Look here Fakir. There is a fast train. There is a Ferris wheel. There is a gondola. There are bumper cars and a horror tunnel. Let’s ride them all, Fakir. – All right, here we go! We’ll be late soon ! Where have you been? I’m coming Poor! Come on Asli! We will be late!

I’m here Kerem Commissioner! -Let’s go, they’re waiting for us! I got the car keys! Come on, follow me, we’re going. We’ll have so much fun! + Are the poor ready? – We came! + We’re here too! Rich, Let’s take the poor and hit the road!

+ Here we go! We’ll have a lot of fun – Here goes the Poor. Let’s follow them. Fakir’s car is very nice. I guess he just bought it! Where are they going again? I will go too! What’s happening! Tepegoz, get out of our way!

+Where are you going? – Tepegoz, we’re going to the amusement park! Get out of our way. Tepegoz, are we going to give you an account every time? Of course you will! I want to come with you too. Tepegoz, get out of our way! Do not make me angry!

I will come too! You will see! Come on, my family. We are going! Don’t be missing, Cyclops! My dear family, hold on tight! We are going too. No one can leave us here! Let’s go quickly! Overhead can’t find us. + Dad, they went too fast. Go fast too! – Don’t worry, son. We

‘ll go to the amusement park and have fun + We caught up with them! – Tepegoz, it’s back! He didn’t leave us. I just want to have some fun! Tepegoz, I hope he stays calm. We’ve arrived! Yes, we have reached the amusement park! Wow! We came to the amusement park. Look here!

This place looks beautiful. Let’s park the cars now. Let’s park the cars in the parking lot. Come on rich bring your car! Poor, I’m here! + Come on, hurry up, let’s get in! – Come on guys, follow me! + Stop! – Are you telling us? + No, I said to those horned people behind you. – Tepegoz, he’s telling you. + What do you want from me! – Look at the chart! What does it say there?

+ Horned oxen are not allowed to enter! – We are not oxen! But you have horns! You cannot enter. Only people can come in. + You can enter. – How can that be! + Have we come this far for nothing! – Dad, I want to go inside too.

Don’t worry son, we’re going in! Come on, be quick! Tepegöz and his family could not enter! They can’t get on the machines here. Look here Fakir. There is a fast train. There is a Ferris wheel. There is a gondola. There are bumper cars and a horror tunnel.

+ Let’s ride them all, poor. – All right, let’s get started. + That’s it! Are you ready? We are going! – I’m afraid poor. Hold on tight, sir! I’m starting. Here we go! No, that can’t be! This is really fast! That’s it! Arda, hold on tight! This is great! So much fun!

They’re not letting us in! It says horned oxen are not allowed to enter! If they don’t let me in, I’ll break the wall and get in! Yes, let’s go inside! Let’s stop this injustice. Dad, let’s go inside. Those with horns have a right to have fun!

My family, come after me. Here we go! + Wow! Look at this. – Brother, let’s ride the Ferris wheel, follow me! + I will ride the Ferris wheel. It looks beautiful. – Come on bro, let’s get on the Ferris wheel.

+ We will have a lot of fun. – You can’t get in here! Forbidden. + Don’t talk! Quick start that machine! – But! + I say start the machine! Overhead, watch out, don’t fall! You know! I will ask you! + That’s it! It’s working. – Dad, the Ferris wheel is working.

Mom, the Ferris wheel is so much fun. You come too. Have fun! I will ask you! + Come on guys, let’s go to the next machines! – Let’s go to other machines! + Rich Brother! – Sir Poor? + Let’s go and hit the balloons!

All right, let’s go, poor. Look here! Isn’t that the cyclops over there? + Yes, Cyclops got on the gondola! – Very nice! Yes it’s time to speed up! Let me speed it up! What’s happening? This can not be! Subscribe to my channel now! Like the video, more such videos will come.

Please man these videos are so hard to shoot! Support me! We continue where we left off! + Help me! This can not be! I cannot stop the machine. – (Laughter) That can’t be! Look at the overhead projector, it’s doing somersaults. Mom help us too! Mom, my head is spinning. Overhead, that can’t be!

Anyway Fakir, come on, let’s go shoot balloons! Let the cyclops turn! Help me! Please someone help me. Come my friends! We came to the bumper cars. Which one shall we ride? Brother, I will get in the red car with Poor Zombie! + Wind, let’s get in the blue car. – All right, Arda.

