Briefly Describing Every Terraria Miniboss

So we’re doing this again wait this isn’t no cut this out i’ve made the mistake of starting a series and now i feel obligated to continue it this time i’ll be talking about the various event bosses and mini bosses terraria has the game clearly states what an event boss is

But what classifies as a mini boss is a bit more open to interpretation i don’t want to get too crazy with semantics so if it’s a strong enemy with boss-like qualities i’m counting it as a miniboss Already starting with a forgettable one the dark mage can be seen as the final boss of the tier one old ones army event the reason why folks don’t really remember this guy is because well people don’t like doing the old ones rv in the first place

What also doesn’t help is that the tier 101 army event doesn’t offer too many rewards so there’s little reason to fight this guy on the complete opposite side of the spectrum we are the most popular enemy in the game seriously we went from dork that nobody knows about to the subject of

Every terraria video on youtube people say that anyone who kills the guardian is an absolute god at the game and everyone should bow before their might hate to break it to you though almost everybody has done this and it’s actually really easy to do just takes a little while bragging about

Killing the guardian is like boasting to others that you stepped on an old piece of chewing gum i originally had a much longer bit planned out for the goblin summoner but i scrapped it because it was drawn out and obnoxious you know kind of like the goblin army [Laughter]

Oh boy this guy so i bet a lot of you already know why the ice golem is such a bad enemy already but just in case you didn’t let’s bring you up to speed Unlike the ice golem the sand elemental is actually a well-designed enemy that’s fun to fight she only spawns during sand storms and while she’s around things will be a little more hectic these little tornadoes to summons look amazing wouldn’t it be cool if you could use them too luckily for you

There’s an item she dropped that can be used to do just that the dread nautilus is the meanest mosque in town it happens to be one of the most dangerous enemies in the game all it does is fly around vomits lunch all over the place and do loops around the player it drops

Some pretty neat items like the sanguine staff bloody tear and blood moon monolith it’s just a shame you’ll never see these items though because this is one of the most frustrating fights ever conceived i imagine the flying dutchman is like one of those clown cars that holds

Way too many people inside it assuming clouds are people as long as cannons are still operational it’ll keep on chucking pirates off deck to ruin your day this also means you can easily exploit it by trapping the ship in a box and watching as it throws pirates overboard and into the meat grinder

Laugh i said laughs the ogre is solid proof that you shouldn’t mess with that one nerdy kid back in high school because one day they’ll pick up a club and beat you to death why did i call this numbskull augur a nerd all right boom boom that’s right the goblin

Tinkerer and the ogre are the same person bow down before me i’m the funny internet man now these guys are dangerous and make dungeon exploration a stressful experience one wrong move and paladins walk around in their imposing suit of armor like they own the place and throw hammers at

Anything that gets in their way for being a walking tank they are very easy to stun mock you can poke them with a stick and they’ll keel over in pain and who doesn’t love some of that you know why you’re fighting this thing come on now you’re after the ancient

Sword of a long forgotten hero and using his power will fuse the blades that embody the power of light and darkness too i’m sorry is that a toilet you you forged a sword into a toilet i’m disappointed every logic i thought they were above this kind of

Humor at least the mother on babies look cute it’s a tree look how happy it is you sure won’t be happy while fighting it it’s equipped to shoot down any and all hopes you had of flying this thing has a lot of great drops including a very nice graphing hook

An underrated and downright busted weapon and this little fella who was just so precious the king of halloween and the ruler of all things spooky the pumpkin is a terrifying beast that is sure to give you trouble in the later waves of the pumpkin moon like think of skeletron okay now give

Him a gun now make it so there’s ten of them that’s the pumpkin experience it’s a tree look how happy it wait are there really just two seasonal tree bosses okay then the effort scream throws needles hurls baubles and has a funny walk not much else in this little fella other

Than this razor pine drop is kind of ridiculous and it also has a great tree pet you can use why do all the trees in this game look so you cute watch out you better not cry you better not pout i’m telling you why die

The ice queen is the third boss that can appear during the frost moon once she’s on screen you have a tough time finding any time to rest she follows the if i don’t know what i’m doing the new sure is hell don’t train of thought the attack where she spins in circles

And throws ice shards leaves your odds of survival entirely up to a dice roll you’ll have to shift your attention towards the ice queen if you want any chance of avoiding these shards which also means you’re taking your focus away from santa claus who is about to smash

Your skull with a high caliber round Betsy is just duke fishron but with fire moving on the martian saucer is ridiculous okay there’s a little more to betsy than that this beast is one of the hardest enemies in the game in order to even reach the boss you have to work your way through the

Tier 3 old ones army event which is almost impossible to do especially in higher difficulties when betsy spawns it’s a race against the clock to beat her as fast as possible before the crystal breaks and that’s easier said than done the martian saucer is a ridiculous high-tech war machine whose only goal is

To watch you suffer it has plenty of tools to get the job done its laser machine guns will overwhelm you with the sheer amount of just stuff they fire the rocket turrets launch volumes of homing missiles and something about their flight pattern short-circuits my brain finally there’s the martian death ray

Back at 1.3 this thing wasn’t too bad you could just sit in a little box and be totally safe from all harm then 1.4 came along and the lunar pillars are more like events than bosses they see you taking down hordes of enemies in order to bring down the pillar itself

I don’t want to be here all day discussing how much i hate the pillar events so i’ll instead be describing each pillar in one sentence i hope you like losing control of your character because you won’t be able to move the entire time you’re fighting this thing the stardust pillar is the nicest

Looking pillar and is also the one with the least annoying enemies the nebula pillar is full of gimmicky enemies such as the ones that blind you the ones that teleport around and the ones that shoot projectiles that are smarter than you um

I regret making this series help

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Music Used:
Stereotypes theme:

New Super Mario Bros. U Overworld:

Haha funny scream:

Haha funny skeleton theme:


  1. I bet some of you are wondering why I put some enemies like the goblin summoner and biome mimics on the list. I don’t know I just felt like they have the same role as enemies like the Ice Golem and Dreadnautilus.

  2. Anyone else doen the Old One's Army event but harvested all the Lizahrd traps and fire geysers and made a trap arena to stall the smaller enemies to give you breathing room during it so you're not fighting on 5 different fronts and having an aneurysm?

    And then hundreds of harpies and wyvers rock up on you and ruin everything because you built it in the sky?

    And then your nurse dies that has kept you from taking too many Ls?

    And then Betsy decides in you time of shambles to show up and one shot your crystal didn't realize your OWN TRAPS that shoot spiky balls DAMAGE the crystal?

    Yeah, me too.

  3. "Old One's Army is hard!!!"
    Consider the following: use the sentries that are literally designed for the event. Don't have enough medals? Play the previous tier, or get far enough to be able to afford said sentries. Still can't beat it? Play summoner lmao.

  4. The mourning woods boss is actually kinda weird because it's based off of waking up and your wobbly ding becomes as hard as a rock… if ya know what I mean 😅

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