Preston’s BIGGEST Secret in Minecraft…

Preston lied to me but I found the truth today I’ll be exposing some of Preston’s deepest darkest secrets in Minecraft so a little conflicted about my new interior in my bedroom yes it is not very me even my bed is lopsided but that is besides the point the important thing

Is I have not seen Preston in 25 000 years it feels like I mean literally it’s been like 30 minutes but what is that I told you this bedroom is all sorts of whack I don’t rainbow gun powder I don’t like my room Preston’s missing and I have found rainbow gun

Powder what exactly is going on maybe rainbow gunpowder is just helping me find my way out of my house since apparently I am lost ah there’s Preston hello sir Preston what are you doing I can see you you know so I have played some detective games and normally you have to

Follow somebody but at like a little bit of a far distance so they don’t notice you more rainbow gun powder ah okay I have three oh as soon as I’ve got the gunpowder he ran again he literally hasn’t all look back once which is actually very good for me because we

Cannot get caught he doesn’t like it when I Snoop on him that’s why I just don’t because I trust him because he’s a great husband but in Minecraft you can follow him around a little bit what if he is literally at a secret building this can mean only one thing I simply

Must go in obviously and excuse me this is food well lucky for me I found your gun powder and there’s a redstone torch we’re just gonna drop a rusky it right here and fingers crossed that was more of a success than I expect okay so now is my chance to go and oh

Bree how did you get to my special Rocket Fuel don’t follow me I have a special surprise for you later okay I have so many things to say he is literally in an elevator floating in Minecraft he has a surprise for me and apparently has Rocket Fuel is that

What’s behind me Red Devil first of all that is pink and I am a good Christian woman and don’t like the devil but I’m gonna try it just a glug glug glug and um what just happened and I’m in a different place there’s like mini TVs and books and things and we’re just

Gonna try a couple of these out just for fun you know alarm triggered security measures activated who goes there show yourself what are you doing stop breaking my stuff how did you get up here anyway I just found a red potion it sent me here you shouldn’t have come now

I have to jailed you okay I am literally in a tail I’m working on a secret project you can’t see yet it’s almost complete it’s impossible to escape so don’t try it nobody can escape this prison cell I made that seems like a threat but I’m

For sure gonna find a way out just like uh right here look there’s water and it goes nowhere that’s exciting there is not a prison mate and that has not been cleaned in a long time but oh there’s treasure and TNT hold on I have this

Good old redstone torch and TNT TNT and Redstone make yes I am out Preston can’t stop me I am the Bree okay he is mining cobbling staring at something so uh we’re gonna try to get him back what’s in here is this a prison break room Alien Probe is this what he’s been

Working on because a normal prison probably doesn’t have an Alien Probe do not use on humans Preston is an alien so let’s be honest it’s probably just gonna be ouch that hurt he dropped his pickaxe and his Cobblestone that’s what you get for locking me in jail that was a dirty trick you just walked through a wall and didn’t invite me that was is way more of

A dirty trick and I will take these materials don’t mind if I do okay so I am back at the control room and uh we’re gonna go on a little Adventure this looks cool oh I don’t like this it looks like mob Grinders that gives me the

Heebie-jeebies if I’m gonna make it out of this alive go ahead and hit that subscribe button because this is a lot for one person I’m gonna carry my pickaxe for no reason it makes me feel strong that is disgusting it’s a ton of squid they seem like they are spawning a ton

Of squid and I feel like they are slowly meeting their demise so uh I see oh you grinder that is not allowed that needs to be burnt down without the sheep in it we are going to Simply use this beautiful Mega pickaxe okay uh-oh oh oh no it broke

No we need that pies no sheep sheep come back please stop the factory what what does that even mean I don’t understand what baby Preston just told me but what I do understand is I need to get to fixing this wall because this Mega pickaxe is Mega strong okay oh my

