The END Of Minecraft Squid Island..?

We’re back on Minecraft Squid Island some of you might know that I plan on assassinating the May today so stick around to the end and I might even have a bit of a surprise for you citizens welcome back to the town hall everybody can you guys please please ne foring ne

Are you okay Karina I was just playing a fire alarm Okay Neil in the previous episode previous time we met we built that giant portal behind Josh’s house look there look I have a boat look yeah oh can we can we do a boat

Tour yes come on come on over we’ll do a boat tour but can I quickly say what we’re going to do so people know what to expect gosh wait could you just tell us what we’re going to do after the boat tour okay I want you to make it exciting

Like a surprise jelly okay yeah yeah yeah yeah make it exciting like everybody saw the thumbnail the he just trespassed that was trespassing we all you literally said that we’re doing a door how’s that I didn’t invite you guys up yet jeez come around how do you get inv that is

Literally how you’re inviting us what come around come around welcome to crator boat house okay now come on in everybody it’s your dog yeah wait wasn’t Anton in obsidian last time I saw him yeah he was just thank you for that keeping him safe no no no I was keeping

Anton safe oh oh oh oh now if you guys go up here you can see that we can see a lot of things from here we can see that we can see and if you guys if you guys come over here yeah oh okay you you can

See that we can see a lot of things from here we can see that we can see look at that interesting now down here Josh where you are now allowed to walk is my chest area for all the pirate boot W I didn’t think I was going to see your

Chest area what B wow there’s not a lot in here here no working on the booty this is good this is really good you can’t even open this gosh did you just take something El no what do you mean oh what why would you do that I’m not even

Sure this one doesn’t open oh oh yeah that one is locked okay I can open it it’s fine no Jos K’s trespass there’s nothing how am I trespassing I was invited into this home him here this one’s broken as well I am the mayor and will have to obey my

Order thank you yeah well I didn’t but let me just quickly say cuz I’m not sure about the rules you guys are no longer allowed on my ship so get off oh hippity hoppity get off my property this invitation did not extend beyond this moment right here okay what are we doing

Today listen ladies and gentlemen what was that for sorry yeah what’s before I tell you what we’re doing I’m going to show you one more thing oh you have an arrow in your butt Jos I’m bleeding out dude I love putting arrows when I say V you say illagers

Illagers yeah say V illagers illers you know illes are like a different thing right who we have population on Squid Island guys whoa jelly you built a slum Bob Catherine no this is not this is not a slum it looks like a slum this is like

A slum jell look at these houses this one’s name there’s not even any Windows no no they’re escaping they’re escaping you should have closed so we’ve got hang on a second we’ve got Bob Catherine B Catherine and Ben wait is this like a threesome NOP like us yes yes exactly

Like us yes yes why are you making why you confused there’s three people right actually Catherine is Bob’s partner but what we’re witnessing right now is I’m down if you guys it’s a bit of drama in the slum Town huh yeah there there really is there really is why are you

Trying to chat up Ben well guys hopefully if we if we feed them and keep them happy they’re going to make babies oh yeah Catherine going to get pregnant or Ben or yeah that’s yep that’s how it works in this game what the heck es Mur him Escape we have

To Mur what the heck we had an escape e he’s been planning that escape for oh yeah he’s here oh did you find him don’t worry I’ll kill him take that Bob now we only got one villager capital capital punishment anyway um J could you please

Tell us what we’re doing today okay all right all right can we get a drum roll I was going to show them how to make babies and you didn’t want to participate I’m drum I’m I’m tapping this thing to make a drum roll can we get a drum

Roll today we are officially going to enter and explore the nether it’s the nether it’s right there wait what but we already did that we’re getting netherite oh we’re getting yeah guys I don’t like diamond anymore it’s weak diamond is for weak-minded individual proba keep it all

Yeah actually speaking of I’ve not got any armor can I go borrow the armor from the squid box you can borrow the armor and at the same time we are going to enchant some more Diamond Pickaxes cuz it would be convenient to get F Fortune Fortune I want fortune no

No not Fortune Fortune okay no fortune I said Fortune well should we do the pickaxes first then uh what’s going on did you just punch the there just punched me into the kind of funny that’s a bit dodgy Behavior it was just a friendly Shar okay I’m going

To enchant oh wait we need to have a Lapis put the LA ficiency 4 Unbreaking three so no fortune for J Wait no that’s a sword I don’t know why I’m putting that in there can I try can I try I don’t have any lapers efficiency 3 why did it why wait

