9 Things That YOU Forget in Stardew Valley

Hey there everyone and welcome to my channel  as you play Stardew Valley over time you’ll forget   about some of the features or things you would  need to get in order to progress in the game or  

Just make your life on the farm a bit easier stardew  Valley has many features and over the years and that   List has grown even larger so today I will tell  you about some of the things everyone forgets  

That you can do or get in stardew Valley you’ve  progressed further into the game and just now   realize that there are options in the game that  can give you more information about your progress   overall for starters when you go into the options  you will find the advanced crafting option which  

When it’s turned on you’ll have the information  about the items you can craft how many of the   required items you have in your inventory and how  many you have crafted so far this is quite useful   especially for the 100% completion because for  that you need to craft one of each craftable item  

In the game and while we’re in the options menu  there is one more option that has to be turned   on from the get-go and that is the tool hitbox  when you turn on this option you will always  

Have a red square where you will use your tool  this helps you so much because you will be more   careful in wasting energy on misted watering  spots and you’ll manage your energy spending   even better so it’s a really nice option to have  turned on the next game mechanic that many don’t  

Realize it has a function is the community center  icon found in the inventory this icon right here   can be missed by many but it has an important  role when you start collecting items for the   community center this icon will pulsate indicating  that that item is required for one of the bundles  

And you should save it and donate it there at the  start when I began playing I really didn’t notice   that but afterwards I felt so silly about it so  I hope this helps to all of the new players out  

There another option which is quite overlooked  is when you start with the farm decorating and   build needed farm buildings like Chicken cops  barns or shed in Robins Shop menu there is an   option that many not notice and that is the move  buildings option A lot of people use this options  

But not many know that you can even move the  shipping bin the greenhouse as well helping   you to achieve the perfect decorated Farm of  your dreams it’s an overlooked option by many   but it’s quite useful in s Valley where you can  basically move around everything except the house  

And redesign the farm in your pace and speaking  about buildings when you build a chicken cop and   barn and get some animals in them you need to  feed them every day and ensure that if you’re   keeping them outside they have enough grass to  munch on at the start that shouldn’t be an issue  

As the farm is overgrown with grass but later on  as you start clearing the land for farming grass   will be a bit harder to come by but there is a  trick where you can make an auto feeder outside  

Until you manage to upgrade the buildings to the  level which unlocks the indoor Auto feeder when   you plant some grass and place some lightning  rods or surrounded by fencing it will turn into   a natural autof feeder where the animals won’t be  able to get to that one grass tile and it will be  

Able to spread around it making free food for  the animals this is a really helpful trick so   I hope you use it nicely but just know if you have  too many animals the grass won’t have enough time  

To regenerate so having a bunch of these spread  out around the farm will be quite helpful another   small thing that I think everyone in stard Valley  forgets is the cute and famous hat Mouse he moves  

In the abandoned Shack in the Cinder sap Forest which  is never repaired and sells you you know what hats   he sells a variety of heads that may or may not  suit your liking but I always go and purchase  

Some of them just to acknowledge that he is there  doing his best he needs a living as well come on   and one more thing about the cinder sub Forest is  the flower dance now everyone visits the flower  

Dance in their first spring but there is a trick  to it if you’re aiming for the 100% completion   and that is in the flower dance Pierre has a shop  which sells two things needed for the completion  

And those are the rarecrow and the tub of flowers  recipe I think that everyone usually goes for the   rarecrow but not many go for the tub of flowers  so this is a thing that you should keep in mind   when going on your first flower dance since 100%  completion means crafting every craftable item  

In the game including the tub of flowers next  up we have one more thing about the community   center and it’s quite small but not many notice  and may even panic but that is a community center   reward when you complete a bundle you’re given  a reward to pick up and after that the junimo  

Takes the bundle to the fireplace but if for any  reason you don’t pick the reward and just close   the window the little present disappears and  many Panic on this moment thinking they have   lost their well-earned reward but don’t fear the  junimos have taken even that into consideration if  

This happens to you by any chance just visit the  little junimo the community center and there you   will find a green pouch containing all of your  Mist rewards the junimos are really thoughtful   and for the Crafters out there don’t forget to use  the precious workbench that item is quite amazing  

Where you just surround it with chests filled with  materials and you will be able to craft every item   without having to look for the materials all the  time you can buy it from Robin quite easily and  

It’s a real timesaver which will also make your  farm look a bit better you can choose a little   spot where that will be your crafting area and  every chest will have organized materials making   everything look quite better and I really want to  know is anyone else using this quite a lot or you  

Just craft the old way and the last thing that  I have is as you play along your farm space will   grow but it will be used up by you to build farm  buildings some nice decorative spaces and maybe  

Even use for some Artisan equipment or fruit trees  so to combat this you have to use other spaces   which are available to you like the Quarry this  is the single most forgotten part of stard Valley  

Since you can make use of the whole thing but  many don’t the Quarry isn’t visited by the NPCs   so placing things there is completely safe you can  just cover the ground with some flooring to stop  

The ores from spawning and just go ahead and fill  it out with a lot of Artis and equipment to make   the most use out of the space the extra space for  Artisan equipment can increase your daily income  

By a lot and it will save space on your farm which  can be used for other things that you want to do   and that’s it those were the things that are  mostly forgotten by players which could really  

Make a difference in your playr what do you think  about these things and have you ever forgotten to   use them or just didn’t want to bother with them  and just went with your own play style let me know  

Down below I hope you enjoyed today’s video and  if you did please consider leaving a like and if   you like to see more content like this feel  free to subscribe to my channel for more Stardew  

Valley content I hope you all have a great day and I  will see you all in my next one but till then stay safe

Hey there everyone, we are back with another Stardew Valley video where we cover some of the things that not many people even know about. Some of these are forgotten by the players and some for newer players are a great way to start a brand new playthrough.

Feel free to check out some of my other videos:
►Secret Fishing Presents:

►Community Center:

►Best Fish for the Fish Pond:

►Bee Hives:

Stardew Valley On Steam:

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►Microphone: HyperX Kingston Quadcast – https://amzn.to/3P0Dkwq
►Sharkoon Drakonia Mouse – https://amzn.to/3pFbvzi
►AOC 27V2H 27″ – https://amzn.to/3AGQjiI
►ASUS TUF K1 – https://amzn.to/3Cqs3mi

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#StardewValley #philchill


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