Goodness so many sheep are falling we are going to go in where baby Preston came from and dang it is nice in here you guys I just realized something there’s no way that I can properly fix the grinder I have to fix it from the inside and inside is

Where all the Sheep are I love you daffodil I love you I’m so sorry it’s come to this we are going to grab a diamond block a golden block and an iron block and turn those into diamonds iron ingots and gold ingots I have to clear out the grinder so I’m going to

Make what Preston made once something called an ultra bow so we’re going to combine three gold ingots with three gold blocks like that we have the ultra bow a crafting part then secondly we need the ultra bow Barrel three iron and four iron ingot here we have the ultra

Bow Barrel now we combine the bow with the barrel and we have an ultra mini gun bow come get some it kind of looks like a crossbow so we’re going to combine one golden ingot once ironing it in one Diamond to get alien piercing micro missiles pointy end forward well that’s

Helpful to know okay this is my least favorite thing I’ve ever had to do in my entire life so we are just gonna get this over with and uh I don’t want to do it I okay he’s is just disappearing which is oh I hate it I hate it I hate

It I absolutely hate it oh my gosh they literally just like sugar creating a laser and then they just go oh I have Cobblestone from Preston from earlier so we can patch up these holes I mean to be honest I would have rather just had it be holy and keep all the

Sheep but apparently we couldn’t do it that way could we looks as good as new to me so uh we’re gonna go through here Jeep grinder online oh we’re getting music they’re all okay they’re all okay maybe I shouldn’t mess with things here anymore but uh also comment down below

Is a mob grinder good or bad because I just got excited more sheep are falling into a mob grinder and that could potentially be worse than I realized well I’m Gonna Keep picturing I am seeing a legend Welcome to our video since we had visitors he’s so cute I

Like his little hat this is a nice little village they each have matching hats they each look kind of angry oh he has a patch eye that’s kind of sad oh he has a monocle he is a fancy villager I’m scared Preston isn’t around very much to protect us can you protect

Me you know what I have a better idea than me protecting you because I’m not gonna be that great at it I have an even better idea let me hurry over to this beautiful voice I noticed some pumpkins and we have some iron so I’m gonna grab

All of these and grab a pumpkin so so you guessed it I am going to be making an iron golem it’s going to be beautiful now we just need a pumpkin there we go bad pumpkin what makes this pumpkin bad he looks fine to me he’s just not happy best before

I don’t even know what those numbers represent I’m just gonna craft an iron golem um sir ma’am can I uh use a crafting table or actually you know what I’m just gonna do it the old-fashioned way simply by stacking one one two and then we need obviously the head of the

Pumpkin and then he obviously needs arms he’s looking great he kind of looks like Olaf if Olaf was scary oh no oh no Gollum Health must kill villagers looking for targets we are doomed oh my gosh okay well that wasn’t the goal sir please calm down Golems are typically nice

Ouch uh oh he’s already hurting villagers please come sir must kill villagers looking for targets his health bar is barely going down at all seriously oh oh all that already I think the Villager said ouch because of me potentially because the laser is literally going everywhere

I heard you sir I I think you need to die I must kill the gollum could you just please die already I’m just gonna press and hold down my right click button at this point oh there we go I drained a lot all of a sudden I don’t know what happened

Almost got him almost got him Golem defeated thank you for saving Our Lives it’s all in a day’s work and they wouldn’t have been saved if I hadn’t come in here I also created the Golem so maybe that is incorrect okay so I left the uh Village went right past it and found

This Warehouse I literally feel like I’ve seen a warehouse like this in one of my detective games that I play comment down below what games you like to play other than Minecraft but I found this door and there’s a lever behind it and this is a mysterious door but they are locked

Of course I don’t know where I am but I am locked out of where I want to go so I am up here and oh okay it’s like another control room situation okay we have some iron and some dark oak wood Don’t Mind If I Do last time I was in

The control room I just pressed a lot of buttons and levers and it ended up being great security door opening okay I’m just gonna quickly run downstairs because I don’t know what that means is this the security door the security door opens and you pull the red lever Factory online factory production started

