where you at dude yeah where is it the water Island that looks awesome dude you want to come with I don’t know if chickens swim we’ll grab some more blocks oh man I I don’t think this one block gives us any blocks which is concerning do I got to stack over with

Stinking sponges dude ooh is that water breathing that would be nice that would be nice yeah potion of water breathing okay let’s stack over I might have just enough blocks to get over there come with me Sab and boy we’re going on an adventure aha the water Island W this

Thing looks cool man it’s like a water maze or something oh gosh I almost just died all right H how do I get up to the top here I could pill her up but that’s boring I shall ride the water elevator uh what’s the best way to get

Up to the top here probably this guy right Dro I’ve made it almost I think Mr salmon this will be a better home for you than what I’ve created live your life and looks like we got something new here on the top I’ve got myself the water element who would have guessed it

Who would have guessed wo cool I can drink it and I get hunger and saturation which is nice also I can place down water with it so I don’t know that’s helpful I guess although probably the most useful will be at the Fire Island here careful boys don’t step on it you

Might hurt your toes wouldn’t want to bake those little beans wa ah blaze rods okay bunch of fire stuff fire resistance that’ll be nice what else we got come on give us something cool obsidian okay I can go to the nether I guess am I going

To stack over using sing obsidian oh my goodness that thing looks crazy ah yes magma blocks the perfect thing for Bridges ow ow ow oh oh oh oh okay that was dumb mind your toes there boys got to get some blocks here just casually making an obsidian Bridge as one does

There that’s looking nice the cool looking bridge I messed it up it’s fine Save The Village put out the fires you got it text on the screen no blazes oh shoot this is not good no no no water water no I can drink the water but it

Doesn’t quench out the fires ha take that Blaze H oh gosh this does not work oh no I just broke the door with water that’s my bad hey pickles you’re looking a little dry there buddy there you go I shall destroy you please take that water

Attack this is not working dude oh no I’m might have to blow out the fire like there a birthday candle wait a second I literally forgot I have a fire resistance potion all right that’ll be useful and now I can blow out the birthday candles happy birthday to you

Little Blaze oh yeah three hit him dude take that Blaze using the elements hold on quick drink of water using the elements against the elements my wind doesn’t go that far I don’t break wind far enough oh no he’s all the way out there dude uh what do I

Do what’s up villager buddy maybe don’t stand right there you know on an active volcano with a okay okay well I can’t say I didn’t warn him it’s all right buddy there you go I shall climb Mount Doom like I’m Frodo or something ah this must be the cause of the problem don’t

Worry I shall put out the lava stop messing with my villagers dude ha crushed it all right I guess I just got to put out this lava here shouldn’t be too bad and now instead of an active volcano you got a nice little waterfall very cute did you guys drink water today

Make sure to stay hydrated me boys hey yeah the village is saved no problem my boy now I’ve got my fire element heck yeah oh my goodness no not good I probably should have read the description of what this does well it’s been fun ah uh you saw

Nothing these have been the same guys the whole time nice infinite fire resistance and I can Dash forward and burn everything in my path don’t know why I’d want to do that but I can wait boys I have an idea just lay down some bread and now I can make toast okay that

Didn’t work it’s fine all right what next I think that’s all the islands here uh and these are locked it’s time to combine the elements ouch and now I shall combine the elements Earth and wind give me uh nothing wind and air give me ha come on

Combine yeah I’ve got myself uh what did I get combine earth and water and that yeah I created mud or something I don’t know I’ll find out in a second combine Earth and Fire and Air and fire all right let’s see what we’ve created shall we let’s see oh snap metal ice lightning

And wood that’s cool I mean I could use some more wood we take those ah yay I got um a wooden sword that’s exactly what I was looking for don’t get any ideas boys I don’t want to come home and somebody’s eyes been poked out okay all