I can’t I can get one more but give me lapis okay I mean I got looting on a I barely lost any levels what the heck is that dude what I got Unbreaking I’m making it all the time pickaxe I don’t care how many how many levels have you got jelly

31 oh okay you can still do a level jelly I got a press it for you guys we’re sharing all the netherite we find yeah yeah I’m going to go get that armor real quick ow hey J I have a present for you buddy it sucks to suck come here

Come here come here you can get this one oh you can have this one have that this one I don’t I don’t think I need all of these I I I went a little bit crazy I got to admit guys that’s uh not good Craner are you coming I’m coming I’m we

Need our boots we need our boots oh yeah yeah remember the golden boots they’re in the chest over there mayor jelly okay why is the chest here one because that it’s easier to remember unless you’re an idiot like you all I’m ready to head in you got wait where’s crina oh there he

Is okay here we go okay we are in the nether so are we going to do some exploring then digging like what’s the plan man like what doing here oh Josh is under attack by does anybody know how to find netherite because all I remember is that you just

Got a dig thanks JY just got a dig really insightful it would be good to find a fortress yeah that’s kind of what I’m asking jelly what are your priorities oh my priorities are to just explore and and kind understand where squid Island’s nether ends up you know

What I mean the important things down here is a fortress for BL rods a blue forest for ender eyes and netherite ingots that’s what you heard I like guys can we be a bit careful here please please be careful God oh my God bro little bit precarious there it’s very

Very dark why are you fighting them attack them because they’re evil are they evil no they’re not I’m going to get GL he’s got a baby murder the baby Mur the baby you wouldn’t Live Well without your dad anyway baby wow damn well me know

What a mercy kill as they say whoa that pickaxe you’re going to get a lot does it give you fortune on this stuff W wao look at that I’m not using my fortune pickaxe on glow stone if you’re wondering I mean you can repair pickaxes

Jelly oh yeah do we just like go down like this and then we’ll find it eventually how does this work I I think so well I guess in a way I the nether is so dark I can’t see anything I don’t think oh that’s the wrong way I don’t

Think depth matters no no oh I’m a bedro I might be very wrong oh wait well I don’t know if I believe you okay I’m thinking right at the end of this video obviously I’m going to make a new law maybe we should make a law that Craner

Has to figure out how to M Bedrock that’s an interesting law I have to figure out how to mine bedrock yeah that sound like take more lava yeah this is uh guys what’s this stone is that the quartz stone or is this there’s lava like everywhere hey I found some wait you

Did wait I have a fortune 3 pickaxe does that work with Fortune actually I don’t know if that was complete dumb thing to do but W so much stop I’m opening it up all right I’m going to fortune or not I’m going to dig this one here goes nothing

Okay man you only get one with Fortune still don’t you yeah I just realized that Anis I just realized that at least at least you can get a lot of diamonds jelly make me feel real dumb yeah yeah we we like that’s barely enough to do anything with but uh we got three

Ancient debris all right let’s just keep hunting though at least we found some okay hey look y we found a fortress thing oh my God why are you getting attacked uh are you not wearing oh no didn’t help guys help Jesus did you that’s really not good jelly uh actually you

Not of why why did that happen okay they’re not attacking me I’ll keep you safe I’ll keep you safe mayor why did that are you sure you didn’t Attack One jelly I don’t remember I don’t think so you sure yeah but that was that was another type of creature Jilly that one doesn’t

Count I have an attack did you take your shoes off by accident maybe I might have done it a couple days ago but that was in the Overworld when they when it escaped through the port okay can we guys can we focus on what’s at hand cuz I’m kind of scared here your

Buddy okay so in this Fortress what there’s blaze rods and they drop yeah that’s all the that’s stuff that we need to be collecting yeah because you need it for the Eyes of Ender G hey guys what about in here o we I’m having to look

Around this looks good oh I see blazes in the distance all right remember boys we sharing in the nether eh yeah kind of a little bit I think we are hang on a second be careful you don’t walk into that get this guy okay we need to farm

The rods ideally die idiot oh God where did he come from moread where did he go where nobody knows oh with the skeleton I’m in a battle hi okay I think we need to try to go this way jelly like ah magma no avoid the huggings jelly yeah yeah yeah

I’m working on how has jelly got beef with the hoglins when did that happen I don’t know he looks like get out of here you small little slimes oh thank you Craner thank you very much there’s another Blaze Rod Craner dead end we got a dead end over here okay what another

Blaze Rod can you not hand anything on your own jelly another dead end ah guys can’t find anything here this we actually need to make sure we keep the BL Rod I’m going to I’m going to head back over to you guys I think all right

