Stardew Valley But You Milk The Town Residents : Lactose Edition

What are you doing Anabella I mean what do you think she’s doing could it be what you’re doing why are you creeping around pervert so close what why would you just accept me what have I done to you you’re all right everybody Welcome to the Indie Showcase

With the Birdman I am said Birdman this is workpl fantasy a story of a happy life in the loving small town it’s quite the title isn’t it just roll right off the tongue now don’t it that said this one’s going to be very much along the

Lines of uh Village raps City if you’re familiar with that one which um takes a lot of inspiration from stardew Valley so you could think of this one as kind of like a stardew valley offshoot except you know being in like a farming type of thing you’re more in a small town

There’s more you know City type of stuff to deal with but it still deals along with the you know a live Sim where by happen stance alone there happens to be a lot of Senoritas that your boy could probably you know follow a romantic interesting link WID a

Wholesome one where hands are possibly held oh disgusting please give yourself a stylish name okay nothing says style like Falcon 69 that work for you again it does we have ourselves a little email honored user invitation progress updated the quick application channel for a premium go what the hell is this

Is this this spam oh it was spam I was reading spam yes great yet this company looks quite familiar I think we just got a email saying that we might have landed his job should you read it Falcon yeah let’s just follow along what he’s saying down

Here it’s fine let me think deeply and focused casting about what are you casting about all right could it be my cousin’s company he posted it in moments as I recall but he passed away half a year ago in a car accident as is rumored maybe he was and didn’t really pass away

That way H it’s only a rumor somebody died oh yeah it’s a rumor that he died how he died I couldn’t even see him off alas cousin and Genevie are childhood sweethearts married just a year ago both were my Playmates in childhood what a shame so this genev is now available

What if Genevie had him killed to take over the company all right I mean let’s not be so I guess inviting of this hapless woman what if like I’m saying what if she’s the one who killed her cousin and covered it up as a rumored car accident is that Her okay you know what maybe we could forgive her that’s right yeah boy a young lady with dewy skin like peaches is waving to you you are Genevie man it’s been while since the last time I saw you at your wedding with my cousin it’s hard to believe that you’re so stunning

Now oh man look at them cheeks already these cheeks up here all right you must have gotten a dwelling now I’m living with my sister and there’s H there happens to be an empty room so you may live at my house for now if you don’t

Mind all how about that it’s a deal then thanks jeny what about or how about that huh by the way did you see this building right here um that we pass by what where do we live in SoCal is that where we’re going y I don’t want to work in SoCal this

It’s dangerous here this is your cousin’s company although he’s not with us anymore the plan remain unchanged and you’ll come to work here tomorrow okie dokie you even got ourselves little emojis in There the music is very cheerful I hope it’s not going to be like a copyright claim cuz it’s actually very cheerful I like the room is for you why don’t you put away your baggage and have a shower while I prepare a welcome dinner for you

You might want to poke around a little before dinner oh I will poke I will poke toilet paper next to the computer screen you know what my friend that’s the way to go about it is all I can tell you okay the sock deal I don’t

Understand the sock deal we also have a wifeu poster as well it’s almost like they um they knew I was coming and they prepared this room just for me I don’t like these footsteps now I can tell you that much though what the hell is do I have like the the soggiest

Feet of all time oh dog I me get some Dr ches or something okay so uh-oh oh no stop right there criminal scum home safe I’m about to burst got to use the bathroom now no don’t go into the restroom don’t do it But uh hey uh we met the sister not sure if uh we gave her the best impression of ourselves but hey there’s also a random 4digit code in somebody’s room for some reason okay let’s come over here and uh properly get introduced this is my younger sister Annabella take it I take

It you two has said hi to each other uh yes yes we have H leer hentai I’m I’m not a hentai it was just a it was an accident in reality it was you who just barges into a redroom that way by the way actually

Actually it’s kind of my fault cuz I was rushing out to go get the clothes yeah all you know what maybe she’s right about us excuse her for her behavior she’s spoiled I mean sure we saw each other a few moments back some little misunderstanding came up

Though well there anything you want to ask since you’re freshly here since I’m freshly here yes I am freshly here um I want to learn about my cousin’s dead there’s apparently a rumor they died in an accident I’m not sure how that’s a rumor but um maybe that you killed him

Jeny my cousin’s been gone for half a year and still the case is not cracked you see the perpetrator ran away after the car accident that night and the police still have nowhere with the investigation or got nowhere with the investigation keep sniffing around now keep sniffing around that sounds like

Somebody up uh culprit would say Genevie like you’re trying to get away with it but the police won’t leave you alone they keep sniffing around um work Arrangements uh what’s my main job tomorrow in the company we’re a media company managing lots of streamers and definitely you can make some money from

