I Trapped The Best Minecraft Players For $1,000

I invited as many event winners as possible from my past Challenge videos and whoever wins is deemed winner of all events like subscribe and enjoy this video the last player to do this parkour right here will be eliminated so because all these players are really good I am

Sure it will not be an issue for them and if they can do all that they complete the parkour and they’re literally all done already and the last player to complete the parkour is going to be oh my God it was you well you had

A good run it wasn’t long but it was a good run you made it into the event for the next event I have just set the ground to Lava and what they’re going to have to do is complete a series of one by one jumps going all the way around

The arena so the last player to make it up here will be out this dude just jumped why are they going I literally didn’t tell them to go or anything and they’re just risking it over here we have these players who are not struggling at all and someone just fell

In lava over there okay try hard has made it up you are on fire and need to hurry up and the last player is on lava and died meaning this right here is our KN last player and they did not make it which means I have to do it all right we

Have everyone back in the center and I’m going to send everyone up the ladders just to see if anyone would actually get out from this jump in the water all right they are jumping now and PDL has died immediately border has made it and everyone is now jumping these are the

Final players right here you guys need to go you don’t think I see you go do the water drop it’s not even hard you just go like that and make it you guys have 30 seconds to do this oh escap jumped and died and they jumped and made

It oh my gosh and the last player also makes it GG what I’m going to do now is Place lots of of blocks around the center arena and I have just told them that PVP is turning on so depending on where they want to go they can be safe

Potentially they could also stay in the middle like this which isn’t really the most safe thing ever and so far we have lost zero players and how are these guys trusting each other oh someone is on fire over here I cannot believe we have not lost any players you guys just want

To stay in the middle and do nothing look up there we go the lava is now falling down to the center meaning we are going to lose players oh this guy’s in the fire and just died there’s no point staying in the center now the lava

Is coming down look at that I’ve just up the stakes I said next kill is getting a mystery item and now people are going for hits and you just got the first kill there is your mystery item you’re welcome and PVP is now off we’re now

Going to be playing four corners and I am making everyone pick a color all right it’s time for you to get blocked off and whichever color is picked will have to do a challenge and it was yellow only two of you guys will live I’ve just

Spawned a creeper cuz I want to see what would happen and the creeper isn’t even exploding let me just go ahead and spawn in a wave of creepers there we go some over here oh my God I have so many creepers that I just spawned in they’re actually surviving pretty well all right

If creepers weren’t enough I also have zombies now it’s all over for them now they’re still doing a pretty good job at surviving so I think I just need witches now they are getting out here now it is so over for them there we go they’re

Getting blown up by creepers now this is what happens when you pick yellow another player just got blown up by a creeper okay you’re so dead there’s no way they survived that these two players right here actually manage to survive all of that well done all right let’s

Have everyone pick a new color now I like how there’s not a lot of people in yellow the chances of it being yellow twice in a row are low all right if you haven’t made up your mind by now it doesn’t matter because I am closing it

Off and the next color is going to be yellow again there’s no way the parkour they’re going to have to do will require some fence jumping and lastly a head hitter if you can do all of that you’ve successfully completed the parkour and live I am going to replace the glass to

Air and the first four players to do this parkour right here will stay alive 3 2 1 go and the glass has been cut PDL just fell and the first four players to do the parkour is Quinton txer cowboy and it’s going to be it was baseb right

Here and the rest of the players are now being lava pretty much all right well uh this is awkward all right goodbye die and these four right here live everyone’s going to have to pick a corner one more time and why is no one changing colors what is this all right

Everyone is now in their corner and the final color is going to be red Hello red and out of these six players only three can live and if they slip they will now die and I’m going to make them run in a circle forever no shifting no walking

Just running in a circle and it is time for me to make Renovations look at this oh my God if you fall here you’re GG I’ll put another piece of ice right there okay I guess you don’t have to do it you can if you want to over here I’m

Going to kind of force you to go in the ice it’s still sort of up to you though oh someone just fell and over here it is not up to you you really need to go on the ice and now there’s only five players left should I really just ruin

Their day and place that down oh my gosh that’s going to be so annoying all right I’ll be nice for now sort of nice for now look at this jump they have to do now it is only a matter of time until we lose two more players like this all

Right I’m adding a slab right there oh we just lost Creo we need one more player to fall and they just did and these three players live so I am currently making renovations to the arena I am going to cut the glass and the light last person to reach the

Diamond block in the center will be out 3 2 1 go and the glass has been cut and everyone is off and I think I just watched someone fall right there and they’re going up the ladder and reaching diamond and the last one was this player

Right here you were last I’m just going to place you right there going to make renovations to the arena just like this all right everyone has to reach diamond in 3 2 1 go the glass has been cut and someone hit the lava and they all have

Made it to Diamond and we lost one player right there honestly I didn’t think we were going to lose any and these players right here are the remaining players I’ve just given everyone regeneration and told them that PVP is now on so I can just hit you just

Like that but if they’re not careful they could fall in the void and die I like how no one is risking it and just no one is near this hole at all but if I make it bigger would anyone come over here now why would you not want to be

Over here look at this guy oh my God oh my God you’re going to get HD in dude there’s literally a guy yo I tried to warn him all right I am increasing the size of this giant hole just to see if anyone actually plays it risky enough to