Guys I found a spawner what okay now we just need to find you then yeah Josh you like ran off what do you mean I didn’t run off I just went me and you just went different way well who found it I did you did good job Josh good job I’m not

Even going to ask you could have been anywhere now uh Josh which way I’m standing at a cross-section you guys can just find me here Jos hey guys so this is a cross-section JY yeah so this is an intersection this what I call an intersection a crosssection we need to

Go um this way this way this way actually JY take some of that a little was it this way and then listen I already put as many blaz rods as possible I do have a looting three sword oo so it might be best if I a looting sword

A looting sword so it might be best if I try to kill them yes okay now we just leave to SP don’t put we don’t put torches on this correct okay just leave it alone jelly and stop slapping your subordinance pleas what was the point of

Us coming here if Josh is going to kill him well you wanted to see it didn’t you we want to see it right d what else do you want I’m going to stand here and that I’m not going to be on fire oh my the complaints I’m saying crer our job

Might be better if we just look for take that take that yay all right I’ve got six at the moment I don’t know got two dang I don’t know how many we’re going to need I think let’s say let’s get around 12 Josh I 12 is enough I mean

I for the Lu number yeah but but one rod gives us two uh thingies so am I the only one looking for ancient debris you want to find chill jelly chill you got to go below I think it’s like like 15 is go don’t dig down here jelly please

Jelly don’t do it you dig straight down here okay no matter what you do thanks for the tip Josh don’t do it stop it Josh stop it I will die and I don’t want to die Josh if you kill me it’s a break of the law I don’t remember that being a

Law Josh please stop jelly stop him he’s your jelly stop all right I’ll stop I’ll stop I’ll stop I really don’t like jelly as the mayor I got to be honest the fact that you don’t the fact that you dictator yourself I just got 21 you voted me in you dummy

Guys I just got 21 yeah what you’ve got 21 yeah we’ve got enough rods to to go I have literally zero rods you picked these Stars take these Jos can you just drop me a rod so it looks like I we need to abely okay listen listen then I’ll

Break then I’ll break the spawn no definitely don’t do that that’s silly the next thing we can do here is look for a blue forest or just more nether what do you guys want to do uh let’s go get netherite all right guys good thing got enough we got enough I think that

Was successful 9 that was really good I’ve got eight I got to say though I’m tired of the stink down here in the nether guys oh that was that was jelly he farted oh is that you jelly dang it no no it it was those hoglins why did

Jelly go the opposite way of us you always got to be weird jelly all right I walked out that way I’m sorry guys does anyone really properly remember how to deal with ancient debris I don’t are we are we noobs I think we might be noobs I

Think we are a little bit of Minecraft noobs about kind if you put it in the uh in the recipe I’m I’m guessing we’ve got to cook it right like you stick it in a furnace I’m I’m guessing we’ve got to cook it I I can test on one of mine put

It in put it in he you just took one of mine Jilly that’s good that’s a good sign what happens now then if we ruin this people are going to be so mad at us in the comments down Ru I don’t know what happen okay we got scrap oh I guess you

Make the scrap and turn it into the Ingot all right should we just be responsible people and look this up yeah I’m goog template oh I know it we need to put nine scraps for a block crafting four netherite scraps and four gold ingots is how you get netherite ingots

Okay we’ve got gold we’ve got a lot of ingots so we just need a lot of scraps too guys come on fire them up let me get these all right yeah we’re sharing guys no no you just need you just needed the uh the gold ingots we’ve only got

Nuggets they don’t need to cook you need to put them in a crafting table jelly oh we need okay 19 ingots okay um yeah and then we just need all the scraps possibly and we should with iron ings good no gold are you listening did you listen to anything

I said’s going on listen to me neots are obtained by crafting four netherite SC four gold ingots oh I said that okay does wait but then what do we do with the ingots this is probably very frustrating to watch right now can can can anybody pass me two bars of gold yep

Netherite wa he’s got one I got one more I got one as check this out another right okay the question is how do we upgrade stuff I’ve got bad news guys we need to go back to the nether get a netherite upgrade which can only be found in Bastian Remnant

Chests okay in order to make any of this dude we need to go back uh that’s fine we can we can do that I really don’t want to go back there Captain Josh it’s going to be okay it’s going to be okay I think that’s it right there guys it’s

The gray thing it’s supposed to be it’s supposed to be very gray looking so is it going to be in a chest or yeah you can only find it in the chest it doesn’t mean somebody’s mad at Josh I think ah what oh wait they don’t like us

I I got boots on I found a chest I found a chest why okay open it jelly and please find the upgade I had boots on all right I don’t think these guys care about boots man I think they do cuz you can trade with these guys normally