Streaming though interns are only expected to run errands oh really well I’m not really a streamer but uh I’m kind of close enough to that idea all right well um no problem all right now I’m good then sleep early I’ll wake you up tomorrow morning to go to work with

Me all right you and jenevy have why don’t you let me read that at my own pace why what’s the rush what’s rush like I must leave that little small status update immediately I can’t read it no sorry you better be ready to read it I’m going to go talk to the sister

How about that kind of console is this kind of looks like a PlayStation 4 kind of got the weird shape of one a little chatting you pervert creep I mean are we ever going to get over that well still got some affection points out

Of it so I can be too mad uh what happens if I do this it’s late go to bed early uhhuh what about you menend your relationship with Annabella by helping her with chores in the afternoon Okay oh no rise and shine oh somebody’s Rising all right what a story Mark yeah we have a little chat with you beforehand or what we got to eat Here uh where’s jevy she went to work long before uhoh think everyone is like you slop you’re never going to let this go are you what are you mumbling about none of your business I’m done you do the dishes see you I can’t do the dishes I got to go to

Work oh I already had Max stamina I can’t do the dishes I got to go to work hey um is she still waiting for me out here oh there she is oops carbal box can be sold oh yo we could go Rec trash is everywhere in the city collect

Them to sell for money at the recycling I mean am I really that hard out for cash that I got to like wander around collecting trash I mean do I at least get like a cool cart and like a dog that’ be great hey um guys you’re about to have an

Accident over there huh careful I’ll give you a ride since this is your first day to work counting yourself in the future and don’t be late yeah about that definitely this time I’ll acquaint this time I acquaint my my with the roots oh oh the grammar is hurting me fine he’ll

Get acquainted with the route to be there yeah okay we got it making a vow inwardly work hard and buy a car of my own okay so we also have another goal buy our own vehicle I mean you wouldn’t want to walk two blocks away from your home to get to

Work right that’s silly go buy a vehicle for that obviously I mean a three or 4 minute walk get out of here what are you some sort of caveman this the company’s front desk nobody has been appointed to this post yet we clock in here ah you yourself

Don’t be late no problem sister jemy before this light I promise I won’t let you down before this light okay good you better call manager Lou in the Company where is uh manager Lou work look at that youbees icon there too huh here is your studio what’s happening what is happening over here what what what gets filmed over here I’m seeing like a camera pointed over here yo I want to go to that one can I work

In 203 instead of 21 here’s your studio where you can earn money by making live streaming sales the longer you stream the more you earn but remember to take care of yourself yeah you know you must stay hydrated as the meme goes you can eat or sleep or get your energy back try

It yourself later okay got it oh who is this On the right side of the third floor is the office of doct SE or director Savannah Dr Savannah she’s quite a beauty though a little Frosty hard to get on with and your direct super Superior think about how to get along with her no worries I’m an honest man

And I believe we’ll click an honest man yeah so Hest he’s already you know putting some game down on the Widow not sure about that but definitely a sweet talker can I go I want to go meet Savannah right now though look look what she’s doing she’s got the the feet up in

The table and everything I’m getting like you know possible yie vibes from her and that’s always a good thing and here’s my office oh man you got a pretty nice office yourself come to me if you come across any issues sure thing I’ll come by often yeah you will ah that thing I

Forgot to mention it we work flexible out hours usually from afternoon to evening um what else do you want to know nothing for now thank you sister JY I might walk around first men your relationship with Annabella by helping her out in the afternoon with chores so does that mean

I’m done here for today I didn’t really work I just had to come over here and um that booze up there I mean how long do you go forward if I just uh speak to somebody because I really like to speak to the Savannah lady here

Hey who are you who allowed you to come in um nobody I am I don’t care who you are right now immediately get out of my office I security all right all right I’m leaving damn This Woman’s so intimidating I must win her over hello I’m Falcon a new intern

Looking forward to learning from you oh I’m magy I mean the problem is that I’m pretty sure this is like AI so all the faces are like the goddamn same so I can’t tell anybody apart at least give them like different colored hair or something but they all have the same

Colored hair as well this is the perfect time where anime colored head would be acceptable give somebody pink give somebody blue at least that way I could tell him apart hi I’m Maggie I’m also a new intern PR intern presenter ah it’s the vibe of you what long legs it’s the vibe of