This is a factory what are we producing here the factory is running baby Preston randomly is here and he dropped more rainbow gun powder Real Preston and baby Preston are up to something and I don’t think it’s good oh my goodness these are the biggest mob

Grinders I have ever oh my gosh look how tall they go up they’re for sure the biggest ones I’ve ever seen and they’re all for creepers which Preston’s a lava creeper so that’s a little strange but what’s through the store I feel like I’m just finding out so many strange things

We might as well continue the door open so it literally wants me to go outside oh a sugar cane Farm I like that and we have a nice little viewing area of something what is that oh like also what is that wait wait is that a rocket ship remember at

The beginning of this video he dropped Rocket Fuel he didn’t mention he also has a rocket but how do I get to it obviously this is probably a door we are gonna push the button and security card required great thing I don’t have that but I do have

Iron in wood so if we put our heads together we can make a screwdriver that’s what this is for that’s why they left it in the security panel there we go screwdriver just an ordinary screwdriver nothing fancy just this we are going to click on the

Button now and see if I can hack it oh it just it sparked but then gave me a good result so we’re gonna continue oh this is a little scary I I don’t know exactly how I’m supposed to walk down I am okay we are gonna jump here I don’t

Like it I don’t like it but I I do want to see how to get in the rocket ship okay so I am here this rocket is glorious I can’t even get over wait the door opened hello Preston oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry Bree you escaped and found the rocket I’m

Very impressed you made it through the rocket complex you have some of my special Rocket Fuel it’s made from thousands and thousands of raw gunpowder I’ll be taking that as it is highly explosive this is a secret rocket I’ve been building over the past months follow me to the control center

I want to start exploring other planets and maybe build a secret base on one of them why wouldn’t you have just told me that and I could have joined you and I didn’t know rainbow gunpowder was actually rocket but I think it’s time for me too casually walk through it especially

Since purple is one of my favorite colors so it’s just drawing me like a moth to a flame what is hiding behind that what was that the boogeyman the boogeyman is behind the portal and Casey’s coming to get me I am going now a castle who knew Preston

Was so fancy wait is that Preston up there he’s creeping on me Bree you weren’t supposed to go into my portal Preston you made a portal because you obviously wanted people to go into it you made a castle you want people to visit you I have to see what you’re

Hiding in here well first you’ll have to prove yourself by completing each of my challenges yeah I can complete all of your challenges I am not afraid I have completed many of your challenges before sir for your first challenge you must figure out how to get through this gate

Oh okay this this looks like a pretty big gate you don’t have just like a code up here or something you’re just gonna creep on me the whole he’s just gonna mock me up there that’s not very nice okay so we have a flower a sunflower pickaxe another flower and a blue flower

What do you guys think what does this stand for flower flower pickaxe flower flower I feel like I should be looking for something good thing for me I clean all the time for Preston so I know that he does not hide things very well what

Did I just say he does not hide things very well Preston if you are gonna try to hide something from me why would you put it directly right in front of the gate if this would just uh hello oh I I was right clicking on that uh don’t come

For me I’m gonna take some arrows and a bow this is infinity um it’s powerful that’s all I know Buzz Lightyear would like this Preston you watch as I destroy your gate um well we’ll see if this doesn’t oh what if this is what I need to destroy the game hold on

Oh that was smart Preston I’m really enjoying this this is really fun hassle now and I’m really excited also I have protection in case something I think there’s a monster in this Castle anyway I can’t decide if this Castle is pretty is that lava falling from the

Ceiling you’ve got a leak in your roof goodness what if that falls on my head that has to be a health hazard oh oh you might have solved the first puzzle but no you’ll have to overcome your greatest weakness parkour you know what you have

Made me do so much parkour I think I am becoming very good at it so watch this what I think grunting actually made me do better on that jump so uh you just watched me um okay the spider web is gonna make this very difficult so uh I