Didn’t have it guys that one didn’t have it okay are there still other ones maybe in here okay I see some chest are multiple floors be careful of the lava oh I found one you found one yeah the upgrade yeah really yeah found it straight away do we only need one or I

Don’t know we should probably we never been here before so we wait did I just attack that guy when I should might as well explore a little bit right guys oh my take that you losers maybe we should peace out soon guys oh I’m dead um yeah it’s time to go

Back I think guys uh no comment tell whatever you do get the mayor May oh my I didn’t even think about that is it safe that is very important where even are you guys what about my fortune pickaxe oh my God gold Bo we don’t care

About that we just care about the May helmet no dud stop I had like 29 the May helmet was way harder to get of one jelly it’s one of one the May helmet yeah I’m sorry but uh I don’t know who attacks attacked those piglins but it

Wasn’t me well probably was you yeah I think it was I think there’s a good chance it was you J it was Josh you sound like somebody who did it I didn’t didn’t oh no no no I didn’t know you could do that where am I okay up here

Josh don’t die it would be only dies in a very precarious location I am literally above lava cuz I had oh attack them again they you know they attacked me guys the mayor helmet Jenny could you just leave it behind this is this is going horrible

This is going hor wow there’s two chests over there there’s two there’s a bunch of chest at the top I found my stuff yay find the mayor helmet yeah yeah yeah yes okay we really need to get out of here now you are really good at Minecraft

Jill can I oh my God and I found like what what did you find two crazy chests wa hey Josh we’re really high up aren we yeah is there anything else there or should we just no I think this is it let’s let’s head back home we got the

Template guys let’s not it was good that we got that in like our first chest actually it that was really oh hey jelly I see you down there hey you’re surrounded by mobs jelly uh yeah I know H okay no more nether I think I

Closing that portal I we did a good job guys we’ve done a lot of work today honestly I know our viewers are going to call us noobs but we just found out how to do this okay nether is the nether man it’s complicated the nether is the

Nether jelly you’re right um so I found my Ingot back so I’m happy you do this then you just kind of all right upgrade four so that goes I lost that’s my fortune pickaxe yeah wait which pickaxe am I going to level up put it in

There okay well I’ve not got anything to upgrade I don’t want to upgrade these bad pickaxes your chest plate no hang on a second let me just go upgrade a pickaxe okay all right I managed to get a pretty good pickaxe with my enchant we just want one of us to have something

Now all right all right all right by the way we’re sharing the ingots right I have one Ingot I have one Ingot all right toss him on the floor show us no you are you guys are liars there you I got one see that’s one well now he’s got

Two give me one there you go done all right okay there you go how many you got Jos well I’ve got three so you guys got one so you can have one all right one so we got two each well how many have you got I have one

Look how we get two each you got some weird maps I mean I’ve got what do you mean you have three anyway you just make the thing JY just realized wait what okay let me uh let me do this a freaking pig came through the wall I only have

One I had 9 in okay one there one there all right NE right pickaxe look yay can I see it what what ench there no that’s weak man it looks weak it used up the smithing template what what I hate this I think we were supposed to duplicate it or

Something I don’t know it’s gone man you know what we’re bad at the nether I don’t want to go to the nether anymore guys it’s a sick pickax but we are going to go to the town hall because the mayor wants to add a new law okay all right

Citizens welcome back to the town hall thank you that was a ride and a half huh guys now usually all right we add a new law at the end of each meeting yeah why are you saying usually yeah what do you want to do today as the mayor I think it

Makes a lot more sense to amend a a law right so extremely important to be amended what is it okay let me just take the book and write it down for you all right okay okay that’s a bit weird I don’t like the sound of it it’s

Been getting worse of one of our good rules probably is he yeah maybe he’s making trespassing legal oh that’d be interesting like you get a bonus for trespassing a bonus want people be illegal you know this is good this is good you done I have now officially

Amended law number four wait which one was that that was the one oh no okay now Josh I’m going to read out the Lou I’m speak got to read it out loud come on I’m a good get Mayor but I can’t speak I’m going to read out the law okay

Yeah law four each sitting elected mayor will keep his role forur a minimum what what what um uh well Craner and jelly both just left I think everyone’s in a little bit of shock but I have something important to do where is the May’s helmet I think

I see it right there one May’s helmet okay oh there we go one book of laws okay perfect

In this episode of Squid Island, our #minecraft survival series, we take a field trip to the Nether! Mayor @Jelly decides to amend a law, but there is a catastrophic explosion…


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