Poor, let’s play the bubble shooter game! The person who hits the most balloons wins the prizes! Ok. Let’s start! Come on bro, hit those! Why are you driving the car upside down? Come on Wind hit those cars! You have to hit harder. Ok Arda! Come on guys, don’t run away from me.

You are avoiding us! These are so much fun to use! May I ask you something? Where is Husamettin? Hüsamettin went to another toy. After that we’ll go too! + Come on, jump! – That’s a lot of fun. Let’s ride all the toys! Yes I want too!

Mom, stop the machine. I feel dizzy. I’m going to vomit now! (Laughter) You deserve it! + Come on, we’re shooting! – I’ll shoot the most balloons. + Come on, poor, shoot those balloons! – All right, Miray! I won’t let you pass me! Come on, shoot! Whoever hits the most balloons wins.

Who will win the surprise prize? Sorry bro I made a mistake! Stop this machine or I’ll vomit! I beg you, stop that machine! Please stop that machine! Tepegoz, I’m dizzy looking at you too! + This machine works very fast! – Okay, I pity you. I’m stopping the machine! Get off the machine now!

This can not be! I’m feeling nauseous. I might vomit! Finally the machine stopped! My stomach is very bad. I think I’m going to throw up! Baby Cyclops, you mustn’t vomit now! Come on, let’s go to the horror tunnel. Okay I am coming! It will be good to ride the horror tunnel!

+ I will never ride this machine again. – You shouldn’t get on, Cyclops. I was so scared. Ours are going to the horror tunnel! I’m going too. Yes guys are you ready? We got on the train of fear! Arda, I’m going to say something. I want to get off!

No, you won’t get off. We will keep going! Arda, please let’s get down, this place is so scary! Friends, do not be so afraid. It’s just a tunnel of horror! Of course it will be terrible! Don’t worry, they are not live.

+ Let’s go bro, start that machine! – Here we go, hold on tight! + No, that can’t be! – I want to get off, it’s so scary in here. Yes, congratulations. The winner was Kerem Commissioner! + Kerem Commissioner hit the most balloons! – Kerem Commissioner, congratulations.

Kerem Commissioner, you can get any reward you want! Pick one of those you see! I want that doll over there. Yes that baby! I’ll give it to Asli! + Kerem Commissioner! – Take this, Asli. This is yours now. I won for you! Thank you!

Anyway, let’s go to the kids! Where are the children? I’m so scared where is this going! This can not be! Where do these sounds come from? Mom I’m so scared! Look at those walls! Isn’t that photo on the wall a picture of Hades? Where is this going? I don’t want to continue.

Come on, merry-go-round! There the girls are! Look, they got on the merry-go-round. Girls, we’re here! Dad, it’s so beautiful here, please come here all the time! Okay, we’ll come, don’t worry! Where are the children? + Are you asking about my brother Arda? – Yeah. Where are Arda, Rüzgar and the other children?

Dad, they got on the roller coaster! Horror train? Fakir, look over there. The train of fear is this way. can you see it? They got in. I was very curious too! I wonder what’s inside? I can never get in there. I’m so afraid!

I got off the gondola very hard. Who knows what will happen if I go in there! That’s why I never go there! Okay, Tepegoz, no one is telling you to enter! Let’s go get the kids. Then we go home. This place is beautiful. We come often now!

This can not be! What is that? Guys, we’re heading for Huggy Wuggy’s mouth. We went through your mouth, nothing happened! It’s the end of the road. Hold on tight! We’re flying now! This can not be. What is this place? Look at this! Friends, I think I did my toilet!

Let’s get out of here quick! Yes, get off those wagons! What is this creature! This can not be! run fast. What was that bro! + I will never ride again. – Wait for me guys! + Let’s find my moms and go home! – Hurry, it was the scariest thing in my life o

Yes, it’s time to go home! I really liked this place. Let’s come here often from now on! Tepegoz, we’ll come, don’t worry! Latest video Next video

Biraz eğlenmek için LunaParka gidiyoruz. Dönme dolap, Gondol, Atlı Karınca, Zıpzıp, Korku tüneli ve Roller coaster’a biniyoruz. Hepsi birbirinden eğlenceli!

#zenginfakir dizimizi kaçırma ilk yorumu sen at. #Minecraft kanalıma Abone ol! Bildirimleri açmayı da unutma 🙂
Bölüm : 1442

#oyun benim işim 🙂

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