Think making weird noises is helping me succeed in this parkour just like intense I think people in tennis have been doing something right all this time I used to play tennis when I was younger [Applause] oh no there’s more I thought I was done

Oh no oh that was that was almost a gone I was almost a goner oh this looks tricky this is step is that a step oh no is this called a sunker box or a sunken box I don’t think I’m good with those sunking boxes hey to give me moral

Support please turn your phone vertical look under this video there’s a subscribe button if your button’s red Please Subscribe right now I need some moral support for this parkour these sunken thunker boxes are beyond my ability because you have to push the escape button and the other buttons all

At the same time it’s just it’s beyond my capability but what no look at that yes I didn’t even use the Box hey Preston you know that I don’t know how to use those and you were trying to distract me that was very mean this okay good job on the parkour but

For your next challenge you must guide this pig through a maze using a carrot on a stick see and what did I tell you I’m getting really good at I love pigs I’m so excited for this okay I was born for this moment I’m not ready

For this because of this pig I’m going to be able to be the master of this puzzle oh this is a dead end Sebastian I don’t think this is going to work we may be following this carrot for quite some time oh oh you walked me into a wall

Sebastian that might have been my fault but um it’s fine we’re gonna we’re gonna try this way oh that was wrong but you know it’s okay A for effort a for effort what is that spooky noise that is the sound of a haunted house right there I think Preston’s definitely trying to

Scare me while I’m in the Maze Something’s Gonna Pop out at me like the boogeyman come on we have to hurry we’re up against the clock oh oh oh oh oh that was back at the beginning of the maze what has happened here Sebastian you’re

Letting me down what is this where am I I’m trapped in a box guys I can’t tell if that was the exit or not I I hope that it’s obvious what the exit is I was lost in a mace once there’s the stairs Sebastian you are the

Best pig in the entire world because of you I got out of the Maze and because of you I am giving you this carrot you followed the carrot the entire time but now when I throw it at you you won’t eat it come on you know I kind of understand

I wouldn’t need a fishing pole either oh Yes you have come far and you are nearing the end but first you must shoot all of these rods to Open this gate I hope I understand what this means because I have snowballs and I have seen snowball fights I have snowballs and I’m not afraid to use them I have seen the

Movie Elf uh oh I can’t jump very high but uh I don’t think it’s working um um um wait oh I’m trapped in this room they have to be in here nice what’s a rod are they in here guys I’m very confused wait why is the pig in there Sebastian I

Don’t think you’re supposed to be in there is this oh it bubbles when you hit these Crouch gotta be super short to hit these hey Piggy can you help me hit these it’s time for the secret move what if I hit the pig with one of the Snowballs that

Could be very dangerous for him this fence is in my way I just would like you to know the Spence is not helping me whatsoever oh this is a better angle oh gosh I don’t have many more snowballs left use them sparingly what if I run out guys I ran out you

Guys I’m making progress this one’s a hard angle oh oh I did it okay okay two locks left what leave I got really excited because it sounded like fireworks and now I’m hearing an airplane can I take the pig with me hi I have a carrot come with me first in

There there’s no stairs fine I’ll come back for you later Preston there’s a lot of holes in your floor you may need this oh that doesn’t look very good this is your final challenge You Must Escape past the mobs to enter the secret room wait there’s a secret room there’s mobs

Oh I don’t know whether to be excited or nervous so um um okay um I’m nervous helmet Shield plug-in oh oh I’m hearing noises already I don’t like them I Wanna Walk This Way please I have a pickaxe and a bow I forgot about that that could come in handy I hear Pig

Don’t harm my pig like this video If you believe that I can get past the mops I’m hearing some pretty scary noises right now but I got this also why did there why did there have to be a parkour right here

Okay I got it I got it I got it I got it I don’t know if this is where I’m supposed to be but um I’m slowly dying because of some fire but it’s okay oh oh oh oh oh hot potato hot potato hot tomatoes