Right bunch of wood and there’s our wood Island heck yeah that thing looks awesome a stinking treehouse over there that’s always what I wanted to make when I was a kid just a a treehouse like that but alas my tree houses looked like this we’ll grab some of this wood here let’s

Go check out this wood Island shall we ta challenge take out the termites there’s termites eating my beautiful Treehouse not on my watch ow oh wao W gross dude oh I hate it get out of here termite termite more like terminate am I right am I right oh gosh

That’s a lot of them no get out of here termites get out of here wait wait wait I can use my earth power I shall water the tree I shall no maybe not the fire maybe don’t use the fire element inside the house okay I can use my earth power

Launch them earth power activate take that the earth power makes sense trees come from the earth so I shall use the Earth to save the Earth yeah oh gosh no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die from termites this is embarrassing dude no no

No no hold on it’s a water break let me just drink some water real quick oh gosh well at least the tree is hydrated come out termites wherever you are oh no I had to take out a baby termite why do they make me feel bad might be evil but

Small and cute equals good oh no what what’s wrong with that termite dude oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh blow them away take that did I get him is that all of them challenge complete ooh I’ve got the roots Road power right click the build a

Bridge of logs and trees oh yeah dude oh that’s going to be so nice for Bridges man and I shall expand it doesn’t even disappear oh that’s so useful dude and check it out I have a bed now too it’s glorious it’s pink it’s squishy just

Like my brain for the next element let’s go with h what do you think Buddy great idea metal it is that’s what he said right NE netherite blocks what the heck all right gold oh my diamond we’ll take that holy cow dude I should have combined these elements earlier this is

Op as heck and a new island unlocked where are you I have so many islands ah little Factory over there an iron golem Factory very cool before I go over there I I want to make myself some diamond armor just cuz I want to give me those gorgeous diamonds don’t you steal it

Boys okay I see those greedy little eyes they’re planning something over there oh wait hold on before we make diamond armor let’s expand our Island out a little bit I forgot I can use wood now to make a nice little home for our boys this is awesome I love this power dude

That’s looking much better ah so much room for activities all right Diamond time let’s do it m delightful and now let’s check out this metal Island shall we and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you medling oh gosh well that’s fine being alive was

Overrated all right what’s going on here metal Factory you don’t mind if I metal with you do you okay nothing much going on over here uh door looks locked whoa check out that Golem dude uh can I squeeze Behind These magical curtains what’s behind door number one probably

My death uh he doesn’t seem evil I don’t even think he’s uh alive right now question do I get my own personal bodyguard or do I die let’s find out heyya are you going to be my friend uh no no no he’s going to try to kill me

Okay that’s fine that’s fine oh gosh glad I made some armor dude it’s boss battle time oh oh oh hold on hold on time out time out oh no this guy’s dangerous back up bro earth power activate yeah launch them up oh gosh this guy’s powerful dude uh that water

Is not going to do anything water attack that’s fine I’m totally winning this battle for sure Magikarp I choose you okay well oh wait hold on I could just save spot him can’t I yeah can’t do nothing now my boy your forehead’s too big I can use his size again against him

And just blow him away I shall blow him out of the water oh check it out I got a little totem of undying no it’s adamantium armor yeah check me out my boy I look delectable I’m not sure what that word means oh what the heck just happened

What what is going on dude I’ve got like a magnetic power or something I’m not entirely sure what this power is I just squat maybe I do damage to mobs maybe it’s a mind control device let’s try it you will go to crafty dot store to pick up awesome merchandise you will press

The Subscribe button I don’t know did it work no time to waste I’m on a roll dude our next Island let’s go for ice and then lightning the lightning one sounds awesome no I said ice I’m a little scared doing a lightning challenge you know being literally made of metal or

Whatever okay I got ice that makes sense what is this a potion of slowness prank got them crushed it they don’t even move anyway they’re just chilling what what what you guys didn’t like my prank I thought it was funny come on new new island unlocked who would have