Come over here and get knocked in look if you do the parkour over here you’d be safe and away from everyone yeah just do the parkour like that I can’t believe he did it come on I know someone wants to go over there look there’s a free golden

Apple oh this guy got it all right okay fine if no one wants to go over there I’ll just break random holes wherever I go this has to work nowhere is safe now that I’m making more than just a dent in the arena I’m going to give everyone

Super speed boom everyone is now this fast and with PVP on there’s no way we don’t lose at least a couple players right hello hi how’s everyone doing just going to break that right there everyone gets a stick with knockback one on it whoever gets a kill first is getting a

Knock back two stick come on I know someone wants it do I really have to place lava down do not test me lava everywhere lava on the sides oh my God the arena the arena is being ruined you know what I’m not actually mad about it

This time look at it go oh my God the next kill gets $30 there’s no way someone isn’t going for it now let’s go I think someone got it wait they’re still alive they fell in lava come on I know someone wants this $30 yo they found safe spots oh my God

They’re going for the $30 and arrow just won it all right one more person needs to get out and we’re done I have added more holes to the arena remove the lava and this is what it looks like now when one more player gets out PVP will turn

Off and this is probably the best spot you could ever as to be in I mean look at this no one is getting to you I have just set the arena back to normal and PVP is now off and I have gone ahead and created these platforms right over here

Where everyone is going to have to do some parkour and once they jump all the way over here they have to fall down here onto the Slime making it to the diamond block right here if they can do all of that they survive 5 4 3 2 1 go

And the glass has been cut and they’re all doing the parkour no one has actually Fallen yet they’re all making it down and they’re jumping directly into the water I guess that’s smart and the last one there was you all right so what they have to do is this parkour

Course right here making it across all these jumps and if they want they can go in the Slime into the water and the last player there will be out 3 2 1 go and they’re off oh my gosh they are all literally in the same block and this

Player right here here really took their time oh my God we just lost three players on that jump over there and they all are jumping into the water and the last one there I have no idea I actually have no idea it was so close wait I need

To watch that back bro and it was literally too close to tell I have no idea wow so I have players all around me in their boats and PVP is on I’m literally going to shoot those guys oh my God that has to hit someone they’re

Peeking one of these are going to hit oh my God I got one all I have to do is get one more out there’s so many players over there I got one let’s go and these right here are the top 12 players Simon says unshift yo I just said last to touch

Gold is out and no one went last one to touch gold is out yo I got one I actually got one won I just tried to do it again and no one moved and this time for real the last one to touch gold is out and the last one there was floppy I

Am so sure of it and they just logged out all right Simon Says Simon says it’s over and these are the top 10 players and everyone now has to pick a partner all right I making each team pick a team leader and the team leader has to stay

On goal so the team leaders are going to do Park parkour and whoever gets first place will not have to PVP and I just told them as soon as the glass is gone they can go and I’m just going to cut it right now and whoever finishes the

Parkour first that team is safe and border is nearly completed and has finished the parkour first meaning his team is safe so for fight number one we have Dawson and arrow up against jungle and Wicks I have just cut the glass and they are now off and oh my gosh Dawson

Just got a kill there and jungle died as well and this team right here wins next up we have txer and Senior combo up against tryhard and Asher and they are off and try hard just got a good hit in and died already what senior combo and

Txer have just won the fight GG huh the last team to mine everything on their side that team will be out and I have just pasted it on all three sides and I’m just going to tell them that build will turn on 3 2 1 go they can now break

Their sides and it looks like everyone is going for wood straight off the bat ordered and straight have broke their Cactus or cacti should I say and Senior combo already has a stone pickaxe and is going for the obsidian straight off the bat team number three is also going for

Their obsidian the only team that still has their obsidian standing is border and straight okay all three of them are going for their obsidian now all these carpets are being mined oh my gosh this is really close and it is taking absolutely forever to mine the obsidian

But senior combo has gotten it okay it looks like team number three is min the most but I’m pretty sure that’s just the carpet straight has just mined the obsidian and team number three is almost done with everything okay this team is doing pretty good too but they need to

Get rid of the carpet and the cactus it’s so close team number three is about to finish I mean they’re all about to finish but this is really it now they shouldn’t have left the cactus and team number three has just finish mining everything and this is going to be

Extremely close all they have is their carpet left versus the planks and this team right here is being eliminated that was way too close all right you can’t just Escape I can type faster than that all right goodbye these are the final two teams we have left and I have just

Giving them their kits and I honestly have no idea what is about to happen but I have cut the glass and they are off and this right here is the final 2v2 fight border and straight didn’t PVP earlier but straight just got a kill and straight just got both the kills and for

The final fight I have given them their weapons 3 2 1 go and the final battle of all the event winners has commenced this time they don’t have a shield and both both of them are getting equal hits so far oh oh 360 border is chugging his

Apple and I think straight just got more hits there this is way too close they’re both just backing up and eating apples and they’re both going in now no this is way too close I think straight may be getting more hits now this is surely the

End now oh my god oh oh my gosh it’s all come down to this bro come on dude they’re still going and now it’s really even and straight just got another hidden no no their armor literally has to be breaking soon now and the mor I hope you enjoyed this

Video and if you did I’m sure you will like this one go let’s go


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