Wait I’m caught I’m caught in a web I’m caught in a web let go of me spiders spiders get off of me okay run run run like the wind Bullseye oh oh I think I made it that really wasn’t that bad actually I I’m shocked I I can’t believe

I did it I believed in myself that is important you always have to believe in yourself this is actually really pretty look you even can see Preston’s face I don’t know if boys like to be called pretty but that’s okay I think he’s pretty that’s it Brianna you have made it into

My secret room I can understand why you keep this one secret it is pretty amazing but don’t you dare follow me down this secret hole Preston I can totally understand why you keep this under wraps I mean I would keep this one a garage if I

Have input the server address and I am ready to join this mysterious server hey angry what are you looking at they’re like real life Chuckles of chickens you’re so weird but um did you see Preston go on his balcony earlier he was acting super strange wait I knew it there’s a secret IP address so I am now on the computer and I have typed the mysterious IP address that I have found from the balloon and I wonder if this will teleport me to that secret area let’s see oh this is actually really beautiful so Preston hats off to

You for making this I am pretty impressed although I guess I’m supposed to like not assume he made this because it’s a secret but I mean we all know he did supposed to be a door that I’m not supposed to go in there is a portal over

There so I’m pretty tempted that that is probably where I’m not supposed to go I mean portals are purple which is a beautiful color and uh there is a parkour kind of that is leading to it so I’m just gonna assume hey this is karma for me jumping in to

His server that almost took it out of me I gotta cool off for a second it is time to enter the portal whoa whoa whoa Bree I am tired of you finding my secret servers dangerous puzzles lie ahead okay you you have that IP address just out in

The open I I can’t help it I am up for the challenge to do these dangerous puzzles subscribe if you think I’m up for the challenge I can do it let’s go wait Preston where are you going Bree I’m going to go far into the lava base

Where you will never find me if you do make it I’ll be waiting for you at the end got away too fast you know what you guys I believe in myself and if you believe in me you should comment down below for some encouragement but I think

It is time to enter this really pretty lava base of course Preston would make his face out of blocks he’s being conceited I’m kidding he has a pretty cool lava skin what is this I have a lot of wall blocks now what’s over here star challenge check answer memorization

Puzzle I know Preston’s face pretty well because I see it every day so let’s see yes I should also take a look before I get so sure one one or is this four one two three four one two three four one two oh no I’m a little nervous but I’m

Going for my first try oh my goodness everything went away um two three four there is my first eyeball one two three four I think I successfully made his eyeballs but I’m not sure who knows does that look right something looks wrong about this what am

I missing he has the droopy down thing right does it look like Teeth guys is that teeth or is that a frown let’s check only the check answer won’t let me know I was incorrect what is wrong you know what what if this just looks better

What if I was giving him a little makeover really quick kind of looks like he has a mustache number two let’s go again wait did it leave what was right that was all that was right that’s really sad maybe he has bigger eyeballs than I realize no that doesn’t look

Right this is it this has got to be it I feel I feel pretty good about this Yep this is it I thought I knew my husband’s face yo this is my fourth try and I feel pretty good about it let’s give it a try finally don’t tell Preston that it took

Me four tries to guess what his face looks like it’s fine let’s see what the next challenge is were these stairs open before oh he needs to clean his stairs so you guys it looks like there is some sort of crazy parkour going on but I don’t want to get stuck in these

Horrible cobwebs Preston doesn’t clean very often so it looks like he needs me to come clean up after him this is probably gonna be a little tough to not get stuck in the webs it’s gonna be a long jump here that was not easy I feel like I’m moving

Oh I don’t oh no I’m already stuck in a web I feel it I feel it ew it’s sticky if a big spider comes out and jumps at me I’m not gonna be happy this is like a trick parkour right here coming at you

Let’s not get oh I’m stuck in a web ew ew ew ew stop it oh ah can I make it not out of the sticky gum and there are so many webs over here it’s like a big maze sticky maze which reminds me a Halloween never done a