Guessed it where’s our Ice Island there it is looking good or looking cool I should say what up boys how we doing warm up the villagers can do oh gosh I did not mean to do that I’m so sorry when they said warm up the villagers oh

No I don’t think it meant light them on fire my bad okay let’s light the fire like I meant to do oh gosh save the villagers or uh editors you might want to scratch that to villager yeah take that boys looks like I unlock the freeze power I can freeze these little yetis

Here take that Yeti pillagers freeze you’re fired take that crushed them you’re safe now me boy and here are some new friends for you uh yeah yeah they’re getting along already all snap the yeti base no worries villager boys I’ll take them out for you uh or they take themsel out I guess

Yeah I’ve infiltrated their base take that ah the village has been saved uh kind of and last but not least it’s the lightning block what is this book an enchanted book that’s it dude a man I thought it’ be the crafty comic that’s available on crafty do store Crush that

Segue dude oh Trident oh heck yeah man yeah New Island unlocked lock then I got myself a trident in case it run into bad guys pardon me my boy why you so close to me this is embarrassing oh oh that’s what that power is I like attract mobs

Towards me like a magnet or something wow that’s uh kind of creepy actually I don’t like that no guys go go away wa check that out dude there is our lightning Island let’s check this bad boy out what we got going on over here oh gosh is this Redstone fix the machine

What I’m no mechanic dude what’s next fix my love life These are impossible challenges all right let’s figure out what’s going on here looks like there’s some missing wires ah I see the wires on the floor can I grab these yeah oh they’re Redstone Dust okay that’s pretty

Cool so I can place these wires back there ah this might not be as hard as I was expecting place you there that’s all connected okay perfect just got to make sure everything’s lined up before I accidentally electrocute myself or on purpose I like the way it tingles sorry

All right let’s place these and the final two maybe no the final three maybe all the final final two it’s like me naming a project or something final projector final project 2 version 2 final final okay well everything’s connected shall we turn it on yeah the

Lightning dude I did it heck yeah that wasn’t as hard as I thought I got myself the lightning strike causes a lightning strike that deals damage to all nearby mobs oh gosh I’m getting struck by lightning do I count as a mob well I guess it doesn’t do damage to me so we

Take those well I think that’s all the elements never mind my job here is not done oh gosh there’s The Elemental Dragon dude he’s awesome looking is he my new pet defeat the dragon well never mind careful my boy oh no no this guy’s not a good Dragon it’s time fire

Attack no no no no save me you can’t knock me down boy Earth attack I don’t think I can use Earth cuz he has to be on the ground for that I can use my wind powers to knock them back and then lightning lightning go take that

Elemental Dragon I got to fight him with all my elements wind go ah gosh he’s running from me no worries I’ve got a bridge oh he’s back okay well never mind this is not going to be an easy battle I look so ridiculous when I’m squatting I

Love it you can run but you can’t hide lightning and Bridge go take that Dragon this is awesome I do have to be pretty close toing use my lightning so I’m just going to follow him around making Bridges everywhere I go ah come on we almost got him he’s taking out my

Bridges he’s trying to stop me yeah we’ve got him take that crushed it did I do it did I do it did I complete the challenge teleporting in three 2 1 yeah back to the real world fun fact did you know that Elemental is actually pronounced subscribe all right

For that one I deserve this a

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#Minecraft #But #Craftee

Minecraft but There’s Only One Elemental Block

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.👕


  1. first of all I got to say I love your videos more than any other content creator for Minecraft. you do them so well and I like your voice and how you joke about things.

    I do have a sincere question though. all the ones like this one that you released an hour ago or you say there's only one block and things like that, how are you doing that? is it a mod or a mod pack? is it something we as the users can also experience? I've always wondered about that because they look really cool and I'd like to try a few of them but I just don't know how.

    so, if you have the time and would be so kind please let me know. also if any of the other followers in the comments below know how, you may let me know as well and I greatly appreciate it.

    Keep making awesome content Craftee!!!

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