You what is wrong with you oh since we’re all in turns uh let’s help each other out by the way I work in room 2011 feel free to come by for a chat anytime sure thanks in advance I’ll visit often hurry hurry look at this oh wait wait wait bluetoo earphones Yo remember we uh all still collect trash in the side where she where is she she’s in here right Maggie’s house okay that’s not that’s wrong house this hey hey where are you there you are I’m here I’m here to help look at that look at that we’re already metting the relationship from

Earlier huh anabella’s washing dishes diligently you should slowly Lin in to start a conversation what are you doing Anabella I mean what do you think she’s doing could it be what you’re doing you’re standing over a dishwasher with running water apparently and soap and dishes I don’t know we’re jet

Sking why are you creeping around pervert What why would you just accept me what have I done to you that was really an accident to show my sincerity I’ll do the dishes with you oh so he did know what she was doing I’m still not going to forgive you when you pick up a bowl from the

Sink you accidentally turn on a tap splashing water all over adabella oh what a what an honest mistake that was huh you just know hey you know what how about if we can we go outside tonight let me see if I could sell some of the things that we picked up maybe restaurant

No hey here we go the pawn shop oh oh God they almost hit me Market Cinema Fitness Center the lovely home is it supposed to be a love Motel right next to the bar yeah that that should be a love Motel the lovely home like it um I imagine you

Sell stuff at the pawn shop right oh my God look at the size of this gorgeous gorgeous man right here oh this is a villain I’ve ever seen one recycling hello my good sir I’m here to sell is all the stuff that I have huh

35 for the blueo time sell can I just sell all well we’re up to 169 of course knowing me there’ be a 69ine somehow involved I mean I can’t help it these days it just randomly happens in video games I’ll be doing something suddenly 69 just pops up it’s like the games are

Always reminding me well let’s go get some sleep and I do feel we are starting to run out of time unfortunately so might be a good time for us to start W up maybe do a little bit more you know let’s see about getting that event at least yeah we’ll

See about getting that event at the office so sleep till tomorrow now we’re supposed to get to the office by ourselves now remember that hello guess we’ll just eat with them get some points that way oh my this just JY you’re cooking is surely worthy of a

Melin chef opposed to the melin man I’m flattered oh such a sweet talker you are okay Annabella is rather beautiful today I don’t buy I’m done all right so stamina Max stamina went up for doing that perfect now everybody seems to be gone let’s go to

Work and see if we can trigger oh hey thanks for leaving trash for me to sell home nothing like picking up some random toilet paper on the way to work as well too well speaking of work I guess we could probably work ourselves for ones huh so how does this work current

Standard salary 43 an hour minute earnings drag the button to the left oh the hours you want to work I see um let me get 2 hours just so that we’re like at 10:30 and then hopefully people are here why why am I putting on animal ears oh my goodness

God why okay so nighttime this is actually triggered I had to work quite a few hours which is fine ah there she is why are you here I’ve been working I was worried knowing you’re not home this late I wanted to come here to check on you you cried sister

Geny your cousin left abruptly leaving so much to attend to I’m afraid I’m not capable enough to carry this business further sister jevy in my eyes you’re always the most competent woman in my role model these things won’t pose difficulty for you all you need to do is

Cry out and I’m with you thank you for your kind words I feel better jevy leans on your shoulder lightly while your soft words comfort her maybe under too much pressure lately jife drifts off relax let’s get her home look at this woman has fallen asleep and we’re going to go ahead and

Carry her from our place of employment down a couple of flights of stairs outside not even bother to use her car we’re just going to go and just literally take this woman home this way if anybody sees me I assure you I’m not kidnapping this woman everything is perfectly

Fine okay oh I guess we’re going to literally bring her from the office to her bed wow well then I’m glad we were able to put jevy to bed that was a very very thoughtful act of kindness on our part to be honest with you that said now we

Are definitely at a time with this one so I’m going to wrap it up here hope you guys have enjoyed this has been workplace fantasy but um overall it’s a relatively fun little game there a lot of tongue and cheek humor and um the things I didn’t make this video will be

Over on the Falcon patreon along with other exclusive long format let’s play series hopefully you guys enjoyed I’ll catch you next time

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Stardew Valley But You Milk The Town Residents : Lactose Edition

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The main stage is a fictional seaside town, which tells the story of a newly graduated intern who works, lives, and communicates, interacts, and “delves into” various residents of the town.


  1. I want to imagine there is a mystery suspense surrounding the disappearance of your cousin. It would be cool if this game has a balance of dating sim, but you want to focus on what happened to your cousin.

  2. That's not really how AI works, I think the all look the same exactly because the artist is comfortable drawing that face. It is difficult to get a similar face twice with AI.

  3. First a wholesome dating sim with monster girls and now a wholesome adventure in town

    Mr falcon you truly trying to hurt me emotionally here

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