Haunted mix porn mace well I feel like a big spider is gonna fall out what is your biggest fear I feel like a lot of people are afraid of spiders oh picture with sleeves too get off me cobwebs I have somewhere to be oh no not a cactus parkour it’s like one of

Preston’s best things Ah that’s right Brie I thought you might come meddling around in my base so I knew to put your biggest weakness hardcore come on Preston you’re gonna make something really cool you might as well share it with others I’m gonna show you I’m Not Afraid One

Cactus two Cactus Oh no I got some damage three Cactus random ledge is this Redstone another random ledge oh okay so I used the springy thingy to jump onto the platform and now can I make it to the carpeted Cactus I’m not quite sure oh my goodness that was a long jump

Where to go from here let’s back up Sprint jump hey can we jump around this big monkey bar I have passed the bar that was super difficult there are no monkeys hanging on the monkey champ now time to go to the next Cactus and the next one and the next one

In the next one the next one I can do this don’t tell me but I’ve actually been trying to jump to this Cactus for like a really long time so I think I’m gonna have to go into creative mode and fly to it because Preston I think made it too far it was

Humanly impossible to hop to this Cactus so I had to give myself a break just for that one though bye bye Cactus on to the next one oh it’s like stairs I like this one oh goodness can I make it to this looks like columns it looks pretty fancy

Whoa I took some damage but it’s okay like Greek columns and walls of lava and yeah no I definitely don’t think I’m supposed to be in here oh oh oh no there’s a lot of puzzles in here and I think it looks like they progressively get harder as they go you

Know what I’m pretty experienced with puzzles I think I one time made like a polar bear puzzle that was like a thousand pieces or something crazy ten thousand a thousand I don’t know I’m a puzzle master so just you wait let’s start with number one over here so this

Is just the warm-up it looks pretty simple I feel like I just flipped the lever yeah person this is silly I feel like the warm-up should have been a little harder than just flipping the switch but let’s go to number two let’s see okay the brain teaser

Down okay that’s gonna be like two seconds two seconds for puzzle number two let’s go to number three the headache okay oh there’s a lot more options for this one I don’t want to do this one I guess right my first try I’m actually really impressed with myself

Think it made sense to me because Preston was trying to distract me with the levers over here because he was hiding this one in the back okay now hit me with the most complicated experienced puzzle number four let me let me search let me search no okay let’s go for this one

Please there’s a spider painting Preston how many paintings do you have there’s like a maze of paintings in here there’s like Pinocchio and very scary skeleton he has like 20 Pinocchio paintings still can’t get over the pig sheet there has to be something going on here he

Said there’s a ton of puzzles what if something is behind one of the pictures no no Bree that’s definitely not it I’m a huge collector of art I’ve just been hiding that from you for a while I saw one painting that reminded me of something this painting looks an awful

Lot like the main guy in Pokemon which don’t judge me I didn’t actually watch the show I just played Pokemon go and this looks a little bit like Pikachu so you know what I’m gonna do let’s see what lurks behind this painting I literally just jumped into a painting

That was actually really cool but what is this this is the secret base Preston’s been telling me about the whole time but which way do I go oh that’s a dead end so that answers my question this is so mysterious I feel like I need a boat yet again with the

Cobwebs Preston needs me here so I can clean up is that a portal down here my goodness beautiful oh my goodness this is the prettiest room I think I’ve ever seen I think I’m gonna have to check it out

Preston’s BIGGEST Secret in Minecraft…with BriannaPlayz 👊


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  1. Spiders!!!!!!🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕷️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕸️🕷️🕷️

  2. Please play Flying Unicorn Simulator it is a very fun game I played a lot of you can you can play it online then I can do that will be so fun but you can create your voice and you can make your own unicorn or Pegasus or unicorn plus big is it and it is a very fun game you just you can go off-line and online or if you wanna go online you can see friends everyone go off-line you will not really see friends at all but you can also name your horse

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